RICKY GERVAIS | True Geordie Podcast #109
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: True Geordie
Views: 1,969,988
Rating: 4.9395742 out of 5
Keywords: Ricky Gervais, True Geordie, comedy, stand up, golden globes, the office, Karl Pilkington, extras, humanity, animals, funny, David Brent, Ricky, Gervais, Joe Rogan, Podcast
Id: Xp202GZzD9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 14sec (6014 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Not a mention of Karl or Steve. Strange...
Ooooh Karl, you've paid me milk bill for this week. That were reet nice.