Was The Las Vegas Shooter's Motive Covered Up?

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this is the Las Vegas yeah and this was probably one that I looked into the most I spent a lot of hours searching watching and I don't know I think it probably the reason why I was even more intrigued than this than perhaps any of these things is because obviously I've been to Vegas a few times I loved the place I love the place and I don't know what when I go back it feels like I'm back like I'm there I should never be away like I'm back it's like it's so fun like it's vibrant it's unlike anywhere else on this planet so to have such a dark shadow cast though as this guy Steven paddock his name was did it baffles me and now when I went back last year which was the first time I went back after the shooting I don't know why but it just had a feel to it it just had a whole feel to it Las Vegas is a strip of casinos on either side and a big road going down the middle that's literally all it is really I mean you've got downtown Las Vegas and other suburbs and stuff but when you go to Vegas you just go in there you go and you don't need to live you don't need to even venture off that track that's just where you are it is literally all jokes aside like Yarmuth but on steroids times a million like it's incredible place but Mandalay Bay you've got all these hotels scattered up the left and the right and then at one end of the I think it's like just like two miles long could be wrong but roughly about that big and there's there's a casino one end and then at the other end almost like a plug to the to the thing yeah is Mandalay Bay and it's a long horizontal thing Casino and hotel on a tall one overlooks the entire so really wherever you are you can see it yeah and it's mad to think this is the guy that obviously went to what was it something like 37th floor or something like that we'll probably find out and I didn't want to read it but went to a tie up in the hotel and shot down yeah into the crowd that were a country and western music festival and just opened fire and it's it's so eerie and so spooky I went on a helicopter tour last time I was there flew up round it and it's just like I flew kind of like it stops just before you get to the mandalay bank and comes round on itself so I kind of got to see it from his point of view yeah it's just it's just so [ __ ] it's just so it's the deadliest mass shoot in a modern yeah cuz [ __ ] mate 58 people died yeah and 422 so that now for anyone who doesn't know the story must be living under a rock or something I'll read you a little synopsis of it and then I've got a question I want to ask at the m but on the night of October the 1st 2017 Steven paddock opened fire on a crowd of concert goers at the route 91 harvest Music Festival on the Las Vegas Strip in Nevada he killed 58 people and wounded 422 and the ensuing panic brought the injury total to 850 one paddock a 64 year old man from Nevada fired more than a thousand round rounds of ammunition from his suite on the 32nd floor of the Mandalay Bay Hotel the shooting and this is crazy the shootin happened between 5 past 10:00 p.m. and quarter past 10:00 yeah that Lee just 10 is a long time 10 minutes just continuous shooting it opened up a whole discussion about should bump stocks be allowed in the US ya know banned after that were they I think I think there was a law change I'm not sure if they were outlawed there's some stocks are illegal now yeah yeah yeah I mean to be honest ar-15 should be it's a [ __ ] assault rifle why do you need that I know obviously that is a very hot topic if you're American I get it you know your second Amendment rights and all that but yeah you I mean this is gonna open up the can of worms then we get more in the [ __ ] you need an ar-15 yeah when we get to our to this gun discussion you are right I've just read it here as well as a result pump stocks were banned by the US Justice Department in December 2018 with the regulation in effect as of March 19 it goes on to say here that so obviously it's 10 minutes to shoot and paddock was found dead in his hotel room from a self-inflicted gunshot wound his motive remains undetermined and as of January this year four months ago it's closed now they can't ever know what can you do they can't find that they can't find one which which again as we said with the human brain and that makes it even more intriguing because why have you done it what's really very scary fact about this have you heard about him booking how other hotels out around the time know this is the [ __ ] scary thing yeah and I think we get to it in this so paddock arrived at Mandalay Bay on September the 25th he was booked into room 32 135 a complimentary room on the 32nd floor four days later he also checked into the directly connecting room 32 134 both suites overlooked the site of a concert at Las Vegas between September the 25th and October the first the day of the shoot and he stockpiled and arsal of weapons associate and associated equipment with ammunition that included 14 a ar-15 rifles all of which were included were equipped with bumps ducts and 12 of which had a hundred round magazines and eight IR 10 rifles a bolt-action rifle and a revolver presumably the revolver they lose yourself yeah a bump stock oh and then it goes on say what the what a bump stock is now which I probably would would mention because as important obviously an ar-15 is a semi-automatic rifle ie you pull the trigger one bullet comes out right if you attach a bump stock to it essentially turns into a machine gun yeah so view a hundred round travel and go back back back back the Bob stock make turn into wow I'm glad you clarified I wasn't too sure I thought it was a silencer this is the bit sorry that I was going to say that you put perhaps didn't know paddock may have considered aka probably did considered attacking other events he had researched lads large-scale venues in cities such as Boston since at least May the 17 and had reserved rooms overlooking other festivals for so he'd Razoo had reserved a room overlooking the Lollapalooza festival but did not use it didn't check into his room according to his girlfriend she and paddock were at the Mandalay Bay during an earlier stay a month before the attack when he repeatedly chased out las vegas village from different windows in their room from September the 17th paddock stayed at the Ogden in downtown Las Vegas which overlooked the open-air Life is Beautiful festival that ran from blah blah blah table over his internet search terms from mid-september included SWAT weapons ballistics chart 308 SWAT Las Vegas and do police use explosives so ie if if he can't kill himself in time how is he gonna get taken out by the police basically yeah there's reports that you had an escape route planned I've heard about that yeah eglee remember that it was pretty mental yeah yeah I don't know if this has been confirmed but I read on a certain media outlet website I mean a newspaper website that he had booked the room underneath them it was well go out and in and it was gonna go out and in yeah so he's gonna do it oh yeah which is crazy he he I believe he ended up killing a member of hotel staff that came before the police really yeah because they would obviously alert which floor is on yeah because it's quite hard at the start to go one up he put loads of surveillance cameras in a buffet car that he left outside his room he ordered room service got that got the silver platting splattering crazy put put them under put the put the blankets the sheets over and left them sows in his rooms we can see when they're coming and apparently the escape this what some people say the escape the escape route must not have worked so he took over on himself did he have any like training the folks that sounds very thought-out don't know the Avenue like history of the art military I don't I don't know it sounds very what you'd expect to see in a film cameras and a monitor and yeah yeah it says here for pumps though it says what pump song is oh-oh yeah it says often with the help of hotel bellhops he brought five suitcases to his room between on September the 25th suspicious man seven on the twenty six two on the 28th and six on the thirtieth and two on October the first he before the true and paddock paddock spent most of his time at the Mandalay Bay gambling often at night he interacted with Mandalay employs more than ten times during his stay included including twice on the day of the shooting and MGM Resorts International spokesperson said they were all in normal nature the mash yeah and then it just goes on to say about the mass shooting and stuff the the shooting occurred between that ten minute put when the shooting began country music singer Jason Aldean was giving the closing performance shortly before 10 p.m. hotel security guard Jesus campus was sent to the 32nd floor to investigate an open door alert I assume that means window yeah because you're high up you shouldn't be able to open them yeah he's he's broken the window he shot through the window yeah but found that it would not open after comp Campos entered the floor he discovered an l-shaped bracket screwed into the door and door frame which was responsible for barring the door from opening he screwed back in yeah after reporting the discovery to the dispatch center he heard the sound of rapid drilling coming from room three two one three five and went to investigate the matter approximately five minutes past ten he was hit in the right thigh by one of about thirty five bullets that the that paddock fired through the door of his suite after the campus was here he took cover in the alcove between rooms one two two and once before and it made it and immediately informed the hotel by radio and cell phone he had been shot though he believed he had been shot with a BB or a pellet gun at the same time maintenance worker Steven shuck was on the same floor to fix the door that campus or at being barricaded campus who was already injured encountered shucks and told him to take cover shut contacted the hotel dispatchers over his radio informed them of the on go and shoot and and told them to call the police leave a Las Vegas metropolitan Police Department nor MGM MGM Resorts International the Mandalay Bay's owner have confirmed when information about the initial shoot and was relayed to the police that's weird yeah there's a lot yeah ten minutes it took them to get into that door security so he got shot before he started shooting out at everyone else cuz he was only up there to check the door not being able to wait for Mosley yeah he's trying the door isn't he yeah then there's thirty five shots come through the door and that was before we started shooting down at the crowd yeah yeah he shot through the door turned around and it still took him ten minutes to get to the room and they knew exactly where he was yeah that's mad isn't it be more security that could deal with it as well um a slight probably not paid enough as in I you honestly paid enough to risk your life on a hundred percent but that's the whole point of a slight conspiracy I'd like to bring up right all in good taste so I want to just I want to just pose a question that there's a picture posted from the inside of paddocks room when he's dead on the floor okay I don't you can see him on the table I believe you can see some ammo you can see low there's low you can see the pictures of all the guns as loads in the bar float all over the place if you imagine what he's got like however many guns it's like that so far what twenty-five suitcase yes mad so so they're gonna be all over the place on the picture and I've read some forums and stuff and people have speculated especially on reddit people seem to believe that you can see a notepad and a pen now it could just be a notepad and a pen in a hotel room obviously but it's right next to all the ammo in that and it looks like could it have been a note could it have been a motive he's he's made a [ __ ] statement here see I I when you said that there was no motive and stuff that clearly means that what I heard or read was a rumor yeah or not true I heard and it's his [ __ ] extreme but I heard that his motive may or may not have been that he had had enough ironically of the [ __ ] gun laws in America so he has done this as a massive statement to change the gun laws yeah and it's because you know some some log2 that fire would be the fact that he's shot a country-and-western yeah music festival which are synonymous with prey in a hurry and no guns and and stuff like that yeah I think where's Jason Aldean from he's from he's from a state that I believe are very very programs yeah that's what I heard so it just it just seems like it's it's inconceivable as all of these things are - why any of these people have done these things but was is there potentially could there have been a motive that he's left on the pad that someone may have gotten rid of for whatever reason I mean you're into government conspiracies but I'm sure they've done probably worse than they're not saying this factual aware but if you're if they're if they're oh [ __ ] hell man this is just gonna be an absolute [ __ ] show in the comments but a lot depends on how big we are in America but the obviously the NRA is the NRA isn't it the gun yeah brogre yeah they fund a lot of as a Republican political campaign yeah so we're in conspiracy land I'm not making any [ __ ] statements or anything like that this is obviously conspiracies or theoretics or trying to think of a potential motive you know you could have the the government you know the okay so this guy's left a note saying that he's done this because you know the fact that we can purchase seven [ __ ] ar-15 so easily in a bolt-action rifle and and and stockpile thousands of ammunition is absolutely [ __ ] ridiculous and the Second Amendment was built on the ability to take arms in rebellion or or whatever it was a monster making hash but also the weaponry at the time is literally single-shot and takes about [ __ ] 15 minutes to reload exactly so the fact that this that ar-15 even comes into that is is a joke if there's a note there and that is his motive and that would undermine the funding of the NRA and stuff within these political agendas I'm just saying I'm just trying to theoretically think of it government conspiracy yeah there is there is wait therefore why is we're talking millions upon millions upon millions upon millions of dollars in to put into politics from the NRA oh yeah yeah and and this is one of that this is the most the the the largest mass in in modern American history yes this got coverage all over the world yeah if he for me again I mean he had no recorded history of mental illness no that's not to say he didn't have it but he didn't have any recorded yeah school shootings and that their tragedies but they happen a lot right which is mental it shouldn't be happening yeah but this is such a large-scale I'm I'm above you I'm in this room I'm shooting down I'm literally raining down hell some Massacre it's a massacre it's such a statement I wouldn't be surprised if he was doing it for a reason if there's a motive if there's a point and the and he's a guy that's planned every bit of this right almost perfectly but now he can't conveyed that point yes at all pointless yeah something like he would have had the note I know he had an escape rope so he probably didn't plan on dying that day but you would have already had the note covered because I've had that's a plan B if you need your message out there you need your message out there now it doesn't matter what the messages he's it's the craziest way to go about it and it doesn't make any of course and yeah and and and even if that was his motive and that was where you trying to achieve Massacre and innocent people is not the way to go about it I and III if that was the motive I get it you literally say look what I can [ __ ] do and this is what other people can do if they put their mind to it if they're sick enough but yeah obviously we'll never know for sure but that's just something I heard on the which obviously here things on the annulled on you think you'd need something to back it up though like for him to be that adamant that it's bad for people to have guns she think he'd be like one of those parents I had a kid nowhere at school she's like look this is how easy it but like without knowing more of his background or actually ever knowing the boss it's just it's just a metal miles yeah it's just something that I heard on the internet guys it's when I went last bit I'll say about this then we could go to a break and then I want to tell you one more kind of like story but when I went to Vegas last time I got in an uber on the way to the hotel and I asked the man there was a lovely Indian [ __ ] and I and I asked him I went what was the feel like in the city that night and obviously your obvious answers came it was horrible it was just dark shadow over this town and the next day all I think all the casinos had their lights off and it was just a horrible horrible time but he told me this story his daughter was a midwife and she's been doing it at the Las Vegas hospital for all over adult life really yeah and that night was the first night ever she got called into work when she weren't supposed to be working because usually apparently they've got way too many like they just had they have an influx of staff like but they had so many babies born that night that she got caught called in last minute and as luck would have it she was supposed to be at that for watching Jason Aldean that's crazy she when she got called up went to go to work this what this guy was telling me so could be but looks like I've got no idea why I'd lie yeah but he obviously knew his daughter was going to this festival because she'd been so excited about it for so long yeah she's gone to work she hasn't she's an addict she didn't tell her that like she turns work he's heard about it he's he's caught her up see if she's alright she's delivering babies yeah she got her phone and it was like an hour or so later odd hour also later there she gets the phone call but can you imagine he doesn't he doesn't know she's not at that festival that must be that must bearable I mean that's just that's just a better luck in in a [ __ ] tragedy you
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 426,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, Was The Las Vegas Shooter's Motive Covered Up?, las vegas shooting podcast, las vegas motive, las vegas podcast, happy hour podcast murderers, happy hour murderers, stephen paddock, las vegas shooting motive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 13 2019
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