Longest Car Jump!

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- This is the longest car jump in the world. - Oh my goodness. - And this right here is just epic. I hope he's okay. - He should be fine. - Cars jumping off ramps are cool, which is why today we're gonna be reacting to it. We're gonna start with a little two foot jump. - This guy set up a camera by a pothole just to record people running into it. - Now we're gonna go to four feet. - This looks ignorant. I love this. That was some stuff we'd do back in the day before I had a child. Now I have to be responsible. - Now we're doubling it. Eight feet with a golf cart. - Yo, they got some good air. Remember when I got in trouble on the golf course with the golf cart? Me and Carl did. We got yelled at by a old lady. - Wait, let me pause at the top. - Solid air. - I don't know if that's eight feet though. - No, he went eight feet long. - Oh. - You measure jumps by length, not up. - I'm being educated. - Good. - All right, now 10 feet. Ah, good old. - Whoa! I wouldn't recommend doing that. - The voice in the background. Play it again. - Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. - That voice sounded familiar. - Next clip. - 13 feet. Wait, does this just do it on its own? - Yeah. I want one of these so bad. Technically, it's jumping 13 feet. Not at one time. It just went 13 feet. - All right, this is a 15 foot jump. - Right, here's the first guy. Think he's okay? - Wait, are multiple people doing this? - Yeah, they're trying to make it. Okay, that car had no shot. - This is just a thing. - Can this get it? Will it jump? - Oh my God! I have so many questions. So you just go to a junkyard, line up a bunch of cars, grab some people, and you just see who can jump the furthest? - I know a guy where we can do this. - I don't want to do that. - Yeah, me neither. That'd be stupid. That'd be dumb. That is just reckless. Crazy. I wouldn't recommend doing that. Don't try that. - Yo, if something goes wrong there, it just like slowly goes down the stairs. Jail rest of your life. - Forever. 20 feet on a jet ski. - Wait, what's about to happen? No. Oh my God! That's probably the coolest thing I've seen all week. - Oh wow, there's a warning on this one. - Wait, don't do this. - Oh my! - No, no. - He doesn't- - He barely made that. - Yo, he really almost didn't make that. It was like his tippy toes. - What? Why would you do that? - I would never, ever do that. 25 foot on a sled. - 25 feet or 25 frames? - Tell me if you're gonna hit me, Joe. - Oh, Joe! No! - He's standing. - Remember to tell me if you're gonna hit me. - No one's concerned about you, camera man. - You're so far away. - Oh, that didn't look good. - Whoa! You wanna do this? Yeah, we could do this. Come on. - He's attractive. I meant... 30 feet. - 30 feet. Oh, this is a Ford Raptor. - Ford. - Ford American muscle. - That did look American. - 35 foot on a four wheeler. - Yo, this song too. Oh my god. - 2008 YouTube. - This makes me wanna go do this. - Let's do it. Yo, I've never rode one of these 'cause it doesn't snow here, but I've always wanted to. It's the only machine I haven't rode yet. - Oh. - Oh,. - That could have been bad. - He's like flipping it. Those things weigh like thousand plus pounds and he's just flipping it. Okay, that was cool. Wow. - Okay, this is 40 feet. - Monster on it, so you know it's cool. - Okay, let's see it. - Wow. Yo! Look at that camera. - What kinda camera trick was... Yo Tareq, you gotta get your stuff together, man. - You gotta step it up. He's drifting! Yo, that's cool. - He didn't stop at the stop sign. - I mean, I don't think you have to if you drift. I think that's actually a law. Did you say scooter? Yo, he went farther than a truck on a scooter. - Dude, wait, is that what it looks like when you do these? Wait, I gotta see that again. - Let's get POV. - Apparently, this is what they see when they do their tricks. How did he even process anything? - It's all muscle memory. - Oh my gosh! - Yo, that was insane. - Monster. While we're watching this car fall in slow-mo, does this make you wanna drink a Monster? - It makes me wanna sneeze. - I don't think that's what the marketing team planned. - 64 feet on this water slide. - What? - This doesn't look safe or regulated. - Can we do this? Can we do this, Chris? Can we do this? - Yeah. I mean, sure. - Oh my God. - I thought he was going into a lake. - I did too. - Yo, what happened if he didn't land in that? Zoom! He did it. - You know, ended up doing a back flip. Came up just literally six feet from death basically. - That's insane. He would've died. - What's crazy is that he did a back flip while doing that. - And he was doing another trick. Zoom in on him. He was like doing a trick. - Zoom. - Yo, some people are jumping on these like big machines. He's just got this little bitty stick. - Like, these are the type of people that need to have kids. - So are you saying, I don't do this. - 75 feet. - This guy's going out of a cannon. - Is that a carnival? - Circus. - I've never been. - Yo. - Yo, can you take me to a circus? - Yeah, I'll take you. - Yo, Maddie, if you see this video, let's go to a circus. - Hey, it's that company that doesn't pay us yet, but should. - It's like Yellow Bull. - Yo, he's doing a back flip in a truck. Oh! Oh, almost nailed it. - Does that make you wanna buy Yellow Bull? - If he had landed it, I would've. - You wanna know what make me call Yellow Bull? It's actual named and half our viewers buy it. - What? - If they paid us money. - Hey. - What is that? - I guess sticks. Oh, he looks like a eagle. - Oh, he looks like the guy from "Incredibles." - Frozen. - Yeah. - 90 feet. Just looks like some rednecks. Ooh! Yeah, they messed that truck up. - Wow. - Wow. - That's insane. - Nobody in the stadium though. - It's like that saying, if a tree falls in the woods and no one's around, did it actually fall? - Well, if a guy does a jump like this and no one's in the stadium, did he actually do the jump? - Mm-mm. - Poor guy. - Doesn't count. Nobody saw it and was there to cheer for it. - 108 feet. Oddly specific. - You have to be at this point. We're getting into world record territory. Look at this. Oh my. - Wait, no. - Yo. - Wait, wait, wait, wait. - What do you do when you're up that high? - What do you do if you just hit the building? Like, that's one of those things like if you halfheartedly go off that ramp, you're not making all the way up. How? - That's why you shouldn't do that. - Props to you and Yellow Bull for putting that on. - Monster trucks. Yeah. - Yo, all right, babe. I know I said I wanted to go to a circus, but I'd rather go to a Monster truck event. - Oh! - Whoa. All right, 166 feet. - When you order a package with the same day shipping, but there's only 30 minutes left 'til midnight. Look at the guy on the inside. I bet it just wrecks him. - I think they took it pretty well. - Oh, nevermind. Why would you wanna do that? - His neck is probably sore for the next year. I just... What? Is there a person in that? - Oh my God. - What is this? - Oh my God. - Did they put fireworks on a car? - Oh my gosh. - That's so cool. - Wait, is it gonna fly? No way. No way. - I don't think it's gonna fly. Oh, and then it parachutes back into the water. - This right here, Chris. The 332 foot jump world record sponsored by Hot Wheels, ironically with Hot Wheels track. This is the world record. - Please, Hot Wheels. I'll do anything with you. I just love you so much. - I need him. - Please. - 332 feet. - Yo! All right, 50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 332 feet. - Oh nice one. - And he landed it. - And a drift 'cause why not? - And he doesn't flip? Oh my God. - Oh, that's a beautiful shot. - So this is one of those people where they, you know, take two tall buildings, take a tight rope, have a person walk across. - Yeah. - That's what this guy's doing. - No safety nets, no nothing. - I could never do this. - I would cry. - I don't understand how people do this type of stuff. - That's insane. - Oh, that's hurting. - What if he just fell right there? - Oh, sponsored by Discovery. Imagine if he fell and all you see as he's falling is Discovery. Yo, hot air balloons allow you to do anything. - That's the new future travel. We should go to hot air balloons. Imagine everybody just goes to work in their hot air balloons, flies around. - Zoom in on me. This is serious. We're closing in on 10 million subscribers, and if you haven't subscribed yet, you're crushing our dreams. - It hurts. - Hit that subscribe button so we can hit 10 million subscribers and finally be happy. - We don't ask for much. - Subscribe.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 22,933,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: qOSs7aMzrNM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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