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you pick on 30 seconds if you moved on five spaces a hundred brownies welcome back to another in speakable video today we're playing a giant game board and well we all have our little characters for this game board of the chicken Gabe is going to be a jar of mayonnaise what are you again my cockroach a little elastic cockroach it's not alive I promise this game is pretty simple we have tons of spaces now all the spaces are different colors each color means something so we have yellow blue green and red now if you land on yellow or blue you're safe nothing happens there's also presents scattered out so there's some secrets in there as well you don't mind a try I mean I can take over yeah if you land on green you spin the good mystery wheel right here and it's full of good things so you know it's like move forward one space or get a hundred bucks now if you land on red you've got to spend the bad mystery wheel and it's not gonna be fun so we have this giant dice here that's how I got that was a nice contact yes we have a sheister it determines how far you go so if I you want to roll you have a throw so you got to so it says that the start yeah yeah whoa hold on yeah you're right there okay the mayonnaise is there now it's my turn to roll the dice one two three four five Oh I landed on the red the only red the only red which music I spin the back wheel ah here we are okay so this wheel is full of a lot of bad things like move back three spaces lose your next turn restart the entire game switch places with the player behind you it's gonna be fun here we go come on please don't give me something too bad oh yay you've got egg on my sock [Applause] gave mr. mayonnaise that's right now I am in the lead so give up that got that trick three it's a cockroach that's a guy man he can't die alright well then like Gabe laying it on the red and it came up the egg this next moves your next turn okay it's not bad it's plenty of time at least you don't have to smash an egg on your head all right let's see what you get here oh you lost something [Music] I'm not complaining one two three I'm safe for now oh and also guys did I mention that the loser of this game has to pay $10,000 wait what yeah no yep you're already in the game you can't quit to sell my car so basically if you get first place or second place you're good but the objective of this game is you don't want to lose your turn to spin here we go move back five spaces I mean that's better than Oh I guess just for this word without all of my plan I mean he did land on the ground yeah watch them get moved forwards by a bridge okay so this is your prize you get one unspeakable harmonica you're blowing on it I'll give you a different one be another color you'll get this you get the slap bracelet man you get the pizza or I mean a pin sorry there's there's like ton of different colors in here pretty cool and you also get some chapstick just in case you chaps get stick lips what no you were wrong again this is just your game man I'm still in front of all you guys [Applause] know you think you're go I'm in the lead now oh my god oh hey I'm a kiss the six it's good luck it's not a one I'm not complaining Oh one two three I'm on the ring duct-tape mouth from three rounds I'm glad I shaved yesterday so it's off you get duct tape on your mouth oh yeah [Music] so James move back five spaces and he laid it on a green again [Applause] [Music] switch places with player in front but I'm in front so what do we do nothing okay it's been three rounds oh my god I definitely ripped off some hair I definitely miss some spots with my shave [Music] that means you might make it down the death is kind of like the death path because it's a bunch of Reds but it's also a bunch of greens there you go you're safe I want you man I mean yes one two three four five six lose my next turn okay you know what honestly I'm cool with that one two why that what whoa it's been a while since I've been in third grade but that doesn't seem right what do you mean why you said oh yeah free merch almost had it a huge places with someone in front of oh no I wanna marry Mertz I'm gonna pick Nathan back [Music] the way that mystery presents work is you only get them if you land on them didn't land on it so you don't get it I would have taken a won again something bad on me no there's nothing battling here this is a green wheel move forward five spaces one two three four roll again it's pretty good a hundred brownies all right James on delivery here are your 100 rounds there you go can I have one no you got mine you got land on green what's the pen how's that brownie amazing that's her one year old browning really that's our one brownie roll again Oh move back three spaces okay why is your cockroach eating a brownie everyone gets a brownie two three four five landed on the present you're lucky all right let's see what's inside are you gonna open it oh wait oh oh wait cheese balls inside no that's not cheese balls was that she's okay oh I think I broke yeah we got cheese balls we got cheese boss okay I mean at least you're safe right I mean last time I saw this thing is rigged I don't know how well I mean we just built it they're brand new I don't know hey be the chicken for the rest of the game you gotta wear this for the rest of the game yeah I'll be taking your hundred rounds wait wait but they go yeah you lost your turn give me them yep thank you here yeah you can yeah okay and I'm safe your turn chicken man he's trying to eat the cockroach now dave is Emily you're doing good I'm right behind him and James is I don't think he wants to talk about it one two three so does that mean he can uncheck in for the rest of the game I mean it says nothing about being an unshaken so I don't really know if that's a possibility oh oh I think the chickens losing his mind ah yeah you know if you land on the same thing you can unroll your sweaty it's a hard life being the chicken let's see what five will get us you're safe a nice and easy blue I'm not complaining right on the green one just like two three four one two there we go on the yellow your say oh that would have been a lose your next time so I've gotten read three times undergone that one every single time every single time every tell you know what that means you know what that means every star is coming no my turn time to catch up Gabe I'm gonna pass you know yep okay I lost your next turn so I can still Joe could that dice get that nice to get that nice nice that would be a five one two three seven four okay that was a nice throw on a two on the green on the green Ronnie I said appearance choose player to move back two spaces so if I move the chicken around blue put a femine of him fat - it's green yeah but Nathan's really close to you and but I also want to give you a green because I want to be nice what if you get like move forward five spaces on the green you know hey I think I'm gonna take that chance now that means Jays you guys spin [Applause] let me just put you back right where you belong three one two three don't smack my mayonnaise man is an instrument how I roll no no give me it Oh which places with the player beautiful wife wait a second James here here in last place is normal oh my god the finish is right in 1 2 3 4 I barely avoided that one he's like around it yeah another one you really [Music] why dude stop it maybe you need a bounce it off someone nevermind I think actually one two three four five I just landed on restart which means I can take mine no you got walked ahead yeah if you guys say bye to my friend the beginning of yummy there I am I'll give you a brownie for your troubles yeah someone back there thank you guys appreciate it all right James been considering I just lost the game whoa he's gonna come why you guys so good all the fun I don't know you know you know what you know oh no one gave you have something same luck with this game maybe it's cuz you're wearing a green shirt yeah move for two spaces oh come on we just had this one - that's the last red one till the end I'm gonna get on your back for good luck [Applause] peace in the game on the restart you are not much all right would you like a brownie right yeah take your mayonnaise my marriage you could go hang out with my chicken now but I guess James is one in this game unless you land on restarts are funny people have to do a part two we all way to restart so we're back at the beginning yeah off to a great start there you go up four okay what do you got here switch places with the player in front of you well there's no one in front of you see good you get nothing nothing the objective of this game is to not be the last have to be two at this point yeah at this point you've had to beat me and you'll be good it can't be that bad again thirty seconds or you move back five spaces you better go juicy [Applause] starting to talk I've been ready so he landed on eat a pickle in 30 seconds so you have to move back five spaces and so far it's been almost ten seconds so it's kind of a rigged question because some of the possible beat that thirty seconds in less like furious Pete I thought I could do it it's not possible don't try it at home let it lay it on sit oh it's super bad or go away you might land on one two three one two three old you know in this game real quick can you move me four spaces what I land on why yes I'm safe James do not light on a one oh my gosh not like all greens buddy you pretty much won there's no way you can lose choose player to move back two spaces move me back two spaces and put me on green so I can spend five spaces that's not good all right one brown one two three four five right on the Red Square this is the longest game fo oh my gosh switch places with the player behind hey you know I like one I like one I like one because oh wait I thought I was over there nice three I think you're safe - yeah you say - one two I really want for okay so you pass the red so you're safe for you oh hey come back right on the green roll again bye oh my gosh he's about to oh my god he is just one to two like eight spaces from winning nice Oh game is that is that a on two three four wait whoa whoa not that's definitely a read I am spinning the red despite my efforts but you didn't see the crowd wooo shot with nerf guns there you're still taking I need to catch up because I don't want to spend $10,000 good you know I want to be like you guys and I'm gonna roll over here with you bye oh my gosh dude you're about to take no it's just the golden road to victory but you still got to do one two three four go back right there you are now two spaces away from victory how do you feel the crazy thing is Gabe is James is about to win but you right now could land our green spin the wheel and land on switch places with the person in front of you make it happen let's roll the dice let's see okay oh you look great okay my gosh you need to land on this one right here switch places with the player in front of there's two of them there's two of them yes ouw chance we got some odds here roll again okay I mean I could land on another green good now you're on the red be a chicken for the rest of the game alright I really need to catch up because that James is about to win and not pay its $1,000 I'm good this might be the winning roll James this day is gonna go on forever 105 that's pretty good switch places with the person in front of you please roll again okay anything I got hey that was my beat come on there's another green one too again [Applause] I'm taking your cockroach and it's going all the place well JD suits are in a row you got some catching up to do Oh fine I'm sorry buddy I'm just playing the game you're up are you sure that's for one two three four you're good now it's Mike and I hope you roll it - roll - I'm gonna win no relative two three four five six but you know what the tables left you know what what you know what what look under his chair look under your chair lose your next time it's fine with me cuz I mean you know get mad if you don't know I don't have a next turn yeah just knows James so it looks like you gotta pay us $10,000 cuz we won I think we won cuz we're both chickens you you were a chicken and I wasn't chicken wherever the chicken went out there is yes so that will be a $5,000 per house so let's fire right here okay yes yes yes that's how the game that's how the game works okay that's only mm two dollars present three hours just give me that one day no the other one give me the other one I'll be back in a month wait why are you going okay at least I got this all right well guys that's gonna wrap it up for this video James I'm sorry that you lost and Gabe we kind of won so it's it's a good dive but guys if you guys want to see us do a part two to this we'll do a point two and we'll make the game a little bit different well change up the boards there we'll make maybe the game longer or I don't know we'll do something fun let us know if you guys will see part two this video with that being said Oh James look at least you got your entire dollars and speakable lips didn't have frame ranch thank you guys so much see you soon and brand-new flow do you have anything to say about your loss you guys have chapped lips are you serious are you are you kidding me nice yeah yeah you're cleaning this up so I paid $10,000 and let they clean all this I'm kind of did it wait this your house please [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 12,717,072
Rating: 4.7643209 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays
Id: mgH9Tgw98E0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 49sec (1969 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2019
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