Worst Meal You Were Forced To Eat During Childhood

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what's the worst meal you were regularly served and forced to eat as a child cake see when we came to canada my family was really poor and my mom had a cake business she would do on the side we were at the time scrapping by so much that most of my lunches consisted of the extra cake slices from my mom's business now you would think as a grade 1-3 student that cake would be the most awesome lunch ever but it got real boring really fast so i've hated cake ever since i was a little kid it had its bonus though since most kids loved cake i would be trading it for bologna sandwiches which to this day i find so delicious since i was deprived of it random snacks and pogs one of the few poor lunches you could actually barter with this thread is making me so grateful for my mom we were dirt poor and i always thought she was a good cook who did a good job with what she could afford after reading this thread my mom is goddamn julia child with a tiny grocery budget here here cooking quality food on a limited budget for a family is a damn difficult task my thanks to all those moms dads older brothers and sisters and family members who took upon that task my parents both worked and i had to stay with the family friend who babysat us every lunch she fixed us campbell's tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwiches she was one of those woman who felt children should be forced to eat every bite on their plate it turns out it actually is possible to screw up a grilled cheese sandwich and to this day i absolutely cannot stand campbell's tomato soup boarding school in ireland in the 1980s saturday lunch dessert was always yogurt they were often so far past their cell by dates that they had a layer of mold on top green potatoes sour milk on our cereal stale bread also sometimes with mold keepers seriously who would ever voluntarily eat a kipper every few weeks the whole school would be mysteriously ill with a bug going around the symptoms of which were eerily similar to food poisoning seriously green potatoes can be poisonous solanine is no fun remember kids while not all night shades are bad for you green potatoes are about as fun as eating belladonna stuffed eggplant my mom made it all the time and i hated it she would tell me i'd miss it once she was gone i miss her a great deal bit her stuffed eggplant not so much when i was a kid i thought eggplant was going to be a big purple apple how wrong i was step one get a baking dish step 2 fill it with pork chops step 3 cover with a can of cherry pie filling no other seasonings are needed step 4 bake at 350 until pork chops are dry and stuck to the pan preferably the cherries will turn to goo than harden step 5 serve and yell at your family when they refuse to eat it step 5 serve and yell at your family when they refuse to eat it good times good times my step-grandmother on my dad's side of the family was a lovely woman also a terrible cook beyond awful her food was barely edible she is probably where the old saying originated never trust a skinny cook our family ate dinner at our grandparents every monday night our entire family parents included always ate before going so that we would not be very hungry when we arrived lucky for us she grew up during the great depression and believed gluttony was a sin she actually loved the fact that we were light eaters this was perfect because we would never have wanted to hurt her feelings once she took my brother out to a restaurant that was having an all-you-can-eat fish night for years she joked and talked about the gluttony my brother had on what she thought was a one-night fish binge one night fish binge is the name of my band my mother loved potato soup my sister and i hated it so when we'd come home from grocery shopping we'd help mom put the groceries away we hid the cans of potato soup behind some pots that were never used when we moved she found a couple dozen cans back there and was not pleased as an adult i now enjoy a good potato soup mom never lets me forget mmm homemade potato soup is awesome i always throw is some crumbled bacon celery and corn ham and beans soup the worst part was the anticipation it would take 24 hours to cook so we would no way in advance that was what was for dinner anything cooked by my mother there were times when she tried to be domesticated but she just couldn't do it her cooking was so atrocious that my sibling and i learned to cook our own meals by the time we were 13. everything she got her hands on was either charred packaged and pre-made or completely devoid of any flavor or nutritional value i fear this if one day i become a mother i was raised catholic in the us when we couldn't eat meat on fridays frozen food today is amazingly better than in the 1950s even the cheap stuff frozen fish sticks were just awful no wonder i was skinny as a kid [Music] moose meets you let me tell you something about moose meat firstly it comes from a freaking moose have you seen a moose no not a canadian or northern lower 48s type of moose an alaskan moose they are freaking massive by god they are horrifyingly large creatures perhaps twice the size and weight of a horse bringing down a single moose can feed a family for quite a while so when someone goes hunting a lot of that meat is going to get shared and oh boy our family sure was shared with a lot sharing is caring they said but this kind of sharing is the sort that puts a little bit of hatred in your heart and dread of the future dread of that too tough too tasteless moose meets you moose meets you multiple times a week the meat is tough it's really hard to chew more bites than not you're just spitting out the wad of chewed up material because you can't chew it anymore and your jaw is tired ever tried running a chewing marathon no because that's not a goddamn thing except when your eating moose meets you even in my 20s it still clicks sometimes build new i better not blame the moose meat not the precious moose meat moose meat is good for you moose meat can do no wrong the worst part is that my mom was an amazing cook if only she cooked something other than freaking moose meets you want to go to a friend's house for dinner but what about the moose meat stew you want to eat tata tots that's bulls more moose meats too for you kiddo and i get it i truly do when in rome yada yada but give me king salmon halibut clams trout reindeer sausage heck i'd even eat marmot which is not a thing we eat don't worry over moose meat any day of the goddamn week i will freaking cannibalize my family before i eat moose meat again i will go full out donna party on their asses before i allow myself to endure that pain another moment i will subject myself to the weak old gas station hot dog foodborne illness nightmare if it means avoiding more mandibular trauma just please no more moose meat stew this made me laugh i married a farm boy and my brother hunts and we received half an elk a side of moose and like 1.5 deer for christmas i got so sick of it i just took an axe to the bulk of it and feed portions of it to my very happy dog steak not because i don't like steak but because i like my steak cooked very differently than how my parents used to prepare it when i was a kid i didn't realize this for a very long time as an adult and missed out on many steaks i could have eaten my wife went through the same thing as a kid her mother's boyfriend's idea of steak night was smother it with onion powder salt pepper then into the oven nothing like dry chewy poorly seasoned beef to make a meal he did the same with burgers i have shown her the light and what properly seasoned beef and a cast iron skillet can do my parents called it sos which stood for crapola shingle it was basically a poor man's version of biscuits and gravy that is the cheapest walmart bread coupled with some off-brand country gravy i hated it so freaking much looking back though we were pretty poor and my parents were just trying to feed us my mother liked to serve spaghetti with stewed raisins like dump the pasta and some raisins in the same pot boil for 10 minutes serve no pasta sauce you could get some parmesan cheese if you'd been good that day man that's a creative way to totally freak up pasta not the whole meal just a part of it my grandmother always used to pile half hour plates with canned minted peas they were freaking awful and mushy and ugg there was always too much of it on the plate to eat before it got cold even if you started with the peas and eggs as fast as you could but no leaving the table till every last bite went down so by the end of the piece it was gagging on disgusting cold green mush i can't even look at peas now without dry heaving not a usual grandma making you eat story you read on here lean cuisines hungry men dinners elio's pizza etc all we ever ate was junk junk and more junk i learned to cook at like age 10 and tried to prepare better stuff for myself whenever i could but sometimes that's all my dad and mom by association would buy most of the time because that's all my dad would eat that and take out making myself breaded chicken cutlets and rice for myself with canned corn was about as fancy as it got sometimes or grilled ham and cheese and at 15 strokes 16 may be meatloaf i think you are matilda egg for breakfast lunch and dinner it was egg boiled scrambled or fried for three weeks that was what each meal consisted of a single solitary egg prepared one of three ways on sunday things would be a bit better we got a single piece of dry white toast to go with our egg at dinner being poor as a kid sucked it's not a meal but as a side i liked whole kernel corn my brother didn't particularly like creamed corn but he knew i hated it so that is what he'd ask for as a compromise my parents would mix one can of each yet my parents didn't understand that a cup of wine in a barrel of sewage is a barrel and a cup of sewage but a cup of sewage and a barrel of wine is a barrel and a cup of sewage cheese toast it was a slice of cheese on bread that was set in the oven for two minutes this was when a lot of people lost their jobs about 2004 this included my dad so my family had to eat whatever we could get lots of cheese toast holy crap i just had a realization i was ate in 2004 and that was about the time that my family used to have cheese on toast for dinner a lot i always loved it as a meal because cheese is just hard to dislike but now i'm realizing that it was because my dad lost his job i always knew he lost his job but i didn't have any comprehension of how bad it must have been until about now rice and beans super cheap stuff you get in bulk in third grade my class did a math exercise with bags of pinto beans practical counting etc at the end of the day the teacher comes up to where i'm standing in the bus line and loads me down with the bags of beans i didn't know why at the time did my mom talk to her doubtful my mom never talked to the school staff seemed like mrs livingston just made some pretty insulting if accurate presumptions sadly we ate those freaking pinto beans for weeks some probably went up the class clown's nose at one point god only knows what else but i had something to eat and it was free so i guess i couldn't complain mom used to make us shake and incinerate my mom believe that poor can only be served bone dry and hard as a rock i made my first mitt out of those pork chops yeah this is pretty common my mom cooked pork chops until you had to saw them apart served with apple sauce chocolate oatmeal this solid gray brown mass of chocolate flavored sludge made of mostly cottage cheese and soggy oats was something my dad dreamed of during a health kick he decided to take my brother and i on he would take raw oats plain yogurt cinnamon applesauce and heaping amounts of cottage cheese then mix it all together as the final ingredient he would work in several servings of chocolate protein powder all in a big bowl he'd then split it up into individual tupperware containers and refrigerate it by the time we got to eat it it was mostly solid and had turned the color off how it tasted i hated it as a kid and read it the mornings when i had to spoon feed that vaguely colorless glue into my mouth but funnily enough i have now developed my own variation with more banana honey and almonds and eat it every morning really helps with regularity so thanks dad for making my poops nice not aesthetically mind you this sounds like something fit to dream up one summer when i was about seven my mom met a guy at the bar her first home she wanted to be with him so bad but i guess he didn't like kids so he or she bought a barrel of dried pinto beans dropped it off and left that's what we ate for three mo no lie we mix them with ketchup mustard mayo barbecue sauce you name it i remember we tried to steal food from the anb but got caught my older sis lydia she's my mom to me love you explained our situation so we got a free ride home by cop who left nobody did nothing i was sent to a foreign school when my parents took us to live abroad and it was bleak everyday flavorless rice in a flavorless soup cold it tasted like butt and smelled like butt cereal with milk i refuse to eat it i hate when it gets soggy and i always ended up feeling sick after eating it come to find out i was lactose intolerant my mother always knew but never bothered to tell the school so they could give me a different meal one of my moms used to make this lemon fish on the regular but she would put so much lemon on the fish that it would make me pucker every time i was forced to take a bite which would get me in trouble because it implied that she wasn't a good cook like other mom this is easy i was fed playing chinese steamed buns and water every day when i was younger called mantu in chinese at best it was a tasteless mound of flour however more often than not my buns were either under steamed or over steamed so i would either be eating tasteless wet dough or a tasteless wet brick this combined with a cup of water meant that whatever steamed mess i ate will expand 10x in size i usually get a stomachache in 20 minutes but my parents never believed me i liked to stop eating but i was young and refusing to finish your buns and cup of water was asking for a butt kicking back then yes i realize steam buns can come in many varieties but plain bun packages are 25 cents cheaper than buns with filling but guess what my penny pinching parents always bought late to the party but when i was young my parents made me eat oatmeal not that bad but tiny me freaking despised it it didn't matter how much brown sugar milk or fruit was in it breakfast ended in tears almost every day so one morning after we had stayed over at my aunt's place my parents make me the typical bowl of oatmeal my aunt kept her spices and sugars in unlabeled bulk bags so they located the brown sugar and dumped a larger mountain in the usual attempt to make it more tasty that morning the battle was fierce by the time i had finished half the bowl i had been grounded three times so with tears in my eyes i glare at them and challenge them to try it rolling their eyes they take a bite and immediately spit it out the unmarked bag of brown sugar yeah that was beef bullion they had forced me to eat half a bowl of beef flavored oatmeal i got captain crunch the next day i have done something similar to my kids i was sick with the stuffed up nose and half asleep when i made their oatmeal which they normally ate without complaint and apparently i grabbed the chili powder instead of the cinnamon oops rarely did a meal start out as bad our mother merely got on a kick where she would cook the same meal for months we fondly remember the summer of burritos and the winter of goulash we'd get so sick of it until she would finally start a different food to beat into repetition induced disgust my mom is actually a pretty fantastic cook of cantonese cuisine but for some reason once every few months she was compelled to make this dish i don't know the name of it but it was basically pigs who's boiled in vinegar it stunk up the house big time no one in my family liked it as far as i knew including herself looking back i really don't know why she ever made it maybe specifically despite my dad when they had an argument or something because he hated the smell i can only pick one maybe it's the chicken noodle soup my mom made she'd start with a whole chicken but then never strain or spoon out any of the excess oil thread be an oil slick on the top of all our bowls of soup and each time she made it my dad and i would get sick to our stomachs she loved it eventually i started refusing to eat it or how about that no matter what meat she would cook on the grill it would be seasoned only with salt and pepper and would be varying amounts of burnt she liked it burnt or maybe it was when we were having a fancy meal and instead of canned green beans she'd whip out the canned asparagus i grew up thinking i didn't like steak or asparagus or all these other things because i'd never had them prepared properly i'm starting to think i'm the only child who like liver vegetables eggplant and goat brain i however absolutely despised lentils not because it tasted bad but it makes your fart smell horrible no matter who you are your fart will kill if you've had lentils that day former cook here i cook lentils at home at least once a week pro tip you have to break down legumes to avoid intestinal gases you can do this in three different ways one cook the lentils longer than the recipe calls for two soak them overnight to make them softer three add acidic ingredients tomato is what i usually use all methods will solve your gas problem my folks both worked so it was pretty common to eat leftovers for dinner from monday to usually about thursday or friday suffice it to say sunday dinner was a big deal and featured entirely too much food oftentimes this was a good thing pasta is fine for leftovers grilled chicken is fine for a few days they didn't gussy anything up you just had microwave leftover grilled chicken but throw some barbecue or ranch on there and hey not so bad burgers though ever had a four day old cheeseburger that's been in a freezer bag bun and all after it came out of the microwave just miserable the bread is like a gooey cloth substance the already well done burgers are now mummified much like a hot pocket the burger is magma on the outside and ice cold in the middle there was always food on the table so i shouldn't be but my god leftover microwave cheeseburgers there is no amount of ketchup and mustard that can save them for three four days in a row rice rice is great i'm half mexican half salvy so rice was pretty much in every meal but growing up our pantry was never cleaned out my parents bought rice in bulk and never stored it in a container our rice regularly had maggots in it i don't hate a lot of things but i do hate maggoty rice my dad made this green bean casserole that tasted like green beans slime and dry dog food mixed together inexplicably he took it to family gatherings and my sister and i were forced to eat what was left over with dinners the following week will never eat anything called green bean casserole ever again also i grew up thinking sloppy joes were ground beef mixed with cream of mushroom soup and served on a slice of wheat bread so i grew up thinking i did not like sloppy joes then i had a real one and it was a whole new world lol a possum god i hated that was so dang greasy on its own and grandma cooked it in this cast iron skillet that always had like an inch of grease just sitting in it horrible nightmares the turmeric anything i know some people love it but why would you eat anything that is bitter in its name you might as well be making poop noodles cereal with water rather than milk served in a frisbee it wasn't even to save money my father was just incompetent in the kitchen we bought canned green beans and they were good for a while and then the company changed some stuff and it tasted awful it didn't remotely taste like green beans and they fell apart while cooking like paper in water my parents couldn't taste the difference because they smoked a pack and a half of cagerots every day for decades they just thought i was not wanting to eat my greens but good god those green beans were some of the worst food i have ever eaten and i would be forced to eat it almost every day for years oh man so tuna salad but with a twist let me spell this out my mom would combine tuna with fruit i thought it was disgusting the savory flavor of tuna which is already kinda suspect coming out of a can just doesn't pair with a grape and an apple in ho but here's the killer she's slop it into an ice cream cone you cannot imagine the horror as a child think like five six years old thinking you're getting a scoop of ice cream only to suddenly realize the truth it was a disgusting meaty slurry that dripped mismatched fruit juice on your hand as you tried to consume it i learned quickly to carefully check what i was handed and try to throw that tuna salad out when no one was looking if only i had a dog growing up and his mac and cheese with peas mixed in and because of the shape of the shells you couldn't pick around the peas because they got stuck in the little suction cups i still have nightmares my dad used to make macaroni and cheese with hamburger in it which wouldn't have been bad if he didn't put half a jar of mayonnaise and raw onion in it my asian mother used to send me to school with food that i loved but got me mercilessly teased it was normally rice with egg [ __ ] ache and wood ear mushrooms black fungus and this thing called fat oil hair weed which is a type of bacterium used as a vegetable in chinese cooking that resembles black hair when you open your thermos and everyone can smell the hair weed you're eating you don't have a lot of friends wearing a pastel sweatsuit does not help either sausages and vegetables i grew up kinda poor and it was all mum and dad could afford most of the time so we had it nearly every day for dinner sausages mashed potatoes corn and cauliflower not necessarily a bad meal but when you're a kid and you have it five days a week for several years you really grow to hate it it took me years before i could appreciate a good snag on the barbie and i still hate veggies i agree that would be tiresome to eat so often but your parents did a good job nutrition wise a lot of people with a money strict diet aren't so careful so good on your parents we were served cabbage regularly hate it still never was forced to eat it though also spinach was sth i hated as a kid now i love spinach colon 3. if you are new to the channel you can subscribe i publish new videos every day until then check another video bye for now
Channel: Updoot Everything
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Keywords: worst meal, worst meal you had, worst childhood meals, childhood meals, childhood food, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh, reddit stories 2021
Id: ASrs96HCSlA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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