Top 10 Worst Ways to Fail a Shiny Pokemon

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have you ever failed a shiny pokemon before well I have and it's a lot easier to do anything there's almost an endless array of ways that this will happen but today I'm going to look at what I believe are the top 10 worst ways to fail a shiny pokemon [Music] double shiny what finding more than one shiny at once this way of feeling a showing you've come into the spotlight in generation cigs X&Y introduced hordes which is where you encounter fight Pokemon at once following on from black and white to the chain each arm is also in this game the odds of finding a shiny pokemon and generation sexual half sizes so with the shiny charm on top of that Chinese were easy to encounter than ever before whether or not this change was a good thing varies from person to person but that's beside the point but the odds of finding a shiny being so high in comparison to earlier generations it was only a matter of time before something like this happened every now and again you'll see someone get to shinies in one hoard while this occurring is ridiculously right it's not a good thing because you're only able to catch one pulse Mumper baffle meaning that you'll have to choose between the two shinies you can't open both and then Sun and Moon that repeated itself with a lot of people finding more than one shiny at once with the SOS chaining method it turns out this is actually possible way back in generation four as well with it being possible to find more than one shiny joseph saw at once though considering it will be full ads at one ounce of 8192 this is flawless likely to happen this is the lowest on the list because even though losing me as a shiny suggs at the end of it you still get a shiny I've been trying to catch Chauncey in a safari zone all day it's near impossible a few moments later Oh No Sasori zone this one is a little lower down because unless the shiny is random you should expect this if you're trying to understand you too a lot of people choose the hunt in these areas so the extra gentleman it can give you when you find a shiny because if you catch it then it feels amazing trust me that I'm there are a lot of really cool targets so you can't find anywhere else what's even knowing the risk it does still sing a lot seeing a shiny pokemon free from you I would know back when I only made shiny hunting videos I found two shiny yanma incentive great mosh the first one taunted me for five turns before fleeing and the second one fled first turn I also be able to shiny blue moon Ruby safaris on a very long time ago and not those things a little bit now I know it broke out what just happened move that calls the baffle to end this would include the moves teleport whirlwind roar dragon tail and circle throw these moves course of Apple and it start simple in generation 5 and upward all of these moves will fail if your Pokemon is a higher level than the Pokemon using the move so it's pretty easy to get around tell us what is a little tricky and require something trapping like mean look all the ability shadow tag so on the whole this is pretty preventable and doesn't happen very often among shiny hunters at all but it can really suck if it catches you up god ok time to start throwing balls no no no no no no no moves that cause the user to faint most commonly associated with Geodude and grappler these moves can make shiny hunting very dangerous those to be fair it seems that most people who fail these Pokemon weren't shiny hunting in the first place however self-destruction explosion not the only moves that can cause the use of the faint memento final gambit and perish song of further examples if there's a particular Pokemon that you're hunting then there's usually a way to counter these moves like having a Pokemon would be a bill T down to prevent salt Ashok's an explosion from working this is a very similar situation to battle ending moves such as teleport and so on but I consider this one to be worse because before the battle ends you have to watch the HP ball go down and dried up a shiny into the ground I've been trying to catch a thing for way too long just get in the ball struggle wait fainting a pokemon from struggle or recoil damage if you are shiny hunted and you'll know that one of the most useful moves in the game for this would be false wipe well I've always lived the opponent with one HP no mass awards so it's almost perfect for weakening Pokemon I say almost because in this case it can be what causes you to fail a shiny always know the moves that support your hunting because your shiny could no takedown and then ends up fainting itself in ending the bustle honestly if I were hunting something with a recoil move like that then I wouldn't even weaken it at all so that's just personal preference struggle on the other hand is more relevant to legendaries so when you find your shiny legendary you'll want to keep track of all the news that it uses so that you know when it's about to start struggling I'm a bit of a wimp so Moses how much is possible my shiny Legendary's right from the get-go but if you want to catch it the proper way then just be careful I really hope I get my shiny Koscheck soon is that it hello uncatchable Chinese there were a group of Pokemon that fall into this category this would include most Pokemon use in the beginning battle tutorial pokémon and the battle frontier and junipers vinci know for some reason basically encounters that are scripted they're meant to happen but they also have the chance to be shiny I'd say the worst of these would be the Poochyena or Zigzagoon and ruby sapphire and emerald and diamond and pearl star late I say that these are the worst ones because if you want a shiny hunter generation three or four starters then you have to encounter these Pokemon two as part of that and they have the same chance of being shiny as the starters so if you're in lucky then you might get one or two of these before even finding your target I just started a new files who gave you so much fun playing through the game twelve seconds later oh my gosh she's got a shiny Oh uncatchable shinies taught to yep there's a second part to uncatchable shinies yay in this category fits every Pokemon that you encountered before receiving pokeballs I consider these to be far worth from the first batch because they aren't even force encounters they're just regular Pokemon that under any different circumstances you would be able to catch if you find one of these chances are you are only a few steps away from receiving pokeballs anyway cool this thing is nearly weak enough to solder involves one more head no not now [Music] fainting a shiny with a critical hit while a lot of Pokemon you won't really need to weaken in all of cash most legendary pokemon or others with similar cat traits do require being weakened but sawed flow means the critical heads almost never land when they're needed but in a situation like this it seems that the probability is multiplied by 10 you just need one more hit until the show knees weak enough to falter involved but of course it lands as a crit and the shiny is gone I've never had this happen to me before but the only way to really avoid this is to account for critical hit when attacking and not use any moves that would make the Pokemon at London's the courage that's all you really can do oh my god guys shiny Giratina 1,950 soft reset and shiny jeah Tina has a beard I cannot believe I have a shiny dirty no guys my game just froze are you kidding me are you serious guys no action replay my game just froze a game freezing this one is probably the most unpredictable I'm the least likely to happen of the whole list if you haven't had a Pokemon game freeze on you at least once in your life then you're pretty lucky but you would be extremely unlucky to have it happen at the worst possible time when you find a shiny and there's absolutely nothing you can do but look at the shiny on the screen you can't catch it you can't attack it all you can do is turn the system off and try again the worst part is there's almost no way to protect your preventers unless you've got the game that has a history of freezing or for some reason you want to thrash your des around during the battle then it's probably not going to happen to you just in case I always hold my GF really delicately when I find a shiny especially if it's on a third-generation game because on Dias lights the cartridge doesn't go fully into the system it will probably never happen to you but there's no harm in being careful Oh oh my god that was definitely shiny oh my god I can't believe I just said that oh my god that came after 2413 softer set and that was definitely a shiny shriek oh and I just softer sent over it oh my god I'm so hot softer setting or running away from a shiny I'm sure a lot of you might be thinking how could you ever softer set over a shiny you'd have to be pretty dumb to do that well you would say that if it hasn't happened to you but it's a lot easier to do than you think all it takes is one tiny lapse in your concentration to Taylor shiny that's it you may know that a year or two ago Irish shiny hunting Treecko and sapphire and I found one about half a second I was looking at something on my laptop and I suppose I was just a little few faster push the buttons because before I knew it the Treecko was gone it was so fast it didn't even have chance to Sparkle now running away from a shiny is a different matter because by the time the run option appears the shiny cycles have made their sound and so on running away from a shiny because you didn't realize you'd encountered one would require you to be very distracted so I wouldn't worry about that one happening too much but the feeling of knowing that you had the shiny and you ruined it because you weren't paying attention for a second or two really thugs but that's just about it for what I believe to be the top 10 worst ways to fail a shiny pokemon if you fail too shiny in a way that wasn't on this list then be sure to let me know ask for more top 10 videos and taking suggestions so if you have something you'd like to see then leave a comment if I end up picking your comment then you'll get credit in the beginning of the video I make so as always thank you for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: CandyEvie
Views: 2,201,240
Rating: 4.8762507 out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon top 10, top 10, top 10 worst ways to fail a shiny, failing a shiny pokemon, shiny pokemon fail, pokemon fail, pokemon facts, pokemon trivia, pokemon
Id: cstjrkSh_kg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 22 2017
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