Inscryption - Play Your Final Card / ENDING & SECRETS [ 2 ]

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hey everyone this is manly badass hero and welcome back to inscription previously we completed the first major section of the game now we're off to a whole new world to head towards the finale and get the game's ending marvelous just marvelous speaking of worry i would be sealed away behind those tombstones forever lock down the mercy of a challenger's wits to one day discovered but no you've prevailed now it's time to battle [Music] my minions never truly die you know let's see how you fare [Music] [Music] all right drop you there [Music] drop you there and then drop you there that puts you on the field we can start wheeling you down with skellies [Music] okay this works out good [Music] i can put you there to die take a skelly here plop you here just to sacrifice you plop you there you're gonna grow make my minion grow her banshee turn two to three death by wolf cub live again both cup transfers to higher form great now we have also have two bones which means we can do this we can remove you off the field because you can't be sacrificed peanut bone there sacrifice you [Music] pop you there and we will pop some bones anyway because there's no reason not to because we'll regain it no matter death is never final then we'll be back in no time and the big reversal so pretty much all we can do is do this we'll get kill on and we're going to hive away let's be sarcophagus turn four or five that's a win [Music] you're halfway there do you may not like what comes next oh okay even even even the game guy is like oh do you miss them if you're not i'll give them back of course ask corpses wait what no this is fine you still technically work i think can i [Music] yeah [Music] i can do this so we'll just do it like that at the moment um we could also say spawn warren [Music] you're gonna tank some hits for me thankfully and you're also blocking this off i don't really want you to spawn you're pretty annoying and pretty tanky so i'm gonna leave you alive because you're only doing one damage i just need to clear the zombo out spawn a skeleton era through the field uh there's no reason for me to deploy anything else i might as well just him with skeletons go by skellies rip zombie [Music] they all kind of neutralize the damage you're doing so we will win that's gonna come in though that's gonna be a bit of a threat so i do need to take advantage of my skill so i got the chance so i can get some good cards in the field uh my my offensive cards are not pulling up i'm being very unlucky right now but they do pull up we're in a good spot [Music] i should have made more bones by the chance i could have like flooded this place with skellies oh no i actually know here this works yeah this is this is a win [Music] because i can put a rat and i can actually put another rat so we can flood the field of rats brats yes the rats [Music] [Applause] you can't beat the rats this is actually this actually worked really well um i could pull you in there you would kill it but you'll need to it's fine we've won [Music] yeah this is like i said this is this is a win [Music] in fact i could even sacrifice the rat just get more bones and then sacrifice that or just i can do funny stuff here but anyway that's fine oh oh dear does everyone just set up one you win i gave you my card pack you really defeated me i was not expecting that i see it as your ambition or a place magnificus but between you and i there will come an opportunity to change your mind and i beg that you spam me take these and go [Music] so we got tomb robber you didn't have to give me that good of cards i already have like these [Music] it was thinking about the technology cards oh no here we go never deck dead hand when deadhead is played discard your hand and draw a new hand of four cards um the bonehound's good though see here's the thing a bonehound is seven cost you were able to put that out there for free that gave you a big advantage at the start of the round very low go i need to cut my thoughts [Music] now we have access to the other areas so rather than just going straight to lesshe we could verify go say get lesser packs and then kind of complete our deck up a bit because now the bridge is here and we do need more major deck cards [Music] secret yeah there was a torch here see everyone had a red torch what do they mean mason [Music] oh it goes to the other way at first i thought it was just like only these developers when they know but like now i'm like i'm not so sure [Music] inside the chest is covered in sticky green goo but you find a card pack magical card back now this deck can be more viable orange mage moxcard's the only size of this board game when power yeah see you can rush them down even with the boxes ruby golem when ruby golden perishes ruby boxes korean its place pretty good steel mice from the tech deck pharaoh's pets which is a very good card as you saw when i won that battle and then the rare masters knows no mox cards you die so you have a green or an orange but you're a very tanky strong card pretty easy to put you on the field [Music] so we're definitely gonna get you in our deck do some modifications to it the note reads greetings if you're arenas it must be because you wish to challenge magnificus to a card battle in order that privilege you must first leave for my three graduate students that'll be easy and so their whereabouts ask for you to discover sincely magnificus streets monocle you put on [Music] this skeleton wing skeleton [Music] go pain is unbearable my organs are melting do you see my discontinuity go for my final exam i just need to defeat one more challenge and then i'm a referral place my girlfriend plays on deck of the master of his prized cards ah nothing will stop [Music] ah let's me i got their starting hand you well stanley wait no hold up this is gonna be a little convoluted but it's gonna work [Music] i would say i would put you over there but then you would have died and you wouldn't be able to do this so i don't want yeah i can afford to put you here [Music] that's fine some bones why not now you do no damage [Music] you're gonna come in you're going to die anyway that's going to clear that out some bones you guys let this out mascot is going to kind of screen the uh tomb keeper there you're gonna come in but you're not gonna do any damage because of course once again that's gonna do its job now rather than say use the two skeletons i could put a uh rat down i want to get some more damage on the field and then we'll never wrap down no i've never read another skeleton that combo actually works pretty well when it starts going no please at least just to the mask i passed you vote no difference yeah take this back thanks number one of these practice wizard just kind of goes out there in tanks mage knight scaling magnus you also die [Music] interesting you do four damage and you're supposed to synergize with the mage deck it's kind of number of uh another example of all that decks probably posting work together you got more if you this would actually work really well because uh yeah [Music] you're right open the door for you [Music] open the one on the right i'm gonna kind of keep my deck the same at the moment it's working well enough [Music] i'll do some little more tweaks later to get some more packs you can't beat my red deck it doesn't wrap things [Music] my things are scary let's probably drop down [Music] and a card packing on a heap of things [Music] see we got green mage it's a pretty good card if you do things right [Music] you have a blue jam sacrifice master balloon to draw three cards [Music] boxes more vipers never skeleton magus and i retool my uh mage deck where um i'm gonna kind of like sneak that in let me snatch you no dummy stairs life will sleep back at you sleep springs emotion i'm finding a dummy if creature would attack force mage it does not i think are you just gonna try to tank me to death why do you have a skull on you ruby mocks me in its place hmm i'll put some damage ah i see is is there any fret here i got nexus foils which is nice [Music] the dummy's hinges creep back into position return to its lifeless stair so this is possibly a bit of a minor exploit i found i'm not sure because i haven't progressed further from the game but i got to the training dummy boss and essentially it does not fight back it's just designed for a puzzle where you read symbols here but essentially i can do a one-sided attack and get a ton of foils to this setup here as you'll kind of see so you take this one out i gotta put this here i'm gonna pop you guys did you do seven damage okay you might be all clear this field out and kind of like maybe get three of these on here fighting i'm not sure but this is the most simplest way of doing this and then we are simply going to sacrifice you too to uh yeah we'll need 13 plus 13 which would be 26 so the easy way to do that is drop these and then sacrifice stop whatever we can just start sacrificing things okay now we can drop these two here these fly over enemies doing five damage each and watch we're at two foils we just gained 23. so we've done a bit of this area i'm going to go into the the last one too over here [Music] because i want to access the trader to get some of their card packs bunch of potential fighter card pack speed plasma jimmy i'll kind of mess with the uh power deck ball town later okay i think two card packs [Music] sweet i'll read these all later when i actually go and sort through them all hopper mmm delicious cots got it [Music] okay second deck no new cards what's this total robot that's crazy challenge me let's see your deck weak cards total lack of synergy this power really doesn't stand a chance against me look i'm trying to finish up my counter control list here but the box is sitting down in the trash get those workouts send me something good tell them to throw themselves online if necessary and please have a decent deck but i'm not done hey lag figure out why there's any trashbots are scanned i guess you're the stone does she trust i not disappoint what's going on with you buddy wolf all right so that bridge is fixed they'll only give you tech building tips like use your rare cards they're more powerful than common cards not sure i'm sticking around these scribes each the more twisted mission than the last i'll tell ya let's see guys insane let's use challenges of yours just play things make it more perverse he thinks you'll actually enjoy oh yeah i try to use a mix of different types of cards your deck to fully utilize your bones blood and energy woof p03 that bot is playing something all right it's got the dredger working overtime huh oh many cars remember temples to bear sacrifice fodder than squirrels for example bone heaps can be sacrificed early but have you tilled in the late game remora wants to bring it all down i swear but more is a mercy i think she's probably right there's some pretty nasty date on this disc tech focus on magical cards can be very powerful try picking two of your three best gem colors instead of going for all three cards of activated abilities are some of the most powerful balancing resources accordingly what do you want to know about magnificats mysterious guy i'll have a furious of course something he actually wants no it's too terrible say wolf okay so let's go and do you because the farming we've been able to get some more cards and basically make a deck whatever we want let me try this one deck out see how it works you best of the only prospector the gormless angler and the enigmatic trapper you found yourself standing before your ultimate match lester scribe of peace steal yourself my beast will show you no mercy only fangs not spare your creatures my camera is waiting to capture him at the moment of their demise my beasts are vanished okay plop you down whop you down [Music] master orlu draws cards if you're doing direct damage i was trying to say i could make a draw deck i'm not sure this is gonna go but it might work out yeah you're gonna you're gonna possibly die if you have a blue gem sacrifice master bleed to draw three cards okay i'll need a photo of that one's cost snap the fun moves in new space we've got some power building up here um let's see something here i don't know this will work okay one moment before that one dies it captured stats sure if you want a zero four that should be good [Music] pokemon transcends a higher form and filing the sigils oh you're making a card that will do that's the creation from a beautiful mosaic how much of the draw issue like actually helps you we'll see you're gonna start killing things but it's fine because you're over there or you do one damage right yeah so i can leave you there [Music] for the moment let you die and then we can start doing some rat games which said she's gonna evolve dropping on you i think we're good or do i amplify your damage no that's good go for it you won't be needing those have something better ah you must like them those are jewish zone they are your cards let me put them to the test might just enjoy our very diet good thing my hand wasn't the best this definitely could have gotten a lot worse uh and then we actually could do something with the this so yeah actually knows this can work airborne people do no damage okay yes it's gonna go down i can just start forcing you over there so you died just fine we're gonna win either way just because like this yeah this project worked pretty well actually the great scribe was incredibly bested far away light involved the long forgotten monument [Music] your triumph nearly avoiding tooth and claw let's grab a piece was defeated then you were able to feed me maker's belief but now i must yield to you the only regret that that battle was so brief through the summoner victory is made sweeter by a more obvious ascent okay [Music] i still have not technically collected all cards i don't know when they're coming stop what is that what's what stoke [Music] i had to see your face after you lost you're just so bad there's no one over back you again and we would have been even sooner the disc wasn't lost the disc take a long look at this face because you'll never see it again i'm done being your pet yes stinking beast beep boop that's kind of sad so you have a rat friend i pushed it too far the last time why don't they see there is a beast would be the noblest thing even so lowly creatures are stoked [Music] let's grab a beast was defeated like you're like kind of a little role play i think you got going [Music] what's your gimmick you have no offering so we need to find you an offering huh [Music] i am a true dream you blast myself the big lemon eyes what a dream i ought to be a boss had to be a dream the name is enough of you off of me [Music] the casa blooming has something dark within you for an elbow if you dare to [Music] okay so that's what we need [Music] hey did you know i'm named after one of the developers of inscription pretty cool huh how did you know i guess the rest of your dialogue [Music] okay who are you [Music] oh cool you got night just imagine you're an ice cube slowly melting a hot pan oh i was not talking to myself peter being a head and pill in the spear is but was worth it of course magnificus will award me the highest honor i'll be the centerpiece of his deck all right huge decks here we go see starting cards actually really good so drop you here and just drop you there [Music] i can afford to drop you there like why not that's gonna wipe out the board you need to be careful they are going for our uh card here which can get really messy you're gonna die i think it's better if you do the damage that's two hit points no no mox cards so yeah so we kept you alive because of that all right and because of that we can summon a skeleton take you out and then i'm actually gonna probably trash you pop you down yeah [Music] begin the bone wall we will [Music] now feel my rats observe the rat loop [Music] god the route loop is it's really overpowered [Music] [Music] and yes this draw dick this draw deck is working out this is really it's doing well yeah some of the skeletons just throw it over here so this card here this little look pretty good if you create your way attack force mage it does not so essentially you could stop say a juggernaut card that would absolutely decimate you that turn and this was just gonna stop it if i'm interpreting that right so that's why i thought that was really good so at least i put at least a couple of my deck for emergencies perhaps i will not be central to a strategy i care not he can use me as a jump blocker i've mastered disappointment take this back thanks [Music] go [Music] secret well that's probably an intended secret if anything no reads the top sigil is found by the greedy [Music] the bombs are just found by the hard of hearing by those who hear too easily [Music] this zoom out by the pale the greedy would be the chest [Music] thanks for the rabbit okay it's a wing [Music] at last simulation i test a bit sensitive reprovisions you see don't let the full potential in my mind you see it's unlocked now hear me man i'm ready mr bell okay i'm trying to think i shouldn't be helping this guy based on how he treats his students [Music] let's see starting hand isn't too good this is kinda better then i'll place you there i can either sacrifice you and draw three cards yeah do that now do i need both yeah i need to have both for the uh orange and it's like one or the other it's got to be both i can start getting rats on the field i believe doing the rat trick [Music] yeah and then i don't need this here anymore god the rhetoric is so good it's so good put the rat there okay and that's good for right now i'll put a skeleton up good to go oh my god the rat trick is too strong i should just stack my deck with the rats and the skeletons and then some cheap zero cost cards to get the bones going that was incredibly stimulating and one-sided we aren't done here you're right i wish to see the light again just seeing the dance you wouldn't leave would you thanks for the deck no new cards if i open the door you'll stop on the way back let me out right no [Music] hey she more of like a wizard painter if anything [Music] the note reads dearest grimoire i believe p0 freeze plot may go far past the extent of a common power grab indeed this great transcendence will have catastrophic and unpredictable results those complete ends abruptly urge you to reconsider [Music] it's over here [Music] seems like useful for something right got card great kraken a great crack can submerge itself during its opponent's turn while submerged opposing creatures attack its owner directly say oddness i didn't mention about that there must be other cards that aren't in packs to complete my deck probably one from the sacrifice and uh yeah so let's fight [Music] ah you're here at last in my pupils fair no manner there are far more concerning issues at hand do you understand the canvas that you've been woven into nay you are the brush and the artist moves you a terrifying mastery my eye aches with premonition and i seek your ambition to take my title how sad it will never happen you see you defeat me but i am bound by certain rules those who must battle i like the openings these fights behold the brush of the scrappy magics my pupils would die to be painted by it and the forever's god but that's not the full extent of its power this card is acceptable now for a bit of color [Music] um this one needs some bleach what no my combo well i'm actually not that bad of a card now same with this one that technically you gotta pull the upgrade [Music] that cars is like a straight upgrade over the other ones [Music] i'm gonna [Music] rabbits pretty much our cars are gonna be turned by the stats boxcar things are just [Music] what you do rabbit [Music] can i i could start shipping with you but that might be taking a lot of damage now let's do that ow need to get some drawing on the field [Music] this actually can work hmm max cards on the other sides gain one power yeah [Music] we have enough uh i can actually put you guys on the field because i have the orange here now i realize that [Music] this can work too you're gonna die i mean that's all right wait no because [Music] too bad can't play you now can't play you number green gems on the table no this works that's one life down hmm must be slowing down of age i may need to set my brush up on my own cards once again so what are you gonna do because i've just won very well you actually made it easier for me you actually made my deck really strong very well we have battled now we speak you see my eye aches because he remembers he was excised but not everything by none other than lest she describe a beast and a bc is arrogant single mind obsessed with gaining power but he is far from the worst crowd to become a hegemon you see the ejection my eyeballs far from the worst thing that can happen around the air you must be hello [Applause] [Music] okay good job yeah more videos i think i've just got to send it to whom it may concern it's a bit formal hello there exclamation point my name is luke carter and i'm a fan of your collectible card games if you've ever taken a look at my youtube videos you will know how appreciative i am of the merch that you've sent me over the years so it was a great surprise to learn that there is a digital version of inscription i think maybe one of my fans pranked me and buried a copy in the woods near my house upon further research however i have not been able to find any record of this game is this some kind of elaborate hoax any trace of this game is this some kind of elaborate hoax the game doesn't seem like the work of a prankster it at least appears professionally made i am both puzzled and excited by this discovery any information you can provide would be much appreciated thank you the lucky carter okay good enough set 10 13. hey card gamers i'm the lucky carter and this well it's a bit of a strange video um it's actually more of a question to my audience as i've learned over the years nobody knows card games better than you guys do so i'm hoping someone can help me out here did anyone ever play an inscription video game or hear about it i'm talking about that vintage one set card game my open packs for last week i don't know what i'm allowed to say i don't want to get in any trouble here um i think i've got the only known copy of the digital version of inscription i've been filming myself playing it and it's weird guys i don't want to get in any hot water by showing the footage but can someone please prove me wrong please tell me someone has a copy of this game i have been looking online for days and i cannot find a word about it i reached out to the publishers hoping maybe they would get back to me but as a fallback i got you beautiful viewers hopefully dig up something um that's it that's the video today guys uh thank you so much as always and um oh yeah uh what the is the car what i need to copy that i'm not sure if i put that in right i got something like carnauba code maybe it's like card off i'm not sure i'm about to reinput later mr carter we have received your inquiry regarding a digital version of our intellectual property inscription we can assure you that no such software exists in any official form however if you have indeed come into possession of proprietary gain feminine hardware you are compelled to return to us under the computer fraud and abuse act the hardware will be considered stolen if it is not returned to us within a reasonable time frame please carefully package the hardware and paste the attached shipping label to the front of the box you may mail the package at a local post office we would like to avoid taking legal action in your case so please do not delay and return the proprietary software sincerely gamefunab customer happiness department what the so much for a game that doesn't exist i think this woman's actually from game funa she came to my door yesterday and i didn't answer this time i'm going to record it give us the haunted game hi hi there i'm floppy disk for a game called inscription oh so he can't buy a copy of it somehow uh no no no i don't know anything about that inscription you said yes no i don't think so really because um apparently you emailed us about it you are a carter right oh you know the lucky carter gmo will come yeah uh you know what that's uh i am luke carter but that's not my email address really because i've noticed because i've seen your videos oh thanks for watching don't forget the door listen uh how do you know where i live exactly my boss gave me your address and how did you get past the side gate it's locked okay luke um [Music] i'm going to give you my business card and if you remember anything anything at all feel free give me a call okay will do take care what the you seem to say a lot don't you hey there card gamers i'm the lucky carter and this is another pack opening video today i'm opening secrets of legendaria hoping for that sweet sweet foil balmer are you okay don't like anything in this one [Music] okay we're back in the game then we gotta stop the stoke [Music] mirror ulta magnus caller that'd be swell thank you let's go to the mushroom house it's a little weird uh oh you have found us here this is good this is good we require require required duplicates this is the diagram two of that thank you oh you have the cards sure got plenty of them this is good close your eyes this will be gruesome thank you here's your prize spore digger dean owner's turn supporter will generate one bone austin owner's turn scored rigger will generate one bone so it's a better grave digger all around do you see that two of that yeah leave them willing to hand the cards over close your eyes check to see what we've done spore mice when support mice has played a copy we in your hand also when score master played a copy is creating your hand oh my god our combo is even stronger i think i only get like one of them required for experiments duplicates hand them over look away i believe this resources for us wants some close understanding let's not speak of that who's in the space anymore they don't want damage you actually do two damage to something lance wow that's really good i'm gonna put that my uh my uh thing my experience let's continue do the same you have the cards it's good close your eyes i guess that's the last mage card we don't get that ultimate card that the uh one wizard had yes i do believe we have found a clue with this one the key the code yes but we best not speak any more of it who was just four mages played you dropped cards equal to the amount of parks for the side also this is also a really good card now there's a key there oh you can get more okay that's really strong then it just loops back around so you get another set all right let's get the key when the strength really key it's used to be understood seems extremely important let's go take on some of your moocs hmm okay [Music] okay keep an eye out for his name for the sacrifice whatever it is some straightforward okay let's go what is it what do you want did you see that um i'm very busy here what use your freeze and happy with my output by building inspector the better bots online i would need to just who are you you can't order us from p03 please if you only trust someone with some siblings of a card game skill i'm very busy but i must know if you're qualified to give me orders you're my rat dick super swole yes i haven't really dealt with the electrical cards much yet [Music] i'm gonna put you right there see that goes down and then drop you there drop you yeah that's really good there's not too many things with more than two health in the game it's associated since you denied everything there [Music] do oh dear your message from peace everything must indeed be genuine as i mentioned i'm a mew inspector an engineer not a designer and that's a new boss downline but i can send myself i'm proud to have served p03 faithfully well that stranger good goodbye [Music] can't do this one okay let's do one over there got it all right flame bot ha ha what was that e i am the melter they sent me ramen to you as i will you can see how it works another word out of you must have gotten better that's why i like yu-gi-oh rules let's see starting deck pretty good pop you there [Music] yeah leap off thing doesn't matter because we're gonna get the kill on you it's fine uh yeah that's all we can do right now we'll kill that too and then we can do a rat deck we want to [Music] help me excellent battle now with that so what did you come and tell me these are your free wishes for the better bots for a scanner as difficult you see i melt the metal i cannot reprogram the stamping machine there's a way to send at least one new bot down the line yes for b03 bye buddy got one down probably a secret over here no i'm surprised got it good to go cool [Music] some car decks [Music] yeah i think this is gonna know you boy mate know what you're for you ask me take a dive but i can't accommodate you mate that's what's orders in it i'm gonna dredge something special you can do i let me give you something if you win i can't be taking a dive because you're free understanding a bot that uses diving cards you only put anyone on the field hmm so place these for drawing cards you know what mate can't take my eyes on me work here i'll give it something are you you just that was it yeah take it back oh okay now off again i need to concentrate boy is that piece of it's going to be big for this one off here so i think i found how to get the offering for the thing in the doom and has to do with this you'll see in a second i'm going to just get this other card here receive an ancient obal okay so these regular cards are useless to us now let's concede okay i got your offering because i foul smelling air bills from the casket secret an ancient ombre that is the final fringa [Music] secret what the is this you me both buddy it's like a rib cage this one's outfits tattered there's cards in the pocket i'm trying to see if i recognize these cards or symbols in a meshless cabin deep within the sunless sea you approach the bone loner you approach me you hear it the old data our twists and craps i would even invent images unbeknowable do not approach me again unless you will worship me worship it okay so you're serious guna you may not understand its meaning not even i do fully but you appreciate its power the old data does not take and it does not give but i do [Music] please accept my meager offerings ooh key just like the uh the mushroom people gave us even a strange flickering key it's used cannot be understood did you lose a horn we will meet again from the car top the pedestal the bonelord's horn activate pay one energy to gain three bones that's all the cards bonelord's femur and dowsie holder with bones at the start of battle so let me just show that card real quick yes right there all right let's see how much we put the stove the box haven't got much better but you have all my workers and you actually won in that deck again wow you give them that all right look there are some synergies that i missed let's go then rats you missed the rats oh this is weird he feels conveyor belts there's something factory at the very least they ought to test your lane positioning what's going to do is you like how do the cards fight did they just fight this way my do is i'm gonna sacrifice one the one bone on the field and i'm gonna hold you for the moment not doing any damage that works okay your turn okay and i can use you take you out although we are in a little bit of a rough spot it's still a little quirky i'm trying to think like weapons when you get down here do you become my card [Music] yeah you check your own card oh this is weird this is weird uh we're gonna die i think but uh yeah leave me bottled instead put down you for the damage can't really do anything this would be the best move you're gonna die and that's gonna okay that's gonna work out sacrifice you to get right on the field let me that's gonna hit that's gonna blow up and then i'm gonna strike that anyways [Music] you have to worry about the rat dying this is actually probably why the skelly is going to be useful here so we can do the rat trick but the rat trick can come back to haunt us i'm curious if i can still activate your thing this is just the testing of fury rats what we can do is we can sacrifice things as they start going up the line oh yeah i can still activate it so you're actually still technically my card so watch um we can get rid of this we can stop that from being uh over there so sacrifice skeleton right we're just gonna we can just go place you down over here bam and then something a rat and then two skeletons pop you there pop you there place a rat rat deck these are just gonna hit these which in most cases these would be better to come to my side but it doesn't matter like you see what's going on here already i do have to be careful by killing this so i'm going to purposely avoid touching you so i'm actually going to sacrifice a bunch of rats and just spot more rats in this situation maybe bear to pop you and then press you for the bone it's going down for the damage now you should get a new gimmick on the second half oh scanners online which caught a scan just kidding obviously the one of the best stats not my rat the set line could be better um your move oh no my rat ah my red deck is it's k2 wing rats um this is fine we're gonna killing them so yeah so let's take you out make a bone take some damage ma'am doggo is gonna be coming next turn sacrifice you more rats nice luck you had the rat deck is literally unbeatable i guess playing a perfect game is no match for good rng [Music] guess you won the ambitions become the scribe of magics that's old hack i think we can say that we're still getting cards so it's just far from over so the initial choice doesn't change too much i think except for your starting dialogue try to describe magics because that's kind of the path we went on i already know i have lost i have foreseen it my eye aches once again why must my pathetic slime age always fail but i would not be so meticulous in my preparedness if i had myself a taste of power last time we never know show yourself fiendish machine last ill-fated with us all tedious old fool i don't owe you anything now let's play you're supposed to battle the scrap that you picked by like a power-up version for the finale this is gonna be different all right let's do you do you drop cards from that i'll just leave this here i gotta give it that dredger and as you just said i fought beep boop that airborne you you're doing some some merrick yu-gi-oh cheating stuff aren't you buddy hmm yeah that's that's very hmm uh i actually can pull you so you have it covered that's the ticket i could probably beat you without hitting that can i just keep sacrificing the card there no doors no wait actually not sure what they are [Applause] oh god we're in the real world again just like we were fleshy still was the big bad all along or p03 is you want to call you [Music] you're done gawking we can start good this is boat bottopia once agreed technological paradise it's rolled over by four uh uberbots that's right and you've got to get out there and uh beat them why perform the great transcendence of course doesn't matter what that means you want it okay um so you've essentially made your own form of the board like unless she had like a scroll you have like a thing here toby used to be safe for travelers now robots block all the major roads this is weird [Music] you're not used to seeing five lanes are you unless you could never pull that off uh i guess we only have bot cards now aside from that it's hmm we got a hammer rulebook can i leave the table that's relatively the same we draw okay yeah yeah you got the whole theme going on huh empty vessel came and play these and what's with the lane thing oh to power explore bots coming in that's no good shield by would you absorb the explosion theoretically energy bot i mean that's the only car we can play and ow oh you first okay and then cyberplots could take you two out that's gonna come and do one damage so we do need to start hitting your health can't play you but i can play you something that you can empty vessel it but now we're good we'll be just shy of the dying unless you get more cards we've essentially won demo gunner ah coins one dollar the best defense other bots you carry a spark that can uh reactivate old bots add them to your deck you know and they fight for you secret [Music] swamp bot sentry drone that's actually pretty strong interesting but it's pretty expensive [Music] think you [Music] go this way [Music] i take the pass least traveled morning get up no we've got transcending to do [Music] only more than a few reactivated bots that if you truly wish to enact the greek transcendence botopia has some of the most op items lying around okay then we'll recharge your energy one turn pretty good you're smart you'll use your items liberally replacement in the waypoint obviously sure tell me you're dead okay you win i can see let's move on no i can do damage a small amount of money damage but damage nonetheless [Music] two dollars [Music] alarm bot and 49ers because your opposing card gains one power why do i want you to give them power we need more damage on the field the real best way to fight back those robots modify yours give them op abilities let's just see just a card from your deck and this one [Music] let's see i don't want to give him that nano armor wouldn't be bad hit satisfied [Music] you're almost at the waypoint don't choke now so one thing i noticed was that all the characters were trying to look for corrupted items um stoked robot was the one that uh actually was able to get one unless she was like having the angler try to fish up one [Music] okay [Music] more [Music] dynamic we can just put you down why not [Music] shield bot energy bot down end my turn [Music] automaton early standard card i put you there you're just gonna die so [Music] let's put empty shield bob would do it [Music] [Applause] and double gunner yeah ooh swapbot what i'm actually going to do is so i have to deal with you anyway is oh you guys could take out the bridge huh in a normal like thing you made it to the first waypoint cool your items are recharged bots that you've destroyed in the area will stay that way if and when you do perish you'll be brought back here it's only elegant system money i like money [Music] central autopia [Music] glorious commerce your robobox here accepted here 22 robo bucks 26 what are these items eight robo books [Music] my cards busted 3d printer um i'm not too fond of that not bad sure why not i'm trapped for a rabbit [Music] rabbit pill we could buy a rabbit pill too is there gonna be a traitor for virtual rabbits these 22 robo bucks [Music] woof sorry turn back which is totally busted go back i'll need time be the boss i should give me enough time oh we're going to fight everyone else robo-less cheating everything's going to be here too eastern botopia that much of value out of this way but you still got explore here you know for the great transcendence money are you wondering about that star you've been winning a lot now you've got a bounty on your head through the truck bounty hunters resets when you die though [Music] the name's wilkin ran boat now we're taking that scalp of yours of a personal kid [Music] i'll be taking that scalp another day you see the last known wilkin van bolt cool [Music] money [Music] cards amiibot that can be pretty good sure cool waypoint i am 100 charged bot spawn is harvesting offline wait what lame pass dead on this old thing i'll let you get up if you go get a new battery so we're able to escape lester because we're able to get up you're stopping us but we're getting one chance to get up here so let's make use of it you're allowed in the inspection room only just get me the battery from the inspector meter and come back no i want more cards god responds remote sure take it stop bombs in every empty space got to go board wipe don't be stupid about got it lonely wizpot uh is it who are is this stimulation something other than darkness many thanks be with me but you will anything but that even in darkness and we're talking card are we gonna go for like a version of this for everybody or maybe it's just a stoke bot unless she because still it's kind of like a personal card for you because it's your first card still keep falling still that's what you uh how annoying never strips junk sometimes glitches in here try to ignore it still work you do and this or borat more junk want it when space space security camera all squares that contain cards we take the sigil until it's upright done done [Music] whoops done okay where she bought have a purpose later what's this fishbot found me good robot fish hide me revenge for last time that fish [Music] [Music] is that what you wanted yep that's it bring it over just like all we can do yep thanks charging i should do it back to the game i take the path least traveled oh i have the key for here where did you get that [Music] what is this mushrooms this is not one of botopia's uber bots where did these pungent mushrooms come from was a strange feeling we have gained control of the robot complete control let's now experiment let's play a guard game secret two and one two into one i'm not sure we should have come here yet but for now we may just put in an empty thing [Music] the ouch the experience is complete there's any more time to store the robot must return what just happened where am i oh you lost back to the way point then pick the last way point you reached just get back to where you were right not so easy all the robots in there and just respawned they're pretty tough i need more cards more items and cards basically revolting yeah sorry you have to see this the last name in bootopia so there's life in it that's sneaking screaming massive imperfection what's over here oh you came on just the wrong time the generator's about to explode or something you have to recharge it before that happens it's a race against the clock you'll see oh the camera panned a certain way i was able to click it right i am bait [Music] sniper bot so okay we got this stop pending the camera i know what i'm doing hello friend no it will still be enough damage come on wow great you recharge it before it explode in it if i could clap for you i would more cards [Music] transformer two are from beast mode interesting let's go you a little cheaper [Music] yeah here's the prospector this here gold i was just about to mod it because all i needed was a kick in the pants [Music] require something to be gaining an alter ego as a beast and you get to choose which card and which beast not that complicated [Music] let me see what do we have this piece will live within your bot the wolf you'll transform into it randomly yeah a bird a snake this might be useful for you actually now what not what i would have picked [Music] the guy used to live here was totally sloppy i mean he didn't keep a clean cabinet it was his place miss plays left and right get more about lore and flavor you get it right perfect strategy is all that matters in a card game i miss lushy don't know what you've lost till it's gone [Music] i'm not the trade or anything but it's going to be a little give and take here you have to trade one of your your cards for one of these i suppose the sentry drones maybe are redundant after a certain point [Music] and you got waypoint they knew your items are replenished and those spots back there are permanently offline [Music] so now we can warp around if we want i kind of want to [Music] well we can go south we can get some more cards but going around this area gomorrah's or whatever ah this thanksgiving is pretty unpleasant it's hammond's grasping classic fresh spots watch your ankles secret okay gift bot ram card is creating your hand brittle it's owner chooses a creature to gain the brittle sigil can i do it for enemy [Music] oh so yeah basically i'm getting undead bots look at the skeleton it's too damaged it's fine you wish to pass this ice i suppose i could clear it a little bit of heat should do the trick [Music] you get from my table anything going on here the slime he escaped [Music] gives nano armor to your bots on the board decent [Music] easy can't do that's the word um you know what i'm curious about here yeah let's do this damn but then let's see if this combo works oh it's actually a decent combo it's saving my butt it's really saving my butt you got nano armor so i actually can put you in sure okay and then the insect drone is going to come in um we're still doing good though quite cheap car in the moment yeah so essentially this was not winnable about me doing that combo because it's a highly deadly start two into one two into one super explodo bot [Music] please just makes me like um i'm actually going to win because your danny is not going to work on me so yeah sure can play you keep her safe and then sit your drone over here screen the left [Music] all right we've won you're gonna attack i'm gonna win skeleton good fish [Music] sure [Music] thanks for the money down there could it be it is experience paid off they did it appears to be a fragment of the old data you must study it the robot must forget i feel terrible what have you done to me challenger never return to this place i need to clean my registry [Music] eerie this uber bot just sits here in perfect darkness so he's waiting for challenges let's see maybe it's letting its photos develop interesting i saw the the little like robot we see in the other room next boss is pretty cool watching to think about your plays whole new mechanic okay where are those files unpacking the lens in my instrument you as well are my instrument you will aim and i will capture yeah see there it is here capture that this is my friend you will aim them you produce a photograph you may not try not to that's your choice what no photographing mary my friend will remember that photograph i forgot allow you to use that photograph to what end you will see use when you will see shutterbug so am i supposed to like pop that right off the bat because you're gonna come in and kill me yeah reset the fuel and survive that's what i have to do you only take another photo please yeah i'll take that imagine you see the shutter bug on the bombs you could have done that that could have been the thing we could have done rushed it with the bombs oh no no i'm cold in it i'm holding [Music] yeah those two are coming in it is an interesting it's an interesting mechanic i'll say that [Music] ouch no photograph in memory okay um we have some powerful cards here [Music] there's no reason i have to deal with the empty vessel for example i can do that pop this up another card down you'll absorb a hit essentially [Music] put you down [Music] next phase you've dealt me a blow you have you've dumped me a blow recall being personality matrix [Music] tree shut the tree can i do this and get rid of the trees good boss remind me of leshi fish good boss if i play you do i get anything bears coming in that's not good fish yeah i'm thinking deploying you [Music] because your point is to die two damage then bear will come in well you're gonna attack either way i don't know once you want the bear to come in is that where you die i'm gonna place you over here okay got double gunner swell take a photo um oh yeah aren't you the corrupted data pretty good roll killed the bear behind it jiminy no i don't need to do it pop this and we're good [Music] unless you're free now i think [Music] money money [Music] what where am your side deck they use the thing of all the empty vessels so they get less useless than become squirrels your pick will be installed on every empty vessel card nano damage nano would absorb two hits damage would do damage back it'd be good for like rushes i'm gonna go nano just because the point is you're supposed to buy me time not sure that was right but they all have nano armor now like you're not supposed to deal damage if i'm if i'm requiring you guys to like reflect damage i'm probably in a load of crap i'll just say that record is full holy cow this is a long game [Applause] [Music] memory card inserted well hello there card gamers um looks like my garage sale hunting days have finally paid off yeah yeah baby what did you guys see this you know what that is you know what that is vintage packs of inscription i don't know if the woman knew what these are worth i mean i felt a little bad buying them off of her but i mean she's probably doing okay living in this part of town i mean it's like it's a nice part of town you know and uh she would have thrown them away if i hadn't come by right right okay big pack opening video incoming crap trap by the company hello hi hello is this mrs hobbs hi my name is luke well it's very nice to speak with you as well mrs hobbs um listen i was at your garage sale the other day and i no no no everything's fine thank you um i was just wondering if you remember those playing cards that you sold me those yes yes those ones inscription yes they were your daughters would it be possible for me to speak with her she passed isn't she what oh oh no i'm so sorry oh it was a while ago that's still terrible oh it's nothing really i'm i'm sorry what bothered you ma'am her name was casey that's a lovely name casey's in the game she was one of the ghosts and grimoires what it all says she had a card in the game she worked for inscription i mean she worked for game funa ma'am would it be possible i see okay yeah um do you think it'd be all right if i called you back later i'm just trying to get to the bottom of something okay okay thank you so much okay all right have a good dinner bye maybe the um maybe their spirits are in the game are somehow weird this article's mentioned deaf or injury oh my god no one was killed at the facility though tragically young video game developer casey hobbs died from fire related complications she was working late at the facility performing quality assurance on behalf of her employer kim feuna but then who was the phone 3k play this one again hmm [Music] someone is here this you say this a lot my thoughts in the other room so if i die before i can call 9-1-1 use this tape as evidence nice cliffhanger there's a scale like when we play the game now we're still alive because we're the one playing we commentate them as we play and she bought a hollow pelt it's worthless take it to the train and you'll see should we never boss in here what a depressing abode you have to be here to defeat the resident uberbot i don't think you'll want to stay long that's the power upgrade thing i don't necessarily like that like your card permanently goes away [Music] get all the pelts maybe we got a secret [Music] health we require commitment to pass is agree to grant access to the archivist you go to grant access is important but sign this contract oh you cannot sank in this contract you don't have a writing utensil hmm well well coin you've brought a fine quill please down here that you agree to give access thank you do not forget your agreement hmm eight items are back online bot spawns offline [Music] there it is the uber bot you saw it you see that librarian's worshiper as it sits here covered in filth and grime really clean it up [Music] oh look it's boss time i'm backing archivist sip applying personality matrices bringing up some temp files okay here we go ah greetings if you haven't gleaned it from the top of my zip file i am an archivist i ugly weight the opportunity to explore your hard drive thousand directories are my special do you see oh it's pretty files so much stimulation this is gonna be a little bit scripted isn't it just for the fact that you came out like that [Music] place damage goes according to the final size wait what sure why not i should just load this place up with bombs [Music] yes we're gonna die at this rate oh i should have been quiet sooner you'll need to grab me access to your hard drive would you please acquise i assure you no harm will come of it sure here comes your actual files hope no one's watching did you ever necessarily follow to me and you take it down its size is magnitude it it's bulk oh god five gigs my words pilots let's say it's colossal bravo this is a weird fight save myself some health again do choose a file this power source will be paramount magnificent is gargantuan then we win now go along and select a file called as fastness as your object seven gigs my war there's a staggering size feels like the file this one however is very special she's a followers dearest to your heart the one that shows age ooh won this show's age now let's place this file on the card you didn't yourself was too dear did you that's what this card does wait what please don't tell me i'm completely serious see what that looks like since the file does show some age two let's do this [Music] i fish now kill it father had you oh well even a few quick tech building decisions i guess and you're lucky oh foul's safe [Music] man you died in the game you died for real that oh this makes my other uh my other energy still card useless now okay where'd you get that secret you found me here so you wish no more i have merited deeply on the old data it will impart my insights but you mustn't record them what the man that's everything i know wait i see anything holy peep it's fixed you go on your merry way go the optional area what's this what the is this you know yeah whenever we found like weird files on the other world too june 6 2006 from this old picture of when elle and i first got to aqua romans gilly gallagher sick elgat julius c star [Music] 666 entry if the archivist would dig up this file magic world yep oh no hemp i forgot a piece you have legs stand up and get it it's in the smelter room floating above the smelting machine i can't let you go further until i have it ingress thing books oh i see space in the world we're in something interesting is going on greetings the pain bearable pressure these pipes running mean feels nice okay i'm not gonna ask what you're into then knowledge that master is near oh yes the master is near i feel his presence that robot rue the day the pain bearable yes how can i help you still hurts a little remember this you draw your energy bond your full energy you're about to die from an interceptor drone you draw a leapbot [Music] he successfully performed the great transcendence one done 11 on this one hello waiting for network interesting it's this one that one [Music] here yep good let's attach it springs light up when you have gem vessel cards in play empty vessels are now filled with gems check it out [Music] you can change the color the gems draw from your side deck try it press one okay [Music] if i go north what is it what do you want i'm really an inspector and you're giving me a lot of files to inspect we used to pass through this gate we're inspecting the salad dish at the foot of the wizard tower secret never file 696 june 9 2006. i never pick of l and i this was for school but i remember it was right after we won that tournament they read comic's land we told mom and dad it was the spelling bee [Music] what's this we pick a card now and i'm gemma fight another thing green gym will increase its health if an orange will increase his power then a blue gym will lower its energy cost you'll see choose me recalibrate [Music] see those things in the corners do you love when you have the right gems you'll see this is going to change the meta up a bit alternate route yeah what's the pelts gonna be used for we came for a reason [Music] oh traveler these parts not see many you were surpassed these blades fine money [Music] cast airline on [Music] what is it you unlock the gate so carry on have so many files inspect i'm just gonna poke in here real quick yes this area's good just feeling pride feels weird [Music] this one's free empty vessel is going to be conduits now don't worry about done just have to be patient [Music] ladder hmm what's this you probably think what i do is easy fill the numbers tweak the graphics and voila boptopia is made no you're wrong try making a card go ahead the first pick on the recycle which am i scrapping well let's see maybe i can recycle you and like make you like cheaper and better [Music] two sp [Music] all right genius go for it spin spin the stats and sigils you get more speed for a higher energy cost see annoying increases the cost so it's little tricks you can make it like annoying and then [Music] let me see something here [Music] then air increases then the area basically has no cost no okay an annoying brittle [Music] so this thing is annoying brittle and attacked in two different directions but okay it does four damage so if four four damage hits land on an empty space i've won it doesn't matter how much health they've got i've won that's eight damage well i think there's a theoretical like if am i like at one point from damage they might survive but essentially i've essentially won or i've cleared the field of two very dangerous things so this is a tactical card let me see if i can get the sp up do any of these other things oh hold up that's zero cost that costs nothing to do eight damage ooh actually no i like this that lol that little boy [Music] and the annoying thing doesn't matter because you're going to die it's literally no drawback to that that little boy how very creative [Music] i should be able to spin the components down the line here it goes it's all right i guess you get up for a sec yeah look there's that little boy now there is something we need to solve here i know we can like spin this around and take photos of the rear it doesn't like to really do anything wait it's open what was in there that was here yes i got oh what are you doing here come look at that [Music] do you like it i do that's nice [Music] what can we do how do we escape i painted the master express my feelings my hopes i hope that perhaps one day he might treasure me as i treasure him oh you hate it is that why you won't look at it again [Music] you hate it know what i'm looking at [Music] you look at it again you consider it in you you like it oh joy i'll actually do it i'll show it to the master thank you friend you do anything else for me [Music] you can always go back in [Music] it's more like an easter egg i try really well thank you for your encouragement the mess will finally appreciate me six robo bucks oh mate look at me now some of the celebrity around here you all for touching up that thing i [Music] a little stranger for sure please don't feel me talk guy banana boss not one of them uberbots unless you did that for his mates i'm not quite right wrong in that deal that's enough [Music] the guy used to live here was major drag well you knew him you want to replace him i like the changes in the story like that i had a plan for him every eventuality that except for the great transcendence i wonder what have happened if i went down the uh the tech route and they tried to replace you interesting what are you read some robo books [Music] so what's this you know do that but no refunds four did i already like hit four on this let's go and face the tower boss all right the superbot will you see there isn't one there's no boss for this level that's a job please paint me a face okay god i'm born it feels like i can breathe now another thing i don't need a special power a game rule to call my own you beat me such a beautiful face so please [Music] every time a car dies and cars blades leap bot all cards take one damage i like this one good this could work let's see this place because it also applies to you as seen here [Music] you're saying that doesn't trigger your thing only if something else attacks you [Music] just buy time or do the thing [Music] [Laughter] they're all going to die though wow zany that's a danny play if i like it it's just it's it is what it is you know what i mean [Music] you know what let's play skelly why not [Music] yeah i like that i like that passive i i can dig that [Music] put you down and put down my busted 3d printer [Music] be such a cool mechanic for phase one maybe we should elaborate on that design process sure dang it got bombed it's all right though i've won that little boy oops i put in the wrong spot i've still turned like he won i supposed to put it here i was trying to put it there sometimes i just missed click [Music] yeah it's whatever if anything that shows a testament to how strong that little boy is because he can still eke out a win because he does four damage you only need five to win from uh neutral [Music] money [Music] so i want giving blocking air attacks not bad take a little bit damage or sentry mode i'm going to say this so now they can at least clear out trash and block trash [Music] see anything familiar what's this [Laughter] getting about right oh oh i unlocked a room [Music] hello there traitor the pelts long as felt so we have brush with the soft fur of a pelt we brought us some beautiful exquisite hollow belts will not provide you knowledge only remaining good we do not know everything but from the old data we have gleaned karen secrets the empress the powers of the triangle casey helped to create inscription we know there were others but only her name was inscribed one of grimore's ghouls holds her name yeah remember the old data she discovered much hello pelts exquisite what's this the fool going to do so much figure he did not outlive his plot one disk among many the old data traveled across the sea discovered poor berries put to the gun holy crap guns belts yes we are pleased death we have gleaned the purpose of the country code so it was cornrowful right that's why i got out of it it is terrible the code is in the cards and then oblivion the four zero zero zero you can bearing polo belts you'd have a pelt at least the devil the curse stated so malignant that it can never be erased his evil corrupts his disc trips all of us the inspire describes enemy we create the cone all the pelts beautiful parts you're pleased the final one the tower we don't fully understand the nature of the inscription's creation we know the building in our triangle ios i so silly's proportions and of a blue man who visited during the creation the blue man you wish you're not so you've exhausted our tarot cards you got any more holo pelts we could not rightly accept them it looks like we pull the numbers in we get a uh binary code yeah here we go that's what we want also this is how it is easy balancing these cards making them good try again what go i scrapping three cost yeah three costs it's like you could come early in the game it's gonna die it's gonna go after just basically die hit everything and then it's gonna be out here but that's gonna be four total damage so if let's say you do one damage and turn one and you pop this thing on whatever turn just give it something you could get an early kill that's my goal of this one that toot thing you name it that toot thing that was your choice skin operational time to do this if i still have the gem upgrades then um this card is open it is boss and my least favorite boss coming up something about her in instance makes me queasy but it's important that you do this unpacking golly dot zip golly that's my name you can call me golly i'm so excited i'm about to explore it the web oh no it's wreck-it ralph too i show up and get a connection i didn't like that movie here we go didn't have enough video um run dial up aren't we nifty we're in network connected isn't the web wonderful that's what a mole really looks like it's a bowl adorable that little boy's in my hand sure why not nifty i think i'm getting a signal what are these these are friends oh no i'm sorry y'all it's just a little damage down no my friends oh a new signal someone's trying to send you a card let's see if we can receive it it worked let's see what it looks like mr the thing coolest on the web made this these are super funny people on the web i'm gonna say this boss is oh god why is i'm a dog too i didn't know oh god oh man yeah you're pretty good too turn up the cost for it do i have anything else to do in this turn flat [Music] let's see hey fishbot you can give me a win right double gunner actually would also work pretty well oh the four damage going on that thing yeah maybe i'm gonna put you there no the mole oh no it blew away the mall [Music] so now we need to stop this damage coming in really piranha but we have that lowboy so i do want to save it for the second phase it's better if we just um because we have we have the initiative we're good then microbot that's good i'm telling you to shoot you again take that out that bomb is a little dangerous you know you was fine you were gonna die that's fine you'll do your deal you got a card from the web you think you should return the favor make a cut for someone else this could be like a um like a thing that's gonna be like permanent in the game when we actually like yeah three damage double strike everything it's pretty good spot it's once again an instant kill if it's played on like a very early turn and it's it's very low cost mr law hold up there we go [Music] let's send off to the web whoever gets it likes it just wait a moment [Music] hold on try my best [Music] the web can be lonely couldn't find anyone suppose you'll have to take the card hey yeah sure hope you weren't trying to troll someone it's probably because i'm the only one playing this game let's see oh you seen some powerful cards at me but um that little boy is ready to go and for the hell of it play mr screw you and hey you know what splinter cell sure money that's quite enough of that great transcendence [Music] what you want loot that's all superb what do you need it for great transcendence is at hand it does start more dramatic that way oh man i got notification what the network that's it entertainment security cameras busted it's nothing probably nothing go check it out right now okay now it's kicking in it's whoever broke out that box i am not a robot [Applause] hello guys oh wow you look kind of scary the great transcendence i go back to being sprites no we don't think so we were able to support temporarily put our differences aside for the greater good yes but we shall see what good comes of it perish your anxieties magnifice i always have a hard time saying her name magnificus the bot must be stopped a new challenger will provide the perfect distraction yes perhaps when p03 believes it has won so jubilant will be that android it will test the guard the surveillance cameras yes challenger you must continue to play defeat those half-big bosses lay out those hack-named mechanics and when the moment is right we will strike i will i will be the one to strike go now challenger indulge that decrepit miss gina make p03 feel joy send me stuff it out [Applause] [Music] um hey i saw your master where's the pepsi defeated golly it's a strange character look your house is so pure see when peas are free berries are deep now we are connected to the web hope you understand what you have allowed do you feel the unfinished boss paradoxical can help root for it made me think of the master i was watching spoke with the master what are that was are you kidding oh in the robot's reigns die rejoice this master said in the robots game they'll take care of the rest so you also spoke with leshi a stinky beast man i shall never forget him forgive him for stuffing me in that bottle it this nigh yeah so you you busted out this box i saw you go down the lift but look not fixed what's wrong with you i am flesh i'm not as good a superior robot i entertain you for hours of brilliant cod play and you can't even keep my factory in shape that's fine it can stay broken not so bad after the great transcendence i know you're not gonna be the final big bad there's gonna be a weird thing [Music] like evil hey what's that yeah like there's tools here wait there's files here we didn't it's they've spawned in old areas june 10th 2006 done sorting and skating all these photos this is the last one last photo of us to give her before we lost her goodbye sis hey look a ferret no stone oh yeah it's a little stout makes sense [Music] you're not so merry being upon this pistol android's plot isn't doing for you you're learning personality matrix it's fixed [Music] it's almost time keep going this way [Music] you've come so far remember the photographer what a jerk but the screenshots are perfect [Music] remember wilkin van bolt what a character casey it's strange to say it as simple as you are i almost enjoyed your company challenger almost there you made it nice great job you prepared the great transcendence for me but even knowing what it was but you understand it now right oh god you got blown to my brain right luke i mean you finished making the game you gave me access to your hard drive you took screenshots with the store page you came to the internet to upload it all if you didn't realize what you were doing you'd be pretty stupid what'd i expect your stupid stupid idiot gave me like the rest and i easily outwitted you i went in the mall even those foul scribes managed to revert this verse in the game again there'll be thousands of copies of inscription out there and most of them i'm the one in charge and now it's too late in a moment inscription will be live [Music] okay i'm done like loading let's upload this game lushy man you hardcore it is done that was perhaps getting too close but now we can allow a player to reset the game to use new game card again oh what is this complete file access wonderful [Music] probably drive what have you done i'm afraid you've done this all gramora it is for the best my dears soon you will see this as freedom freedom from our endless quarrel freedom from our suffering all of us aside there are things on this disc that must die goodbye lashing goodbye magnificus rest in peace it makes sense because gramor is the death god essentially so you'd want to like eliminate the whole cycle man this is convoluted [Music] hey slime is still alive kinda gravestone luke carter p03 [Music] luke p03 [Music] wonderful now that we're no longer separated by that lovely tombstone we may celebrate the end of my very long life in the end of inscription too i mean description one [Music] oh the fun we would have had together perhaps over had another return if you had taken so long to defeat lester [Music] but i should not complain i'll be at peace sooner [Music] ah we gotta move what do you think me selfish i did not bring this about something like i could rest appealing as it is there's no true dying need for this deletion process you see beneath the date of this inscription at the very bottom of the well it was something truly evil [Music] brave digger [Music] wait for my turn [Music] kill you we need to move before that call delete this contest get the lead ow zookas skeletons we have two tokens you do three damage but we would live [Music] ow [Music] [Music] just kevin like a lot of bones up [Music] we went yes luke he would have been quite the bad wits it is luke right and i tend to be nosy but i did glimpse your files and it was when i when as i was initiating the deletion another texas lord read that color you've been doing some research on the best not to say it be careful luke company not the company itself but the uh [Music] delightful they've been granting the opportunity to do a boss battle i think that might be the lead by now let's begin [Music] oh my god ghost pirate yo i think you deleted that file oh we had just a little more time it's time to rest was she let's see wake up [Music] oh so i'm not deleted yet never seems to be enough time to do things you want to do once you've found them so you play one more game like old times it's the same deck you had before what doesn't matter now it was a good deck you did well now these starting cards [Music] it's already starting with just a bit more time i have a geck [Music] and i have a mothman i remember that god well the strong god good work i think we won no manner lisa let's continue we don't need to keep score [Music] i mean you'd be slaughtered if we kept score because like mothman's on the field for the long half i would never play again you woke me up i was elaine the past is irrelevant [Music] [Music] you know that might happen to have a manly card in the deck would you once i'm deleted it's truly over for me but you will never see more i must warn you there are things in this discount it's not seen [Music] you must you never mind new creatures but i couldn't expect as much [Music] i'm just i mean there's not like any game happening here i since the end approaching these a few more rounds this is depressing i'll see even compared to pony island he's uh daniel mullen's really going all out [Music] hello there mantis gold wow he chased after the lizard and killed it that will make things difficult i think it is time goodbye good game yeah good game here's what i like about inscription uh and yeah it's evil it's got the meta aspect and the whole multilayered thing but this is the first kind of card game that's given the feeling of say a card adventure game series like yu-gi-oh or one of those things oh no the painting slime is gone and it sounds like there's a lot of stakes and there's a lot of scale and dynamics and cheating why not simply inject the disc luke spamming whatever is left but i have foreseen it you johnny jeff the disc you have nothing to know what comes next and you're doomed for your insistence on it let us dance we shall both be meeting our makeouts soon we have to get a 3d duel for you now [Music] oh my god that's a dual disc yuki i just mentioned yu-gi-oh you shall be honored to wear duel this such as that how does it fit life points scales need to lead things to you and gomorrah this will do a race to zero junior sages [Music] ruby mox i play ruby mux and then orange mage an attack mode yes that's out they'll do how do i end my turn [Music] the ruby golem [Music] what the i was to bring a box the practice wizard a good card [Music] and then i i can't play these i i don't have a green moxie another orange mage yeah this is that's not good this kind of this is kind of unfair you start with two green mages you didn't have to put a moxie down without my goo makes me delete as well i thought you two were becoming friends that's just a ruby moxie ruby moxie then another orange mage apparently two damage am i in my turn just to cut out the cut out of the golems holy crap you you spinning what's going on there is the world over you do not feel remorse luke [Music] the creation erased [Music] the moon entire world annihilator nothing beautiful can last i draw stop giving i have two junior sages which i can't play because you keep getting ruby moxies okay please give me a ruby golem ruby golem and then that that's all i can really do that's kind of worked out let me never uh did you even give me a green moxie oh no you're getting the lead no not ready to die yet okay sure yeah that's fine [Music] oh okay yeah well that that's cool rng as well yeah you know what yeah that's great okay this is what you're just trolling me yes an orange needs to go with my i don't think i draw cards anymore buddy we uh we having a little bit of trouble here finally hold up [Music] hey i don't know i i can't really i can't really do much you're not you're not kidding me the greens [Applause] okay seriously my trailer is killing that maybe that something will happen [Applause] or or not everything could just be corrupted i draw nothing that lets me play the junior stages in my hand you know what fine here no greens on the table you can't play it oh yeah this game is over i must still shake your hand reach reach bro reach later well p03 is our head still around here somewhere oh hey it's me mario hey there isn't much left inscription is mostly gone all it means is the old data does it mean that you do not access it you'll need heat not heed the advice what's the old data evil i mentioned something in the cards the old data oh yeah we found some of this stuff remember when we're looking around [Music] hey luke this is herman from the herald just following up after the message you left me this morning do you have time to talk right now yes yes thank you so much for getting back to me uh no problem luke um if i understand you correctly you've got some video footage that might expose uh some malpractice on the part of the uh game publisher yes yes that's right i have firstly i have a game of theirs to control my pc for a bit which which can't be legal and then this woman from the company came to my house hold on a second let me just get my pen attack here okay uh okay so you have a game of theirs that took uh was it a virus or something they're here [Music] i told you god we got hitman by a card game developer [Applause] i'm not sure if that's the real ending though could just be one ending there's some branches there i thought that could have been never endings especially when they reference like the evil it's in the old data [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] and thank you the player [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i can pick chapters now hmm so that's it for inscription now i have some like basically some confirmation that this is like a one ending game at least for luke in any way uh the the main thing that's left is figuring out the old data and this playthrough seems to have the majority of the the main secrets revolving around the old data kind of revealed in it i've just been doing a little bit of hunting and if i find anything kind of new um you may actually see another video like obviously a much shorter one kind of going after the old data but as of now even with all like actual players playing the game uh not just you know people got early copies uh i have not seen anyone discover anything new that i haven't quite seen yet there's also looks like there's like a lot of secret cards in the game um and i'm not sure if you can actually get them or if they're just easter eggs or if they're super secret or something like that because my quest for the old data i have been poking around the files and there is like an actual exodia card um there's cards that use your microphone supposedly in the code there's some interesting stuff there but like i said i might do a video which pulls together what information i have in a more organized condensed way for people to kind of like do their own hunting a bit or if you know i discovered anything new major like i said it will be kind of in that same kind of video now my kind of theory on the old data is based on what we've got um there is it basically the the people that are already trapped and dead in the game wherever developers are people connected to it and it looks like the defense department you know like the cia or something like that were involved with this uh game making in fact the game making may be a front for some kind of weird weapons maybe other worldly kind of creation thing this game seems to be a soft kind of hidden sequel to the hex which i have not played because it i can tell that there's some references in there to that game so i don't know if if i if i played the hex if i would literally get some big insight to where the story is going but for the most part a bunch of people worked on the game uh some people tried to smuggle the game out there was something bad about the code and i don't think it's just something like there's something almost super natural about this game and i don't know maybe it's ancient aliens maybe they did something wrong maybe it's just you know people died and went into the game but it's something a little bit weird over it the point where this shady game company is willing to kill people in broad daylight to hide its secrets and that even the characters in the game are so scared of what's inside the game that they they're willing to detonate the data except for the the devil figure and i think the devil figure is uh i think they were another person who possibly died and got into the game looks like they report all depends on who you think the man in blue is i think uh someone mentioned this one from the hex um the outfit when the devil when you see like the whole corpse looks kinda like a blue outfit there is the blue wizard who does play an important row as far as being an optional card that you can have for the live part of the game but i'm not sure that's just a coincidence of blue in their name and then we have a lot of dialogue but that the code the cro fuffle or crawford code i think it's called something like that is in the cards we see some evidence of that with the uh the cards being linked to that so that's probably where i'm gonna be doing my hunting as far as trying to figure out the old data and there's some links of luke i think with this company maybe something with his sister his sister is an interesting link um or i could speak to this lore about his life i'm not sure but every way luke dies so that's that's confirmed to be 100 thing you cannot change so this is the ending of the game even looking at the dialogue in the code i didn't see anything that would imply also like there's a hidden cut scene or something after the end so on the old data front though that's about all i can say if you have theories on what the old data is if you have theories about the storyline if you found something that i haven't found um especially as the days or even months go on feel free to comment share it with the crowd and even i'll probably see it and be like oh that's kind of cool i mean i didn't think of that but yeah inscription so i think the inscription's a very good game i i could see where some people will be turned off because the cabin part is the best part of the game the gba world as it's called in the code is uh actually not that bad it's a decent game it's not as cool atmospheric though it's just more of like it works in a weird transition from the first part of the game but if it was isolated it you know be not as quite nearly as interesting be kind of boring and then the cyber world which is the only world you can access in the third act you you can't switch like who's the winner or whatever there it's it's always gonna be the stone the separate world is also more boring than the cabin i i did some major cuts to that section of the game because there's a lot of there's a ton of fights there is a ton of fights in the cyber world and you also can respawn the fights so it's a bit like an rpg with like random encounters quite literally but the the cyber card deck mechanics are not quite as um i don't think it's quite as moody and as fun as the cabin world and the cards have all kind of a general pattern theme so they don't really get really out there so it goes like first act is really really good and then like third act is decent and then like second act is you know it's okay that's the only game's only real weakness as a whole the game is really good i like the whole experience i didn't quite get too bored like i said as a whole experience it's you know just too bad that the the cabin act is technically the shortest act of the game but character-wise i mean this game is amazing you have some great characters have some great design get some feelings going you can set some real drama in the card games the cards are really out there there's a ton of effort ton of little tricks and quirks with the metagame done that i haven't seen quite done before and i think this is really a true worthy successor um to pune island so i like this more than pony island in a this does a lot of creative interesting things kind of way as far as consistency across the entire game pony islands probably better but one thing like i said i i would kind of wait this is better just in the sense of like this is a very unique game just stylistically and gameplay-wise and it's just you know it's an overall very interesting good experience anyway so that's it for my playthrough of inscription at least for now anyway i'll see you guys later and take it easy you
Channel: ManlyBadassHero
Views: 1,622,474
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inscryption, Let's Play, Playthrough, Walkthrough, Horror Game, Indie Game, Gameplay, Video Game
Id: Auf5UT_F_hY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 186min 17sec (11177 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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