Rarest Pets Ever!

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- Normal people have a dog or a cat as a pet. - Hi, I'm normal. - But not everyone's normal. - No. - Some people have bears as pets. - A bear? - Some people have lions as a pet. - What? - Hundreds of raccoons. - Oh, my. - The first unusual pet on our list, is a tiger. Of course, we've all seen Tiger King. We know about this. - It's crazy how cats, tigers and lions are all just kind of the same. Just, one can murder you. - Wow. You'd really be just cuddling with that tiger. - That tiger at any point could decide, "You're a rag doll now." - Oh, my gosh. - Yo. In the Tiger King documentary, remember when they were feeding him old cuts from Walmart? - Yeah. And he bit his arm. - Oh, she... I feel like I could bond with a tiger. - Don't have any friends? Gotta go hang out with the tigers? - It's not about that. It's just that, there's no way you're cooler than a tiger. I'm sorry. - If you thought that was crazy, this next person's pet is a bear. - Oh, my God. I want a bear so bad. - Oh wait, did I say a bear? I meant a family of bears. - TikTok has made me want a bear. Look at 'em. They're just giant dogs. If they're not supposed to be your friend, why are they so cuddly looking? - 1400 pounds. - At any point, he could just go - Nine feet tall. - I want him so bad. Look at him. He's so cute. Ah, look at him. When your dog just gives you that little play nip and you're like, "Ow, Pinky. That kinda hurt!" If a bear does that... - You lose your arm. - Yeah, your arm's done. Gone. - Oh, my gosh! - Holy crap. That thing's jacked. Is that why they call it kangaroo jack? - Wait. Is that Chad kangaroo? - Yo, that . Oh! He said, "Do it one more time." - Mess with me one more time. - Oh wait, it's got a collar on. - They're buddies. - Yo, that one ain't friendly. - Living in Australia be like... - Those things are borderline human. - Wow. - That's so wild. He's gonna kick it. Yo, it's terrifying. - Spot the difference between that and Chris. - Look at his . Look at his face. It's so cute. It looks like he has that little like drip face. - Yeah. It looks like a smiley face that Carl draws on every whiteboard. - Did you know? Fun fact, that puts sharks in a trans-like state and they can't like move or anything, when you flip 'em over and rub their bellies. - Try it, next time you get in a shark attack. - Don't sue me if it doesn't work. Just a suggestion. - No, you should do it. It'd be funny. It's a pet goose! - Oh, my God! - I wonder if this is for emotional support, as well. - I think goose makes me happier. How could you ever be sad, if you had a goose with you at all times? - Come on, George. - Yo! - His name is George. They have such awesome names. - Yo. That's so cute. - Look at that guy. He's like, "Yo, I don't know if that's okay." - That one man's like, "Yo, I kinda wanna steal George." - "Yo, George. You wanna come hang out with me?" - Right. This is a mini horse. - It's mini horse. Shut up. - I was pointing it out. You shut up. - Shut up. - You shut up. I pointed it out. - I want it. - I do too. Mini horse, mini dog. - Oh, my God. It's so... - Why? Why would you get a second dog, instead of a horse? - I want so many animals, man. That's my... - What about a giant tortoise? Oh, my God! The little top hat! - If it comes with a little hat? Yeah, I'll take it. - That's cute. You can never walk too fast. - Aw, that is so cute. That old man loves that turtle. Is that a baby one? Those things are humongous. - Emotional support alligator? What is this? - You know this alligator's gonna have a great name. - How do you get a federally licensed emotional support alligator? - His name's Wally!. - Hey! - I knew it was gonna be great. - We approve. God, we love Wally. - He was rescued in Orlando, Florida. - Of course it's in Florida. - Jimmy, use your clout to meet Wally. You're not really famous, if you haven't met Wally yet. - True. He walks this alligator. - Look! Children are touching him. All it takes for the alligator to be like, "You know what? This has been fun but, maybe I'll go back to being a 'gator now." - And up next, is not another emotional support alligator. It's a giant snake. - Well, what's the difference? - Why? Everyone just takes their weird pets for walks. - Snakes are cool. They're like cuddly noodles. - They are kind of like cuddly noodles. - And the bites don't even... - He would know, he sat in a bunch. - They don't even hurt that bad. I didn't even know I got bit, until I got out. Look at that! Look at that little danger room. - This child has no fear. I don't know how people let their children do this. - It's America's largest giant land rodent, the capybara. - Capybara? - I used to follow an Instagram account, about a capybara, and it was really cute. - Can I just call it a beaver? - No. - Wow, that beaver looks really happy. - Shut up. It's not a beaver. It has a rodent-like tail. - It looks very similar to a dog. I bet you, you could pass that as a dog, in some places. - Here's the thing, I'm absolutely terrified of rodents. But, these are the cutest thing in the world to me, and I think it's 'cos of their three toes. They don't have weird rat feet, like all, like rabbits. - They're literally just oversized rats. - No, they're not. Don't say that. Those things are like, they're fat Guinea pigs. Kinda. - Fat rats. - Ear-mu. - Emu. - So, is that like a pet ostrich. - It's a pet emu. They're different. - His name's Wattice. - His name's Wattice. - Is he trying to play fetch? - Apparently Emus, like, have the brain of like a walnut or something. - Shut up alpacas! - Alpaca my bags! Can we get alpacas? They look... He looks like the Minecraft guy. The trader, that walks around with alpacas. - Yeah. - [Man With Alpacas] We heard you a pet friendly. - We're friendly, but we can't let you in, sorry. - Dang! - What the heck? They wouldn't let his alpacas in. - They be alpaca haters. - Do you like your 'paca shaved or natural? - I like my alpacas with a little less hair on 'em. - Gotcha. It looks like 'pacas don't like hats, but they do like nose scratches. Everything can be dogged, is what I'm learning. - Everything is the dog. - Just a girl with an elephant. - Yo, look at that elephant pose. - Elephants are so cute. - Dude. I'm just paying attention to him squishing a watermelon. - That could be your head. - I hope he's treated well. We love you, Ellie the elephant. Up next, it's raccoons. - Oh, my god. - This guy has an army of pet raccoons. - They're so chunky. - They don't look scary. - They're so cute. Oh, my God. Look at all the hot dog. - I'm surprised they don't just kill him and take the weenies. - No. Why would they? Raccoons are smart. - They don't mess up the food source. No raccoon goes without a weenie. All right. This guy's got a pet monkey. - This always, this kind of weird's me out when people like, childcare monkeys. I don't know, that's just me. Oh, he's taking a little bath. Would you get a pet monkey, instead of having a child? - He looks kind like an alien, not a monkey. - He likes to brush his teeth. Look. Oh look, he's got a little backpack. - Oh, that was adorable. Up next, is a sloth. - I want a sloth. - Why is he just staring at the ceiling? - Because they're so lazy and so slow. I want to just have like, a sloth, and have like a thing over my bed. So it always is just hanging out. - Next up, is an axolotl. - That's the thing for Minecraft. - I don't know what this is. I don't even know if I pronounced the name right. - It's that thing in Minecraft. They made it into a real life thing. - Oh, the like, the cat, the ocelot. - No, that's... The cat? Anyways. Why is this a pet? - Oh, oh God! That's why! I need a pet alligator, or goose. - I'll take the goose, you get the alligator. - No, no. I want the goose. You take the alligator. Rock, paper, scissors. - Winner gets the goose. - Rock, paper, scissors, shoot. - No, you changed it. - I don't care. I gotta goose. - You saw that. - I gotta goose. - You saw that. - Nope. You're a cheater. - Sometimes in life you gotta cheat, to get what you want. - Hey, fun fact. One time we went on this like, experience the safari ride, and they were like, "Hold the lettuce up to your face, and the giraffe will kiss your cheek." Giraffe's entire tongue went into my mouth. - Oh! - And I was like nine. - You kissed the residue of a giraffe. - Their tongues are so long. - Yeah, you got tongued by a giraffe. - Yeah. That's uncomfortable. That guy's enjoying... Let it lick you. They'd be licking their butts and stuff. Look how long the necks are. - Black jaguar. - No, no, no, no, no. I would never have that in my house. - Oh, my God. - And a normal jaguar? What if they just decide to attack you? The heck is this? Look at those claws. - Wow! - That's scary. - He's like, "Oh, no, no, no. Stop playing around. Stop playing around." As he's just gnawing on his fingers. - He could just accidentally tug too hard and rip his finger off. - Oh, that's crazy. - Pet deer. I always wanted one, but it's against the law where we live. - Really? - Yeah. I feel like I could just love a deer. Look at that. What is with wild exotic pets, not wanting their owners to wear hats? - The hat... He's just like, I've never seen a deer go upstairs before. He was probably like, "I mean, this domestication thing ain't so bad." Like, heat is pretty awesome. - Every time it's like really cold outside, he's at the back door like, "Yo, I take it back. Can you make me a dog?" - All the other deer are like, "Dang. Maybe George got it figured out. He just getting to hang out, get food whenever you want." - Now we all know someone who owns a spider. Why? - Never want that. - What is this? - Look at those veins on his arms. - This guy's pretty buff. - Yeah, look at that. - What's the difference between a lion and a tiger? - Lions are way manlier. Look at 'em. They're like, "Get down!" I feel like lions are more like a cat and a dog mixed. - I think you're crazy. And if you haven't already, hit the subscribe button. We're flying down subscribers to be in challenges on this channel, all the time. Subscribe - It could be you.
Channel: Beast Reacts
Views: 53,367,368
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life hacks, crafts, slime, do it yourself, diy, lifehacks, dily projects, useful things, how to, experiment, experiments, diy activities, handcraft, prank, funny, challenge, pranks, secret, diy slime, laugh, new, skills, tricks, tips, fun
Id: 57tOReFC968
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 3sec (483 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 04 2021
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