World’s Best Bolognese Pasta Sauce | Cooking Italian with Joe

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the good life full of fun hey guys walk in my kitchen today's a big day we're going to take a trip to Bologna Bologna Italy and why do I say that because today we're going to make bolognese sauce or what we're actually going to make is ragu alla bolognese which is essentially a meat sauce from Bologna Bologna only a beautiful area of Italy in the northern region and what you get from Bologna Italy one is Bologna right blowing second is going to be lasagna third is going to be bolognese sauce so a bolognese sauce is actually a sauce that's used in lasagna or coupled with a white pasta so that's what we're gonna make today we're going to make a bolognese sauce we're going to put it over tagliatelle which is a wider form of pasta and it holds its hearty err pasta and it's going to hold up a little bit more flavor that's why they use typically a wider wider pusher like lasagna for it so I'm going to try to make it it's going to it's a delicious recipe um it's going to be media it's going to have a lot of depth to it a lot of depth of flavor to it so I'm excited to share with you and I think it's going to be a great dish for you to share with your family and certainly set a tradition for your family from years on out so let me share with you some of the ingredients so what we have is is veal so I've got one pound of veal I've got two pounds of ground beef I've got one can if you will of a large can of san marzano tomatoes crushed okay and now what I've got is pancetta I've got a half of a pound of pancetta salt olive oil wine we're going to use a splash will show you how to use that now what we want to make any time you make a sauce typically you're going to make a stuffed Vito which is essentially your base for a lot of sauces and a lot of soups for that matter so in this case it typically starts with celery we're going to use onion garlic most of Fritos especially even in a bolognese sauce traditionally use on carrots but I don't like carrots and so I don't really like the sweet sauce and I don't like carrots in my sauce the other thing I like since we're just being asked with each other here I don't like green peas either fresh green peas like I'm not a big fan of them either but I don't like carrots in my sauce so a lot of the sofrito is will to traditional II have a carrot so just so you know that's why I left that out because I'm making a sauce for me and my family and I don't like carrots oh okay and then we're gonna use a little butter and then typically at the end of your at the end of your cooking of the sauce we're going to add some cream you don't wanna put cream in real early because the cream a lot of times can curdle so you want to throw that right when the sauce is done you're going to mix some cream in and then you're going to serve it so it's gonna be absolutely delicious and we're gonna love this this could be a lot of fun so first thing we need to do is make a sofrito so I took a few minutes here before we got going just to save it's time to cut up some things and I was so excited to share Italian ingredients with you I actually try to put part of myself in the mix that's why I've got a little bandage you're so I I cut my finger today when I was kind of sums up our say okay but no blot in here we do have some raw fresh meat but none of it none of the meat adheres mine alright alright so that being said let's make our sofrito so what I've got going over here is I've got a pan and I'm going to throw some olive oil in there and so let me just do that let me throw a lot all the way on the bottom I like to put enough olive oil in there to cover the bottom so in that case it's probably about a third of a cup and real easy we're going to turn the heat on I was like a cast iron I like the high side you guys primer we talked about that before because it's just a neater it's a neater version of a cast iron pan to keep all your ingredients in I've got celery so I got it but I got a heavy cup of celery a heavy cup of onion and I've got six cloves of garlic okay and sometimes people say that's a lot you're hanging out with the wrong people if you think it's a lot that's my opinion now what do we've got we've got parsley right and we've got pancetta so I'm going to put most of the parsley in there this is the Italian flat parsley and it's got a almost it almost sounds like a citrus flavor to it our scent to it I'm going to save a little bit just to garnish okay so I'll set that off to the side and now what's going to happen is well you hear people talk about like sweating the onions and so forth essentially that's what we're going to do we're going to bring the onion video arm celery our garlic our person we're going to cook all that down and when wit that gets down a little bit more I'm going to add the white wine then what I'm going to do is I'm going to take all these ingredients out off to the side leave the olive oil that's in there any of the juices that are in there and then I'm going to throw in my meat cook the meat add the sauce and add the sofrito which we've already cooked mix that in there multiple Galecki it's going to be fantastic so I'll tune with you guys in a second I just want to show you one quick little shot here see how this is cooking now I got to tell you the smell in this kitchen oh my god this is it this is a sofrito like I said normally you'd put carrot in there we talked about that right I don't like carrot okay I don't know if I close of that oh that's good stuff I just want to show this for now we're about halfway through bringing these down we're going to get a nice and brown like they said then we'll add a little white wine reduce it down a little bit more and I'll show you a few steps this is gonna be some phenomenal bolognese talk to you guys in a minute hey guys alright so if you can shoot in quick now this is me I like to caramelize it and then just get it on the verge of dark so it's not burned but it's right on that verge okay now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna end my butter and again the butter doesn't handle the heat well so you don't want to handle you don't want to put your butter in there until right near the end okay so now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna mix my butter in there okay and now what I've got is all that really deep caramelized oh god it's got that deep smell it's rich so the butter is going to add that depth of flavor it's going to make it smooth creamy Oh see that down when you mix that butter it changes everything oh my god the smell is delicious now once that's melted I'm going to add some I'm gonna add some white wine so I'm going to add white wine I'm going to add about a third of a cup now why you're going to watch this really short to bubble here in a second okay now the wine I'll add a little bit of flavor but the other benefit you have with alcohol oh yeah I can smell that that's delicious is the alcohol acts as a solvent so it extracts like if you guys have heard like of a vodka sauce what you're really doing is you're using the alcohol to extract more of the flavor from the onion in this case this is a frito sauce okay so this is going to now I'm going to this will cook down so I'm gonna wait till the bubbles stop when they you know then the alcohol is out as soon as that's the case we're going to pull this right out of the dish and then we're going to start cooking that pancetta okay all right so this is essentially done that's great so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pull this out real simple okay I'm going to pull this out now what I want to try to do here is I just want to save I want to save the oil see because your oils got all that beautiful flavor from your sofrito right so let me just pull that out is what we want to do now is we want to cook the pancetta okay so the heats coming back up beautiful I'm going to set that aside now I'm gonna take my pinch at up I'm going to put that right in okay and we're going to cook this pancetta down first and then once that pancetta is cooked down then we're going to get it nice and hot we'll dump that right back into the sofrito and then we're going to add our meat oh this is gonna be delicious I'll talk to you guys in a minute okay guys so let me just show I just pull off this off to the side so here's my pancetta so again see how nice and brown that is it's not burnt it's right on that edge right Oh oh my god that smells so good so it gives you that smoky delicious depth of flavor when you caramelize it like that all the sugar within the meat all the sugar within your garlic all a shirt within your onions and all that sugar comes out and it gives you that flavor which is just so delicious so now I've got this out right now I've got that oil that's infused with the pancetta right and the sofrito now I'm going to take my meat okay I'm going to take my beef alright and my veal and that's what I want to hear I want to hear a sizzle get right near the end here so I get a pound of veal pound B you hear that and now you want it to get brown you got that nice oil that's all infused with that flavor right you want to start breaking it up as it's cooking well this is good hey guys come on in come on in to my kitchen well if you guys could smell that huh don't you wish you had smell-a-vision on your camera on your TV there and that good stuff so I want to show you see how it's just starting to catch on the bottom of that pan so just starting to brown so you have little bits of brown in there that's what you want it's it's essentially like caramelizing the meat and that's the others yeah that's perfect that's right where we want it okay so now what I'm going to do is the meat right where I want it okay I'm going to turn down the heat so I have the heat cranking that that was probably about ten minutes that went by just to give you a heads up all right and then I'm going to put my my pancetta my sofrito and now why didn't I do that before because this wouldn't take the heat so I'm getting all those flavors from the oil and the butter why I mean that's that's unbelievably delicious right so now I'm going to mix that in while this is browning okay so you can see now how that's really stir nothing go okay that's just marrying all the flavors right I like to mix it here for just a minute go go you got bits of pancetta the meats browning on the bottom perfectly see that's how its catch it on the bottom step burn and it just catches ghosty and is absolutely fantastic man if you could smell through your TV set or computer or handheld device right now I'm telling you what okay so now we're good now what I want to do is I want to add my sauce so now I'm going to add my tomato okay now I'm not going to add a lot of a lot of recipes will call for like a tomato paste I'm not going to do that what I'm going to do is I'm going to add tomato and then I'm going to let it cook now we're going to let eat magic take its course okay so now I'm going to stir the tomato in and what that's going to do is it's going because that's room temperature it's going to almost stop your cooking right I've got the heat low oh that's delicious look at that we're going to let time and heat cook that tomato down and not that it's watery but you're going to cook the moisture out of the tomato and then you're going to cook all those flavors together they're going to marry and what I like to do I just like to do that final scraping on the bottom just to bring all those nice little brown bits off okay now what I want to do last thing on add some salt and pepper okay so I'm going to add about a teaspoon and a half of salt all right and I'm going to add a good teaspoon heavy on your brown pepper okay oh my gosh if you guys could smell there right now holy moly hey I have a good stuff all right class is done so my little trick okay take some pasta take your dish put a little bit of olive oil on your okay and then this is cooking or salute I like to wear the bolognese sauce and if you know that or not try not to look at my shirt we don't know we got a light budget here I don't have a costume costume assistant all right so here we go or wardrobe I should say assistant all right so here we go we're going to pop that in and don't worry there's a meal of water and they're slowly fine okay look at that so that's a wider pasta and you want a little bit of the water because it's filled with flavor from the pasta oh that's good so let me fill this in now I'm going to show you how to prep that sauce so what I got here is like a two pounds of pasta because we get a house full of people okay so and so I think one of my videos I have my son Joey huh so you can you know my secular deeds alright so now that's off and then what I recommend you do is just take so you just stir it a little with an olive oil on the bottom and then your pasta won't stick together okay if you put it in the water it's not a good idea because what it does is it coats the outside of the pasta and prevents the pasta from absorbing the moisture that's problem number one so that's perfect right alright so there we go so let me set that aside I've got this going now what I'm going to do here this has been cooking for a while right so I'm going to turn the heat down really low okay and now we're going to add our cream so we're going to add our cream right it yeah alright just nice and slow and that's just going to give it a depth of flavor yeah that's a cup of cream is what I put in there okay and again you can't let the cream cook oh well I'm spilling it over here I'm so excited you want to put the cream in when the sauce is done okay and then here see a little bit of a mass no problem no one will see nothing you guys didn't see that did you oh this is good you guys got to turn the volume up in the smell Center because this is delicious now you're going to see the Bolognese is going to have a lighter sauce so the history of bolognese sauce is it was actually several years after it was originally written up that you started to add more of a cream to the end and this is just absolute delicious sauce okay so that sauce is done perfect so I'm gonna set up a plate Motul at chill huh alright so now I'm going to take a nice scoop of the bolognese sauce okay and I probably even use all that I guess a well perfect okay and that great so come on right over in front I'll show you how to set this up you guys ready we are in Bologna do you feel like your employer mannalie I actually feel like I'm in my grandmother's kitchen right now but so every ok so I'm going to put a little little bit and just just a little bit of dressing on that ok is that just absolutely delicious does that look absolutely awesome so you're going to see again traditional you can use anything you want you can use spaghetti don't so don't think you got to use the tech hotel you can use linguini fettuccini but traditionally again and I was trying to bring you guys the traditional dish traditionally it's used with a wider pasta because it's a hard year heavier richer meal so you want to have a nice hunk of pasta with the sauce okay remember I told you my skill is the perfect plate oh my god you can smell the pinch shut up the tomato you know that's at San Marzano tomato which is the best oh my god I'm telling you right now the veal the beef the pancetta the tomato everything's roasted so it's got a nice flavor there's so many layers of flavor that you're getting in there oh my god hmm when this camera goes up that plate doesn't stand a chance it will be in my belly oh my god guys thanks for inviting me in your kitchen certainly in your family hopefully you're setting up some new traditions and sharing your heritage with your family just as I'm so proud and excited to share my traditions in my heritage with you talk to you guys next week good life full of fun
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 111,810
Rating: 4.7664566 out of 5
Keywords: Bolognese Sauce (Dish), Sauce (Type Of Dish), Cooking (Interest), Italian Food (Industry), Recipe (Website Category), Beef (Food), Marinara Sauce (Dish), Pasta (Food), Linguine (Food), Spaghetti (Food), Joe Borio, Vito and Joe's Italian extra Virgin Oilive Oil,, Giada De Laurentiis (Chef), Food Network (TV Network), Meatball (Food), Tagliatelle (Food), Fettuccine (Food), Fettuccine Alfredo (Dish), Italian Dressing (Food), italian recipes
Id: IvqwJMa51VM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 54sec (1014 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 08 2015
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