Reacting To Your Dumbest Pokemon Mistakes

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i asked you guys what is the dumbest mistake that you've made in a pokemon game and there were a lot of mistakes to go through before we get to that it's only fair we start with my mistake and it's a tough one oh man that is crazy let me get a full swipe going we will catch this guy i am so excited for this let's go oh my god no first shiny pokemon i ever saw reset four first honey pokemon i ever failed on camera not the worst mistake ever but probably my biggest mistake speaking of pokemon mistakes my sister actually made an incredibly bad pokemon mistake she had no idea that pokemon games only had one save file issue with that is she actually saved over my game with my first shiny my second shiny my third shiny my fourth shiny and my fifth shiny ever along with my first love 100 pokemon and my favorite themes i've ever used in pokemon some mistakes hurt more than others enough pokemon mistakes that have happened in my life let's move on to your guyses released all of my strong pokemon thinking they would breed in the wild and i could encounter more strong and mighty beasts in the future oh no oh my god just releasing your best pokemon catching new strong pokemon releasing them and just waiting if i wait long enough i'm gonna get my charizard back and it's gonna be stronger than ever i transferred the wrong pokemon i was shiny hunting a scyther once i found it i went right to the box and went to add it to my party filled with excitement i accidentally pressed the release button my happiness went away in seconds so you have to press multiple buttons to release a pokemon no godspeed scyther [Music] [Laughter] roll the clips one shake two shakes three shakes is this a joke this isn't really a mistake but when i was in elementary school someone told me a pokemon that looked like machamp with nidoking's head could ambush you in viridian forest or the safari zone it would eat the first pokemon in your party so i avoided those zones until i was older that kid was a menace i don't want to know what they are possibly up to at this point because they're a real life super villain that is absolutely devious when my shiny rayquaza died to a level seven badoo in a nuzlocke how funny would it be if rayquaza dies like a level seven but dude we're not dead okay the level seven buddy does not oh poison point that's kind of bad i think even if i landed it oh wait i might die here no oh my god oh my god that would win one level seven buddy or a level 100 shiny rayquaza what did i just watch one time i was shiny hunting and the shiny alpha gardevoir was there but i forgot it was almost night so it despawned ugh so head empty sometimes i hate it here a boss alpha like this is the first time i've gotten that man i came over here on a whim did it just disappear was that a daytime spawn morning day sunset not around at night i found a shiny alpha seconds before it despawns i use the water move multiple times against a gas run during the tournament you just had i am not a wise man oh no oh no i thought he was gonna switch i went for the skull the son of a i don't know why i thought he was gonna do that you over thought it you son of a you over thought it i hate you so much your dad was right oh good it's my pal wolfy good thing i don't have any dumb mistakes against wolfie vgc in battle i i mean am i missing some i don't think i'm missing something who shot the bug i mean leech life could give him who shot the bug um i think i'm gonna save this ah no i feel like i feel pretty decent about the situation i'm in with you there liquidation might not have a move to hit me wolfie in fact did not have a move to hit me and if i had stayed in i would have six owed a world champion instead this happened yeah that's it my worst my worst defeat in a very long time some would say my worst loss ever losing a ho-oh to a nincada oh both buddy no i wonder if leaf blade would be better it's neutral i should probably go in for leaf blade you woke up head smash hate smash no it's creepy too dude my first ever legends fail i had to turn the game off and go lay down after this shiny hair across is so cool oh no what do you do no it's gonna run oh no it's still there that thing transported to a different dimension so someone else could catch it hey my good pal nick first time i ever played pokemon my friend let me play his game and i thought this was how you caught chansey he was upset for a long time no nick no why did you think this would work running away from a shiny female combined pokemon x i need more context i ran from a shiny legendary and didn't notice until my dad pointed out why are you guys running from shinies i feel like this is to be an adventure oh god first and couch okay we also never checked what tm we're holding no we poisoned me well the good news is if he goes for super fang he can't kill me so whatever yolo right uh you're very poisoned okay well okay oh this has been i feel so bad for how funny this is but i was completely with him like oh wow he got out of that battle alive what is he gonna do to fail like i mean i thought he was just gonna die to poison there two seconds later i caught a shiny whirlpool and alpha sapphire on route 104 before even going into petalburg woods for the first time i named him thanos probably not the best nickname i then forgot that i caught him and reset the game you thanos snapped him out of existence in pokemon x i got mad at all the doug trio and trap inch on route 13 was just running from all of them ran from a trap inch ran into another trapping and thought to myself hey why is this wrapping orange the other one wasn't i also thought golem was a level up evo my poor level 98 graveler i've never really thought about that finding a shiny pokemon and thinking that is the regular color of the pokemon running away next spoke why do you find it like wait a minute this isn't shiny i found full odd shiny rattata and fire right on route 2. thought i didn't have balls so i ran i had pokeballs come on forgetting i have joy-con drift and then going and dying due to my joy-con drift when in an outbreak of shiny clefables i have the video clip to prove it didn't notice until it was too late oh no oh no they're gonna catch it and the shiny is gonna pop up no no [Music] no not my game but i made a mistake with my friends oh god that's even worse he had just caught a shiny spinda and i believe horus and i was messing around and accidentally kicked his 3ds out of his hand and the game posed before he's safe that's your friend's villain origin story delta sapphire has a lot of stories quick tell them about the master ball and hang grove oh great [Music] [Laughter] this is why regular pokemon games don't have speed up i love using speedup whenever i'm doing a series in the older games i've made so many mistakes like this it's not worth it this beat up button is just not worth it man probably failing shiny ditto twice in a row ran away once that actually killed the next one what game was this in i'd really hope it wasn't like full odds ditto and gen 4 or something fun fact i had a shiny ditto in the game my sister saved over bowl odds and heart gold my first game was emerald and i didn't know how to save or how to leave old dale town so i spent like a week in the first area then i figured out how to leave old dale town but i still didn't know how to save so i played until the batteries ran off which was approximately until briny i feel this in my bones my old pokemon gold version at a certain point the batteries in it died so i couldn't save the game so i would restart the game play until my batteries in my game boy color died and then i'd have to restart all over again there was never a chance for me to finish the game i just always got to morty over and over again and then had to restart i was shiny hunting on pokemon y right before you get pokeballs why man why were you doing that for added salt you can buy pokeballs and potions in those three buildings right before route 2 and xy so you could have had pokeballs before serena gives them to you oh my god i was listening to music while shiny hunting for ruffle and was knocking out regular and about an hour to in i wasn't paying attention and knocked a shiny out half an hour later i did the same thing i'm still yet to get a shiny ruffle not only did you kill it but you had insane shiny luck i wasn't the one playing but despite switching multiple times i had a relatively loud voice in my ear to switch out to onyx i insisted that onyx is weak to ice but this person who will go unnamed told me that i was wrong and that an earthquake was the right way to kill jinx this onyx may be our only answer to luigi choose charizard but i was feeling frustrated in a moment of weakness i listened to someone's advice that wasn't my own said it's time for mewtwo [Laughter] oh yeah that's why i was going to say give the quick claw to mewtwo is because uh if you could proc quick claw and then have the point what did i say brayden what did i say what did i say i thought it's dirty jesus christ i'm never listening to you ever i think everyone has had a moment like that in their life where a friend is giving you advice you don't agree and as soon as it goes wrong what did i say man come on getting back to back shining blissful on an ultra sun and moon after hours of resets and only having one master ball i killed the second one on accident this is like the luckiest thing i've ever heard of in pokemon i got into competitive pokemon in gen 5 on one of my first teams i put in the violet on slow bro because i thought it evolved in the slow king this was the most common mistake in gen 5 it happened to so many people i might have done it myself this is a good one i this is a throwback i was shiny hunting a laddios after over 2000 attempts i found one and then let it knock itself out with struggle didn't touch my ds for months that's torture man you're putting so much pressure when you get that shot you can't mess it up up until gen 4 i was 12 i thought the way the game determined what pokemon went first in battle was by how fast i selected my attack i would always get so mad that the computer went first because i thought there was no way it was faster than me oh i've never heard anyone do this before that is so funny when i was a kid playing silver i ran into a tentacle that sparkled was a different color i was convinced my cartridge was corrupted and shut the game off in hopes of preventing any damage oh no i was a dumb kid i assumed that all stat drops were permanent so i released my starter bulbasaur in pokemon red when it got hit by multiple accuracy and attack lowering moves against blue on route 22. then tried to beat brock with a level five for tata and level four caterpie i thought moves like swords dance were the stupidest moves in the game and no one should ever use them so i didn't even know about stat drops really anytime someone just sends a clip that says shiny fail i know we're in for a good time that's a beautiful shiny different angle oh yeah i guess you haven't been here for a while he hasn't noticed it oh no no i didn't look at the screen man look at the screen it's such a noticeable difference when i was eight i just got through route 113 and healed at the focus center and one of my pokemon had poca ross oh no thinking my pokemon was actually sick i reset to my last save they make it seem like your pokemon are sick they don't tell you this is an incredible thing that will help make your pokemon get evs faster and faster it's not your fault they should have given you more info when i was seven i leveled graveler to level 83 trying to get it to evolve what happened to 83 did you give up i got stuck in pokemon sapphire because i didn't realize you could walk under the bike path under route 110. there's a wall in my way what do you want me to do with this in first grade my friend said that if i caught dialga all of my pokemon would turn into magikarps i believed him and killed it i was very happy to find out that i could try to catch the elga again after beating the game and now it's my favorite mod i love that this has a happy story cause that's so mean when i was a kid my best friend and i both had typhlosion and gold silver we decided i'd start a new game and just not save to get a toaded aisle and trade it to him so we could breed it in our real games i saved i lost all of my original pokemon in my first ever playthrough that's so brutal found a shiny gasoline pokemon diamond when i was little my ds was on blinking red and instead of finding my charger i went to find my cousin to go show him but it died and he didn't believe me why should i believe you when i first started playing pokemon i had no concept of types and didn't want to use anything other than the starter bought brock hundreds of times until i beat him with a level 40 charizard who wouldn't obey me this one speaks to me because i started off with pokemon yellow when i was way too young you can't beat onyx with a pikachu so i would do so many different things like make sure i got a nidorino that learned double kick to beat brock or stay in the forest until i found a pidgeotto or a butterfree as an encounter and those were both bad against the gym but i i would try everything and it usually just meant over leveling pokemon rather than getting something that'd be good against them not opting for the quick ball forgetting that giggleth knows a certain move no no no this is such a beautiful shiny [Music] oh no no you don't even have animations on i think this just explains how stupid i was as an eight-year-old back in 2008 [Laughter] i see the master ball there
Channel: PM7 Plus
Views: 474,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemen7, pokemen7 plays, pm7, pm7 plus, pokemon reaction, pokemen7 reacts, pm7 reacts, worst pokemon mistakes, dumb pokemon mistakes, worst mistakes in pokemon, silliest mistakes in pokemon, top 10 dumb mistakes, top 10 dumb mistakes in pokémon you probably made, pokemon mistakes, reacting to, reacting to the worst mistakes you made in pokemon, worst mistakes you made in pokemon, shiny fail, new pokemon, top 10, funny pokemon mistakes, top 5, dumbest pokemon mistakes
Id: 3D-ap56VyTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Sun May 08 2022
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