Can We SOLVE The RIDDLES? in Fortnite

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so dudes real quick before this video starts do me a favor hit the subscribe button to join the Sun squad their daily uploads also do me favor go check out mixer on side I think as youtube channel i'll link that this map is insane really well made some awesome questions hope you guys enjoy welcome to the riddle maze work your way through numerous levels narrated by yours truly ah it makes truly a mixer one side death what that's it that's his name that's his name oh okay before we begin I just need to set some ground rules okay all right homie what you got for us rule 1 : the narrator shall speak in gold whilst you peasants speak and shone white you're a peasant not me I'm I'm royalty wait no no this is you guys picking gold I don't see gold come on your breath sorry wait what do you want about I don't speak not a pip I'm not a pleasant Clark rule number 2 : no respawning it defeats the purpose of the map and leaves many secrets hidden oh so I hid that sheet the respawn button no rule number 2 you don't rule number 3 try to avoid completing each level using trial and error okay so instead of like running through death you try to do it not death number four avoid searching for answers online makes this whole map pointless Hank Danny got it alright r105 do not pick ax the signs they will break and are not cheap you'll pay for them and that's often ok which is faster neither cold or hot I'm gonna go okay I think that's so fast so fast it's cold as hot right so whenever you get cold you slow down I know whatever my fingers cold I can really tie fast on the computer so you slow down whenever I get hot I sweat a lot and I slip off things and I go fast think about this yeah I think it's hot too cuz water if it's cold correct you can easily catch a cold the first level is always the easiest 16-12 r-25 you might want to remember craft remember that okay amber remember to remember that remember that the next one excellence ticket you know let's write that down let's write that down yeah that's GT sixteen okay okay yeah we can't write it down he said to remember it okay the next one's a little trickier you may as well enjoy the easy ones while you can the more you take oh okay this is the next one the more you take the more you leave behind what am i the more you take footsteps food crumbs and time happy time right so the more seconds you take the more seconds you leave behind you're walking in my carpet you can't see if what's that's like oh yeah what if you're walking on concrete you don't leave concrete concrete makes much more sense of carpet a roller yeah what if you're legless Oh food crumbs so whatever you don't you know I don't you don't always leave food comes behind yeah man what if you eat all through crumbs all right so then it's either it's either time or footsteps I'm going with time I'm gonna time every second you take you leave one behind it's not a foot though you know it's oh yeah well I'm going to I'm going time yeah look this is just a filler answer that sounds right but it's actually wrong get used to it lull that and you don't take time so it was foot I was right it was foot wait is it foot I don't know what steps okay this is how it has to be right let's see good choice you don't take and you don't you don't take time and you don't make food crumbs okay that riddle wasn't hard but I know you got it wrong at least once wait no I didn't what how he know he knew he's telling pathetic I know I do as a creator it is very important that I solve each riddle myself first okay however as the narrator I know all the answers and I won't help you what's this a I'm not sneaking up to put a pop here maybe later okay I tried to jump I did he put a path maybe he did put a path here nope you didn't crap I'm sure you're a smart cookie though okay yeah but I'm smarter Wow I one side daddy what's wrong with you okay next level are you read this when I'm tired to read my foot hurts forwards I'm heavy backwards I'm not what am i forwarding kilograms time time for words I'm heavy back ever read ton backwards not this is is it not clicking for you yet forwards I'm heavy backwards I'm not Oh [Laughter] congratulations you're not a disappointment amber you were literal I'm not I have nothing I have no words for you turn backwards is not oh my god although that was expected ah the first two levels are easy mode ah nice try buddy I said later oh okay so he will put something behind us I get it now we get into tough levels hope you have hope you have pen and paper you'll need it ooh writes his name the word spelt incorrectly and every dictionary name the word spelt incorrectly in everyone over door yeah I think so the word supercalifragilistic supercalifragilistic speed is that actually a word there's no way that's a word that's yeah it actually means like awesome or writers like that also it means me okay misspelled but with this and so we're naming incorrectly rightfully so then that's the answer it up there it has to be I'm going in trick question trick question not sorry you should expect this kind of stuff don't you wink at me don't you weak at me can't see nothing else yeah we can't we can't see short intermission gotta find some way to make this map reach the featured page I'm pretty sure it actually did good to get a job mixer once I dad sure is gonna be embarrassing if it doesn't but hey in case it does I'm a plug my code code mixer one side daph alright on side why am I saying one side so there's you you heard it here you got to use this code mixer on side daph go use it go use it what an awful code I'm only 18 though so got to start making cash somehow my god oh well on to the next question pen and paper okay I need a piece of mail crap hold on oh I have an orange pen amber I have an orange pen you found an orange again yep I got a pin is it named bin hold on no it's not named Ben hold on I'm gonna I'm gonna leave the viewers a subliminal message what is they also make it work hi so next question next question when the day after tomorrow is yesterday today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow what day is after today I'll come when the day before yesterday was tomorrow what day is after today what days after today after today's tomorrow Oh tomorrow right there it's gotta be Hey look you guessed another filled answer filler answer wait did we get it I don't I don't we didn't get it we gonna use your brain okay all right so it's stay in here so the furthest day from Wednesday would be June is actually Wednesday is exactly in the middle so Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday what I so I made my decision so looking at the look at the calendar right now so with Saturday I you know what there's a quest there's an option up here I don't know exit is this way all right yeah we don't I don't know sure go on ahead to the next level this way please it's safe when the day after tomorrow is yesterday today will be as far from Wednesday as today was from Wednesday when the day before yesterday was tomorrow literally what on side deaf I hope you stub your toe I'm guessing Sunday I'm guessing Sunday going Sunday wait now you're gonna Friday that's Friday okay got it a trip I trip okay Sunday it's gotta be Sunday has to be Sunday map creation update I've made too many signs and I'm nowhere near complete I hope the players don't think I have too much time on my hands oh my god Saturday so after much delay ssin your prey heard that budget yep we're going with Thursday that one was an easy one what took so long but you didn't think I'd used the same door twice hehehe well in case you didn't figure out the answer yourself I doubt you did here you go you break the question up to Salford the today in each line in the first today you should have found that the day after tomorrow is equivalent to yesterday therefore tomorrow is one day away from today in two days is the day after tomorrow but because the day after tomorrow is yesterday that means today is three days from today answer we also know that today takes place when the day before yesterday will refer is that smart following today can be ejected but today's one day away from ants the day before Jason the third days went more minutes was Thursday it hurts ever it hurt turn me on my side and I am everything Oh another one okay wait turn me on my side and I am everything cut me in half and I amount to nothing what am i a number a word no turn me on my side and I am everything cut me in half and I amount to nothing a so if you cut a word in half dude this is tough dude so if you cut a word in half it equals to nothing but if you cut a number in half it's half of that number so that can't be right but a word if you cut a word in half it's nothing well whatever you okay wise guy what word oh nothing I mean so if you cut nothing in half you have nothing if you cut infinite in half you have infant and night is it nighttime mmm it could be nighttime not if you cut nothing in half you have not nothing are you surprised this led to nothing turn me on my side and I have everything cut me in half and I amount to nothing what am i a number Alison I use no other number yeah okay pal what number is it then Oh oh gosh I don't know let's see here oh wait turn me on my side I am everything infinite infinite if you turn it it on its side its infinite if you cut it in half its zero oh dude we're genius that's so good because you guys that don't know what I got I got a poem a picture yeah look there's the infinite sign right infinite yeah and if you cut it eight in half it's a zero and also subscribe at this point and think of the SUBSCRIBE thing of my favorite see what ok ok see was it that hard to give me the right answer oh gosh eight on its side is infinity is everything and infinity sliced in half crates two zeroes amounts to nothing oh well you're in for a treat with this one oh no a treat are we dogs don't bark ruff welcome back wait where did we go oh 16 6 68 88 question mark 98 what is the missing number 165 we had a remember I remember 16 to 5 we gotta remember it that was 16 - 5 yep remember we had way I remember that remember excuse me no no this is like you see how they wait no the numbers aren't getting bigger so I mean if you divide 6 I don't know 91 okay so hear me out okay 91 listening listening listening okay 91 why do you want 91 cuz it's between 88 and 98 I'm down let's do it let's do it 91 okay this one it's in between 88 98 ah always a sign easy that number is already up there you goof what wait what hat winky face oh gosh oh there there well yeah he did say 91 was up there yeah look at 16 what about 16 if you flip 16 upside down then it's 91 and then if you flip 0 6 upside down then it's 90 89 88 87 87 87 oh my gosh so that's what he means by those already oh this is this right hashtag repeat I'm so lazy for using the same door again loll when you flip those numbers upside down amber you are a genius amber you figured that out everybody go to Amber's video hit that like button how genius I totally meant that you guys subscribe to am brew for being a genius okay okay you're getting closer to the end which means it's almost time to say goodbye thank God I can't wait to get rid of you wow what friends sure this whole time I could just sense your judgment on my signs not being placed evenly honestly brings a tear to my eye you have no idea how many signs I've had to place and it doesn't help that I've had to type these on cons he had to type all these out with a controller ooh amber why you don't go that way I have to worry about spelling errors correct grammar and punctuation oh well seeing you struggle makes up for it I designed this level specifically with that in mind so enjoy Oh God no there are 33 doors and one exit start in door 3 no or 3 well what was this behind it - although if you follow the hint this will be much quicker up to you love hold on since you'll love trial and error so much I made you this I don't like trial and error yeah I mean wait there are 33 doors and one exit with number 1 where's number 1 I'm going to number 1 3 if this is right 4000 IQ if this is right you guys have to Google me every single day of your life okay number 1 assuming you'd followed the riddle so far good job I had to remove this puzzle and I'm too lazy to think up of a new one so he have a freebie go to door 15 Oh door 15 oh wait will you go down again we have to wait we have to die to death oh so did we go to the right room I said door 15 yeah okay 50s right now I'm going to 15 okay we go the last puzzle is a sentence unscrambler the final door will be revealed with your answer you're welcome so why don't we remember 16 2 & 5 remember those you might watch it sixteen two and five remember we are roughing beginning sixteen two plus five wait 16 plus 2 plus 5 16 plus 16 plus 5 is 21 1823 plus 2 is 3 so 23 door 23 it's gotta be it has to be amber if this is wrong I'm firing you why but if you don't want me fired down bottom left bottom let 20 okay so it's said to go to 20 okay okay solve the rest of the puzzle silly what are you wait wait whats 9+10 plan I tried all right yeah that's that's the that's the that's the clue for this one is it okay I'm gonna look at 16 okay sick I'm cheating I'm not even going in I'm just reading the sign 16 says third okay like 33rd hold on Oh number door door - says t30 Oh what'll we go look at five let me go look at five okay 31 oh what's five say - 32 32 32 says your next door is the number of numbered doors - 33 OH - 33 see isn't that more fun than cheating huh so zero because there's 33 doors - 33 is zero but there is no zero what's 30 well at least you get to see more of the map with these failed attempts maybe it's 21 it's gotta be 21 right Nadel this will test your memory in one of the temple levels there were three numbers on a sign those are the doors you need to enter to progress we already did that 1632 yeah they said 32 we went in those yes I'm gonna go in to okay let's go in to tea oh there's a door down here at tea no point should check 16 then there was no door 16 oh I went in look I'm sure you love snooping fall into the trap pit but you got to stop now I just want to publish the map but I can't because people like you exist so I have to make all these signs which takes hours of counsel especially Xbox war what I am roof well but seriously it gets us nowhere don't know how many times you got to make me repeat myself so stop I'm a full time University student I don't have time to do this now fall into the trap pit and do the level what do you made of doing the level one utility late home so after all of that all of that rabbit hole amber decided to come back to this oil was this one 15 number 15 yeah and then what he did is he went by every door your doors are here he went to every single one of these doors and wrote the number down like hold on I go to 33 33 has a single word of door he wrote down every single one of those numbers on that 15 and put it in the word and remember a set us an unscramble right check this out so 33 says door 10 says leave 20 door 26 says to door 8 says number all of these words were scrambled and it says this the corrected door to leave is number 22 door we have scrambled up they were in order we had to figure out the sentence so if we run over to door 22 hold on going in hi oh let's just say you made it here legitimately I'm gonna be so mad if you did well you just died out got it nailed it okay ouch bet that one stung no your foot your foot stuck that's what happens when you cheat but I didn't cheat but I'm still not sorry if you didn't oh you're a turd if you run out of space I've ran out of space on this to fill this corridor with sign so I'll see you next level enjoy your break for me oh also oh we ran out of space me again that was a lie past past me was too lazy so present me has decided to be slightly less lazy and spread these signs out all right with some basic text written to make it look like I put more effort in than I actually did oh we're at the next level already what is he talking about - I have okay so we're on the next one I have cities but no houses mountains but no trees and water but no fish what am i a map I honestly can't think of any more answers so have a freebee I told you this was wrong you should have listened to me adios what wait what are you going I love it what are we supposed I don't unders whatever we're gonna win we're Mike wood oh my way to the tip away yeah we're [Music] getting every why are we here and we still landed on a respawn pan so wait do we have to mixer who hurt you as a child I hope on side death I hope you step on a Lego I hope whenever you wake up you'll land on a leg I hope you have a Lego home he stuffs his toe at the same time oh gosh so what happens if we take a map oh gosh I didn't see this afternoon you're lucky I was feeling generous the wrong answer here reap serious consequence to choose wisely what has teeth but cannot eat a baby a COO a comb I'm going home that's right a comb doesn't eat high-risk high-reward if I say everything I tell you is a lie what am i telling you what am i telling you you're telling me the truth because you're telling me I'm going to lie your decisions hurt me sometime no no no I don't want to go back to the beginning no you can't make me no you can't make me no I don't wanna you can't make me ever ever statement Andrew saved me amber saved me you saw nothing do not tell on sight death nothing are we choosing lion yeah we're going lie so a true that's not right a lie is right okay I is right yeah I shouldn't listen to me either what the question was a paradox however I cannot be telling you the truth because then everything I tell you is a lie and if I'm telling the truth about that it is a still alive because everything I tell you is a lie hope your head doesn't hurt that's it if you're at a dark room it's completely empty with nothing in it no windows or doors how do you escape break out you didn't state what the room was made of stop imagining oh then how did you get that door Truman I want to be imagination I'm gonna get a room with no doors or windows oh stop imagining Ambro amber you're so smart you go first they started the riddle imagine you got it right oh my gosh I literally said the start of the riddle imagine you're a genius dude hey matt is going to a party and meets a man with seven wives each wife has seven bags each bag has seven cats each cat has seven kittens each kit nests seven toys how many people are questions going to a party and meets a man with seven wives a man is going to a party that's one and meets a man - with seven wives nine one wait what this is what already at the party Oh a man is going to the party okay going I only ever said one person was going to the fanger you are a genius rookie you wet you well and truly surpassed my expectations which of course weren't very high you can have a promotion for that no thank you from peasant I hereby Knight you to average we're not done yet there is still one more level oh gosh last one how exciting I can hear your side through the screen it fills me with joy that's it and as this is the most important level I will cry if you get it wrong look oh oh oh checkpoint oh okay checkpoint I could breathe who's supported crater are you going to use mixture on side deaf who is this no that says Sunday xD Russell Russell you know what to do I said Sunday XD o Musa Sunday XD yay anyways you're done ciao no he did it that was a good Matt mixture on side death balance good guys listen we're gonna end this here if your brain is melted hit the like button down below also hit the subscribe button either of our channels hit that little bell that was insane Ambra my brain I gotta go not think for my life I'm just not gonna look at anything [Music]
Channel: SSundee
Views: 6,389,454
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ssundee, sunde, sundee, Fortnite, Fortnite Battle Royale, Fortnite Creative, Fortnite march madness, march madness, Fortnite creative game mode, Fortnite trivia, fortnite guess, fortnite guess the trivia, fortnite questions, Fortnite trivia game
Id: CMsLeIvHp3A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 58sec (1678 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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