World's *HARDEST* Riddles You HAVE TO TRY! (99% Fail)

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these are the world's hardest rules to test our brains like who is cheating on the exam uh we gotta pay really close attention to the wait a second is this guy balancing a book on his foot surely it's him look at that you're gonna get caught mate and then you're gonna get an S but we figured it out he's cheating oh wait a sec this person has cheated by writing different equations on their leg but has fallen asleep in the test doesn't matter how much you cheat if you're asleep you're never going to be able to put the answer down hmm which one of these kids are cheating I love that school uniform by the way they all look like little sailors oh wait a second is this person trying to literally have the answers under his desk there's a reason there's holes in the desk people you're gonna get caught oh no on Thursday afternoon a science teacher was found dead what the heck in the classroom what's happened though we have got to use our brains to figure it out she was killed after the classes okay that's our very first hint the police have been called in there he is he's suspecting that one of her teachers did it not a student but a teacher okay what were you all doing we're gonna have to use our brains to figure this out first person says I was drinking coffee in the cafeteria okay nothing wrong with that sounds good I was grading tests also sounds quite good I was watering my plants I mean that also could be happening I was talking to my colleague hmm the policeman asked me to show them their hands what the heck who who killed the teacher oh wait a second I thought this was blood by the teacher's head if you take a closer look this person has lost a nail but which one of the four teachers is it wait this person's trying to hide their hand behind their hair I think that hand has to link to the woman she's trying to hide it she doesn't want people to know that her nails been left at the crime scene I think she literally scratched her face she's a Savage her nails are the same color you my friend have been found but can you guess the food by the Emojis chicken desert witch chicken got chicken chicken wing chicken chicken sandwich oh my gosh okay I need to get my brain into gear with these I love chicken sandwiches as well milk Manny milk chefy milkshakey milkshake Shake short milkshake I think milk cooking I'm so bad at this okay I'm gonna get better though just watch wind fish blowfish mate how am I so bad there's surely you better than me what is it fish I thought they were good clowns oh no apple onion garlic and dancing spaghetti bolognese I mean I love spaghetti bolognese for my favorite food I should have should have seen that with the dancing all right last one if I can't get this my brain is really dumb cake toilet cake behind and focus on a woman murdered in a restaurant's bathroom oh my goodness thankfully we're here to make sure the right person gets found oh geez Louise what happened to this poor soul can you look at the picture and find out who the Killer is hmm I can I can I can I can we don't have long here but the Implement that was used was spotted on the woman if we have a look here she's got a knife and four he's got his knife and four he's just drinking some tea or coffee but this man is scratches on his neck torn clothes and no knife he even decided to come back and eat his food after killing someone he's crazy but I have found you let's take a look are we the detective yes we are no murderers getting away whilst we're here and also no zombies will go undiscovered because we need to work out which house belongs oh my goodness there's an eyeball in the glass that's gotta be the Zombie house it is what else would a zombie really like well the zombie may like to play video games you may like to watch TV and eat an apple there's a brain on the floor how did I not see that geez these zombies like to make it obvious oh this house is messed up it's dirty there's flies everywhere if you have a look on the right it may look clean but there's a literal zombie hand there we got you time for a test I promise today we're doing a new one no that's so boring wait woohoo why are you excited for a desk no who did it I will find him wait what I will have to save money to repair the toilet wait someone destroyed the toilet Mr Simmons please calm down what's happened here hmm there's someone done something to the toilet one of those students is blown up the toilet geez that's quite impressively Fair it's all flooded the waters in the hall oh no how does he know it's someone from this class it's a very good question surveillance shows a guy getting out of the toilet and entering this room oh who's it gonna be will they have toilet paper stuck to their shoe will they have wet hands let's take a look use your detective skills people to try and notice who did it girls at the front look like it probably wasn't them the guy at the front looks like it's probably wasn't them hmm it all looks fairly innocent that guy is looking kind of sauce and so is that guy as well but I really can't see anything taking a closer look this boy is the only one with a single bit of paper on his desk everyone else is reading a book is that the re is he wait wait wait wait wait wait wait fella this guy's got water all over his feet how did I not see that did you spot it guys there you are he's definitely in big trouble but now out of a classroom and into a restaurant pay attention everyone that's walking by because someone has been up to no good I'm telling ya whatever ways to just punch me in the restroom why are they punching one of the people who's trying to hear the restaurant everything went dark so I didn't see his face it is really dark actually I wonder why it was so dark question is who did it well I don't think it's this guy because I can see both his hands this woman is covering her arm well it was a punch they would have used a fist this guy may have a very tasty drink on his plate he isn't showing me his hands I think it's that guy if you think it's him as well hit the like button if you agree but let's find out is that him yes it is we found you and now who is more dangerous say it up one of us or a shark now I actually clean up the arm to this one sharks may have a lot of teeth but out here to potomus yeah even more damage are you kidding me who's even more dangerous than that though piranhas or an elephant I mean Piranha's got a lot of teeth and there's a lot more piranhas in the world but elephants are big I'm gonna go piranha no oh my gosh guys I need to focus up on these ones because danger is the number one word wolf or dogs surely wolves what am I gonna get this completely wrong let's take a look people whoa my goodness dogs are Savage wolfer super chill I've got that very wrong snail or Stingray hey there's no way snails they're killing more people than stingrays but I feel like I've got everything wrong so far so I'm just gonna say snail let's take a look 10 000. what okay I was severely wrong there I will never trust snails or pick one up again whenever I see one a fly or tarantula well look I'd rather meet a fly even a tarantula but maybe if a lot of flies what tarantulas don't kill anyone why are we so scared of them guys a young man has been trapped in a dungeon what the heck how did he manage to get trapped in a dungeon the kidnapper gave him a chance to get Freedom oh thank you very much okay but be careful this guy's got two guns if he could pass through one of the doors okay multiple door question you've got to use your brain to work out which one you think we can get through to make it to the other side Jungle full of dangerous animals ice water impossible to stand even a minute yeah it doesn't sound good at all to be honest would be sound awful so far a giant fire breathing Dino what the heck okay I think I've got my answer but which one would you go for I Won't Give It Away quite yet but I'll explain the reason that I've picked it as well first one probably don't want to go in second one never gonna survive third one I've breathing dinosaur exist surely we can get through that one it can't be real or three's right they don't even exist we'll be fine but a person that won't be fine this is Watson who's been shut down and locked in her basement got a lot of people have been kidnapped at the moment to save him Sherlock has to get a secret code oh I like codes numbers and codes we got this baby come on Sherlock what do we need to try and do here there's a plate with liquid poison one match a glass and a slice of lemon oh this looks dangerous Sherlock must get the poison without touching or moving the plight to see the code on the bottom if he fails to do it in a minute morality will blow up the house oh my gosh this guy is crazy we got one minute to try and work this out what can we do the Matchstick lemon all right here's my idea pour the lemon into the glass pour it onto the poison light the poison and hopefully it all evaporates away maybe maybe not this this is a really hard one if anyone can get this okay lemon goes in matched it goes in we light it oh the glass goes on top and then what happens oh whoa whoa whoa is that what wait it sucked up all of the poison and it revealed the code but admit I don't think I'd be able to work that one out only big brain people watching would get that one if you did random Applause that is crazy these people didn't manage to escape enough locked in a prison self I don't have any rope unfortunately so no escaping for them but the only chance to escape is through the window high above oh okay so they do the chance to escape but no rope just a window a prisoners stand on each other's shoulders and um no it's not looking good that really is it not quite high enough the one is on top lacks a few inches to reach the win he could jump do a little jump up even then I don't think you could pull everyone else up to be honest that's some very heavy people people will do weigh a lot but what should they do how can they get out of that window how can they escape these guys have really long arms so if they swapped order and stretched far enough they should be able to reach it like look how long this guy is I've got long arms as well if they put me at the top this could work yes the tallest person should stand on the top up he goes onto the shoulders lifts those long boy arms up they can reach the top they are free come on oh no do you know it's a survive a crocodile attack running a straight line running zigzags I think crocodiles are quite fast I'm gonna go left to right like a zigzag hopefully that will work yes he survives the first attack but if there's a fire should you stay low on the floor or hide underneath something stay low on the floor I think because the gases the bad gases rise up so maybe both could work yes stay on the floor if you're under something it could fall on top of you if you're choking oh no rest fist in into your abdomen or drink some water I think bam punch yourself really hard wind yourself I know someone actually wind himself on a table because they were choking just to get it out it works we've managed to survive all of these so far oh I know there's one who watched my YouTube shorts I told you how to survive this one make sure you subscribe otherwise you wouldn't know don't jump high lay on the ground protect your head it is the best chance of surviving a falling elevator it could save your life what about an earthquake run out of the building no the buildings could fall on you get as low as possible yet hide under stuff use it as protection and get low not that we have earthquakes here in UK but I'm sure that's the right thing to do it is oh guys where is the demon oh wait I was thinking this is just four normal people enjoying some hot marshmallows over a fire as we all do but This Woman's literally holding fire that has got to be a demon if you've ever seen one yeah get her out of here you don't want to be around her where's the demon foreign but all of these cats are are all three of those cats demons I don't trust them there's a demon here taking so selfies randomly on the sofa that's kind of demon-like smoke whoa dude just popped out of nowhere almost didn't spawn for a second demon you've been caught my friend oh my gosh imagine skydiving you suddenly realize your skydiving was someone that has wings I almost didn't see them blending into his suit there but that is a demon if I haven't seen one he doesn't even need a skydiving suit he can just fly off with his wings a criminal escape from the top floor of a 50 meter Tower how did he get down there without hurting himself he had a rope but it was only 25 inches long hmm if you jumped off he would have only made it halfway down yeah that would yeah ouch don't don't do that 25 meter drop sounds more than it is it's bad it's known that he cut the rope in the middle hmm how was it possible possible how did he get down 50 meters with 25 meters of rope these are seriously tricky think Ali think he went ahead and got halfway down jumped into a window then used the other half to get back down again oh oh he cut it down the middle to double the Rope length damn I mean I don't know if Rogue would survive being cut down the middle but this guy pulled out that is big brain look at him go don't worry if you didn't get any of them we've got more chances to test your brain like what is wrong here we've got lots of horses and wait a second ammo he can't be riding on a camel actually in cams are quite fast I think it was fast as Horses but they are quick what is wrong here what a nice sand pit guy girl playing a wait the slide goes straight into a fence surely that's not meant to do that like a design fail right there yeah don't go on that slide people what is wrong here let's take a look I wish I was on his Beach right now we've got some drinks palm tree wait it's impossible to turn wait what the heck this is the guy's back but his head's facing upwards it's like a human owl what is wrong here hmm Kettle wait they're using hot mittens that you get stuff out of like the oven with to wash up what are you doing that for they're gonna be absolutely soaking oh tram going along oh backwards and forwards apparently this tram is the most useless tram in the world wait a second the tram maybe going back and forth but there's something else in this image that's not meant to be there can you spot it let me know in the comments and for even more videos to continue to test your brain quickly click on screen I'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 2,856,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hdo3l_EBL3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2023
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