(World Record) Elden Ring Glitchless Speedrun [56:27 IGT]

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foreign because if you look at my input viewer the input goes through but it doesn't go to the game foreign [Music] foreign foreign welcome in multiplayer Allowed no you can't play online feel and I can also that you're not then wine I am calling I mean the lane doll skip gumbo the good one the one on 1.05 that one wasn't even a speed run Strat everyone used that like it wasn't just speedrunners that were using that I don't know why they had to get rid of it like everyone thought it was incredibly useful and fun to do I didn't hear a single complaint about it ever like it was if anything it was just a better way to play the game it's more fun to play it like that you know I love you I be it was a torrent treat him with from the dev yeah I don't know it made it made the run so much better this run even though it's an RNG Fest like it would be so much better if that wasn't a factor you know it just makes everything so much worse having to do that shitty skip the alternate version of it even like the bridge skip is way better now I mean at least in my opinion the bridge skip is way better because it actually requires like skill it's not just like a stupid meme skip the bridge skip is nice because it adds like skill like like a skill ceiling to the Run whereas the rampart skip is just you know grind more runs idiot grind more runs and get here No One's Gonna stumble onto that yeah those ones are the bizarre ones where it's like they don't affect the game at all and like it would never affect the Casual playthrough ever those ones get me the most like thank you I don't know skips that nobody would ever find unless they were a speedrunner don't really need to be removed in my opinion because like they have more to do like they can fix the performance on PC you know they can fix like broken mechanics within the game itself like they don't have to fix like things that nobody's ever gonna use side speedrunners they're just wasting their resources they're just fighting ghosts you know foreign I'm not going to answer that Master that's too personal it seems torrent whereas I'm there is but I can Gathering these things burn you up yeah yeah like you know what I mean 1.9 what what what was on 1.09 Gumbo I didn't see what they fixed the 1.09 I didn't I haven't played on 1.09 yet now the jellyfish Shield is broken now that's all I know about though about the patch like the balance changes are fine the balance changes are like really good actually like the blood ounce Fang thing and yeah like a lot of the balance changes recently have been great Elemental physics really that's weird yeah so that's what I mean is like fix that stuff where you like fix speedrunner like you know what I mean not like we're like playing online and abusing glitches none of us even care to even play online and you could even pass off that Landau ledge as intended right like I feel like you could just pass that off as like being intended and part of the game whereas the other one like the new one looks so scuffed and not and not intended at all do anything that one's like worse for PR if you're worried about like making the game look like you know official and everything the new one looks way worse for PR foreign PVP well I think the the Buffs being bugged is not part of that and they have buffed their bug that's just them not knowing how to fix the Buffs or like you know work with them without breaking them unless you're talking about like the golden bow thing being intended which I doubt because nobody even uses Golden Valley on PVP or physics unless you're doing Arena well I guess you do use physics if you're invading or doing like uh United combat or whatever that's called something with some related breaks yeah well that was the jellyfish Shield thing is now it works when you're two ending your weapon I used to not do that also you can do it in each hand foreign intended yeah if it's only certain scenarios then it's not supposed to be like that like buff stacking should either always work or never work with certain combinations like playing grant me strength and that's a body buff right explaining how many sync this like a body buff and then Golden Valley is an aura buff so you can have one of each and if what if you know some don't work others that's just completely unintended welcome please Hi man favorite song guys hell yeah Bingo I'm glad that could play for you why is he just strafing in front of where I have to go that's so annoying like foreign Crouch you could see me doing the inputs on the input viewer and it's not [ __ ] working I just like crushing is so scuffed in this game man it's such an annoying time loss to have dude [ __ ] off game because it's like yeah foreign because of the Crouch bug that I just got right there where it doesn't uncrowd you when you press the button like move into this game is satisfying but it can be such a pain in the ass sometimes when it doesn't work obviously I know that it's because I press uncrouched too early or something and then I tried to do a roll input right after for light roll but this didn't work movement can just be so [ __ ] up in this game sometimes foreign foreign smells like up dog what's up dog foreign what's up dude what's up dog someone's like update in here what's up dude nothing much how about you and on an army schedule I'm disappointed in you squid foreign yeah not enough Demon Souls not enough glitchless too much no BowTech dude that's hella Normie you recommend it no it's made by from software so it's not good trash game company uh [ __ ] Elden ring squid I love the game but [ __ ] out and ring at the same time you ever just love a game and then hate it at the same time foreign yo what's up cookie yo welcome welcome EB raid oh [ __ ] yo let's go welcome in cookie Naval what's up Reno what's up oodle a little angry again PB raid hell yeah cookie and what bl4 all bosses what was the time congrats on your PB that's pretty sick oh all bosses restricted nice 105 12. oh it's sick hell yeah nice dude that's a good time pretty soon you'll be overtaking me in no time I'm proud of you cookie nice work blow dies lost 10 seconds to be straw skip yeah I kind of figured like with that time like you're doing all those skips I feel like there had to been something that went wrong because otherwise it probably would have been a 104. I mean you got other time saves elsewhere probably are you still doing no YOLO ROM or have you started doing that in runs now I know you like had a time period where you were doing it then you weren't are you still doing YOLO ROM or no we said a red gascoigne yeah the urge can be quite a quite strong to reset on a red gas coin let's avoid them with yellow ROMs or bl4 that's good cookie yeah YOLO ROM is really good in all bosses it's really consistent it's about like I would say it's like six out of ten and on a good day it's like eight out of ten that's like really good consistency that you can get in all bosses with it [Music] what's up Omni well I have a PB command 5715 and this is any percent glitchless which you can see in my title nice selector what's up wait them hello totally different person foreign foreign person foreign I keep losing time on this bad RNG well I presume oh I am an Old Glory perhaps you foreign foreign there nice Omni I was technically good RNG on tree Sentinel All Right Bingo sounds good man foreign block me there foreign foreign like my assortment of bat emotes dude holy [ __ ] that chatting is one of my favorites pot plot chess is good too way too bad is also good give me chills are you batting right now bat chest thing Warrior blood must truly run small dream without guards you breached foreign yeah I heard that I heard that Force we got a one-cycle odd and Beast I mean not like the Run wasn't good because that's still a really good time you know yeah one second B saves a lot of time doesn't mean that I can't beat it got plenty of time save in this run foreign [Music] foreign saves so much time dude all right foreign both cancels could have been better look whatever I'll take it I will take it foreign foreign foreign foreign [Applause] foreign foreign could still be better both cancels could have made that even better foreign foreign foreign okay foreign good committing yeah learning when to commit is like a speed running like virtue skill for sure foreign foreign pressure um yeah it's definitely like it's not easy to do like right now I would say I'm feeling moderately nervous but at the same time there's no like there's no way out than through you know what I mean like I have to just go through it even if it's you know scary it's either I go through it or I just lose the run so I'm gonna obviously choose the latter I mean the the former because all I have to do is endure the stress for a little bit longer but it is a lot of pressure it is a lot of stress that guy did not behave I don't think I think he was going to jump on me or he just ran around you ate stress how did you eat stress foreign foreign I think it's just us three well I mean this is playing re4 I think it's just Forza and I going for record right now unless Tom is running this category again I know he was doing hit lists for a while and Mitch might be still doing this category as well but they've been doing like Bingo stuff a lot I'm not really sure as of right now though it's just forsa and I think of those follows guys like I said I don't know if the other Runners actually want the record I know Mitch probably does Mitch is probably going to commit this category for a bit those Birdman yeah that was a sick uh three second time loss from the bird that was really fun I enjoyed that one a lot ticks foreign oh yeah canvas is also running too yeah it has been like active Runners I just don't know who's like still active because Crosscut he got his PB and now he's I think he's done with it he's doing other stuff now yo what's up retro see you my man yeah stream's going well thank you for asking yeah splits are fixed finally Mystic happy Sunday Nick go back to bloodborne probably not for a while not feeling very blood-borny at the moment foreign thank you foreign all right oh my God Mitch Mitch if you're watching this run right now you're my hero holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] what did Mitch do so he told me that if you don't that if you get all of the optimal weapon arts on his foot you don't need to R1 before second phase and I did that and I I didn't my stamina was ass coming out of the first stagger if you watch it back in the VOD my stamina was ass but I didn't have to do an R1 because Mitch told me that you don't have to do that this world and death are you to commitment foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign foreign all right foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] go baby holy [ __ ] let's go dude [ __ ] world record baby all right let's [ __ ] go dude stop 56 30. no [ __ ] way no [ __ ] way holy [ __ ] no [ __ ] way holy [ __ ] about 56 30. that's it that's the end the category is dead that's where it ends there's no [ __ ] way holy [ __ ] no way dude holy [ __ ] yo thank you everybody holy [ __ ] thank you for all the gift subs thank you everybody for being here it's [ __ ] dead it's over oh my God that's it holy [ __ ] dude holy [ __ ] we're less than a minute off SOB dude no [ __ ] way we're less than a minute off sob and any percent glitchless dude holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh my God oh my God holy [ __ ] thank you all for being here guys holy Bob dude what record is 56-27 by blanks oh my God so proud thank you heater I think Ryan paid off yeah it did it really did oh my God no way guys no way we just did that you said you were going to get record and you did it oh my God like I know that there's still time to be saved but it's like pretty much dead like I can't I can't beat this I don't think I mean I can save like 10 seconds in the early game but I I can't beat this like I can't beat this it's [ __ ] over I I I can't beat it that's it that's where it ends I can't [ __ ] beat this okay um okay wow let's take a minute to like soak in this moment holy [ __ ] okay oh my God [Music] you Angie's category thank you Banco oh my God I can't believe we did it guys we did it oh we [ __ ] did it guys like I my hands are [ __ ] shaking I can't breathe right now oh my God sub 30 is awesome yeah it's like I I I don't know I'm not gonna try to beat this like that's it for me for this category um oh my God let's just like enjoy the moment guys we just smashed the record holy [ __ ] we just smashed the world record oh my God the truth oh oh if you sweat thank you for the ggs dude oh my God we have to show the IGT on our save file let me first quit my game and make sure that everything is perfect holy [ __ ] dude thank you for all those gift Subs guys oh my God that just happened didn't it you guys were all here oh my God thank you takina yeah oh my God explain what happened I just pb'd by a minute and I just shattered the record by like 25 seconds or something or yeah almost 20 seconds oh my God all right now that you guys can see the there it is holy [ __ ] let me just like yeah let me just like move chat for a second so that you guys can see the IGT there it is that's that's I'm I'm probably gonna be stepping out of any percent glitch list now on that run that's it like this is where any percent glitchless ends for me I've I've done it um so yeah there's my end game time um thank you everybody for watching and for being here along the journey but those are the struggle it really was um yeah I can't believe that it's over guys I can't believe we did that no more Elaine doll skip indeed no more Landell skip oh my God thank you thank you everybody for being here and making this special I can't [ __ ] believe it still oh I I got I have like Goosebumps right now I can't believe that just happened holy [ __ ] guys we just did it squid what the [ __ ] are you doing man squid holy [ __ ] dude oh my God what are you doing dude thank you so much for the 50 Gifted Man oh my God I can't believe it guys I I can't [ __ ] believe it dude I can't believe we just did that guys holy [ __ ] um yeah I have to end my video on YouTube I have to end my OBS recording because it's been going on for way too long so for the verifiers that are watching this run I appreciate you guys for watching it and and I'm gonna be done with this category now so yeah um that's it thank you verifiers for watching
Channel: BlanxzYT
Views: 249,432
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Dx7Aa4q57vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 45sec (4485 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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