World’s Sharpest Knife!

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this is a normal knife and this is the world's sharpest knife this is an ordinary skateboard and this is a jet powered skateboard and today we're going to be reacting to the coolest homemade inventions ever ever starting with the world's sharpest knife i'll be the judge of that how do you determine that there's no other knife on the planet sharper you have to take the previous world's sharpest knife and put it against the new one and if it cuts the world's sharpest knife it's now the new sharpest knife i doubt that's how that works look at that it also is pretty sharp really well i mean it's sharp but how do we know it's the world's sharp oh well those balloons didn't stand a chance nevermind everyone knows balloons are as hard as diamond this guy's going to make chain mail out of the tabs of soda i had this because i was drinking a dr pepper oh my gosh my church used to collect these soda tabs and they said it was to recycle to raise money for something but what if they were just building armor in the back your church just has an armory of soda armor their arms are covered in dr pepper three two one he put his back into that that was like a baseball swing looks like it still hurts see i i was about to say like you might not get cut from it but you still got a broken rib yeah i wouldn't have any air in my lungs anymore and if you thought that was cool this is a flying box fan drone oh my god they're using box fans that's genius shouldn't be possible no that's gene i need to see this that's genius oh my god what if you just had one of those fly out your window and you just went outside you're like my fans flying away everyone that was cool they got 30 seconds you didn't even get to finish your story so in the history of mankind a nerf dart has never flown faster than this let's see it boom ooh wait did it go through it why does this look so like dark in this seriousness that looks like it was in like a batman film it looked like it was the joker and the red bull's like please not the nerf bullet this is how to make a tin can robot okay what is he doing with this camp hey this feels like we're going back to the old days no life accident yeah who was here when we used to roast life hacks no one you're you are an og no one was here what is he doing he's making a robot that just looks like a car does this robot do anything oh it does that's a cute robot that is pretty cute if it wasn't cute i would have said that was the stupidest thing ever take the eyeballs off and the slam i'd argued the same thing with chris no eyeballs bye all right this is a tv i'm not gonna read the notes i don't know what he's doing that's not a tv that's a computer monitor i didn't read the notes wait okay they took the film out of the monitor and then cut it into some glasses and looked wait really yeah does that actually work like that only with like those old monitors that why it showed youtube from like 30 years ago yeah that's cool all right so this is turning office supplies into a crossbow this is how to take care of that annoying person next to you you know they eat their lunch really loud you can't take time to go to the store to get a real crossbow what you got a deadline you got a job amazon doesn't even let you use the bathroom they're not gonna let you go get a crossbow yeah so you make do what you got there how to make a knife from kitchen foil call it kitchen floor or aluminum foil aluminum these nuts sorry i haven't these nuts in this video i i had to and it wasn't even that good even though it wasn't good i agree it wasn't good i had to it's mandatory every video i dee's nuts that that looks real it is real it's aluminum foil but what is aluminum full made out of imagine if that was your pp why did i show up today put that in or i quit what can you cut with paper you can cut a coconut i know cause we did it dude this was so fun remember when we did this we made a whole video about that didn't we yeah we had the exact same thing isn't that crazy that that used to be what we were like all right we're gonna make a whole entire video off of this it's so much easier now i gotta like i gotta recreate squid game and build sets and spend three million dollars on a video but back then i was like yo let's cut a circle off of paper and grab a tool from lowe's yo why would you recreate squid games when you could just microwave a microwave diy minigun many hold up what do we what are we getting ourselves into here wait a minute does it actually work yeah this is cool this is very cool they're like all right here's how you do it just skip a few steps and then boom how does it actually work that's cool forging a bow out of rusted leaf spring i don't know what a leaf spring is oh that's that thing on a truck so he's forging a bow out of metal oh this is like a lord of the rings type though oh it's getting pretty one shot it's rusty the next it's this you got to believe it i don't believe it how long do you think it took to cut those indentions i don't know but he said it was oh my gosh now it's got wooden wow nice that was cool that's a good video yes in order to turn this into a tiny knife we're going to do some forging on it these are the type of videos i watch at like 1am when i don't know what else to do just people forging stuff wow oh look at that tiny knife that's higher quality than my eyes what happens if you put tracks on a ford track tour this clip is only here for chris because he's a truck nerd i'm not a truck nerd i just like oh look at that that's cool right there i'm not a truck oh my god truck don't go back oh look at that truck now i actually have always wanted a truck with tracks on it you can't stop them no one can stop you either and it's street legal that is a completely street legal see it in action look at that that is kind of cool they can't be stopped look at it that's so cool you got triangles on your truck your circles turned into triangles we've been using circles all these years it's time to use triangles suck all triangle why he's so mean to me jet powered boosted board you shouldn't be allowed to just do this because like maybe this guy came but what if somebody tried that wasn't able to what is that guy surfer the silver surfer what's his name silver surfer oh what's that what's that spider-man guy's name i literally just called him silver surfer because he's silver on us like a surfboard that's probably why they called him silver surf oh yeah that's pretty cool that guy's living his best life i'm proud of you man i expected jet power to be like some like flames flying out agreed this is cool but it looks safe when i hear jets i think yeah roomba pool cleaner oh pretty 3d printing oh is that the things to make the room but float those are like paddle wheels oh you know what he's making it's literally like mark rober's trash robot but to clean his pool oh my gosh wait how does this work i need to see an inaction and it just goes yep that's pretty cute look it's it's even got arms it's like i'm gonna eat all the pool trash what happens if you know a bunch of leaves fall down you got thousands of leaves in your backyard this little boy handling that that's a little boy he can't handle that many leafs i need a big boy i would say i'd give it a 10 out of 10 for looks usability i don't know up next is an automatic bullseye now here's the thing if you want to skip this clip you can i mean obviously this guy isn't that smart not very interesting we've all built a bullseye that moves to catch a dart it's not that crazy like you just put some wires put on a frame like what he probably spent like only like a year or two making this like you're so aggressive to mark i love it the more i like someone the more i want to make fun of him he must like me except for chris jokes aside this thing is really cool you literally can't miss the bullseye and after building it he took it into a bar and look at these people they've had a little bit of apple juice so they don't understand what's going on and they think they're insane at darts now that's pretty funny juice apple juice oh my god oh my god it's a bug that is a ginormous bite give me a camera oh that bug oh my gosh come here sir i'm not gonna kill it just catch it and then now we can just throw it outside but what if he comes back if the hand of god just reached down and picked you up and put you somewhere would you tempt it again kinda all right steam powered nerf gun a lot of nerf stuff in this video i like the steam i feel like we should have stuck with steam powered stuff steam-powered video games yeah imagine if we had steam powered some joes not to cut you off but this is more important this makes me want to go play black ops zombies right now you want to go yeah all right thanks for watching subscribe
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 32,689,708
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: ySXPnjStay4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 29 2021
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