I Do Not Change (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Music] all right we'd like to thank you for joining with us in prayer we pray the for the cn you know last week we prayed for the sea and Sammy then we hosted okay with par along with flying horse McCollum on Maria well I'm grinning of course I see young lean in Liberia pero okay so but nevertheless it was great great weather international community Magan the pillaging amahi not in and let's continue praying for Iraq and Iran kiting look at the lamina pinned or God is sovereign Picabo many are in Union neguin closer into okay Lord 911 the Poonam Allah churches America so when things happen again and God is sovereign II he's drawing people to himself so who knows we might plant a church in Iraq or Iran and the time will come but also the international scene Majin the local Toyota van in a pass of you Harting Umberto Nasima yelled 11 Dima miss international in fact made you nagging and controversial Panna Melanie human-induced recently you not in presidential daughter marooned ocean and Akuma basa this is actually a German word I admit I'm half German half Sheppard better it's actually pronounced shade and Friday they shade and Freud out but whatever okay and Sabina she admits she has this parish Aden Friday the moment no Mindy Pumas oxy Meriel sir miss international and the Italian a Google or Garima Google Neon Bible determine internet economic establish a new phenomena in the shade and Freud okay it simply means there's enjoyment then the field car that was derived from another person's failure not waka the hillock failure me Bob that's what it meant person anymore I have this shade and Freud a moment and the opposite is true nanu Lanka you feel miserable you mama pound kinara 7mu you Miami never gonna senior we're gonna mean it didn't gotta be more in the engine okay unit but browse casa Facebook you power walk in a hassle and a post with my new videos how are you Susan I was mean to say mean avoid some a showroom consumer surveillance are you dirty answer pedicab more know you'll make what Chinna unilag Amish aid in Froy in the moment that was a week after malukas who Hoonah Bunga aqua and sage among some electron 1 million bacteria now Bunga ha ha ha it sounds funny but aren't we all in some degree are like that aren't we all in some degree me Martin Tina a salon nyama Ponte di maama Kazama salami as if nama Islam have arrived Akita Sababa auditorium baladeva so what can we share / eat and Anita Anita an ending more but the reality is true so why I am saying this because this is the topic we're gonna talk about today there's this bunch of people in the book of Malachi the Israelites and they have decided stride and Freud a moment Union are on the Manila and we're gonna look in the Bible open your Bible to Malachi chapter 2 over 17 submitting to God you have wearied the Lord with your words so Malachi is speaking peena-pod would know this inexhaustible him beam up about with Lagarde pair up in a paha goodness among words young men and a nagging on you know Papa crocodile and eating I beg mercy God she got some photoshop damping Altos neva night I grew Priscilla you know the truth in Ulrich Allah is in every episode again like Diane okay and and God is saying you have wearied me pinna Park would know and we've been talking about this remember this the series for the past two weeks and indeed see God tell again major Hewlett Alice's a monobrow because poor URI clamor purely climb up or questioning it's full of disputations if you look at the book of Malachi and damning to know them he said no sadness ago and here is another example of that Sabino mulatto or harming Pina God Sybilla God cassettes in a Sabino that everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord they assume first if I'm gonna Israelites they assume they are the good people okay so first they assume I got sobre Anegada human a bad trip naman uh personal human apparently and a sumac of salmon yes they're invasive statement to say Indiana sila Olympian Pharisee lap oh I said I well anima silica become a gimmick God on a king so Sheila point Ebonics a Canada lugar better still there in poverty here up here up Sheila's abou hi there are sphere Palin feeling me like there's still a slave of the Persians and the key Tony Lema promises to God Salmonella Noonan Allah from Abraham Isaac and Jacob and it's not happening and we've been saying what do you do Kumi Impreza circumstances mom Alejo subpoena Nicosia and here's what's happening they've been but the past two weeks they've been questioning God's love because the first week remember this number one that God loves you I have loved you last week really should remember that God is king he deserves all our on or bowel Sharla pasta were nothing last week that's why we should give the best and the first offering to him so first week we remember that he loved us the last week we talked about remember that he is king English abandoned God got bro in the juggernaut he's King that deserves all our offering and today we're gonna remember one thing about God as well on the 3rd week by a laminate in amamiya so everything it does is evil in everything who does evil rather it's good in the sight of the Lord another accusation and you delight in them imagine here's the holy righteous God and they're accusing God you're collaborating with the goons Burke at the monotone was a salmon town as if the Mozilla Indonesia elastic umbilicus upon addin Silla reign they're offering you Meccano new classic offering like a God but yet they assume that they're the good people the good guys and worse they're accusing God eco gada barber cuts when I'm on a bad people and you delight in them and also one thing and a greedy guy God or by asking so God show us where it's the god of justice where is the God of justice what they simply saying is God you're unfair first they assumed that the pot cilium ablaze but then again the bad guys are being blessed seemingly and they have destroyed and fried a moment but cylinder B bless he go to load back indominus Alana C guru literally like an addict eternal embarking on a bad man Sheila you make watch a silly Miami silly maraming Carmel's Salim alarming will really an but it can mean him Ababa it back Liu Moussa main god you're just unfair have you ever asked that question to God Lala animal market by Melinda nominal second area is epic Barnum and indeed amenities in bio pimp a school on elmerita gallon I mean King David experienced that as well in fact want economic backslide it's a via but as for me my feet had almost stumbled my stepped steps rather had nearly slipped for I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the week at you David if you read the wolf verse the verse is news chapter 73 non telugu sheela you mohammed salameh ioseliani he'll see could see the fighting on a wedding lord gambling lord drug lord well I'm ashamed to talk Lord Monck as he let you monomer yama seal i don't unlock it and I don't owe you Lord go back I wanna hear of have you ever questioned glad that way you see is the reality when our current sir comes and says are questionable we tend to question the character of God when what you're seeing in the now in the moment when what you're experiencing at the moment I Peron melayu to a Hindi pingu Stoney Lorna you tend to question God's carve the Lord Nobunaga are you even concern about me no real enigma melambe on the Sulaco most specially when people are in pain we reason from pain but it come with me pin at the animal in death well analogic but God's grace my symbol in the when when you're when people are in pain it numbed their senses and here they're experiencing pain left and right la ilaha illa from the persian oppression pitiable excellent handling lupa in but it's been a hundred years and yet nothing is happening what do you do when what you're believing God for is different from what you're seeing in your eyes right now you mr. Mundy Babu with the cell Kevin that's all are you on my way let the dead asawa know is a long you know the Salonika dalawa tatlo stage wandering stage for what do you do when your current circumstances are questionable your question God God labou Patel Agha you see here's the problem we are some micro focus that we don't see the big picture another problem with us we always want things instantly Lord boggling in Mornay on Lord become open on patience right now not by demanding more only on my clothes economy Rahming monopoly the apartment noona it's as if customer you mom man instantly with someone gloomily instantly so like a boyfriend instantly it's as if God is at your command we don't see that we are in a journey it's not about the destination it's really about the journey isn't it that every pain a pillock that the island male on has something to do with what goddess in storage for you so no son could be God Antonella where's the God of justice the answer of God then dilemma and the next verse behold son la india Shackleton according to your question but I have an answer behold I send a messenger that will prepare the way before me come I call you mama awesome UNICEF with nominative God metal we're asking bucket mopping up abour an Amana bad and yet that's a good more behold I send the messengers talking about John the Baptist and this messenger will prepare the way of the true messenger of the Covenant which is the Lord Jesus Christ it says here the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple and the messenger of the Covenant to in whom you delight behold he is coming says the Lord of Hosts oh and sagat's a kalila Jesus where is justice and solution at all darting and aking enough in fact there's gonna be a 400 years of silence in preparation of the coming Messiah but then something we learning a cylinder got air opened up in Monaco who can endure is coming to say Hindi kimitaka Taiyo India you cannot stand with appears because funda Pina he's gonna be like a refiners fire he's talking about this some metal worker knocking Who I am on a silver a be exposed to extreme heat but I'm a pendulum on a draws him on a foreign object he exposed to tie to extreme heat by retire map if I and then this fuller so it's a laundry soap Alabama oh there's gonna be purging and purifying in the mañana so you you wanna know Cuyahoga come pick him on a bad here's the ending I will come to put you on trial Caillou mnemonic order the Israelites but I will be quick to testify against you monitor honor my sorcerers adulterers perjurers against those who defraud laborers and the dye occur even by Avenue sss-bok evening Ben above a Samoan team we knew who log and Baba minimum per in nail minimum but upon who knew Sarah self not a short span on the police know you police we're gonna need more to masala hot alright and self-dependent made move will I know no higher amo 20 years ago he you're gonna answer to that like a girl and I'm not inventing here exactly god I'm gonna go against those who defraud laborers of their wages who oppress the window but it would have been talent and ability garlic bandana against the widow and the fatherless but in a press more I'm gonna read those you single mom and also the fatherless in Abu sumo take advantage ma noodle Buddha Luca eunuch in Ipanema tun da da da ya Liga why God hey economist make the pasta in your Piniella menu fatherless Ambala more specially spend time with them it reached no 4 not but a man can want a tae-hyun more attention began attend sure we are living in a fatherless generation call centers a gabion tata indica a butcher and a guitar i will entertain a pastor and a pagina paso cantata in the ketha sila after friend see no ha ha not no ho believe me 20 years at I say some boob all indeed and I'm up at Poland day of muy not be boohoo me Oh birth I'm Katya we are living in a fatherless generation spend time with those people and submit it on cinema I will testify against those people would deprive the foreigners among you of justice I will I will quickly to testify those who do not fear me says the Lord so you accusation your sake inaudible cuts cut Amana evil here's their ending those evil messiness Abby mom I delight into it on ending me lying summary God is saying listen up if you're questioning God's justice what he's saying in his character I don't change for the word for is very important but before prior to that is 1/3 in the image to be he not missing Ibiza before it for in conclusion for I the Lord do not change first week we talked about remember this I have loved you last you can talk about remember this he is God the king and he deserves all the honor today we're going to talk about that he is a goddess unchanging everybody say unchanging universe surance yeah I never changed what has been witnessed and told and written about me by your great great great great great forefathers from Isis Abraham Abraham Isaac and Jacob I can I never changed a bit that still me we're gonna talk about today the unchangeableness of God and you look at the verse in Psalm 102 25 to 27 in the beginning you laid the foundation wa la ilaha well I personally create me some star he was there well are some beginning and ending in the beginning you lay the foundation of the earth and the heavens are the work of your hands they will perish but you remain muhawwil and alle hot but you will remain they will all wear out like a garment I mean story about the heavens and the Stars muhawwil are olijavi on but like clothing you will change them and they will be discarded but you you remain the same and your years will never end it's an unchanging God today we're going to talk about the attribute of God called immutability big word alatna honey on your misspelling first already been changed ginger unchangeableness my head of this spelling not we're going to talk about this character this attribute of God these cars that are being immutable but from the word mutate or mutable it means you can change mutate change but see like no immutability it means hindi salma ba ba gua he will never change no one can change him okay when you say immutability it simply means God is unchanging in his character in his real and covenant promises he's not subject to change let's talk about change first you see if something needs a change it must do so in some chronological order tamama there must be a point in time before the change and then change happen and there is another point after the change Lama ba negates na you madam at Bacardi but last few muhabba you hear more but when you're two years they bring here MA I cannot kind of like you poop we have tomorrow meantime Asaf be okay because of these Tito's emptiness of Manila okay back here kasi to put website not on Ibaka bellisima grown at all these are for the people like me ma a 28 years old in Ghana okay these are the people who are born somewhere in the 70s raised in the and live their life in the 90s oh it's a boom site metalman Romney with the bag and all and they're just throwing everything about their lives in the 80s and 90s Oh a case in point this have been a productive at all Yancey and Ally salvos applaud balloonist and animals reply can tell me plainly see they the member and Peter st. Peters of Manila did enjoy my independence Acadian cotton aerosol and Albany pass you know so nanjing lot young so member proposed silicon bias a green here we were time by enemy John Cena choco beam second or yellow me and I'll celebrate some buyer and they built a community like in one hour there are 15,000 new members it's weird I've seen people are just posting rather than you know Jack stone team up in a proper post Melanie shampoo nothing around nylon you talk about Donnelly and you paid at ball pen at la piscina Kemal aluminum connection yeah come along the best generation Millennials well Apple iPod well uh the best generation parent America you need a new Malibu some bhai Camino de la gran chaco a Lupe Manalo Pecola hot on bump reso human a girls known well I'm on your way Aqua Net Sheila the racial equality open box elegant mandolin rain is gone mandolin there begins on a consult an eye on him being you Ala Moana green iguana miss a suntan shut up no gluten Carly Mendoza and suntan while I'm gonna be hitting John I mean I mean people in demonology just reply and reply thousands of reply tightening be Makelele it's as if you're in one community and of course all-time favorite every two hours Lamar a bus stop she Wayne Wayne okay so I gave me new canal a yarn well I need a marker in examiner hey you see why listen up opportunity learn more you realize and damning that bag was a moon door you realize fulfill Akita human are you know cartridge snuggling Super Nintendo nests in Ipanema Holly lately but times have changed so loose listen up when you say the drug is immutable he is not bound by time because God is eternal and exists outside the constraints of time well I shall pass well as young future his constant in the Misha Pennington away and God may talk about hip hop in the in the king he exists Hindi she bound and time indivisible him god Anubis Wapiti book or Nickelodeon but Lasha they became Solar Taylor Swift voila hindi is about long time because God is eternal when you say immutable he's not box by time next if you say God is immutable for a thing to change okay it must change for better or for worse sama ba otherwise condition at ba gua there's no change at all so if you want to improve or or add value you have to add on it and then there's gonna be a better you changed for the better picanha bagua Zhang Jie you changed for worse see God he never changes because God is already perfect he does not mean anything Hindi show you well al ammonium got the New Testament is a better God because he's Old Testament bad trip Shailaja but the New Testament God I like him no no no no he's the same God he's perfect so in this abundance my name in benefit like an additional grad 2.0 but I'm improving on another he's already perfect and he does not need anything and thirdly when you say God is immutable the immutability of God is related risk omniscient all-knowing because when someone needs to change that baba who is it near when a new information came to light dama BB listen econo air Quintero nabis Ajo new information about Hamas a sale buca's and even have a Bible a so when you information or or because of circumstances have changed and require a different attitude or action you change but then God is omniscient he cannot learn something new that he did not already know an implication young mahalik kenya hindi neelam aluminum Goguen buca's neva Gosselin and another god knows period crema catalana as alumni this is the beginning and end his omission that's why God's immutability defines all his other attributes if it's a BN God is unchanging Li wise he's immutably loving he's a mutable is merciful he we can never change him goodness in depending you garden a young good packaging garden at ba ba gua what if Boris imitating a growing : gamla naman a bad what is slightly good lunch abou hassan what if see God changing at the next week made you contention bad now imagine for a moment and all-powerful God making ultimately bad but his ever is an unchanging God he's immutably wise and loving and merciful good and gracious unchanging always the same that's why you can put your trust in him because you cannot put your trust on someone in my hand I don't think I want three America Oh Maxine have been text text Allah indeed tutorial diba no company while I don't so soon look a bar chi-x technolog you log in a national survey that apparently Dehradun logging me plan on a bomb easy you cannot put your trust on that person baba cousin you don't even know who she support or hindi but god that is just a messy but laggy Shannon Shannon somebody god I don't know do not change so you look up this very important the implication of that the repercussion the consequence that I am not changing so you the descendants of Jacob are not destroyed because gonna get back is it go black eye in an eyelid Connor and Dolly let go of her careless if you lose a brother now gopher kesakhian as if a co basura you know affair and Johanna chitin governor new Hindi Kaka Union and yet you're treating me like a basura so you see God the Baba Booey say well honestly like a to let the cinema you've talked about that the first week by the way so my first timer matter what I am Absalon you can download the first two weeks para hindi KO Mahalo so God is saying here's the benefit I'm not gonna destroy you in fact I'm gonna preserve you because I have loved you is it because they're good of course because he's bound to his covenant to Abraham Isaac and Jacob and he is faithful to his covenant come on a goons not Oh Ray Clemence got bad gonna bark at the moon a human on the compressor mean petite Omaha Lhasa waiting Lord drug lord gambling Lord ROTC live in a burqa Damona god is good it's uh basically Michigan actually submit again actually Karen immutable a submitter girl ever since the time of your ancestors mula bandha miracle core you have turned away from my decrease chi yeul indian amazon unit baba go in and you always turn away from my decrease and have not kept them immutable dhenuka subhanAllah you know what they've been blinded by their calloused hearts because they're so selfish self-absorbed not salah you kingdom and a girl looking down your glory disney David Pollock na young temple half as beautiful London darling not that nominee new noon I mean I'm illiquid together so self-centered and so smart and self-absorbed and busto let me love me me me me me in fact see Jesus pocket a salon after 430 years Nana merito unquestioned Pramila when are you gonna restore the kingdom to us and look at this picture they are so bad as well and yet they're demanding God just but you know let me be Jessica's Anila if God is just to them the Bible says if if we were to occur if God is to account or sin who can stand before God anybody here khutulun melayu pycnogenal Castle Agusta more lovely God and mercy Oh God but our buggy Bernanke's Allah say Oh God patty monotone and selfish not enter who Lama Somali to think way but Ivana Kassala gusto mo justice but he cannot cross Allah God mercy Long Island Yahoo Sea Lord okay come see Lord and okay younger Cosi Lord and I got we miss a monotone uncool it would in a longing desire you see Lord God is different he is immutably loving and gracious and merciful and walking only God please thinks the implication of his immutability these people can now return they can receive the blessing and they can rejoice after what streets the three implication of his immutability number one they can return to God okay go to your verse 7 it says here okay God is saying I do not change you're accusing me I do not change in fact I'm gonna have this invitation submit again return to me and I will return to you says the Lord Almighty they were given an invitation as well as they are synced in all fairness an invitation if that's sure and I am a geek is a good more I am but good Lord Li in fact was big a dream pathways will happen Taketomi mile Amazon bagman castellana because he got alumni castle on and more RIBA macaw behind a palomino young Goguen kombuchas na young castle on Akana Kanika nina kulagina wa god knows that and he still loves you so r apparent to me is I've been alone ok return to me and I will return to you and it says here but you asked me to return in fact they don't want to return their questioning see the malecon I mean I mean economic crisis I mean God baka dawa aman a bad you delighting in them why are we returning at all and but then God said return to me and I will return to you and then asking ok a bear how are we to return now Pillai you a cecil as a jaws and God has given them a an instruction how to return to God and it says here will a mere mortal Rob God yet you rub me quick oho suppose it gets me thinking Mallika ho and then Nina button issue God okay then our God is making a point you are robbing God and yet people ask how are we robbing Unicron and God says in tights an offering kiya Kamala you say can it's because you are not giving your tithes and offerings why because tithes and offerings is a sign of faith that I'm putting my faith in you I'm giving the first and the best and with the rest I'm just gonna put my trust in you and you know one your human a Patapon you're not giving your tithes you're not giving your awfully human apart upon the hand and animal the my mama died in a book I see pulling my main - ah kid you need to offer in your sock and it's good for nothing offering and God is saying you want to return give me the best give me your first why because de mogi know why you're under occurs in fact that my abomination because you are rubbing me God did not ask them to give their tithe and offering first he wanted their hearts returned to me God is more interested with us than what we can give young in so alpha is robbing God for they do not know or haven't fully trusted God in character that he will take care of them that is loving and faithful and generous and I'm sure some of your material peripera by issue ito no it's not about the money but the problem is this where your treasure is there your heart will be also tell when people tell me besides Papa Papa Don laughing and I'm building a toy if a touch cooler Sunday on me my total mess and an elemental to listen and man but it's not about the church actually Qaeda contacts at Hamilton church because I see Jesus I'm in an app accident Church in the victory Sybilla Jesus I will build my church so with or without your Paris not a potent Church next finish in a mobile app I'm aircon holiday ok and in exact I'd stalking likes penis Pune bong ok well I'm on America now Larry illa well I'm Mike and the time dem agree on the Hindi not bite anybody here the per second a counseling and panaqua a Norris proconsul but stop anybody on 9/11 at the Tate's kabah I mean depot huh - mama Papa Joe the mango okay okay okay Papa jacket uma waffle hey mirin beginners in Yunnan are in England - Marcus eight one seven one two one two came our yeah if you need counseling did you even a skip a class ignore okay naxaiites car or safley well let him do Bali Quran make churches Kabila don't cut well because when it after your money we're after your heart it's not as if a deacon at I'd swallow he stars along if I didn't you love me train I wouldn't at that idea table hockey not suppose she got them power in a well unless you like that I know no and he's powerful he's after your heart will you trust him but when you give him your best and your first he will sustain you with the rest because if you do not give your touch of rubbing God I mean don't hate means the Word of God so where your treasure is there your heart will be also not the leader to eat check check my credit card more I know mama Billy Billy mode that's where your heart is and okay no collect them on and then you hurt more check more where you spend your time the most you know hard monocoque upon three else Casa Facebook quiet I'm di Marber quiet final ten minutes that's where your heart is check most when do you feel most alive okay like a boy in the boy pagando Cassandra Burke are the monitamon door that's when your heart is it just revealed you new heart more so abominable a saladna Lord MOT the disciple disciple disciple Lima are you listening check your heart where you feel most alive and passionate that's where your heart is and then the week went on hunting history like a bass or the say sang history book you can see Magellan Delta ecology lapu-lapu Alabama see lapu-lapu cuz it is this foreigner non Sandow Espana at Maron King King City Kingdom Spain the time Phillip named in tribute or tribute or or tights or tax Mikael Neil a palapa huh die you come in the beginning dynamical opposed even King mo because they're just demanding the sponsors is demanding but biggie contributes a kingdom in Xalapa la paloma Kai Tak blue pearl onion it doesn't matter but yeah call it means I'm under the submission of the king and under the sovereignty of the King whoever the king is but Gakuin had begun an acting packs and ibiza bein my papa under erisa kingship nah that's what we pay our taxes because we're under the sovereignty of the philippines quiet moment violent acts NPA come a mundo Colaba but we were submitting ourselves to the sovereignty of the philippine sovereignty maybe by thailand tax same thing with god if you don't want to give your tights then you're saying god I'll have the hundred percent and make sure I'm gonna sustain this deal Kappa Pusan well good luck because here stuff what you're missing if you're not typing bring the whole tide to me that day maybe food in my house yes and then the God says best me in this here's what you're missing the return you can return the the blessing if do you know what wala I'm deacon at the tides ready gonna bass-o-matic ah ma empanada he's gonna open the floodgates of heaven Wow let me flood gates I live in impact floodgate new lager it's a flat way okay but Gumby look summer Lulu not Camilla hot dog I like I'm not a little umami Santa when the floodgates already knocked Sam what will happen they're gonna pour out so much blessing Lila in this October octo means and zero para mommy's a sock no it's overflowing blessing there's gonna be so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it who wants a blessing like that ah hold on tight sky oh but but God bless Cygnus you look so much like that's making me money yeah no you still I'm blessing I'm among class you know what's the promise it's an overflowing provision it's not just for you it's gonna overflow some on a Patou Mahalo Mo's a boy I'd be more kilala macapá be kickin kickin e no because there's so much blessing the bible says you have to let go of the old stock to be grieved way to the new penny well a Christian who report at hoard Aires Metropolitan impera what good for a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul kappa gigadeath the title missing on this you mugging source of blessing in the apparent journey that's what you see Erica in the Pertino you but come on a grip okay think about your who Lou Manahan miracle peptide scars there's gonna be overflows the salikus a magic abound and damn in Omaha Omaha meeting somebody Mina looking up anime just about Malik new on detour Hawaii Britt up it will leave Brianna phenom ink I own a little upon island you know Eli like a new young spaghetti new their sauce cheese call me root chakra all-purpose cream as a being your December 3 say in your December to be barbecue and eat oh hey bubbly Curie to your nimidam anime just know okay the one to ye son Tommy sir do to me libera Tupperware Rob Alec new you're a mime ago go to Napa media but then you been a bit leaky alright and I'm only proficient look up here I will prevent pests from devouring your craft and the vines in your field will not drop their fruit before its run what this verse is saying there's gonna be an unshakable protection mmmm burrito you pay them apparent doom and lung swell do my own nail DiPalma Criswell dollar squad three on hop on Kazakhstan accounting in the moon italic gamma we withdraw moon is okay come in the advanced committee talk hey somewhere - Alice Quatro a la Cinco Alana NASA nice window honey do Madame Foucault Hannon a bond you know when I'm bored walk no honey no hooligan more yes well do man love it oh my bicycle 10% bigger 10% serene life partner Kazama campus minister with missionary not a new eighty percent grab it mccoullough it's super super market bubble inaho become a Salesman by one take one girl is gonna make sure every cent bamboos will eat any Lord Haman tight see know who look at someone up at the boom by now or cry later see you know Maggie could be building young syndrome among a credit card back I'm calling mark swipe billion billion billion but Katina got a person that I'm gonna buy obliquity allow credit card to many people buy things they don't need with money they do not have trying to impress people they don't even like hi I'm damning as a credit card debt misuse of credit cards immediate gratification you know what if your tithing God will give you the wisdom how to how to use the 80 percent actually 70% Milan tight stand offering we intend you in pain is saved more you 70% more gulaka blame and on you know allow me to sit down and breathe them alone gabion amil kanika and a polymer backbone it wasn't done I had big my eyes every day tsubame compare a blazer only Lordan you know how you can mimic a cow why because you returned to God you trust him with all your wealth actually God owns hundred percent concerns just and ninety the meticulous are you or 80% Madeira say oh he's equally concerned how are you going to dispense that okay I contend Enoch the bites ya Muhammad or I'm sorry for the university but I do need in a way and a door but come back an elevator Celsius can either fly or the genuine answer party much anyway I don't come to fight stuff after eight days but I'm just I'm just saying for your own sake God is longing for your heart not your tights but incidentally where your treasure is there your heart as well and eventually we can rejoice asset we can rejoice not only we can return to here we're talking about this bunch of people who are really bad from their ancestors all the ways Anila they're really bad me do they really see God in a challenge nila you're a Burin Cohoes with this my goons and yet God offers them return to me enough and every time to you and when you return you're gonna honor me with your wealth you're gonna honor me with your heart I want your whole heart and then God will happen we're gonna rejoice last points I really thought then all the nations will call you blessed Wow how about that you're gonna be a great testimony to a lot of people but mainly Union born again up Emilia not only Adrienne another Christian silly assume a good number guy it's gonna be so evident they cow I an Akron jaws mechanical Mahna Mahna Turner and see any landing angle on and then accept an estimate everything done over language and reading mama Della's Demonica the paper Cassini Lord Johnny Depp ignore Nagisa Sapir lattice miglin Duma Bastian Taylor Joseon yeah oh and yours you see people will not notice done but Nikita grabby dua generous people submitted I've never seen a righteous forsaken or their children begging for bread they are always generous and lends freely Wow how about that and says here for yours will be a delightful land huh Bacchus a young lugar not pass am familia it'll be delightful says the Lord hey see David is questioning this bunch of people God Baretta to prosper sila Gladbach achievement of wicked syllabi miami but no mana arrogant a silly young health evil on stage four cancer berlin diabetes but God can endure and Dom you know if you read Psalm 73 and verse 16 now realize David didn't a fever sixteen to seventeen but when I thought how to understand this completely move easy pain but human about the be blessed what do not intend any on somebody David it seemed to me every recent asteroid and the sadness of verse seventeen until I entered into the sanctuary of God then I discerned their end until David had commune with his God until he entered his presence then he realized oh my gosh I don't want to be in their shoes because life is too short so be more than 80 years living the life without God pala Gong Gong Hartman lujo they can have sex with anyone they want to have sex with my baby little hot manure LM not the only girl sagina arena you ending on the rocket pack what because it's gonna be a lifetime it's gonna be eternal I'd rather be happy David I'd rather be in the presence of God so as we end God is every and sure unchangeable sure but if I said uh no and where is the god of justice this God overlooking sin can say sabina diba i i'm i i don't change and since i'm not changing you're not destroyed though you are not consumed does that mean God overlooked sin does that mean that Papa Luger an animus again I need a hit a papa Louie an eternal blessing you can return to me okay you will receive by youngest among baka and and we can rejoice if this does not mean you you you got it me God killer limit on Alanna God Kali Motilal angry Pisgah from a bodega in Tahoe and caboodle Buddha Shekinah you can return to me canary and occasional America Salah is that what this verse is saying a second governor well other than just this could you wanna bad like the Israelites are bad from their ancestors they can return they can receive and they can rejoice well but this verse is implying is God overlooked sin right bad ko I mean contrary to to what this verse is saying in Romans 1:18 for the wrath of God you know boo-boo you smell garlic because he is holy and we are not he is righteous and were not he is good and were bad so for the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of man so and why are we not consumed Goleta selahattin mana bad not bad why because someone was consumed in behalf of you in behalf of me God is just he cannot overlook sin he demanded payment casa por la salon and that's very clear in the Bible Kogelo mama bodka indicate a legume ABBA air the Bible says from our mother's womb we are sinful and the Bible says for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God and problema for the wages of sin is death he demands payment our safe convenient Palin pacinian otherwise indecent just imagine a judge may pop Alya in a loving rapist again I'm a biter cone judge he's not just a just God at the same time he is loving that's why cigarette Palin Panama tall Josh Nicole laughing oh ho ho just like in Pierre no paella hot but then he is patient and loving he doesn't want anyone to go to hell Superman see God and look at wink or I created these people in my image and likeness I have given them free will and now they're seen Kayla mimicked by odd and the problem is we are all going to hell that's that's the problem with us because God demands that God demands that someone needs to pay and that's a dilemma because all of us are going to hell we're going to be consumed we're gonna be destroyed but thanks be to God in Isaiah a foretelling of what's to come in Isaiah it says here but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities you put up a jumpring up in heaven we should be pierced we should be crass appalled at by amicus Alana but then again someone did it for you and me upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace mean to say God Bal trips up as he got before before we cannot enter his presence in benefit and a minimum of feeling that there see God Nikita impose una they were all sinful to make a Greek a kabuki hunt selfishly motivated but so before we cannot enter his presence there's no peace but because of what Jesus did dying on the cross 2,000 years ago it brought us peace tell you know when we celebrate Christmas that's what we're celebrating peace on earth because suddenly she got in a bad rip certain but it's very costly Jesus Christ was pierced and crushed and with his wounds we are here so when you asked me versus justice you look at the cross that's where justice is justice and love met at the cross when you look at the cross now so feisty and garlic me God I demand justice someone needs to pay there you go there's your one and only Son dying for you and me that's what no pictures but Linda Mumma Buddha Quranic a salon and Mo Money makka makka makka salah who live because of that sin god needed to send his son that's why it puzzles me but my mother christian on every day i was every week nine people in the committing scene as if legume allah miyan i don't think you have an idea of the cost it's free but it's costly it's free for you to receive but it cost god this one and only son why because justice needs to be served someone needs to pay and when you look at the cross that's where justice Smith and it's love for you and me because He loves us your God so loved the world he sent his one and only Son that's why church I hope you'll be reminded of this God will never change you can approach him any time regardless of how much you've seen in Agawam oh you've seen dirimu Hanina you see Nagumo buca's it doesn't matter you can approach him because his love is unchanging his grace a new every morning his mercies are new every morning he is unchanging yeah if if you were to ask me today is it worth it will worship this God and of course sinner who worship more paramour it's a really more I don't think it will last that's why if you're here today for the first time it's not an accident that you're here God wants you to know he loves you God wants you to know he deserved the honor due to him and this week he wants you to know he's an unchanging God He loves you yesterday today and forever come on let's all stand under fear today let's just spray to some of you here and I'm I'm up in the data Anand you part of feeling more Seguros he got Indianapolis of Milan ago aqua or maybe you're that person American cannot in get on power but she got Malmo go Hindi I don't know maybe you have question K God it might the big God of justice Kaaba I don't know what your question is but I'm telling you right now Jesus is the answer he died for you sometimes you pay nothing yeah it numbed us but then again Jesus experiences although Spain as well he was pierced and crushed so that you may live he died so that you may live he paid the price you cannot pay that's why today that doesn't encourage you if let's bow down ahead let me just pray for some people here if that's you today you're not me doubt Karzai God that's that's the first group of people you're doubting God maybe in the area of finances you're doubting a help come on tights - I am toe pump pump press that or maybe that's you or maybe some of your doubting God compel again Mahalo Kenya because may my town and loco say oh and it's hard for you to really trust again or maybe some of you America in get over someone it doesn't matter Konkani no money in game it has to stop today so whatever it is your issue again against God can we just bow down our heads and close our eyes can you lift that hand and let me pray for you knowing that God is unchanging father we thank you Lord God that you do not change your de same yesterday today and forever that the stars Lord muffle fade away La Silla but then you will remain the same so as with your love for us you love us the same when we were still sinners mahalo minakami how much more my own animal a pit come in Seong so Lord to do one me mana power not thought to trust in you not in their own wealth because it's so unstable to trust you all the way not in their bark odda because those people abandoned le and Lord they help us to trust in you lord those people who have doubts today because of the experiences in the past would you just refresh the menu that you are a solid foundation to trust in - you are our fortress you are our deliverer and even Lord I pray the more towel or the mirin garlic even power in game or envy Lord would you just release them from those things and teach them Lord and remind them that you love them Lord God but they don't have to feel insecure of other people's belongings or stuff Lord remind them that you love that you died for them so Lord God thank you for just this teaching about your immutability that you never change you love us forever and ever in Jesus name Amen amen amen amen come on if you got pray
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 28,334
Rating: 4.7142859 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: v1_KuQuXETQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 8sec (3488 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 19 2017
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