What's The Most Depressing Meal You Ever Ate? (r/AskReddit)

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what's the most depressing meal you've ever eaten I bought a discounted cake at the grocery store that had happy anniversary Anna still visible in the indentation even though most of the frosting had been scraped off I got drunk and dated alone doesn't matter had cake Christmas Eve I was working late broke and tired I had gas station cheeseburgers and chips that were on sale because they were about to expire when I called to say hello to my mother she mentioned how she gave some prime rib to her dog I kept a tough schedule as a college student and I remember one night I was working my part-time job in the library the shift was from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m. and I'd had classes all morning and my internship all afternoon at some point during my shift I realized I hadn't eaten all day and managed to scrounge an old flattened granola bar from my bag I couldn't take a break and I wasn't allowed to eat at the desk so I hid under a bin of DVDs and scarf down that disgusting dry out patty like a feral raccoon enjoying a snack under a dumpster not my finest moment or meal I'm really sorry you had a crappy day but I'm in stitches thinking of that image I imagined you squatting and ferociously nibbling at the granola bar with a manic overbite squirrelly looking around for your supervisor hope you got to eat well later that night the last thing my mother ever cooked for me I ate it almost a week after she died I didn't want to waste it but I knew once I ate it she'd really be gone the pain never goes away it just gets smaller and smaller until you can shove it away and it doesn't sit on you anymore I think this is the most depressing one you should learn her recipes so you can pass it along to your children this is what your grandma used to cook that way she can never truly be gone it's my birthday today I am eating a corn dog that I just cooked in the microwave alone of course on my 21st birthday I am now 62 had a coupon for a free sundae at Farrell's went there by myself to enjoy my ice cream but they brought it out in full regalia with happy birthday playing and singing and now everyone is looking at me sitting all by myself with my scoop of vanilla hey it was free sitting with the kids laughing about their day encouraging them to eat their dinner so they'll have energy tomorrow then after they're in bed eating the leftovers off their plates and filling up on tap water because I didn't have enough money to feed all of us and I wanted to protect them from knowing that I had failed the very fact that they ate dinner at night is evidence that you certainly did not fail you sacrificed for your children that's exactly what a good parent does times can be very very tough and when times are got tough what separates the good parents from the failed ones is who the parents put first freshman year of college I had been working on a project for about 12 hours straight I was physically and mentally exhausted and all I wanted was some food made some easier Mack and right then my roommate came in after a night out and had brought a girl home hurried out of the room and grabbed the only utensil I had which was a knife realized I didn't have my card so I couldn't leave the floor so I sat on a bench in the bathroom and ate a bowl of Easy Mac at 3 a.m. with a knife you'll oil a tortilla tops with ketchup and mustard don't judge me ketchup and mustard that's some goo ma crap right there dry oatmeal the Quaker brand that comes in the little brown packets I couldn't be bothered to heat it up or even add water so I just hated out of the packet dry Quaker Oatmeal was a treasured treat of mine in elementary school by choice so were microwaved marshmallows 24 years old went to stay with my film say and her family for Christmas she dumps me on Christmas morning cos reasons I lived about 90 minutes away in another town went home no dog because in kennels for the holidays because I was meant to be away flat mitts are away family are all out of town on holiday Christmas dinner was leftovers from the back of the fridge alone not even any booze to numb the pain worst meal of my life I'm sorry that sounds terrible I didn't have it but my dad had a whopper auntie steps of the Lincoln Memorial on Thanksgiving Day because he couldn't attend the nice Thanksgiving dinner because he forgot his blazer but I once talked to this girl online dating for quite a while she told me to meet her at a pub etc but she texted that she was running late so had me order for her so I did but never showed after I waited with food on the table for about thirty minutes so I ate her caesar wrap the next day for lunch at home by myself and never heard from her again I'll just assume she was hit by a bus even though my town doesn't have buses she was probably a 350 pound Harry forty-eight years old dude baloney sandwich in jail my 25th birthday it was 1977 and the whole country was in the midst of the energy crisis so that Friday Carter had ordered offices closed and only heated to 35 degrees everyone got the day off but my new boss had a big trial going on in Washington DC and needed me to go into the office long enough to transcribe tapes he was having flown in that a cab driver would deliver from the airport it was two degrees outside and there was a couple feet of snow on the ground in the bus I took to work an hour-long trip had no heat only one security guard was in the building when I got there and I typed the brief as fast as I could when it finally arrived off to ride sat there freezing for two hours all through this I knew my family was preparing a great dinner for me so as soon as I was done things would be nice tan mashed potatoes cauliflower with cheese sauce and angel food cake um left the office in the bus back home not only didn't have heat it had some of the windows stuck open shivering all the way home I dreamed off the great dinner I'd soon have I got to my mother's and it turned out she and my dad had had a huge fight and she and my snotty teenage sister had their bags packed and planned on coming home with me no dinner was cooked or even anticipated we got carry out chili and went back to my apartment where my sister fussed about everything insulted me all evening and proceeded to remove all my dishes from the cabinet Sandra washed them because she wasn't sure they were clean enough to sue her mother sat and cried turned out dad was running around on her and this was the first of several weekends where he'd pick a fight and storm off on a Friday and stay gone all weekend worst birthday ever I was fed dog food for a while as a kid I'm sorry man that's awful hoping things are better now unlimited pancakes at IHOP I took a bet that I couldn't finish 20 for 150 dollars I started regretting it on number seven - eight New Year's Eve between 2013 and 2014 McDonald's eating by me my uncle my parents and a neighbor in a house with a dying man my grandfather was dying of end-stage liver cirrhosis Parkinson's disease and a blood clot he was on hospice care in his own home we couldn't afford a full-time caregiver so me and my uncle were voluntold to care for him as he died New Year's rolls around we share of a pressing meal together and try to be of good cheer but he didn't work I was an escort and I would usually get in and out on my way home I usually felt really dirty sitting at the booth by myself but the worst time was when I was hired by two guys and after we had intercourse they went and got me Wendy's which I proceeded to eat naked at the foot of the dirty Motel bed while those two creeps stared at me hope you're doing better now one time in college I was returning to my dorm room late at night and I was really hungry but I didn't have any cash for the vending machine nor any means of transportation to the nearest fast-food joint sure enough there was a pizza box sitting atop that trashcan in the hallway the box not being big enough for the can I opened it up and I found two entire slices of pepperoni pizza which I ate then in there it filled me up but I felt like a dang hobo I ate a huge bag of raisins for three days because that's all I had every Valentine's Day I order and eat a whole pizza while watching Eternal Sunshine I hope you spend future Valentine's Days sharing that pizza with someone you love thanks giving up Denny's with my mother who was getting a divorce had the same experience about eleven years ago however I'm the mother and both of my young children at the time did their best to make me feel loved I however felt worthless with each bite of Turkey I was invited to Thanksgiving dinner at my brother's house his wife asked me to bring crescent rolls I was having a hard time financially that year and my long-term boyfriend had recently been diagnosed with stage 4 throat cancer at the time I had about three dollars to my name I couldn't afford crescent rolls so I bought two packs off Kroger brown and serve rolls for one dollar and 99 cents my sister-in-law was quite visibly annoyed and kept mentioning all day long how much she was craving crescent rolls driving back from Disney World eating a fabulous dinner off fresh shrimp oysters and fish overlooking the Sun setting on the Panama City Bay the family of six all silently sobbing at the table because we were just told the family dog of 13 years died we miss you Maggie , this still bums me out to think about freshman year of college I had a big group of friends for the first time in my life and we did almost everything together I'd always had friends in life but never a big group of people in second semester I was guested by the whole group suddenly I was never getting called or message to do anything and nobody would ever reply to any calls or texts at first I thought it was just everyone being busy but then came that super crappy Friday I was studying in my room and had my desk under the window my window faced one of the paths to the dining hall and then I saw my group of friends walking in and laughing together I was the only one who wasn't invited and it hit me all that once that I was no longer part of the crew our dining hall offered a to-go option and I opted for it that night sitting in my dorm room alone on a Friday night eating cup noodles and realizing I no longer had my group of friends was by far the most depressing meal I've ever had I think it's because at a time I was hanging out with people from my classes instead of only them which apparently wasn't okay they suck hope you have real friends now a sad potato smiley ran out of food in my apartment and didn't feel like going shopping since it was 1 a.m. found taco shells which I promptly heated in the oven then topped them with peanut butter 805 dollar pizza at 10:30 it's night in the floor of an empty room that had earlier been a bedroom we were sitting on Cod mattresses and it was the last night we had in the house before we had to be out it was the day after Christmas during basic training in the army we were doing our first week under full field conditions to get our food we had to sneak up to a position and steal our combat rations the combat rations and the IDF are pretty crappy but there were some dried fruit pieces and olives and stuff that could be pleasant the only truly gross thing that no one would eat was the canned meat we still our food and got ready to eat when we noticed the Box had been tampered with our sergeant had gone and pulled everything out except the canned meat I put ketchup and mustard on a hot dog bun and ate it with no hot dog ones it's like the last bite but for the whole thing the last lasagna made by my stepmom she was adorable sweet and always treated me like one of her own always making sure I had enough food since I lived two cities away their house was too small and my dad spent half the time there half the time at my house when I was a team since it would take him three hours to get to work from mine versus hers 20 minutes she died on a drive-by shoot on the night I was supposed to go join them for dinner I gave them a maybe and ended up spending the night at my boyfriend's ignoring my phone lighting up because we were shagging and when done went for the phone got the news and in shock just walked out to the living room totally naked where my then boyfriend's roommate and his date were watching a movie in the middle of the night went for the bathroom and took a cold shower to get ready to handle everything completely oblivious of the fact that I just flashed them both when I walked by I was super depressed and ate an entire box of off-brand mac and cheese raw with nothing but a cool glass of water and a steady flow of tears to wash it down good times hot chocolate powder from the package scooped out with a spoon Thanksgiving dinner alone in a Waffle House 2,000 miles away from my family when you're alone on Thanksgiving Waffle House is your family I remember how we got our first microwave when I was little I was so excited because I loved melted cheese on top a piece of bread well we did not have any bread that day and for some reason I didn't even use a plate but I just put a slice of cheese inside the microwave and used a knife to get the cheese out and ate it 9 stroke 10 would recommend when I ordered also mutant noodles like 5 minutes before the AIDS Not You It's Me speech began I went camping and woke up extremely hungover one morning I was starving but really didn't want try and cook anything so I settled for canned chicken breast and crackers it was terrible the smell of the chicken juice should have been my first warning my wife doesn't like Famous Dave's and she was gone one weekend sir know what I got Famous Dave's ice at waiting game for my barbecue goodness to take home talking to the person about how I never get it at all I get home and dig in and it was just meh it's so disappointed and letdown tortilla wrapped with Kraft singles threw in uncooked ramen noodles for the crunch factor my poor man's equivalent to the crispy chicken wraps out pretty much every restaurant does now except it had no chicken just chicken flavoring from the noodles I actually kind of want to try this with good cheese now Christmas in New York City 2 Broke not enough vacation to travel and no friends in the city yet the holiday consisted of a couple days worth of Little Caesars and whiskey canned tuna mixed with Mayo packets from some fast food place and spiritual on saltine crackers I actually like it and I don't beat it because I'm poor but after I told my mom that's what I was eating during a phone call all the presents I get for birthdays and Christmas is food related well I guess I don't mind and I still have a crapload of pepperidge farm sausages and she said she sent me for Christmas when I was a kid we had Thanksgiving dinner in the hospital cafeteria where my dad was working late I was one sad little camper every last one of my meal this week I'm usually pretty proud about the way I eat I like to plan my meals and I take pleasure and pride when I come out of the grocery store with a nice variety of healthy and fresh products but this week I'm poor because my job was closed during the holidays and after two weeks without pay the first pay I got was for only once a week of work so I've been eating like a college student again and it is super depressing a McDonald's salad I had a rice sandwich once I was super poor but didn't want to ask my family for help because it was the first time I moved out really hit me hard that I fell that low much better today up to the cheapest meat and some hot sauce a salad I had to lose a few pounds and I didn't know yet that dieting is focus more on eating the right food and in regulation and that did not mean starvation and depriving myself of the good stuff i sat there chewing my greens feeling like a miserable cow grazing alone in a pasture you have been visited by the IT lizard a voter experienced bad internet for a month thanks for watching 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Channel: Updoot Everything
Views: 77,509
Rating: 4.9471197 out of 5
Keywords: depressing meal, depressing food, worst meal, worst food, bad food, bad meal, #updootst, updoot, reddit, r/askreddit, askreddit, ask reddit, r/, \r, r\, best of reddit, reddit stories, reddit story, top posts, funniest posts, funny, funny posts, funny reddit stories, funny askreddit, reddit funny, askreddit funny, askreddit stories, reddit stories 2019, people of reddit, sub, reddit cringe, memes, toadfilms, updoot everything, updoot reddit, story, stories, rslash, comedy, fresh
Id: 4N54S1OWxyM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 2sec (1022 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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