The Older I Become The Younger I Look! (HOW!?)

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this is the story of a girl that the older she becomes the younger she looks but what's her secret will anyone believe her let's find out hi I'm Petra from Serbia hey Petra and I have an extremely rare condition where my aging process is much slower than that of regular people oh wow when I was six years old I looked like a dumb two-year-old toddler she's so much younger which made people treat me like one and things got even worse as a teenager because of my condition my parents decided to homeschool me until I was a bit older I got to hang out with other kids at the playground and I'd get picked on all the time because I looked so much smaller than everybody when I was about eight years old I was playing on the slides in the park when a worried looking woman came running to me oh no are you lost no oh poor baby probably can't understand a thing imagine being a and you're like oh you're a baby that can't talk that's how young she looks you must be so scared do I look scared and I'm not a baby but she wasn't even been listening to me and before I knew it she was calling over a policeman from the street policeman they'll go talk back to you and said I'm fine we have a missing child here officer please help her find her mommy and daddy despite my protests whisked me off to the station and started taking pictures of me for missing child posters oh my God I know my parents number and address they live right across the street from the playground and you guys kidnapped me this was the beginning many many times my parents had to come get me from the police station sure the policeman would learn after she'd been there 10 times I finally joined School in the seventh grade after the minute I walked into the classroom a girl elbowed me roughly and said I think you've lost your way kid too far for Galva looked really young ended up in your class you'd be like yeah you gotta go to a different one oh if only I had a dollar for every time I heard that I would be a millionaire by now and I wouldn't need to be in this school with dumb people like you burn and with that I pushed her aside and took my seat when I did all the math problems correctly in the first lesson the teacher called me over looking old Starstruck wow Petra you're a genius oh damn why because you solved these algebra problems meant for 12 year olds wait what but I am 12 years old the teacher just giggled and then did something I hated oh no she pulled my cheek oh aren't you a little cutie pie yes you definitely have the mind of a 12 year old no matter how many times I said it no one believed that I was actually 12. they all thought I was some kind of Baby Genius who had been bumped up a few grades yeah they literally think she's in daycare she looks so young eventually I gave up and let everyone believe I was super smart this didn't really help me become popular or make friends though Jessica the meanest girl in class wasn't too happy because everyone thought I was the smartest and she made sure everyone constantly made fun of me oh no she's being bullied for it she got help if she looks young that's not fair does your butt look big because you're wearing a diaper what kind of language is that book in Google gaga wow I was eating lunch by myself when Jessica suddenly stopped by my table oh how is the baby gonna eat all that with her little baby teeth oh that's annoying are you this way Jessica what do you mean I mean why are you so awful to me she's being so mean you're the most popular girl in class yeah I know but before you showed up out of nowhere I was the smartest too fine you're the prettiest and the smartest girl in the world can you leave me alone now please sure but let me mash everything for the little baby to eat first oh you know that she started pounding my food with her fists you are such a psycho and with that I picked up the smushed piece of cake and flung it at her face straight in the eyes she picked up my glass of juice and dunked it on my head and before we knew it everybody joined in for fun and a full-scale food fight had broken out we both got detention and after that day I found a corner in the little playpen for the kindergarten kids and basically had lunch there by myself the next three years until one day Josh came and sat next to me oh who's Josh and this guy save her Josh had just joined our class A few weeks ago and he was a total babe with all the popular blocks ruling all over him I was sure he wouldn't notice someone like me which is why I was pretty shocked to find him here why do you always have lunch alone is this your first time in high school of course I don't expect someone like you to get it he took my hand and looked deep into my eyes it's so romantic why is he looking at a girl that looks really young I don't understand why someone as adorable as you as here either I was so annoyed at how fast that made my heart beat after that oh she likes it I became really good friends he'd only expect me to watch his football games and started coming over to my place for study dates finally she's making a friend since he'd joined so late he needed to do a lot of catching up and I was more than happy to help that's a lot of books I just had the biggest crush on him the annual Spring Dance was around the corner and it was all anyone could talk about all the girls were yapping Non-Stop about their dresses and who they'd be going with of course I was hoping Josh would ask me out but when he didn't I decided I didn't need to wait around like a sappy Disney princess I'd ask him out myself oh good luck hopefully this isn't embarrassing I bought tickets for the opening show of the new Avengers movie Justice we were about to enter the theater one of the cinema staff stopped me hey little girl you can't go in that's a PG-13 movie 16. here look at my ID we see fake IDs all the time kid sorry but I can't let you go you should have showed an ID you can't decide if it's fake or not let her in she's got an important question to ask and with that he pushed me out of line and refused to listen to me anymore ah I can't believe this let's go then um go I'm mean what's the point of wasting both the tickets we'll still have dinner together okay wait wait wait wait he's gonna watch you without huh you called her he turned and went inside it was go anywhere because he'd driven me here when he finally came out after three hours he was practically jumping with excitement OMG that was epic Iron Man snapped his fingers and died but he saved the world whoa spoilers spoilers not only watched the movie without me he'd ruined it for me I thought maybe the rest of the evening would go a little better but boy was I wrong oh at the end of the meal when the waitress brought us our fortune cookies it looked over excitedly at Josh to open his and read the little note inside will you be my date for the spring dance Josh well that's a smooth way of asking him out he looked up at me in complete shock Petra I don't know how to say this uh no how could you even think that you're more like a little sister to me I've already asked Jessica out man you've really made things awkward oh no I don't think this could have gone any worse if she tried and he's going out with Jessica I felt so utterly crushed and stupid I flung a glass of water in his face I wish I could snap my fingers right now and make you disappear hit the like button to make sure Josh gets snapped away forever I ran out of there and took the bus home nobody was more grateful than me when stupid High School ended and I was off to college it wasn't too far from my town so my parents could visit me often or come bail me out every time an officer thought I was an underage driver this is the third time this month police officers are so dumb can't you see I have a real license she doesn't mean that officer come on sweetie let's go that would be so annoying if you get some getting pulled over my parents always had my back but no one understood how frustrating it was for me to be treated like a kid all the time I mean to be fast you can barely see over the front part of the car but she is old enough to drive until I met Andrew in my second year at University another guy took up a job as a professor's assistant for one of the courses wow the other students made fun of me behind my back but one day they went really overboard the professor was unwell and I was taking the class in his place whoa she is small small she's teaching the classes and she looks like a kid as soon as I turned my back to the board I got hit by a dozen people no I turned around to see everyone snickering I'm your teacher my parents teach you any respect yeah you're not our teacher you can't even reach the top of the board without standing on a stool go back to school loser you can't behave this way with me I want everyone who's responsible to apologize right now or you'll do what go crying to your mommy I'll fail you in every single assignment okay that's a big deal I don't think you want to be failed in everything you do remember I grade them right oh no I'm scared Miss Petra will you forgive me if I give you a lollipop oh wow happy to come on guys let's go we don't need to take orders from some high school smarty pants oh no then I felt a gentle tap on the shoulder and I looked up to see that it was Andrew Andrew look I'm telling you Andrew if yours mean it was harsh as Josh you're gonna get Thanos snapped away as well I'm really sorry about the way they treated you I think you're really smart and beautiful we became friends soon after we started dating he was just oh this guy and even though he looked much older than me he was never ashamed to hold my hand in public even if it got us weird looks a few weeks later I had an internship interview in another city and Andrew offered to see me off at the airport breathing he took my hand good luck babe I hope you get it but I'll really miss you look at the height difference he's so much taller than her and with that me in for our first is still spinning with joy and finally I saw a few policemen walking towards us oh no what is going on sir please move away from the kid what's the problem officer we've recently had many reports of a gang kidnapping young girls and you need to come down to the station with us to answer a few questions even when she gets her first kiss the police are still after wait what he's not a kidnapper he's my boyfriend and I'm 20 years old the policeman didn't listen to a quarterly said and we were taken down to the station my parents had to come down again with my birth certificate and baby pictures before they finally let us go it turned out that the people at the airport had been making videos of the whole thing and it had gone viral on social media kid gets caught kissing a man 10 million views she's already did go viral with people saying all sorts of mean things about me and Andrew and to make things worse the company I had an interview with wasn't happy that I didn't show up so I lost the internship too no everything's going wrong I was beyond Furious now I took to social media myself and posted a video talking about how I'd always been discriminated against because of the way I looked the video went viral and I started receiving a lot of sympathy messages and support wait wait wait she's got more subscribers than me guys come help me out hit that subscribe button we gotta hit 15 million as well the public pressure made the Police Issue an official apology and the company even offered me the internship again but my condition had really sparked an interest in the public and I was being invited to tons of TV and interviews all everyone wanted to know was the secret of my youth to be fair if you can make yourself look younger than you are people would want to buy that product soon enough I realized that people envied me one morning I picked up the local newspaper from the door and was horrified to see my face splashed across the front page with the headline girl discovers secret to Eternal youth oh come here and look outside the window Paparazzi it's a massive crowd a wall outside our apartment building and the minute they spotted me in the window they started screaming Jesus who discovered the Fountain of Youth tell us where it is tell us where's the fountain the guy says no Fountain she's just different what do you eat to look so young I'll pay anything for it with your anti-aging formula for youthful skin we can become millionaires come work for our skin care this was complete Madness and I had to put an end to it I opened the window and everybody became quiet to hear what I had to say listen there is no secret it's a condition I've always had and it's not a blessing I've never had anyone take me seriously my whole life I spent all of high school being bullied my message to everyone is that we all need to learn to be happy in our own skins everyone as they are yes does it matter if you're big smooth young two fat skinny sure except everyone be nice to everyone thankfully the message spread far and wide and people didn't bother me again but I still became pretty famous and was regularly called for talks on self-acceptance and against bullying that's amazing Andrew now and we have two young kids oh my God kids I really don't mind at all when someone says I don't look like a mom that's beautiful oh I couldn't have asked for happier ending guys for another amazing true story animation click on screen here to click and watch another one before I disappear quickly click it I'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 1,667,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qtiS4J9vynQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 41sec (821 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 12 2023
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