From Meaningless to Purposeful (Taglish) - Jeff Eliscupidez

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[Music] [Music] [Music] my [Music] high foreign me [Music] is [Music] foreign b jesus foreign christopher [Music] foreign vegan [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is foreign [Applause] praise god everybody can relate to peter you know there's a peter in all of us isn't it and i'm sure carina is we can relate to peter because all of us one way or the other we follow jesus we follow god with a selfish intent isn't it i mean it's common i mean most of us and there's nothing wrong with that you want the healing you want the gift you want the blessing and it's normal for for all of us to come to jesus selfish more about this uh this purpose that we have now after see jesus is a fisherman as a businessman and then he let go of his business and then to mama okay okay just to follow jesus but but then again for personal or maybe national reason as well um but most of the time we follow god because sometimes we're so short-sighted and gentle felt need nothing right on healing that's what i'm blessing and again god can live with that until such time we realize eventually these are just temporal issues of this world and then we lose sight of this of something that's eternal so not only sometimes we follow god know my short-sightedness style but often times it's self-centered isn't it you play a request 90 so sometimes we're so self-centered in our pursuit of god and oftentimes we do something for god but it's self-serving isn't it we serve god paragus we serve god and all of these things initially we come to christ maybe just like peter cannon all my life you put your hope to your spouse to your children have you ever placed your hope on something or someone and then you find it short some expectation more that's what happened to manga in that time all their future hopes and dreams all their their hopes for a better life a better nation were dashed into pieces and we have to take into considerations for hundreds of years they were subdued they were enslaved by different nations okay all the way to the assyrians of persia so but you foreign so they put all their hopes to this messiah to this to this to this jesus but then again their thoughts of a conquering type of king and that's the problem we're facing whenever we put our trust on something and then fall short of our expectation but bear in mind as we go through this series we're going to end this series we've been saying that there's a purpose for that the bible says in isaiah 53 5 jesus was crucified but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities look at those words he was pierced crushed look at those words for our saving for our for our what but bashan appears but for our sins for our iniquities for our transgressions it was the will of the father that's what the bible says it was the it was the father's will paraphrasing jesus to die on the cross but the punishment on the third day otherwise three nights to go the following day two nights they're not expecting now he's gonna be true to his words and in fact disciples are you listening so this is not something you put your hope on someone nakalamo will give you life we'll give you what you're expecting and we're going to be on the top of the world again not knowing that the punishment will bring peace and by his words they're going to be healed and it's been i mean been talking about that for the past four weeks so if you just joined us for the first time we are about to end the talk okay but don't worry young is is really stand alone sometimes we think that we can innately uh gain this love and approvally god innately this great exchange that god offers i can do good works for me to earn that love and peace and healing no no no no we need to comprehend great exchange not to die we can pay for you born agus from somehow god you've been good to me either you know you've been good to me i'm going to suffer paranormal or i'm so bad this year and sometimes we think we can pay for our sins we can do something for that that's why we end up frustrated okay we end up natalia we end up frustrated not knowing now we cannot do it until we introduced this word for the past four weeks you've been talking about this word my wife by the way by the way it's our twenty 22nd anniversary today [Applause] not knowing that it's the grace of god not knowing that we cannot do anything about it it's only through the grace of god grace means you don't deserve it just like peter indiana deserving jesus and three times you feeling of condemnation didn't peter self-condemnation but how many of you hear your your glassy god doesn't keep records of wrong wrongs ah so if you're thinking you can pay for your sin so that you will receive grace that's not grace at all because grace is something you don't deserve per billy gay parent that's what grace is supposed to be grace you just have to embrace it and just lovingly forgiveness no he's so complete he doesn't need anything from us but yes he has everything for you looking at his exchange and that's why you've been saying this great exchange that we've been talking for the past four weeks the salvation that he offers now from guilty we have now been forgiven from death we are given life last week pastor christian uh preached about this from alienation we have now the sense of belonging he did something for us that is far better than your temporal concern because sometimes maybe just like peter initially we pursue god with some temporal concern great okay i'm gonna pray but is that all there is it's not the only reason why god norwegian uh redeemed us and gave a spiritual blessing yes he has made us alive he has now brought us into belongingness through through you we have now peace in god and reason lang banon is that we can have good life i don't think so because human disciples they don't have a good life that we're pursuing now and we want to have now we're going to have a greater sense of purpose okay and we're going to finish this series we've been talking about this series in the book of ephesians one and two so we're going to jump now as we end this series to ephesians 3. one week bible just to give up a premise you week one and two we talk about the possessions we have in christ and week 3 and 4 we talk about the position we have in christ right our position is now we're alive our position is now we are in peace with god we are now we belong to god no longer aliens and the possessions that we have the blessing that you put in week one and two now after say after uh having all those positions and position for what purpose purpose number typically given so much possession and position to become children of god for what purpose and paul will now narrate and the main purpose of redeeming all of those things so let's jump to the chapter one three verse one in happiness paul from last week she is a christian about being united and being at peace with god belonging to god as one and all now some people for this reason i paul a prisoner a prisoner of watch i've been a prisoner of jesus christ he's what he's saying i'm no longer living for myself i'm living for god i'm living for christ i am a prisoner of christ he can do whatever he wants me to do but most of the time sidorito feel him up indica you're not a prisoner of course we're all free men we are living in a free country but sometimes akalam afrika but you're doing things that individual and just to have all the things takalama will matter at the end anybody here okay you might you want all of this okay and again there's nothing wrong with this stuff when you look at those stuff these are just temporal stuff and sometimes we are enslaved by by this worldly desires so whether you like it or not we are under the lordship of something or someone we are a prisoner if you're doing things despite the nagawama and then you are a prisoner of that that that kingdom and i i have nothing against earthly success okay career-wise great but it's just too small if god has made you alive just to have an earthly success it will be too small of a purpose for god kayaking no god wants you to succeed in this life so that he can leverage on it the bible says use your worldly wealth to gain friends for god the bible says leverage on it it upon earthly success for eternal gain so paul is saying i am a prisoner of christ i'm not a prisoner of my company i'm not a prisoner of this world i'm gonna kill i'm gonna i'm gonna knock over i'm gonna subject myself to the status on my facebook friends call just to keep up with them no no what they say i am a prisoner of christ at pacific prisoner of christ it entails this agenda can young lord and master happy paul i'm now prisoner of christ of this god spell what's the what's the word gospel it simply means the good news i was made he was made into something in deep ushagan before and now he was made into something that he is a new creation and we are i was made a minister everybody say a minister actually but this is our calling we are called to be a minister of the gospel so what paul is saying after you have a new possession after now you have a new position in christ of this gospel this new found life this newfound masternode and you were made into something indica before ganon so agenda you have a calling now you are actually called to preach the gospel if you're a christian you've given your life to christ after having the possession and the position you were made alive and made new now your next agenda is to share this to others use your worldly success to gain friends because the bible says what good for a man to gain the whole world quintium for eternal gain so what's the purpose what's the use isn't it first calling that and if you have given your life to christ we're actually called to preach the gospel and i get that's a video pastor you're a preacher yeah you're you're good at the bible in dijo sometimes we have this we compartmentalize christianity full-time job secular we are secular in a secular world so you preach the gospel right no all of us were called to preach the gospel of course most of us now here's a verse that will give you some logic why you need to preach the gospel how then will they the one true god but how can they call on that one true god and then down the road how are they to believe in womb they have never heard obviously how can they believe in someone individual information and then including and how are they to hear without someone preaching so khoman says magpritchka mahalin are you getting the point we need to open our mouths okay but for sharing the gospel not for anything else you mount mo do not and wholesome talk comes out of your mouth the bible says but only what is helpful in building others up so you are now alive you are now redeemed you are now children of god not for you to have a good life maybe that's a consequence of that not just for you to have a great life but for you to share the gospel for you to open your mouth for you to declare the goodness of god i have some friends here who brought first timer and that's one way of sharing to them our faith our belief some of you know them great but it has to come to a point apostle paul the same writer for i delivered to you as of first importance what i also received so paul is saying i'll be preaching i'm preaching in front of you 52 weeks a year let me be on secure average amount of 45 voice course sometimes i need to show it all pastor john is here personal christian is here but on the average i'm preaching 40 times in a year 40 to 45. preach about marriage because this is very important died i delivered this year that christ died for our sins in accordance with the scripture what else that he was buried yeah he did die he was buried but then again that he was a great moral teacher great then anyway jesus lived one time in history but his body is lying somewhere in in israel but that's not the jesus we're serving isn't it the jesus we're serving was raised on the third day in this um we were given the chance to go to israel for a study tour that love my pancatholic my pancreas everyone else okay that's the gospel basically a gospel jesus died for your sin so that you may be saved he rose again on the third day it's actually good news is the best news ever god created man and his intention is to be with adam and eve to be with us okay but then again look up here because of sin we are separated from god okay god foreign but wait there's more okay okay but the gift of god is eternal life in christ jesus don't give kalina wages [Music] but the gift of god is eternal life in christ jesus our lord sabbath romans 6 23. [Applause] [Applause] we have this come on under your chair all right [Applause] my explanation john okay my explanation john company explained and gospel all right so because that's our calling okay look up here because this is not just for past stores this is not just for full-time staff like us makers retailers we have a calling to me i'm to be a minister of this gospel no but no exception and sometimes as christians an agenda is a church and again there's nothing wrong with that agenda preaching that's your agenda you don't just bring people to church you're not even commanded to bring people to church but that's the bible now go and bring people to church well allah go and make disciples but [Music] now you have that booklet okay okay i'll share to you the good news ever right number two of this gospel i was made a minister that's our calling according to the gift of god's grace which was given to me by working of his power we're actually empowered we are empowered to preach the gospel sometimes we think no no it's not about you it's about the power of the message for it is the power of god for salvation the the the gospel alone can stand on its own you just have to open your mouth and open that booklet it's so powerful in fact before you even met that person are you praying for someone that god will open doors of opportunities i was in a wedding last sunday and there are people there that they invited yumangam kasawa because they want this visit to hear the gospel intentional because they know that the power of the gospel is so powerful it fits any broken heart some of you have been longing to save you and evangbaga other than the word of god save your marriage and you've tried everything except the gospel of the word of god i'll tell you something indeed gospel and it will always fall short short-lived lung and salvation in a hannah ball because only the gospel is the power for salvation i was talking to this young businessman uh my human pusha okay and he was so rich he can buy everything that guston okay and all so but then there came a point in time after all the supercars after all the indiana rolex after all the watches and the cars he found himself depressed with everything in your whole life and yet depressed and he was so depressed until a broker a real estate broker invited him to the church as a church naming because in church now man that they live the the word of god in practical application denmark and true enough because i think he attended a tenant of service this was like four or five years ago lo and behold the word of god struck him and now he's attending one of our leadership class because he wants to disciple all his employees only jesus christ is the answer now he's living a life that baba is a boy only his wife he's living a great life with his children he's now being mentored and discipled due to busa church nothing but because he's been looking for something or someone to save him but nothing saves him voila and this one is for everyone everybody say everyone this is for everyone it doesn't matter no this one is for all of us requirement to everyone who works for that salvation no for everyone who do good to earn that salvation no for everyone who believes when people tells us you just believe in this god because it happened 2000 years ago i put my faith in him in his finished work at the cross two thousand years ago so we're look at this power it says here convince now we are not just called but we are also empowered to share the gospel it says here that according to the riches and paul prays christians saving knowledge the christ it push up nepal he pray he knelt down to the father and he's praying but according to the riches of his glory he may grant you to be strengthened with power you know that power the word power means do not miss that's why we get the word dynamic or dynamite you available in the power for you every time you open your mouth to share the gospel it says in romans the same power that raised christ from the dead is actually living in us romans 8 11. the same power that god used to raise jesus from the dead you know available here every time you open your mouth how about that come on let's give him praise so you're not intimidated they have all the fronts of the nice bags and nice cars salud [Applause] alcohol sex cars jewelries healthy bugs now listen up if you're a christian every time you open your mouth the same power that raised christ from the dead is available for you because it's living inside of you that's why the gospel is a good news it's meant to be shared you're the only one who can share it so effectively you may be like i can share it more because we're strengthened and then through his spirit in your inner being god will make sure you're going to be strong on the inside but when the attacks of the enemy comes when you're sharing the gospel in attacking enemy condemnation no no no i'm strong on the inside i don't give a submarine i was talking to a friend of mine it's a u.s navy uh based here in the philippines i was uh chit chatting with him facebook and inaudible you are in a u.s naval blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah right because the pressure is smaller how come it's not imploding because the pressure is too strong about because they can go up to 500 to 800 feet sabine because this the hull of the submarine creates a pressure container so the outside pressure doesn't affect the inside pressure meteor taxi like equalizing pressure so impressions are precious or equal no one atmosphere is gun the new has come god will give this no more condemnation because often times then you must come and not only were strengthened in on the inside it says here so that christ may dwell in your hearts through faith that you are being rooted and grounded in love i love this word grounded in love we're not just strengthened with the power in our inner being but we're also grounded and that is god himself that he loves you the most important the most valuable person in the whole wide world may have to comprehend with all the saints what is the breath the length the height and depth of this love angers all corners cover tayo because often times i or nothing mcshare most especially if you are a person who haven't forgiven yourself it will be very hard for you even if you're a christian to share the gospel because if but always it's christ's love that compels us nothing will compel you more than accomplishing the purposes of god that you shared in gospel than the love um love the love of christ is so overflowing in us it compels us to share his love to others we are just going to do it of god's love campo week 5 as we end the series how to have a purposeful life live a life for god young boy is no longer your own we were bought at the price that's what the bible says because you're a prisoner of christ i'm gonna compel to love others because christ loved us first look up here isn't it [Music] if you just love your neighbor unconditionally church so sometimes we ourselves are not compelled because we have no idea of christ's love christ's love compels us because we're convinced that one died for all and therefore all died christ is our uh what we're living for let's let's end this and he died for all that those who live situated week two and three he made us alive because jesus died for all those who live should no longer live for themselves you're gonna live for god we're gonna live for him who died for them and was raised again look up here those who live should no longer live for themselves if you look at your life sometimes we live for ourselves in fact some of us christian now we're so full of ourselves we're no longer living for ourselves an agenda how can i add value to this person but i began what this verse you no longer live for yourself we live for him your heart beats and the heartbeat of god beats for the lost people so icao see this for the last few weeks at least in the christian where do you spend your time the most christian christian wavelength time the christian when was the last time you spent time and efforts are lost people when was the last time when was the last time that allah got you intentionally you go out of your way because oftentimes i think you're missing the point of being a christian we no longer live for ourselves we live for god in the heartbeat of god is to beat for the lost and we're not doing this to please god no no no no no need something i love this quote the christians does not think god will love us because we're good no one is good but that god will make us good because he loves us he loves us first and then we're gonna do good works in fourth third week now then we're created for good works good work means doing the king doing the advancement of god's kingdom doing for the kingdom of god we need aren't you happy no god loves us first that's why we can do this so let's finish this we are empowered to preach the gospel we're strengthened with power we're grounded in love and lastly we are filled with all the fullness of god i don't know my strengths because i love me god never really leave you nor forsake you neither death nor the heart cannot separate you from the love of god and lastly finial and to know the love of christ that surpasses knowledge that you may be filled with all the fullness of god you know why in vicar luge has exchanged the god because i see godzilla in the first place he's already filled to the brim he's full i mean she got completely with or without us that's why when we enter into this exchange because it's overflowing and now that we are filled with the love of god when we encounter lost people not longing for love we can love them you can overlook offense because you're so overflowing with god's love it will take more than that facebook i'm so loved by god that's what this verse is saying the europa will be filled with the fullness of god we can give ourselves to others you have you have so much in you you want to share to others so let's let's wrap it up we are called to preach the gospel we are empowered to preach the gospel and as i've said you best news ever yo gamitino for what purpose tell us about your purpose for what purpose while we're preaching the gospel in caps can include puni paul sabi punyaritos last two verses now to him the only reason why we're going gonna share the gospel it's not for your own agenda it's for god's glory now to him who is able to do far more abundantly okay than all that we ask or think according to the power that has worked within us him to him be the glory the only reason why we're going to do this because we're compelled by his love throughout all generations forever and ever we're doing this sharing the gospel so that a lot of people will be drawn to their saving knowledge of christ why because the bible says he's patient not wanting anyone to perish but everyone to come to repentance the god to share the gospel let me paint the living community i mean he can use anyone experienced and saving knowledge negative saving grace me because he and renewed faith lord i'm empowered i am called to preach the gospel for your glory as i ended this story remember last two weeks i shared about this story about this beauty a or family day like inviting victory member now then so one of our pastors pastor was from about pastors and green they're having these small groups okay because the owner is who who praise god sounds like a great thursday news amina yes paul what an amazing lord we have puma yagnapusha the owner and she even want it done samantha clinic per branches they have so many branches all over the philippines and now what she wants the owner indipukrishana what the owner wants made on bible study bhavat branch wow i don't know i don't know if i'm not starting but but knowing that she's called to share the gospel she's empowered to preach the gospel and the rest i got the money one percent booklet it's the power of god that will change that person's heart that's why i just want to encourage you it's not by your own might it's not by your own power it's by the spirit says the lord that's why we're called to preach the gospel because we're empowered to do that because again as i end because it's the power of god for salvation i don't know if you have other plans among a friend more if you have other agendas a friend more i hope an agenda is for your friend i'm a born again and mandela saving knowledge of christ amen let's all stand as we end this series remember that we have a calling your calling is not just to be a successful businessman hello your calling is not just to finish college graduate your colleagues finish the college while doing the word of god the works of god rather happen then you're doing the purpose of god how about business use your worldly wealth to gain friends so let me just pray for you lord we know now the lord god sharing we cannot escape this calling because it's a mandate go and make disciples not just here but to all the nations so lord unless we want to mix this calling then we're missing a lot we want lord god as christians to abide in this calling to share the word in and out of season to be ready to preach the gospel to open our mouths why because it's the power your power for salvation can lord help us to be reminded that we have we have been empowered to do that indeed lord it's you who gave us this monday we might have two like this booklet that we have but ultimately it's your power that resides on that word that will eventually change that person's life so lord gail [Music] [Music] great lord as a sign of commitment we're raising lord god this booklet yeah it's a two lord god but it's the power that resides behind these two lord father we declare that that one person in our mind lord will receive you as your lord as his lord or her lord and savior because manchester may you create that opportunity may you pave the way lord god for that appointment and one day lord we're going to see them worshiping with us we just want to honor you lord god for the opportunity you have given us to bridge that gap between your lost children and your lord god so father thank you for the grace that you will accord to each and every one of us as we accomplish your will in jesus name amen amen you
Channel: Victory Fort
Views: 36,465
Rating: 4.7852349 out of 5
Keywords: victory, victory fort, honor god, make disciples
Id: SH5e3X8R8eI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 3sec (4203 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 01 2018
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