Worst Collisions Caught on Dash Cam

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how's it going boys and girls welcome back to side men reacts we've got myself wait what that's russian oh okay ah what does that mean does that mean russian russian i think it means cheers oh i did it pre i did it preemptively i did it too early and i said yeah well we've got we've got mini mentor and toby as you can see on the screen and we're going to be watching some russian dash cam videos oh hey bangarang again oh my god oh my god i could have been worse could have been worse wait was that was that the actual music in the car i think yeah it happened to just like it happened on the drop yeah oh this is hard to watch i'm struggling did anyone else lean there yeah i'm amazing subconsciously oh that's up there no no no he's not going to make it oh wait what wait the whole thing collapsed i'll give you a little weight look he hit the top of the van hit the bridge it was too low for him oh my god he's had a howler i saw a bus that did this in south london the other day whole top got ripped off did you actually see it happen i didn't see it happening oh my god oh my god stop why that's actually very lucky don't nothing got damaged there oh wait no hang on oh hello oh i spoke too soon all right what's gonna happen there oh he's [ __ ] oh my days yeah they don't give a [ __ ] man they just keep going did he turn the truck for him oh my god stop stop jesus it's our con drives or is he a bit better that's how con drives bro that's that's what we used to do in gta what's happening there oh no mate what are you doing put on the brakes you can see why they have no rules what the [ __ ] why did he swear why is he swerving have you seen the videos of life have you seen the invisible the insurance scammers i'm just my trim looks terrible today have you seen the videos of the insurance company yeah yeah yeah yeah those are amazing this guy's wagon is not dealing with that crash look at the size but look at this what car is that what kind of car is that russia oh dear straight into the driver's side oh no oh my god oh my god that tiny thing has left it oh wow oh here we go this is some russian rock music jesus okay that's definitely not playing in the car no that was too perfectly synced yeah yeah yeah what what like what what's you see what i'm saying everyone is just driving off the straight line it's either probably drunk driving i'll be on your phone yeah don't phone and drive these aren't russians they were definitely not rushing they were yeah that wasn't russian we've been scouting we've been scamming clickbait boys that's russia though all right what's gonna happen here he's gonna break check him yeah in the back yeah yeah bang jesus [Music] there we go nothing can go wrong with a smart car yeah yeah never flip the smart car did you ever use about have a smart car that you signed up josh josh had a smart car oh josh had a smart car that's what i mean we then bought a smart car although we dressed up like donald trump yeah you did with that yeah you know i've been in a car crash like a proper one no only when ethan decided to turn off a roundabout from the inside lane what he crashed how bad was that it ripped the whole front of his bonnet off oh mad oh have you harry i would a little in guernsey my dad like pulled out of a lane too early and hit and he had an old lady in the car actually she was sat in the car but he like bumped the car he was very apologetic not often that oh no to be fair i have i bumped into the back of someone at red lights but not like a crash crash i just kind of rolled into them and they weren't happening that's i i mean yeah i've had that where there's like no real mark but yeah but he got out holding it he got hold on his back he was like oh no no no no oh god i've got an insurance claim on my hands so ethan can't drive and harry's dad drives into women well only old woman [Laughter] i look at this but there's there's a car there oh no oh no how has that ended up like that i thought we were safe in this one what are you doing where could they possibly been going guys i'm getting secondhand road annoyance that is that's just that's just although i don't know i do it must be hard to drive one of those big wheeler cars like they are a bit of a unit right what happens this is just someone going straight over the roundabout someone's going to straight over the roundabout jesus he went fine oh here we go there we go almost made it mate oh no that's what happened to the bus did you see it happening you saw the office i didn't see it happen i saw the glass and i saw the roof of the bus like parked up ripped off everything man oh my god why would you throw the cars up you could see oh the car is driving at you okay bit of a banger where are you going where are you going where are you going what that's that's asleep at the wheel or something it's got me right oh you're just drifting i mean he's fun but he's back on the road he's back on the road i mean yeah you know where you going where you going this is gta this is simon he's actually pissing me off this is actually really angering me that's sick what's happening here oh you should have checked your wingers mate you should have checked your wings to be fair they are an android user mm-hmm what do you mean are they right how do you spot that product placement [Music] what's happened there why are they still why are they still going but i don't know it's pissed it's actually pissing me off 70 kilometers or hours i go jesus christ oh my i think they're okay but the crops might be damaged okay yeah you didn't slow down [Music] i've never witnessed have i witnessed a big car crash i must have witnessed one at some point i swear i have i don't think i've actually seen it like that oh that always scared the pellet just came off the top i think so have you ever seen a destination [ __ ] bro yeah i was gonna say you've seen final destination with the logs yeah oh that that's what scares me when i see you when i see lori's with logs yeah or just lorries would like like like anything like rocks in the back or something like anything like wow there's people there's people there's people oh no what the hell's up in there how has that happened oh it's liquid so it's just sloshed around in the back and then just like sand or something right i think here sand yeah did he did he mount the curb a little bit maybe in russia they bring them in the crash you imagine well i thought someone else we'll try and guess which car is going to get in the accident for the next one let's see all right what do you say i'm saying that car on the right yeah on the right yeah i reckon it's the red one just comes the shot on the right okay i can just pray for him whoever's fault it is though i'll do one more it's fun game this one what do you reckon boys that white car in the distance i think it's one out of shot in front of this gold one instead of stupid donny how can this go wrong oh there you go all right well i feel like that wasn't the guy's driving fault though because i got like like caught him on the inside now he's got so many oh this guy's speeding i mean he stayed on two wheels dude i stayed on four wheels that's decent what's that motorbike [Music] where does that come from it's hit like this [Music] hey keep your eyes down that's not russia again keep your eyes down what do you mean keep your eyes down ye where you go where are you going though there there's not even a road to turn into there i'm tired he's lost a wheel oh shift oh well that was fun lads see if i wasn't a driver and i watched that video i just wouldn't want to drive i've realized i don't like driving anymore i'm not a fan of driving i don't mind driving like a road trip like on like big roads like driving a lot of people yeah traffic now not stop for me i love driving i just hate other people sounds like you have road rage nice one it seemed a bit lads [Music] you
Channel: SidemenReacts
Views: 4,413,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8W4VtSjtBUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 25 2020
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