Hello, Anxiety | Focus More, Worry No More

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I know it's a rainy season I think there's a typhoon again but I'm glad you guys are here you're safe you're dry okay the cannabis ah with with the typhoon and everything but I'm also glad that you're here in this series we are in our second week of this series called hello anxiety and the reason why this is our series is as we go on to the school year school season offer for most if not for all people I think for majority of the high schools like start kiyoung June so I a magic exam I'm a bike some month exam CSUN's unity give me my exams come on I just wanna I'm just curious I made my exams that this coming August or September Cienega are all telega I answer my money tagalog but for some people oh man let's start London all goes I think this month let's see the next item this August like an exciting school year in school season yeah so measure a few of you in a starting school season and again usually but new school year new challenges if that is second your high school car or grade 9 car in great then like in Bundoran you Maximo I don't know about Matthew and Joe me 3 I really don't know for some of you right so it's a new thing right if you're in college demand good and then me back on subjects baboon challenges that a singular English Basic English long and then right now master gigging complicated data counting books lemon embossing iOS and my rhyming books Karina messiaen especially if you're in college must be here at nebera human subjects and he'll again but theme of the teachers more major most challenging right maybe for some of you the teachers that you didn't want to become your teacher now is your teacher so that's why we have this series because it's not just about school it's not the school it's not just the reason why you're having stress you're having anxieties you're having worries but there's so many things as well maybe for some of you your stress is new classmates ok or new people in your block the pyroxene but doable can you make it you on your inner bag and you golly so I don't know about you but that can cause you a lot of stress as well or maybe you stress more aside from a new school year is you have a problem financially at home and that's very normal for a lot of people in the Philippines than a re and your TF challenges financially of challenges a bahai of challenges with your friends or maybe you have challenges I love life because it will happen love life and up until today okay so that stresses you out so in this series we want to answer the question and we just flash that on the screen yawn how do I experience peace in the midst of stressful situations because the reality is whether you like it or not every single person here my sisterís at one point in my kappa bhima consciousness Maya hand-woven para una mujer Imam bara damming problema cebu hi and diamond and nara you Apple onion a stress Canarian how I used to say so how do you experience peace in the midst of stressful situations whether the stress it comes from your your home your family whether the stress comes from other people whether the stress comes from school from your project whatever that is panama experiencing peace there and I mean see the book POW Iona peacefulness right you miss Fulco there's you're at peace there are no worries but I'm cinnamony Timon and Pumbaa Hakuna Matata it means no worries we'll have to like I don't want to care about anything I just want to relax I just want to enjoy we're not talking about that kind of peace but what I mean is as you go through this stress because here's the thing the difference between the Hakuna Matata and you SATA you saw human a Matata they just leave their worries I always opinion but the truth is you have to think about those things that causes you stress because some of those things or majority of those things are very important for example is studying important para indigo convince' studying important will that cause you worry of course normal uni that will cause you stress cinematic nd Kibaki sipping on innovating in inna morale anybody Koga gonna project khoka Singh Hakuna Matata mom matata teacher hakuna matata I'm not gonna do any of the projects depending on right so what I'm trying to say here and what this series is all about is as you go through those stressful seasons of your life possible the mckernon piece but through this stress is normal it's natural it's happening all over the world every single person will experience that so how do I experience peace in the midst of stressful situations and missing me Marga no class a minor thinks that causes a stress for example mean dependent pop up at a longer young version and if you fold cut and paper with sumit on my you fold even your portfolio Monica Mallika or in a gut can and start a person a putana mean pop new star right so those things it causes you you know unnecessarily Spearin Anghiari any like mikvah basket volka meaning are in the okay now a stress and all of those things so either minor things young or even major things the truth is there will be situations the masses stress tires how do we experience peace in the midst of all of those things so we have one main point in our message for this afternoon and this is our main point let's read this together when do they go focus more worry no more okay tell your seat minute video focus more worry no more because the truth is God doesn't want us to be worried and here's the thing I realized the more we focus on the right things the less time we worry on the wrong things the reason why I want us to focus more I'm saying focus on the right things cuz it but the focus Kahneman that's Infini focus more male or the things that keeps you worried then hindi come I'm sure skipper and you're still worried but what I'm saying is you focus more on the right things because when you focus on the right things the less time you worry or I worry on the wrong things and problem because it's sudden most if not all of our this all of our worry or some of our worry is because we are distracted in a my kappa-b Muhammad Ali my destruction no seriously cayetana worry cocina de district io instead of focusing on the right thing the district ah but God wants us not to worry kiyoung focus more worry no more why what do I mean by that sobbing Jesus let's read this together in Matthew chapter 6 verse 34 therefore what do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about itself each day has enough trouble of its own meaning to say if you add up all the problems of everyone all over the world Madame Italian problema but our responsibility is not to worry about tomorrow not to be overly anxious not to think of things for example do I have money for tomorrow Meryem borrow future got graduate back I mean all of those things are quite beyond us but there are things that I can do today we learned that last week so my role your role is we're not to worry but here's the question Queen Marty I don't difference now worry sir concern what if I'm just concerned Newman is everyone so he picks a mean Cunha rim I suck at new mommy go I do worry about my luminous okay MA don't worry I've made your Madhubani and don't worry okay gonna be on Khan you had an accident in sister mo the Spotify launched opener on the lobby sorry animal it's not that bad but get it out senior don't worry gonna be on you maybe some be hidden do not worry you know here's here's the thing that I realize there's a difference between concern and worry but here's how I defined it when you say you're concerned you have to be concerned with the right things for example your mom is sick your dad is sick it's okay to be concerned with the right things and you're doing something right about that thing for example concern Cassegrain smoke cause you first too long test mobile shaaka primo concern if your baby's I mean don't worry but sauce because concern care so you do the right things Perry you worry you you look at the exporter be concerned with the writings by doing something right but don't let the concern take over your life some people can see the concern is the over their life oh no I feel the two exams well I now PAGASA open adeno my gonna take over your life everyday Canyon effects are you in India on some of our concerns some of our concerns are not the right things you're concerned with money when you believed when you already have heard that God would provide for you right you're concerned with health some people are so health-conscious sabra worried and who Mirasol Vito Andolini ba so sobre o in a no concern Ella Delano Co the Naha effect NS a bomb on a POW that's not concerned anymore that's overly anxious and there are people who are like that the passage that we have read first you velocity can imagine Matthew chapter 6 Jesus was talking to the Israelites Jewish people and telling them you're so worried about the clothes you're going to wear you're so worried about money you're so worried about your future you're so worried about anything that you own D but God provided for the birds of the sky big bug God provided for the lilies you're much more worth worthy than that you have much more Worth and value than that of course God will take care of you you know seen this have any Jesus some other Jewish people and that's what also Jesus is trying to tell you so it's okay to be concerned with the right things by doing something but don't let your concern take over your life some people because the Canadian family member nila Andina maha-baho and meaning to say hindi nia sharma tribal mee-mah mee-mah know any ghost stories the gun on the castle gate one of the family members i own a new mantra bajo that's a concern that's taking over that person's life as a result they are overly anxious nappa paralyzed allah because of certain things that they don't have control with generally big salmon cat I know worry there's certain things in our lives that we are not in control of so power in control in Econ among a array don't be overly concerned don't be worried don't be anxious instead okay begin concern with the right things but you do something right with it so what's our message again focus more we're no more I can tell your seatmate whether they go focus more worried no more so how do we do this I'm gonna teach you some practical tips since this is about helping you manage your stress about this is what the series is all about and it helps you have peace in the midst of those challenging situations stressful situation so how can you or how can I focus more and as a result of that I'm gonna worry no more so are you ready can you ask your seatmate are you ready so I pray that as you learn these things you're gonna practice this in your life because I tell you marketing that'll get us a school more market to look us a life more market too long to say family more but this a love like Mona 0 / a Mangano and Muraki to Lanka listener so once you do these things it's gonna help you because the truth is whether we like it or not my manga moment stella gana Tama I'm gonna worry matet emka the McQuarrie making overly anxious making it will take control of your life Perrin Europcar so what do you do you focus more and worry no more so how do you do that number one when there is that temptation to worry when there is that temptation to overthink or to think about so many things we need to pray more the moment that my hip cannot worry you pray more what do I mean by that look at what the Apostle Paul said in the book of Philippians I think most of you know this already NASA Ansip all new sahaja yoga he was in he was in where prison Tohoku longship all so if there's a place not waiting mud cause don't worry in your life it's the prison cell right Kasane and worry ma kilala yeah I know caca evening Co become a bully Ajo dito baka bubu get Nicole ba hoppity know there's so many things to think about there's so many things to worry about but what did Paul write in Philippians chapter 4 verse 4 while he was in prison he wrote these words rejoice in the Lord how many times Oh always and then in will opinion impeccable idea I will say it again rejoice you mean to say Paul if I'm worried there's an exam and the Columbo papasan agarra la ho I'm gonna rejoice yeah you mean to say but that our Allah who I gave my best performance R&D comment in behind it don't subject that all I'm gonna rejoice yeah cuz you're not in control you gave your best but you keep on giving your best it doesn't mean I give up gonna rejoice in the Lord always I will say it again rejoice meaning to say in the Lord God allowed it to happen it requires trusted God allow those things to happen for a reason that we don't understand but since he is God I'm gonna rejoice in him and then he said the following phrase but I'm not in your next part let your gentleness be evident to all because the Lord is near meaning to say the Lord is near this coming is near he's close to the brokenhearted he's close to those people who are lost who are stressed who are worried maraming problems you just go to God and be gentle with people cuz he here's what I realize it but worried but maraming problems a life more usually he Nica gentle simon cowell never assume open wound a box Enix ago one he's a family member more than stress no stress colita but you know what I'm talking about right you shouted at someone just because you're stressed things like that happens so is happening Paul let your gentleness be evident to all and what do you do with your worry after now let's read verse six what do they go do not be anxious about same sustainability's us do not worry but I knew nothing in every situation where you are worried in every situation that causes me to worry I am to pray but in every situation by prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God so when I'm tempted to worry there's this major exam not crucial Pegeen dekhe bina kasih bug-zooka volatile and Virgo mo Shimoga Alka there what do you do pray and I don't want to point out and pray more in our problem yes but maraming the canary we forget to pray or is some basic element we pray if there's something that can cause you to worry all the more you pray you must have any poll instead of dwelling on it you pray because once you're connected to God then you know what you do with those kinds of worries ki aniseed Armenia Braemore presented to the Lord you know what I realized when our prayer life grows our worry string and seriously when your prayer life grows your worries shrink I noticed that in my life but must connected okay God less allegorical or not at all I'm not worried at all cuz he connected on Sonia Alan Cohen will ya Alan Cohen good Sonia there's the moment that I stop spending time with God but soon as soon as you and you know what I what happens to me I get really worried mas Medallia hama take off Mossman Delia Huma paranoid mas Medallia omec assume miss Manderly ACMA effect on other people of what they do outside of me it affects me easily because I'm not connected to God clear when there are challenges when you're tempted to worry when you're tempted to be anxious what's the first one you pray more because I know message that it again focus more worry no more again can you shake your seatmates any more focus more worry no more ghosts moaning life that is free from worry you focus more how do you do that when there are problems Etna but nothing named challenges but the big name of things that can cause me to worry okay okay Lord what do I do let me pray Lord Li commenting behind but someone in my family is sick you pray and you pray every day for that thing that's the right way to be concerned about something in your life or someone in your life that's the right attitude hindi you'd welcome a by something and that me in the ECP and I mean any area that it just causes you stress if you want to have peace you just lift it together haha too long telega I don't know uwah but whenever there are challenges in my life for example when my father got sick stage 4 cancer that look I'm concerned that concern the whole this was 2011 when he got sick I was so concerned because he's my dad I love him very much and that stage 4 cancer I don't know how long he will live but there was peace in my heart because every time I communicate with God I cry it out to him and there's this something that I just couldn't explain the apparent in apparently God in Teaneck laveyan there's that worry and then parent Dylan Agana ok since you're talking to me we're communicating through prayer let me just remove the heaviness humor a mix I mean that his yoke is easy and his burden his life gets it on and when you come to him Parliament in a panel some load say oh except aquarium big atiba I'm bigger than feeling I'm big at empanada animo para hindi mo hiya partner brake apparent goo McGann on the undead the more you pray the lesser the word the worry builds on the lesson the worry the weight of the worry is on you the more you pray the less of the weight of the worry is on you Cassini lift me God day to the point the pattern but para Adina worried but but I'm concerned Purina oh of course I want my father to be healed but I have surrendered this to God that's what happens when we pray more what's our message again focus more worry no more again tell your seatmate what do they go so the first step is ok for I want to focus more in Anthony worry pray pray ok I'm not gonna dwell on it but I'm gonna lift it up to the Lord second is we have to think God more passage bizarre not in passage beside Allah do not be anxious about anything but now in every situation and in a prayer petition meet the meaning say you're lifting up your request to God Edna ksama homonym Thanksgiving present your requests to God you mean to say when you pray to the Lord you also thank him whatever his answer is and you focus on the things he has given you his blessings on you they are my own book of sons okay actually sums the sound it's just combined letters that were written by different kinds of people or some that were written by different kinds of people and they combined it into one big book but there are many Psalms but there's one section in the Book of Psalms or a section in the book of Psalms that focus on Thanksgiving I want one example of that is this one in Psalm 105 verse one in a more imagine come up but been a basa motto you're exercising this thankful attitude Allah missus my god get it off give thanks to the Lord why proclaim his name make known among the nation's what he has done because the truth is so there's so many things that God has done in your life means that we take for granted the money that you have because it cannot compare me but you bums me out man the point this may be negated oh you're taking for granted the education that you have Ebola education you're taking for granted the cell phone that you have now one year old 'no i seen a greater clamor now one may scratch the no conte ebon hour-long cell phone you're taking for granted than my Wi-Fi car you know my gotta be more my Wi-Fi and some behind my Wi-Fi bother you or not a Kagame gets copied by haha means i'm getting game on the bonus and ionia booty are my wife by hey right but you're taking for granted those things some of us were taking for granted that we have food to eat guanine elude me means Anna are my heart a putana bucket sinigang so Anna Karenina and blasted spoke algorithm last week metal mom is on a stake sinus e-cig see sixty known among the nation's what he is he has done so many things and not just that sing to him sing praise thing that's why we sing praise and worship here and that's why my encouragement is when we do singing you really praise God you're really thinking you focus on the Lord why because you tell is wonderful ox grabbing you know an alert say yo sock in his provision imagine he's the one who could attend us and then he died for our sins that's what Jesus did he created you and me he wants us to be with him in heaven but since we're sinful we need the Savior I mean that's the cross so we tell of all his wonderful acts remember the wonders he has done his miracles his judgments dim I mean suddenly man here is a life more he didn't take revenge because certain people hurt you but you decided I'm not gonna take revenge and I eat a Mayan judgment the Lord is a person I own because I being any God vengeance is mine so those things we often take for granted can say in a problema satiny we tend to focus more on our problems than what we have already have or what already God has already given to us we tend to focus on what we don't have rather than focus on what God has already given to us kai Amara me insecure natal kasi naka focused on salmon Ovilus illa llah honey tree run boy friend well I'm girlfriend well ahumada me followers well I'm gonna condemn the man or whatever so we focus on what we don't have rather than focusing on what God has already given to us Kiana we need to be thankful in my next in verse 8 let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and its wonderful deeds for all mankind Allah probably to lead again a new sum of thankfulness being thankful for his satisfies the thirsty fills the hungry with good things I mean if we just evaluate our life majority of us if not all now go two months ago retire at one point of our life pair eventually Naha in charin she gotta go Tonga because what happened in Lulu topper eventually in a hangar Amy and there are millions of people in Hindi Narayan every day and we take that for granted right that's why we need to be thankful to God more thank God more if you wanna focus more and worry no more than you pray more when there are challenges in your life things that will cause you to worry and of course you think God more for example as I show this list I want you to read as many phrases as you can in five seconds okay I'm going to show you a list read as many as you can in five seconds one two three go wait one two three four five okay domina didn't add in a letter C nidito navasana la la la cena didn't it on Vanessa right señorita I thought one in the bus I was in a coma right what's my point you cannot write read the entire in a short span of time since we all only have a limited time we need to focus if your focus on these things which a lot of us are well uh well go worry cataloger but not any getting you are ugly and then you dwell on that for one night well I know waste Ming nightmare but not her any gonna your parents are too busy you don't deserve to be happy everyone hates you she's better looking and you get insecure you look at yourself you look at yourself in the mirror and I probably I'm signing key line you white hair could deepen ASA lahat nalang right you may pimple upon imagine Otago boot oak in Cuba or 'hide coal no concealer right and for the guys de Alba madhumathi Maha gluto ho that mean when I mean is hip the healer it'll be no more small right now my own but if we focus more on this then you don't have enough time to think about these things if you focus more on the right side that God loves you God created you beautifully God wants to bless you God is gracious he's forgiving God is always good God does the impossible Jesus gave His life or you didn't find bottom ugh well sir you are poor you will never be successful he doesn't like you she doesn't like you why Larkin and died in Parliament well done Kiana we thank God more because it reduces our time to think about the things that causes us to worry what's our message again focus more worry no more so when you're tempted to worry now okay okay what's the first step frame or frame or I leave this up to you lord I surrender this to you I don't know what's gonna happen but I surrender this to you and then Lord and I me moon blessing sovereign okay and I mom do you know what the good things we adore God first and Supriya or not then whenever I don't know if you're attending our ablaze I encourage you 30 minutes before please be here early let's pray together it's not just for volunteers but for all of us but there we adore God more we worship Him we confess our sin that's acts adorn confess was letter T Thanksgiving we thank God for who he is Bhagu comic present and request more thank the Lord what he has done para done cannot dwell some blessings the miniguns a brand a Metallica that's how you focus more and that will heal all or majority of your worries again what's a message focus more worry no more and it's number three let's continue with the passage it's not just ok I'm gonna pray it's not just okay I'm gonna thank God because I think a lot of us we do that but still it causes us to worry lol bucket cuz he we fail to do the next parts what's number three you evaluate your feelings can see here's the thing you mean Akiba homeless of course well a cannon time to read all of those things with this short span of time Perry young heart not in Amelia come on Eva four horse yeah no problema but naka Anakin and God loves you and he compared Musa he doesn't like you instead of dwelling Dulce God loves you a let me problema not then you heart that is another focus he doesn't like me Macarena cannon and the group Lederman on the moon yes me my dick we stole but you know God loves you he cares for you Peter Cousteau cousin he likes me but I mean hey I need to evaluate your feelings your heart bucket in an atom passage after Sabiha Nepal do not be anxious but in everything with prayer and petition with Thanksgiving present your requests to God and then under the result on the peace of God which transcends all understanding will and agony God guard your heart Casey car hit the paprika my temptation naman unum sumus Oh God let me breaker right alimony blessings nee Lord you good thing sagina Vanya there's that temptation among University College a man guna puso Mahasabha Pina Panguna honk abandon pusu at a tire ball if you want that peace that comes from God it will guard your hearts it will help you evaluate your wrong things among emotional baggage as things that you know causes you to worry you know what I realized unmanaged emotions create a lot of unnecessary stress if in the moment manage so brother paranoid God so Bramnick say Alaska it's gonna create a lot of stress I've seen that there are similar relationships then I move in a Hilo lab goodbye never I'm stressful Nick open a pop I know and better and stressful no dynamics goofy never feel a I never saw again the you've enjoyed unmanage in the end any goodness I mean und I don't gonna be ending soon ain't even a mile in the ending of a star my ending okay no mine okay very foggy demon and manage your emotions it's gonna create a lot of unnecessary stress the Nami muscle awesome adolescent s enemy more insecure Mandela stress in a monotone paranoid mess up my distress didn't we model Islamic impaired mother lasting stress among a friend scale model s paranoid madalasa low so mad elastico compare model a cinema catalog consider and manage emotions create a lot of unnecessary stress okay I'm a sabi me God through the Prophet Jeremiah let's read this together the heart is deceitful above all things and description or you heart donut and it's beyond your and remix a minion Lord and it makes me that my heart is beyond cure the point here is this human Kings that God appointed during the time of the Israel when they were you know an all-powerful nation but majority of them got deceived because of their hearts so God told Jeremiah that heart is deceitful look at your kings Jeremiah majority of them were deceived by their heart dialoguing greedy sila nagging lustful sila not a focus in us a desire Stila and it's beyond cure and that question is who can now heal that heart who can now understand that heart good thing my solution any solution verse 10 here has a mini God Jeremiah I the LORD search the heart examine the mind to reward each person according to their conduct according to what their deeds deserve meaning to say I understand the heart I examine and know the deepest struggle of each person so he's the only one who can heal that that's why the God of peace will help us understand our hearts and give our hearts comfort that's why we go to him we pray more we thank God for more more things that he has done and then we evaluate our heart cuz he means and I'm focused on gusto not any but once we learn to evaluate our heart with God's power in hell Murray realize nothing ok if I own Yahoo I'm secure in you nor Deva if Indy Neos Akutan ok long I say in departmental and illegal worried a hindi got paranoid he just focused on ok I'm just gonna focus on what God wants I'm concerned on the right things I'm gonna do my part it's not gonna cost me worry now I've asked one of our full-time workers she's a new full-time worker she's now our Events Coordinator here at elevate mean to share hurt domani punished and destruct thereupon I read finally sayonara focus Kay Lord let's all welcome miss Jessa Rey Allah I was introduced to Jesus at a very young age together with my siblings and cousins we started attending Sunday School in CCF when I was 5 years old through the help of our auntie who happened to be a scientist schoolteacher in CCS at that time however despite going to church regularly I did not have a joyful purposeful and meaningful life against a piece of Bhagwan it was only when I was 14 years old during a youth camp J'son when I finally accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior a year later I started leading my own D group and by the grace of God and help of my D group leader my bigger began to multiply and I become actively I became actively involved in different ministries in J's own now hold a lip for a while I thought everything was going smoothly I enjoyed serving God through different ministries as well as the saiping younger women My Week felt incomplete whenever I failed to attend youth services and that rarely happened youth ministry became my cards oh if you will however it also became my idol it became a way to show others that I was spiritually okay but in reality I was also I was slowly forsaking my intimacy with God so from a naive little no boyfriend since birth I let my guard down and started having a relationship with someone who did not share the same love for Jesus that I did all for shallow reasons and mostly because of his looks good on a even before he even encouraged him to attempt good service with me and placed him under my older brothers B group I also encouraged him to attend an encounter one retreat or UI on through life and I thought that he and I thought that he already I come back I he is already a mature question that time I tried to control the situation to the point that I place almost all of my male cousins under his be group and finally I felt like we were on the same page since he seemed like he was enjoying ministry the way I did over the years but I was wrong my relationship became a huge destruction instead of focusing on school I cut classes and eventually did not enjoy my accountancy course anymore I even lied to my parents about how I spent my school expenses I also spent less time with my family or would be physically present but mentally absent since I was busy texting this guy eventually our relationship also turned extremely toxic as we would constantly fight I would spend class hours crying over our petty fights and granting to my seatmate instead of focusing on my modules although we both continued serving in church we failed to honor God in our actions my options it says in Jeremiah 17 verse 9 the heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick who can understand it because I was so focused on the pains and hurts of this relationship all throughout my college life my studies suffered from being an achiever my grades slipped to the point that I even repeated one major subject sadly it was towards the end of my college life when I finally came to my senses but God used the incident to redirect me back to where my eyes should be fixed which is of course on Jesus eventually I realized that God wanted me to be up with this person at first I kept disobeying because I thought I was in love I thought that was love but because of God's great love and grace God was the one who provided a way out at first it was devastating but as I confessed to my family and my dear Peter immediate leader they helped me cope up and recover through their gaze and prayers I became more open to my family and felt God's love through their forgiveness and acceptance as I fixed my personal life my perspective in ministry also improved instead of serving just to show off or hide my own brokenness I began serving the Lord with my all knowing that apart from Jesus there is nothing good in me to begin with and everything good in me therefore due to him alone it was during the season that I had the best quiet times and prayer times of my life God is truly faithful as he could he totally healed me and restored me in all aspects most importantly spiritually eventually I answered God's call to God's call to serve him full-time in elevate as I continue to focus on my intimacy with Jesus with Jesus more than anything else my name is Jesse Allen now used by God as the events coordinator of elevate name the God be the glory no but seriously it's not just her I mean a lot of us got distracted because of relationship and sepegal cause I used ministry I'm number one distraction for us not to focus I mean seriously number one distraction without fail is a wrong relationship serious oh I've seen that malapa I see the like I own I've seen that I've been in the ministry for two decades serving as a volunteer in as a full-time worker ten years as a full-time worker keep Ankita an MOA for Christmas a relationship move a lord oh well as a priority small all because you're focused on a wrong relationship kiyoung our message is what focus more no more again look at your seat mate go teller seat me focus more worry no more so we pray more we thank God more we learn to evaluate our heart with a partnership of course with God and number four we need to stop overthinking where can we find that and what do I mean when I say stop overthinking them but in your lab we will see that later on this a passage in other words we should we should you don't assume stop assuming things maraming the common assumption in the you school of a Mattoon bug-eating assuming maraming is a certain man a meanness hicieron relationship because of assuming don't overanalyze mechanics smile bucket you out in a behind and Conte ever did on Ibaka coma push a one step you know over here Dino minion are gonna under me in unison relationship guy it's a frenzy but when I'm smiley waha dwelling period right nothing rocket Keylong don't overanalyze and of course don't overreact machine I belong Canyon I get it too so again I will anima cow in AHA men don't over yeah and I mean be poly on there so paranoid with so many things the hindi naman see not sure why it's happening and even if sure Karnataka I'm gonna say that why will you be overly affected with that right when you can pray more when you can thank God for more care all you need to evaluate your heart and stop overthinking and of course don't be jealous well that's part of it why because it creates a lot of mental stress in you back it's in a mock-up of a pocket get it all right line up a crush mission tau Y button lagina Hawaii can make an acquaintance in JSOC wanting our way along in a way Nina Holloman boot a part of her testimony she wasn't able to get high really high grades in her school during that time all because and she had been at least told us right that all because of her relationship because she was jealous maybe she was she had a conflict she was over thinking she was she was assuming things and that's why Paul said and the peace of God which transcends all understanding he will guard our hearts and in delay hearted and Anna Boch you mind is a grab the time of everything there's so many people in this world they overthink it stresses them out instead of focusing on the right things instead of dwelling the circus Tony got the mcdu Elka because you couldn't evaluate and manage your heart and because you overthink too much while you focus more on the wrong things rather than focusing on what God wants you to focus okay now after this passage have been appalled finally brothers and sisters turn about so many times whatever is true.you assumption indeed a toy on a an assumption Deena cannot surely Caramanica assume Cassie back again one so India sure how will you be sure you ask the person let's see make on Flicka you ask directly a part about the total got on forgot it's a second so what you forgive you ask for forgiveness why will it affect you if meirin Galit say you improve yourself why i can say whatever is noble so if miracle it's a cane why will i be overly affected if they judge me the indictment or why will i be overly affected if indeed a matador that's what it does when you overthink you know the big the summary of that problem why we overthink because a lot of people are insecure insecure people overthink insecure people assume insecure people they don't guard their minds they don't guard their hearts they overanalyze they overreact and they get jealous a lot they get insecure if you're not secure in the Lord you're not gonna be worryfree see that causes most of our worries you see in Dimona Ohio Muslim way but when you pray more in the Kanagawa English ah but I prayed to God okay I surrendered this to you Lord if I thank God more of a why you so apparent damning mini kinda got a blessing they lured the heat up and all Suharto okay as I connect myself to the Lord help me evaluate my heart my little nephew filled go he need a baton Marcello's indeed a battle mug over a half and I shouldn't overthink as well instead I should think of what's true what's noble what's right what's pure what's lovely admire about if anything is excellent or praiseworthy don't come and well I mean we know these things Mary you know I gotta pray more you gotta connect yourself to God more kalamaja managed null hearts nothing you know what I realized overthinking doesn't solve anything it doesn't it creates more stress it creates more sleepless nights it makes you paranoid more it makes you angry more towards your parents towards other people and you wanna well I'm gonna lament is a problem now garlic Kappa all because you're overthinking see guru hampi kazehaya no ever see guru mahamasina sabi no delicacy guru in una mano para my bus a good cannon but all because you're overthinking there's so many families that I have been destroyed all because of people overthinking don't do that stop overthinking focus on what show focus on what's right what's noble what's pure lovely admire about you've seen a penny pool what's her message again focus more worry no more so what's the first one if you're tempted to worry pray pray okay Lord I know you're a big God I trust you I pray to you okay Lord and imma have been you know one you say life go thank God for a more thank God more and more each day coming blessings and you won't have enough time to look at the worries because you're thinking about what he has given you and then of course as you go through that season about a stressful evaluate my heart Lord teach me to evaluate my heart so that I can manage it I can help it not to be overly attached to the things that gusto go instead to be attached to you and help manage my mind that I will not overthink you know what helped me the reason why I'm sharing this this helped me a lot because of course there are also people in the past in my life that they don't like me there was even the time that the people the friends and wife caught they didn't support of me when I was courting her but you know what I did instead of overanalyzing by daniil on gusto guapa in managua no that's not the reason i bakit get on but I own in the second so what I did instead of me fleeing from them because you know in a mega epic over-thinker gay you know gotta walk up ugly don't manage your heart unless afina you know what other people did pugna fulfilling lunch in a judge sitting in church or button if you feel ill and I owe cylinder now let's say I'm quoting my this girl and then I in a mullet ah you know go up oh hey la Bastille entire wouldn't I so mamas among her friends mocha say Gina Justi lava you know what I did I didn't do that instead so because a girl okay I did when I was courting her I'm gonna join you in your bar kata in fact nearly become a seal and pizza when I was courting her cried a lamb boom I on a rockin that requires security in the Lord Bhagat see in your mind in my mind I'm practically shipping back to the Libre I owe money lysogeny violently but what you know what I realize you since I've been a lord Marty you can't control what they feel about you but you control how yuria do something amazing and supernatural no Allison Mesabi to the point the pagina asked me I did buy new bio hi Marty Angela in dementia feel a part bug me like oh she's super cada anybody let's go then a little bite I you know me Sonia missiny Lala analyst nominee oh they are open APIs Emma so instead of doing that you know what I did okay let's go let's go I'm gonna go with them can I be talked behind my max okay you don't like me it's not my problem I'm gonna love you I'm gonna respond properly because my security is in the Lord I'm not gonna be worried in fact to the point that I'm also not worried guiding the also good to know Nia did during that time of course Misaka ago if she didn't say yes but I wasn't worried why my security is not her if she says yes or not that's why we shouldn't be insecure about so many things or about anything what's her message again you focus more and then you will worry no more and finally number five of course this is the main thing really and actually it summarizes everything we have to look to Jesus the reason why we pray is because we're looking to Jesus the reason why we thank God more because we're looking to what he has done for you and for me what this means is we focus on who he hears that he's God we focus on what he has done the cross we focus on what he is doing in our lives how he is transforming us and the future the blessing the eternal life that he has given to his children that's what it means when you look to Jesus okay Young has a been a writer in Hebrews but before that let's read it together don't look at what the difficulty or uneasiness you are experiencing as you go through stressful situations in life look to the one who has the power to strengthen you as you go through these situations I mean difference don't look at the difficulty in a problema Samana insecure and hop focus students a difficult deal now focused on something in and out there are focus Agustin Lemonnier not a focused on my galitsin illa llah focus the eye on the August umbrella in the August on kinda the Gina Gina don't focus on those things it doesn't do anything to us it just creates a lot of unnecessary pain look to the one who has the power to strengthen you as you go through these situations I mean it's gonna be stressful there's the feeling of hurt but the hurt shouldn't be you know I shouldn't take care of the hurt I should let go of the hurt and not let it fester and ruin my heart a lot of us are letting the hurt ruin our heart no look to Jesus can I write or non-hebrew still missing I mean yeah therefore the CDs together since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses meaning to say those people who have come before us not dominant linear and stressful situation like see Noah building the I owe Sonya numata but he finished anyway see David II need anyone I am a you betcha Sonya but he first pursued God anyway he was a man after God's own heart many other people let us throw off everything that hinders our worry hinders us from growing the sin that easily entangles us the destructions in our lives and an event let us run with perseverance the race mouth marked out for us by how do we do this fixing at an outsider than our eyes on Jesus the Pioneer perfecter of faith for the joy set before him 7 a lot of focuses he endured the cross scorning shame sat down at the right hand of the throne of God Kahless happily Jesus needs a prayer Lord not my will God not by will but your will be done and focus on this mission dying for the sins of mankind I mean he was focused on bhai Tina Tina Pharisee sorry no but now he crucified on a mental legacy God never goes and he knows all of those things gonna happen he endured that that's why we fix our eyes on him Indian even Paul look at what he wrote let's read it together therefore we do not lose heart because when you're worried you know what happens to us we lose heart did the Prescott let me discourage sky when you're anxious Tanika and bigoted bigoted you know what happened to Paul he doesn't lose heart at the bank situation Ebola Moriah Mingo tsumetai Sonia my mother church members I Oh Sonia tapas and dummy bunion trials and challenges during his life but you know what he said I don't lose heart with those things I'm not worried about those things okay though outwardly yes basically I am wasting away Casa tomorrow and arcana gigging week ago in a dummy mama challenges alive but inwardly someone is strengthening me I'm renewed day by day and you know what his focus is on look at what he said for but I know that our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us eternal glory a new season even Paul epic may hira paenga for the Lord it's achieving eternal glory Union in the city of Nepal that far what at weight at without weights them all the blessing in the future outweighs everything that you are longing for here on earth so don't worry don't be anxious about these things give your best to the Lord you pray you you thank God you evaluate your heart you stop overthinking about unnecessary things and any number 5 you look to Jesus why can't fix our eyes not on what is seen but on what is unseen why since what is seen is temporary but what is unseen is eternal lot o temporary imagine you're spending so much time worrying on things that are temporary it's not worth it to fix your eyes on the things that's eternal fix your eyes on Jesus once you look to Jesus I bind the thing if you find your complete security in Christ then nothing in this world will cause you to worry I'm serious guys if you find your complete security in Christ if you found already your complete security in Christ then nothing in this world absolutely nothing will cause you to worry you want to have peace in the midst of stressful situations you focus on the Lord that's what it means when you focus more and I tell you you will worry less and you will worry not at all you will worry no more what's our message again focus more worry no more how do we do that pray more thank God more evaluate your feelings stop overthinking and of course look to Jesus as we close I realize for someone to be really good in our chili okay in the oven though he become a seal away for someone to be really good in our chili there are certain things that you need to to have or to do skills that you need to improve to really be good at this one of course you need to have a good arm you need to exercise the strength you have the proper but balanced kami son he repay when you pull this mean something here up I don't know if you've tried our chili but when you pull it like this the first time dinner the first I'm gonna it's it's hard to balance cuz I'm Anna but the top one in two key elements of a most important for anyone to be really good in archery is number one you need to have really good focus really good focus that but grab you focus more precise and focus more and number two listen to me this is very important but clear and mindful in fact there was this there's this legendary Archer and bow hunter who said can we flash that on the screen Sabina yeah an Indian salvinia nothing clears a troubled mind like shooting a bow in fact some people do this as a hobby if sobrams stressful at work they go to an archery and they just practice it because it clears their troubled mind if you practice this it's gonna give you tremendous focus casio 1902 Russa archery it gives you tremendous focus the unfocusable on is really the aim the Burmese upon me Nikita on us our chili but many people when you call that you forget me Nikita Amana points Ceylon focus leading red lung indeed Allah focus units at us you numbered Ito in other numbers in the Aleppo question unfocused and focusing at the smallest one that's why they say aim small you miss small there's a term like that aim small you miss small when you focus on the red there's a high chance you're gonna hit it that's why they're very accurate and you know what I realize if this is very if this is applicable in archery you want to be good at this you want to focus we got a do that as well in our relationship with the Lord because someone who is really good in archery let's see the guard silesia and then there are some challenges may win Molossia win and he said another focus become mile-an-hour dito and he said the folks who Nikita and diming numbers don't guide my cute girl Nakata be on target in the era target no question the same guide me my distractions around in these are the never focus kinda my voice Changmin exercise on the silicon in the MOOC I am in the MoMA hippie on or make a traditional masa magaling saranya and diamond and a Hittner red marks hindi sadhana have all goes I'm focusing aim because the momentum the national focus I am Hindi am a hidden game Ganon selamat practice that's why I also realize can we flash that screen nothing clears a trouble heart in mind like focusing on the Lord if you want to have a life of peace in the midst of stressful situations you focus more on the Lord and you will worry no more because nothing clears a troubled heart and a troubled mind like focusing on the Lord I thought possibly no Amata you grow in the Lord kinda indica Whiston on Christmas you grow in the Lord right down challenging school kite a pair is more about to separate the pattern here at no man why are you allowing all of these things up in my life nothing clears your troubled heart okay Lord I don't really know why I don't really get it but you told me to focus on you right you're the Perfector of my faith so I'm fixing my eyes on you I cannot solve this problem on my own it doesn't mean I don't care about my family doesn't mean I don't care about my studies it doesn't mean you don't care about your love life but what it means God cares more about you so you lift all your concerns to God what's our message again you focus more and you will worry no more can we all stand let me pray for you I don't know how this message message is spoken to you I don't even know how you are in your relationship with God but I want to pray for two specific groups of people here this evening this afternoon for some of you are here you don't have a personal relationship with Jesus yet meaning to say you've seen as I began in a Nepal that it gives us eternal value when we focus on the Lord when we grow in the Lord when we have a relationship with god but allah beside unique a showing up without heaven jesus christ came here to die for your sins and my sins that's the gospel he resurrected to prove to you he's God and all he's asking you to do is to believe in him with all of your heart so can we just bow down our heads and close our eyes if you're that person I want you to pray this prayer this tell Jesus Jesus I'm humbling myself right now I don't have a relationship with you yet I know you in my head but you're not my Lord and Savior right now but today Jesus I humble myself and I want to have a relationship with you I want you to be my lord to be my Savior I receive you in my heart from now on I want to follow you I entrust to you my life thank you for your gift of eternal life for the second group of people that I want to pray for Lord a lot of us here we do have a relationship with you but we we tend to worry Lord God even though alumni now I mean we shouldn't worry we tend to just think about those problems instead of lifting it up for you so I pray that you teach us to pray more that whenever we're tempted to worry we lifted up to you in prayer and whenever we're tempted to worry we think about all the good things that you have done to be thankful because sovereign timing you know one you commodians on it and lord will we're tempted Lord to worry to be paranoid teachers to evaluate our heart so that we will not focus on the wrong things and please teach us to stop overthinking overanalyzing overreacting assuming things Lord God because it doesn't do any good teach us to just trust you teach us to depend on you these just to follow your ways and above all teaches to look to you Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith teaches to focus more so we will worry no more we give you all honor in glory Lord in Jesus name we pray amen and amen god bless you guys [Music]
Channel: Elevate Main
Views: 55,514
Rating: 4.9593024 out of 5
Id: s8rTSWGc5tY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 22sec (3742 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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