Extreme Try Not To Laugh Challenge!

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this is a random subscriber and you just won ten thousand dollars but every single time chris laughs in this video you lose 500. dude i'm sorry okay you can leave chris don't laugh i will and we're gonna kick things off with this monkey driving a car monkey driving car it's funny it's funny it is fun not 500 is funny our school band backpacks i don't know i don't know if this was serious or not i saw this all over tick tock when this happened but apparently a school been backpacks and so people just use the weirdest things to carry the rubber it was the fishing net oh i can't i forgot this was a try not to laugh 500 gone hey jimmy you know what the best part is what it's not my money yay but it is a random subscriber's money i'm sorry guys so we went bar hopping and somehow ended up here what that's incredible this isn't even funny this is cool he's the dinosaur champion that look it's got gloves on did you see it somebody's gone now we need an ambulance we need an ambulance come on now we're keeping it going stare at that screen let's go [Laughter] automatic dog scratcher if you owned one of those give it to me i want it molecule by molecule by adam skip yeah you can't give me a spa the problem is you watch too much tick tock the that's probably not give me a phone i'm uninstalling tick tock no don't do that i'll lose my drafts what's the most random thing that triggers your dog the mcdonald's theme song [Music] [Laughter] all right five hundo god that's not fair it's a dog dogs don't count i think it counts you want to hold the money yes subscriber loss by the way you should subscribe maybe chris will care more about you and allow you to win money i probably won't if your door is weathered and worn not only does it take away from your home's curb appeal it could be taking away from your family's safety and security too you know what hey hey you need both of these in things are funnier put both of them in you're not allowed to look away from the screen these are funny tick tocks i don't care what he says you're kind of on normie tick-tock you're telling me this is normally tick-tock that's what i thought this is pete comedy you're clearly laughing mm-hmm you are laughing nah that's just a smile i'm eating uh cannoli today and it's great and i'm about to kill myself i knew it dude everything's so much funnier when you have both earbuds on i don't think that can going oh it's going in 8 500 remain darn that cannoli they want it so bad oh they're trying to get the french fry oh wait you left that's that was a laugh i sneezed that was a sneeze here's 500 to wipe your nose don't wipe your nose on my money oh you left again that doesn't count yes wait whoa whoa do you just hate our subscribers i'm not the one laughing i love this clip i love this clip [Music] he opened that door like he pays bills excuse me sir excuse me yo he just ran on the wall imagine owning a hotel and some guy just brings his monkey in and does this this is why we have to have rules because of people like you your man might have the star wars lego set death star but can you chug a sparkling water and not burp what no way there's just no way that's impossible the human gut isn't made to do that oh my gosh what i didn't know he's gonna smack his head seven thousand remain hey guys i was today years old when i learned how to flip a grilled cheese from my look at that that's cool [Music] i'm looking uh that was a half laugh no that was not a half that was a half up dude we did this so they would subscribe to come be in videos but if the subscriber walks away with zero dollars they're not gonna subscribe guys please subscribe i'll try to stop laughing i promise is that a turtle you're in the bike lane ah that was so funny no way nade shot buddy hey i got nashot's number i'm gonna i'm gonna have to text them right now and remind them this exists all right i went on jimmy kimmel they told me he was gonna shake my hand and my greatest fear was he's gonna like try to dab me up or do anything else i literally walked on stage like this so he knew what we were doing i walked up to him i'm just like hi my name's jimothy oh my gosh i missed this game nice play nice it worked it did it worked it didn't there's still the outer ring it works so well it did actually the next person screwed who does that dude i want to play that game so can we go play after i'll challenge you deal i don't know what's going on but it's freaking hilarious the guy's snoring and they're oh they're rowing to the store yeah they're doing that's funny she made fun of me for getting capri suns and then she drank eight of my capri sun facts you're in your twenties and you're arguing over capricious dude either you ground her or i fight her so there's two options and there are only two options square up it's his party it's a family party oh not only did he laugh but when he bent over he kissed my hand and that was my nose and you kissed my hair it was my nose my dad was the emotion [Applause] that i didn't ask to have my hand kissed it was my nose well knows buy this money i couldn't make it funny i tried it's not always about the money spider-man it's about the myths baby all right hit homer let's go baby [Music] box of trash oh no you gotta go back inside after that all right hank yes let's go i'll fight your breath come on bobby [Laughter] oh they're gonna smack his face no i hate when they do that happy birthday oh i gotta tell you tucker i love you bud you do that you ain't getting a sixth birthday tucker if you do that when you're older i'll give you 10 grand i don't care if you do it 10 years from now remember this okay tucker never mind do it streets ready to put 2018 in the rearview mirror and say hello to 2019. we also saw this dog but it's the end of the year everyone's celebrating and partying oh by the way this dog has a banana i just there's nothing better than that dog with the banana you just can't convince the dog was happy there's that's news right there why are there so many banana clips whoever put this together is a big banana fan oh my gosh wait yo is this how i'm supposed to play with pinkie yeah right now i just pet pinky i don't ever have battles to the death of my dog on the top of a skyscraper your dog you good turn that frown upside down [Music] ah dang i thought we'd get a laugh on the last clip no but it was close which means our random subscriber has hundred won 6 dollars whoops i'll let you tell them come on in so how much money do you think is in here i wanna say nine thousand oh that would be nice he must think chris cares about him i do care about you but the clips were funny so it's only six thousand two hundred fifty dollars well enjoy your 62.50 thank you man
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 32,360,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: Q-Kc5EfIRlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 09 2021
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