Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony - All Bosses (Rebuttal Showdown + Scrum Debate + Argument Armament)

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[Music] wait a minute angie i don't think it was possible to hide in the hidden door what you dare challenge a tua i don't think the hidden gore was ever used while investigating the mastermind i placed dust on the card reader if anyone swiped the card key the dust would have fallen we already confirmed during the investigation that there was no dust on the floor [Music] the bookcase hadn't been opened so i doubt anyone was hiding in there the fog has lifted you still got a ways to go huh what do you mean the culprit could have been in the library before the cameras were even set you won't be able to prove anything with weak reasoning like that [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] even if we rule out the hidden door the library's got no shortage of hiding spots there's piles of books all over since the culprit was there before the cameras were placed it could have been hiding there you know they took out rantaro and took off but if the culprit killed him and ran away wouldn't they have been caught on camera not if they went back into hiding right after killing rantaro then once everyone's gathered around the body all they gotta do is act like they just ran in rejoin everyone and we'd be none the wiser i'll cut your words [Music] this is quite troublesome it seems our opinions are on opposite ends how we supposed to decide we're split right down middle split did you just say you split i heard it i heard it with my belly button microphone [Music] so wait your ears don't do anything [Music] the ultimate academy is proud to present its very own more phenomenal trial grounds more phenomenal trial grounds the trial grounds are gonna morph seriously i totally want to see that [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] so you heard what you knew about the camera intervals shuichi but mu silent about intervals too unlike shuichi i actually have an airtight alibi [Music] both of them were together when the receiver went off if shuichi had the receiver it could have been disguised the one who actually had the receiver [Music] but that's kaity's lie isn't it i'll do it we'll know whether or not it's a lie when we talk this through then that means all of this happened right in front of shuichi but we should not blame him for that none of those actions warranted suspicion at the time so we might not have noticed that clears it all up then every part of the crime kia de plotted that can't be it's gotta be mistake right but if all of that is true then that's pretty unfortunate i mean it's quiet you know she kept preaching about working together and then she goes and kills in cold blood no something still doesn't fit hmm what doesn't that kiaty wouldn't do something like that huh you mean she's not the type but you were the one that said she did it right yes i did say that but murder and cold blood is just not in her character i truly believe that i believe in her but why why do you still believe in me shuichi why tell me why [Music] why are you doing this are you still looking away from the truth not at all my belief in you is going to lead me to the truth i'll show you what's behind all this i'll show you your truth [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you still believe in me [Music] i'm definitely the culprit you think i wouldn't do it it's all my fault [Music] i'm the one who killed rantaro that's the truth of this case and that's all there is to it i'm a terrible murderer please stop just stop you remember what i told you you have to fight for the truth i know you can do this if you say you believe in me don't look away from the truth please stop just stop do you know what i was trying to do is correct there was an escape hatch on that tank i see it so it did have one that's right i discovered a similar tank in hindico's lab [Music] there was a panel on the side that could open that was her escape mind over strength your logic is all wrong shuichi what do you mean and you don't even know why you're wrong either typical degenerate male 1 i'll smash in your face with my fists of hot burning steel [Music] the side of the tank being open doesn't have anything to do with himiko's escape she didn't use an escape hatch i know she didn't do that and now i'm gonna punch you wait a second before you punch me what makes you so sure she didn't [Music] because if she escaped from a hatch in the tank the water would have gushed out with her there would have been water everywhere that wouldn't be magical at all the whole trick would be ruined with that out of the way i'm gonna punch you [Music] because if she escaped from a hatch in the tank the water would have gushed out with her there would have been water everywhere cut through your words are you positive that you did not see it you cannot enter the gym at nighttime would she might strike out but she always keeps her eye on the ball i don't even play baseball [Music] but we can't disobey school rules right the body was probably moved in the morning calm down everyone go to sure if we discuss disagreement i see through your arguments disagreement [Music] what a disagreement you mean you're split down the middle again then the ultimate academy is proud to present its very own more phenomenal trial grounds we've been waiting for this [Music] jeez we gotta do that whole crazy thing again [Music] hmm [Music] [Music] [Music] did the culprit move the body just before the morning announcement i was in front of the gym with the others before the announcement is it not possible to simply missed the culprit we were right in front of the door there's no way we could have missed them remember the rules state that you can't enter the gym at night rules probably don't apply to corpses you know the piranha tank is too far from the gym's entrance i got this you might be able to reach the tank from the window above the stage but pool next to jim also off limits at night entering the pool at nights what's awful and it's not the pool area itself but should we trust maki's testimony in the first place testimony too [Music] no the only person who could have prepared this murder is well the preparations in the gym in any case and why do you believe that before the culprit could put the body into the tank several steps needed to be taken like tying the rope to the gym and putting a partition in the piranha tank that's right ryoma's body entered the gym from the window but that required that preparation only have been done when kieron was by herself in the gym before night time he was alone in the gym for only like five minutes not enough time for the whole murder but enough time to set it up enough time to tie the rope on the window frame and put the pain in the piranha tank this is my selfless devotion while i do understand where you are coming from i assure you this is just a part of your petty imagination an empty theory created from nihilism [Music] if it were solely the rope and partition i suppose five minutes might be enough time i accept that however the crux of your argument is not but a guess you continue to force the facts to conform to your misguided narrative when you consider that the crux of your argument is faulty your entire case falls apart [Music] what do you mean by crux of the argument how is it just a guess i am referring to the road now with that rope it is possible to reach the gym window from the third floor window but there is no evidence to indicate this had happened in other words it is just a guess and then you add assumptions and hearsay to that guest it is nothing more than deception i am referring to the road now with that rope it is possible to reach the gym window from the third floor but there is no evidence to indicate this had happened i'll cut through your words [Music] yeah so what [Music] you're still wrong your logic is flawed why are you becoming increasingly erratic there is such absolute beauty in trying to fight against the truth what true that black cloth is just trash you can't prove i'm the culprit with just that no it's not just trash it's proof that you're the culprits [Music] you are incorrect what is this truth that is just your empty deduction you continue to confuse everyone in this class trial everyone's life is at stake because of your self-righteous truth everyone might die in this class trial [Music] i completely understand your reasoning but i will never accept it it seems you wish to pin me as the culprit you do not have any evidence you are only providing us with speculation why must you interfere i completely understand your reasoning but i will never accept it what does that piece of trash prove it ends here it wasn't possible to kill her the moment the cage was lifted because the inside of the white cloth had tengo's blood on it [Music] that cloth was removed before the cage was lifted if tinkle was stepped in there wouldn't be blood on the clock [Music] but how could my golden brain be wrong when it felt so so right the only possibility is that tenko was killed during the season i got your remodel right here no it's still wrong to think that tenco was killed during the seance [Music] what [Music] i'm gonna prove it right now my golden brain is gonna go all out tenko died after the seance it happened when the sheet was lifted that was the moment the culprit chose to stab the tangle through the cage they stuck the thin blade through the gaps of the cage and that clean white sheet got stained blood red but the weapon was a sickle only the blade could have fit through the gaps the blade's all you need if you stick the blade through a gap in the cage it'd be long enough to reach 10 cove sitting in there with her neck all exposed she wasn't that far from the cage's gap in which case the person who lifted the sheet is the culprit and that's none other than keo [Music] the blade's all you need if you stick the blade through a gap in the cage it'd be long enough to reach 10 cove sitting in there with her neck all exposed i'll cut through your words [Music] kio you killed tanko didn't you just give up and admit it already so keo if you have any objections you can your deductions are fiction [Music] well since you've given me the option i will most certainly object [Music] to be honest it's unimportant but it may be an amusing diversion now i shall bear witness to your ability shuichi do entertain me if you are going to claim i am the culprit then what of the murder weapon it was set up in the cage the only people capable of that are kokichi and shuichi who carried the cage suspicion should fall on them true we could have placed the sickle there but we could not have removed it later because we weren't the ones who lifted the cage that was heemiko the only person who could have collected the sickle is he but the only people who could have placed the sickle are kokichi and shui but in regards to that dilemma i did not carry the cage nor did i lift it i had no opportunity to touch the sickle so simply put i am not the killer the only person who could have collected the sickle is he but the only people who could have placed the sickle are kokichi and but in regards to that dilemma i did not carry the cage nor did i lift it i had no opportunity to touch the sickle i'll cut through your words it's voting time i'm gonna vote for him [Music] voting for me will only help the one who murdered angie isn't hero culprit of course i'm not this case was an error on my part monokuma added that rule after both bodies were found yes how was i to know that the trial would only be for angie's killer had i known i certainly wouldn't have killed tenco you're lying you killed tanko and angie now hold on jumping to conclusions here is dangerous [Music] we should talk it out more this case might have juicy plot twists waiting to happen next to that any way you look at this case keo is obviously the culprit yeah there's sort of no other way to look at it no it's too dangerous to vote before we arrive at a logical decision this argument is getting intense at times like is proud this present its very own more phenomenal trial rounds [Music] i've been waiting for this why were you waiting for it [Music] [Music] [Music] we don't know for certain that keo killed angie he forced his way into angie's research lab and killed her i got this but he couldn't get into angie's research lab the katana was found in keo's lab [Music] anyone could have entered my lab tokyo did kill tanko but he not blackened kokichi perhaps there's a second blackened we need to find he's planning to use the new rule to protect himself all along [Music] not possible that rule was added after both murders [Music] death can't we just vote now i've got this not yet there's still another mystery to solve ah it's all clear now angie was attacked to the empty room carried to her lab [Music] and it was there that the culprit finished her off all clear this is all clear what are you all talking about all clear what is all clear what is what are you all clear what are you all you are you what what i will not fear i will not back down [Music] sweet correction calm yourself [Music] their words are all hollow there is no meaning to any of them [Music] you must teach these ignorant children a lesson yes you're right okay i'll teach them what the hell are you mumbling about you're giving me the goddamn willies [Music] not yet nothing is clear at all it's full of doubts of mysteries of a dense impenetrable fog nothing is clear at all angie was attacked in the empty room first and then carried into the research lab [Music] impossible impossible that's nothing but a delusion you would tend to poison our minds with your delusions it's no delusion angie's two external wounds tell the story after she was struck in the empty room she was carried to the art research lab and then killed you say the culprit carried angie's body and not a single drop of blood fell the hallway an empty room had no blood stains even if you wipe them down later there'd still be traces of evidence left behind but there was no evidence anywhere was there shuichi i'll cut through your words she just happened to walk in on the culprit setting up and was killed then he should have just stopped there there was no reason for him to kill tinkle he only needed to kill one for this game killing two is pointless if you get bonus points for killing more then sure otherwise it leaves more clues behind why kio why you killed two of our friends what the earth are you talking about [Music] no i'm not the culprit dude so why is everyone looking at me like i am why why are they why is it calm yourself correction yes you mustn't raise your voice you mustn't stutter you mustn't lose composure you mustn't become flustered you mustn't waver look at their horrid faces this sorry lot is not worth agonizing over you're right yeah you're right there he goes again what the hell's wrong with him [Music] it almost seems like he's talking with someone someone he's just talking to himself and why the hell is he wearing lipstick no matter how loudly you protest this is a trivial matter i will never acknowledge your allegations not a single one of them but you see there is no evidence that i killed angie no i will not acknowledge it i will only acknowledge facts true events i will acknowledge fiction mystery i won't acknowledge your deductions or guesses well said good job curriculum yes thanks [Music] creeps me the out you're wrong there is evidence you don't realize bluffs like that won't work yes [Music] the weapon that was used to knock angie unconscious in the empty room that weapon tells us the whole story keo [Music] that's not possible i think you may have misunderstood apologize come on apologize apologize apologize apologize [Music] apologize apologize apologize apologize apologize apologize apologize seriously what the hell's happening [Music] i have nothing to admit you are simply [Music] wrong must you force your delusions on us [Music] that's merely a delusion i told you i am not the culprit so why are you looking at me like that you're all wrong i'm not me correct speaks the truth such a sorry apologize apologize apologize i told you i am not the culprit so why are you looking at me like that you're all wrong not me [Music] you have no proof that correctio is the killer it ends here [Music] during the investigation we found toilet paper outside the mansion [Music] i'm guessing that the toilet paper was used to strangle her go to no can ignore that what you mean huh what's wrong what's wrong shuichi goofing off not gentlemanly at all there's no time for nonsense you know can use toilet paper in place of rope would tear too easy even go to know that and go to not smart no i'm positive toilet paper was used instead of broke you died such an awful death so why do you not take this seriously you call yourself ultimate detective use your head figure out real murder no i'm positive toilet paper was used instead of rope there's no time for nonsense you know can use toilet paper in place of rope would tear too easy i'll cut through your words [Music] that's it kibo there was a hidden root only mew could use was there really new modified the program to add a special wall to the world the wall stretches along the y-axis but we found two such walls in the virtual world [Music] it's unclear whether mew added the wall by the mansion or the wall near the chapel we do know that that wall was set so that only objects could pass don't be naive [Applause] what is it kaito jeez can you set up a weird wall like that that is suspicious but it's got nothing to do with what we were talking about nothing to do with it you don't even realize your mistake you're losing your edge [Music] oh well my sidekick's mistakes are my mistakes i'll make it right what we gotta figure out how mew got from the chapel to the mansion right so why waste time talking about the impossible it's pointless we gotta take a whole new approach here now wait just a second it's not actually impossible at all [Music] but you just said so didn't you that walmu set up only lets non-human objects go through it humans aren't able to pass through so mew obviously wouldn't be able to go through that wall she's not just an object after all you get it so let's go through this one more time [Music] but you just said so didn't you that walmu set up only lets non-human objects go through it humans aren't able to pass through so mew obviously wouldn't be able to go through that wall she's not just an object after all i'll cut through your words [Music] you guys why don't you get it that's just what kokichi wants he's just trying to split us up shuichi open your eyes special sorry to ruin this tense moment but you guys seem pretty evenly split right now [Music] so the ultimate academy is proud to present its very own more phenomenal trial grounds so we're gonna do that again shuichi why why don't you understand [Music] you you're my psyche aren't you kaito [Music] hmm [Music] shuichi are you saying that gota is the culprit i've got this i can't say for sure he's the culprit i'm saying we can't rule it out [Music] he wouldn't hurt a fly don't you realize these so-called sweethearts can commit crimes too but don't have even made it to the rooftop without being noticed the entrance hall is all that separates the rooftop from the mansion exterior there should have been witnesses at the entrance hall i got this no none of us were in charge of the entrance hall but kokichi confessed he was working with monokuma i did cooperate with monokuma but only on a temporary basis [Music] is the one who killed mew that is impossible because kokichi's avatar had special settings go to not kill mew honest i got this the truth is gonca could have murdered you how about that now you get it it right towards the culprit there's no way he could have been outside the mansion now you can't say don't test the culprit congrats [Music] why really no that's wrong what just because gonto was at the mansion doesn't mean that he isn't the culprit all the culprit needed was a way to get from the roof to outside the mansion looks like shuichi got it i'll leave the rest to him kaito i know how you feel i know because we all feel it but we have to face the truth no matter how cool that truth may be we need to face it to survive whose side are you on shuichi kaido [Music] aren't you my please was that just a lie kaito fine then i'll tear that sorry reasoning of yours apart and wake you up [Music] i'll never accept this don't you know konta at all not the kind of guy who killed someone don't you know that about him by now damn it why won't you believe gonta why are you listening to kokichi you my sidekick [Music] wake up joey why won't you believe gonta who do you want to believe [Music] remember what kokichi has done to us remember how goat has always tried [Music] who do you want to believe [Music] remember what kokichi has done to us [Music] there's no way to leave the mansion from the rooftop [Music] it ends here [Music] why was only the sleeve sticking out of the hydraulic press [Music] if kaidu had been crushed by the press the sleeve shouldn't have been empty there should have been an arm inside the sleeve as well so the fact that we found an empty sleeve you're shoulder than i thought if i have to go out of my way to explain it to you if you can't even see that then be quiet otherwise you're just annoying me the coat sleeve sticking out of the hydraulic press it's rather telling it couldn't have been anyone else but kaito if you can't see that then you weren't looking hard enough i wasn't looking hard enough what do you mean he always dressed himself in a rather odd manner he never put his arms through his coat sleeves so when the hydraulic press crushed him all that stuck out was his coat sleeve if you understand to be quiet already otherwise you're getting in the way he always dressed himself in a rather odd manner he never put his arms through his coat sleeves cut through your words [Applause] [Music] don't be stupid how many times are you going to be tricked by him that's kokichi pretending to be kaito hey now marky roll don't you believe me don't ever call me that [Music] whoa there chill you really think i'm kokichi i mean i guess i understand sorry i can't really get out of this thing right now why not i can't move because of the injury i got from kokichi it's so bad i can't even stand that's why i'm in this exist is that so but if you guys don't believe me then we can't move on so you're up shuichi what me explain to everyone how i wasn't the one that died [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's the matter shuichi [Music] just hurry up and tell everyone why i'm not dead should be easy no i won't because you're not kaito kaito is already dead good good this is already more entertaining now the ultimate academy is proud to present its very own more phenomenal trial grounds all right let's give it everything we've got [Music] [Music] [Music] i suspect that kaito is inside the ex assault i got this unless he comes out of the exist we can't confirm that he's said that he can't read the exorcist because he's injured anyone who knows about kaido's injury can make that claim is it possible that kokichi got crushed instead of kaito [Music] did you watch the footage kaito was the one who got crushed but there was an arrow hole on kokichi's shirt i got this kaito's clothes had arrow holes too i want to believe kaito is still alive and defeated the mastermind but the mastermind is still alive inside that exasol why are you so opposed to kaito being alive i've got this because the evidence doesn't support the claim that kaito is still alive [Music] mr [Music] maki you're the third party we're looking for aren't you what it's monkey [Music] what are you saying remember what kokichi said [Music] the electro hammer needs to be recharged for 24 hours after it runs out of battery that hammer was used last afternoon so it couldn't have been used this morning all right when we were all gathered in the dining hall this morning [Music] maki was the only one without an electro hammer wasn't she knowing that the electro hammer i found could only have belonged to maki and that leads me to the conclusion that maki must be the third party she also knows how to assemble the crossbow and could have returned it to her lab later [Music] you brought a different crossbow than the one kaito had right maki took two arrows and her own crossbow from her lap [Applause] disabled the exasaw with an electro hammer and infiltrated the hanger now we just have to figure out what happened after why are you doing this [Music] why are you getting in my way getting in your way maki what are you yes i'm the third party huh i admit to going into the hangar with an exo's off and then shooting the crossbow i didn't kill anyone i'm not the culprit you're right i used the electro hammer and i used the x-assault to enter the hangar too i also shot the crossbow there however i am not the culprit because the crossbow is not the murder weapon the crossbow is not the murder weapon what do you mean the arrows left holes in their clothes think about the locations of the wounds they were on his arm and back an arrow to each of those spots wouldn't result in a fatal injury that's why the crossbow can't be the murder weapon therefore i'm not the culprit the arrows left holes in her clothes [Music] think about the locations of the wounds they were on his arm and back an arrow to each of those spots wouldn't result in a fatal injury i'll cut through your words [Music] there was only one antidote so it's more likely he died from my poison arrow this is the truth it's not decided yet i could have still killed him with the hydraulic press either way those are the two options monokuma knows the answer right huh are those the only options i guess that's how things turned out no that can't be the person in that exosol is it's not kaito i saw kokichi drink the antidote there's no mistake kaito is dead i killed kaito there is absolutely no doubt that's the truth [Music] [Music] but maki you don't know for certain that kokichi drank the antidote [Music] what you saw him drink it right in front of you but you couldn't confirm he actually did it so maybe there's another possibility what are you talking about impossible that's impossible there is no other possibility i killed kaito [Music] i killed kaito you're the one who's wrong disguise [Music] it doesn't matter what you say i'm telling you this is the truth but you keep getting in the way i was at the scene so i know i'm not wrong i'm sorry i kept quiet till now i wanted to believe i didn't kill him but i won't run away from the truth anymore because i know what i saw i was at the scene so i know i'm not wrong i'm sorry i kept quiet till now [Music] i saw kokichi drink the antidote it ends here no rantaro was not the only one in the library at the time the murder occurred this survivor perk monopath is proof of that why would that monopod be evident the monopad was given exclusively to rantaro as his survivor perk correct but when we searched rantaro's body he didn't have it on his person he only had his student handbook monopath [Music] which means that someone took this monopad from rantaro after the murder that's very wrong wow that's what we've been saying what keep quiet will you i don't have time for your nonsense right now really i have no clue what anyone is talking about if we don't chime in soon pops is gonna push the detonator then we better not let these jumps run their mouths anymore a bloody monopod is disgusting you should wash it right away that's not a real rebuttal someone stole the survivor perk monopod where's the proof no way there's a bloody thief but remember rantaro brought the survivor perk monopad to the library if it's missing now that must mean someone stole it he brought that monopad to the library i think there's maybe no way that's possible all he had on him was the student handbook mono back he didn't bring the survivor bird with him you cannot assert it was stolen yes [Music] he brought that mono pad to the library i think there's maybe no way that's possible had on him was the student handbook milestone he didn't bring the survivor perk with him i'll cut through your [Music] are words saying the one who did it mr moogie [Applause] no it has to be some kind of mistake but till now everything pointed to the mastermind not being one of [Music] he's just a cosplayer you know yeah all this would be impossible for just some cosplayers but you said that you went to that bathroom during rantaro's murder how can you possibly refute that fact refute it's all just a [Music] and coincidence didn't have alibis what if they went to the girls bathroom did you see one of them in the girls bathroom if one of them had gone into that bathroom you would have seen each other right but you never mentioned that smoothie what's the meaning of this can this really be true [Music] is this true no it's not i really only went to use the bathroom i didn't know about the hidden passages that's very wrong father's never yelled at me like that before we don't do well here we're all gonna get blown up together i still want to live longer i want to see the next chapter so please let us win what please please let us win we don't wanna die we're like snowflakes we're one of a kind i don't know what four eyes is talking about bad guys never wear glasses anyway just cut it out we don't want to die monokuma and the mastermind are the bad guys here you don't want to die do you know how many of my friends were sacrificed please help us it's four eyes over there really the mastermind we don't know anything i don't wanna i don't wanna explode even if she hey let's just stop this there's no evidence that she's a mastermind i'll cut through your words sacrifice myself what if kibo and i sacrifice ourselves then shuichi and himiko live right and you can survive this absurd killing game rocky after listening to kibo i've decided i don't want this killing game to end with despair that would just piss me off even if you only feel that way because i wrote you like that just like with kaito even then i'll choose that ending if it means i can kill you even if i have to sacrifice my life i will kill you sacrifice wait monkey i'm sorry i've already made up my mind but what's gonna happen to us can we really go back to the outside world what indeed i told you over and over there's nothing for you out there no once the audience sees this ending i'm sure they'll help us [Music] everything is going to be okay we'll definitely find how do you mean hope what i reject that hope i i refuse i won't accept that hope shiichi what's the matter it's because of hope that this whole thing is happening i reject that hope [Music] hope itself is the villain here we suffer because of hope zamugi isn't trying to make us despair she wants us to trust and hope so i say no i reject that hope [Music] sumugi wants us to trust and hope what does that mean the reason this madness has gone on 53 times it's because of hope it's because the audience wants hope they want to see hope defeat despair in the end it's hope's peak academy all over again so if we fight for hope [Applause] we just be giving them what they want and the killings will never end [Music] don't you see despair is the only choice will cut down your words [Music] fine be bored we're not here for your entertainment we're trying to survive you're the ones who want us to be entertaining [Music] if you're gonna complain perhaps you should just stop watching even if we have to make the entire audience hate us we're not going to stop we're going to end our tragedy here give up already and start voting time all four of us will abstain from voting so you'll be the only one who survives [Music] are you okay with that kibo is your inner voice telling you that's okay does the outside world really want that do they want danganronpa to end hey what are they saying what's your inner voice saying my inner voice doesn't matter anymore i'm going to end this game with my [Music] friends kibo kibo what's wrong that's what i thought see they don't want this kind of ending they want the killing games to continue that is the outside world's decision what isn't that right kibo [Music] yes my inner voice will not accept an ending without hope or despair [Music] evil get a hold of yourself that's not possible the cable you see there isn't the one you know like i said you can't defy the audience when you're their surrogate it's because they did such a silly thing that he's feeling the audience's anger now what do you mean what's happening to kibo since kibo kept defying the audience they took a vote and decided the troublesome personality of his should be erased his personality was erased how cruel can you guys be how long are you gonna play with our lives but that's the decision of the outside world don't you end we supported you you owe us that's what they said so it doesn't matter how much you fight you can't change the outside world because the outside world still wants stun gun rampa that won't change what did you say so do you still want to throw your lives away even if it changes nothing kibo i can barely control it looks like this is the end say that you survived this far i'm sorry i could not fight with you until the end but your choice is not wrong the real enemy is the outside world who is enjoying this killing game so please use me to change to change the world [Music] he's completely erased that makes me sad too you know he was a character i created [Music] but this is the end the outside world rejects your decision so no matter how you use your lives it won't change anything then i'll change it kiba gave us this one chance [Music] if kibo is doing what the outside world is telling him we just have to convince him we know we can change the world we owe it to kibo to try i said it's impossible for fiction to change the real world impossible is possible all you gotta do is make it so [Music] you can even change the world no we will change the world for ourselves and everyone who died you're going to throw your lives away for those who have died you've got to survive this killing game if you die now it's all over even if we die it's not the end our friends who died gave us their love and we changed because of that if we can inspire change in others then that love will live on that love will tear down the wall between fiction and reality and it will live on forever that's why i'm gonna change the world as long as i have their love i will change it even if this whole story is a lie i will use that lie to change the world that's right we're not going to just be fiction you can change this world because your kaito sidekick there's no way you can persuade them like that [Music] they all love the killing games they can't get enough dungeon rumpa [Music] kibo let me hear the voices of the outside world and let them hear me [Music] this isn't my [Music] i don't like twists like this this is getting way too mad this isn't my thumbnail i'm a long time fan do you realize how much you give it to no way fiction can change the world lol fiction has to follow i'm not here for a damn lecture [Music] i'm not [Music] killing games are the best form of entertainment [Music] [Music] despair [Music] [Music] a pointless death because no one voted is the worst ending ever it's not pointless we're gonna use our lives to change the [Music] world [Music] well hopefully there's another season [Music] will never end what [Music] together we're going to end danganronpa what just happened kibo like i said it's pointless the outside world won't let dunganronpa end everyone loves duncan ronpa that's reality killing game entertainment will continue now forever let's proceed with voting time i think hopeful kimo should vote for despairing without a doubt that's what the outside world wants to see [Music] let's give it everything we've got presenting one last voting time [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right looks like voting is over let's hurry and announce the results i didn't vote that was the right thing to do right the three of us might be penalized for abstaining to vote but what's going to happen to kibo and tsumugi if kibo is controlled by the outside world he must have voted for smoogie then what about sumugi if she had cast one vote for kibo then it would be a tie but oh there's no need to worry about that i didn't vote either what just as i thought you wanted hope to win that's not it we're friends aren't we there's no way i'd abandon you guys friends you've got no right saying that now i turned over a new leaf i'm not lying it's the truth so since the four of us abstained from voting only kibo's vote counts no matter who he voted for the only one who survives is kibo [Music] so in other words the winner is hope [Music] but kimbo said earlier that he'd sacrifice himself and take the punishment right so we're going to punish him he'll be participating in the next killing game hold it why are you punishing kibo if kibo survives then there's no need for him to be sacrif it doesn't work like that he needs to follow through on his words [Music] that's not fair are you twisting the rules again i'm fine because this is all fiction maybe it's a bit forced but that's fiction for you right well since i didn't vote i'll be killed with you guys but i'll accept my death if you guys are willing to die to stop the killing game i'll die to continue it even if it's just fiction i gave my life to make it i've given my life to danganronpa [Music] and how about this for the next bloodline hope has won but the lone survivor kivo remains trapped now he'll challenge the killing game anew will he be able to grasp true hope and ending like that can work right [Music] what this is the worst possible ending but this is bad at this rate our deaths will be meaningless well we already know the outcome but we should follow protocol please tell us the results okay then let's begin who will be chosen as the blackened who will win hope or despair [Music] you
Channel: Flintosta
Views: 434,500
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony, Danganronpa, Rebuttal Showdown, R.S., Scrum Debate, S.D., Argument Armament, A.A., Ryoma Hoshi, Kaede Akamatsu, Tenko Chabashira, Kirumi Tojo, Miu Iruma, Korekiyo Shinguji, Gonta Gokuhara, Kaito Momota, Maki Harukawa, Monokubs, Shuichi Saihara, The Outside World, Boss Fight, Boss Battle, All Bosses, All Boss Fights, Class Trial, Visual Novel, Deadly Life, No Damage, Perfect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 5sec (5465 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 28 2021
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