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they're not the first government to do that this does this has happened in the past it's all very weird that is pretty men yeah we're all Martians turn to freaking frogs gay welcome to Jack makes happy hour I'm with Stevie white white white that's good don't like that has no one ever done that before yeah we are bad for his second appearance on the show the I think actually for someone who's not like a permanent fixture the first person to do the double isn't it yeah there we go Doody rhino AKA jordan AKA jordan vlogs [Laughter] and I've also got some melon on the go and I don't write things were holes in whatever that calls tracking up with the holes but yeah CNM seeds floating that warm melon juice is not turning me on no well hold on how often do you pick up a bit of food and go yeah but you should turn me on specifically which makes me think you do have some weird food fetishes I didn't know you got turned on by those things I thought you just enjoyed eating it I hate crumpets really what if you ate one with your eyes closed then I can still feel tongue in the hole sorry for Fiona moving on so we thought what we'd do today is we'd get our resident conspiracy theory expert Shane Dawson oh you've been doing a lot of research I just want to get out there it's been for this podcast that I've done this I would normally do this and to be honest I think I've gone to the point of no return what did you learn some weird [ __ ] learn some weird [ __ ] my I was just sat there and like Rama Mesa thought this research and the Queen's accountable it's just made me question like everything that's what Jack was saying this weekend whilst you were doing all that you said there's nothing I love more than doing a podcast where I have to do none of the work that's why you're here yeah that's good when usually before we get into the conspiracies because if yet if you didn't really clock by that terribly introduced thing by me that we that's what we're gonna do Jordan's gonna run a splice and yeah some conspiracies and I'm we're gonna be in CVA gonna question the [ __ ] out of them as conspiracy should be questioned but before that Stevie how's your work going let's go marvelous actually really well at the moment yeah yes good what determines a good day at work for you I go home and just sleep I don't I don't spend the rest of I don't stay there that's always good do you have to say there a lot all the time really yeah like how many days a week thanks six what have they got specific beds there I'm only allowed to leave for this what on Mondays yeah so your only day off you spend here now it's all a lie I do long shifts oh don't I know you can do work 9:00 in the morning to late at night just because the are you actually ever gonna tell anyone what you do alright some people know you know well yeah I know but I'm trying to like I'm trying to pull out the information so you can give I have to find out if I'm allowed like genuinely I do need to I should ask really do you have the right to to her to her yeah specifically thing is this may spawn people have been asking that for a while right Jordan harrassing number one what should we kick off with so you've saved the best till last so that's incredibly subjective we'll start off light a tional this is short and sweet right diplomacy no no no you know the guy just no no he might not been decent it might be awful all the humans die he might not even been human all right so he's actually a Martian yeah oh and by the way that event that biblical event happened on Mars and the boat it wasn't a boat it was a spaceship and they fled to earth and we are all Martians this is our my weekends go away we are Martians because what is a Martian we're a Martian to anyone else on another planet yeah a Martian is just what defines a Martian it isn't a Martian an extraterrestrial something from Mars is now the Martian was just somebody from another planet might just be specifically for Mars oh well that one's bollocks because it's the Bible in the Bible are made up anyway you know I mean dependent on your thoughts of the Bible but yes well as an atheist I think I believe Noah's Ark didn't even happen funny I dare even being from Mars and also doing it I tell you what kind of pushed my perspective on the Bible right I by the fact that he was a he was a Martian and came to earth on a spaceship more than he was a 600 year old dude before Jesus was born and happened on earth what was he ever mentioned to be 600 was he Yoda google it no it was like 600 Moses was like 400 every Sunday can [ __ ] Drive about 600 years old built the bow I've never heard this before how have I gone through my life not knowing Noah was this all like now confuse completely I don't care about the conspiracy theory now the actual conspiracy is whether II was 600 years old constitutes as a conspiracy theory I think it's when there is a a like a given fact right so for example or what is known to be factual so let's just quickly go to the obvious conspiracy theory go to which is 9/11 right so the go-to story is terrorists hijacked a plane Rome into two buildings yeah right so I think it's when other theory spawn from an official story derives from the known truth I'll give you a nice example I was at work the other day I don't think about what about this I find it really mental that Donald Trump doesn't believe in global warming yes I I in my mind I wasn't a stupid like how can you not believe in it he did a tweet I just capture [ __ ] Melton Lloyd fat what's it comes yes the other days about a woman who said she's gonna run for president but during it she was saying how they're gonna fight global warming but she was stood in like a snowstorm so he tweeted good noise funny timing almost to go can't have other weathers if global warming czar then don't worry Donna when you die make the place you're going to will be very [Laughter] do you believe in climate change to this guy I work with anyone well yeah I believe the climate is changing okay let me rephrase that yeah do you believe in global warming anyway yeah but I don't necessarily think it might be a bad thing like they all say and azar for [ __ ] sake and then as we walked over to where I work he goes I also think it could be one of the biggest as we've ever dealt with him along the lines of listen when we had that heatwave in November I'm gonna embrace this October one of the 200 ste weather this is supposed to be snow and this is sick get some rays but you know obviously you know I love polar bears I do I like they said obviously obviously I like polar bears about give and take yeah so you'll give the life of polar bears for a nice turn imagine this imagine global warming exists it heats Oh without a doubt Weatherspoon's all right I know it's a weird connection I'll get waiting to see whether spoons offer all-inclusive wristbands said and to be fair with Lanza Roy February 28 degrees you're telling me you do not want 28 degrees in England in February you rely I actually hate the heat though yeah I'm a big fan of winter I hate the heat I'll tell you for why your ginger I'm ginger I found easy I've got hay fever I get hay fever bad so and so basically in the summer I have red eyes and a snotty nose and then in the winter I get a cold so I've got red eyes yeah I am constantly I'm not Stephen trying amazingly I sound human right what was the conspiracy so no is in an arc yes and that basically no was a Martian and he actually brought the animals and that over to her I just thought I'd start off like I literally thought was but I thought were gonna spend 45 seconds on this with 12 minutes is dread to think we get to Hitler didn't die in 1945 how did how would you got to Athena now no it was a spaceship anyone odd yeah 100% without doubt that's the main thing anyone out there listening for recently wanna cut now I'm joking anyway right the next one the Queen Her Majesty the Queen gigglers is in fact a cannibal we can't say anything until you give us a reason behind okay so she is ruled longer than any other queen she is outlasted 13 Prime Minister's and something like 11 presidents I don't know why I didn't try that bit down she's 91 yeah she's got a 330 official engagements a year at the age of 91 even 40 years ago officials and people who met her said that she had more energy than anyone had ever seen she has been on it for years and decades and decades and decades right she's been on it okay [Laughter] Frankie got done for treason for saying her Fanny was haunted so I need to be careful her energy has always outweighed her age now this is my notes go yes it goes from our energy is outweighed a rage to dozens of children go missing every time she finishes it's Canada now human flesh has great energy properties and cannibalism has been used for hundreds of years and has been seen as a ritualistic thing like you know you consume the people that you kill and you get their energy and all the rest of it and it but apparently an anonymous soldier who worked at Windsor Castle during the 70s officially claimed that he found a secret freezer in the kitchen of Windsor Castle filled with human body parts that he believes used to prolong her own exist beyond the usual span of a human whoa yes who's this guy then that's all right you bet if he's anonymous where's the proof that he that he's a soldier and he even got near it someone online because they come with me anonymous yeah this I don't know where to start with this I assume that kids go missing in Canada every day yeah no there could be a reason behind that it's a big occasion for her to go so people are more kind of focused on that so a lot of queens come and where's the rope she's going over there everyone's getting excited everyone's paying attention oh my god the Queen's come couple of heroes out there do you know a few kids available now look because no one's hope no one's focusing on but at anything else but when she come when she when she goes to Canada she's only in every in one place or is she know she's only in one place so all the mums and dads in that area will be the select few that are looking at her not every mum and dad just goes oh and covers their eyes when she can so how the pedo is gonna I don't know I'm saying imagine imagine if the Queen goes there it's like a parade that's everyone's out on the streets waiting to trying to just see this called Queen all the families you don't always hold on tickets I don't have any so never holding kids but then that's when they grabbed them the conspiracy continues for Stevie I'm not trying to give people ideas but it sounds like a great time to steal the kid solid logic I also found out something quite interesting apparently cannibalism isn't illegal in the UK it's not you cannot be like charged for cannibals as long as you kill the / obviously murderers and you ate it and you ate it before calling the play it's frowned upon probably shouldn't have done that if you're like look did he really need his leg well what if I didn't kill you but I just now 2/pi oh yeah well that's grievous bodily harm yeah like that then he's a kinky bastard you're both but also interestingly did you know that the Queen cannot be prosecuted because she has sovereign immunity I have heard that she cannot commit because she cannot be charged for any crime so therefore if she did just go around eating people if she the only thing that she could be charged for was murder but then she can't be charged for that because of her sovereign immunity so therefore if the Queen wanted to be accountable she very much could quite easily so why doesn't she just do it and tell people doesn't necessarily give weight to the theory but it's it's an option that's alright though if she's above all law then then why would she bother hiding it I guess she wants people still like her but then she's never apparently she's also never ever ever had a public interview ever really ever yeah I have a really strange feeling if she did come out in an interview and go by the way guys every time I go to Canada I steal a few kids to eat people might turn on what might go a bit off easy she's never done an interview but this is where she'd come that's pretty mint although I could sit in on that ask my probably have a nibble on Harry odd up Harry yeah can you take their wives no I know members of the royal family the gobby bloodline ah no no Megan yeah Megan would be above there for me I think Charles would be quite fun I don't know I think Harry would be good cuz I reckon would probably taste a lot of sort of like lager yeah I reckon he's quite partial to a Gregg's yeah I can see that tastes a little bit of you know entitlement yeah Charles would be quite leathery you know when you eat a sausage but it's got way too much skin like you've pushed it and you've got like a soggy sort of like should I mean I know I know what you mean also that also because basically what the theory says it's not just the Queen it's the whole royal family right okay I mean you got you got Phillip admittedly flip the land rover and he's now give up his license but you still driving at 97 yeah that's my name that's crazy without glass there is anything behind you know the whole eating people gives you energy yeah you know then he is I mean I don't know if you can tell you that there's a conspiracy there like well he's driving a Land Rover in 97 three must munch on them that's right each of these at ten on how likely we can week our heads could be turns thieving okay so going back to the keys in the boat and the Martians zero zero mainly because if you'd have just told me the story of Noah I'd have told you zero as well yeah I like I'd like to know your number though because you've done the most research on things yeah no zero as is the whole Bible left well anyway carry on Queen Lizzy three Lizzy getting busy is a free from Stevie I think yeah I'm gonna give it four I debated a four but then I thought was a bit strange yeah there is there is throughout history Royal that have is actually officially known they did so it could just be like tradition stuff a little kid for Christmas so the next one this is this is an actual place this this this does happen it's what actually happens there is where the theories are Alex Jones yeah actually broke into this place in 1989 and got some actual footage of what's going on so this is Bohemian Grove this is heavily linked to the Illuminati the Freemasons yeah this is a men-only elitist club where politicians go where celebs go and you know actors and all the rest of it men only satanic human sacrifices take place now in the Alex Jones footage yeah and this is you can see these videos it's basically a giant owl effigy that they like prey to a more Western sacrifice too and there is a coffin on fire and people like in robes and they're doing their sacrifice thing and you can hear the screams of someone so it's like [ __ ] I think there's actually someone in that coffin but there's also other theories around it in that it's a male sex club because there's been you can hear these online there's there's Ronald Reagan and Clinton both asked about the Bohemian Grove and they both said officially in interviews along the lines of um paradigm meshing the two together because they said something similar hmm basically the that's that that's that gay elite club that they all go to to touch up men that's what Clinton and Reagan said he yes she said the F where the F age that yeah yeah yeah so so yeah and there's also a testimony from a gay porn star that corroborated these stories he worked there for an event claiming that he was paid to attend to the participants every need and want every need and one so gay sex club yeah that sacrifices people why do they sacrifice it's just it's like a satanic cult for the Illuminati what defines a satanic cult people believe religion really like it's always essentially their own religion rather than believing in God you do stuff for Satan so instead of doing good you do bad and there's so much satanic iconography around the Illuminati and stuff it's an upside-down cross instead of a normal cross yeah and like the triangle you'll see an iron all the rest of it right okay like you I scratched the surface with maybe Mike's I just didn't think I was ever gonna come back a coffin on fire with someone burning to death yeah maybe that's just the Queen Evan a barbecue I guess all Ling Noah was there cuz he's logged about 1500 years our bodies point these presidents can go to it did they know no cuz that was the other thing I believe that they're Democrats because they actually said was the opposition Democratic and they're like oh that's that that's that gay like love that all the Republicans go to oh my god but they obviously the there's footage of them saying this like they Bohemian Grove is real it's a real place where it's a club but it's one of those behind closed doors will actually how could it not just be a gay brothel that's all it really sounds like I don't know about the Satanic side of it just be the style if Alex Jones if you starting to believe stuff Alex Jones is saying I'm with you on that but this was 1980 like now like from 2010 on what the to thousands onwards Alex Jones has become downhill he is not all there at all like 2019 you just watch any of his videos it's just like that is literally watching a man having a mental breakdown yeah this is 1989 I'd like to hope he hasn't been that mental for his entire life you see I mean I I can't actually watch Alex Jones because I I am much like my whole spiel with people telling me their dreams si yeah don't I don't care because anything's possible so you're never gonna baffle me or intrigue yeah that's how I imagine that guy to be like if I put on say about the true Geordi podcast one day and Brian was there going why a man that's exactly what he sounds Hitler was actually a pelican go I'd watch it because I want to see what he's what one screw loose but upper Alex Jones on an Aegis there shout and [ __ ] I'm like wow this guy's lost it turn the friggin frogs gay this rant about Hillary Clinton pouring stuff into the water supply in his turn and the frogs gay I mean you can't write it man that's that that's what I like about it you can wrote the compilation of him yeah are amazing I think it's so fictional and Tobi's are they you specifically can write it tonight I mean it's that what we thinking about that one should we split it up so so first of all how it's a real place is it a gay sex club out of ten released I'll give that a name what you recommend well you've had two presidents say what it is yeah and people have gone in you've had a pornstar say that he did it I just think it could have been like a gay brothel mmm at Melrose rank so give it a propaganda though what's called bohemian what Bohemian Grove and what you can go there you can go well if you're in the elite yeah we're talking like the top end politicians in America I I don't know if these people are part of it but if I was to sort like the kind of caliber you're talking about Tom Cruise George Clooney not saying they're actually part of it but that's although a list yeah if anyone oh that was the other thing so you have to that was it you have to be invited by like multiple people that are already in it or you can jaw you can request to join but apparently the waiting list is in the decades what yeah yeah so how many people they accept in a month I have no idea I think they probably is probably one in one out wait so you died that was the other oh my god I miss like one of the the weird well one of the most extreme bits about it so basically obviously you've got all these people of power hmm all these men of power in the same place right one of the the rules is no negotiations no deals are allowed to be made at the Bohemian Grove right it's like it's just like a on a respect thing however contradictory to that they have also boasted that because of the people that have brought together the likes of the Manhattan Project was actually birthed our Bohemian Grove meeting the Manhattan Project of course was the atomic bomb really yeah like things like that apparently in birth I'm just gonna say okay brothel that's a gay brothel will weird [ __ ] going down yeah but I think weird [ __ ] probably goes down and a normal brothel as well I think I think also when you get to like this is just when you get to the elite like you are like millions or billions in your bank where you like the highest in your field hmm you probably get like bored of just like normal stuff right so so I'm back to like the human sacrifice I'm not saying if I become a billionaire starts a possibility they're like I'm bored of all this normal yeah that's I I'm gonna you know like you know what hostel the film hostel yeah well the rich rich people basically pay to kill people kill torture yeah because they're bored and that's a good point that's a good point for somebody who has as a mr. Bobby Messner said money is freedom and for somebody who has the freedom to do whatever they want you might you're break that human brain is a weird thing and you may start to crave the stuff you know you can't do yeah because right now as as as free lads we've not loads of money we can't we've got limitations around our life once you unlock all of those you then chase that next high so I'm gonna get I'm gonna say there's some weight behind I'm not too sure about the burning effigies but then to be fair mate is this something to be in America this yes yeah anything's possible you've got guys going on TV in America becoming TV personalities because they [ __ ] cars if you told me that was a conspiracy ten years ago I don't laugh you out of the room yeah so I'm gonna say I'm gonna give that an 8 I'd give for for like the idea of the satanic side of it but eh I think it's a solid chance and it should be in a hang on so now no I think the listeners will be very pissed off if we don't all rate this based on the same criteria ok the exact criteria all that Celeste says it the whole thing so it's a gay club it's a GLAAD gay elite club where human sacrifices take place and the atom bomb was created okay I'm gonna say six and I'll go between the two I'm gonna say 700 I think there's a lot of weight to this one yeah there we go so now everyone at homes gone I'm now gonna have to read up about what makes a good podcast because I love podcasts where you learn new things so there you go gay sex clubs so from gay sex clubs to possibly a pedophile bar but the guy could definitely dance of course talking about Michael Jackson MJ MJ the King of Pop basically a few a few theories around Michael Jackson they're not necessarily linked right is there a theme throughout and is that theme under 10 years of age no to be fair there's nothing on him being a nonce no right can you be liable against the dead no information of me oh yeah but so many people have sort of like done that to death Jame yeah so we're solid but there's nothing in it I mean unless unless yes he did predict 9/11 in which were [ __ ] is pretty spooky stuff mate um but also did you know apparently Michael Jackson had an IQ of a hundred and sixty four which is genius intellect there's a yeah so he had a genius intellect I mean whether what what he did or didn't do was true you cannot deny the man was audaciously talented oh yeah yes talent was [ __ ] on another level yeah when it came to singing and dance and he was taught not children that's where I start to question the man's in Selenas to work out I probably shouldn't sleep on them calling Cole Kim that's true but then what was he doing at the funeral home a calling yeah making sure [Laughter] no because like Stockholm Syndrome sometimes you can come attach those I'm not blaming any victims by the way just film dropping isn't there this minute of beer I recently be exposing all of Michael Jackson's fiddly hands yeah there's nothing really covering necks awful that's probably a bit too obvious but there is an out which we've never actually I've never even heard of this album before I'm not one of the biggest Michael Jackson vanish now all the Big Bang is beyond me but so there is album album art for bloodshed on the dance floor this album art you can google it right now make sure you got tab open with the podcast on and predicts 911 so basically blood shares on the dance floor so basically what it is yeah there's a there's a backdrop of a cityscape yeah as plumes of smoke and he is stood there with his arms in a position of ten to nine if you can imagine so his arms are over in ten to nine right so he is stood in a cityscape this is in I think 1997 he stood with a cityscape they got up there yeah and his hands are at ten to nine nine five to nine so now 9/11 actually happened 846 and behind him is a cityscape plumes of smoke he's wearing a red jacket which is obviously the red signifies bloodshed and this was released years before 9/11 actually happened I was blood on the dance floor player blood on the dancer blood on the dashboard do apologize I am so so one of his hands is pointing at nine the other ones at 11 which is 911 yeah but also is also at the time so you see like it's like just around 946 947 exactly and 9/11 happened at 8:46 a.m. and behind him is a cityscape plumes of smoke oh yes sorry yes 846 yeah yeah he's wearing he's wearing red which signifies bloodshed got a mixed up it's blood on the dance floor not bloodshed on the dance that's pretty mad yeah yes but could also he was supposed to be in the twin towers or in one of them the day it happened but he overslept apparently now obviously the theory is well if he was predicting at four years later of course he's not gonna be there right okay that's mad it's weirder there's a why is that why does there need to be a clock on that Dyson that there isn't a clock on there someone's put that on there oh right that's just to show where his hours are the actual the actual album art has no clock on it right yeah so it's just like oh my god look at where his arms are okay yeah that's what that's that's weird it's more of a spooky coincidence I think yeah that's good unlike the previous one that was very plausible and and I think some parts of the past one had actually been proven to be true this one is more of just a Quinton I'd say yeah a Seth MacFarlane was meant to be on the 911 flight did you know that yeah I think you said before yeah that's pretty yes people wouldn't of came yeah no Family Guy it's mad witch yeah no I'm just I'm just keep looking at this Michael Jackson picture yeah so apologies crazy also so basically it's all there's also like if he predicted that he apparently predicted other things such as there was an interview just after excuse me oh there's an interview just after Princess Diana died and MJ expressed his great sadness but also his concern as he felt another death was coming and hoped it wasn't him few weeks later mother to razor died Theresa to razor so it was like he was concerned that there was another big death coming right he because of his how big he was like worried it was going to be him few weeks later mother Theresa dies it's obviously a pretty big name I think coincidence that one could yeah that will die all the time yeah that one's a bit more of a coincidence he also predicted his own death over his music catalog and that police brutality would rise in the coming years which it has what was that sorry so he also predicted his own death in 2009 do thee yeah he did Jay said to his sister she his sister's come out in an interview and said like he he came to me and said that he was worried for his own life that people were after him for his music catalog and then a few weeks later Roos found dead oh is that the conspiracy around that that the doctors killed him yeah yeah so people have rights with music yeah right and then also yeah he apparently talked of he predicted that police brutality would rise against black people and it has really so apparently so oh and he also he also feared that a new terrorist organization would would come about and obviously we have Isis so I mean could be the spoutings of a madman or could be that he's actually a little bit psyche I actually heard that in his first album as well he said that the frogs returning gay as you said he's a really smart person high IQ all of those things are fairly just things you could have said anywhere I've said to people before I think I say every Sunday to Fiona I feel I'm gonna die because I'm hungover yeah if I then did die on the Monday or Tuesday so I'm not too sure about that the album covers obviously a bit spooky I mean it is the spookiest one yet but I don't think it holds much weight so you know I'm to a we just basing this base on him him basically is he the conspiracy theory is is he psychic and he could he predict things or a time now if I could just put a little bit of my own personal thing into this our people psychic I have a scar on my nose there as a kid I was on a climbing frame playing it I was about ten playing tag and I was on the climb frame and the guy who was it he said you're it grabbed my foot and pulled me down I smashed my nose on the chrome frame fell to the ground right went home covered in blood my mom's partner at the time was there my mom wasn't there cuz she was having a sunbed right my mom swears this is true she was laying on the Sun bed and she just got this vision of me laying on the sofa covered in blood so she just got out went straight home there I was so I'm not saying I believe it moves like as well but I'm open to it because of what happened there because that's unexplainable that's pretty mad it's a bad feeling but then there's there's so many times because this is the thing with conspiracy yeah people only ever talk about the times that the conspiracies not committed coincidence sorry people only ever talked about the time the coincidences match up so your mum well Arthur in our head from what I've grown to learn you have millions of thoughts in your brain or ever at any given time yeah not millions but your thinking lots of things at any given time and some of them are just like secondary thoughts that never really materialized into a proper thought so you're walking down the street like Gervais said you don't think in words do you know you think just things you just think things so your mum could have had that image because you're her son she worries about you she could have had that image flick through the back of her mind loads of times that day right loads of times in her life and then because she comes home and she sees it her brain matches that up of when she's last had that premonition and boom it's a coincidence but what about all the time she's previously had bad it's not happened but she did say she intentionally left early because she had that thought right okay but I do understand what you're saying 100% is a really good way to rationalize it yeah but you were a young kid so if she worried it probably just kind of said it was just to make herself feel at ease I doubt she genuinely thought she was gonna get home and you were there what she really fought was that she was just panicking wanting to feel easy to get home and see that you weren't there it just so happened that you were yeah I don't think the human brain is capable I know oh my god I'm a very logical person that is completely that is if that actually happen that's true that is completely unexplainable though I can't explain that yeah my point was because of that I'll boost this a little bit right whereas before it would be like yeah I'll get a four careful on there too it's like people that don't they strongly do not believe in ghosts and then if they see one little flash that can it can change her opinion number do you give it what is it this is Michael Jackson the temptu I'm gonna give it I'll give it a three okay so I think I think it's probably the third most like yeah yeah the album art is spooky innit the album the album art is very spooky and that's what I like about conspiracies things that do give you that little shiver yeah because the human brain like the human brain is full of so much intrigue that's why we love murder documentaries people say oh like not a lot of people say this because they're in the minority but some people go are if you like murder documentaries you must be a bit of a sicko that's like no the human brain is intrigued to stuff we can't we can't comprehend and we can't comprehend killing someone so we'll watch stories about people that did that and you want to try and get in the head so I I enjoyed that one but unfortunately for you children we're not writing these based on how much we enjoy them but we're staying on MJ okay this one this one's this was pretty crazy so this is that Michael Jackson was actually murdered and replaced at the height of his career in 1984 age 26 what would they look like with a look-alike with a white look-alike specifically and there's reasons for that so in 1984 Michael Jackson became a living legend the most sought-after human on the planet however no matter how silent and he was ultimately he was a black man no one had ever seen anything like him he surpassed anything ever achieved by white idols such as Elvis Sinatra and the Beatles keep in mind what happened what happened in the lead-up to this apparent death right so bear in mind his accolades at the time and people's narrow-minded viewpoints at a time because it is important so basically in 1979 he released the best-selling album by black eyes for the time called off the wall and he then topped that himself and set a world record for the best sell at selling album by releasing thriller thriller in 1982 he won eight Grammys and AMAs and visited the president he got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame all in 1984 alone none of this had ever been done by Black Arts in such a short amount of time the theory goes that one day in late 1984 Michael Jackson was murdered in a lawyer's home spooky now not wanting to go public with his death due to his popularity his body was taken to Neverland and buried under Neverland Ranch under Sun says he'll MJ's favorite place at Neverland after his murder those responsible seek to replacement a white replacement that would allow them to control his every move and behavior soon after Michael Jackson appeared with vitiligo as skin pigment disease a man mocked by the media a COO accused of pedophilia but was not the real Michael Jackson so basically they murdered him and replaced him and that's what explained his change in skin tone not the Vita Vita like oh why didn't father replace on him why would they why'd they bother replacing him with a [ __ ] version of him who's done all the [ __ ] things just to go look at this [ __ ] camp I think it I what I can see from the conspiracy it was it was because he was the man he was like then he was a living legend you know they basically took that yeah swapped it for something they could control but in the same position but then they mock him and call him a pedophile and now that was like obviously yelled I'm a little doubtful in the 90s in that but then like if you if you have like a got if it like not he went a god but if you have something that you idolize and then they die why just just let it be like why get a shitty they're going for is like it was massively a race thing and they replace this dominant black guy with a with with a white guy like I want to just save for this one I am this is a zero I'm really skeptical and like just trying to find any sense in it I think that they just basically basically killed him because of his skin color replaced it with a white guy but had him still posed as a black yeah I mean logical fallacies routes if they killed him cuz he was a black guy than the people killing him were obviously racist white people so why would they then replace him of a white one and then go let's make this one the shittier one that's a bit non see surely they'd replace him of a white one he'd be incredible they'd be and then once he died unless unless unless the guy that they replaced him with they didn't do that I don't think it's possible to replace Michael Jackson like after when he became white he still went on to do earth song his voice in that as in saying you can't replace Michael exactly an attempt I think I don't see any reason why you'd replace a legend with it with a shitty version otherwise they should have replaced Keith Fletcher Heath Ledger was someone called Keith ledger we can just we can just look like just one in front I was just trying to eat shop earlier ruin the hold we should replace Keith legend with Keith ledger otherwise they should have replaced Heath Ledger with Keith Ledger a BTEC version of didn't work let's repeat it perfectly so you still get no response I've got two more did we all do our numbers on that one we did in one zero zero one okay let's fling it back to good old 911 you know trusty line of good old we need to stop he's not part of the American government stop Jordan Alex please make that the subs but we're not going we're not gonna touch the towers right we're gonna go for the Pentagon because the Pentagon I do question my question Pentagon is the headquarters of the US Department of Defense in Arlington Virginia and thus theory is that it wasn't a plane that hit the Pentagon the Pentagon was most definitely hit by something that you can see that but plane maybe not so basically the theory is that it was actually a missile used as a false red flag initiative to start the war in the Middle East right hmm so the FBI this is faction with the FBI ceased 85 security tapes that's proper Norfolk security tapes from the Pentagon and only one remotely showed an object hitting the Pentagon have 85 tapes one remotely showed an object hitting the Pentagon it was a single frame and it was one single white streak that's apparently a Boeing 757 100-ton plane one single frame if a plane was about to hit the Pentagon I think it would have picked up more than just a single white streak for a split second missile experts claim the object is too small to be claimed as a seven five seven plane and is more likely and more consistent with a cruise missile donald rumsfeld was the alleged architect of the operation his office just happens to be on the opposite side of the building it's just one of those funky facts yeah and basically if there was a plane how could a Boeing 757-200 weighing almost a hundred tons traveling a minimum of 200 and 250 miles per hour which has been confirmed allegedly to have gone 350 miles an hour only damaged the outside of the Pentagon also how on earth did it only hit the ground floor of a five-story construct it's all very weird that was pretty men yeah I've done a bit of reading into this as well just cuz I've always found it kind of weird you can read that's the biggest conspiracy but I'm pretty sure no conspiracy I've read into something and seen that the room it hit also specifically damaged certain files as well so there's quite a lot that goes into it but also there's no plane parts around the debris there's no debris from an aeroplane thus taking an airplane but there's nothing no waitresses it just disappeared it hid it and gone yeah well then it's true then it's true that no experi yeah well then where's the wing then yeah I don't get it I don't understand how they're still done with it but also 85 tapes didn't show anything of this mass as spelling 7 5 7 is an enormous plane right didn't show any of it coming in or anything nothing also how would it could lower life yes exactly and then to hit only the ground floor of a five-story construct that is pretty mental and that is probably the most convincing points I've heard any how many people died in this 125 what in the Pentagon died and how many on the plane I don't know because there wasn't one [ __ ] and I'm a research but as literally well you've got two things how many airplanes whether on the day that we were obviously the two for the towers there was that one and then there's another one that is to take back but they can lead a civilian tried to land in it but no one's ever spoken about that other plane oh no no no like who was on that yeah so obviously there's all the things the weird theories about the whole of the twin towers blowing up and then the one kind of remaining thing they have is the passport of the exact guy who did it yeah there's that in perfect condition yeah even though yeah so yeah it's all a bit strange that the Pentagon one I've yet there's if you look at the photo of where it got blown up as well there's a camera next to it and that camera caught nothing so yeah I've always kind of put that one a little bit deeper into that before my head explodes what is the reasoning behind why this will be a cover-up probably the one I mentioned the files so they there were certain files in the Pentagon object a massive government and racial and also to kickstart the war in in Afghanistan and Iraq okay that's got some weight behind that so they can go and and the thing is they wouldn't ever the thing is the towers I just fit even know people did die in the Pentagon I feel like it's more respectful to just stick on the Pentagon because of the sheer amount of people that died in the towers if the US government did do this in order to kick-start a war they're not the first government to do that this does this has happened in the past this is a that you know there was something around it was all it was proven apparently I'm gonna butcher this but the the US government sanctioned the CIA to do certain attacks within the u.s. to claim that it was Cuba I think it was like in the a II so that they could go and do what they wanted to do in in in Cuba and this is actually that would but this is in quite possibly this is in declassified files it's there in black and white so that it's not it's not out of the realms of possibility that it will they did send a missile into the side of the Pentagon to say terror attack you need to go go go after them but then why would they do that as well as just you might as well just do the two towers because that's the Secretary of Defense that is actually the home of the defensive yeah actual but then if you do that why you got to do the towers like what cuz there's a threat on our defense and a threat on our people yeah that's gonna be a nine for nine yeah I also don't think you can ever give a conspiracy theory attend no because it's a yeah yeah so that is the most plausible conspiracy theory I think I've heard well definitely today yeah either that or the or the Queen if you looked at a frog be going over to Bohemian Grove when they're all linked or maybe to tell if it's a gay frog you just look for a little bag see if it's got Chihuahua in it that's the most stereotypical thing [Laughter] even though two hours are the smallest dogs dogs won't be frog frogs will not be able to catch two hours could probably carry bags from frog since I would love to see that know if anyone out there can you please get a frog in a bag I live near some frog so I live near some frog you're making a salad your new neighbors that are moved in are you just telling us all and I have to say helling so well I don't know where to start let's start with the fact that declassified FBI files yeah clearly show that ten years after the end of the World War two the US government ploughed millions of dollars into searching for Hitler why would you do that if he was dead why would you that was dead also the official story is that he committed suicide with his wife of a couple of hours they got married in the bunker and then and then allegedly commit suicide she took a suicide pill she took a cyanide capsule he shot himself and then apparently the bodies were covered taken upstairs at his request burnt but the bodies were reduced to ashes because it takes 3,000 degrees in a cremation chamber in order to do that so there was plenty of remains for the Russians to find so they took his his alleged body back - to - to Moscow where it was held for a long time and then in 2009 it was genetically his skull was genetically tested and it was in fact the skull of a 35 year old woman potentially and more than likely his wife so what what the the skull that we believed was Hitler's was actually a 35 to 40 year old woman's skull so they not just take the wrong body potentially or there was never a body for them to take trip and Hitler got into deeper the war and he knew he was gonna lose before that just forget the conspiracy theories look into the last few hours in Berlin it was like hell on earth like it was it was all going to [ __ ] Hitler had lost he knew this and and it was it was bad way he drove him to suicide well allegedly what how would he have escaped just quickly quick little - and just left everyone's gone Hitler's in there that he just walks out looking exactly what and this is just just briefly gonna to tear from that moment that's that theory what this is where I really shower thick I am but what determines winning the war like when it was like because if you played chess for me now I'd know I'm about I'm close to checkmate the Germans surrendered what they all go whoa they said are they sent like an official thing dude yeah after Hitler died everything fell to [ __ ] they officially surrendered rider to the Allies yeah back in the day it used to just be everyone's dead except you so like in war and then you killed yeah it was very once the Kings dead but this they say do message when something along those lines yeah I mean though they were running out of ammunition they I mean they're the this is this is true a lot of the Nazi soldiers actually will I basically fueled on like cocaine LSD I love Jacques if you imagine you're sending your your soldiers marching across countries like hopefully you can get food supplies every now and then but sometimes guys so they were you know and they were it was getting to a stage where it was like if you're in a battle we don't have any more guns or ammunition so when you're going front if you get shot just pick up his gun like it was for the Nazi Party it fell to [ __ ] quite quickly you know where we when the u.s. got involved and everything and it was just too much right so hit the boulder and then percent and then apparently kill himself but he didn't apparently fled to Argentina and there were legitimate rat there called rat roots or rat holes about three of them out of Europe by u-boat via submarine that you could actually get out also apparently there was some rich benefactors from Argentina that actually funded the Nazi Party in the 20s so without them the Nazi power would have never really raised because they didn't have the money behind them so there was there was definitely links with in Argentina and Chile both the leaders were fascists both of them were very much in with the Nazis because I mean the thing is I guess there was points during the world war where you probably as a leader of a country had to think will [ __ ] which so even if you're not directly involved will [ __ ] which saw is gonna win yeah probably better nerves they're already fascist anyway so they they sided with them but it's also factual that thousands if not tens of thousands of high-ranking Nazis escaped to South America and then other ones in in Operation Paperclip were enlisted into NASA and stuff in America a lot of the the high end engineers and scientists and so love Nazis got away it was only really the the lower ones that corner that kind of got their comeuppance really but yeah so Hitler Hitler yeah the three successful ratlines from Europe to South Africa South America but some of the worst of the worst have managed to escape people like Joseph mingle a have you ever heard of him the angel of death dr. death oh yeah absolutely vile human being a he's the guy who tested it on Twitter yes he tested on twins he killed 3000 twins so basically the idea was obviously at the Aryan race right the Hitler Youth the blow yeah well if we can figure out how the [ __ ] twins work we can double the rate of our of our hit of the youth coming through right so he he tested on twins he'd see if they shared pain he'd inject ink in blue ink into their eyes he would like cut parts of them off and sew them on the other one to see if they where he was despicable he was one Hitler was obviously [ __ ] awful one of the worst humans to ever live I genuinely believe that there were people but beneath him that were worse really because I can't I I don't know I don't know the guy I don't know a dog Hitler obviously but I don't know if he would get joy out of harvesting children and like meshing them together Joey you I think you have to be allowed people to be facilitating enabled and I'm not you know but I think you have to be a special kind of sick [ __ ] to do that yeah you're looking into that they were absolute [ __ ] monsters they really were that is incredible I'm not sure if you can class this one was a conspiracy theory though is Hitler not didn't die in the war here's my logic behind it if we genuinely believe that he did like even like our government and everyone and now it they've only found out about the skull a few years ago it's not really a conspiracy theory because a conspiracy theory comes across that someone's trying to lie about it but no one was trying to hide I genuinely fought it but also what's he done since like if on the off chance he made it to Argentina it's kind of like stun war still over we haven't started well more free but a pat well this is this is in the theater practice because of like all the high-ranking guys go over there like Joseph Shaffer he was another one he actually set up a place in I think it was Chile called Colonia Dignidad which is colony of dignity and that place gee that place kind of signifies I think what life would have been like had the Nazis won so too there was still a lot of Germans regardless of their now there was regardless of whether they were high-ranking Nazis or not there was still a lot of Germans within Germany that were loyal to the Nazi Party right so basically this shows of Schaefer sold this dream to a lot of the people left behind that you could we're going to make paradise in Argentina and Chile a South America come right so there were people selling everything they had to come over to where he was gave them all their money and what they actually what they actually found when they got there was a a society led with an iron fist they would work 16 hours a day they'd be separated from from in in you know the couples would be separated the children would be molested there there was like over a hundred murders within this this community Colonia Dignidad I wouldn't recommend looking into it but it's I wouldn't recommend going but also it was constant surveillance it was forbidden to leave so basically they were sold a dream and given absolute hell and it just kind of fire festival but yeah and that just goes to show like what was saw like going on in South America but yeah it was still to this day there apparently there was like 50 German colonies throughout Chile and Argentina really yeah and these are these people that live there right can entirely German communities but you have to think they are I know you can't you can't like tarnish people with the brush of their fathers and things but you have to think these are the spawn of some of the evilest men that ever lived and apparently like they desert there's a fantastic documentary called hunting Hitler where they go over to South Africa and and go to these colonies and stuff and apparently it's all like full-on neo-nazi like you know really wipe out all the rest of it yeah and so these are like fanatical descendants of some of the highest-ranking officers in in the nasty pie scary stuff and they're still there and you gotta think if tenth if tens of thousands went over there within these there's like over 100,000 of them now so there's got to be some proper mental ones within that quite possibly possibly but yeah but but back to Hitler you know cuz that we would be all over them but but no so that part is real there are German colonies out there Schaefer did get there the Angel of Death Mengele did get there in fact Mengele was was in charge of the hospital was a good on him at Colonia dick was a fell on his feet didn't they just throw in this this theory said so after the Colonia Dignidad stuff right Mengele apparently retired to Brazil now like I said his whole thing was Hitler was like how the [ __ ] two twins work work out the village in which Mengel a retired and eventually died thank [ __ ] right now has the highest rate of twins on the planet it's like this really weird thing like I found it's like one in five born or twins and stuff like so it's like [ __ ] did he actually figure it out it's mad that is [ __ ] way for a resident conspiracy expert I think smash that just quickly countless potential eyewitness accounts in Argentina of Hitler right like I said there was no there was no body the skull was incorrect and he allegedly arrived in haciendo stand around mom Jack before moving to a Bavarian style mansion in an alko close to the Chilean border the classic this is this is this is a bit similar to the anonymous soldier with the Queen declassified CIA document from the 3rd of October 1955 claims an SS trooper called Philip Citroen claimed Hitler that he he met Hitler he knew Hitler and the file actually contained a photo of him with Hitler dated 1954 he's obviously like 10 years after you know if you were Hitler and you're on the run and you were meant to be dead this is I'll just finish it in then I'll get on but Nancy swore to protect Hitler sworn to secrecy protected compounds and he had he had billions in well few I think all the Nazi stolen gold and all the rest so the theory is he essentially bought the officials of Argentina to silence and apparently died in 1962 February the 13th after a series of heart attacks but but all that all the eyewitnesses right so they're like yeah we thought we saw him turn up we he came through through the villages and stuff and all the rest of it and you know it we were like that's that's that off Hill I'm not being funny right you're a Dolf Hitler your regimes gone to [ __ ] your honor escape didn't shave the Tash yeah what the [ __ ] yeah you're not gonna make me not going bald Eva all just embrace the beard light but apparently you know he loved the look I love Charlie Chaplin doing so I know what you mean I think that's got there's a lot of pros and cons to that one but I'm apparently how what was this yeah do you know why apparently has his stash like that little Tash bear now I can't work out and I'm not as I'm not an expert like he released all of me an expert but what it was and again there's gonna be a lot of holes in this because can't remember the details but apparently when in World War one he was a soldier wasn't he yes he was yeah he there was a bit where and he was trapped in some kind of place and there was a lot of gas coming that burns his skin right and and he was like he was like in a rock or under some floorboards or something and he'd managed to get a tube to breathe through I don't know if this might be true this might be a fact right but I don't know it could be another [ __ ] lie but the tube came and he had to stay there he had a mask on but for his mouth to breathe he put his mouth against this tube all this gas came burnt his skin so he couldn't he had a mask on his head but that's why he couldn't grow a beard or anything and that's why he could only grow that a little bit in the middle because that was the only bit touching the oxygen that he'd breathe from and then once that moved out I I just read that he really like Charlie Chaplin I genuinely read that of his English yeah but he really liked his comedy and that's why he grew to say Jews yeah it might not the English maybe that's why I don't know someone tell us because we we stopped rated that one for there's a chance but six anytime there's not a body yeah anytime there's not an actual body it's hard to trace I hope you guys learned some new conspiracies I definitely did I can tell you how to fun we can do it I've made I need rehab there we go guys if you don't know already this is Doody rhinos to go over and check his channel now we're gonna be making lots of stuff on there you may have already seen me on there by the time this goes out but yeah Cheers Jordan will have you back on he's gonna you'll see a lot of this face Stevie already seen enough of this face I'm just trying to work out a way that I can let you go without breaking any heart we'll get there we'll get there guys I promise right this one Jack makes happy hour these winged conspiracies we'll see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
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Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, WORLD’S CRAZIEST CONSPIRACY THEORIES - Happy Hour Podcast (FULL), conspiracy theories, dudey rhino, conspiracy theory episode, michael jackson, theories, conspiracy podcast, conspiracies, conspiracy theory happy hour
Id: wsoRxhRxK9o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 4sec (4204 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 08 2019
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