WORLDS HARDEST QUIZ VS my Friends (Emojis)

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all right guys ready sunday dabs number three can you guess the emoji this time we got sigils and biffles i'm pointing at whichever corner you are but i don't know all right so we're gonna go through this whoever gets how this works we'll go through this first we already know the answer to this first one check this out look okay so look at that wait we get emojis and in the bottom right these emojis come out to a country we already know the answer but what's wrong with you no no it's north carolina it's mike music up four so mike wazowski yes what is wrong okay we're gonna do a competition whoever can get get each one of these uh puzzles right gets a point by the end of the uh the the thing the winner gets a free hug yes in this economy this one is literally music with a mic sing poor singapore you literally said yeah all right you guys ready to play guys listen before we start this listen you see the up button that's blue did you know that if you hit the like button it'll turn blue question question what are you doing hi i'm raising my hand now you can't see my hand okay what yeah it turns gray now no it's still blue guys trust me if you hit the subscribe button it'll turn turquoise all right let's go next one here we go whoever gets it right okay medicine kiss medicine kiss [Laughter] pill pilkis philippine philippines the philippines is the philippines is it [Applause] my girlfriend's half filipino all right so you guys get how we're sorry biffle has a point russell put like points on our ears you gotta show your nails all right ready next time okay there's also a country you plus ukraine ukraine ukraine ukraine finished saying what it was that you can see it don't even you don't know what i can say um i think it's ukraine um what do you think bible what do you think i think i i think it's uh crane you that's all i got this is also a country yeah give me that boy ukraine are you kidding me i got up there okay right i get singapore you guys ready for the next one yeah i'm ready for the next one look in the bottom right oh it's a movie baby glasses lightning okay wizard wizard witch harry potter no oh my yes wait wait is it oh there's no way yeah with the glasses and then he has that little lightning bolt on his head okay so we're not spelling them anymore okay good to know good to know it's an emoji chris you don't know what you're gonna get the rules change dude this is ridiculous is it is it is it did i get it did i get it did i get it did i get it did i get it yeah it's got to be hard question question question if somebody can answer if somebody is a potter they make pots right why are they hairy you can't just can i leave this video can i just go that's just not enough muscle make me leaving come back why are you like this are you guys ready for the next one you got it oh another movie oh okay okay lightning man hammer lightning thor's hammer's hammer no the drone thor's hammer dark world flash flash avengers 2 you guys already okay i don't know so i said thor's hammer you said thor and you said flash sigil said flash all right let's see who it is thor crap for god no it's fair i'm thor dad i should get it no you're not you're just the one all right you guys ready for the next one all right this one is a movie boy chocolate factory thank you chocolate factory yes all right before i give you a point let's see if that's what it is charlie and the chocolate fact he didn't say factory right he said yeah he said factories okay corey i don't want to hear it you get a point all right so that's supposed to the bottom right bottom right bottom right right you're ready oh brand um um black white black white cookie black white black white cookie oreos black white black white right black white black cookie what it's oreos is it is that oreos are a cookie that's got a white center with two black oh my gosh he's not wrong that's oreos yeah that's a hundred percent brand oh yeah it's like okay okay okay let's see if it's oreo dang it yeah whatever dude you saw it you probably kicked it in there all right 2v2 all right here we go okay brand okay there's another brand red cow red bull red bull red bull red bull red bull energy drinks fast enough i had it oh yeah i had it too why aren't you yelling because i'm nervous no you didn't have it you're lying you were lying i can't even see half the colors on the screen it's a red one it's a red and a ball that's not yeah you know it's fun you didn't say it you didn't say it you didn't wait you didn't say it let's go all right here we go red bull there it is oh crap i didn't say the explanation point though oh yeah yeah all right let's keep going let's keep going what is the next one brand okay another brand blue cheese blue cheese blue cheese cheese blue cheese cheese no wait no why didn't you get the cheese so quickly because he's cheesing say cheese i don't i don't know no he's not probably he's probably not wrong blue and smile it's be cheese it's blue cheese blue smile blue blue face blue teeth blue teeth face group oh you know oh the blue man group no way blue med group it's either blue cheese or blue man group i'm going with i'm going with glitches i'm going with the colgate blue toothpaste can we can we kick him out russell just put a boot and then kick him out yeah kick him back no all right here we go okay blue cheese go for it bluetooth oh dumb blue man i don't know dude that would have been so good for blue cheese though no it wouldn't have been cheese what do you say whenever you're in front of a camera you go cheese and everybody goes it's true what's it say in the bottom right brand blue cheese is a brand it's not a brand i'll prove it look blue cheese is here there it is they're flavored that's a brand no that's brand it's bushy no it's blue dude that was so good the teeth were shut all right all right let's keep going what is this next one oh oh the like button like button i said it first like button hit like button do it right now do it guys if this is like button you got to hit that like button i don't make the rules people tell them oh my god can can i ask that he not do that i'm old and very frail yeah we know you are you little boomer okay let's get okay is this is it lightning rain umbrella under my umbrella it's look lightning rain umbrella look like uh looks like rain looks like no because why would a lightning bolt be there okay it's a saying like like let's tie your shoe or you'll step in poo you know that saying it's like that no one's ever said that before no i don't i don't i don't even know how to talk about shoes i'll be honest with you lightning rain umbrella looks like rain that's my thing it's like rain eyes eye eye lightning eye lightning i see you pee no no no no no no no no no no that's not it nope degenerate okay sorry look lightning rain umbrella look lightning later but you know you guys know what that is the same lighting all right look lightning round an umbrella hey guys lightning rain umbrella you know what i mean you're just walking to your friends hey listen are you look lightning umbrella oh sorry are you look like um do you know it sigils i tell you it looks like rain there's no way looks like rain i am this is my storm okay well you guys weren't close either we you guys know what the eye of this storm is like when a hurricane let me show him eye of the storm there we go look i have the storm right hold on not the eye of the tiger yeah like the eye of the storm of a hurricane the giant death ball of doom yeah that's the eye of the storm dang it we suck nobody we're not getting this good all right let's go i'm very good at this saying uh a time to knife time to cut two nights time to kill a time to kill dang it i think he's right oh he is wow a time to kill this guy reads a time tonight okay he's going with time to kill i'm gonna go with a time o'clock to stab the clock to stab because we need time or is it it's stabbing time oh no then the knife would be in place of this yeah i think schedules to go with the stability uh it's the time to kill the time to kill final answer bob all right i'm going with it it's a time to slice that's gonna be it what are you saying before what are you so smart i'm saying it's uh it's time to hit the like button you know what before one just give him a point yeah yeah he has a point a time dude we're all tied three to three to three i love it i love it i'm gonna guys ready for the next one yeah yeah right for the next one let's do it i'm saying another saying i look at points the man with the money the money follow the money follow the money i see follow the man with the money follow the man with the money no no i money i see money i i'm going follow the money find the man with the money fight look for my i look for the man with the money watch the money but there's a money bag in a and a money so yeah okay okay so what follow watch where the money goes but there's a man what's the man have to do with it taking the money but for a while for what playstations that's what you're supposed to watch man look at the man follow the man with the money look at the man with the money i'm going with look at the man with the money follow the money man yeah the classic saying look at the man with the money yeah can't tell you how many times i've said that hey if i had a nickel every day [Music] i'm gonna say look at the man with the money what are you saying bible i'm uh i uh monopoly man okay all right all right what are you saying what are you saying i'm saying follow the money follow the money look at the man with the money show me the money oh my god we are absolute phone blog phone blood phone phone syringe phone syringe phone stab phone call call blood call call blood complaint telephone telephone blood telephone blood it's oh shot phone shot phone shot scissors onto something telephone shot shot telephone call me on the shot phone shot caller oh shot caller all right it's a shot caller that's would have been first though dang it okay oh you know what phone i'm still going with it though phone shot phone stand i feel very stupid yeah i do too phone blood phone i'm going with collar shot call your shot no crap right i'm on shot caller but i think he's right put the light bulb here if i get it actually put it down if i'm wrong dim the light bulb ready yeah damn it are you kidding me are you kidding me bro so you said shotgun i said call in the shots right dude those are good yeah those are good all right that's full that's how many more do we got these are hard man these are really tough all right next one ready three two one movie um uh uh uh yeah home alone god that is home alone it's got the little [Music] yeah rock paper scissors all right you guys dude these are good listen the guy that made this his name is oscar um yeah it's pretty much is he wild or no oscar beat wylan all right let's keep going what is this saying car fart devil car farts on the devil speed i can't speed demon yeah that's definitely in a hundred percent signal's coming in right now dude i gonna lose okay i'm gonna go you're saying speed demon i'm going with car fart devil obviously yeah obviously you know that's saying you walk up to your friends hey did you drive your car fart devil today oh sonny of course i caught fire devils today of course i mean you two are fart devils so that checks out speed demon son of a mouth all right you know what if you win remember we all hug you okay yeah you get up i suddenly don't know any more phrases or things yeah yeah all right the next one let's do it uh shrapnel forest guppy run for scruffy no i said run forrest gump oh [Laughter] life's like a box of chocolate chocolates you never know which one tastes like shrimp oh yeah yeah bubble gum shrimp factory foot dude all right bible's got five sizzle's got five i got four let's keep going but it's moving okay here we go here we go here we go forrest flump yo what movie casper casper the friendly no there's a horse why is there a horse why is there a horse ghost man horse ghost man horse ghost man beer pig uh ghost man horse ghost horse man ghost ghostman horse ghost horse okay ghost man it's a movie it's a movie man ghostbusters no there's a horse there's a horse there's a horse the horse of course i said casper i don't know many horse movies why am i dumb why is there a horse how many horse movies are there ghosts of tsushima oh that's what what is that are you a weeb are you weeping out right now i'm going with gasps i'm going with casper wait there's no way it's casual what's oscar is a lit boy he's not a weeb okay how many horse movies are there i don't know what's the favorite what's oh my spirit it's gonna be spirit i'm saying casper what are you saying name spirit uh sinbad the racehorse all right all right i'm saying casper oh my god guys we need to we need to we need to take a pause with the video i think we're i think we are actually stupid we are stupid russell for legal reasons can you not show this one [Laughter] we are so dumb yep don't we hit a whole nother low iq all right let's keep going what do we got company snapchat son of a piece of poop in my foot can call me stupid can you can hear the wheels like cog wheeling at his head all right you win now all right next one what do we got next one what is it object keyboard uh i mean there's a plug lightning electric piano no electric it's an object i said keyboard keyboard or is it is a wait but there's a electric keyboard is that is that it i haven't i uh a keyboard i'm going with electric keyboard scissors you're going with electric piano yeah i already know it's like a computer keyboard no no like a keyboard like a like a music keyboard i'm going i'm going with keyboard aren't we saying the same thing no no electric pianos i mean if it says electric keyboard i win if it says electric piano you win and if it says keyboard i win yeah i all right you guys ready for the next one oh yeah all right let's do this continue what is this uh subscribe subscribe subscribe serious that's why he has almost 15 million subs he recognizes subscribe dude guys if you can hit that subscribe button with a pen it'll be neater no don't do that you might break your phone yeah don't break that ah subscribe damn on your damn do you have a life what do you do all day i read books nerds [Music] angry birds did you say flappy bird i said flappy bird i said birds who said angry birds i said angry birds who else said angry birds just biffle i said flappy bird you and i said i said it first i said it first i said it first i said it better okay okay let's rock paper scissors all right all right rock paper scissors i win because i said it first okay here we go flappy bird come on i hate it here i said it first russell espn that flappy bird no don't do that russell give me 10 or sigil skipped it not it all right there's the next one here we go saying uh car explosion car man car explosion car car explode get to the van man get to the van uh oh uh cool guys don't look at explosions no no no i can't believe it that can't be looking at the explosion car explosion van that's a jeep car car splode jeep car dm carpet dm is that a thing no i don't think that's it i don't does it either i think i think i'm wrong what is this saying i don't know there's a man running a car car explode jeep run don't play in traffic oh i mean that's not a bad one it's not a bad one that's not bad at all actually um we're so we got we didn't get ghost rider earlier there's no way we're getting yeah i don't know all right don't play in traffic sigils are you right hit him we're dumb dang that's such a good one guys if you ever get in a car accident don't hit and run just you know if you know it's illegal it's illegal and you you might get re-rested you don't want to get re-arrested it's like eating s'mores and you haven't had more yet you know all right let's keep going game uh sunflowers plants versus zock are you kidding me that's not even a zombie that's a skeleton yeah that's literally improvised and overcome boy okay let's see if he's right is he right that's a game of course he's right plant versus you have nine points you need to get a life go outside i need to win more sunday videos you need more vitamin d all right let's do it let's do let's see the next one next one next minute that's what we got let's do it saying time nighttime snack nighttime snack midnight snack because that's all you eat ian literally is a midnight snack sorry i like to eat my burgers in bed it's weird it's a little weird all right is it a nighttime do you guys have any guesses no it's midnight alien oh gosh dang you know what you know what you know what you know what create something up there can i can i have a can i have a mulligan can we have a mulligan on this one no you took flappy birds from me so no i did it [Laughter] food it's a british flag with fish and french fries sorry i don't i literally don't want to go i want some fish and treats and john crappies is that is that is that a college degree by yeah well why would they call it two look where they are together okay all right you ready for the next one freaking city hey hey hey russell can you mute the sigils real quick do you need them yes all right let's keep going if you want saying uh boat how do you go from the best to the worst instantly okay okay almond noodles love you're an idiot yeah that's not a saying no i think that is it i i pray love is not a saying i don't know from like uh like a story about it it's not a movie it's a saying yeah but that was her catchphrase well she's an idiot you can't say that sorry i get it i get talked about what i'm losing yeah me too okay noodle pray heart noodle pray love noodle noodle noodle yeah i don't know chop pray chop praise heart yeah chop praise hard yeah all right what is it eat i can't believe you're an idiot you're an actual how do you know that you need a life please go get a wife and a wife right now get out of here oh my god go outside you need to go outside no wonder his knees are so weak he doesn't go outside exactly all right let's keep going thanks for playing are you kidding me what so uh sigils yeah bevel yeah with me and biffle score combined we have 12. oh yeah sigil score alone he has big brain i got the big brain gosh dang it you need them guys hit the like button if you want us to do this again hit the subscribe button for new around here click this next video to watch the next video gosh dang sizzles we'll see you dudes next time
Channel: SSundee
Views: 8,027,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bUJvyOvBJeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 21sec (1461 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 11 2020
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