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come test your brains with the world's hardest riddles let's see if we can solve these two called the police uh oh what's happened oh my husband is dead jeez poor woman poor guys he didn't come home from work yesterday oh oh my gosh i was waiting for him all night long how does she know she he's dead as he found she found him and in the morning i found him dead by the door jesus poor guy who did it that's the question the police arrived at the crime scene and questioned all these people oh simon my brother's called simon maybe he did it i woke up when jill began streaming okay i've rushed to her house remember keep all of his answers in your head and saw her standing by her dead husband what if it's the wife i came from the club late at night maybe he went out to a club with leela and fell asleep i didn't hear anything hmm well apparently she screamed so okay i was so worried that i couldn't get to sleep until 4 a.m i slept for a couple of hours okay till about six seven maybe then got up and went to look for george hmm so far i'm kind of suspect of a second girl and found him right in front of the house oh my gosh who do you think it is oh it's a tough one it's a tough one i think it could be leela because she said she didn't hear anything but who do you guys think um jill why is it always the wife of jill what did you do oh when she called the police she said that she hadn't slept at all but then when she gave a statement she said she slept for a few hours her story was being muddled up you had to pay attention for that one congrats if you did if you did hit the thumbs up button let me know that you've got a big brain smash that like button alan a prison guard got a note the prisoners were sharing during the day very very suspect the note was encrypted hmm it says nothing on it and i wasn't smart enough to crack it come on alan i believe look if you can't do it we'll help you out all right he's going to show the note to the warden okay maybe the warden can help him out was it guys we're going to have to help these people out clearly our brains a little bit bigger than these people oh they failed to prevent the jailbreak oh my gosh what could they have done oh my good gracious me can we crack the code five one six one oh my gosh this is crazy what if we take the the numbers and align them so first one would be j second will be a i then l yeah j oh this works this works jail two b break jailbreak on this side six at jailbreak at four four two one one fourteen is it am or pm 2 1 am wait 11 11 am dude i think we did it that was fun have we cracked it let's take a look yes lining up each of the numbers with the work cup i'll be honest that wasn't the hardest thing in the world i can't believe that those police officers and you know didn't stop this jailbreak we would have done it though guys we would have known when it was going to be happening we need a bigger challenge so who has escaped from prison let's work this one out hmm oh spotted it for a second i was like wait a second all of these people look extremely normal but then when you take a closer look i noticed that man should be in prison who else escaped from prison um girl on the bench looks like she's texting very angrily guy's got a laptop on the right in a that guy's got weird ginger is he got a disguise on you see that he's got a disguise on he's trying to blend in so that people don't recognize him oh who escaped from prison um any of these guys escape from prison oh the girl on the left's got like the prison hat on i think i don't know how she got i don't know how she got all the other swimwear clothes and it's chilling with random people why would you keep that on you know what it's fine we worked out that's the main thing who else is escaping from prison here oh is he got the the jacket on the prison jacket on i think it's the fourth guy in these people gotta take their prison clothes off when they escape you know what i mean who else is gonna escape here let's find out oh there's a locked key got some books in there this lady looks like she's got a plan she's trying to hatch which one will escape this oh that person's got that person is that real is everyone's got shoes on is that person on the right actually in the bed i don't i think it's the person on the right middle person looks like she wants to get out of here left person doesn't seem quite to care as much but i mean there's no signs that she's about to break out i'm just saying if i'm a police officer guard and i see a bed like that that looks like they're pretending to be there they've propped up shoes and they've propped up some head things so they can jump out and make oh wait there's a hole in the in the bars as well yeah fate but dude i i am too good i would know this straight away no one will be escaping from our prisons that's what i'm saying people you know what i mean yeah they're already out there's literally a hole there as well who is the thief oh somebody's stolen something let's take a look keeper oh saw it i was keeping an eye on them all of their eyes are very much focused on the test they're doing apart from one person can you spot it that's right that guy in the top he's looking up looking over trying to nab something little thief who's a thief here hmm got two maids two kids playing dress-up nurses wait a sec she just stolen an oscar is this person wanting everybody's stealing a trophy she's stolen about five already you can't escape us yeah yeah yeah you get out of here you're going into prison just saying all right this is gonna be a little bit closer okay um top two people are on their phones and drinking i don't think it's them bottom two uh they seem to be chilling top right that woman seems to be doing something weird of our hand why is she stealing cutlery what are you doing we found you what about this person hmm no one's actually in the pool notice that everyone's enjoying themselves but no one's actually in the pool some people in the book some people on the ipads woman's got like a speaker or something she's jamming out to the music what's she doing with that food it's not a speaker it's a bag she's nabbing food who's the thief here okay everyone looks very normal scanning the items putting them in there but wait wait wait wait wait a second what's that woman on the bottom right doing she's just dropping things in her bag yeah look she's not scanning it she just dropped it in what did you reckon do you think it's the same person too louie and laura are famous water skiers nice i've never been water skiing it doesn't look easy can't lie they usually spend the holidays at sea of course they do they're water skiing oh going skiing is that sim i think it'd be similar i mean it's just on the snow not water it was his birthday when they left okay so remember that birthday when he left without telling anyone about it okay so he kept his birthday under wraps he doesn't want to know how old he doesn't want anyone to know how old he is you know what i mean he checked in under false names what why are they being so secretive and went to the mountains okay these people seem very suspect oh the next day they were found dead what the heck poor people the police arrived at the crime scene well who killed them they must be wanted surely they found some gifts for louis hmm but nobody's meant to know but it's birthday which gift is suspicious i think it's the bottom left because before they went nobody knew that they'd be going skiing they normally go water yeah exactly they didn't tell anyone that they're gonna be going skiing so why'd you get a woody hat unless they knew that they were going to the mountains this friend hates them harry he hates them i'm talking about bad things it was a big storm on monday night jeez that is ripping through the town and shell we didn't come home oh no this is not good her husband called the police oh no what's happened here a famous detective arrived at their place this guy looks like he means business when they're not smiling they are serious shelby's body was found outside the city in the meadows jesus awful it looked like she was good by lightning oh my gosh lightning strike now that is bad however the autopsy showed that they weren't burned from electricity that is wrong it was a murder oh who did it and does this storm have anything to do with it the detected had three suspects husband gary a secret lover or sam the brother you also found a note i know who killed her but i can't tell his name i'll give you a hint that day i saw her drinking sambuca and dancing samba in a bar oh oh i get it i get it i get it i get it i get it guys what is within the word sambuca and samba sam they're trying to give away the name the brother did it did you get that one as well is your brain big i'm sure it is guys we hate sam though if you if you're sad much right now i like you don't worry just that sam specifically james and molly be married for five years congratulations but they haven't been on a vacation yet jeez these people have been working hard where are they gonna go on a vacation then they decide to go to the ocean a very very unspecific place to go but okay to get there they have to cross the border ah okay leaving the old city are they off on a little vacay nice you have to tell me the password if you what the there's a password to get out no wonder they've never gone anywhere oh my gosh okay what's the password bench tree apple okay the number of benches is one two three four five six seven eight nine trees is one two three four six to six i think apples is one i think what nine six one i think let me know if my counting's a little bit off there i've counted the double benches as two one two three yeah oh wait it's none of the double benches i got the first one wrong second one right third one oh i tried to be over here overly clever they wouldn't have let me out guys would they have let you out probably at least they got to enjoy their beautiful ocean vacation i'll be stuck in the city oh who's leaving prison this is a big one she's got lipstick on that means she's trying to like get ready to leave she's eating her meal looking all fancy is she trying to look good for her escaping or is that a bit too suspect her shoes are on again could be a key reason for the fact that she's going but her plate of food is empty she seems really sad and she's got her food there uneaten and she also has a shoe it's something to do with the food if you're going to escape prison would you leave your food or would you eat it surely you'd eat it for energy but then if you knew you were getting out maybe you wouldn't eat it because the food's rubbish this is tough guys which one do you think let me know she doesn't want to eat because she's leaving soon and can't wait for a better meal that one was really tough anna mia and ellie are best friends and hit woman oh my gosh these people are savage they're suspected of a crime they're already in prison and kept in isolation cells okay all of them have been put away they're accused of killing a guy oh my gosh guys which one is it we have to put our brains together here the judge offers him a plea bargain okay if one of them confesses and tells him the details she will be released i'll never tell you who did it but it wasn't me okay so anna's saying it wasn't her i have no idea what happened to that guy i mean that's basically no information i wasn't there when he died but doesn't mean that she didn't do something to cause him to die mia did it she's a sleepwalker huh she woke me up last night and said she killed that guy oh oh my gosh i mean i mean ellie's literally saying it was mia mia's saying that she wasn't there but she's a sleepwalker ellie lies really the girls are in isolation cells oh my gosh i'm an idiot they couldn't convey of course did you guys pick up on that i got completely fooled it's almost christmas santa is heading home after a long working night if you're excited for christmas as well subscribe to the channel for christmas cheer spirit and good wishes and the wind had been howling non-stop all day long when he came home and warmed up with a nice cup of tea i mean personally i'd go for a little hot chocolate he realized that one of his deers been stolen the present oh my gosh his dear stolen the present cheese dasher dancer prancer and vixen came immediately what was each of you doing two hours ago dasha i was decorating the windows okay got giant sack when i saw someone buy your sleigh this is gonna be a tough one guys we need big brains here i was sitting by the fire inside the house when i heard the sleigh bells outside okay i was helping mrs claus wrap the presents when i saw a shadow outside okay vixen i was asleep when something fell on me when i woke up it's christmas eve i'm very sad to find out that one of you has been naughty oh this is a tough one people can you work it out i'm most suspect of dancer because he's the only one that said he's heard anything everyone else just said they saw something so why would he be the only one to hear anything plus isn't it like it's winter like we oh he said he heard yeah he said he had bells it is dancer it was a wind it's literally snowing it's windy you never would have heard it down to you gorka my friend no presents for you guys more videos on screen here click to keep on watching i'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 4,466,643
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: F1WYB1hM-mI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 14 2021
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