Reacting to SIDEMEN Brutally RATE YouTubers

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sidemen brutally rating YouTubers and I was thus YouTuber that got brutally rated if you haven't seen the video I took a bit of an l i i some of vanilla I did get some good things but uh it didn't start off great six different YouTubers okay Alex Theo chick Randolph and Chris MD which Youtuber is best looking I think I know who's gonna be last wait who what to say it oh no yeah I just why would you start off like that I don't get it's just what not needed unnecessary and yes look I'm not wearing the best clothes but I just come from the gym okay there's a problem Jim looks like a rat that is not right and also everyone's saying they disagree with putting me last spoiler alert I was put last how come no one's argued the case for me yeah maybe we should Swap this video huh a full for cow what I'll put a mouse breeders agenda not allowed Harry speak louder I think lux's bus cases I'm out I'm gonna go I go chip Chris deji it's a little miss a mess down there this is the Harry said it's a mess down there at the start he said I didn't deserve to be at the bottom so make up your mind do any of you feel this is horrendously wrong me how do you think you should be oh it's up to you guys I do think we've done Theodore here it doesn't deserve Rock Bottom I think maybe you should have a category seven and put Theo there okay hahaha Chris what'd I make that's crazy where do you think you should be uh one above chip yeah there is a chance for you to be saved yeah uh we have some guests it was never gonna go well when they bought these it was never going to go well I think number one's good because you're just a bit short Chris did take it out even though he finished that's one of the better looking ones they're basic you know like number one that's so fun so fashion comes into good looks I don't think see I I think they should have looked away from the fashion because I feel like chip only got number one because of his fashion sense whereas if I had won Josh's clothes then I probably also would have been first maybe so but instead I just wore sports clothes and apparently people don't like that number six should be where he is [Music] why did you all go really what the [ __ ] yeah like I'm standing in the room [ __ ] is going I've just come from and I wasn't wearing Jordans are nice thanks they did not move you by the way you are still there yeah I was dressed like him I'd be higher anyways next question yes best YouTuber are we including like is it Legacy or is it covered might be taking two sixes here name yeah what's your favorite Theo video the marathon video you watch the other day apart from that one about uh yeah yeah would anyone disagree with me if I said the top two is Chris and Lux no I feel like I don't deserve the bottom here in this in this category I feel like my videos are actually better than being bottom hang on a minute you're fighting for fifth place at most none of you watch my in Batman videos and rethink about your life I think that's facts that's facts the thumbnails have improved over the last year and you know the whole channel has improved over the last year so diesel needs to piss off stay [ __ ] makes a better video than Lux does ah he has made more bangers over the years yeah you're not watching Iron Man video I put Randy ball I'm sorry I mean I would agree I just want to put Theo last just for the season no watch The Iron Man video and I bet you said it's here he was just running to any of you guys disagree with anything also chip I wasn't just running okay and Iron Man is a swim bike and a run he was obviously referring to the marathon video that he obsessively watched I think you've got it I can't lie he was one of the goals back in the day but the craziest fall off of all time is this making videos yeah yeah I think maybe deji is a bit high on that front because I would all do his best character comes when he's in other videos instead of the production oh you're not even at tools you know what Chris Chris really I thought that really came from the heart for Chris that he felt disrespected to be next to deji uh I feel like they should just have a fight really fight out anybody on there the videos are sick they're actually good he stole my best series see you later buddy the best footballer Chris calm I got this do it do it oh they've all got skills you know I don't know if you still haven't seen him ever play again that's it I don't know if you can play play you're not simulates Tick Tock oh no I haven't uh good Tick Tock a good Tick Tock these two around so you can actually no Theo's got the best goal at Wembley so yeah I normally get saved by other people can we keep you up competition between no please if this man runs the length of the pitch he has a cardiac arrest Chris can we see some kickoffs no Chris is so right here he's a funny one to get to get annoyed I like I like tickling Chris I can't lie I mean two overdrafts Josie don't have time yeah I had a good five years without paying tax wow [Music] what do you have held off my shooting loans every day all right he stays six yeah that's facts that's facts you know what it's another it's another sixth place for me yeah and it's out of my game join me brother [ __ ] I don't really stood next to him do we all have seven figures in the bank and then two overdrafts he did keep the cat actually no he didn't keep the cat he kept the cat for like six weeks then he had to give it up back to yeah anyways it's a big thing he got dumped she left him let that be known the funniest videos I feel like getting ugliest and then also called one of the funniest is sort of like they're laughing at you rather than They're laughing with you so I don't know whether that's a compliment or not personally it's crazy yo you keep going baby it's dead I'm not laughing I'm entertained I'm not laughing it's too much wait who are you talking about Chris videos okay nice that is true Chris does get people to write his own joke no get up there try and make us laugh give us a joke no surely I wanted to swap the chips yeah this is the worst yeah yeah imagine having to go off on stage and trying to make people laugh after people calling you funny when Chris when Chris chatted at me I was so grateful for that because look how small he looks on that stage oh my God Sweden have um barcodes [Laughter] um what do you call [Music] what do you get when you jingle a man's balls a white Christmas I feel like there's been a hate train towards me yeah that was terrible that was terrible but actually in the whole course of the making people laugh I was the only one who did uh again probably laughing at me so okay number one twice yeah they're also the ugliest am I [Music] lameesters yeah that's true see Randolph is nicer you tell me every day to just top myself yeah I love I love you all behind closed I hate everyone Chris hates on everyone since the breakup he's not said one positive thing Chris has heard it's a bit of a hater he's a lover at heart but is that he's been a hater right now when you're drunk bro yeah but that's not me that's that's triple crimes how the [ __ ] is deji down there he literally ruined this guy's life how was that bad Randy is on a glow up right now he is on a serious glow up right now I'm [ __ ] disappointed Chris the little demon in the corner shut your mouth you building Ginger you are a very mean little man I love the small letters it's so good it's the strongest a man broken he broken I did break an arm it's crazy Theo breaker is high you know and we talk about like raw strength like little Chris can't do a pull-up Theo you go to the gym quite a lot and you've done like the Iron Man I Need to flex no I've seen it though go and do it I actually have to do this I'm an arm wrestle YouTube oh the problem is here in this strength test thing I actually had tennis elbow so that would have been the reason if I were to lose it's gonna end in tears this was definitely gonna end in taser this was dangerous it'll get serious very fast it's already got serious oh my God Daddy's eating him up oh he's eating out calyx I was straight away it's over for lunch it's over the machine me to outbox a boxer not only that he also just fought got a bad hip to overnight oh Jesus Christ how's your hand when you do it oh my God you don't need the glass well you've lost straight oh no I say I would have done better if my tennis elbow wouldn't happen to me right now look that's that's a man in the corner there that is in pain that genuinely hurt my elbow a lot I've got tennis elbows that was one of the worst things I've ever seen as well 5 13. he's got strength and he's lost virginity like his body just doesn't work it's an equilibrium with it don't talk to me little man sorry he's complaining about [ __ ] [Laughter] which Youtuber has to hide not chip chip was strong I would have put Chris higher though because he gets angry when he gets drunk body count if it's been a doll there's a dog in there Chris has been on a rampant streak of women every time I see him he's like I was on date last night it's true to all of Chris's downfalls he is a dog at the moment he's a Serial data on fire we talk about glow ups about Randy Chris MD res MD are you like an animal yes what's the biggest eagle what do you say about Premier League free kick takers [ __ ] stand by it I'd bump Chris up Chris talks as if it's on camera off camera Theo claims that he's got eight goals arteta literally agreed with me so he does not yeah he's including penalties I think he does yeah well let's prove it then yeah what do you guys think about this order actually I don't know um I reckon I reckon Chris I actually put myself a little bit smarter you know I won't lie like I I have that kind of like Street Smart for a second I think you like doing a disservice to my brain which fast food chain has the most worldwide locations Starbucks no Subway yeah oh I can smell your Bo this close it's like no back in here isn't it I beat Chris on that last quiz FYI beat your mum last night mate unnecessary Chris that was just a brute actually but uh I did actually uh beat him on the quiz previous to this one where it didn't count for me but the one that counts how many how many days I didn't know that in February in a leap year hold that [ __ ] L 29. what mountain range separates from oh it's so annoying about this wrong separates France and Spain yes all you dirty dog that is that is rude Pyrenees yeah [Music] no that's all Chris also didn't do my handshake not needed right well there you go I feel like I took an l and I started to turn it into a weird shaped W please like And subscribe
Channel: Theo Baker Extra
Views: 75,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: theo baker, theo baker shorts, theo baker clips, theo baker plays, theo baker rtg, theo baker fifa, theo baker challenge, theo baker football, pitchside, wafflin, sidemen, Reacting to SIDEMEN Brutally RATE YouTubers
Id: zWaWgz1NJMU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 35sec (935 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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