Worst to Best Students in the Danganronpa Series

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[Music] hold on it's coming almost there [Music] there are plenty of us out there who I'm sure have ended up missing out on a few gaming franchises over the years that could have possibly gone them hooked on entire genre of games what's more unfortunate is that sometimes when you finally do get a chance to play them their gameplay may not be as revolutionary or are inspiring today as people saw them as at the time of their release so when you think about it having a series that's biggest crutch comes from its story and characters can almost make a game timeless when done right and in my humble opinion the dank and rumba games are some that I feel best fit this criteria the story of a group of master skilled students plunged into a world where they are forced to commit murder against one another to survive sounds like a recipe to land many a man or woman on antidepressants by the end of it all and while these games will certainly twist your emotions in more ways than one it's ultimately a story about clinging on to the hope you have overcoming the world's despair and never forgetting those who have given you reason to keep that hope alive my hope for instance is that by the end of this video I will have less than 15 comments telling me how I have no idea what the hell I'm talking about for you see today I is the ultimate list maker will be the one judging those that I feel forever blackened and those who have risen to become our beacons of Hope as I pick out the worst of their students from the danganronpa series warning this intro kind of went on for a bit too long but I felt the need to lay as a ton of things first if your attention span is too short or this video was just 5 minutes too long for you please jump to tome code below and forfeit all right to complain now one last time I got a chance to examine a mixture of both storytelling and level design this time around it's all about character how deep their backstories go how significant to the plot they are and just straight-up how memorable they are at the end of the day and with that said I just like to say I sure picked a hell of a series to test this out on first when I first considered doing a worse to best video on this series I had originally only envisioned the main stories from each of the free main line games those being danganronpa trigger happy havoc danganronpa - goodbye despair and danganronpa be free killing harmony unfortunately I did not take into account the unlockable in-game novellas the spin-off game danganronpa another episode ultra despair girls the manga and light novels not to mention the anime that continues the ongoing main storyline but also giving us an insight to before the events of the first game it is a lot to take into account thus I'm left with free options Hey I turn around and burn all the hard work I've already put into this video so far B I go full on with it diving into every corner of danganronpa that I can find so as to minimize people leaving comments on what I'd miss now or simply don't understand or see I simply draw a line in the sand outlining what material I'm going to be referencing and hope that they understand that I can't perceive every bit of information on a series of this magnitude so yeah I'm gonna go with the latter here folks seeing as even if I did take into account all the material available I'm sure I'd come across too much that ended up contradicting itself throughout especially regard to everything set before the first game so on top of the free main games I mentioned I'm also going to be adding in ultra to spare girls and that is all now I'd love for us to jump into things god knows this video as long enough as it is but there are a few points in our missions that I unfortunately need to bring up before we begin for starters this series has a lot of plot twists in it like a lot like a lot a lot so for me to even attempt to talk about this series and its characters I have no option but to go all spoiler heavy on this video so if I have piqued even the slightest bit of your interest in this series I strongly recommend playing through these four fantastic games on either ps4 Vita or PC before you continue on with this video a big ask to say the least especially considering the length to some of these games but honestly I do very much care about you getting to have just as much of a satisfying time with these games as I did and I'd hate to hint that in any way to starting now all secrets are on the table and I can finally switch over to the spoiler heavy footage so let's go ahead and outline which characters I have lined up as expected all entries are students of hopes Peak Academy and the ultimate Academy for gifted juveniles with the exception of komaru who I felt necessary to include with that said not all students will be a part of this list and those students are Moo Kuro aka the ultimate soldier well her backstory is intriguing and she was technically a student at time was not only very brief but she wasn't even praying herself at a time plus when you do get to find out the truth about her she's already been a corpse for the last few weeks or so and plays no other part other than to serve as an example of her sister juncos twisted nature the warriors of HO despite their age they technically are students of hope speak it's just the kindergarten version is all however we don't exactly interact with their many typical danganronpa sense and it basically will just come down to me ranking each one's abusive childhood and doesn't sound very fun now ladies and gents the ultimate impostor aka fat byakuya similar to MU Kuro the alternate posture is someone who ends up lying about themselves and only shows the briefest of hints as to what they're like in real life and well one of his traits is not hard to miss at least this brings up a significant hurdle to bear in mind if you know the games and you know that not every character is truthful about who they actually are and thus it can be a bit hard to judge them when many of our interactions have been lies of sorts admittedly if I took into account be freeze ending that much this whole list would find a way to catch fire its own so in the end we are left with 15 students introducing the original danganronpa another 15 for its sequel just one for its spin-off and finally 16 from be free landing us will be whopping 47 students to rank up and I think it's high time we crack on with it at last starting off with number 47 Kyoko aka the ultimate traditional dancer while Duncan rumba has plenty of kind-hearted characters it's no stranger to having mean-spirited ones as well Kyoko fits into that adorable little girl who's secretly a sadistic archetype that we've seen a more than one occasion on a number of Saturday morning cartoons except rather than being an adversary we have to drag her around and constantly put up with her unpleasant attitude there's a lot of things to hate about hiyoko she has no filter has little to no empathy feel superior to everyone will play innocent when called out on things and enjoys the feeling of killing bugs and crabs how was it she wasn't killed first again what gets me the most though is their incessant need to verbally abuse me can which really personally ticked me off we do find out that she loves all things Japanese and in turn hates how other cultures have walked her own in some way she fears that traditional Japanese dance to becoming more forgotten by the day possibly leading to some insecurities though I'd say these supposedly multiple attempts are alive may have more to do with that he'll cooked ours later masa form a sort of big sister like connection with my hero but unfortunately thanks to my hero's untimely death this does little to no positive impact on how she treats her classmates later on admittedly I did feel a little sorry for her at first for not being able to change out of her kimono due to my hero no longer being around but then after looking back at how she was glad about Tara Tara's death or how she suggested that the students who are already infected should just offed themselves I lost awesome people there is little to no development in her becoming a better person and her needs torment others is just painful to watch characters like byakuya and koete she may have stepped over a few lines for the very least they were still interesting at the end of the day Kyoko is a nightmare that I simply wish to be rid of had she not died around the same time as he Buki I would have felt nothing for her loss number 46 her Fumi aka the ultimate fanfic creator I was so sure this guy was destined to be at the bottom of my list but he OCO made my blood boil just that little bit more having spent much of his childhood without friends mostly from him snapping at just about anyone trying to be friendly her Fermi would wind up finding comfort after watching an anime named I'm I'm sorry I carved my brain just won't let me and ended up having a dream about its main heroine leading to quite the obsession for the next dude with him writing his own stories about her falling in love and doing embarrassing acts needless to say her Fumi takes his craft very seriously it's the point the only tens free-for-all so he can crush those he feels around web in his eyes comparing himself to a dark overlord and then the low-level RPG adventurers who he should eliminate early on before he regrets it later his level of superiority amongst his peers for just not getting it man can get so I Rowley throughout and when he's not proclaiming his intelligence he's usually drooling over or making perverted remarks towards the female students the guy just has a level of discomfort to him that just makes me want to take a shower after being around him for too long the only semblance of a connection I can really form is his goal to one day create something just as good as the stories he loves other than that he's an almost unintelligent easy to make than a child because fanfic writers a bad name number 45 samake aka the ultimate cosplayer well [ __ ] how do I get into this character now I mean it's one thing for a character to lie about their entire identity to the very end it's nothing when that character just completely obliterates the for fall in the process from the mature to the game tsumugi is seen as an average geek can rap with much of geek culture but in secret is the biggest fangirl to danganronpa in the world as well as the mastermind to the fifty-third killing games while I'd rather not going to the almost endless discussion at the ending 2v3 provides definitely hard to not think about said reveal when bringing her up considering tsumugi is supposed to meet only character be completely self aware of her and a classmates actual reality it could be even harder to divulge the truth behind her disguise than even with characters like the ultimate imposter and mu Kuro well naturally her free time gives us little to work with one could draw a line between her love of becoming a fictional character her fear of seeming to normal in the eyes of others as well as the joy she has out of seeing others express their interest in what type of character they would want to dress up as the thing is even if susumi wasn't lying at the end of the day her own character that we can assume in the very least she had total control over is just not a very interesting one number 44 Kyo aka the ultimate anthropologist when you hear about anthropology and Kiyo's views on humanity you assume that it's all going to lead to something deep in meaning for at some point because of his deep knowledge into various religions myths and cultures Kyo finds joy in both the compassionate and chaotic interactions between humans which is suddenly very fitting for a series like danganronpa surprisingly enough though it's eventually revealed that one of his hobbies is to kill a set number of girls so they can be friends who is now deceased sister now how does his ritualistic killing connect back to anthropology I have no idea guys there is honestly nothing hinted at that links these two together during his childhood Kyo would spend almost all of his time looking after his sick older sister to the point that he formed a unbreakable connection with her we'll say after reading a children's book to her and been asked to research into other tales related to it he took up anthropology in her name along with wearing nothing but the outfit she had handcrafted for him as rhesus go over taking up anthropology it seems like it would have made more sense for it to have been his sister's dream originated to learn about all these different cultures with Keo taking over due to her illness / death but what do I know the biggest problem with his killings are not just that they are the least sympathetic of them all and end up having nothing to do with the present motive but there was nothing besides the tools needed to perform the seance that required him to kill anyone around that time Celeste of the very least knew after the cash prize motive was announced that she would finally be able to make her dream a reality as I said there is potential for something deep and eye-opening with his character it's just too bad he makes next to no sense number 43 Leon aka the ultimate baseball star for as expendable is Leon might be to the plot at the end of the day I still kind of like the idea behind him that separates him from the other students with so many we see how the talents have helped define their interests and goals in life but not the case of Leon despite his rare baseball skills he actually deeply hates the sport except as a way to pick up chicks thus he sees as a stepping-stone to achieve his actual dream of becoming the lead singer of a punk band unfortunately his reasoning for wanting to be a musician is simply just to impress a girl he met one time and that's it there's little education that he puts any effort into his craft showing little concern over keeping his skills up to date and believing that being a musician is even easier when you're Shauna is Punk and you can rely on looks alone his reason for killing what not exactly planned our and simply turning a misfortune into an opportunity it's one that feels like it was intended to simply test the waters out one not going to off the rails in the first few hours may be just like her appeal was intentional for the same purpose but instead of swing-and-a-miss in my book number 42 hero aka the ultimate clairvoyant while some students can push their talents to go beyond people's expectations Hira proves that being the ultimate clairvoyant were apparently a success rate of 20% does very little to get you ahead in life and honestly as well apparently at first there was a part of me that did flock to hero early on mostly due to how carefree he seemed at first but once it finally hit him how real everything was his personality really started to grow on me fast because of his Y belief in both the supernatural and Exeter s triol he's often used early within the trials to derail them to get the obvious facts out of the way first by questioning where was someone who was so obviously alive is in fact a ghost or not having not made the smartest of financial decisions in recent years hero does what you can to sell his services are overwhelmingly see prices in order to pay off his debts for scamming the daughter of a man with ties to the mall but admit to me there was some form of humor to be found in hero's blatant stupidity but the same can't be said for his MO to attempt to trick Makoto into buying into his craft where the time he starts guilt-tripping Makoto into selling his organs and identity to him you're just ready to let karma hit this guy like a ton of bricks so he'll just learn something we get some hints here in there about how he's aware of his stupidity with him even admitting to being held back in school repeatedly but I'm sure you all agree with me that being an idiot doesn't give you a pass when it comes to forcing your problems onto others especially when you admit to having other means to pay offset debts that are too stubborn to do so I'm aware that the character gets a bit better in this short story that came with ultra despair girls but as I said I'm keeping things strictly to what can be obtained from the main narrative here he's not the worst but Oh God his selfishness number 41 teru teru aka the ultimate cook there are undeniably a lot of things just like about Tara Tara at first glance he's unbelievably horny towards many of his classmates he's very beau stressed about his skills did I forget to mention he's very horny with that said he didn't behind the tog is a somewhat relatable character who manages to help you forget about his more perverted side eventually unlike a foo me who killed someone simply because he was obsessed with an AI for the wrong reasons territorial actually has one of the more relatable motives in the series of him determined to find out the fate of his ill mother Mike was Celeste he's very much ashamed of his low-class status from his family's diner to his almost indistinguishable accent other than his mother his food and looks of what he cares about the most as they are what to find him in his mind even correcting people when they referred to him as a cook rather than a chef well again his purpose I'd can get really tiring they do him to him possibly being this way as a result of his well very sexually active siblings he also shows how much he cares for both what people's interests are food wise and what their opinions are on his dishes as well to compare him to a free course meal he's a terrible starter decent main course and finally a satisfactory dessert number forty rentaro aka the ultimate adventurer one of the great things about the series is how each character with one or two exceptions helps in how the narrative ramps up with intensity based on such things as their beliefs their talents their weaknesses and so on and Tora though it's kind of there to seemed ominous ask one or two unusual questions and then kinda randomly die only to briefly come up towards the end so as to add a bit more to the games overall mystery during his brief time in the main story he comes off as a pretty normal guy who seems irritated at times for not knowing the facts but more often comes across as amused over such questions as his lack of talent or how they came to be trapped together while there may not be that much to pick up on during the main game we are given a bear insight into his own personal struggles thanks to his free time with kite and bonus mode was sweet cheese we find out that rantarou not only grew up in a well-off family who did much traveling but also has a lot of guilt hiding inside after losing his sister's on his travels considering himself a failure as a brother one could say that his many travels are the reason for his friendly attitude towards people and have allowed him to better understand others even if he's only known them for such a short amount of time his inclusion and fast exit for the main narrative can easily be seen as a way to break fan expectations considering the series history for what I like to call the walking question mark trope in a way around time feels like there is meant to be more line behind those eyes of his but due to his purpose he has little that comes off as interesting besides him rediscovering his talents his backstory was compelling at first when you find out about him losing his sister but then you find out later he somehow managed to lose multiple sisters across the globe making me kind of have to agree with him not being that great of a brother number 39 my hero aka the ultimate photographer sometimes I wonder had a character live long enough could we have gotten to have seen more out of them I find this question most relevant to my hero seeing as I have a hard time remembering anything about her other than her bossy attitude towards most of the male students we get tidbits in regard to her family backstory with her mother being a globe-trotting war photographer inspiring my hero to focus on her work towards people smiling mostly women has zero tolerance for men's lack of Hygiene and manners is implied to come from eight years of having to look after her lazy father with her being very assistant about doing the job herself so that is done right she starts taking care of Hioki after she begins to smell when lights of not bathing leading to one of the most are you [ __ ] kidding me lines I've ever seen as mentioned her time with Hyo KO is short-lived and nowhere near as compelling or as interesting as it is for the likes of Hina and Sakura or Himiko and Tenko again had we can't see more of a change out of here go that in turn would have likely also won a few points to my hero showing just how much of a void was left after her tragic death but sadly there was just so little to focus on number 38 Kibo aka the ultimate robots I find there's a bit of an uphill battle when it comes to talking about Kibo both in his relation to be freeze climax but also on a more character-based level as well being a machine you'd think there'd be a lot of potential to ask some very thought-provoking questions and while there are some brought up in regard to the use of artificial talent and never really felt like we've got to explore something in the same ballpark as some of science fiction's greatest works the nice part Kibo is relatively normal we prefer robots we've decided notable personality traits being him taking great pride in his many rather unimpressive features a lot of his tendency to feel discriminated against at times for justifiable reasons and ever times not so much one issue I do have is would they lack of understanding behind how Kibo sees himself as a machine at first he makes it clear that he wants to impress people with his features but then later on is dismissing the idea of using said features as a way to get a leg up in life it's clearly he feels incredibly insecure when being described as ordinary and and he wants to believe that his title means much more to his classmates than just that he exists and that's it it surprised me when he admitted to only opening ups to eat she at first because he saw him as beneath him seeing as there was very little to suggest that he saw any of his classmates that way he doesn't actually change as a person during free time understanding that he doesn't need to be the best at any particular thing for others to accept him near the end it's revealing a bit of a meta twist that he posed decisions are being dictated by the outside world with him interpreting them as his inner voice I think my main gripe with Kibo is that it feels as if they are trying to have their cake and eat it with him claiming that he can't comprehend various human emotions yet he's often found to be one of more emotional ones of the group who knows maybe I'm their robot here because I have a little idea what I'm supposed to feel number 37 Moo aka the ultimate inventor the danganronpa games have sadly dabbled around when it comes to the more crass sense of humor of today but moose only has a way of making pure poetry out of her dialogue looking back over all the students it's surprising how very few of them tend to brag about just how awesome they meeow most definitely has what you call an inflated opinion of herself seeing both her brain and her body as a gift all of mankind having started out relatively normal news life took quite the unexpected turn when she ends up in a coma after a car accident try to wake up with mad ideas left and right most of which Bettina for more vulgar sense of humor over the course the game we see her rely heavy and a confident and prideful persona in front of others during much attention to her genius and suppose of sexual desire from others of course when person these topics you almost always submit in front of everyone sometimes even taking pleasure from the humiliation with exception of Leon Celeste and possibly Tara Terry depending on how you see it she's won a few to break under the pressure of being isolated from the world giving her one of the weakest motives to commit murder in the series even if she never does succeed in the end and is used more as a stepping-stone for an other more tragic event but ventures do find their way pushing the story forward more than once however towards the end they can feel very convenient an awful lot making a scene more godly than I think they intended her to be its heavily implied that much of her over-the-top personality is a result of her accent the surgery afterwards or a combination of them both keeping something was likely lost in order for her to gain her newfound creativity it would have seemed poetic of sorts to have given her something to stripe all that she couldn't invent such as a lost memory or something along those lines but now unfortunately she's much like the majority of her inventions good for a chuckle but little use outside of that number 36 Kurumi aka the ultimate maid being the ultimate maid you think her army would just be good the usual skills of cooking and cleaning but as we discover in what fulfil every one of her Martha's requests she seems to have done more than enough to prepare herself for the uphill task standing in her master's way where we'd be writing politics or strategic planning she has all of her bases covered in case of any event what makes all of this even more amazing is how she never once takes credit for how much she has contributed just so many other successes with that said there is a burning question on my mind and that is simply why why did she choose to become a maid why is she so eager to put the needs of others before her own why does she get passed around so much when she's clearly a golden goose two men on top of that does she get paid if so what did she spend it on when she shows little to no attachment to any earthly possessions I just want to know more about the girl behind the servant is all but that said her need to escape in order to save the people of Japan is one of the more understandable motives when their lives are but a few to that of an entire country her determination tanam affair was seen it is most despaired like with her attempts to emotionally manipulate her classmates to spare her along with her attempt to make one final break for freedom in a way she's more machine than the actual robot with her lack of self goals and fleurs ending up working against her honestly number 35 Casa vici aka the ultimate mechanic like with Hiro there's a part of me early on that though I could have made a strong connection with Casa vici but sadly his stick that being his obsession with Sonia wore very thin fast he's almost always carrying over the possibility of death he tends to let his imagination run wild and his one moment of true hope is squandered by him revealing only moments later that he did it to impress you guessed it miss Sonia is because of said obsession that he's barely able to have any redeeming moments during the main game and while I do have my own problems with how Sonia retaliates towards his obsessive nature it's nowhere near the same level of cringe as to how he reacts to every interaction with her with that said while this is all a huge turnoff for me I can't say I wasn't feeling something as I start to learn more about his love of machines and his school life growing up in a low-income family and having to work at his father's bike shop because which he found the love of deconstructing all manner of machines along with reconstructing them afterwards there were varying results in both a humorous and tragic twist of fate despite his deep love of vehicles here ironically gets motion sickness easily hindering his dream of giving a girl a ride in one of his creations due to being seen as an outcast in school along with an incident that led to one of his only friends using him to then betraying him soon afterwards because of each he had his optimist to trust in others flips taking on a more Punk like look afterwards to ward off any who could potentially hurt him it's a rather compelling tale that speaks to someone like myself who felt the need to distance themselves from others I truly wish I could split Kai's reach into two separate beings here but sadly there's not enough here to give him a for acting the way he does for the main storyline number 34 Angie aka the ultimate artist I don't know about you all but for me personally and she was definitely one of those students I found the hardest to be around a big pile that comes from whatever her religious side starts a dip into that gray area there makes a sound more crazed cult leader de nieve Oracle I tend to enjoy many of the characters who are there mostly to contrast with the whole you know students killing one another Angie though definitely takes this to an uncomfortable extreme is spending 95% of the time smiling even during some of the more somber moments and has a habit of getting a little too close to others despite being given the title of ultimate artist she gives all credit to her god a tour which are looking up actually is loosely connected to Polynesian beliefs who apparently uses her as a vessel thanks to being the Oracle for her Island because of her dedication to her God she bases all of her decisions on what she defines as a sign from a tour she's definitely one of the hardest characters to read and what he would go against those she's closest with as seen when she intensifies the spotlight on Himiko during the second trial despite her rather calm presence things can get rather intense around her fast like her using others needs naught to convince him to depend on her for guidance along with taking initiative by removing the class's need to escape by blocking off the dirt road and destroying the flashback light under a different light her axe could be seen as her genuinely wanting the best for everyone it's just that her methods are probably better suited back home rather than here as a confrontation of sorts she does her job well with her really managing to get you worried as to what will happen next during the third chapter but it's a relatable character yeah no I'm fine thanks number 33 Tucker aka the ultimate moral compass well the 78 class of Hope speak doesn't ever really elect a leader the job of preserving order and structure of in the class falls very much in the hands of taka who takes it up without even a second force his attitude of pushing makoto & others may seem a little bit teacher's pet like but i can't help but admire his attempts to uplift them even if his timing can be very off his commitment to others and himself being the best comes from his desire succeed where his grandfather the former prime minister Japan failed we believes to have been born a genius from the star to put a little effort in leading to him and his family to its downfall eventually begins to butt heads with mondo but the two surprisingly former Bond fast after what we can assume to be a truce after each one failed to best each other in the steam room his own sense of hope eventually comes crashing down when mondo is out as the killer in the second trial something Tucker refuses to believe to the very end of his moral compass now shattered he loses how to view the world from acting almost brain-dead at first followed by him imitating mondo soon after his mental breakdown after mando's death seemed like it would have led to him understanding that morality is not as black and white as with taught at such a young age but of course they had to go and kill him off before we got to see any resolution to that plot point almost as if they have planned for hero to die in his place but then rewrote at the last second number 32 Sayaka aka the ultimate pop sensation one popular theme used for out danganronpa is how both hope and despair can find their way being entwined with one another more easy than you'd think for example being reintroduced to a pop star you knew in person a few years back whilst being surrounded by strangers may seem like a blessing at first until that said person is killed after trying to frame you for murder almost as soon as makoto in his classmates wake up he and Sayaka end up acting as a light for one over in these dark times with him quickly forming an attachment due to being acquainted with one another before the events of hope speak with this connection only growing as the threat level increases by the day it's only till the mastermind threatens the lives of sayaka's bandmates that she makes the choice to use Makoto's trust to win her and her bandmates freedoms by staging it to look like he's committed a murder and have him willingly take the fall to protect her as his brought up in the game her final act to out her own murderer before her death can be seen as her either simply wanting to take revenge on Leone for foiling her plan or out of regret for knowing that makoto will still take the blame and die along with her this also works herself back to the twos past conversations with many of her pep talk seemingly being viewed as psycho trying to forge this white knight in shining armor image onto makoto so as to benefit her later or as her genuinely caring about him despite his lack of confidence strength or talents focus most stars it's hard to know what is truly a part of them and what's just for show it to know more about our intentions but sadly I'm not psychic number 31 HECO aka the ultimate swordswoman in light of it basically lying about her past and personality I was ready to pump echo down to the bottom tier Nexus imoogi however thanks to her free time vents we get more than a few months to weed out the truth behind the lies at least more so than we get with some others having been bred from birth to b4 hiko's protector peco's emotions were sanded down til she believed that her very existence was to simply be a tool for him and his clan to use as they see fit other than being naturally trained in the art of sword fighting she's also able to sense a person's strength so as to identify if they pose any threat and as we find out ourselves it's not too bad at convincing others of her false identities well she may come off as a more basic version of Kyoko we find out she desires to be more expressive rant about Fez most importantly fuyuhiko because she hints at having crush them for many years and possibly fantasizes about asking him out despite their roles to the clan in their long history of one another a lot of this of course comes down to how much of your conversations were Peck who you believe to not just be an act but actually gives you a detailed account as to what she desires from life personally I'm willing to believe most of it number 13 Ibuki aka the ultimate musician there was a part of me that was really pulling to have this character end up higher on this list but sadly the more rational side of me was giving me a mental look that just said don't do this man I don't know wherever it was my fondness for the upbeat punk rock girl archetypes but I can definitely say I was quickly enamored with the buki now going into her past and contributions to the story I can admit that in hindsight there are quite a few areas in which she is lacking she's definitely one of the least impactful characters in the story of in all games and she doesn't give much for a reason as to why she left to form a band or even show that he left much of an impact on her what I do enjoy about her though is that like others on this list she does have a personality that makes any scene that more lively and what she has little to no emotional baggage for you to help her unpack in a twist of sorts she uses her free time events as an opportunity to actually help Hajime deal with his identity problems instead based on her energetic and erratic person it won't surprise me if a Pookie suffered from some form of ADHD this would also possibly explain her reasoning for leaving her bandmates along with some of her kid like hobbies though I found nil to connect this as a side effect so I could very easily be talking out my ass as I said she is very much a guilty pleasure pic for me she may be there just to be the life of the party but she did one hell of a job at it number 29 tenko aka the ultimate Aikido master I'll be honest I don't really know exactly what they were going for with tenko and her well rather extreme feminist views as she'll find out very quickly ting ko doesn't exactly have much of a high opinion of the opposite sex assuming the very worst from whatever their intentions may be much off if not all of her distrust comes from her aikido masters teachings who as it turns out he's a man this is treated as some big revelation to her later at a young age she appeared to have some serious anger issues leading to her parents shipping her to a temple in order to make her more civilized her master who just remind you is a man would be overprotective tanco warning her of the threat that all men posed to her during her years of learning Aikido she and her master crypt their own form of martial arts dubbed neo Aikido though I can't say I know how much neo Aikido differs from the original teachings neo star was described as being more aggressive with both weapons to sneak attacks being incorporated but will it still retain the same goal that is to challenge and claim victory over oneself rather than about their opponents in one scene were shown how 10 ko is able to fully understand a person's weakness just from how they react in battle group session with Hema Co is apparently due to her admiration for her skills as a performer along with how cute she is and that's about it honestly you could probably work on something a bit more conceivable like say she reminds of her past friend or sibling hell you may as well just come out and probably admit it to her having romantic intentions still though she remains loyal to him ecofree thick and thin and though tinker is aware that he Miko is not as invested in her as much as she is she still encourages he Miko to put more effort into expressing herself when unlike the hero we see how 10 cause death pushes he Miko forward because of how 10 COEs now minded beliefs are so front and center at all time we get only the smallest of evidence of her changing her views on men had it been confirmed that she first started training under her master an incredibly young age I'd probably be a bit more inclined to believe the fresh hold for indoctrination believing the word of danganronpa I can't really just shrug it off number 28 Chiaki aka the ultimate gamer and here comes the hate-mail one of the things to consider when diving into these characters they floor with them is not necessarily a mark against them rather something entrust with their prose the problem with Sharky is that with the exception of her lack of sleep and attention early on I can't think of much in terms of interesting points to bring up about her now let's not just say she doesn't have any plot relevance but looking back I found it hard to think of any moments that we've upheld her to this god-tier Nissa she appears to have ascend to with the fandom as an AI crates to monitor and support the clauses rehabilitation you assume uh CH of her past would have been fabricated if not for his certain prequel anime being a lover of all games she has a wide understanding of the many genre related mechanics that are utilized giving her much appreciation for those that decide to take on a much different direction so long as they are still fun and you feel as if you've earned something for your efforts though she does have the odd airheaded moments from time to time she definitely switches on when a murder has been committed noticing vital clues visualizing past events and deducing other's motives she may not be much of a pro when compared to Kyoko but she definitely becomes the yin to Nagato Zi yang scene the killing of others as pointless due to knowing the truth behind the 77th class of hope speak she's determined to push her friends away from the path of despair and likely seize each death as evidence of them potentially returning to their past lives it gets to the point that she even slaps a carnivore even considering killing Nagato her willingness to reveal herself as the traitor in order to save the rest of the class is her final act of hope that her classmates will find a future where they choose their own path forward Chucky's as a character who I feel is mostly made up of little tidbits of details for out rather than big chunks had her growth been a bit more noticeable over the course the game along with a strong enough connection with Hajime to rival some of the series best it's likely that I'd be in the same boat as the you all so um we cool number 27 me can aka the ultimate nurse you know for as much as we praise all these characters for conquering despair hearing about all the things that me can was perk for over the years makes me want to steal the crown of ultimate hope away from Mikoto and place on top of me can because by God does this girl needs some happiness in her life Megan's willingness to please others despite whatever harm or humiliation will come off it is something that I'd hoped would gradually start to seep away after a while but nope everyone is pretty much even verbally abusive to her or takes little to no notice of said abuse as she likely pick up on after just having a few interactions with meek and it becomes evident that her deep-seated paranoia and submissive behavior is a result of years of mental and physical torture both at school and at home does that to her misrepresenting those who would bully her is actually caring about her in their own sick way we were simply happy that they were smiling over her pain a humiliation uncomfortable yet it's in turn led her to fear being ignored and left alone possibly convincing her to purposely embarrass herself so that she wouldn't ever remain invisible her commitment to the sick and injured came about after she came to realize that those who were weaker than her needed attention same as her despite the harassment she received during her time on Jabberwock island she sees it as some of the happiest days in her life in parts of those who have cared about her but also the help that she has managed to provide while acting as the closest thing to a coroner during the investigations along with putting herself at risk during the despair disease outbreak it's unfortunate that her reason for killing came down to simply remembering her despair side has given her tragic life and the message of staying well alert of potential child abuse could have led to one of the biggest gut punches the series has ever had though she has been through so much the point they even started trying not to picture her past in my mind I wish it there was something for her to cling on to where would be a happy memory from her past you've been a connection to one of the students I feel as if she could have ended up in the top ranks of this list but as it is hope bandage seems to be able to cover up these wounds number 26 Sonya aka the ultimate princess occasionally we'd given a student who at first seems like they were giving their title mainly because of their family later we find out there's more to them than just the blood pumping through their veins race to lead him protect her kingdom Sonya's talent very much comes from the way she speaks and interact with others with her presenting this peaceful aura about her but also will occasion switch wings up we need to be a more commanding figure that manages to balance the line without coming off as anything that would seem authoritarian having lived a very high-class life Sonya was left with very few friends due to her social status having not really lived the Japanese experience most of Sonya's earliest knowledge of Japanese culture appears to have been from TV dramas produced within the region that we can assume were exported over to her country another of her most notable sessions is that a third deep fascination of coats and the occult which while she never gives a concrete reason as to her love of researching them she strongly believes that is beneficial to both a country and her family's legacy her attitude towards his quest for enlightenment it's not out of fear but simply that knowledge is strength no matter where it comes from this helps in her forming a connection with Gundam whose talk of how whenever such unknown powers needs her to spend more time with him than any of the others to her fearlessness is also reflecting a determination to survive so as till the very least have a meaningful death for her country because she's bared witness to kidnappings CUDA tars and terrorism in her life she understands the importance of remaining strong in the eyes of others despite this however she's unable to completely erase her fears and emotions to the same level the likes of Kyoko or pecco while odd hobbies and obsessions add quite a bit of flavour to her overall personality there is a lot that has left to speculation as I mentioned before the running gag between her and kazooie Chi is alright at first but by the time she starts coldly acting towards him later on by telling him to be quiet along with accusing him to go back to being nice to him once he hints at liking attitude I was just begging her to tell him that she's not interested so the gag would just die already to be honest I'm kind of surprised at Sonya's relevance towards the end of the game it's not that I think she's a bad character in any way it's just I feel she's meant to do so much more but just missed her mark or something number 25 Hajime aka the ultimate blank work with Makoto Raja means backstories kept to the bare minimum in this case to provide an ironic twist towards the game's end but unlike Makoto his admiration for her boutique certainly exceeds his having dreamed attending so solidify his work to the world of course when waking up to find yourself where you've always wanted to be but failing to remember how you achieve such a feat you'd probably be in a very paranoid state as well.did starts become less of a concern given the whole people dying around him thing but soon enough though it's revealed that he doesn't in fact possess any rare talent and instead is simply a part of hope speaks reserve course this revelation certainly hits hard to me hard not many better facts in Nagato his mockery of him due to his disgust at the very idea of a student being accept into hope speak simply because of money though the rest of the class do not share in Iquitos disparaging remarks this does little to uplift Hajime saddened that he couldn't achieve his dream and was forced to settle with the next best thing but as mentioned we get a rather ironic twist as it turns out hajimete is in fact one of the most talented humans on the planet thanks to the Azzaro Kamakura project that used him as a vessel for the ultimate hope whose speciality would be talent itself however thanks to the interference of Junko he ends up playing a part and hope speaks massacre and eventually would reprogram the neo world to fall under the control of the AI Junko because the neo world's forced shut down results of Hajime reverting back to Azaria since you're losing all of his memories on the island in the process Hajime is forced to put his trust for the future in his own hands and not that of a school or a talent first acting wise one thing you can pick up on early on it's hard to make this interest in forming bonds of his classmates as well as his tendency to be more aggressive at times one could say this is a new joke to him being aware of his lack of any talent along with him feeling out of place amongst his more talented peers because almost all the details in regards to Azura's overall goal is mostly relegated to the despair arc it's hard to draw much in terms of parallels between the two personalities in the second game and even their Nizar is not exactly a very interesting guy in his own verse at ey star Jimmy comes off being very skeptical the cars and job walk Island and has a tendency to come off more aggressive when compared to other protagonists from the series but even then there are plenty of times that he shows great concern over what the future holds for everyone else around him when I thought about who I preferred more Hajime or Makoto I didn't have much trouble at first placing Hajime in the lower tier mostly towards how little the plot revolves around him until the very end and after comparing the two in terms of growth and personality traits I had some serious doubt about my decision maybe check back in a few years time who knows what the future holds number 24 Chihiro aka the ultimate programmer so as you may know given that whole go play before you watch thing that I made very clear T Ward wonder stand out twists within the first game is the revelation that the shy girl Chihiro it's not in fact a she but rather a he who was bullied to the point of developing an inferiority complex I bring this all up first because while the rest of the students refer to both Chihiro and the AI alter-ego as a he afters becomes known to the cast see master hero is sadly not alive to address what gender they would prefer to be recognized as I'm gonna just refer to deceased as a her so as not just regard their final wishes because that my friends is well just how I roll anyway watcher hero may blend into the background a bit due to her shyness there's definitely some interest to be found in their desire to be strong so as to help the group in some way seeing as her programming skills aren't seen as being important in order to escape at least at first anyway her lover programming fully ignited when she found a way to program her father's database to recognize voice commands which would be the first stepping stones towards her goal of creating an AI that could exhibit human free thinking after feeling ashamed for not being strong enough along with a pep talk from mondo Jiro decides to train both under him as well as reveal her secret to him hitting a newfound confidence in her ability to be useful to others well she may not have lived to have seen her efforts paid off her creation of alter ego would aid in both the downfall to the masterminds plan along with the rehabilitation of the fragments of despair there is possibly something that can be interpreted as to why Chihiro chose to train and reveal her secret to mondo rather than the kinder more understanding Sakura other than just the rules put in place for the locker rooms it's possible that had Chihiro live long enough to believe in herself she may have felt different as to how she saw herself rather than how'd those who abused her made her feel she may have blended into the background but for as small as she was she was truly strong in her own way number 23 Celeste aka the ultimate gambler one of the things that stuck out to me about Celeste is how she just has this aura surrounding her you feel comfortable around her but not out of a sense of her physically attacking you but more just from how she knows how to get in your head time's which considering her profession makes perfect sense after all depending on the game gambling is both equal parts keeping a straight face but also getting under a person's skin as I've said you can split hairs over what is the real truth behind many of these characters what was the last we can tell who it is she desires to be and more importantly get an idea of what parts were identity she's trying to bury from the world fixated on the idea that she's born from high-class European blood with things like her name and clothing used to accentuate this image that she wants to ingrain in people's minds even the authenticity to some of our high-stakes gambling tales can be seen as just as questionable but the very least they are still entertaining lies that can stick with you and do their job at convincing you that she could win almost any game it's only until we manage to catch her in her lies or make her mad but her mast begins to crack with her not just losing her temper but also reverting to her normal accent so that's motive for killing may have been one of the most shallow of the series especially when hearing about her life's goal but in the end I think it kind of works seeing a character as intense and detached from others as her to still have teenage fantasies her final moments of imagining being reincarnated as royalty showing us just how far she's willing to lie to herself so as to escape from reality number 22 Hina aka the ultimate swimming pro well certainly not one of the more complex characters we see now and then he is optimism managed to shine throughout the first game for plucky can-do attitude and trusting nature having put more than enough hours into multiple sports teams Hina slowly began to show symptoms of exercise addiction always feeling the need to keep her body moving at a fear that she'll shrivel up and die this likely also led to other psychological disorders such as her eating disorder most heavy donuts and issues related to her body imagery and lack of feminine traits she's shown to admire many great athletes by occasionally quoting them setting her sights that one day she too will be known for her efforts bearing all this in mind it makes sense that she would form a connection with Sakura not just for their determination to reach their feted goals but also the self-awareness towards how feminine they are seen in other's eyes their relationship is one of the series best in my opinion it's simplified by the lengths we see the two are willing to go through for one another during the fourth chapter her fear of being alone needs her to attempt to divert the trial away from the rest of the class discovering psychos true fade-out a revenge what she believes to be them having pushed her to commit suicide well it's easy to question her own grip on life seeing as she too would have died had the truth not been discovered having had so many died in such an enclosed environment and then to have the one person who helped give you hope the most be taken from you in such a way is bound to have some effect on your emotional rationality she does in the end feel regret for her actions afterwards and takes across final words of working together to half because by her issues related to her exercise addiction not really drawing much attention outside of her free time she does prove to be a fine example of how one's emotions can be manipulated to push them to doing actions that they will end up regretting later number 21 Makoto aka the ultimate lucky student / ultimate hope the og vanilla protagonist Makoto is very much the ideal insert character with his normal family decent school life and average love of all mediums that's mention when compared to Hajime he's definitely isn't given as much in terms of distinct personality traits but very least it feels like the narrative is being influenced by him more often starting off feeling very much as the black sheep of the class due to only getting accepted because of the schools lottery selection he forms a bond Massiah helping to ease her worries of being attacked while she in turn helps him to take more initiative his compassion however almost ends with him being wrongfully accused but even after knowing the truth behind Sakura's betrayal Makoto still remains Furman is believed fixated on stopping the mastermind instead of falling into despair choosing to carry the weight of his classmates desk rather than move past them over time his commitment to uncovering the truth while still believing other starts to affect the rest of the class most in particular Kyoko who comes to see him as a trustworthy confidant to aid in her investigation of hopes P knowing that the mastermind had rigged the fifth trial in order to eliminate Kyoko from the game Makoto takes a bullet for her by choosing not to expose her lie condemning himself if not for a last-minute stroke of luck eventually it all builds this moment where everyone is faced with the awful truth for the world but them not knowing how to move on if not for Mikoto stepping up to push them to keep moving forward no matter what the truth may be though all of this may not sound like much and just sheer optimism it's hard to imagine Mikoto giving the same inspiring words from when we first saw him at the gates of Hope speak and even after everything that went down during the first trial though he has his lucky and unlucky moments at times he never puts his trust in fate but in and those around him he's not the deepest well but he's still message to inspire you to keep moving forward at the end of the day number 20 a carne aka the ultimate gymnast when thinking of a carne there are a number of things that come to mind her obsessive love of food her rubber striking figure but after getting to know her more the thing I now associate with her is her lack of shame and don't mean that in any negative way whatsoever having starts out living with an impoverished sizeable family with unemployed parents econo didn't much just to get by from finding food wherever she gets couch it from even having to go through degrading acts involving many older gentlemen you can't see me but I'm really trying to force the air quotes for the mic right now eventually one newsman who was a coach convinced her to take up gymnastics under him which incorporated eight years of parkour and big money to help stabilize herself and her family the way that she just casually talks about the stuff is quite remarkable given the [ __ ] she was put through but in the end all that matters to her is that she and her family never have to go hungry again who watching me put on his strong face it becomes clear that her rebellious nature and large consumption of food brought upon as a way to not seem weak in people's eyes one of the reasons to assume as to why she form such a bond of neck Amara's how he manages to help her feel strong and not to serve his own interests unlike her coach at time she can feel like she is mostly there for sacred comedy given her lack of contribution to the investigations and trials but she's still a stand-up character to me but how she pushes herself forward in life number 19 mondo aka the ultimate biker gang leader I don't know what you call a huge fan when it comes to the all-around hot-headed characters who are violent and mad at everyone for the most petty reasons imaginable fits this bill to a tee within the first few minutes into the game you start to see in a much different light when you find out about everything that's weighing him down from not being the best of girls to worrying about his appearance and reputation to what he's going to do with the rest of his life going so fast replies I hope speak just to escape his fear of the future and one let me not forget the small detail of his brother's death sort of being on his hands growing up under his older brother mondo learned a great deal of things one of which being always keeping his promises however living in his shadow proved to be very difficult leading him to challenge his brother so as to prove his worth to the gang who doubted monitors ability to lead their loss as time came this paranoia only got worse after his brother made him promise to keep the gang together after his death leading to much fear of a time eventually causing it to kill Chihiro and to jealousy for the strength she showed to be true to herself even knowing that he could be caught for cheerers murder which he was mondo was willing to risk moving her body so as to keep his word by not revealing the secret to the rest of the class there was first impression sticks of you getting to know about his fears and Securities and regrets helps to humanize a guy he only just prior punched her lights out number 18 Ryu MA aka the ultimate tennis pro within the first few seconds of meeting Ryu man were told about how this one guy managed to land himself in jail for life after utilizing his tennis skills to kill off the Mafia just from that alone with his unique periods is enough to sell you on him immediately due to his past mistakes and how his future is now a wasteland of sorrow Reema tragically has next to nothing to fight for this last connection to the outside world simply being his pet cat that he was forced to give up to him there's no difference to his new life in the killing games and that in jail except one promises death to come a lot quicker well its reasons for staying alive might come down to him feeling like he needs to be punished the lives he heard for defying the Mafia we see how he's actually curious as to whether there was actually anything left for him while he's to find that he'll never embrace the joys of tennis again he'll reminisce often about those he's trained under and even went out of his way to find out if there was anyone waiting for him on the outside his ending to the main story may be a depressing one but seeing him choose to fight on at the end of the bonus mode brings a single manly tear to my eye number 17 komaru aka the ultimate hopes sister ah the black sheep of the countdown what Kumari may hold the title for being the most normal character in danganronpa followed only closely by my hero her lack of any talent is a core part of her growth throughout the majority of the spin-off game after being in prison post tragedy for over a year so as to act as a form of motivation for her brother Kumari was isolated from all human contact until being forced into an evening more deadly game than that of her brothers soon enough she partners up with toko with whom Kumar is able to grow and stand on her own two feet over time learning about turkos own fears such as blood and of the dark and witnessing her overcome that she would eventually fall out in part to tacos lack of understanding towards Kamala in the rest of the untalented mortals though much of her criticism came from how much kumara reminded her of what she was like pre hope speak when Kumar is at last given the offer to leave TOA city with no strings attached she hesitates us to whoever she should abandon toko after everything they'd been through something that she would likely not have given a second thought about when the two first met due to her lack of self-confidence this can be applied to her decision to forgive togo for her betrayal along with inspiring the rest of the survivors to fight back the willpower to make these decisions and to fight on our debatably even more of an accomplishment than that other journey her brother made the fragility of her hope is put under me even more pressure when she almost turns to spare to revenge what she believed to be her parents killed it's only through the Sicily law that Tokyo has learned from Kamaria she's able to help her think clearly about what she truly wants and that while she may not be the hope that her brother is she's still the one in control of her own destiny when she first escaped captivity her goals to run away and the only way to do that was to push responsibility onto others something he'd certainly not call heroic Victor time spent with toko and the many of the survivors that teaches her to conquer her fears and to work using her strengths and not just at everyone else's she can get too stressful easily especially when all hope seems lost and even in MIT's to her fear of being hopeful that it will only mean a great despair will follow soon after in the end though it's neither hope nor despair that wins out but simply a friendship number 16 Zhu Ichi aka the ultimate detective wait a minute at danganronpa protagonist who has a detailed backstory that they know about right from the start the hell you say Lani doesn't entirely breakaway from the typical protagonists tropes one thing that stands out was sweet Chi besides him surprisingly taking the reins midway through the first trial is that the guilty bears for earning his title having spent a good few years in the company of his detective uncle sweetie helped him solving your basic neighborhood problems however unlike most Ultima students sweet Chi earning his title came down to some rather depressing circumstances as his first official case had him tracking down a murderer we uncovered by accident we've said culprit having taken vengeance on the victim for pushing a family member to suicide this event topped with the culprits hatred towards - eg caused him to lose faith behind hunting for the truth and become constantly wearing his hat down so was to obscure his face from others have been woken up near her switch he steadily began to grow an attachment toward Kai a day coming to ease distress that she was facing from some of the more prickly a class members using his skills he was able to both discover the hidden room deduce that the mastermind was a month than by trip wiring the door and helped orchestrate a trap with Kai a day to identify them so as to in the killing game when when Torres found murdered switch he matches to take heidi's lead by focusing the class on gathering evidence rather than accusing each other however once he deduces the possibility of the black and being coyote he's left speechless even after being seen as the prime suspect at first seeming like he's acting this way because he doesn't know how to defend himself in actuality he simply lost him for trying to escape the truth he's discovered knowing that he he and coyotes paranoia and that he has to once again hurt someone will justified intentions understanding that kya day wants him to expose true so the rest of cast will not give up hope he does what he can to prove that [ __ ] F was not in cold blood though inspired by Kai a day having even taken her advice and removed his hats switch he still remains uncertain of seeking the truth leading Kaito to help him grow his conference better by committing to his training regimens over time he's met with hard troops that many within the class are unwilling to accept it even scold him for its in the final trial that sweetie not only has to convince his classmates but more importantly the outside world of the truth they choose not to accept his biggest test may come early on but we see how he's supposed to carry this weight over the course of each chapter determined not to stray away for the sake of his castmates survival with that said he still has faith in others I've seen in the fifth trial where he leaves the fate of everyone in Cato's hands believing in whatever the choice that his friend makes will be the right one besides his backstory and his slight habit of being too shy to confront others there's not that much that separates him from other protagonists but his journey is by far one of the most demanding forcing him to uncover troops that many would prefer remain buried forever number 15 Kokichi aka the ultimate supreme leader and the winner for the most punchable face in all video games goes to Kokichi it's funny how hard it is to come up with words to describe how detestable this character comes off as the best way I feel to describe him is if the boy who cried wolf didn't care about his sheep gang eaten and just kept on lying until the village just banished him over the series we see characters who are not the easiest to grasp at first glance with the likes of Junko or Nagato the Kokichi is so twisted and distorted thanks to the mountain of relies behind him he might as well be a living Rotaract s the closest thing to concrete facts would get about cookie cheese how rather than running a worldwide criminal organization in reality well when I say reality you know what I mean he's actually just a part of a band of misfits who like to play pranks and on top of that despises killing the same level of confidence can't be said about his rapid-fire lies with him appearing to enjoy playing with others emotions even when taken too far like making them feel like their lives are at risk much the time you'll create tension and chaos for a class like stealing their motivation video so as to reveal everyone's secret to each other something that could under a very certain light be seen as a way to dispel any fault of committing a murder haven't just about each of the class trials he's one of the most vocal the cast almost always dictating the flow of the conversation in his eyes the way to unmask the blacken is by seeing people's reactions to how the trout pushes and pulls amongst the class damn be they innocent or not towards the end despite how outright evil he comes off as he seeks to beat the mastermind by bending their rules like removing the students need to escape or coming up with a possible murder in a way his tapestry of lives could be seen as purely there just to fool the mastermind like someone shuffling cups for way too long to the point that you look away for one second and they beaten you because of this like Oh many of the characters hide behind a lie it's up to your personal interpretation as to whether he truly generally felt sad over the deaths of his classmates his acts of cruelty whoever be his mockery at keyboa mu or to a much larger extent his utter gleeful nurse / tricking goethe into pinning you can come off as so villainous it can be hard to justify him as a necessary evil his act does his job creating a character who while lacking an airtight backstory making his free time events Rob superfluous Stan's is an unpredictable and tagging to at the very least was never boring number fourteen Goethe aka the ultimate entomologist here's a lesson don't go attached to a friendly innocent simple-minded giant who only wants to be accepted by everyone because you're just gonna cry your eyes out by the end having wandered off into the wilderness at a young age and living most of his childhood under the care of a tribe of evolved reptiles just go of it don't accrue to become one with nature most in particular the many insects he would come across in his travels eventually he was able to return to his original family but was ostracized for his new lifestyle believing it to be unbecoming of their family name does he set himself the goal of becoming what the world considered a true gentleman in the hopes of bridging his two families well he has many of his key bases covered for what one would consider a gentleman here's a happier being a little too forceful about noticing and gets incredibly mad whenever he feels insects are ever at risk or senior bad light having learned almost all he knows from his adoptive family count as English or Japanese technically can have its inconsistencies like his habit of speaking in the third person and confusing words like poor forehand he's very self-conscious of his lack of intelligence often asking others for what their definition of a gentleman is so as to aid him if he ever happens to Peter off the beaten path didn't do to what he thinks he knows about the outside world he ought to be more exact his avatar version of himself is supposed to make the ultimate choice of letting his classmates die at least they learn the world's awful truth his death has made even more tragic as a result of him not being able to comprehend the virtual world and the events that took place trusting in his friends to do what is right rather than fight for his survival the kidding games have seen many out of place high-spirited students take part in them but none feel more ill-suited encounter which makes his fate as the blackened or the more tragic while he says his quest is to become a gentleman it's more accurate to say that all he wants is to do the right thing and in the deadly new world he's forced to live in doing the right thing it's not as clear as we'd like it to be number thirteen Junko aka the ultimate fashionista slash despair after playing through all these games of witnessing all these odd yet colorful characters seeing this teenage model become the symbol for depression is still one of the most absurd things to come out of them well she technically doesn't hang with in person during the killing game her brief but member appearances certainly provides some insight into the madness that is contained within as the antagonist of the series just about everything across multiple games can be traced back to Junko as its catalyst from the hope speak Massacre to the tragedy being widespread across the world when the fragments of despair to the Warriors of Hope and of course the killing games themselves all this towards one simple goal the utter pleasure of despair seeing all as pain and suffering is like a drug to her but even that isn't enough as the only thing better than experiencing all this despair is knowing that the world must be forced to bask in that same despair because of you she'll rapidly switch personalities after she's bored and even do unpredictable things like killing her own sister just to see if she can add even more despair to the pile oddly enough it's only by being defeated and seeing her plans fail right when victory was in her grasp that she finally gets the true ultimate despair that she has longed for there are many who will say they find her lack of a backstory or reason as to her obsession with despair to be a major mark against her as an antagonist but in the world of danganronpa where hope and despair are jacked up to the point they may as well be coursing through our veins I personally think it makes sense to write her as this force of nature that can't be weighed down by the external constraints of mere humans number 12 Kai a day aka the ultimate pianist I like to think after seeing the first two games the writers were like you know what we tend to go so so easy at the start but why don't we go just for the gut punch right in the first trial in fact why don't we go one step further and make it one of the most tearful farewells the series has ever had as one of you core students to have a tank outside the usual free we see how Dee's goal is a simple one of just wanting to use her music to put smiles on people's faces from almost a start of be free when the rules the killing game were laid out to the class Kylie just jumps in and does all she can to push any fault of killing from her classmates Minds inspiring them to work together in order to escape however after failing the death Road or despair too many times and having their lives put on the line and as someone is killed many begin to lose faith in each other along with Kai days hopeful perspective the real heartbreaking moment comes when Kylie decides to dirtier hands by killing who she believes to be the master so it's to save her classmates just by being told she can leave the school without the need for a trial she chooses to stay in the last-ditch effort to find out if the mastermind is truly among them but also to inspire the class to move forward using her time left to push Suite G to discover the truth and to face it head-on she even goes a step further by almost working against sue each she once he realizes he has to prove what he knows the class just so we can be better motivated and eliminate any doubt behind the truth what many protect us tend to avoid addressing no school issues with their classmates sky day will often confront things like rumors edginess Muse lack of any friends or cook eg claiming to run a worldwide organization this more forceful behavior works a double-edged sword helping to inspire many due to her level of confidence but also makes it hard for her to notice when she gives them little choice as seen with the death row along with her free time lessons were sue each shooting in the end it's a determination and eagerness to see a happy ending for everyone that leads to her becoming the blackened but even then when she knows what's to come she still remains hopeful that a happy ending for everyone is waiting even beyond her death now he wants to lie back in a gesture close their eyes and cry single tear while listen to Claire de Lune number 11 Gundam aka the ultimate breeder I'm sorry let me go over that again but this time under his full title gundam tanaka the supreme overlord of ice love it though he may come off as a bit overdramatic even if he is the so-called spawn of the underworld there's a lot of fun to be had whenever in Gundams majestic presence claiming to be the offspring of an angel and a demon Gundam does all that he can to mask this illusion that he's a being beyond human comprehension who spent the majority of his time training beast demons who were accompanied by his for Doc Davis of destruction despite his commitment to disassociate himself from the mere mortals of the world he still makes use of some of the more modern day conveniences like his web page we're never given a direct reason as to why he gets so defensive when others come near him though it's not hard to believe that he might suffer from happy phobia only knitting dough's he truly trusts touch him he does once you find a kindred spirit of source of Sonia during the fourth chapter thanks to her interest in the occult of Gundam doing what he can to not appear nervous whenever she complements him while he claims that he killed Nakamura out of his belief that dying of suicide was an insult to life itself it's hinted that his intention was to save as many as he could whoever he own akamaru ended up as the blackened and that given that the trial did not come to the correct conclusion would have broken his of our survival even at the very end he remains fearless of death choosing to face it head-on laughing for himself and his classmates number 10 Kimiko aka the ultimate magician while she may not be the poster child for youthful energy there's something just adorable but he Miko yes even more than Chiaki and I will fight you know I am too tired to fight my boo Gundam Hema Co is committed to the illusion that the power she wields it's no simple trick unlike a Gundam though there are many who are quick to critique and poke holes in her craft because of this she would constantly get defensive creating others whether it be addressing her as a magician rather than as a mage or more often their futile to address her talent as actual magic besides her magic though there is very little effort that Himiko puts into her dates they lie preferring others to do most of the work and even considers expressing emotion to be a pain after training under her master as his assistant she eventually began to succeed him leading to the quality of his acts decreased rapidly until he eventually abandoned him eco because of her admiration for her master possible lack of friends he Miko would construe these events as being simply foul play from dark forces and that he left so as to fight these people and protect her well it's not outright stated it's possible as you've developed into this emotion as Haase due to negative thoughts behind the reality of the situation affecting her willpower it's during the third chapter that she's supposed to experience a rollercoaster of emotions with her feeling guilty for showing no affection towards Tenko her anger towards the idea that tinker killed Angie then committed suicide her submission to the pain of then being accused as the one who murdered tenko to finally crying over the loss of her friends and being alone once again it's on here one that we see Himiko take tankers final words of living knight basing forward to heart by doing what she can to break away from her bottled up past self and make sure that no matter what both her and Angie's deaths were not in vain follow me I try my best to not give extra points to characters that I like simply because I find them to be adorable how they remind me of some other character from a series I like I like Ibuki however there's a lot of myself I seen he Miko from her lack of energy towards day-to-day tasks due to have passion water hobby to being irritated that said hobby sees little the same enthusiasm from others but even we're bored that I like how unlike Kyoko and Tucker we see both a great struggle of coming to terms with someone's death and I'm not a huge positive payoff that carries across the story and maybe even helps others like Mackey open up later down the line she's not the most eye-opening character from the series but I had to say there is most definitely something magical about her in the end number nine neck Amaru aka the ultimate team manager frizz Bakke and builders Nick Amaro is you'd think at first someone like him would be more suited on the field instead of on the sideline well as you come to learn from him you can still feel victorious backing someone up even if you're not the one in the winner's circle at the end when first meeting Nick Amaro the guy tries to get the very best out of you right away for the simple act of screaming your name at him in the wake of being given a short life expectancy along with being motivated by never sick kid who was working as a manager for a baseball team no Camaro decided to dedicate his remaining years to the physical development of others as well as learning how to achieve these results with dieting and relaxation this commitment to others would include his classmates most in particular carne who spent much time training with Nick Amaro along with him performing what he calls it on her while he's almost sacrificed to save her car Nate feeds into their bond there's no doubt I have that he would do the same for just about any of his classmates even when he becomes a robot he soon as optimistic as ever because so long as everyone else is safe and able to be the best they can he's fine being a machine for the rest of his days though isn't how I stated he seems fine knowing that he could die in his fight with Gundam because at the very least he knows that everyone had a chance to avoid dying of starvation in his own way he's able to bring hope to his class with his almost selfish goal of helping others make the impossible possible number 8 Maki aka the ultra child care giver / assassin let me ask you guys can love bloom even in a game in which students are forced to kill whenever to survive while after meeting Maki you can tell she's not exactly very forthright about her talent and given her history along with the killing game being forced on them you could understand why she may not want others to know that she's killed hundreds of people within her lifetime having grown up in a run-down orphan machi along with the rest of her elder orphan spend much of their time looking after the youngest of the household having many of them look up to her despite her irritation over the obligation eventually machi in another orphan who happened to be one of her closest friends were Scouts to become a part of an assassin training program in return for donations to their orphanage though at first much interest was directed towards her friend thanks to her skills outweighing marquis smokey would end up openly requesting the position believing it to be a death sentence for her friend as a result of the Trotman that lay ahead to promote de armor he entered a world that started ended each day with pain and suffering so as to mold her into an emotion as being capable of killing without remorse and taking one's own night without hesitation though her emotions would be drained from her she never once forgot about the orphans that she continued to support for the life that she now lived doing all she could to blend into the background so as to avoid the curiosity of others eventually her secret comes to light they were Kaito reassuring everyone that he still believes in her just as much si did before her true talent was revealed similar to how we handled su Ichi Carter confronts Mackey's issues head-on asking her to question who her enemy is and that rather than running away she needs to stand up to it offering to train her though in reality to help her adjust back to socializing with others once again over time we see her open up more to both Kaito and souichirou Kaito even so adorably referring to her as Maki roll she even shows great concern for Kaito as his condition becomes more apparent to the class with her even snapping when his life is threatened by kokichi after believing that she not only mistakenly poisoned cards oh but handed the antidote directly to Kikuchi only for him to drink it in front of them both she makes it her mission to ensure that no matter what happens poppy Chi is left dead if despite knowing that everyone else will die as well when the fifth trial shakes up due to the possibility of Kaito having killed Kokichi instead Maki does all she can to find a way to spare him even when he's on death's doorstep while Maki may not been that attached to her life of the orphanage there signs that she's still nostalgic for her time there and that keeping it alive gives her life purpose to her title is the one good thing to happen to her in a life that was destined to have her kill and never loved til the end of her days it's only until Kaito convinces her that life can be more and that things like friends and love are not forever gone with all that laid out to all you can figure out the answer to my earlier question number seven Sakura aka the author of martial artists don't first glance you'd expect her to be the least likely to turn up as a victim in the killing games as she come to better understand Sakura you learn how she's just as unlikely to wind up as the murderer having me training for as long as she can remember by her Farber along with professionals from an array of different fighting styles Sakura was raised to become the world's strongest human to the point the only opponent left in her way was that of her lifelong rival and first love Kim Shiro who ended up eventually passing the title over to Sakura after falling ill though promising that they would both one day find out who is truly worth with the title well she has no issues with her gender she does feel that she must train harder to break away from what limits are expected of her Liz Lisa to hide her affection for Kenshiro seeing as an omission of her womanly restrictions intimidating prisoners aside Sakura is only have a push to use her skills whenever her classmates are threatened most in particular Hina or she may have only been forced to act as a safeguard for the mastermind in case the first motive failed her role as the spy would lead to much paranoia when the group was discovered causing the class to be split on whether they could trust her fearing for her classmates safety along with one Akuma threatening the life of what is here assumed to be concealed or that of her dojo Sakura chooses to end her life so as to free herself from his control as worth to unite her class that even till the very end she saw as her friends there is something of just a kind and noble heart behind Sakura though her revered skills may have little use of in the killing games there's just a sense of comfort around her knowing that she'd willingly defended even died for her class means to see them escaped as hell number 6 Kaito aka the ultimate astronauts admittedly after meeting Kaito I never would have paid him to not only remained in the game for as long as he does but to come out as one of the most endearing characters from the entire series though you'd think he'd be into all these science and technology surrounding space travel kite whose goal for out life has pretty much just been about breaking through boundaries a young age he apparently went off on many adventures both on the high seas and land after conquering both he set his sights on the next biggest thing it wasn't old fighting pirates and discovering lost cities though as he would often take on sidekicks of all ages and backgrounds hoping to make them the legends they are today he can be very full of himself often proclaiming to be adored by crying children that a more fitting title for him would be the ultimate hero still despite his need to reassure others of his talents many of his actions do reflect those of heroes we've seen before in the series one thing that is noticeable is that if is to test for limitations from not only working around the system to meet the space programs entry exam requirements but also his frustration over the ultimatum within the killing games that he and his classmates are forced into with no escape there are many times over the course of fee-free where Kaito would try to fight against the flow of the current I seen a second trial where Robin accusing Maki when the two were left is the only remaining suspects he instead defends her simply justifying it as a gut feeling his confidence in his emotions though able to inspire both sweet cheer Maki to overcome their weaknesses ends up getting in the way when logic is needed to keep everyone safe as seen when me he refuses to believe that the kind-hearted gaunter isn't back the blackened and not the despicable Kikuchi his inner battle against logic is also seen his belief that despite his illness he'll still beat the odds and make it into space before his death his decision to go along with cookie cheese pie in the fifth chapter is motivated by both his love for Maki and also out of the temptation of getting to outsmart the mastermind it's when he sees just how much faith sweetie has in him for he in turn puts his faith in his classmates and abandons the plan though he may share many similarities with Nick Amaru from such things as his upbeat personality commitment to others self-improvement and short life expectancy unlike Nakamura he speeds and flaws are drawn out thanks to our game's protagonist and by the end that becomes the last thing he has to conquer number 5 toko aka the ultimate writing progeny who there is a lot of baggage to unpack with this girl here after a well complicated childhood of having two mothers due to her father's infidelity each of whom didn't want her along with his string of traumatic and abusive related events at both home and school took her to balad not only a love for romance and apples as a form of escapism but also ended up creating a serial killer split personality formed after the trauma she'd built up over the years who would pop up an occasion to kill young men she considered cute while the twos memories will be blocked while the other was at the wheel they would still share in each other's emotions such as anger and if you're someone who believes that the cracks in your past can be spun to craft works of art / entertainment and it's not hard to believe the quality of work of an toko stories the fear of being mocked is manifested through such tendencies as trying to avoid any form of conversation being incredibly skeptical and shaming girls like Hina and Kumari for both their bodies and interests / submissive relationship would be akio it's almost another can of worms in itself where both sides of her being enamored by his blunt and cold-hearted personality to the point that she dedicates the rest of her life to his will despite his disgust and need to get away from her well has just tamed her psychotic side it's a relationship with Kumari that sets her on the path to become a better person due to her past killing experience and I need to protect komaru so as to please her master she's put in a position where she feels the need to take more action with her Scottie even being justified for the most part eventually her friendship with Kamara grows even stronger than that of her dedication to byakuya choosing her only friends freed him over her desire to be with him while the development may have only really begun alter to spare girls it's still one of the most heartwarming gross over the course of the entire series number four fuyuhiko aka the ultimate Yakuza I guess it's true what they say once you've hit rock bottom there really is only one place left to go first impressions are a big deal when it comes to a character and for you he Co may as well have found a way to spit in your real-world face his vicious cold and unsociable attitude towards / that the start leaves him as the only rotten apple of the orchard on Java walk well he still magno shows his true side it's only till the second trial where we start understanding better and see him let down his guard where he's given the choice to escape the island so long as he lets his classmates die and amidst Apeco being nothing more but at all to him and well half his reason for not going prove it comes down to his inability to commit such a soul blackening act the other customers shame for how he and his family's way of life horse pecker to emotionally detach herself from him at least in his presence anyone but maybe after having recovered from his injuries he's so guilt-ridden over the depths of mahira and pecco that he normally does a complete 180 towards how open he is with everyone but even injures himself after he oka refuses his sincere apology his willingness to help watch over the six students in the third chapter despite not having made any physical contact with them reassure as much over the class that he's indeed a changed man seeing himself as beneath everyone claiming that his life is a spare 2-pack Oh sacrifice is because of his guilt that he no he takes note of a carnies own turmoil for endangering akamaru it also gets very personal reassuring her something that few can do for him there's certainly hard to pick up on it first becomes clear that fuyuhiko feels unworthy of his title in part to his younger sister being offered the position as the clans next leader mostly thanks to her bearing me the same qualities banned in the two's deceased uncle although she ended up declined the offer this did little to avoid casting a shadow onto her brother I don't do this it's insecurities about its height and infant-like face you can understand why he was so determined to come off as puckish as he was from a start and why he felt the need to not rely on others aid because of his family's well business he had to witness a lot of brutal things with death making more than a few appearances having seen his family use violence to solve almost all of their disputes he admits to admiring the ways in which his classmates a boy turning to their more selfish survival instincts there are very few characters that changes suddenly as fuyuhiko does mostly due to character consistency during free time events so while surprising at first you understand the man that fuyuhiko was trying to become in the world he was born to guilt is definitely not an uncommon being within a series but usually it's only even tucked away in free time events or during someone's confession near the end of a trial and their words unclear as to how for you he Co feels about committing to his family's legacy especially considering his sister's death and all he comes out a better and stronger person thanks to the camaraderie he built of his classmates seeing a path forward built from strengthening the bonds with others rather than severing them I'm a free Naruto aka the ultimate lucky student well there's ain't gonna be a short one's cover there many can see Nagato is essentially the polar opposite of Junko it's better to say that he's essentially what would happen if makoto's hopeful beliefs were taken to an extreme if juncos goal is to create hope in order to snatch it away and feed up to the spare left in its wake then now if you don't views despair as an opportunity for hope to flourish and if a strong hope can lead to an even greater despair then surely there is truth to be found in the exact opposite despite his incredible large Nagato sees himself and everyone else deemed normal as simply tools to be used by the architects that are the ultimate of Hope speak to him The Ultimates are almost superheroes of hope what he's just the fanboy there to push them forward with him even jokingly calling himself the ultimate ultimate fanatic having been born into a wealthy family Nagato found himself hit with some of the worst kind of luck imaginable over the course of his life one of the things to end up on a positive note of sorts each time so she examples being his parents dying after having their plane hit by an asteroid only for him to inherit their fortune afterwards or being diagnosed with brain cancer right before getting accepted into hope to peak this cycle of misfortune own to be followed by fortune led him to believe it was all part of hopes plan if you will and due to his bad luck he was unable to ever become a symbol of hope but could still find meaning in sacrificing himself for the cause qualia axe relatively normal taught a 77 class after their wakening into the near world once the killing game begins he fears not for the safety of anyone but instead of his classmates simply remaining on the island depriving the world of all their potential thus despite tension starting out rather calm at the start he does what he can to push the cost into taking part out of the assurance that hope will inevitably prevail all because of his Luck's unpredictable nature his plans and Legion seas can change on a whim depending on where hopes shine for strongest such as putting himself up to be killed within even protecting territory only to turn on him once the class works together to find Tara Tara out to be the blackened was the truth behind the seven separate classes found out by Nagato his views on his classmates and the killing game dress to beat changes seeing himself as the one to spare the world of their despair infected souls by ending them and himself once and for all essentially making himself what he believes he could never be that being the ultimate hope at the very beginning to the first chapter up to its trial there are moments where we get to see hints of what life would like for him in Hajime and not have one be obsessed with creating despair to keep hope alive for Anna's time we get to see just how much intelligence is lying behind all that madness but in particular during the trials where he's able to make tons of deductions at the rest of the class overlook negatives real-world feelings towards Junko or an interesting subject as he claims to despise her naturally for her embodiment of despair it almost wishes for her to remain ever-present wherever it be so he can feel the joy in playing a part in her downfall or simply for the hope that is gained out of foiling her he's undeniably one of the most complex in series cast and while his obsession doesn't exactly have you looking at him like he's a close friend that you can rely on he ups in bringing some nice commentary on the joys to be found in overcoming life's hurdles and how grateful we should be for their existence number two byakuya aka the ultimate affluent progeny there have been a lot of characters on here certainly been a handful to get on with but one thing is for sure is that someone was there both interesting and entertaining there can be as much of an [ __ ] to you as they like me rocky already comes off as one of the most pompous characters you'll see in any media mostly just from his humungous superiority complex but when you're forced to live in a world as high-class competitive and devoid of emotion as his it's not at all hard to believe that a man like him could exist to him first at least the killing game is yet another test for him to prove his worth of controlling his family's empire something that he's already been forced to do terrible things simply to earn the right to bear the tag army name while he considers himself part of the world's greatest elite the idea of things being handed to him because of his birth is the greatest insult of them all to him we see how truly Machiavellian he is during the second trial where despite knowing both the culprit and the truth about genocide jag he uses his trial as a test to measure up anyone in the class who could potentially become a risk to him later on if so when he chooses to become the blackened the turning point for Baraka comes around when he is caught completely off-guard by the revelation that Sakura's death was the result of a suicide to motivate the class and not by anyone with selfish motivations the fact that his life was almost ended because of his emotional detachment makes him realize that the very least his survival does depend on people like Makoto who view human nature and the world very differently from him over time after the events of hope speak we get to see just how much of an impression Makoto would continue to leave on him would be Akio not just coming to expecting but to go on and follow him into even more deadly situations seeing a character who you think of us an adversary for here at first slew becoming one of their closest allies is sorry nothing new especially in manga and anime but there's such an authentic feeling to how be Akio becomes his beacon of hope for someone who would barely mince words of anyone he saw as less than night temps of himself even though he won't and might never will omits needing his classmates directly to them I think they're smart enough to read between the lines and finally number one Kyoko aka the ultimate detective there is a part of me that wants to say that this was a long and arduous in a debate I had with myself at the top pik but that would be a big lie even behind the end of the first trial I could tell Kyoko was something special starting off by just lingering in the background as soon as the first murder is committed Kyoko just snaps into action being able to piece together events just from the most minut of details which is we find out fits into her family's detective code as a neutral force there to be when time is needed and to be ignored by the world when they aren't the Kyoto may come off as emotionally distant she knows full well that people can very easily exploit you when you expose your feelings towards something or someone as seen with characters like Sakura and Maki even then she's far enough to fake her emotions so as to undermine her opponents and knows how to handle people during some of their more distressing moments as shown early on which he knew that Mikoto would have to find out the truth to sayaka's failed murder for himself to believe it and her assurance of sayaka's message was intended to save him who was on paper suddenly accused Kyoko of being too much for MarySue but she makes it clear that she's none too happy when she's aware someone knows something she doesn't I seen when she neglects Mikoto for not telling her about sayaka's temporary loyalties the mastermind or when she's determined to find out the fate of her father speaking of which having her father abandoned her in a family's detective legacy it's also an area in which she has little trouble coming to terms we have going so far as to tend hope speak revealing herself to the world just to properly serve her ties with him when Kyoko finds a picture of herself in his room she gets mad the idea of him making her conflicted over her feelings for him preferring her father to be the villain her grandfather made him out to be so she could confidently cut ties was often times where she knows the answer things right away she knows that she needs someone as pure simple miners Makoto to steer the class towards the answer they see when Mikoto reveals that he not only believes in Kyoko but also sees themselves as friends she's generally shocked by the exchange seeing as she's pretty much just been using him up to this point and figures with all of her snooping around she'd be the prime suspect as the traitor his act of hope not only convinces her to clue in Mikoto and what she's uncovered but also to bet everything in the fifth trial Mikoto helping her to find a way to beat the rigged trial rather than throwing him under the bus so as to uncover the truth when she woke up with the rest of class he was someone who would use whatever and whoever she could to uncover the truth by the end she would learn to instead have faith in others to meet those same results all while keeping hope alive in my opinion the first game's story may be viewed from Mikoto's eyes but I feel that it's very much kyoko story the same way is for furiosa in Mad Max 4 she along with others on this list grow by having their beliefs and insecurities challenged where would be accepting reality binding friendship or even love in a cruel world that you don't need to close yourself up to feel strong and that you shouldn't be afraid to open yourself up to others one of the questions brought up in v3 is that the power of fiction wherever it has the power to change the world and while I can't personally speak for everyone I'll just say that I never thought I'd see a series end with its characters fighting against having this series continue and I would be willingly choosing their needs over my own and there we have it guys this was a lot to cover to the point that I was certain that I should just push aside for a while but then all of a sudden the floodgates open and there was just this rush of subscribers that blew my mind after that I knew I had to get this video done fast to prove to all just how much your faith in me truly pushed me to go even further well this videos may take their sweet-ass time to come out I make sure to do as much as I can to show you all just how much I care about the topic at hand and danganronpa was truly an experience like no other that left a huge impact on me so big in fact that I'm very tempted to look into doing other danganronpa related topics such as worse to best characters and executions seeing as I have over 120 hours worth of footage as always thank you so much for your time was everything to a liking or was this the biggest most awful most tragic list in human history pilfer share some of your own favorite and least favorite students and if you want you can always like this video all go one step further and subscribe for even more hot cost goodness take care now and remember to keep hope alive [Music]
Channel: HotCoss
Views: 287,568
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair, Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls, Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, Best, Worst, Top, 10, Students, characters, monokuma
Id: -fdJocMSUoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 56sec (5516 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2020
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