Most Extreme Collections!

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- We're gonna be reacting to the most extreme collections on the planet, like this guy that owns over 100 cars, or this guy whose literal house is filled with video games. - Okay, that's cool. - This is the world's largest Lego collection. - Oh my God, look, all the "Star Wars" ships are flying, what a genius. This is so sick. - It's a complete collection of Lego Ninjago mini figures. - Oh! he's got all the Ninjagos, bro. That's gotta be at least 30 grand right there. All the stormtroopers, that's adding another 50 grand easily. - This man's dedicated. - And that's gotta be at least what, like 30, $40 million worth of Legos? - All sorts of Y-wings, all hanging in formation here. - They made a movie about this. "The Lego Movie" is literally about not hoarding all your Legos and just having fun and being creative with them. - And welcome to my games room. - This man just bought a Blockbuster and called it a game room. - No, he bought a Blockbuster and an arcade. His whole house is a game room. - This is where I keep all my joy pads for the modern console. - For the modern consoles. He has different eras. - It kinda does look like a store, though. Like, it doesn't look like a collection. I'm not dogging on it, though. Oh, that's pretty cool, you don't have one of those. - I don't. - You also don't have really hype music. - Do you think this would attract women? - Yeah, this will attract women. - Yeah. I'll buy it. Largest Garfield. - Whoa! - I didn't know if that was Andrew Garfield. - You know who's the biggest fan of Garfield ever that you probably didn't know? Remember in the video where we stole stuff from their house and Chandler was like, "Don't touch anything Garfield-related." - Interesting. - It's 'cause she's a huge Garfield fan. - Oh my gosh. Wait, is this Chandler's mom? - This might be Chandler's mom. Here's the thing, you get to a club, right? You meet the greatest girl ever. You go back to her house, you walk in her room, Garfield room. You staying or leaving? - I'm grabbing a Garfield and I'm cuddling with it. - All right. - I don't think nobody, more than a hundred, but just in case one doesn't meet the standards for the "Guinness Book of Records," I have more than a hundred. - No, I think you're fine. - I'm pretty confident you got this world record. - Yeah. You'll be secure. - Don't worry about it. This guy owns more phones than I have had, wow. - Okay, is this, - This is cool. - Very emotional when it comes to my phones. I can't see someone drop my phone. I can't see someone scratch it. These are my babies. - Wait, some of those are broken. Didn't he just say those are his babies and he couldn't stay in to see them broke? - Just means when he drops them, he doesn't look. - One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight. Today I have counted all the phones and those are 2,371. I think holding a "Guinness Book of World Records" adds a prestigeness to you and your personality. - Oh, do you think owning 2,371 phones adds to your personality? - Do those two that are literally butchered in half count? It's time for the sneaker collection. - Million dollar sneaker collection, that's it? - Yeah, but I bet he doesn't have these. I'm not gonna lie, I've seen a bigger shoe collection. - Yeah, dude, a million dollar shoe collection is not the biggest shoe collection. The Project Blitz warehouse we went to had like 20 million. - It's actually closer to like 30 million. - Some say collection, I say horror house. Literally, that's what our notes say. - I always wanted to have a little demon baby in a black crib in my living room. Now I do, so. - It's a collection that might have some people running for the hills. - Oh. - Oh, okay. - Yeah, that's fair. - Well, now it makes sense. - Oh! - Oh, wow! - Marilyn Mansfield of New York City has spent tens of thousands of dollars on the uniquely horrifying collection of, - Oh! - This is a collection? I would just say this is more of like, a problem. - They really are like a part of the family. - Oh, part of the family. Okay. I say we put her on the FBI watch list. Kid spends five years making a rubber band ball? - Started out April 10th, 2004, and it was the size of probably like, a golf ball. - Hey wait, I actually remember this. They made a commercial with this, and they played the song, "The Rubberband Man." - Not only how do you spend five years doing this, but how do these people afford this? - I'm just wondering how they resisted the masculine urge not to drop that thing. I wanna see big rubber band ball bounce. - So these Nerf guns. - Oh, those are cool. - Keeps going. Yo, imagine a zombie apocalypse happens, and this guy's like, "Dang, "I was collecting the wrong guns." - Yeah, he's like, "I could have collected real guns, "I chose Nerf. "I heard it was Nerf or nothing, "apparently it's nothing now." Hey, if you're a real Nerf pro, you'll know that barrel attachments actually hinder your trajectory. - The longer the barrel, the not as accurate? - Yeah, you don't want too many attachments, you wanna just raw dog it. - What a nerd. - Yo, those ones look pretty cool. That one looks like a real gun. That was not safe. - Napkin collector? No way. - Antonia Kozakova from Slovakia is the proud owner of the largest collection of napkins in the world. - Oh, she's quirky. - This is like being a Google search query collector. It's just a piece of paper with different images on it. - It's like those people who collect magazines. Like, who cares? - Well no, magazines make sense, because those were printed and sent out. This is literally just random images from Google on a piece of paper. - Well this was before Google was a thing, 'cause she's old. - Okay, then that would make a little more sense, but you don't know that. - Well now it's like, - You don't know. - It's like the printer and the internet have made this collection useless, 'cause I could just go make this entire collection, - Exactly. - If I really wanted to. - Your entire life is futile, ma'am, how will you deal with this information? Oh, Guinness actually gave her a world record for it? Oh yeah, this is way before the internet. - She started collecting 1997. That's my least favorite world record, but it's still a world record. - And I'm with Janet Esteves who has the Guinness World Record for the biggest Mickey Mouse collection. What was the very first Mickey, do you have the first Mickey that started the whole collection off? - I used to have a clown collection when I was a little girl. - Aw. - And this Mickey Mouse dressed as a clown was in that clown collection. - Disney adults are weird. There, I said it. Those are diamonds. - Really? - That's worth a lot of money. - Oh, she's rich, rich. - Yeah, this ain't like your normal everyday collection, she really like Disney. - She has to constantly be buying it to not lose her world record. - Yeah, I'm sure. You know what I used to collect when I was a kid? - These nuts? - Rocks. Close. - $1 million Hot Wheel collection. Okay, this is gonna be interesting. - Collection today is worth well in excess of a million dollars. - Well, I just see 30 of the same vans so far. Yo, let Tucker come over. He gonna wanna play with that. - Included in Bruce's collection is the most valuable Hot Wheels vehicle in the world, worth a whopping $150,000. - No, you don't don't just say a Hot Wheel's worth 150k and not tell us why. No, I am suing. Editor, edit Chris' face and make him tell us why it's so valuable. - It is expensive because it is a prototype. - Pretty much every Funko Pop ever made. - Nerd! - He's like, "Yo, these are gonna be collectible, 100%." "The Big Bang Theory" Funko Pops. - Do they ever reach collectible status? - No. - Like, do Funko Pops, - Resell for more money yet? - There's been like a few that like, sold early on, like, for like, $500. - So what you're telling me is, L? So this guy has over 100 cars. - Oh my God. - I'm just gonna be a hundred percent honest, all those cars look the same. - They are, but they're all like, different years and models. - No, they're the same. - He has the collections lined up by like, - Oh, of that model of car? - Yeah. - Oh, okay. - Every single car is a different version of itself. Look, he has all those Lambos. - There's no way that Lambo is the same model as that other car. - No. - What are you saying? - Fords, he lines up all the Fords, - Oh, okay, I got it. - He has all the Lambos. - I got it, I got it, I got it, I got it. What do you think, I'm stupid? - Yes. Look, see, they're all Lambos, you dingus! - Most terrifying collection ever. Oh boy, here, you tell me if it's good. Can I look? - It's heavy metal with spiders. It's cool. - I'll look. Yeah, that's fine. - Oh! - Oh my God, he's got big old fat sausage legs. - This shouldn't be legal. - I want one so bad, but Katie told me, - He's up to something. - Katie told me she will divorce me if I get a spider. - Sounds like we're buying a spider. - Woo! Spider Gang! - Jokes. Jokes, I support your marriage. Although I would love to spend more time with Chris. - And Spiders. - Meet Mike Fontaine, owner of the world's largest collection of 75,000 pieces of McDonald's memorabilia. - 70,000. I wonder if there's someone somewhere out there doing the same thing for Beast Burger, just collecting it all, I am just not aware they exist yet. - You should stop. - Yes. - Get some help. - Behind the doors of this seemingly ordinary house is a colorful history of a global fast food favorite. - I have glasses. - Wait, wait, wait, - Yes you do. - Play it back. - I have glasses. - I can confirm. - Yes, he does. - He does have glasses. - You do. - Great astute observation. - Equipment, lapel pins. My table of contents is 398 different categories. - He made a table of contents for his own collection? - Admit it, you're jealous. - I am jealous. - Thank you for watching. If you haven't already hit the Subscribe button, do it, or I will fart. - Please save me.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 38,002,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: diwlAeVHNCI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 13sec (493 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 03 2022
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