VIKKSTAR | Minecraft, Downfall of Ninja & Leaving the Sidemen House

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I hate you right now Stevie as you get under my skin oh sorry Pete sorry minecraft I've made over 3000 Minecraft videos Wow it's a kids game for me it's Lego on a spry minecart town nearly has a billion views a lot of people watch minecraft yeah but I don't want to cause any be in the community but why are your thoughts on ninja well for one it always seems to hang out with all the chickens guys and welcome back to jak mates happy hour I'm your host jack mate and I'm joined once again by Stevie white ah that's good hello didn't want to do at that time I feel like I've overdone it you have I literally get tweeted multiple times a day now people scaring Stevie white how many times have I told him if we keep doing that we can make her a [ __ ] brand okay don't want that to be my brand to monetize that [ __ ] every time someone uses that I get money yeah well I get oh yeah go and we start works we've got Jordan okay do dear I know you're right you're right and we're joined by a massive youtube guest it sings it up mate you are you are in your own right I know you're a very humble guy but we've thick vikkstar123 I love how you doing I'm good I'm good thanks for joining us today we've had we've had quite a few youtubers but I know this was one that we were all a bit excited about and I'm sure we've we have crossed paths before right we have at Tully's farm The Escapist that's what it was I'm a very drunken Halloween yeah do you go there a lot oh no that's first time we went that was a lot of fun though they do a good good little event it's decent have you been no idea what it is it's [ __ ] great I think we should go this year and vlog it and put it somewhere because I'm it how old are you I am 23 23 so I mean we're all adults but but it's still very enjoyable yeah wait what how do you explain it it's it's this horror mazes and like a Halloween like kind of like fairground kind of thing it's hard to explain they've got live actors there yeah you go through these mazes with light effects and lights and actors jumping out here he's good I do feel like the fact that there was a bar there they went to before I think that definitely helped it yeah yeah get into it yeah yeah you have to be a bit basically did you go on that like when you go in did you go on the red carpet type thing um yeah kind of I am so not used to that [ __ ] and I got there and I could tell they didn't know who I was but because it was like I'll press like you have to walk on this red carpet thing and then they're all taking pictures of you and I was just kind of stood there like that but I was with three of my mate so they were basically like yeah can you go there and you three just just go through that gate I just felt so [ __ ] awkward haha I sit there whenever that happens my legs trembling I'm yeah all this but anyway we were vixx oh I don't want to waste this opportunity talking about scare fest and we really think we want to go right back to the start of your YouTube career okay what made you start because you've been doing it for a long time yeah probably which is men on one of the ojg one of the OGS and I find it when there's a like heard more of a sort of like modern youtuber who started in recent years on the pod I'm not that interested in why they started because I think it's more kind of like everyone knows as money to be made and it would just jump on it and that's fine but you started probably around the time when I started when the money wasn't so obvious it exists you couldn't get paid there wasn't YouTube partnership right further [ __ ] when I started making videos so what what made you start so it was actually my school friends that got me into it so I have them to thank really we were all playing called Yui was the massive massive game that everyone played yeah back you know in 2009 2010 so I get with my friends it was it was modern warfare 2 at the time the best one that was the one where YouTube kind of had cropped up and people were like hey you can record this and we were really just sharing clips with each other we're like oh I did this on the game I got this kill here look at this and we'd share those with each other and then when call duty black ops came out the next one basically added a little thing where at the start of a game search destroy which is a one life game-mode and call to each mmm you could get a throwing axe yeah and if you threw it in the right place it would go all the way across the map into the sport oh yeah a long kill yeah before the round even really started yeah I worked out that I could do that and then I kind of found the spot that you need to throw it on every single map and I'm making these little videos shows my friends are saying hey here look at this video this 10-second clip you throw it right there and start the round and you might kill one of the other players right the bat and I made all these videos sent them to them but then other people I guess heard about what it was or saw people doing like I don't know how to do it yeah so then I've got people that I don't know who've watched my video like I showed this to four friends and it's got eight views now it was such a weird concept yeah one's watched what I've put up for my friends yeah and in all honesty that's that was kind of the spark that started it and it was at that point I was like okay people I don't know watch the videos how can I make the videos better do I need to get now HD capture card because I was recording in standard definition do I need to buy a microphone and talk about what I'm doing do I need to you know edit this down do I need to add more clips and real it's been a process from then to now over the last 10 years of just okay more people are watching this what can I do that's more interesting different yeah how can I put my spin on it where do we go next that's awesome did you when you was uploading these clips I assumed there was no face cam nothing not even not even Audio not even microphone it's pure just gameplay that's all it was real and you can remember what kind of views they were they were getting I mean when I posted them like 10 20 30 mm not not a whole lot and then it was that was another big channel they're called back in the day called only use me blade who kind of said this guy's doing all these great tutorial videos and I was even starting to like record games where I'd only use like these throwing axes two tomahawks only and kind of win and he was like he's doing all this stuff check him out and that's when I got kind of my first like thousand subscribers or [ __ ] so yeah then it's like a few hundred views per video and yeah built from then and then if you go back them now they have like a few thousand views each which just shows over time more and more people see you look for that stuff yeah yeah when you decided that you wanted to put your face on it who was that it was you nervous cuz I know I was oh my goodness yeah especially back in probably it was I mean it's probably 2012 2011 so this is also a point where people people watch gaming gaming is big on YouTube but lifestyle stuff doesn't really exist voting doesn't really exist back then absolutely and I was just a voice often for that point it was kind of quite nice just being behind that line and back then we were told as well like Internet dangerous strangers know what you're a face out there don't put your information out that yeah mind you so it was it was super scary and I think I did like a little set up video where I can't like just show myself I walked up to mirror and I'm like hey this is me and actually people are like pretty horrible back then it was like it was like the gaming community and yeah kind of toxic and people like I thought you were white you sounds know why and it's just and I was I don't know I didn't know how to feel about yeah super young I'm like 15 and up yeah what these people like oh you look like that why is that relevant this part of your face is weird I don't think you'd look like this like I thought you were a blond guy would like like it was it was really conflicting at the time and this is when I'm kind of doing this as like my hobby and it it almost did in a way put me off I was like I don't like this I don't like all these people I don't know having this ability to say all this stuff about me yeah it's clean honestly it was really weird and it was almost I feel like nowadays people would just roll with it because they like that's what YouTube is that's how it works yeah yeah but it wasn't always that for us it was just this kind of weird little hobby that then transition so at the time it was scary yeah that is Matt do you do not everyone gets hate on YouTube don't they all the craters but yeah it sounds like that was quite a toxic environment back then has it because you still do gaming videos now don't that's what kind of your thing yeah how's your audience base now is a lot more of a nicer place to be or yeah definitely I feel like a lot of my audience because I've been making content for so long as well the majority of the audience are people who just kind of they know me as a person and they it's like someone you know well you're not gonna be rude to them so we have just met or we just seen don't really care about mmm it's usually I mean or it could just be the fact that I think there's a really strong core fan base around what we do who are super supportive and they'll find people being negative and they'll shut them down on our path which is so nice to see ya and I think even though there's probably a lot of people that are super negative and horrible yeah I think you just learned to really phase it out I don't - yeah yeah it's just something you phase that entirely yeah it's because it mines kind of yeah because I think I've said before but like at summer in the city and snun people like people that have come to see me yeah will come up to me and then because of how I am online a bit brash little bit uncensored they they come up to me and they think like they know me yeah so they'll mug me off to my face so they'll queue up all day long and then well not all day a week early but they'll see me and then I come all right you [ __ ] and I'm like what what do you remember that I know you briefly touched on that the tomahawk frozen that do you remember the first video online yes it was it was a call of duty modern warfare 2 killcam where I had the intervention and I killed one person with my first bullet and then shot another boat and kill two people in the same boat so it's pretty and you've got it's really authentic you've got like the twelve-year-old squeaky voice in the back what map it was on scrapyard how much he remembers it that's a good yeah you can't forget Kenya you can't forget you I think you fall in love with your the this is my theory I don't feel great you fall in love with the first card you play no yes yeah I'd Percy say no because the first one I played was full but my favor is five so my favorites five massively my favorite is Modern Warfare 2 but the first I played was four oh but I feel fell in love with Cordy that's the thing that was the one that's sparks that's the revolution yeah play and then it's when they developed on it a bit more that I kind of prefer you man I mean I wouldn't have been playing Modern Warfare 2 if I hadn't yeah four and really got into a favorite map of all time actually no right so you're you wash your what's your favorite game CV favorite game no Cod game because we've said our so I want to know strangely the one I've put most hours into and you'll be really disappointed in me is black ops 2 now that's a great one I loved modern warfare 2 but black ops for some reason the second one yeah I just got really good at it what what what what maps was on that one umm I literally don't know what they're called I put so many hours in estate ah that was decent that was um that was also that's also the name of a model warfare to map their own Oh raid raid yeah I know a lot of people kind of slammed it for kind of taken away from the authenticity of Call of Duty it was a good step I think I in my opinion black ops 2 was the last really good call duty game and there's the one that I actually kind of that was the last called UTI consistently post it to you yeah I think the worst one I've ever played is ghost yeah I was gonna get onto that was gonna like why why do you think like all of Jimmy um I played a tiny bit of their blackout I was gonna say I was gonna say to you what do you think the blackout I think it's good but I just don't think there's enough to it for it to be huge what's what battle Royales massive cuz you like it I love blackout I'll play a lot of blackout to be on yeah yeah what would you say what's the negative points to it what do you mean there's not enough to it so I think kind of with battle royale games there was h1z1 which was well I guess that was the armor to battle royale mod which is made by player unknown and then he went on start working on player known battlegrounds those h1z1 which had king of the kill which was kind of very clunky it was the very the perfect pace and style of game and it was huge at the time that's where kind of ninja started his massive career to disrespect a lot of the huge twitch streamers started yeah on that game then pub G came out and that was slightly about it was slightly more realistic yeah mechanics but still quite clunky yeah and then after that fortnight came and I know like fortnight leveled things up in a way that these games can and this is the way I kind of describe it is so when you're playing even a way to describe black ice I'd say blackout is even more polished and smooth it's super polished and smooth how I saw blackout I kind of saw blackout as everything pub G could be if they had unlimited money like Call of Duty has how do you have a mate fortnight though h1z1 pub I love battle rail games I play get all of them yeah no I'd agree yeah so that was the perfect kind of smooth military battle royale game yeah but I feel like when fortnight came out in the middle it offered players something that was so vastly different so this is the way I compare it okay you're playing blackout or pub G and you're shooting at somebody they they duck behind a rock they pop out shoot back at you you go behind a tree that is your fight that is what you're doing you're popping in and out from this rock running left and right maybe going through a window yeah you're just kind of running around and shooting whereas in a game like fortnight where you could build and they had all these wacky items and things you can do that's when it got crazy because you come up against that player and there's an infinite number of more ways that you can escape actually it's an entirely different skill gap as well isn't it yeah absolutely no I completely agree and and that's one thing on fortnight that I do enjoy seeing is the one-on-ones especially in the final circle where all the best players are just build building like crazy as quali I'm a noob I think they call it you're a bot isn't your life so bad you're like a robot like I get called that a lot really I was one of the first people to stream fortnight when it was kind of before it was super mainstream yeah and that was crazy that was like sometimes like 20 30 40 thousand live concurrent viewers and that was in the early days of the game where I was kind of up there with a competition and then what happened is they released their creative mode and the playground modes where you can kind of build your practice arena yeah where people can literally have unlimited building things and courses to go through and they edit all their walls to make all the different shapes and they build up really fast and then they're spending five ten hours a day just practicing all these in courses building courses and I'm making YouTube content I can't make content from me spending hours doing all this training so I definitely fell off a lot oh yeah I've got a friend Joe tickle shout out to californee just he's he's like his quality of the game he's really trying to build his build his fortnight career and he goes into that playground for hours and he's just building up build it out building up build and just build bill I just go mental but when we used to play with the Crips that was another level of like we just play for fun if we played for now it's just cause like I'm not awful a bit I'm barely having fun no eeprom II's the type who just runs away constantly where's Jack he's dead I like to think that get some kills and I'll come back and join you leave them guys no one getting me I remember Fiona once shouting in the background girl like take it offensive him go I'm down I'm down you're gonna get me like Jackie nowhere near anyone but we started playing with this guy called the Crips and it was just like we'd all die like quite quickly and he just take on the last 40 people on his own in squads and was like what the [ __ ] is just happened yeah yeah it's hard how can they combat the fact that the people like that if you're good at it and you put in the hours great because if you put in the hours at anything you deserve to get good out and yet but it [ __ ] it for us amateur players right now who is within the right to go because the we don't no one owns the game no part of my epic right yeah so I'm sitting here going I'll [ __ ] off of that because I can't kill anyone cuz it's been harsh on the casuals yeah then you I've watched like ninja stream and and he's maybe not ninja but I've heard some big YouTube sort of good players saying that oh yeah these casuals they [ __ ] it but because they don't do this they do that and it's like who's in the right here why games like fifa and stuff gives you like an ultimate team you've got your divisions you're playing against people fortnight's don't have a ranking system other than I'm level 60 but you can still go against a level two can you know they do have actually playlists for the competitive players but you couldn't you have to specifically go through so you have to kind of queue for that they have like their arena but then the competitive players probably don't want that so like a lot more chance of winning going against these it's a bit of both but it's just that average player base it's just so unbelievably good at the game and epic have made a lot of changes to the game that they have seen in their statistics to allow more casual players to do well but the game is so infinitely there's so much you can do with it yeah these good players are gonna keep getting better and better and better it's just inevitable and the one thing that is scary is one thing I've said that has never really existed before in a competitive video game is the whole the mass streamer success that has bought ya that no other title is bought this mainstream success yeah people like ninja tee foo these guys have seen yeah and the thing that that's done is that's inspired millions and millions absolutely of of you know you know kids and teenagers hmm to think okay there's real money these yeah however many hundred million in the prize pool yeah and there's never been a shot at that in gaming before no so it's no wonder that there's so many players just doing everything they can to be the best at the game yeah but their terrifying thought is that in a lobby of 100 players there's gonna be at least 10 of those people and yeah makes it really hard for the other 90 players yeah absolutely that's what Joe he was trying so hard to qualify for the World Championships he was like if you qualify from become last 50 grand yes like sorry if you come last just for qualifying into the world is it well suited World Cup or the World Cup yeah he's powerful an eSports scene but but yeah it's just so what what the [ __ ] is just have you come last so I'm gonna sing what the grandad here I'm happy to play that role yeah there's a hundred people in the game yeah it's one game yeah as it's two million prize pulled something out sure exactly the format but what I would say is to qualify you have a lot I think there's maybe like two people in every odd between two in six people or maybe two and eight people in every region every weekend that can qualify yes you're looking at the top six players that weekend yeah in the whole of Europe will qualify the top two players in the whole west of America that weekend will qualify yeah that's over multiple games not you don't play one game I wanna know I'm in yeah it's like ranking up you've got this ice well yeah I think a thousand people qualified to plan the qualifiers then the top two out of those a thousand qualify for the World Cups and I think they've also done it in the point that even if you win loads of games if you haven't killed a lot of people in those games you still can't qualify because you could just hide most of it and then win like some people do certain points for kills and at certain points for top ten finish certain points for yeah for winning is a big thing I find eSports events really weird I went to that thing that I'm not too long ago it was I went and watched the epremier league I went as it was on and my friend was invited he's not come with me so I don't have to go alone and it was just a load of like youtubers and Viners and stuff like that just in a room like I don't really know what's going on and the room was kind of empty but it was on Sky Sports and I was like there's no need for anyone to be there we were there Shafer to promote it and like further all these whiners and what not to promote but the whole concept was really strange like I'm sitting watching these guys play fifa would you don't mind but then they didn't have um on Sky Sports and I remember he asked they asked one of them what a view he literally asked some for long lines of like odd do you feel like you've done full and proud it's like I really I really hope I really hope that I have like it's like a 14 year olds yeah he's like I think I really really hope I did do full and proud but then their teams he was full of me representing Fulham didn't have a single full and player I get that would bring it down a bit but they were all just use them whatever play as they want someone had man city's badge needed bloody Paul Pogba in the middle and what the [ __ ] is going non of it made sense to me I watched I got a bit of backlash from Twitter ones because I tweet it's somebody some some eSports player and and I mean I get it yeah I get why people do it and there's ridiculous money and I'm just sort of ignorant to it right yeah so I'm not gonna say this like off but I don't understand it then this player he he's playing set there say man united I can't remember the exact thing he was like oh yeah you come second like how do you feel use I feel Jones really let me down today there's so much money I'm crazy crazy money oh there is but I think it's just how people look at it really yeah but also with the eSports is so broad because like for example you're saying he Washington game of FIFA I wouldn't really find that entertaining however with fortnight with the building elements as these different elements at different games so it is you know so that's why fortnight's done so well for streaming because it is technically more interesting to what but even call duties interesting but all you're really watching someone shoot and kill someone else yeah in a in a fairly safe way where I could be anything like anything to be going on you're kind of like oh how the [ __ ] did he do that safer than you just hiding behind of all them and shooting someone like as in you're not like building 70 foot in the air you said really what what how how good are you at fortnight oh I mean how do you answer that question of how many wins how many kills probably like maybe 2,000 wins so most no no solos right I was like a few hundred maybe most of them from way back when I questioned whether I could even win a solo game at this point like if I like I mean maybe if I like hidden until there's like two or three people left yeah yeah then but if I just played like how I normally would want to play right not that not that is it's so hard to kind of decide where you are hmm and it's like I can kind of aim and shoot and understand the mechanics but it's the way some of these like top tier players play yeah yeah it's it's one thing I've never experienced in a video game is you can get humiliated yeah and sometimes I'll be like Live Strong it's my channel there's maybe a few thousand people watching some people who maybe haven't watched me stream it for like two months back when I could like really keep up with the competition yeah I'll be trying to fight someone and this person will like build away from me I'll be stood on the floor and then it'll come back down who like trapped me in a box like put a spike trap yeah that's right that's the one gonna dance on top of you and make sure you know you were just humiliated and then you just do a ninja and goes fine he just stream sniper there's no way you could possibly beat me what are your I don't want to cause any be in the community but why are your thoughts on ninja I I think he's done a huge amount for the game for sure I mean it's hard to it's hard to like I mean I don't really follow kind of everything he does I see I see that you know I see the positives with the way he is I see the negatives with the way he is yeah and it's I'm had time to look into situations enough I tend to you know very rarely want a course on went out for being a stream sniper even though majority of people that see you play will try and join your game and yeah try and take you out it's it's such a blurred lines area yeah and I can only imagine it being kind of super stressful and tough being at the top of that of course yeah I don't think it's easy for anyone just to deal with it super you know super kind of I guess sensibly all the time yeah what what is what is screaming what is strange it's when someone's watching your stream so they'll get into your game so obviously they know where you are and what you're doing even though it's like a slight delay yeah but like I just feel like ninjas I like I agree he's done so much and some of his is viewing figures and and some of the twitch subs and stuff I said is had is unprecedented which is amazing he's done so much for her eSports but it almost feels now like his ego is inflated to such a degree that someone that isn't streamed snipe and couldn't possibly kill him and it's just like mate you're not that good there are other there are other people out there that are decent you know I mean and so it doesn't necessarily mean that every single person that kills you is cheating but I thought you could set it up to have more of a delay whatever you do to stop them doing it that way yeah yeah a lot of commitment in it just to go I killed ninja once but yeah yeah kid at school all your friends play oh my god I killed yeah yeah and you take that clip wouldn't ya yeah you are the coolest person in your how do you do it I didn't stream - I see a lot of like smaller channels on YouTube message me and say can you slag me off right okay no before we go to a break I want to bring back because it's been burning what is we didn't say favorite maps on cars okay break until I found I'm just gonna let 1v1 me on rust [ __ ] I see am I one of the only people who actually quite enjoyed nuke town I just like that mental it was everyone enjoyed it that's why they brought it back in my every game since I always have people are you kind of put your face down either straight away I don't cause I like I never face down turn your nose up at it yeah opposites but though I've always just fought that I like how crazy it gets and yeah but I've never been one to snipe and kind of hide away and I would always go for kill streaks in nuketown like I'd be a lot on my like one away from my seven kill streak and then someone just spawn in behind yeah yeah I'm going modern no I'm going world at war which is called five it was like it was like a Japanese yes Alice type place yeah with like the courtyard and stuff that's on Castle yeah courtyards courtyard had they asylum was decent key member sorry yeah that was what was your favorite zombies knocked and Tolton she no no Nick Nick don't I like the cinema cinema was good that was a thing you know I used to love that nazi zombie tonight my machine that was the DLC revenue right there we go I think that I'm sorry I'll go with high-rise from Modern Warfare 2 I I got a what kind of kill was it you can throw the knives on that yeah yeah I got a from a knife kill on that and that made me start a gaming channel okay I called it ps3 unlocked nice time restricted a football channel I've remembered everything you've done I said I start a football channel I light assault it's just which is now full but I called it 1080 football and then the guy was like doing a stream this week and there's this go like he said some of these names blah blah blah HD and I was like made like 4k even 8k is coming out soon a you need to change with the times what can HD stand there we go so after the break we're going to be talking to Vic about his involvement in the sidemen and probably a little bit less game and yeah I was gonna say that went super gaming I wasn't expecting that yeah so come back for for other things [Music] hello guys and welcome back to the happy hour podcast we're all still here no one's left thank God although I wouldn't blame Vic for leaving especially because I asked you questions and I'd let you answer I know I said that I wasn't gonna do any more game and chat but I've just looked at much at mushy and I realized that there's a big question I want to know yeah I have never understood minecraft okay I don't get it I don't for me and again I'm coming from a place of ignorance I think it's a kids game like I don't like but I see some of the top like youtubers respectable youtubers do it one at one of the top earners on YouTube for 2018 is a Minecraft channel I don't I don't get it from and I'm talking like a parent allegedly like within the 20 million dollar range yeah that they are viewed they do tend to be viewed by kids just because it's an adult playing that's fine my niece has loved watching it yeah that's fine because I know you can create content specifically for a younger audience but I see these people play it and they seem to love it and I'm genuinely intrigued to hear about it I basically know nothing about it for me it's Lego on a screen okay what is it so yeah minecraft I've made over 3000 Minecraft videos Wow Wow my Minecraft town nearly has a billion views so a lot of people watch minecraft yeah still after all this time though still after all this time I'm actually getting more views so I actually stopped making minecraft videos nine months ago cuz I've gotten out on it I was like I've made 3000 of these yeah for tonight's huge epoch who I was putting all my time into that yeah actually about two and a half weeks ago I real aunch my minecraft channel so I was like you know I used have fun doing this yeah and that shit's getting more views now Wow I was like a year ago and that's I think because people are actually coming coming back to the game realizing that actually a lot of them are kind of burned out on what battle royale is so much that you can play yeah and I actually reverting back to the game so to explain it is a lot like Lego and you think about Lego if you explain someone okay you've got his here's a box of Lego bricks and you can kind of sit and look at that and be like okay so I've got like 500 different Lego bricks at different colors what can I do with that mm-hmm but it's when you have like an instruction manual you can build something or you can for example you can like make there like the Lego trucks with the motors that drive around and stuff like that is when you take it to that next level of the creativity that's when it becomes really great because it's open source anyone can code anything they can think of or one into minecraft so minecraft was the first thing to have battle royale that was minecraft hunger games those videos were hugely popular probably 2013 2014 I've got 350 videos of me playing minecraft Hunger Games really what so when you say is open source dumb that down for me what people can code their own [ __ ] anything you want yeah anything you can think of pretty much so okay you're like okay I'm going to build this really nice cool-looking map that looks like it's out there games with you know a circle with like chest in the middle hmm and I'm gonna code it so piece of code runs game starts 24 players are put into these little squares they're frozen for 3 seconds match starts they have to run in to the middle to find these chests that have randomly generated a piece of code is said in this chest there's a 3% chance there'll be this piece of armor there's a 2% chance there'll be this bow there'll be this sword there'll be this whatever this piece of food this healing item yeah just like in any video game you know that people did that themselves micro never did that they just left it open so people with Java could code him whatever they wanted so that's how Hunger Games worked and then when the player is killed they get kicked off that server they're out and it's then whoever's left fights it out and then when there's three players left it might say okay deathmatch you started to the three final players get teleported to the middle and they're kind of confined circle they have to fight it out see who the last person standing is that was the original Hunger Games video game that's meant and that that was entirely made by the fans yes entirely it's a whole map the whole world was made all the coding was made the players were found crazy I'm with Jack on minecraft like I do find it a little bit weird but I have seen some really cool things being built on it as well someone made the whole of Bikini Bottom SpongeBob's place like literally everything and it looked perfect it's like I know that sounds probably the saddest thing I've ever said but it's really creative and like it's mad though because it's kind of like someone that someone like me is coming at it from a very like closed minded like Oh what is this yeah but I understand what that I'm being that being like your dad basically these kids are script and [ __ ] that's clever nut yeah always yeah it's wild like there's like coders that I like you know like 14 15 who are really good at this stuff and they teach it themselves they learn it they practice it they get jobs doing it yeah they could go out and get careers and well even in the game that's the thing in the game of Minecraft there's professional builders there are kids who get paid to build maps for servers to run them on there's kids who oh you get paid to code well there's servers there's Minecraft servers you can make your own server where you can have thousands of people playing I used to run them in the past I ran to different servers yeah and these servers can make hundreds of thousands of dollars monthly Wow to put it into bigger terms as well and that's just they've created their own game with microtransactions yeah for tonight makes no Millions daily yeah yes yeah and they only offer cosmetic stuff whereas your minecraft it was actually a lot of it was pay to win so you play on the server with all your friends and if you want to pay a bit of money to the people that made the server you can get that more powerful sort that they can't get so and the kids will do that they'll be like okay see so that's that's kind of the other side of the scale I can that drove it a lot but it's just it allows a you can there's so much you can do with it any game you can think of can be made in Minecraft and then there's also this adventuring kind of storytelling side of it that you can do so one of my most popular minecraft series was a series we called how to minecraft so essentially there were 12 or 13 of us on a server together we don't jump on at the same time every day we'd livestream us playing and it would be all of us kind of building up our own like supplies and resources and every so often you might like go and kill one of the other players and write some of their staff it would create this you can create story of the drama yeah yeah and a lot and we did it it was all unscripted for us right and it was actually never really aimed at kids achi i think our audience really grew up with us i'd say actually a lot of the minecraft audience watching me now yeah are people that played the game when they were kind of probably 11 12 13 yeah and I was kind of 15 16 at the time and now they're you know they've grown up with it and there are two different ways of doing it you can make it very kiddie friendly content yeah dumbed down what you're saying you can have a high-pitched voice yeah yeah people do that and they do incredibly well yeah but that's something we were never interested in doing we were literally just ourselves just having fun playing the game messing around creating fun little storylines good stuff and that did really well for us yeah and I think it's different in the sense it's like a TV show yeah a lot of games like called you to you watch the match that matches over that's bad very linear for tonight yeah what the match the match is over that's done yeah whereas minecraft it's like okay so I collected all this stuff today when you come back tomorrow I'm gonna yeah build this tomorrow another example of even stuff we can do so in this series kind of the best thing we could do was collect diamonds yeah kind of like your worth was how many diamonds you have right and maybe I'd have you know I or I'd need some extra diamonds or something I take someone okay let's have a duel I mean you will battle in the game with everything we have whoever wins gets five diamonds from the other person so we could create that kind of storyline and then for one of my episodes I built a casino really so yeah redstone it's literally simple circuitry so we created a little minecart with a chest on it that went around a track and whichever color it stopped on was essentially like a roulette wheel or like a wheel affords honestly we would set that and we would like I'm betting you know two diamonds on the blue outcome and if it lands on there you win two diamonds back and it was just stuff like that the creativity is oh yeah yeah and that's what made it so good for content creation I think it's how addictive people to play for something you have to learn and understand so and that's why you think is still relevant to this day yeah more to perhaps more so than ever yeah what's crazy reminds me of LittleBigPlanet I know what you're on about innovative in the sense of the creative maps yeah the thing is the only thing you could on LittleBigPlanet was make a map yeah whereas in Minecraft you can make the map then you can make all the rules within the map right and all the settings mental yeah there's no point me I'm not going through anyway but it's just like it would just take you ages to learn all of that stuff have you seen the guy that made minecraft not use it yeah is that his name yeah is he swedish isn't that big bold swedish dude yeah there for a billy yeah and Mike yeah I think yeah pani he doesn't leave though he's a proper home and now isn't he I phoned him on fire and he seems like really sad yeah hates it honestly shows that money's probably not yes he says the worst thing he's ever done why la eh con la could make anyone's that yeah I don't think I mean he was a developer I don't think he ever he was you know most a lot of kind of developers and coders are people who are quite introverted yeah yeah and I feel like I know maybe an introverted person we think if I have a couple hundred million in my bank account I'll suddenly become extroverted and have all these great friends yeah but I think you would find especially living in LA you've got a couple hundred million to your name anyone and everyone is your friend but does that mean anything yeah not actually yeah and especially anywhere but especially in LA do you think he's he's quite like depressed about it then from the outside same why doesn't what I've read from his personal tweets yeah yeah [ __ ] miserable that's crazy I'm sorry you're the extrovert oh so you'd be all right I heard that he has like a minecraft figure in the middle of his big porch way yeah that's quite cool but I'd like someone if someone can tweet me and let me know if that's true or not and I'd be good to go there why do you not like Ally I'm intrigued oh I've just I just have like you brought up a sore subject yes some interesting experiences there yeah I'm not gonna like name any names but you do get kind of this vibe especially you I feel like I mean it's obvious a lot of people go there to be an actor a singer a musician and everyone knows that only a very small percentage of people that want to do that can do well doing that yeah feel like in LA there's a high proportion of people who've gone there too that that hasn't quite worked out so they're just there and you will bump into them and it's just it's it's not a weird thing in LA to meet someone and within a few minutes of meeting them ask them how many followers they have yeah so bizarre to me and it just that's a really weird prescient sometimes I've been kind of having a conversation with someone from LA in LA yeah and they're really into it and they're always over enthusiastic yeah yeah we should do something man we should work together like you like what people you know doing this let's and it's all about doing this doing that what can we do how can we do it hundreds of sounds like that I've never been to LA it set it sounds like that episode of Black Mirror where it's all like your writing and stuff so everyone's like so lovely to your face so you get a nice rating and then you move on to the next it's that's pretty much really and I mean this is broad generalization of yeah and of great people in LA or some great times that yeah but also those times that really sketch you out and someone will literally you'll be talking to them and they'll spot someone across the room who's even like more influential can connect them to more things and they'll just like even like sometimes I'll be like having an interesting conversation and they just edit the conversation Wow yes I don't even I'm like wow you're a different kind of people but it's almost weird it's normal that it's just a lime climb climb failure do you make it like that kind of that kind of thing yeah to be a prick though no but I think sometimes they might help sometimes yeah sure it works I'm sure people do it because it was just like Bo Burnham zart is dead yeah and like yeah the people grow like the kids that are like it's all about me like the kids at the birthday party like me me me me me it's like they're the people that grow up to be a comic or actor yeah and stuff like that but yeah as you said it is a broad sort of generalization but I feel that I feel that I feel like it's it's just it's just a very plastic place is a very fake kind of place and something I found weird and you don't have to agree with me on this because I think I'm gonna end up offending someone out there but um Hollywood you hear Hollywood yeah there's two people that have never been you think it's a Hollywood yes you know the Walk of Fame yes stars are you think they're the celebrity names I want to get my name on there one day yeah blah blah blah you walk down there there's just like people in like very tacky velcro like spider-man outfit but like give me a dollar give me a dollar give me an ass like being on Yarmouth seafront Oh hometown yeah welcome back god oh god calm come back for that he hates the fact that we saved from Yama yeah and I'm falling back have you been to Great Yarmouth is you from there I just want to quickly say sorry mate their beds their fault so far I'm not from Yarmouth and I send the memes yeah I've seen all the bandelier probably funny I didn't know that home yeah that was good there's Pablo Escobar put Yoko Yoko said that was good a little moped and everything yeah if anyone wants to to rebel against this this deformation in a lot it's just you mate basically I'm saying a new supergroup because I fortune or embrace where I'm from and it's not Yarmouth so if you want to join the Bradwell massive and just tweet it and that is like for me you saying [ __ ] off is not from your hammer you're gonna be that you're gonna be taking on the side man I reckon you want to join the Bradwell massive you have to be from Yarmouth I'm gonna expose your job in a minute Mathematica nope you wanna join the Bravo massive it's it's open-door policy all you have to say on the way in is some Yama food is not from Yarmouth and I hate you write a CV as you get under my skin mess re-pick sorry yeah but yeah join the Brad well massive today t-shirts coming soon the side man it'd be a yes it'd be a shame those two as we've got a side man and can I just say don't buy sounds don't sound too ignorant but I'm not I don't really know what it is beside men I've heard of course everyone said asylum but what what why is it couple of guys a couple of guys that called themselves the sidemen for laugh room and then it became a bigger thing than it was ever intended really so how do I break this down so we've all known each other for a long long time a couple of guys who were school friends know JJ and Simon Josh and Toby me Harry Nathan were the kind of the outcast a little bit we're just the random guys that ended up along with the group so we don't known each other for a long time like since I'd known Josh and Toby and JJ since like 2012-2013 and we basically started making videos together just we thought it would be fun this is when GTA 5 had just released and that was one of the biggest games on YouTube hmm we'd make videos of us just messing around on GTA standard stuff back then it was hilarious to run each other over punch people on the street yeah fly helicopters into each other I mean they're still pretty funny yeah videos some gems and we couldn't really do it now that's one thing fans always like collect your roots go back to DTA so again we recorded like 300 episodes of us Wow doing racing each other to burn out yes we were burnt out on there but that's where it all started so we started making GTA videos together and I think it worked really well because we don't known each other prior and it was more just like how it'd be fun to record GTA with you guys rather than a lot of YouTube groups but I feel like they go wrong where they're like okay we all have these big numbers let's put them together and let's let's kind of force something together that works I think you end up with personalities that don't fit but I think we were just quite happy none of us had crazy fewer numbers at the time JJ was kind of really starting his rise yeah me and Josh had just been steadily kind of going along yeah um Simon had only just started you could then Ethan had only just started YouTube and Toby had just been not really been kind of fully focusing on YouTube how he came in a little bit later and just he was doing his thing on FIFA and that was a good fit because the guys are doing FIFA yeah it's kind of like FIFA in GTA so start it was a really good laugh and we needed to have a gtacrew to be able to join the same lobbies right and Ethan was that I'll make us one I'll call it the ultimate sideman bit of a laugh okay we're the ultimate side where is that kind of to the people out there that don't know it's that kind of like a bit of a mug off like JJ's yeah guy and then there's it wasn't even anything to do with JJ I was along in kind of in the long run with how successful JJ became yeah I mean we wouldn't mind people saying like are we're sideman of him wrote around him but in actual fact it was just it just it was just funny it's just like it's just a bit of a mugger off yeah yeah that's how we've always been it we always can take the piss out of each other ourselves as like yeah with the ultimate side yeah it was never meant to be a thing yeah it was actually the fans that started identifying us as the side men they're like oh we love side men GTA videos like like the side Ben is such a great group and we're like I guess we're the with the side man yeah yeah and then we're making those videos together and we started that in kind of September time maybe 2013 2012 2013 something like that 13 probably and then the next year 2014 turned out that JJ was looking to move out from home Josh was also looking to me about Simon was and I was as well okay why don't we look for somewhere together it kind of all worked out it's always hard making YouTube videos from home especially with us being yeah loud I was up late like 3-4 mm recording videos with American people so yeah I was like felt like I was disrupting my parents and also it was in my gap here that this was so a lot of my school friends had all gone to uni yeah I was up in Sheffield like I'd finished recording my videos and be like right well we assume yeah YouTube was already a job at this point wasn't it it was it was like touch and go touch it was my basically I did it the whole way through my season a-levels right as this was my gap year hey I'm gonna try this for a year see what I can make of this for a year go and go to uni yeah if it doesn't work out or Carol if it works out emotionally it worked out yeah it was just really good timing that I was in that gap here they wanted to move into a house that's when we started making real life videos together we started doing football videos in real life and that was also huge at the time no one had really branched from gaming to real-life content so we were kind of some of the first people just cuz we thought would be fun and it did well hmm and it all stemmed from there then we kind of printed on a t-shirt took it to our first meet and greet event I like to people Portus well I can always put this online it's maybe the clothing company let's make this a brand and it's always gone on from then but it's not really its own kind of its realistically it's just seven guys who enjoy making videos together and that's what we called ourselves yeah it was never really it's not like a company or an organization or right that's that's what the sidemen is no no that's perfect I'm now clued in I support it I think that's what makes us feel better because we we were kind of when we knew you were coming up we were kind of like you know watch the content I don't I didn't get it I don't know I was in the transition what was it like living with them guys in the house yes from an outsider's point of view I imagine I I imagine it's been quite hectic like was it or was it fairly straightforward it was in my mind I had it that they were all just in their own rooms filming anyway it was a video Factory we don't sit in our rooms literally we'd be all playing GTA together all four of us in our room - the headsets we'd probably sometimes talk more on skype sat on our computers than we would in person in the house I don't know a fish because I'm a youtuber is it weird that the idea of having a house where everyone's making you to me that is like [ __ ] paradise like I would love to me in that pirate not not not forever but I think if it like maybe a year where it's just this is the game this is what we're doing let's [ __ ] go we're all in this you know we're all on this treadmill where the [ __ ] you want a conveyor belt of content let's keep each other going and just focus on yeah that's for five years we all live together I think that's cool and it was just because it was you need help filming something someone's got you need someone yeah me Owen a bit of a video there's someone there you need someone to show and edit there's someone there straight away it's much easier rather than kind of online it's just seems always more difficult when you can go and physically grab some be like here come here what do you think of the product like the productivity must went through the roof and that's why you've all smashed it and your individual lanes kind of thing you're a collective but you still had your individual things going on because it also pushed us as well just like hey we're now all paying rent we've all made the life decision to move in together yeah let's make the most of this let's do everything we can yeah and that's good three years and there wasn't like any partying really there wasn't like you know infrequently maybe like once or twice a month we'd go out but most of time especially we were outside London we were just in our house grind out gaming videos film a real life video that's LIGO same again with any kind of house share there's gonna be arguments and fallouts and stuff mmm man they're worried what not in nothing nothing more than nothing serious and yeah do the washing-up can you take the rubbish out yeah can you you know I get these boxes out of this room or something yeah genuinely there was I think we were all really kind of on the same wavelength I think we were all so grateful to we were all so grateful to be in a position where we could do what had been quite difficult to do from home yeah like for example Simon had awful internet home we'd played GTA and it's called be teleporting around the stuff like that Ethan I mean to be a didn't leave him with us he moved nearby yeah but he would like constantly like get it he would get his internet unplugged because he was being too loud yeah and he'd just disappear in the middle of India and I was always feeling guilty my parents never actually gave me any stick for it but I was like I definitely yeah disruption like yeah yeah sometimes I got really bad I'd be literally I'd be going to bed as they were getting up to go to work like however this is right so we all just kind of get that YouTube is what we do sometimes we're gonna be noisy sometimes that's give me a bit of a mess yeah but we were all on a really good wavelength in terms of everything the whole time so that's that server cool that's quite quiet and a nice answer way to put it so I'm gonna dig a bit deeper who who didn't do the washing-up the most piling up really just so messy tendencies that we were pretty on top of and he's not as nearly as bad as it was when we first moved in yes you've fairly recently moved out nice what what brought that on so it was pretty much we were outside of London and we found more and more as time went on okay we've done the three four years of sitting inside ninety percent of time making gaming videos filming in real life videos where we wanted to kind of enjoy being in London being near London a lot more so we would go out in London a lot and probably the journey time was around an hour mmm from where we lived in central London and we always just decided that it just meant that we were kind of we were being less social that someone would say I'll come out for you know come out for a drink if you am I really gonna head out for an hour just to get no drink for half an hour then an hour back it wasn't productive or even like would be like come on a night out and it'd be like well I can't go whenever it's awful just go home it's like well I maybe yeah it's come here I'm gonna stay out all night yeah got a workout you know gotta get a really long cab expensive cab back home for earthing so we all just wanted to live closer to London and also we live together five years so we've kind of done this we've we've had fun doing this yeah so it was just kind of a bit of one I think we all wanted a bit of more independence and we also wanted to live closer to central London so that was the two sides to it and there was no it would have been really hard to find a place that would accommodate all of us we were quite it was easy to match all of our kind uh one big goal was YouTube when we first moved in together hmm so it's easy to find anyhow let's go there let's make it work yeah where is as we've kind of grown up a bit as we've kind of become a bit more independent it's like actually I'd like a little more of this I'd want to be in this area I'd want to you know live somewhere like this with this kind of style of play so we're also fairly close but we've all got our own kind of space right so but but then that sort of productivity and being able to lean on them when you need them when you moved into the house yeah has that kind of have you lost a bit of that now then lost a bit of it one thing that's quite good as we now post weekly to our sideband channel which is something we didn't do until kind of the start of last year right so that makes sure every week we're together some we're filming something so we kind of get to keep in touch yeah we set up meetings for that to make sure everything goes along to plan with that yeah so we've lost it in a way but it's almost as if we don't need it so much anymore everyone does have their slightly unique angle right now yeah which works for everyone else it's less of we've got the collaborative effort just on one channel yeah and then our own kind of channels have their own little unique twists right for who how do who plans those videos there's the sodium ones but like what are you doing as a collective - yeah so yeah we have meetings where we plan out a load of video ideas hmm so like these are things that we could potentially do then we go through and we rate them like this this on ease how many views we think they'll get and how good overall we think it is yeah we've put those all into a kind of a spreadsheet we then go in take the top ideas we have to put those so we do it all ourselves we don't a lot of kind of big YouTube groups have like management online directors editors writers we're just us grabbed these videos we have a shared calendar that we're all on we lock in filming dates and we just grab a video it's like okay sidemen do countdown okay that videos in there I'm like okay I'll take that video on that video it's my responsibility to book it for that date Booker studio get the set in get the cameras in get any guests in get that all sorted then the guys turn up we film the whole thing then I have to get it to an editor get it edited get it out on time with a thumbnail title and that's the way it works it was at one point it was just like I will all chip in yeah but it's so easy when there's six other people that can be doing stuff to be like are someone else or sort yeah yeah yeah so that was a definite definite saving thing for us yeah and it's I say that it's like everyone has their own video it's not like I can't say to Josh like I can't get an editor for this video or I don't know how to change this edit or can you give me notes for feedback yeah so we all work together it's just it's one person's responsibility for each week fair enough and that is my sense works because we did actually in the early days of the sidemen channel have someone helping to produce it but it was it didn't quite have our twist on it we know that we were losing touch with the content right and we're like this only gonna work if this is exactly how we want it to be we've just in a lot of things we've done we tried to get other people involved but it's so hard yeah yeah yeah give that over to someone else and have it be as good as it would be that's what I was actually gonna ask if you had to theoretically add to current youtubers to the sidemen okay I know there's no plans to expand yes who would you who would you go for gee to the top the top of your head what some criteria you kind of need so that that's the real thing is it was never kind of like a recruitment process never it was literally just seven guys who will enjoy making videos together and we all made the time to make those GTA videos hmm at the start so it was kind of like we were all there at the start we made this thing we made it work yeah and that's why no one will have to be added right that's just kind of it wouldn't make sense he won't be fair to all of us that have been there since the very inception yeah I mean the thing that people often say is like why is Cal freezing that in this admin why isn't calyx not in the side man I'd say out of kind of anyone that we've know on YouTube they're the two guys who feature in tons of our videos we featured in tons of theirs yeah there's no kind of you know bad blood bad but it's just this kind of the idea is that we all kind of really dug into the project of what sidemen was once we realized it was a thing yeah yeah and it's just we were there at the right time we did it we made it work it wasn't like they weren't recruited it wasn't like yeah we chose no shun them out to recruit them it's just we were there doing that stuff at that time and that worked out for us that's what it is enough I think before we go I feel like we've learned a lot but before we go I think there's some people online Twitter questions yeah yeah let's go to some Twitter questions we kind of hit a mess with the Twitter questions we sometimes do them and sometimes down I mean I had my sister on we earlier and cuz we're both from Norwich most of the questions are like have you slept with her so it's like probably not going to do the Twitter questions today people to know but you seem to have well it's evident you've got a lot of support online so Jordan do you want to just run through some of the question O's for Vic and hit me with them yes okay as we've been talking about the living situation yes we got Sasha a vegan Minter mmm his favorite thing about living alone favorite thing about living alone I think not that their house the shared house we lived in was unclean but my own flat I can keep super-clean I know if I make any mess it's it's only me that's gonna have to deal with its are you quite clean personally yeah I like everything to be like yeah fairly neat and clean yeah where it's in the house sometimes it'd be like like I'll someone else turned on the washing out why am I gonna wash up my plates when they still give me dirty washing here right that kind of vibe and just generally just for people we just accumulate a lot of junk yeah so that's my favorite thing is just everything so neat and tidy in because you literally live alone don't you don't live with a brother or anything like that just me that's crazy could you live alone I'd probably get quite bored do you get bored so no because I'm always online yeah and actually I've looked through like thanks to gaming really I play loads of different games and I've got groups of friends from pretty much ever well the three main continents so I've got a bunch of friends that make videos within America a bunch of friends in Australia so someone's always away I can always jump on my computer and have a conversation with off my friends so it's almost the same level as this like I'll just jump in here have a chat it's like if we had rooms around us we'd still be having the same conversation yeah so I'm quite kind of grateful for that that I've just got to know a lot of kind of cool people across the world you've just made me realize that the reason I'd be bored to live alone is because I have no friends say you've got me go this question from Aaron at AE Brookman says what's the dumbest thing you've done for a sidemen Sunday video the dumbest so many because there's so many or cause I know I'm gonna twist it and say the dumbest thing I've done fall in my videos i yeah because I can't you're sure if you're popular for this sideman channel I haven't touched word been injured badly and now I'm really been injured in the side video yeah but definitely probably do on a home but in my own vlog out skiing and I decided to do a jump that I shouldn't have done and I was holding a go from one arm I had a backpack on my back full of cameras and I landed on ice went sideways yeah frightened Michael split my collarbone in half nice little metal rod through the shoulder oh I don't know for making this up I think I've seen a video you the cast on yeah is it JJ that keeps pressing you in the song I'm someone that was the other side man whisper challenge after I just got back I'm gonna take a risk here because I have no idea the context to this so Jay Cavanaugh at the Jakob s'en says ask him about the dark two or three times actually on my minecraft videos because it's it's one of my more interesting stories and well I'm like they're out chopping my trees in Minecraft and I'm like I have got nothing when me and my two older brothers were growing up basically my parents were like we'll get them a pack just brickers and they went to the local farm like get some rabbits and they're like we don't have any rabbits right now but we have this duck duck and this chicken little ones and they won't get looked after by would you like them my parents are like sure I kid you not so we had a pet duck and a pet chicken and it was pretty awesome yeah we built them like a nice little like cage like like hutch thing with like a little like thing they could walk off a little place they could sleep they live together yeah I imagine you built them like a big that's a quali massive creatures that you can't really train them to to do that business in one place they just go over the last you watch it would be out every week so yeah duck in the chicken they had like a little paddling pool the duck would swim around checking with your seller side of water or chocolate speedy and they'll pretty cool chocolate speedy that's incredible okay don't tell me the chicken ate the duck I'll be impressed so this is up in Sheffield quite near the Peak District so you got foxes Wow every night I mean Fair on London there's Gillian focuses so they would kind of wander around the garden during the day but at night we'd have to put them inside their little hutch thing doesn't mean them safe do that every night and we've had them for like maybe like nine ten months or something and then one day we're coming back from the gym and in the winter it was it got dark earlier we got stuck in a little traffic road closed Iverson's so we get back just a little bit after it's gone that mm and it's one of those ones I'll be fine get their feathers all over the god happy hour but but but about three months later I went on a school trip to the local farm yeah and there's a duck there that I'm just I'm like just like Doug knows I call this name chocolate comes waddling over to the fence and I'm like us one of the people working that like that that done where's what's going on and was it story yeah they said well for one it always seems to hang out with all the chickens like they said basically all the houses on our road there's a little stream that runs through all the back gardens and goes down the road and someone five houses down the road had phoned up the farm the next morning I mean like one of your ducks escaped from is in our pond no like well none of our ducks of escaped but we'll come and get it anyway so they so the duck it obviously run jumped in the stream want to take it back to me whether things got lost in the end yeah just just speedy some guy we had on almost accidentally had his testicles removed in hospital when he got put down there's an operation even though he wasn't due for the untangled but the doctor had Rex tracked yeah that's the word for like take off and untangle in doctors terms is very similar make sure you double check GG there we go this has been an absolute pleasure just wanna say the Vick thanks for coming on so much really enjoyed it and yeah love love the duck story yeah if you want to check out Vic if you don't already know who he is then it's fixed are one two three and you can find him on there on the sidemen channel on youtube and all good platforms TV thank you it's been a pleasure Jordan thank you join the Bradwell massive pic thank you see you next week buh-bye [Music]
Channel: Happy Hour Podcast
Views: 948,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jaackmaate, podcast, happy, hour, jaack, maate, happyhourpodcast, imallexx, vikkstar, vikkstar sidemen, sidemen sunday, vikkstar podcast, vikkstar happy hour full episode, full happy hour, full vikkstar podcast, vikkstar reveals all, vikkstar leaving sidemen, vikkstar ninja, vikkstar minecraft, vikkstar mindcraft, vikkstar minecraft videos, vikkstar 2019, jaackmaate happy hour, jaackmaate podcast, jaackmaate vikkstar
Id: Bd8VtmPeJN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 71min 6sec (4266 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 04 2019
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