The Most Controversial Pokemon of Every Generation

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hey guys ron here and oh boy is this a meaty video because you pokemon fans can't agree on many things as a result there are a ton of controversial pokemon and i'm gonna count down the most controversial pokemon designs from each generation keep in mind controversial doesn't mean unpopular in fact kind of the opposite it means that people are split on their opinion of these pokemon designs pokemon like tarakion have tons of fans but tons of haters that's the kind of pokemon we're looking at today i won't include pokemon that are controversial outside of the fan base i'll try to steer away from pokemon that most people are neutral on like for example most people have no extreme opinions on star avia or makuhita i'm looking for pokemon that split the fan base most of this video is not my opinion i like pretty much most of these pokemon and to be fair pokemon fans like pokemon too it's no secret so naturally most of these pokemon are beloved but have a sizeable group of players who dislike them a bunch before we begin make sure to follow me on twitter where i actually made tons of polls to try to assess people's general opinion on these pokemon now let's see these results let's start with say it with me kanto of course after more than 25 years a few generation one pokemon have become dated or were already controversial when they were first discovered number 10. moltres far from the worst pokemon in generation 1 but definitely the least popular legendary pokemon in kanto this dichotomy of both being part of a popular group but also showcasing the least impressive design of his trio makes moltres's reception somewhat split to some it looks like a rubber chicken on fire while to others it's still a powerful phoenix number 9 charizard by far the most popular pokemon in this entire video but with such fame comes a lot of people who think this pokemon is overrated especially with a relatively generic draconic design while a bunch of fans who take it to the extreme and resent charizard's exposure to the point of hatred most fans definitely still enjoy charizard's presence but even its most loyal fans want to see game freak's favorite child a bit less often number 8. golem as a child i always thought golem was a cool rock dude but over the past decade i found out tons of fans prefer graveler they don't understand how the almost reptilian golem even evolved from its previous stage and think golem is simply a flawed and unsuccessful pokemon design number seven machoke i mean a lot of fans can agree this guy is cool his head's pretty creative but there are a large number of fans who find this pokemon a bit too uncanny after all machoke debatably has the most humanoid body in all of pokemon it looks like it's wearing clothes and wears a belt that seemingly comes out of nowhere some pokemon carry objects but they're usually natural or available items and some pokemon look like they're wearing accessories but those are usually just part of their biology machoke's whole deal is way bigger number six muk it's not unprecedented we've had sludge monsters in many forms of media but the fact that it's literally just a bigger version of grimer and has no notable features makes this pile of muck very unpleasant a lot of fans still see it as intimidating which makes it appropriate in battle but far from a pokemon any trainer would want to go on a journey with number 5 magmar it's a fantastical fire creature with some cool origins it's nothing too crazy in the pokemon world it's not unpopular but magmar's butt head and very inconsistent body features makes this guy look like a mess many fans simply don't know what to think about magmar so they default to love or hate number four hitmonchan while not as muscular and detailed as the humanoid machoke hitmonchan has always seemed to be an example of pokemon that wears too much clothes and accessories it's still a pokemon i'd want on my team it's not off-putting but rather extremely confusing especially as a counterpart to hitmong lee who looks completely naked as all pokemon should be hitmonchan however is one nose and hairline away from being a straight-up human number three execute while off the bat not the most interesting pokemon so some may think it's cute while others think it's incredibly lazy but fans have also been split on whether or not they are actual eggs or seeds the game literally verifies that they are scientifically closer to seeds but colloquially referred to them as eggs so fans can't decide if this pokemon design is clever or not number 2. tangela one of the most mysterious pokemon out there what does its body look like well honestly that's the majority of the mystery but some fans find this unexplained creature to be somewhat uninspired and sloppy while others don't care and think it's relatively cute and endearing before revealing the most controversial generation 1 pokemon here are a few that didn't make the list for various reasons jinx is simply unpopular most people agree that its design is subpar so fans aren't very split and most of the design's controversy comes from outside the fan base which isn't what the video is about same with kadabra and porygon's design was never controversial simply the episode it appeared in but number one is mr mime it would be outright hated if it wasn't for that damn smile it's borderline creepy yet kinda cute in a mime sort of way i mean clowns have always been controversial and mimes are a bit unsettling most fans understand that pokemon should never look like this a man in a costume but mr mime is honestly entertaining in most of his iterations and we've grown to love it even though we wouldn't care if it never existed in the first place johto has far less controversial pokemon since well there are less pokemon but also many of them are safe and unsuspecting or related to already popular pokemon so we only have four number four pineco to many it's literally a pine cone with eyes a low effort design and concept while to the informed it's a bagworm which should look like it's disguised as a pinecone still pretty boring it's a very unimpressive pokemon to a lot of fans but some still come to its defense even though it doesn't really need it it has a pretty high defense stat number 3 meganium compared to the average pokemon it's a fine design but a lot of fans have high standards when it comes to starter pokemon and this one seemingly fails it's considered less appealing than bay leaf and relatively boring although its actual battle prowess is partially to blame the fact is it's one of the most unpopular starter evolutions but as a starter it still has many fans number two miltank obviously whitney's miltank has made this pokemon infamous some fans resent miltank for the battle and others cherish this memorable challenge but it doesn't stop at gameplay bulltank is clearly cute and fun but there are a bunch of players who simply can't ignore its utters some find this character's femininity off-putting others find it accurate but the most controversial jodo design is sunflora how controversial can a flower be well that's the problem some think it's one of the laziest designs in the franchise a sunflower with a face no clever concept or trait whatsoever while fans on the other end just enjoy the presence of a smiling plant and don't think much of it there's nothing egregious about it but nothing phenomenal about it either generation three has a few controversial designs number five appsol great design in my book one of the most handsome or beautiful looking pokemon in the game majestic and exciting but there are so many fans that find it too edgy and even though it was created before the whole edgy oc meme became prominent these fans can't separate the image of these embarrassing childhood creations and absolves design number four lombre this is an intriguing guy you can't help but wonder what's going on in lambre's head and admittedly while being based on the japanese kappa the mexican stereotypes that were incorporated into its design has left a weird taste in some fan's mouths number three gardevoir we can all agree that this is a well-designed pokemon and all around fantastic pokemon in general but thanks to gardevoir sexualization on the internet new fans can't separate their initial perception of what they've seen online from what this design actually looks like and conveys it's a pretty tame looking pokemon but many fans can't look it in the eyes knowing what's lurking on the web number 2. combustion torchic is cute and blaziken is badass while most fans understand that middle stage starters aren't meant to be the coolest many still find combustion likable but some players are disappointed by torchic's sudden transformation from adorable to fierce and many others simply don't appreciate how phallic combustion looks very unfortunate shape and the most controversial pokemon in generation 3 is cast form when you see this face you think cast form is cute nothing offensive then you look down and you question your eyesight while a few fans appreciate the design's interpretation of a water molecule and terotaro bozu others can't help but notice how well endowed cast form is and because many players don't want to use this pokemon on account of his gimmick lots of fans never grew to see past this pokemon's ample chest generation four introduced a lot of extreme pokemon that ended up being controversial in the community number eight skuntank i mean just like skunks in the real world some may think they're cute while others will do their best to avoid it in scunting's case it isn't even cute so people simply take it at face value as a skunk tank or think its design is either bland or straight up ugly number seven magmortar i personally think this man is intimidating interesting and more cohesive than magmar while a ton of fans find it disgusting creepy and a downgrade from magmar's design one of the few controversial pokemon i literally can't fathom the hate towards number 6 arceus to be fair god is controversial from the moment arceus was revealed fans didn't know what to think of it either they were in awe of such a sacred design and entertained by its odd yet terrestrial appearance or they were completely underwhelmed by god and assumed that the alpha pokemon would be way more abstract or imposing either way people eventually warmed up to arceus number 5. bastiodon my dude's got a castle for a face his facade makes total sense and a lot of fans can look past this dinosaur's exterior and understand its purpose while others completely reject the shield pokemon's ugly face and don't care if it's logical number four ambipom one of the few designs i agree with the naysayers to me ambi palm is kinda freaky looking it's snub nose goofy haircut and unsettling smile is too much for me to handle but i totally understand how the other side can see this playful pokemon is fun and interesting considering how it's got two hand tails not a bad concept just a mishandled design number three lapani this is one of the few times game freak did know what they were doing with this provocative design this playboy bunny either did its job and attracted half of the fan base while the other half is not down with the idea of a deliberately sexy pokemon it's a good design based on the intentions of game freak but the question is whether or not fans appreciate the intentions number two probopass this design is more debatable either it's a clever take on an easter island head with the hats and eyes that some muay heads were depicted with alongside neat iron shavings that are attracted to its magnetic nose resembling a mustache or this thing is an abomination that shouldn't have existed pokemon fans can't seem to agree on probopass and finally it seems like the most controversial pokemon in sinnoh is ryperior purple pass still has tons of defenders but even though i show my appreciation for hyperio i'm constantly shot down some fans like the brutal design assault vest patterns and rock cannon arms while tons of fans point to this dude as an example of the bad evolutions we got in generation 4 and ironically believe that rydon is far more superior than this last minute evolution what do you think gen 5 has the most controversial roster of new pokemon in the franchise so much so that all but two of these entries are entire evolution lines or group of pokemon but number 10 is heatmore while people have opened their hearts to this anteater over the years perhaps enjoying the aesthetic and his clever association with durant many fans still hate every body part of this industrial looking fire type and can't fall in love with this dopey face number nine the swords of justice verizon is definitely not as controversial as the other two but regardless as an entire group they're either forgotten despised loved or appreciated many players find their relatively human-like faces to be hideous their bootlike hooves to be freaky and their swords to be crude but many other fans still see them as majestic heroic and colorful legendaries who were wittily translated from the three musketeers caldio's fine though number eight the elemental monkeys the semis as a group are controversial because simisiri is absolutely hated simi poor has some fans and sami sage is seen as an okay pokemon so when you put them together they're incredibly controversial over time these extreme opinions have gotten worse either they're objectively the worst pokemon in existence or unjustifyingly hated because at the very least they aren't lazy designs just terribly executed number seven sock and throw you know those answers to hitmon chan and hitmonlee fall short of the popularity of those two at least these two have a cohesive theme and designs with neat little oni attributes but fans will often credit these two as having the most humanoid designs in the franchise and most deplorable use of clothing patterns on a pokemon or you're neutral about them and find their muppet faces to be amusing number six the forces of nature the commie trio was originally despised for looking like straight up men on clouds and all looking the same but then their theory and forms were revealed and they gained a bit of a following especially in competitive but from a design aspect many fans still find their kami origins to be fairly interesting and see them as a decent adaptation of raijin fujin and nari number 5 the trobish line either you find rubbish to be cute and garbodor to be repulsive or you find rubbish lazy and cardboarder somewhat well designed or you love how unique and sad both of them are or you hate both of them and think they're literal garbage i mean they are but one man's trash is another man's treasure honestly that's a really good explanation of the controversy number four the vanilla x line they're more popular than you think but still the laughing stock of univa some think vanillite is cute and fun but it's evolved forms to be lazy you may find the entire line endearing and don't take the idea of ice cream-shaped pokemon too seriously or you're too busy laughing double scoop makes sense as a final evolution but is that uncreative or entertaining we'll never know number three the clink clang line at least vanillite is somewhat popular while clink and the gang garnered the same reception just more extreme than the last either you think this is the most bizarre lazy and unnecessary family of pokemon in general or you literally have no problem with the idea of gear pokemon and are perhaps amused by the progression from clink to clinkling honestly they're borderline hated by most so i'm a bit iffy about whether or not they're actually controversial number two stanfisk there are many fans who find this fish stunning cute amusing and logical it's a flat fish that hides in the mud and zaps those that step on it that's exactly the design it should have but others find it forgettable ugly and one of the most dispensable pokemon in the franchise would you cry for stone fisk if it were to disappear and finally the most controversial pokemon in universe is the konk helder line when i told you guys on twitter this line's results had the most similar distribution between positive and negative reception in univa many fans see them as a mess of the family with disgusting veins distressing protrusions clown noses and confusing held items but on the other hand many players are fond of timber and like using kong calder or at the very least find them more interesting than the matcha blind perhaps they find their carney and construction worker origins to be well incorporated into their designs and appreciate their masculinity and uniqueness or not gen 6 pokemon are way less controversial and considering the size of carlos's new group of mons we're starting with number four volcanion this is like the pokemon with the most mixed opinions nobody really hates it but i don't know anybody who absolutely loves it is volcanion anybody's favorite pokemon i'm actually fond of the design but when you ask around people usually find it slightly interesting or slightly disjointed number three klefki it's the key pokemon but i mean a lot of fans know it's not literally a key just a little sprite that has evolved to look like a keyring in order to steal keys this key kleptomaniac is definitely useful in battle so people have learned to love its cute design while others still believe game freaks scraped the bottom of the barrel when designing this colossian key number two barbarical this ugly barnacle is hated for being ugly it has eyes on its arms and feet it is incredibly barbaric and i'd understand why some wouldn't want to look at it but on the other hand it's a barnacle barnacles are not pretty many fans take it at face value and understand that it's supposed to be unsettling and perplexing it's literally one of the most unique pokemon in the world and for that reason half of the world shuns it before revealing number one here's a pokemon that i thought would be number one aromatisse when i pulled you guys on twitter it was the single most hated pokemon you guys voted for so it isn't controversial most people agree it's not a satisfactory pokemon design or you guys just know it's my least favorite pokemon and wanted to please me in the end the most controversial pokemon in kalos is del fox in terms of design according to many fans it's a very disappointing final starter evolution its proportions are a bit too humanoid and its ears are wild many people's least favorite fire starter maybe the fact that it's the first explicitly feminine looking starter has to do with its unpopularity while others don't understand the hate perhaps they love the starter they chose or enjoy the witch aesthetic alola time you get the gist number five primarina incineroar was almost here but it's pretty popular nowadays primarina definitely has its fans it's beautiful and its design makes sense but it's literally the most feminine starter pokemon and people apparently hate when their starters are overly gendered number four two canon one of the least offensive designs in this video and that's why it's controversial many fans think it looks too much like a literal toucan without any notable features or upgrades but the other half of fans love how angry this bird is and have witnessed toucannon in battle and found out the hard way why it's called two cannon it's beak lights up like a meter when it uses its moves it's pretty sick actually number three gumshoes while this design was a 100 percent inspired by detectives too many people associate gum shoes with donald trump which kind of ruins their perception of this unfortunately designed mongoose i mean that's about it number two crabominable another purposely ugly pokemon it's cleverly designed it's based on the yeti crab so they literally made it look abominable and turned its knuckles into protrusions that would create these bigfoot footprints as it crawls on the ground he even looks like a hillbilly who lives up in the mountains but all these things make it look not so pretty so those who literally do not care about its clever design hate its hideous face but the most controversial pokemon from generation 7 are the ultra beasts so here's the thing sun and moon introduce pokemon from different dimensions so understandably a lot of them look like they evolved on completely different planets and universes therefore most ultra beasts look insane they're purposely over designed or lack elements most pokemon have like faces some people love that fact or literally don't care and think guzzlord is too horrific to love it's a matter of preference finally generation 8 there are a lot of crazy designs in gen8 that people both hate and love number 10. aplin this worm is in the bottom of the list because people understand the concept of this dragon by now but when sword and shield were released people thought this pokemon was a literal apple so there was a divide between people who thought it was the laziest pokemon and those who understood the pun number nine the gallerian fossils carolus's creations have divided fans for a generation are they smart unique and a nice reference to historical events or is it super uncomfortable using pokemon who are probably in constant pain i don't know many fans think that gamefreak could have designed better fusions for this concept while others find the fossils incredibly entertaining number eight impudim this wily pokemon's design successfully expresses the energy this imp contains but it's one of the few gen 8 pokemon that look too western and cartoony for a bunch of fans while impadem also has a big following of those who find him amusing and believe that the entire evolutionary family is well developed number seven copper raja an example of a gen 8 pokemon a lot of artists tried to redesign themselves because they were unsatisfied with its blocky shape and crazy colors while on the other hand huge copperage of fans like me exist who literally don't care about the shape and love the rusted copper on this powerful monster's hide many people are either disappointed with or satisfied with our first giant elephant pokemon number six colossal people were anticipating that roley coley and karkol would become some train monster but it became this generic pile of coal to some that's a good thing it looks like a traditional pokemon to others its wasted potential and pretty underwhelming i for one love its gigantomax form number five toxil one of the few pokemon i'd agree doesn't really look like a pokemon it kinda has the design traits and colors of a neopet it looks uncomfortable and out of place in the pokemon world especially with how vague its animal attributes are either people feel this peculiar feeling or literally don't know what i'm talking about and see it as a normal pokemon number four calorics most players found it entertaining when they actually witnessed this uh pokemon's majesty but in terms of design half of fans don't know what they're looking at and can't fathom why game freak would design a legendary like this while the other half of fans find its bulbous crown to both represent its brain and royalty while finding the rest of him to be pretty cute number three ice cube some fans actually think this ice cube is its actual face others have seen its face and find it very underwhelming and many fans acknowledge the unique concept and find the execution humorous and enjoyable number two greedent it looks like a western cartoon squirrel something out of a disney film or even family guy there's literally nothing wrong with the concept but either you find it cute and charming or can't look past the unusually cartoony face it has and finally the most controversial pokemon design in this video is intellion when i asked you whether or not you liked italian it was the only pokemon with a relatively close number for positive neutral and negative reception the inspirations for this design are great and the concept of a secret agent chameleon is timeless but its proportions and hands alienate pretty much half of all pokemon fans it's either too skinny too humanoid or too intelligent looking probably the most anthropomorphic personality in pokemon fans of italian may even agree with this assessment but love its personality abilities and many hidden details in its design clearly something wasn't executed successfully but it does have the backbone of an amazing pokemon half of pokemon fans see this potential while the other half mourned this missed opportunity but hopefully you saw the potential in this video so leave a like if you enjoyed and check out my other videos where i rank aspects of every generation subscribe if you haven't and check the description for the music i used the t-shirts i made for you guys the links to my patreon where you can get cool rewards which you can also do by clicking the join button make sure to follow me on twitter too bye
Channel: Truegreen7
Views: 667,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Creating New Pokemon, Designing New Pokemon, Fakemon, Asone, Asone Region, Pokemon Type Swaps, Fixing Pokemon, Pikachu, Charizard, Pokemon Sword and Shield, Sword and Shield, Top 10 Pokemon, Favorite Pokemon, Truegreen, True green 7, Pokémon (Video Game Series), Pokémon (TV Program), Pokémon (Brand), Truegreen7, Pokemon GO, Game Freak, Pokemon Legends, Pokemon Legends: Arceus, Giratina, Arceus, Drawfee, Subjectively, Pokemon Scarlet, Pokemon Violet, Gen 9, Lechonk, Miraidon, Koraidon
Id: 61gX3jqUB_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 7sec (1387 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 16 2022
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