Worst to Best Episodes From the Sly Cooper Series

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[Music] the combination of genres is very much a make-or-break situation on the one hand you can help better stand out at a time in which the genre in question has to face a lot of stiff competition but on the other it can easily lead to some aspects being downgraded due to having to take into account both styles of gameplay the addition of stealth segments for example can always be a frustrating inclusion I find when the game doesn't take into account how to overlap both styles of play exhibit a of this being done right the Sly Cooper series my friends a stylish and inactive platformer series that masked refuse to very different genres together in a time in which platformers were steadily becoming too oversaturated while the series may not be as relevant as it was back in the old 2000s it is still retained a following thanks most in part to its charming hero's despicable villains created platforming and all of its memorable sales shaded art style the series also had a very unique format to storytelling a time with you progressing through each game's story for an episodic format with each one coming with a plethora of locations missions and villains / out and today for you all I'm going to be ranking up which said episodes stole the show and which one sadly failed to even make a dent on our minds as per usual we have a few points in our missions to detail out for starters the obvious this is a ranking of all episodes of it each of the four Sly Cooper titles them of course being Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus or to those of us inside Europe and Australia sly racoon sly - band of thieves sly free honor among thieves and finally Sly Cooper thieves in time this lands us with five episodes from the first game 8 from the second six from the third and another 6 from the fourth leaving us we were very nice round 25 episodes to rank up where this time I'll be taking to account such things as there are Direction level design story / villains and their music those who have played a good chunk our series will likely know the basic slice series episode structure with a gang having a set objective and needing to perform tasks so as to better prepare themselves for the final heist however the first game Kai goes for a more traditional platformer direction if you really just need to complete levels in order to obtain keys so us unlock the final Speight well these kind of differences can at times divide things up on occasion I say as in regard to both past and future worse the best videos I found little this time around to make me devalue won games design choices over the others at least for the first game the fourth one just wait and see this time around there's really nothing left out with exceptionally prologues to which game though I was tempted to leave out the climax to thieves in time seeing as it's just simply referred to as the Paris epilogue plus a few other things that I'll go over once we get to it and with that out of the way let's kick things off with number 25 Paris prologue Oh looky here the one entry I was tempted to remove just so happens to be at the very bottom let me just start by saying that was hip so does a decent job of bringing sli's ancestors back for the finale so as to fully test our skills with them some just simply worked better than others and even then they rarely feel as if they are being challenged when compared to the previous games climaxes but I'll be honest this episode is mostly here the very bottom thanks of just how brainless the story feels at this point the whole returning back their time after their mission is complete mix next to no sense sly getting capture at the very start mix Marie looked like the smart one of the team and the paradox where the hell do I start he basically foils his own plan in seconds his motive is just copied over from clockwork and even the writers couldn't help but address the fact that he could have easily of won had he simply not interfere door slides ancestors anything else I miss out oh yes we get the best kind of final boss in a video game with the repetitive QuickTime events to end things off with should I be happy this is the first one on the list or should I be sad due to it being the last outing we've seen from our heroes in the last few years number twenty four forty phoebs while the paris prologue has plenty for me to rip into a lot of it sins do feel like they were carried over from the previous episode before it saying about this episode just sort of trains the energy right out of me could it be the robber meaninglessness of rescuing Salim's partners could be the lack of attachment to the location or the villains completely flawed plan or perhaps it's he straight up a necessary belly dance segment with Carmelita that just feels wrong in every way this to me just feels like the developers were aware some of the more well darker sides to the Bandon number 23 buyer in the sky to me this episode feels as if it should have hit home but sadly ends up coming up short-handed unlike the previous episodes from slide 1 it doesn't feel as if it leans into its locations advantages that much even the music feels very drab of what Eastern star tracks they could have come up with there are some levels that work alright I guess but the panicking boss fight can be won in seconds number 22 many's from the north ear a complaint I've seen people bring up with the second game is its way of stretching villains stories as well as reusing assets for a second episode I respectfully disagree with its being a bad decision as both location and stories are different enough with that said the second canadian-based adventure does flounder a bit most in part to a good portion of the missions being based on getting to the next episode after location as well just isn't very colorful which considering it being a lumberyard makes sense but my point still stands I do have to give credit to some of the creator platforming throughout and I do find it humorous that our grand plan in the lumberjack games is simply for our heroes to cheat number 21 Rumble Down Under when you think of Sly Cooper Australia is usually not the first location you think of when it comes to him and his friends on their adventures similar to the last pic I don't know where it was intentional to make the setting as bleak as possible to hammer in a message about the environment but like before it ends up making the location just not that appealing there are some ok missions here like controlling the big truck and the bar brawl but I'm sure I'm not the only one who got tired of the evil mask constantly appearing and disappearing with no backstory or schemes for us to uncover them also I can't be the only one to notice how messed up it is for the Koopa gang to be feeding minors to a crocodile in order to save the environment that is unusually dark for this series I must say number 20 turning Japanese mob a bap bap bap bow well I commute I personally prefer the more operation of structured episodes from the sequels over the originals ones I think I would rather the fourth game doing something different rather than the botched attempt they did with some of these episodes pacings location is admittedly gorgeous it feels all over the place this is honestly the episode from the fourth game that I need the map at some point or another wall El Jefe may not be as painfully incompetent as 'la paradox or some of the other villains from the fourth game he does still come out as the most forgettable villain out of the series in my book number 19 the cold hearts of hate this climax had lots of potential behind it we'll both an awesome Villa an intimidating setting sadly however it ends up feeling way too rushed what's more only two levels have you doing any platforming we're free featuring you controlling a turret of some swords with that said I enjoy the thrill of climbing up the sinking death ray the rockin soundtrack is very different from the rest of the game and I cannot stress how underrated clockwork is as video game villains girl number 18 clown at the cave raccoon let me start by saying that the montage minigame here is probably one of my favorite missions in the entire series without the way let me follow that up with some of the many problems sadly also present here the convenient scale is cranked up to 11 here the biddin grazes just a me tree but was zero charm to him the missions with Bob feel like they should have had more to them than just scaling walls and while the location is indeed very detailed with plenty of prehistoric gags about it's unfortunate the framerate has to suffer for it number 17 jailbreak this is sadly a standout episode thanks most in part to its neat twist in having sly and Mary get imprisoned at the end of the last episode forcing Bentley the smallest and weakest of the trio to have to rely on himself at least the start anyway and while I greatly enjoy this change of pace along with a creepy location to explore but it's unfortunate that his missions are not cemented as they could be a lot of them are very slow and at least free of them in particular feel like you were just simply moving around the map to complete repetitive tasks because this middle of the episode can fall into a bit of a slump which is a shame given how good the opening and endings are number 16 sunset Snake Eyes there's a good balance of decent to pretty alright moments for others episode with rooftops casinos and scrap yards abound like with fire in the sky it would have been nice to have done without the turret in driving sections but thankfully it makes up for in need grunge escape from New York like atmosphere also there's this line those crummy dogs are pumping me right and left get back in there and bang them back number 15 and that's me for disaster the only final episode do not keep you in a linear path it does an admirable job of having you put your skills with a trio to work even if many of said missions only really get interesting while in the engine room parts of them I like the dread that the art design and music provide and the mission with the mega jump pack is a great way to that you feel all-powerful near the end the biggest complaints I have are with everything that leads to our villain coming to power as well it's just how much it feels like they just copied the finale from the previous game number 14 a cold alliance fittingly enough this episode has sort of a yin and yang effect to it on the one side we get a pretty epic two-parter fight both above and below a bamboo forest and we get to see a powerful scene in which the panda King has to confront his past darker side and effort to prove his redemption to the man whose father he once killed on the other end however we get a rather odd structure to things as time around that while different unfortunately feels too out of place not to mention there are barely any preparations made up for the highs with even a few missions having almost zero effect on the final result some of you may say I put too much focus on these heists but seeing all your efforts go towards this big finale is one of the series highlights to me number 13 dead men tell no tales I'm not sure what to make this episode on accounts the heavy inclusion of the sailing mechanics I think my feelings fritter about the same level with those who weren't too keen and the Batmobile in Arkham Knight it's not that there's anything inherently wrong with it it's just not what we came for is all steel controls are right and I have to say Lapua is definitely one of my favorite villains the gang has gone up against also I'd just like to say thank you to the devs for the scoober mission that helped in continuing my ever-growing fears of the sea and everything in it number 12 the predator awakes hey it's another right in the middle pic that I have trouble talking about because it's mostly just okay all around for what I can sum up about this episode it flows relatively well with a few decent missions but none that I anything to really take note all the biggest things I do end up walking away with are the difficulty in moving about when you're not sly the decent boss fight the twist ending and the humorous way of the game censoring drugs with in egle spices number 11 the black Chateau ever since that kick-ass opening two sly one the nighttime Paris setting has become synonymous with the Cooper gang it also applies to the one full episode set at the city of love it's hard not for you to think of running across the top of rooftops walking across suspended lights and listening to the eerie yet memorable music with that said it can be a bit too basic and hand-holding when compared to other opening levels but either so it's hard me not to fall in love with this episode style especially when a villain as groovy as Dimitri is featured in it number 10 it tide of Terror the first episode to start the series off is one that manages to help give plenty of levels that utilized slides more common abilities were also offering up one of the few times the barrel disguise is used in some way both the engine rooms and sunken wreckage stockpiles are different enough and the music has become very recognizable with a series not bad for being set in a barbaric and uncivilized setting as Wales number 9 go west young lacunae now this is a good old western adventure compete with jailbreaks carriage chases and train robberies ok sure some of those have been done before and better if I do say so but there is a good bit of immersion to this location thanks to his setting and awesome music total shooting mechanics are different enough from sly and I just love the guys victory pose the biggest drawback to me come with the final mission and its villain toothpick who not only feels way too kiddush compared to past villains but also has one of the lamest secrets I've ever seen for a villain oh no his character modelers of scale number 8 - starring I'd encounter this operation is one that I'm very fond of most in parts are just how impossible the situation looks at first but it eventually comes together in the end I'll be it maybe a little too convenient that no one seems to notice as suspended hippo stealing - giant has metal wings in a crowded ballroom but I can go of it the nighttime Palace setting has a very soothing atmosphere and while Raja may not be much of a foe against slider gang I find the idea behind him interesting as someone who grew up poor ended up rich and felt the need to lavish themselves in order to prove it to themselves more than anyone number seven of Meissen Mex this location could have just been your standard medieval times knockoff but they managed to really put a lot of detail into location especially with the steampunk inspired designs used for outs yes of all the episodes and thieves in time feels the best pays to have Merrill missions and I know I'm going to get a lot of heat for this I honestly didn't mind what they did with the twist here sure they could have gone into more detail but I thought it kind of made sense for said character was a handle the best probably nod but I still kind of like the idea behind it all number six flight of fancy remind me never to play cards with the Koopa gang seeing as their first response to any form of competition is just simply cheat all joking aside I really enjoyed this episode as the Midway for the third game there's a lot of meat to chew on here the plants trick and weaken the other dogfight competitors is really clever and the location is just as stereotypically Holland as you can get the flying is five water ears and it's neat to have a mugshot come back among with one of the best scenes in a series in my opinion look if you don't got nothing to say nice and don't say nothing at all get it what they've got no sassy comments smart guy oh I get you got nothing nice to say so you're keeping quiet that's real cute you really got nothing nice to say I've called number five he who tamed the iron horse one thing I find hard to fending with these sly games is the open yet rather bare locations with the bottle was an artifact from slide two and four be the closest thing to side quests we get with that said there's some fun I think to be had here with this location most imparts the way the Train circle around the map as well as just messing around with the local bears even with all that I really enjoy having to pull off multiple highs with the second one having one of the best action themed tracks I've heard in a video game number four this is voodoo like the cave of bad dreams from Rayman 2 this is one of those levels that really gave me the willies when I was a kid and what I ever so slightly stepped up my horror gaming experiences there's still a really good amount of detail put into giving you the chills many I'm sure remember the lair that beasts most of all for its build up but this level is also great thanks to plenty of platforming for out thanks to the use of vines and branches admittedly the piranha and chicken missions might feel a bitter odds of the spooky atmosphere however they do help to bring some much nearly bertie for younger players my only major complaint is with the final boss fight that really starts to piss me off thanks to lack of depth perception although from what I found out me failing constantly could very easily been due to the collection not sinking the music right number free an opera of fear though I do have a fondness for iconic nests of the first two games induction levels this one ends up coming out on top simply for the fact that it manages it's had a gripping tale while barely forcing you to undertake tedious tutorial missions what's more there's quite a few missions that can take surprising turns with the episodes heist being one of the most entertaining to the point that I would often replay it way back number two honor among thieves despite the linearity to this finale it feels like a true conclusion to not just the third game but to the entire series up to this point as well the missions allow us to all take on one of each team member for one last ride - panicking for reasons what the last few is the main trio getting to have some truly heartwarming moments on top of that the final gauntlet within the treasure room has you really pull every trick in the book and for once we have a final battle that's not just you stuck on a Tara for five minutes and number one a tangled web hey did you ever want to see the sequel to The Nightmare Before Christmas where the humans take revenge on halloween' town by going to war against them because well this episode can kind of be viewed as that this location is such a weird mix and yet it works perfectly for the center point of the second game the Gothic architecture and haunting music shouldn't go so naturally with the mobilised tanks and planes and yet it perfectly fits in with the crazed yet wonderful world of Sly Cooper franchise the heist going off the rails with everyone pulling a Benny Hill also leads to the most energetic climax in almost any episode and there we have it my friends I can only sit and pray that it was to your liking but as always I'm interested as to what you consider to be the very best and worst of the Cooper gang's adventures I'd like to apologize for taking my sweet-ass time with getting this video out the way as I have a bad habit of trying to multitask various ideas swirling around in my head at a time at the moment I've got a lot of energy on my side with my next worse to best on its way that's one of something towards the end of the year to commemorate the last 10 years of the games industry we've had to get through thank you all once again and don't forget to Like subscribe to get even more hot cause goodness on the dot [Music] [Music]
Channel: HotCoss
Views: 107,819
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sly Cooper (series), Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus, Sly Raccoon, Sly 2: Band of Thieves, Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves, Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time, Episodes, Worst to Best, PS2, PS3, Platformer, Sly 1, Sly 2, Sly 3, Sly 4, PlayStation
Id: AvE-UwqQlh0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 59sec (1079 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 25 2019
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