Worry and Anxiety (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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you [Music] [Applause] Oh markup or lahat if you're joining us live online good morning person you're gonna pile up Nando maybe good evening good afternoon but for us here if you're a first-timer we are composed to our very first service during Sunday how we do have a 9:00 a.m. service among I use a liquid and I'm cover here a patella god machine at the 5:00 a.m. Palin and Ito now so I'm here at elegant Oppo and so we have a 90 M English service possible ah so you might want to unsee that next time there are people outside as well and there are people no importance a 9:00 a.m. service and we are on our series entitled redefined and this particular part of the series we've been talking about our relationship with God I mean can you just imagine with me for a moment imagine my relationship as a song artist and a Hollywood star in Milan or us Presley that imagine just the thought now you have his numbers afford money on telling people something belong a lot or not but I'm gonna look I simply okay chemist a hurricane generally personally but imagine if you can just direct dial Donald Trump from your own phone or vibrate him hi Donald I'm here in the service right now would you like to join us imagine a president of the United States you have a direct line I mean president Palani on I imagine the privilege you have that you have a direct line to God that he listens to you have been talking about that that he cares for you he even consider you as his sons and daughter right that's why we're so blessed it's become a comprehend you thought my own that God allowed himself to be to have a relationship with us and talking about really preaching to you this morning we had a week-long five days training about preaching but it's only about preaching I mean anybody here attended the tenant world last week dr. Dave Ward the improv nagging professor nominees is a brilliant guy for militant in all you can download his podcast last week's preaching and proportionally to satin thread and we had a great time didn't one poem accompaniment which I thought Maru nama come on preach until not in equation a savvy capacity no total I mean he's just so brilliant we were divided into this pattern each team we were divided into eight to ten pastors imagine were preaching in front of pastors I mean I've never felt so anxious in front of this Emma in the ether look at all these are senior pastors they allowed John Monica Aras American up Astro Noel and DJ staking his master's in in Asbury theology seminary and you're gonna preach in front of them I mean if anything Lapithos a but John I mean for twenty minutes they're gonna hear you indeed a gimmick because of young delivery mogul emo they're listening to the content in the whole package and I've never felt so worried must not warrior who you preaching cosa happen a monatomic Prytania every Sunday anybody here you've experienced being worried about you know worried something like you're worrying about tomorrow many departments should come on a Jerry or Hindi right it's like today you're worried about tomorrow seems a little mistress kana Monday Nepali buca's silly stress Cabana me trabajo de Malibu question he ever enjoy open up a lot mundo voice a llama oh my gosh Malibu as a stress canna in mm I enjoy being a panade moon movie or or TV series Sunday night because you're thinking Monday la palabra so maybe you're a businessman seen it and I stress you wanna check into a boo-boo Hoss sanim a pump on door anybody here my business man - apply in the money Miguel although every Friday or any student here in the house the stress Canada but I'll the exam buca's or any many single people in the house at another man didn't animal focused on boo Henrietta self-supporting single parent in a pasar con la vie Cyrillic own opinion oppose Messiah pyramid everybody you're so worried about tomorrow I can talk about worry today and and in line with that we're gonna open our Bible to Matthew chapter six verses 31 to 30 for but we're gonna study the whole child I'm just gonna read this first to you so do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear verse 32 for the pagans talking about those who don't believe in cry God run after all these things and your heavenly Father knows that you need them in verse 33 our favorite verse but seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself why because each day is enough trouble of its own it's about on our heads father we thank you for the powerful truth behind this verses Lord bring clarity to each and every one of us we may have justified our anxiety we may justified our worries but Lord Tulum and Emile Oregon today to learn what these verses are saying and Lord bring us to a place where we will find comfort knowing that you are our Father in Jesus name Amen I mean I'll give a premise it's human nature to be concerned about bad situations in our world I'm not gonna be here and possibly saying you know problem aguar a or why you blame as a future no no no no it's a human nature it's in us ok to be concerned about bad situations in our lives in our personal lives but if we're not careful the devil can cause us to worry beyond what's reasonable are you listening somebody once said that worrying is like a rocking chair it keeps you busy but it gets you nowhere anybody here like a fact like a rocking chair be that basic of element of thing just like that and we've been talking about worry today you bought a little easy piano meaning come on I mean like hockey talk about an award conjure better NACA I mean yeah I mean banana and a Mamba or debar and do you have kids done ago arena a good legacy junjun become he got and iko iko me penetration up agreed wanna move lemma let me see the kid worrying about tuition fees have you seen a kid on a go warrior who made lemon grass mom might blame acaba hey well I'm lemongrass I'm gonna I'm gonna sit on the Cayenne right and you see the World War II let's have a simple word study here from the Greek word Miriam now merimna ohm it means to divide or to draw in different directions if you know that the old English term of that it means to stronger and if you look at Latin word that's where we get the word anxiety or anxious it means to choke the stronger or to torment in the world end versus non Matthew chapter six the Bob Asahina then six times the word worry was mentioned so it must be significant and that gives us an idea where you feel choked at times but no mama blame maka right I like Corrie ten Boom coat on worrying worrying is carrying tomorrow's load problem I'm a bogus exam book last time by a book as a preacher from by except LDP psyche but it's worrying tomorrow's load with today's strength so what's happening is I'm a dacoit and born carrying two days at once it is moving into tomorrow ahead of time worrying does an empty tomorrow of its sorrow it empties today of its strength Wow some of you need to memorize this I mean you're talking about Corrie ten Boom jeez I mean I mean talking about you feel at the island as a Holocaust if you look at this verse Wow it doesn't empty tomorrow it's so low she buried allegorical upon biodome tuition the following this in a bay by Atlanta glory classic happily Libra nation anak more an American general tomorrow give the describe cable we have the GM of sky cable here and by the way Michelle's copy this and Indian War II level Makaha Poochyena budget kana what kind of a bite on three months anybody you've worried and then finally be neuronal on all of us add them so that they will get to things about will get three things about worry we're gonna look at and I'll get you reason why we worry but if we really dig deeper what's the route behind worrying and we're gonna find the resolution no ring mere Impala Pilon gurgling and alright so let's jump right to the verse it says here in verse 25 the spartan verse about worried they're for we're gonna study later I tell you do not worry it's actually a command by the way we've been talking about the Sermon on the Mount right we've been talking about this long preaching of Jesus and it's been assuring and assuring and assuring these people you are my children I am your father now this word therefore tsunami I tell you he needs gonna be either I'm just jesting or can you try first no no it's a do recommend I tell you do these do that so many Jesus I tell you do not worry about your life what you're gonna eat what you will eat or drink why or about all your body what you will wear look at those two words it talks about what it was about future and those food and drink and clothes he's talking about the primary concern of the people back then we were talking about 2,000 year old story and the people listening to Jesus the painful you know man our primary concern they don't have much food not to let nothing or if you're plenty of money just go to 7-eleven and come on Malika number is mo supermarket left and right no no during the time I hear a poll and food Mahela poor impera there under the slavery and the yoke of the Romans so the primary concern that time macaca inland ohina may Sanghamitra or in a modern-day translation do not worry about your what your school do not worry about your job interview do not worry about your career do not worry about your eyes phone 10 augusto more whatever do not worry about getting married someday and all the singles in the house says a mad our opinion capital our boy and jaws see Jesus Tomatina boy in a single he's complete okay Liliana hey come with me Lord our opinion he's saying what's more important it's not life here's the question listen up this very for you to wrestle with it's not life more than food he by young boy such as talking about the physical like your totality your life and your body it's more important than clothes here's I mean in the mind in the neighbor personally mind in the end get to like a simple yeah but Castle look sabaha in your you know senorita una middle of a super if not more so the little F to it now you don't have my cheetah huh mr. Sulu come behind you refer unum with alibis you're gonna bring how nice una more a lullaby songs are really more right but my soul look I'm family picture it's okay muscle organ family picture can say you can have another family picture of the zoo Luka well acquaintance picture a listening so that's what this message is the point of this verse is all about your life will not crumble indica macaca in such fine I'll in Medina has a spiral the buffet grab a mullah Mustafa Delta right and start them to face a Sufi tale and do lo Cebu bow and perilous and Abajo NASA Spanish the Tahoe that's a Chinese Allah even one hand on but it doesn't mean he kind of a crisis spiral new play don't tell your life will crumble right since a Yuri topics alien donut house doubly periodic or estaba means not appear on young honza health indeed to second tone attend and the market market acapella Maha billing a 50% off nod or not I'm gonna tell you something God will give you the money to buy guy in the sale hello it's this nice trace that Laura's the cocktail or a spa habiliment album box the door knock people easily lured them param pum villainizing these sales in demonized stress really more come on gimme him take away your mug Doble pression Ladoga stump Amelia anonymous I ain't cheap bb-but Habermas maldita Mechanical Turk II don't know 60 pesos per piece during the entire poem area he said my googly mushy nominee I mean who told you not behind you cannot put this on midnight sales America mall indigent leper I mean I DNA on I mean the verge saying don't worry about those things that was anything Jesus instead these are shifted look at the verge of the Jesus are you looking explained can a worry that was Birds okay I look at aluminum Birds example book us Jesus if I'm a like anybody you're concerned about your exam and Jesus is saying look at the birds we serve us other some of you on data but what this verse is saying look at the birds of the air they do not sow a rip okay they don't store away in barns well lastly language them to plan and anticipate they just go with their nature natural tender sinhala I think Gugu Tomica ho I think I'm gonna fly south but let me give us a China but that would be thought they don't have an idea how to create barns they just get this straw every year Cousteau come on straw okay no problem I'm going into policy so they don't have the capacity like us to plan and anticipate and Jesus was saying look at the birds they do not sow or reap or store away in barns and yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you not more valuable than birds de la mesa de lima didn't really know pal come on a salami de la we gotta be more movable bird can mass Malaga possible Chan Khong cigar concerns aboard anybody he never hit occur numbered l'anima Taizo gouthami telugu sudha na mano reach the protagonist about malnourished nabard young you know he to Musa hygiene Imam Ali boss Nana eben graça birds oil and what how solid I don't know you walk her Kohanim onto my anatomica ballot but me Nikita Instagram or attack boho right I've never seen a bird nelu merely pedometer Goethe la quwata man Tom Jones well I and yet God feeds them how much more valuable are you than birds this verse is not talking about living in a responsible life as a pastor berenberg soma bleep no no no no no no it's talking about you prepare and then let God do the rest because you're more valuable than they can any of you moving on any of you by worrying add a single hour to your life anybody here ago Oracle Loomis and pachyderm demo Macquarie gets energized car come on tell it to what science is validating when we worried about other the science the medical field say our body reacts the same way when we are encountering a physical danger danger picaridin ago Waurika it's the same reaction when you're confronted with someone as a sac sucking gap are you listening it's the same reaction your body is releasing this hormones cortisol this human body that they will react either fight or flight so it's like your body's engage so a physical threat can you put your worries and problem most of our problems cannot be addressed by fighting or by by by flying or flight or moving away come physical danger you can either fight or topic Boca right and problem I'm a credit card bills I know I am ect mom can you make a graffiti bunker prema to beat me again how I am William Bank Bank bank or because of your credit card bills or non so most of our problems problema circus school problemas office made so your body's engaged for a long time pump up with with those cortisol and adrenaline but you cannot do anything because tomorrow Pomona a so prolonged state now your pump up with those cortisol and adrenaline it's bad for the heart nikasha all cell capital Gorica it will dry you up it will kill you hiya Abuelita Semenuk war in the red dragon boo hi it diminishes life and why do you worry about clothes I mean since ago working clothes even a daughter's come means I have two daughters they're grown-ups something a dad didn't have up with us a party about it been sending him a birthday that we have nothing to wear nah hit worry piece called a cycle market no matter how entire cabin around sucked I only enough see me you'll knock knock how but boom Paco's a cabinet you know who looked at like a sock in the hot whoa forever 21 dima second army H&M selling a support among a blue bubbles blue soda okay you know madam it out figure sorry coach Janine another burger Garuda metonymy etiquette Appa albinism Oh Pato I didn't do much Cisco whom he did emerge shoes just shade the lipstick communally going on - mr. Posner see let me lipsticks my hair why do you worry about clothes see how the flower of the fields grow they do not labor ups or spin and not picking on women that there's something about you when it comes to clothes and shoes right many one lack of similar marketing like oh by now or die later gentleman appeal a novella and wanna a lack of appeal in you have this urge to buy the midnight 200 pesos Mahalo Mahalo Cimino hundred pesos seventy off and little bit more hands ability pesos but Dima billions and Diana to Piedmont apostle Byron wanna be Lancer there are people out there they are so into it there humilating and humility and accumulative asthma garage-sale me magnetic a tapa they're thinking hunger sales are yummy hmm we have this mindset that like in latest weather it's a gadget or stuff that but Brandon okay lvl Veneto you know you're looming fog I have not a gets branded bags right Comerica great but do you worry but will happen young or do you feel prideful but marijuana and so those are both both things for the liquor door and says here if that's how God clothes the grass of the field we see it today tomorrow is thrown into the fire I mean you mope in the Casa de balón more look at the look at those clothes look at how God clothes the field anybody here you been to Singapore garden by the bay oh how I'm gentle among orchids and to live sea lion among a bunch ayat as a boon and flowers of all the world and oh and ganda air-conditioned enclosed and yet those plants here today gone tomorrow and still God is concerned to close them and sabadie top will he not much more clothe view what's the reason why we worry but number one because we think that stuff will bring us life that's why we worry we're thinking stuff brings life less stuff less life no stuff no life we feel lonely / Hindi Kannada NMB anybody here ever pressure car I know people we have a component there's kids studying in in a school in San Juan I won't mention the name and usamos great school great three great for the children are pressured to wear easy let me easiness shoes I have 18 of those it's a fifty thousand pair of rubber shoes okay because they can you wear seven fifty to sixty thousand and you're more great schoolers because their classmates are easy I bought those at green hills maybe by sparing cheesy okay so I'm gonna dance episode como original number anyway so the the guy the kids are being pressured to have those sneakers they're pressuring their parents because latin classmate not easy so they feel as young as they are can be easy unless they're of a person that's how the world operates that if we have more stuff we will be completely alive more stop brings more life now I want to balance this if you have stuff great but I hope you're not drawing your worth and value and identity from those stuff God loves you I think another LV God values you like when I come girlfriend or boyfriend you're not an outcast community komaraiah sama Mahalo restaurant that's what this verse proves in Luke chapter 12 verse 15 the parable of the rich fool remember life does not consist in a abundance of possessions so first things first the reason why we are worrying because we're so consumed I'm stuff I need this I need this but without hunger no we're so worried about the things now a lot IO and lose sight of the things that we have we're always looking at our neighbors like a LED LCD Lana Lana Papa Sonia it's a never-ending pursuit we're asking at the sake of me to become a mechanic I that's enough you will live but we want more than what we can have so that's the problem that's dumb that's the reason why we worry we have this faulty mindset if I have this it will bring me life but then again if we really dig deeper I'm gonna propose this point to you there's a deeper issue why we're worrying the real root cause why we worry is this will he not much more clothe you oh you of little faith that's the number one reason why we're worrying we do not trust in God the word Europe little faith from its original Greek word it's oftentimes actually six times nanogram Atlanta knew Jesus it offends addresses the people that Jesus was rebuking of failing to hear his voice in fact if you look at the Greek word of that Europe little faith it's one word lump was a Greek describe someone does to hearing the Lord's voice that's what it meant or disinterested in walking intimately with him dynamically Jesus when he comes the storm and then your mana disciple yeah well on faith I believe Jesus you of little faith when when Peter was drowning he knew only Jesus you of little faith come back I see Peter because he some button bombarded by the wind and the rain and the heart noon understand and a loo-loo nature maybe he had dull of hearing necessarily Jesus not come here maybe some of you here may dull canal in healing of the Lord's voice because you've been hearing the world's voice more stuff you have more stuff the more you have more stuff the more you'll be complete maybe some of us are in this interested in walking intimately with him could it be possible that we have so much stuff that we are now dull in hearing God's Word could it be possible that we want to acquire more stuff and we compromised the teaching of the Bible and I agonize attacks permeability of coaching gusto mo Kumar Walker an equality Lindemann illegal personal archetypes demonic on Terra Lord male Matamoros a sapling Don Oreste angelito Jorge McGraw under the table about the closer deal you've been done in hearing the Lord's voice because you're trusting more only you are described a more than god I used to be a Salesman for eight years and normally our clients would love to go out again para it's an SOP and gain the package annual disciple the time okay I'm confessing in front of you Sohail anima Padula sign young managers and manga who seem seen him on a boss in like the design parameter or German oil illallah bus Muslim our clubs and all wanna trip Milla and they suddenly me and my boss had convicted it better stop we should talk to our our our clients in our costumers boss Linden and Limp radium Canyon and then they stop ordering it's a tough choice will you trust those clients or your trusting God that he will never leave you nor forsake you it's a tough choice actually the Monon as a sales guy on detour I know how you feel so when we were your you're compelled to compromise your faith so guy I cannot compromise kind of faith you're hearing the Word of God you of little faith you're not trusting in me you're trusting on what's the world is offering remember the the feeding dieter pasar mana remember the mana when it was being distributed every morning God said every waking up in the morning there's gonna be parent amok or the do you know yarmulke removal Asha and it will turn into this bread from heaven called manna and the instruction was just get for one day usage love one day consumption because tomorrow morning Jesus a God is going to deliver again amana for forty years he's gonna do that but never given attire of course they don't trust in God they gathered more than one day good for three days and Bahama Holly mutiny God maka too long let's gather for one week but then God said do not gather for more than one day's consumption Cosima baba booey and they're gonna be maggots ba-ba-boom ham and that's what happened there are people who lack faith and then gathered more than what God told them to do gather just good for one day because I'm gonna make sure every waking up in the morning I'm gonna be faithful in providing for you could it be possible that you ear is not in a dialer because we're not trusting in God for provision that's why we're doing a lot of stuff and I'm not in Hindi po'pay the acquaintance of a storm or you see worry often gives a small thing a big shadow Sabula some Swedish problem it's the demon yoyoyo cara mia' win a war Iman that's my point Bilal Mulan worrying is an unproductive imagination in the Monongahela barriers over today it saps you of the energy today of the six Nevada hindi naman manyara bocas and if you look here the word therefore you can't make you may continue attitude an imposter no from the primal ethics class when you see the word therefore it means there's two connecting thoughts and there's a thought previously maybe a verse or a rule chapter maybe three chapters manga means as a romance but here the word therefore is connected to the verse before what was the verse before that we've talked about this last week no one can serve two masters either you will hate the one or love the others or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other he is saying worrying has a direct correlation with what you are devoted to all who you are devoted to sin as a people on first at all hindi kappa dem of devote both either take god or some money either ke God or some Mammon and what this verse is saying what you are devoted to the most bitter means what you worry about the most come Sanyal worry more don't get devoted matelassé I'll give you an example I have a confession to make when you ask me for preggers I'll be honest with you some of you like papa play soccer when after I pray I preach some of you come here in the path of a praying man let's say for some one exam on a bogus or bar exam or visa application alright or a girlfriend no me Engan okay so no papa pray I have a confession to make after I pray for you and I really believe God will meet you according to your faith shall be done unto you I have a confession to make but we couldn't buy India wouldn't people envy my polyominoes up the Grace and I don't blame my mom you examine about an another place I did I don't go for the whole week no no I'm not chopped but you're concerned for the whole week I prayed for you I am deeply concerned a Salamanca said my tongue depressor trabajo but I'm not gonna be roaming around our house my tank of KMC and it was in a mansion at braylin trabajo sir-sir school behind the castle and pre-shot I'm not worried I'm sorry but I'm not devoted to your sons grades that's my point I'm not devoted to your visa application that's my point I'm not devoted no mahanakhon trabajo I mean I'm not gonna be consumed the whole week thinking good night Hank of korah hindi but I prayed for you because look up here our worry is tied to the things that were devoted to mega mega Hennepin School a Papa su and my my grade 12 daughter C Patricia she wants to enroll herself so the Lewan camp was the dream yeah so maybe no only shamisen at the damage it was a War II now because I'm devoted to my daughters there's a tendency for me to worry for her in listening and same thing with you the things we worry about the reflects our core devotion so on devotion one has a career and tendency mama guar is a career mo agin de tomate in the iOS and in a planner mo Cong devotion was a Chema Venegas question you're gonna worry Kong devotion Masonic mo may be powerless Krishna you're gonna attend Assyria to worry so the goal is to shift our devotion care it says here so look up in the screen do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear for the pagans the people who don't have faith in God Jesus rebuked them you of little faith but the pagans they don't have faith at all longer for the pagans run after all these things so what this verse is saying the root cause of all your worries because you don't trust in me Hindi Colella liars among the pagans it among a pagano monotone wall and ellipse a jocelyn py Lhasa jaws they thought that earth is everything well and an afterlife so it drink and be merry this accumulate accumulate have sex with anyone you want to have sex with because if you feel like doing it just do it that's what it's all about here on earth that's why they keep on worrying because they're not considering eternity those are the pagans and in the hooter you pagans okay the reason why you're here today because you're believing that there is a God now here's to assure us for you someone a Christian on enactment Joss you don't have any Father Knows you pop a muzzle on it knows na lang and mu Y on prior to these verses we've read the Supriya he knows even even before you ask him people sure as for example one night you're worrying so much about about Mumbai Adnan tuition next week and you're so worrying and worrying and warming you've done everything you plan to anticipate and then somebody whispered into your ears not a monkey god or an angel or someone seen a bina animal fulfilled more if if the god of the universe who created the heavens and earth assured you LM clipping like that the Allen ma ma coo coo Lata I'll be there ahead of you you see let's just do our part and leave it all up to God there's this powerful verse in Proverbs that says the horses are made ready for battle ok if there's a battle you do your part you prepare the horse as a loan you're putting horses during battle I mean Parham it Thanks and and manga fighter jets the time the horses are made ready for battle but victory rests in the Lord are you listening do your part prepare anticipate but at the end of the day you can sleep tight at night because McGriff you knock oh lord b'hala Honus exam kombuchas and war Cindy cannot prepare an economic war Iike Lord make example a spare on a dog taco or no Hanukkah more by legend he caused a lot behind us a bit on pastor Don balón birds de bah so put a mobile a Jessica my young lord I'm a bird so Papa sajo bogus Lord good luck ok you do your part you save your tithe and let God do the rest after saving and I think humanity regard will make it sure you're gonna enjoy the blessing of the Lord he gives no trouble to it so that's all part ok so that's the reason the reason why you're worrying because we're thinking stuff gives me life and we've said in the Italian some of you will run out of time and you still have stuff some of you will do not real no more the extra and Danny no beginning summer I must must see katka I mean there makes a tiny little and an unnecessary worry just just just just be content with what you have just enjoy your family enjoy you don't have to go abroad Perryman enjoyed a nice result partly bridges enjoy Taylor and dong goo strolling the Makai a category and you neglect to see what you have because you're looking for the things you do not have because of her little faith God literal don't buy a rain eco indicator mosquito diksa-guru mohkum bird or by allah's motto i mean in the alarm how we put our trust on people instead of putting our trust in God and lastly as we end the resolution look up at the screen it says here but in other word but there's a contrast you are pagans who put their trust in their wealth you are pagans who don't have any idea of who God is but by anomalous channel by own enactment jaws Tyana not assured of his love in fact before this verse was mentioned the Matthew 6:33 are you aware in the whole chapter 6 the words father was mentioned 12 times the word your heavenly father the word your father the word our Father those words were mentioned 12 I'm just uh sure you carry Kiba just to assure you uh Nikita just I'll show you how bahasa yo and this verse is saying seek first his kingdom the question is where do you primarily spend your energy it's your time money time talent treasure you spent on good and I mean good activities Lamba activities that was certainly perish or in the service of God my eternal value midnight sale or race for life so I'm gonna leave in para ho or you can do both but sometimes were so consumed of the now we're so consumed of the earthly things I hear of a hit up by you when it comes to my eternal perspective we have a challenge for you spend a meal with someone you office made more 35-meter in high energy ba much spent girl they trick it back it's all - alabasta mama holland tying the lava t some burger tire I'm gonna share to you the love of God seek first his kingdom in your offices are you seeking God's kingdom or you're seeking to advance your own Kingdom seek first his kingdom and his righteousness and before Paulo gay how can I advance God's kingdom in my workplace but seek first his kingdom and all these things are we talking about prosperity gospel here now pastor Pasolini an ISA Cuccia beginners heart on gusto ko okay game day mama John got the terminal station can tackle of second among a list okay Lord Sri Lanka number gonna be us your videos ligament of mugs okay mocking tongue sounds okay cool videos okay okay nap was a su bit allowed that's become or none girlfriend I don't mean mice are gonna be as well and among us are by that possibly mana-yiayia McGuinn mom Oh gotcha sandy naka title in this tank oh is that what this verse is saying I don't think so we've talked about Kingdom thinking leads to Kingdom living isn't it now this kingdom when you submit yourself to this kingdom the Kings heartbeat becomes yours his passion becomes your passion his love becomes your love his eyes becomes your eyes I'm Amir Ali your Kingdom thinking suddenly shifted Michaela Gotanda Paula nuna kasama mo see God only kind of relationship oops I don't think I need all these shoes I might as well support a real life scholar I might as well support a campus minister say suddenly boom was someone Millian artist - to jam together psychotic like a pain in new mobile annemun a total loss after one more would you support a level d2i Jake 1000 a mantra it will go a long way I'm a pastor and I'm supporting them why because Kingdom thinking leads to Kingdom asking you have a different list to ask now with God why because I'm good summer to please your Papa man that we learn it Lord my waka Kochi dinner in the it doesn't matter didn't do him a proper how my time I moved on money near among when the dire surpass money he land among office make up an Akuma promote just to have that promotion because right now as far as I'm concerned I'm heaven bound so all these things matter but I'm gonna use these things to advance God's kingdom I'm gonna leverage on my position to advance God's kingdom now every member and networking core indeed dr. advanced car Hugh glass spell I'm just gonna use this as an excuse to advance his kingdom that's what it meant when you say all these things you really another you're an align Musa you will know your alignment will ya so all of a sudden you're gonna see I'm dying to have this stuff before at the end of the day you see the size of your worries determine designs the size of your God how big it should worry that determines how small is your God is delivered on yet macquarie mama Layton God Almighty and God more a to let the click early on okay Malea time worry more right so how should worry in a man come on stop and I know we don't worry I'm telling you you of little faith are you gonna are you assured that God will meet me tomorrow night I can sleep tonight like a baby because you can I have a pink oh boo ha your will be done I can sleep well at night because you did not believe me no clothes and then my part my proposed snap or yttrium bid Mahalo I'm just gonna rest in the assurance macula you're in day doesn't matter as long as I have for you Matt Olien did you concern that the Lord it hasn't matter my body is this temporal so go Maleng great hindi think and honor you make it a lie like love because I'm gonna cast all my cares on you because why because I know you care for me so therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow is so much trouble of itself and each day has enough trouble of its own there's no such thing as trouble-free day amen so let's just up from some practical I'm just and this kind of is gonna be a fast here some practical stuff long I said as I've said the Greek word for a worry is to divide or to draw in different attention so I'm gonna student in st. and on an enemy is for your focus to be if dead right I'm GU stolen anything I'm making criminal machine flip attention more away from God one degree you one degree after 40 years Milani on one degree Matt I've read and marriage more from God 20 years ago lekha denying one degree mad a virtual attention was a student per graduate minute Alex Malaya Hannah I got so I mean it's the same thing in front of Pilate one degree vir Poppleton Hong Kong one degree Linda Gardner Hong Kong Malaya you know you're back in the long run so let's go to this verse in Philippians 4 Paul wrote this in a prison and Paul is saying do not be anxious about anything but in every situation by prayer and petition hey whether by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God number one develop a lifestyle up to fate and prayer how do you overcome worry develop a lifestyle of faith and prayer okay by prayer and petition and next semester we thanksgiving develop an attitude of gratitude just live your life holy and pleasing to God just be grateful Lord I'm thankful laka booka relic oh not ain't thankful the commute ikkaku pensa even tyonna well allah has to go missing so maha I'm thankful micro Chico I think it doesn't matter where you're at just be thankful with what you have just be grateful with what you have and you'll see how blessed you're going to be because if you keep on focusing on the things we do not have we will always worry and as I end and the peace of God that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus let's all stand on our feet today this is just my prayer for you when we pray we magnify God right when we worry we forget God so have a lifestyle of prayer and faith this being faith Lord I want these things done but have it your way your will be done Lord grant o ganyan you're the boss you're my king your will be done and just be grateful of what you have and the peace of God that's a promise that transcends all understanding will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus guys don't allow worry to choke you don't allow worry to rob you of the blessing of God don't allow War II to steal the joy that God has for you today worrying about tomorrow Lord - lumen you come upon you know on how to have this peace that only comes from you that in the means of circumstances you have given us peace that this peace is not dependent or circumstances it's totally dependent on the one who gives it so father today may you be glorified in our lives in laughs just like Paul in prison whether in life or in plenty give us the joy the peace that transcends all understanding and I know Lord our hearts will be guarded our minds will be guarded in your name Jesus Christ I'm telling you my worries and unsightly Naumann Lord and we're just gonna do a part we're gonna prepare and anticipate what's going to happen tomorrow but we're gonna be happy and at peace knowing that you are there ahead of us so father thank you will you be glorified in our lives that worries Lord God be a foreign thing for us but indeed enemy to public Pelican in Jesus name we pray amen amen [Applause]
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 112,690
Rating: 4.7954545 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: rjpYJCYVoA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2017
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