Love You've Been Looking For (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] bye [Music] you're starting a brand new series entitled self less wow we're going to go through this for four weeks and it's all going to be about relational health it's all about having this uh healthy relationship with one another and normally talking about romantic love muna because we're not just going to talk about romantic love but for the for some lovers in the house when you enter into a relationship there is what we call a set of expectations right most of the time here are the things that you normally say so being married for 20 years okay i know that and things like [Music] singles that's not these are all selfish words and sometimes when we enter into a relationship it's really more of takers and there are few people in the givers martyr so they're nothing on time when we interview corpus machiavelli oftentimes most of the times because most of the time when we enter into a relationship we ask this question what do i get out of it when we enter into a romantic relationship boyfriend girlfriend relationship or or friendship also you ask this question i'm gonna invest my time i'm gonna invest resources i'm gonna invest money and all but what what will i get out of this it becomes a self-centered self-absorbed self-satisfying relationship so the takers normally they're going to suck out the life of the person so the takers will take and take and take until such time the givers the life will be sucked out of them and then it's selfish takers bibit house a relationship gonna look for another woman you're gonna look for another woman to take they take take listen up single people in the house there's no such thing as finding the right person are you listening if you're looking for the right person then it's a myth a pastor once said it's not finding the right person it's being the right person hello it's as if there is out of the eight billion people in the planet there is one person a soul mate mo imagine hello so you believe in this myth that there's this one person aguila washington the perfectly fit say yo and you're trying to look for the perfect first thought you're trying to look for mr right you're trying to look for miss right and then you found out first name always okay so you're always looking for those people and we ended up a relationship as what superficial it's only skin deep when you're drawing life from other people for that relationship when you're attackers when you enter into relationship with set of expectations unmet expectation leads to frustrations now and relationship becomes superficial friends with benefit sex yo because that's a superficial relationship i only want to take they take and to some it becomes transactional or some say it's a conditional relationship i love you if i'm gonna love you i'm gonna stick to this boyfriend-girlfriend relationship if so there is a transaction there is a negotiation and to some it ended up a disposable type of relationship let me tell you something if your relationship is selfish self-absorbed self-centered then you'll end up either one of those three relationship in fact some of you are into that relationship it is a matter of time you'll be dumped or in the dump when you have a relationship you're looking for the right person and all of a sudden you find yourself being in the disposable relationship you are now in a relationship either announced or divorced or you're mister or so they are selfish they have this set of expectations when they entered into a marriage maybe this woman will meet my now look up here on the screen the goal of this series on how to turn this selfish love and turn it into a self-less love imagine a world where the people longing for a relationship are more of selfless instead of selfish imagine a world where in the relationship it's not superficial it's really deep and committed there's devotion to one another imagine a world named transactional imagine a word that you enter into a covenant not a contract imagine a world where a man will say i love you period just the way you are so don't go changing and try to please me because i love you just the way you are bruno mars into the millennials in the house imagine a world indeed disposable imagine illegal christ centered my tacos are yours and he or she will not dump you because he's going to be the right person he or she is not looking for the right person i'm going to be the best husband future husband for you i'm going to make sure i'll be the right future wife for you i'm not looking for a right house bond i'm going to make sure i'm going to be the right future wife for you imagine imagine the world nayama gazawa will celebrate 80 years of being married i always tell my wife ala mohani we're going to grow together so for the next four weeks we'll be talking about different topics this week we're going to talk about the very foundation of all we're going to talk about for the next three weeks we're going to talk about the selfish type of love we're in it is all encompassing we're going to talk about next week don't miss this biblical marriage how to love selflessly next week and then the week after that we're going to talk about sexual purity we're going to talk about the single relationship human singers two weeks from now and we're going to talk about relationship with others and marriage friendship and boyfriend relationship girlfriend relationship and also helping others and hopefully listen up the mem the the congregation and the one those people viewing us live stream will have a greater sense of really what biblical relationship is all about that's not about take take take take it's all about really what can i add to this relationship how can i add value what can i give to this relationship because so can you join me in prayer for our series can we bow down our heads father we lift up to you this selfless series lord god this is all about you we're going to look at the book of ephesians yes but lord ultimately it's you who will touch the heart of these people lord your mother your heart human sexual impurity human living in the life of immorality lord human marriage may this message be the hope may it send hope to them and restore those marriages may restore lord god human relationships among our friend the hindi forgive lord we pray that you will use this serious lord god to impact the life of your people in jesus name amen we're going to talk about uh this whole series in the book of ephesians but let me put the church age began at the pentecost in acts chapter 2. from 120 believers the born again believers of pentecost 120 of them received the power of the holy spirit and we know the story peter preached thousands got saved and the it just grew and grew and the church spread rapidly and found by great persecution in acts eight one humanitarian jerusalem because mediterranean rim and then a lot of people got born again wherever they go they're sharing this dead carpenter who rose from the dead and this was the myth this is the messiah so the gospel flame is spread throughout the gentile world as well nakarating pusha is a church in ephesus okay ephesus is one of the prominent porn churches that was established by apostle paul himself the long basis i believe in 53 a.d then bumaliksa and then he stayed there for three years and then he talked about a lot of stuff he talked about what we have in christ he is efficient church the power of being empowered by the holy spirit he talks about the debt to old self and and the birth of a new cell and then i just want to focus on chapter four and five it talks about unity in the church unity in the body he talks about how to be relationally healthy when it comes to being part of a community because just in case you're wondering why you're promoting welcome to victory later on we're gonna prove we're gonna push you to join a small group why because we're not just created to be part of a sunday church church happened outside this building church is gathering of people meeting honoring god so my hope and prayer is that you're not just a sunday christian you're part of a community of church a community of people and paul is really peanut pounding how to be relationally healthy in all areas of our lives some of you you have a good relationship with your spouse some of you can handle relationship in the office hello so paul and for the next three weeks we're gonna look at the la the teaching of paul on how to be relationally healthy in the area of marriage in our friendship and also in in dealing with other people outside those romantic and and friendship relationship so efficient paul talk about parenting every area of life and then paul is saying let some of your bitterness no all palace sorry let all bitterness your wrath and anger be put away from you by the way before you check out on me paul was talking to a bunch of born again christian he's talking to god fearing christians the ephesians okay so if you're not yet born again you haven't received christ as your lord and savior this message is actually not for you but hopefully you will embrace christianity because of the benefits of being a christian giving your life to christ so he's basically admonishing the christians along with all malice your old lifestyle paul was saying to the to the efficient church all of this tangalino and then put on something be kind be kind to one another be tender hearted forgiving one another and some of you will tell him how can i forgive that person and in fact and hit up unforgiveness when the proximity when the relationship is closer the and what you're 70 89 your heart brings a bitterness towards someone it's hard to forgive when the when the relationship is closer as god in christ forgave you this is your new lifestyle that's what's that's what paul is saying us you're not acting peg as christ forgave you you're not in peg and only christians have the capability only christians have the grace to forgive because they're the only one who understood the forgiveness of christ forgive maybe but come to think of it there's a level of forgiveness on you've heard people like that right so it's only the christian will receive the unconditional forgiveness of christ that's why they can overlook offense they can overlook iniquities of other people they can overlook sin of other people why because the inexcusable in us was forgiven by christ that's why you can forgive the inexcusable to other people guys i'll tell you something this is hard being selfless in fact look up here preach this is not going to be in the bible because every time there's a command in the bible it's something that go against our nature because you're not gonna you're not gonna follow it unless your heart is changed and then there's this command if something's so natural the bible well that's the bible being breathe because normally okay but when the bible commanded us with something it means it is reminding us to do this so today we're going to talk we're going to look at how to love selflessly how to love not with selfish intent how to love with how to love with but then you're going to love selflessly you want to add value to the relationship now two things let me discuss now then because um this is just an introduction for the next three weeks we're going to talk about embracing your status everybody say status embracing and knowing your status will lead you to love selflessly and we're going to find out any status in your end after which if you know your status you will live out a standard everybody's a standard you're going to live out a standard when you know your status there's a standard attached to it so are you ready so let's open the bible to ephesians chapter 5 verse 1. you have that with you verse 1 therefore be imitators of god wow it's actually a command if you're a born again christian you put your faith in christ alone for salvation not by works this is a command be imitators of god and come to think of it jeff are you serious is it really possible to imitate god the word the greek word for imitate means mimi is or mimi tastes how everyone pronounce it it means to imitate is to mimic that's where we got the word mime and mimik god's character or attributes look up at the that red letter words as one experiences it meaning to say you will imitate someone because you have experienced it you have tasted it you have seen it close proximity you see you cannot imitate someone that you do not know one word well wow [Applause] you cannot imitate someone you do not know and most of the time see nobody imitate nothing when it comes to relationships and then your world crumbles because your very own father is not faithful to your mom listen up the best gift you can give to your children is to love their mother not the car not not not a talk your trip it's another mom my daughter she is my budden so celebrating her 18th birthday today so that's why you like breakfast i don't like party the best gift you can ever receive in your whole lifetime from me is to love your mom okay i mean most of the time our peg is our parents right now how you love how he or she loves each other and then your word crumbles or worse divorce angelina say brad pitt i'm going to give a lie i mean what i see like i try to call them to counsel them but i mean they're good friends but they're not aware of it okay so i was trying to call him channel okay and all so you try to peg your relationship with hollywood movies in fact the notebook nicola he wrote a lot of novel shamdog in hollywood movies you know the you know the the book and then only to find out two years ago nicola sparks himself guys listen up this hollywood people that we look up to but castle and the kiwi then our world crumbles with them and his wife got a divorce like what if you can write about great love then you should be able to show it i mean if you can make those women satelli nobelam uh bookmo talagang if nikola sparks is divorcing his wife there's no hope for any of us and there is another to it which really revealing nicholas parks getting divorced is tragic if the master of love stories can't keep his wife around we are all doomed and indeed we are all doomed if god is not in the center of it if we will not imitate god we will all be doomed now jeff let's pause for a moment how can we obey this command it's next to impossible to imitate god by the way when you imitate god he's not talking about his incommunicable attributes in sovereign self-sufficiency and we're not talking about that we're talking about his communicable attribute young love young gracious unkindness those is those uh attributes and that's what he's telling us to imitate god now god will not command you something and that he didn't give you the ability to to do it okay god will not ask you to do something without doing it first to you for example forgive as i have forgiven you so being against an example love as i have loved you it's always like that god will not command you to do something impossible without giving him giving you the grace to accomplish it so here's the grace that he has given us as dearly loved children the only way for you to imitate god is because he is your father that's our status we are dearly loved children to the point he came on earth become a human being so that you'll know he's unlike zeus he's unlike mars he's unlike this jupiter among adjustment greek no no no i became a man for you because i want you to imitate me because you are my dearly loved children you know those dearly loved childs okay because she is a dearly loved child that's her status she can imitate me now look up on the screen becoming god's child is the under is the starting point of understanding what selfless love is having an understanding that you are at the daughter and the son of the living god that's a starting point of loving selflessly there's no insecurity dead i'm loved by my god i am a child of god overlooking offense is so insecure but when you fully understand that you are loved dearly loved child of god no nothing no one can offend you i am a princess i am the daughter of the king of kings and the lord of lords that's why among a single lady is in the house the reason is because you are complete you are valued you are a princess the daughter of the king of kings and the lord of lords that's who you are i'm a princess princess you see that's the understanding when you experience that you are a child of god that's your status you are not just a child of god you are dearly loved past tense he made the decision to love you whether my offend was in the future or not hello it made the decision to love you even perform or not i have loved you standard god because my son jesus christ met those standards this is very know important to some of you here to understand because some of you are performance driven through green god's love he loved you at your worst he loved you when we were still see nurse so that's your status i am a child of god j.i parker one of the greatest theologian paul an author uh i wrote this book knowing god sabina what is a christian the question can be answered in many ways but the richest answer i know is that a christian is one who has god for his father wow volunteers church christian victory are you still a christian do you still harbor that bitterness when god said forgive a bit more and you come here every sunday but a bit more and and i get that we are working progress but hello at least my life there's a transformation two things you need to understand your lord and savior and is there an evidence of changed life in you because it's easy it's a worship hallelujah praise the lord but when you're a christian the very sin that put your christ at the cross you will dread the idea of sinning again that's what a christian is because your father you love him so much you don't want to offend him again i read this uh from a ceremony illustration about the love of a father to a child a newly born child sabina when i go home he's a father recalling lang his parang diary i when i go home from office i expect to take my baby on my knee look into her sweet eyes listen to her charming pratal and as start as i am her presence will rest me for i love that child with an unutterable tenderness but she loves military newborn baby okay if my heart were broken it would not disturb her sleep if my body were rocked with pain it would not interrupt her play one year that's even if i die she would she would forget me in a few days beside this she has never brought me a penny but instead it's a constant expense to me okay somebody thought i'm not rich but there's not enough money in the world to buy my baby how is it he's trying to record how is it does she love me or do i love her do i withhold my love until i know she loves me am i waiting for her to do something worthy of my love before extending it hello we love our children imagine for a moment no matter how much our earthly father loves us the heavenly father loves us more some of you are a product of a broken relationship hindi he is the father to the fatherless some of you have unforgiveness towards your dad i'll tell you something there's a father in heaven who loves you more than your dad and he will never leave you nor forsake you hindi hint perform to love you when jesus was baptized 30 years old just happy jesus this is my son whom i am well pleased what happened i got ministry jobs jesus all he does is in the carpentership for 30 years and yet submitting father in heaven this is my son whom i am well pleased so how very much our father loves us for he us his children and that that's who we are that's what we are that's our status listen up indeed you are a dearly loved child of god there's no sense on understanding the standard and to some of you in a long relationship by god maybe later i'm going to give you that that opportunity to be sons and daughter of god but for now it counter born better make sure you know that you are the daughter and the king of the in the son of the king of kings and the lord of lords and you are his child you're gonna you're gonna retain this family dignity we are prince we don't read those kind of magazine because i am the son of the king of kings and the lord of lords our our foundation is righteousness and justice because we have given our lives to christ you don't mingle with them but then you will share the gospel so that they will be changed why do we pray for our school because you have a standard because you know that you're the son and the daughter of the king of kings and the lord of lords some of you are offended because the ned maca lampasu you'll be complete not lacking in anything because you knew fully where i am the daughter of the king of kings and the lord of lords so let's look at the standard the standard the next command is walk in love okay another hard walk in love you see the word walk implies step by step but steady process in this you're running [Laughter] [Laughter] foreign you see to walk in love is a lifelong process in fact the longer you are as a christian the more your life should be characterized by love hello the longer you are as a christian the more your life should be characterized by love kuna born again last week we don't expect you to forgive we don't expect you to change overnight but if you've been a christian for a year two years three years man my expectation you were grafted you were adapted to the family of god there are certain standards we need to abide to hello we don't say that words here in this house we don't act that way we don't think that way because we are the daughter of the king of kings and the lord of lords we don't act like the manga the commoners that's why listen up if you want to walk in love talagang with other it's a gathering of people on a weekly basis once a week we gather we talk about life we talk about how to be a godly father husband wife mother or children it's a campus small group it's just a meeting of people that's what we are called to do do not give up meeting together so a get connected booth is waiting for you downstairs i belong buildings a lobby you will be plugging a small group in a weak spine biblical bangalore the leaders are there counting details and it will be treated with the uh with atmosa integrity and confidentiality so we will connect you to a group i would never imagine my life apart from being part of a group i mean been been into a victory group for the past 17 years walang regret that's where i learned how to be a godly father to my to my children a husband to my wife when men beside you as iron sharpens iron so that's one man sharpens another sabine jeff that's so that's where i how i grow in terms of our my personal uh spiritual development so guys i'd like you to go down there okay as a lobby sign up there look for a small group we're gonna find one that fits you okay 84 years old millennials 84 years old we'll find a group that fits you but the goal is not friendship the goal is discipleship so in the agenda making close a good guy your friend friends diarrhea no no discipleship and goals so let's move on as christ loved us so in europe i'm going to walk in love jeff maybe i can love one step long and that's it no no it's a constant walking in love but here's the assurance here's the peg here's the standard as christ loved us remember when jesus was about to be arrested the night before and then he gathered his disciples and then he gave this new command says okay so they're all on their notepads they're going to write the new command and jesus said in john 13 a new command they give you love one another see jesus old testament commanded to love one another but then jesus added something a new phrase a new command i give to you that you love one another as i have loved you [Music] yeah so jesus was recounting and this is how i have loved you this is how you're going to love a society but you're all gathered here loving one another for 12 years you're forgiven of your sea or you're healed because of my love for him this young boy out of my love multiply that that bread and that fish as i have loved you i have showed you how to love others now you also love one another so here's how we're going to love it we're just going to push through this and i have a special treat for you so as christ loved us and gave himself up your love your peg how christ loved us number one it's sacrificial everybody say sacrificial gave himself up where the rest of the world is loving no you gave yourself up for me that's the way it worked you have something i want and this word that we're living in if it feels good then get it if it feels good then just do it we're two consenting adults okay let's leave income because well a sacrifice who gave himself up for us it's also selfless it's not just sacrificial but also the the love that we should emulate the love of christ is also selfless and also it's a sacrifice to god it's actually a form of worship so the way we should love is i'm not part of the equation i'm just going to love you and love you and love you and love you i'm going to do whatever it takes to win you do not withhold do not give up doing good for in the proper time i'm going to reap the harvest of righteousness that selfless love that sacrificial love and ultimately that love of others overlooking that offense it's actually a form of worship to god when christ died for you and me he suffices the need of god for the payment of sin remember see god made the man for the sin to be paid numb see jesus spawned him at ice across he drank that cup of wrath you know poop would use the garlic need god from adam and eve we need help as a cop it's just a symbolical picture indeed a humanity because completion of adam and eve they would have died on the spot the moment they beat that that that whatever fruit is that but then god withheld by grace in a cup and that was the very cup that jesus was saying if it's possible not for me to drink this cup because in you very well drinking the sin of the word will separate me from the father physically speaking as a human being the presence of the father will be separated from him because that's the only way for him to take that sin to be separated from the father imagine for one week says imagine god and and his son eternally make and they're going to be separated that's what jesus india might take he cried blood because he cannot take the fact if i drink this cup of your wrath i'm going to be separated from you but then jesus said but not my will yours be done because ultimately i know this will offer you a fragrant offering when i drink this cup the sin of the world you're gonna be happy because sea your justice will be met and these people that we made will be with us throughout eternity that it will bring joy to you god that's why i'm gonna do it to please you and that's what we're gonna do when we love others when we forgive others of their sin when we forgive the unforgivable because a lot of times we love the lovable but when we love the unlovable god is pleased hello when we forgive those people in demon forgive you're worshiping god look up on the screen as i end selfless love is a self-sacrificing caring commitment that shows itself by seeking everybody say seeking it's seeking the highest good of the one loved it's not love to get it's not loving to get no no no it's loving to give i'm gonna add value even in the mokume recipe okay because most of the time we love people because they can love us are you listening but this selfless love is self-sacrificing it's a caring commitment that shows itself by seeking the highest good of the one love that's selfless love i'm gonna ask someone here in front this is uh vina is one of her members in victory and she's been through a lot she's just gonna make this quick okay she experienced a lot of challenges relationally and and you're gonna hear from a woman she did a live testimonial in worship night how to experience number one understanding that you are the son and in her case a daughter of god and how she live a standard of living a life holy and pleasing to god vina can you come here in front let's all give a round of applause for vina thank you for taking this time good morning my name is vinayapp i'm a division manager for color cosmetics 13 years ago the so called love story of my husband and i started like a whirlwind romance barely a year into us being in a relationship i got pregnant that was we got married after and then a year and a half after i was again pregnant with our son our marriage was problematic for most part of the first eight years it was a long distance relationship he takes care of their family business in aparicagayan while i maintain a job here in manila however five years ago it was my husband's infidelity that finally pushed the relationship to an end champ i was very very mad there were times i also felt ashamed inadequate bitter that i was not enough in was attending church already at that time i tried to fight for the marriage i for the sake of the kids i initiated counseling with a pastor here in victory we went once but my husband did not want to reconcile he already made up his mind he was going to live with a girl of course so what does the future hold for me and our two children i remember crying out loud please help me this is too hard for me to do alone at that time our daughter was only eight years old my son was six to add to the burden a year after we separated he withdrew one third of his support i didn't know how to sustain the monthly responsibilities so of course there were tuition fees we had the house the car as well so i'm here to tell you a story of a gentleman who never left my side as i was going through this difficult time in the marriage see jesus puyon see jesus young gentleman that carried me through the tough times scripture tells us god is close to the brokenhearted and he was patient with me because my heart was full of hatred daily i hung on to these words from psalm 143 8 let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love for i have put my trust in you show me the way i should go for i entrust my life to you lord god in his kindness help me overcome the raging war inside of me it did not pressure me in the pagandaga to turn my life around my ways it was really a step by step one day at the time he taught me to stop doing things on my own and that i couldn't do everything alone god allowed me to grow in my faith walk with amazing friends in victory group and also gave me a new sense of purpose in kids church he kept me focused on the things that that really matters rather than the things that i don't have the things that i lack to my surprise i got promoted one one level a pair of two levels apapa to a position that is in the kopapo specialty but god gave me the grace to do this job receive the salary that would even cover more than the support that my husband previously gives more than that the job entails having a lot of opportunities to travel i was brought to places that bucket list is so it was too much of a coincidence that god wasn't there i felt that time did not persuade god to nadia was in greece to show me how much he loves me god made me whole again he showed me i'm worth loving this way i realize how unconditional his love truly is i really had nothing to do with with it in order for me to deserve it there is no closure yet as to what will happen to me and my husband but there is peace there is joy by the grace of god all the hatred and bitterness are gone i've forgiven my husband young girl young word of forgiveness real forgiveness is have real forgiveness is having a compassionate heart i am now able to pray for both of them that they will be saved one day see lord we can never out give him he filled me my kids with so much love that i am so fulfilled and overflowing i have put antito hungayon even affiliate was even really more than what was taken away from me today my daughter's ian is 13 my son ben is 11. it took us years to understand the loving kindness of god because of what happened to our family but i invite each one of you to let god's love fill you let it overflow as well no matter what your circumstances are thank you and let's praise him always [Applause] sometimes when we hear stories uh young ending but what she's mentioning is kite hindipa not really store but she's complete because no man can ever complete him only jesus christ himself that's why come on let's see god praise let's all stand vina will continue i will continue praying for you in fact we'll pray for you okay during this time of worship guys god showed his love for us that while we were still sinners christ died for you and we love we can love because he first loved us let's pray father we thank you for veena and sian and bennett lord thank you for just the overwhelming presence of nila we continue to lift them up lord god in prayers to you that one day your will be done in their life lord thank you for being that gentle man in their lives lord being the father to the fatherless and the husband lord god to uh to vina thank you for your love lord and all of the congregation here today and those watching lord online father we lift them up to you to love unconditionally to love selflessly knowing that we are your children we can love the way you loved us sacrificially selflessly and it's a form of worship to you we honor you lord god in jesus name amen amen you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 105,526
Rating: 4.8605003 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 28sec (3448 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2017
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