✨ Text To Speech ✨ ASMR Cake Storytime || @Amara Chehade || POVs Tiktok Compilations 2023 #139

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same clothes or same hair as my soulmate I don't want my hair to look like a boy so same clothes uh why are you wearing a fortnight hoodie because my stomach probably likes fortnite and I have to wear the same clothes as him his clothes are ugly that means he's not from a rich family I don't know we'll see why isn't anyone wearing the same clothes as me Amara the clothes that you're wearing are the same as the prince seriously you have to hurry to the Palace now but I don't want to go there by myself don't worry I'm coming with you let's go my clothes are the same as the prince that means I'm his soul mate the princess soulmate has been found everyone Gather in the hole I should be the princess soulmate I'm the real one and she's a fake oh clothes are all the same but I have a solution you have to join a cooking contest a cooking contest yes the one with the most delicious cooking will be my wife okay then I have to hurry hey I made a Christmas cupcake I made pudding I like both of your cooking I can't choose well then who won I will change clothes first to prove who my soulmate is because me and my soulmate share outfits after all I hope my clothes are the same as the prince I will change clothes fast to prevent my soulmate is because me and my soul mate share the same outfits after all I hope my clothes are the same as the prince I've changed clothes what about you looks like I've changed clothes too me too oh I'm getting confused maybe the prince has two wives this is ridiculous there's no way I'm sharing my soulmate with someone else I really believe that you're the princess soulmate but how am I gonna make him believe that you have to get rid of that girl first by the way where did that girl go looks like she went and she's planning something you have to be prepared did you hear apparently the prince has two soul mates I think one of them must be lying I know I'd hate to be in their position I wonder what they have to say once they find out his soulmate I'm home honey you left the palace I saw what happened on the news yeah I left the prince should be my soulmate mom you need to show him proof he won't believe you unless you have proof I'll help you you again what are you doing here I'm here to prove myself and how are you gonna do that by changing my clothes me and my soulmate share the same outfits so if I change my clothes then surely his clothes will automatically change and if that happens I will marry the prince me and my soulmate share the same outfits so if I change my clothes then surely his will change too and if that happens that means I'm gonna marry the prince okay so all I need to do is change this outfit right I'll just put on this gray top and if he's wearing the same clothes as me that means he's my soul mate okay I've changed outfits now I just need to find the prince where is he you again why are you wearing the same outfit as me I don't know my outfits changed randomly all the time no you're lying you're doing this on purpose you just want to steal the prince from me speaking of the prince where is he I don't know I thought he was with you hey have you seen the prince oh you don't match him answer my question he's in that room over there finally there you are wait who is she guys that's not what it looks like are you cheating on us I can't believe it I just made my soulmate and he's already cheating on me well I don't care about this whole soulmate thing plus this girl's cooking is way better than both of you this is so weird why was he wearing the same outfit as us do you want to know why who are you it doesn't matter the reason why you're all wearing the same outfits is because you all soul mates wait what yes but you have to pick who you want to be with you should get the options now mine says I can pick between the prince or you so does mine okay I've already picked I'm gonna pick later hey just out of curiosity who did you pick to be a soul mate oh I uh I picked you wait what please give me a good magic power mind control why do I always get bad ones I want to refuse it but I can't otherwise I'll get kicked out of the school accept it now but Mom I said do it all right fine look it's the girl with no magic powers she shouldn't be allowed back in the school who says I don't have any magic powers I have a magic power really and what's your magic power I can't tell them they'll bully me I don't want to say it's a secret sir am I allowed to stand do you have a magic power yes I do I picked one today all right then you can stay thanks sir I'm so scared imagine someone finds out about my magic power I can't let anyone know that I got mind control everyone will be practicing on magic powers today practicing on magic powers yes everyone should know how to use them Amara you just pretend to have magic power so you can stay in the school right no that's not true I have magic powers if you have magic powers why don't you want to tell me what it is fine it's mind control mind control that's the most greatest magic power the gray is magic power if you really have that power then I want to challenge me yep to see if you're telling the truth okay fine I'll accept the challenge good look guys I'm gonna use my powers on tomorrow wait why isn't it working on her wait Amara do you really not feel anything feel what why are you all looking at me like that I know about your magic power you can control mines what how do you know because you have the strongest magic power I can feel it but I don't know how to use it it's easy just use your feelings feelings yes Amara did you accept the magic match against Jennifer yes then the competition will start now now yes oh my gosh I don't know how to use my magic yet why so quiet are you scared to fight me okay the magic match will start in three two one I wonder how many mistakes I've made huh zero that means I've never done anything wrong right I'll just put it on private so that my friends don't think I'm arrogant you're the one who let my food burn in the oven right I told you to take it out on time no it wasn't me Mom why'd you always accuse me I know you have a lot of mistakes that's why you put on private right no I put it on private because stop making excuses excuse me sir am I in this class well it depends how many mistakes um a hundreds that means you're in the lowest class D class D why is Class A EMT apparently only one person can enter Class A it's the person with zero mistakes they'll give that person something something special like what don't worry about it because it's definitely not you you're the one who stole all the exam answers no sir it wasn't me she's lying her mistakes are private I'm sure she just says that to not get accused that's not true you're all wrong okay if you didn't cheat make your mistakes on public to prove yourself okay sir she must have a lot of mistakes what class will I get why did I get a letter or not a number I have to fake it honey what class did you get class 10 mom well class 10 is the lowest class I'm ashamed really if I knew I would have changed the number to one what are you doing in this class I'm in this class sir your number's 10 right you think I can't see you can't be in this class you have to go to class 10 class 10 yes class 10 which is the lowest class where the non-important students are hi my name is Rosie oh nice to meet you where's our class our class is that one right next to the toilets why there doesn't it smell yes but they placed us there because our class is the lowest Rosie let's go find something to eat I'm hungry we call tomorrow because our class is too low so we can't buy food this is unbelievable hey you buy me a drink hurry up who are you I'm Leah in the school everyone wants to pay me including I don't want to you'll regret saying that guys how come there's no one with cross a in our school because it's very rare wait plus a but I go Class A this morning guys I want to ask something what does Class A really mean Class A is the highest meaning that person will be the leader of our school seriously yes there should be only one person who got class A in the school but why do you ask your class 10 you'll never be across a so I guess I'm the new lead after school I have to show everyone guys look at my neck I got class A whoa it turns out that Leah is our school leader huh but didn't you say that only one person can get Class A yeah why because I have class A too she's just lying we all know she had class 10 earlier yeah you're just trying to act important but guess what you'll never be yeah we all believe one she faked her class why don't you believe me because you could never get Class A just look at you look that's the girl who faked her class yeah isn't she ashamed she's still walking around with a fake a on her you guys do know that I can hear you right I can't believe this I don't have any friends left they all left me because they think I'm lying don't worry everyone will believe you tomorrow and you'll be the new school leader can I really trust the security guard hey I'd like to pay for this water bottle sorry I can't serve you why not you can't fool me I know you got class 10 and you faked your layout just so that you could be important my rules are rules I can't let anyone with class 10 buy anything from this canteen Amara you won't believe what just happened what happened they found out that Leah faked the letter on her neck because she got nervous and sweaty so her little started to fade away and now she's getting expelled from see that's why I've been trying to say this whole time she's lying sir I was the one who got class A how do we know you're telling the truth I'm not faking it I can wipe it off and you'll see that it won't come off okay fine here see turns out you were right all along Yes we finally found a school leader sorry without you you have to get ready get ready for what we're throwing a party because we finally found our school leader hopefully I'll get a red heart mom I got a green heart that means your stomach already has another girl and they love each other they love each other just fake the color of your heart so no one knows and remember never tell anyone you got green okay I think this looks real right I don't think anyone will notice Hey Jake you're cheating on me at me what are you talking about both of us are right I know you're cheat and I have proof where show me but Mom said I can't reveal the green heart see you're just trying to accuse me yeah you're right morning everyone what's the color of your heart we all got red meaning all soul mates aren't cheating on us so I'm the only one who got green Amara you have to help me I got a green home wait why are you so worried people say if you get a green heart you'll get kicked out of the school that can't be true just calm down okay I trust you but what's your color what do you mean it's red it looks weird there's a different shade of bread than the others I have to get out of here before she finds out hey uh see you in class okay whoever got green come to the front hurry up otherwise I'm gonna have to check myself sir she has a green heart what the heck Amara so what did you just do Whoever has a green heart has to die why would you snitch on Sarah I don't know I panicked and I didn't know he would kill her he did it because the green color is considered to interfere with the happiness of the soulmate can we stop talking about this we're safe I can't help but feeling guilty mom I'm home why do you look sad is it because of the Sarah incident at school huh how come you know I haven't told you yet I heard from your friends anyway it's not your fault but remember keep your green heart hidden yes Mom but until when you have to hide it forever it's weird Omar has a red heart but she still hasn't met her soulmate you didn't pick your color did you me no it would be really bad if you did I know I would never guys don't listen to her she's lying she definitely faked it show us now yes show us your mark what does a black heart mean a black heart means black what does a black heart mean a black heart means it means that your soulmates have an unpredictable love problems maybe he's having troubles with his girlfriend no it's much worse than you think and the black color is more targeted by our teacher that means I have to pick my sign again so that nothing happens to me okay I've changed it back to Red hopefully no one will snitch on me why is it the only girls get green hearts and boys don't because almost no girl cheats girls are more loyal that's not true anyway what's important is you need to keep your color hidden the teacher can't know by the way where did Gemma go I don't know she said she was gonna go and speak with the teacher oh teacher someone told me that there's a person with a black heart in the school who told you sir it doesn't matter but a black heart is really dangerous we have to catch them what if the teacher finds out it's me and he kills me who was hit my soulmate then Amara you have to get out of the school before anyone finds out because you're being targeted but why I love school I'm only saying this because I'm your friend why is the police here they found more people with green hearts so they had to capture them I need to get out of here before it's too late why are you always late I'm so hungry sorry babe I was busy with something since you're late you have to pay for my food you want me to pay for your food you cheated on me and you still haven't admitted it how have I cheated we both have red hearts that's true this means he's not my soulmate you know what I don't love you anymore I'm breaking up with you Amara wait so I'm the only one in town with a black heart I have to find my soulmate before it's too late things can get worse honey get ready we're gonna have guests over who's coming you'll see can you get that what's up Emily Amara come with me you can't be in your house why can't I be in my house what's wrong I know the location of your soulmate he's in danger we have to hurry up and go how do you know I'll tell you later Amara come in the guests are already here guests I'm sorry I can't come with you we have guests wait Amara this is who I wanted to introduce you sir what are you doing at my house are my grades that bad no I want to take you out for a walk why is the color of the teacher's heart also black it's the same color as mine you're going on a vacation with a teacher for three days a vacation with my teacher what friend honey why are my mom's legs flying tell her to come in um she's downstairs waiting I just wanted to say we're going outside so we're not gonna be coming in okay I'm gonna go downstairs to say hi to her okay this is my mom hey Amara's mom gosh I was really scared standing here all by myself okay Mom uh we're gonna be leaving now when we're gonna work on the project in your house no what are you talking about okay honey don't be late and be careful when you come back it's gonna be dark okay Mom wait so you can see ghosts too no was there a ghost yes the Ghost came in the shape of my mom huh no wonder I had goosebumps when I shook her hands but if that was a ghost then where is my real mom we need to go back there Amara I don't feel good anymore I want to go home just wait a minute you have to come in with me [Music] Amara what was that my status is the queen of school I have to put it on private to test my friends what status did you get honey um Gardener mom what get out of my house now I'm so happy with my status what did you get a lawyer what about you why is it private surely your status is lower than mine that's why you're hiding it babe why is the status private because I got cards online I don't want anyone to know what I can't date a gardener so we have to break up I got supervisor I can't be seen with the gods and all your status isn't even that important at least it's better than yours so why would you give me an F on this paper I thought it's so hard for this well it's because of your status you don't deserve to get high grades thanks Seth for giving me an A on this this is so unfair I really want to be Jake's girlfriend well why Jake is really handsome why all the girls surrounding him like that because his status is the king of the school of course everyone's gonna like him so Jake is the king how come Noah's received the status queen of school yet I don't know but I think Emily were gay because she's the most beautiful girl in school guys let's go Library together no I don't want to be friends with you anymore because you're not on my level yeah there's no use for us to be friends hey what are you doing in our class you're not supposed to be here you're supposed to be in the lower class turns out all my friends are fake that's enough I've tested them all now it's time for me to show my real status that's enough I've tested them all now it's time for me to show my real status why does it say error is there an error in the system guys you won't believe it I got the status queen of school well no I have the status queen of school you don't have to lie Amara yeah just tell us your real status guys I'm the original School Queen not Emily what the heck you're just jealous of where's the proof that you're the queen of school anyway my status still says error but just trust me I'm not lying no we don't trust you you told me you were Gardener yesterday that's why I broke up with you see clearly I'm the queen of school I've already asked the principal to kick you out no you can't do that of course I can and you'll see soon hey you have to pack your things you're exposed in school so you can't do that I'm the queen of school Emily is the queen of school and I trust homo you don't even have proof but sir sir give her a chance to prove her status okay because you're the king of school I have to accept your requests Jake thanks for helping me earlier you're welcome I hope you're not lying to me about your status of course not hey Gardener don't come near Jake he's my soul man you can't ban her from talking to me I'm waiting for her error to go away so she can show her real estate is but I am the queen of school I'm actually the prettiest girl here well one of you are lying and whoever it is will get a harsh punishment how do I fix the sister ouch my leg is injured what happened I fell while sweeping the floor okay wait right here I'll be right back Oh look The Gardener's trying to help the cleaning lady here's some medicine thank you you're very kind my status it doesn't say error anymore okay if you didn't cheat make your mistakes on public to prove yourself she must have a lot of mistakes how comes this not working right you must be lying there but sir my mistakes aren't zero that's it I'm giving you a detention I'm gonna give you 10 assignments I'll collect them tomorrow make sure you do all of them okay mom look the teacher gave us 10 assignments good maybe I'll erase some of your mistakes since you have so many but I don't think I've ever done anything wrong I'm ashamed of you our neighbors are talking about you all the time and how bad you are picked yourself yes Mom Amara why you cooking it's bad oh I forgot to turn off the stove you keep making mistakes I'm tired but how comes my mistakes aren't increasing sis why can't the number of my mistakes be published the number of your mistakes are zero right how do you know I haven't told you yet because mine's the same although I do mistakes all the time but why can't we put ours in public like everyone else because no one's supposed to know that we make mistakes and still have zero mistakes if they find out about this era they'll fix it and we'll be just like everyone else okay well good thing it didn't work because I tried putting mine on public you tried putting yours in public oh no well it usually takes 24 hours before it goes public wait what you need to help me how do I remove it I don't want mine to go in public don't worry I know a guy this is the guy you know he's a kid hey don't be rude otherwise I won't help okay fine hey drink this it should reset your decision so did it work yep all you need to do is pick private and you should be fine okay now every time you get the option just continue to press private like that your number will never be public okay thank you so much huh I have to make five people smile mom what does that mean if you make five people smile you can have whatever you want everything even a luxury house and a luxury car everything oh my gosh of course I'm gonna accept I hope you succeed honey it could really help a family right now so I have to make my neighbor smile that's easy she's my friend hey Amara why did you take so long to get ready I've been waiting for an hour because I knew you'd wait for me very funny yes thank you so much for smiling I managed to finish my first challenge of making people smile that was a sarcastic smile but you're welcome make my brother smile let me find him he's probably around the school somewhere has anyone seen my brother hey sis I'm getting married today yo what but you're still young I'll smile if you promise not to tell Mom if he smiles I can become a millionaire okay I promise yes I'm getting married Amara your grades are always low sir I'm trying my best you're the student I hate the most I promise I'm gonna study so hard and get a start on my next exam that's impossible yes at least I could make him smile I had you trying to compete the challenge just to let you know I only have one more person and I'll win I can't let her win I have to hurry up and make two more people smile mom I'm home how's the challenge going I've already made three people smile and now I have to make you smile of course I'll make it easy for you yay thanks Mom now I only have to make one more person smile I hope the last person is someone close to me Grandpa Mom we have to go to his house okay follow me with pleasure um Mom where's his house it's right here why is there a tombstone here uh because your grandpa likes to leave it here so no one goes to visit him I thought this was his grave I was shocked makes sense come on in yes I can't wait to make Grandpa smile by the way where is he it looks like the house is empty oh he's out he'll be back soon in that case I'm gonna go to his room no don't okay well if he's gonna take long I'm just gonna go out for a walk okay but make sure you don't touch any of his stuff okay take care of yourself don't forget to eat shower and go to school why are you saying it like I'm never gonna see you again I'm just gonna go out for a walk no reason hey are you from this neighborhood um no I'm just here to visit my grandpa he lives in that house oh you have to be very careful with that guy he never smiles to anyone and he looks a bit creepy no offense mom is Grandpa here mom why is she unconscious that's what it took to make me smile I hope it's worth it but Grandpa why did you do this I see you picked out some flowers from my garden um I have to go sir I've done all my challenges I made five people smile me too sir I've done my challenges too both of you finish at the same time no I did Fast no I did please sir I sacrificed my mom for this reward and I sacrificed my brother alright then we'll be doing a second round what second round yeah this time you have to make one person smile okay the important thing is that you have to be quick the person that you have to make smile will be visible now yes that that's easy thank you sir why do you look worse I haven't seen my dad since I was six if that's the case this reward will be mine but that doesn't mean I can't finish this challenge okay good luck where can I find my dads if I'm not mistaken he still lives with my sister so I'm just gonna have to go to her house what are you doing here weren't you ban to come here by Mom 's not here anymore so I'm free now where's that I have to make him smile actually that is come on this is an important matter he has to see me but sis get out of my way dad why is his body so stiff ever since he's separate from Mom he's been like that you should have told us why aren't you taking him to the hospital I searched everywhere but it turned out he can be treated so I gave him no way anyway we have to find a solution I have to make him smile sir I need your help is there anyone that can help me treat my dad what disease does he have unfortunately I don't know but his body is really stiff you can go to that house over there but that's my grandpa's house but you have to remember that place is very dangerous Grandpa please help me heal my dad I have nothing to do with your family and I have no cure what about the flowers on your Tombstone turns out you're a smart kid those flowers can cure all diseases then can I just have one please sure but remember every time you pick a flower you have to sacrifice one I sacrificed my mom earlier can I just have one flower it doesn't work like that now whose life do you want to sacrifice I'll sacrifice myself for my dad all right Amara pick a flower I sacrificed my mom and my sister for this reward hi I'm done I made my dad smile it was super easy what we'll wait for you to finish and then announce the result even though I didn't win I still have to complete the challenge let's hope this flower will help you on my dad [Music] hi Dad please drink this boiled water your Maura my daughter I can't believe you're here after all these years where's your sister she's always here when I'm sick she sacrificed herself to save you what you can't come back here unless you bring your sister back now I have to live alone and I didn't even win the rewards quickly give me my reward sir the one who deserved this reward is Amara what but I made my dad smile first seriously sir yes we don't judge on who is the fastest but who put in the most effort your reward will be in this box please take it to your new house whoa this house is so big but unfortunately I'm gonna have to live here alone there's guests I wanted to deliver the rest of your reward to you why did you even bother coming here you could have just sent it by post because honey you did it I'm so proud of you sis now that is no longer sick and we're rich how are you guys still alive and that's here too [Music] okay I hope I get a rich family Mafia I don't wanna Mafia Family hey Amara hey why'd you look so shocked you usually wear very simple clothes to school why do you look so luxurious because my family are rich they own so many companies I got the option to have a rich family today and I accept it today I have to get a family richer than all my friends ew I don't want an ordinary family that's boring they have to be rich Amara why don't you have a family because I declined it I'm sure I'll get a rich family soon oh my gosh don't you know that we're only given three family options you could become homeless and end up sleeping under a bridge under a bridge yes okay this is the last time I get an option so please give me a rich family okay this is the last time I get an option so please give me a rich family huh royal family but isn't the kingdom only entails anyways it's better than not having a family finally you have a family yes I don't want to live under a bridge because I don't have a family what is your family my family lives at the palace if that's the case you should find the palace and go live with them excuse me sir do you know the address of the royal family why there's only one royal family and someone already got royal family so you're lying I'm not lying okay prove it here's the address to the Palace look at that girl claiming to be a royal didn't the other blonde girl also say the royal family was her family how could two people get royal family okay I'm here at the address why is there no one to open the door him what do you need I'm here to be with my family you have the wrong address no I have the right address this is the palace nope sorry I have to find a way to get in through the back we can't believe it we finally got to meet our new daughter excuse me your majesties who are you she's lying to you both she didn't get royal family I did no I'm not she is silence we're gonna have to check which one of you is lying all your family is on public I already did me too see I wasn't lying uh neither was she wait what
Channel: Jenny EATING
Views: 957,901
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GV3F5nIeOx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 14sec (1874 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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