Homemade Ravioli with Ricotta | Cooking Italian with Joe

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yes the good life lets you hide all the sadness you [Music] feel hey everybody welcome back to my kitchen today we are going to make homemade ravioli with ricotta filling oh my God MTO yum yes so I laid out all the ingredients here gets a little confusing uh but I want to show you how to make homemade pasta dough which I did a video on that little a while back some of the emails I've been getting have been asking me to hey can you make the pasta Dill like in the old fashioned in the well rather than making the uh food processor so absolutely so I'm going to certainly honor those uh but we've got a great filling today we're going to do ricotta filling so I just want to go over that with you and I got everything laid out today so what we have here is about two cups is so say two cups of ricotta filling and maybe about 2 or 3 hours before you start you are going to let it strain so you just want to get that moisture out there that way the inside of the ravioli doesn't get too uh mushy or certainly leak okay we got about a/2 cup parmesan freshly ground parmesan cheese we've got two egg yolks now the egg whites you're going to keep because you're going to make an egg white ba um bath and what you're going to do is use a a brush and that'll help seal the rabell so we're going to keep this but I'm just going to put this off to the side okay and then we're going to put some nutmeg oo I love nutmeg you know um a lot of times I talk about nutmeg and a lot of people say they don't like it or there's um there's a reluctance to use it it's it's used often in uh in uh Italian Dish it's often used with cheeses and remember you want to use enough nutmeg just enough I should say so that it brings out the flavor in the cheese you're not looking overpower it you're not actually looking to say wow it tastes like nutmeg you're looking to enhance the flavor of the cheese that's why nutmeg is often used uh you'll see it in Italian dishes with the cheeses so what I basically did here as I said is I I drained it so we're going to make the inside first uh then we're going to set that aside and then we're going to make the dough all right so I got a bowl here I'm going to take the ricotta which has been draining maybe 3 hours I left it out I didn't refrigerate it knowing that I was going to use it okay I'm going to set that aside in my sink real easy right I'm going to put a half a cup of Parmesan I'm going to put the egg yolks in there if you guys remember I always like to mix the egg yolks first or eggs for that matter which I'm going to do in a minute you want to mix the egg yolks first I used to make these with my uh with my grandmother all the time so awesome and she had the fun little tool and which I'm going to show you and then you're going to take the nutmeg and you're just going to sprinkle that across and when you put it in a dish just always spread everything out as much as you can we're going to put a pinch of salt there's a little bit of salt in the ricotta I tasted it before it was wasn't what I would call Salty if you will so it needs a little bit of salt I'm going to put just a couple of cracks of black pepper and I'm going to put a splash of olive oil maybe two tablespoons of olive oil how awesome is that right and then what I'm going to do here is all I'm going to do is mix it so let me grab myself a spoon and you're just going to stir it right up and the Egg will give it a flavor and it'll certainly give it a look at those beautiful colors right the egg's going to give it a a flavor and often an egg in a lot of the cooking it'll seize it up it'll give it a a foundation so then when it cooks or when it Heats it'll stay in its little pocket and it's drier it's not a wet mix We dried the the cheese right so oh my God that smells so good and that's nice and simple how simple is that it's nice and easy and I'm going to mix it really good and what's nice and one another reason to mix it ahead of time is you want all the flavors to marate here for a few minutes right and it's all about room temperature so I'm not taking something really cold I'm going to Stir It Up really good and one of the benefits you have of uh being the cook is you get to taste let's see that that is really really good I'm G to put it just a little bit more salt stir that right up okay so that's it you're going to let that set aside you're going to let that marry okay so we're going to put that off to the side and now we're going to make our pasta D so everybody likes to talk about making the traditional way so let's do that we've got about three cups give give a take of unbleached unenriched organic flour that's my favorite okay so I've got the flour in the uh in the middle of my counter and what I'm going to do here is I'm going to premix my eggs I've got five eggs full eggs so this is what they'll often call like an egg pasta and which is great has more flavor in it pasta in the old Italy especially in a lot of the areas that were very poor they had we're going to put uh we're going to put about teaspoon of [Music] salt in the uh flour so in poor Italy what they would do is they would beautiful they would just take flour and water a lot of so the old pasta it didn't even have salt in them and they were so poor in fact last time I was in Italy we went to um a home we were invited to a home for dinner it was so beautiful and um they were making the old version of the pasta and I had asked her you know why are you just making it with the flour and the water and it was actually traditional uh to make it that way even though she had the she had the um you know eggs and so forth but she said it was traditional for that that holiday because in many years early in Italy they didn't have uh the money so real easy to Stir It Up and what happens is uh you'll find that the egg will start to marry and I always like to go underneath it so I just kind of incorporate a little bit of the bottom and you're going to dry up the egg a little bit I'm going to put some olive oil in there maybe about a quarter qu teaspoon I'm sorry 1/4 cup so what you're going to do is just keep stirring it and what I'll do is I'll take the fork and kind of come underneath the well and I know it looks like a mess and it doesn't look like it's going to be anything but trust me it will it's going to be awesome and there's nothing better than making pasta dough with the sounds of Tony Bennett so got a little Frank Sinatra Pandora going so just keep going with it and it's you know it's always fun I used do this when I was a kid all the time and my father uh still makes raviolis all the time and he still does the well so he does it for the fun of it like I said I'm I'm a fan of the food processor because it's faster a lot of times I got 500 other things I'm doing so but I will honor the requests of my emails and viewers so remember get one of these uh Baker's knives they're awesome and uh and what's what are you going to do is you're going to get that flavor that egg the salt the olive oil and that nice flour that we have so you want a nice fine flour some of the uh flour pasta mixes will have like a 20 to 30% smolina flour which is great there's no problem with that with ravioli it's not as traditional to use the smolina so so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to start just start mixing that flour in that egg mixture and remember what you're going to basically build up is gluten and you're going to work it for 5 to 10 minutes and what'll happen is the gluten will build up like strands of gluten like rubber bands in there and it becomes elastic it's so cool you are and then what happens is it creates an elasticity and you have to work the dough you have to work the dough to let the gluten build up because if the gluten doesn't build up then as you as you roll the dough out it's never going to hold it won't have a good firm structure so rolling to do is really important and I try not to get it all over now we're just going to work it with our hands there you go I have never ever put in h a certain quantity of flour in egg or eggs and had it be perfect so you'll find you know size of the eggs the flour consistency there it goes and uh humidity outside everything has a factor in whether or not you're going to need more flour more moisture but there you go see how it's starting to make a dough so cool Isn't that cool and with this uh you're making a raviola you're not going to need a ton of dough because you're going to roll it out in the thin sheets now I've got one of the pasta rollers which is great and I love those but I'll tell you I find it so much better and less waste and just less time if if I uh if I use the uh rolling pen so I'm going to use a rolling pen so this is also great if you've uh had my panacotta you get to work out some of those calories and you just keep working it you know and now we've got Dean uh Dean Martin handing it with Christmas music how does that make makes sense you're just going to keep working it my grandmother my God she was about 4T 8 in I think so she would stand at the this little table she had this little dining room table and she would sit there with me her most common phrase was and then she'd say half of her sentences in in Italian and half of them in uh English and you hear that broken you hear that broken English broken Italian so it was great one of the nicest ladies you ever meet my father always tells the story with uh when they came over from Italy they came in through Alice Island and uh this might be the first time I actually did not need more flour or or egg it's making a really nice D right here you know what's nice about this too is you really you start to smell it smells great and you just keep working it and what'll happen is it'll get tough to work after about 5 or 6 minutes and then you let it rest and what it does is all those rubber bands of gluten if you will that elastin that's kind of developing there they relax and then what you'll do is you work it a little bit more again and it'll be easier to work if you keep doing it keeps building up more and more strands so but again we're going to roll this out so I want to make sure that it's really elastic oh yeah it's a nice now I got tell so anyway so my grandmother came over uh with my grandfather in Italy and they were carrying a suitcase that's all they had is one suitcase imagine that and uh they were hooking up with some cousins in Syracuse and my grandmother was walking behind my grandfather my grandfather was wasn't carrying anything and uh my grandmother was walking behind and she had a couple of the kids with her my dad and my uh my uncle and my aunt and they uh and a suitcase my grandmother was carrying a suitcase and uh you know going back to the old days obviously we're especially in Old Italy where the man would usually be the lead and handle all the business stuff and the women would usually tend to the kids and tend to the family and the uh immigration agent at Al Island said to my grandfather hey what are you doing you are uh letting her do all the work and he said gez gez I'm sorry so we M so he went and help my grandmother and uh my grandmother said to the immigration officer I think I'm going to like America so kind of a funny story that I heard my grandmother tell my father repeats once in a while so things are different here for sure so we that's beautiful see how nice and stretchy that is like a Play-Doh like a really good spongy Play-Doh so everything's cleaned up so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to work it a little bit more and then I'm going to let it rest maybe a half hour and then when I let it rest it'll be a lot easier to work it's perfect but we don't want it to dry I always like to taste it it's beautiful tastes great so as I taught you guys before just take a little olive oil good for your hands anyways rub it right over the and that way it won't dry out and I'll put a towel over it paper towel and you just let it set okay guys welcome back now what I've got here is I let this rest about a half hour okay so that was the uh or that is the dough that's the pasta dough okay so traditionally called an egg uh pasta dough and that's going to be for our ravioli so we wanted to work it good so it get some elastic property to the dough and now I what I did is let it rest I'm going to work it just for another like 30 seconds and I'm going to start rolling it out I'll show you how to do that this if you remember is our ricotta cheese with a little olive oil a little salt little nutmeg couple egg yolks okay so I got that in there and I just want to make sure that tastes okay again oh yeah that's really good see now that it's been there a while and those flavors start to marry that's it's really important when you when you mix it I always like the I'm spitting ricotta all over the place but that's the sign that it's good but when you when you mix that and you set it aside you want it to marry you want all those flavors if you will to dissolve within each other so it's really important so I'm going to take this out okay so what do I got going here I got a disaster right I got a couple different rolling pins this is a great rolling pin it's awesome I love this baby right here this one see how it's wider in the middle the one thing I always notice when you use a traditional rolling pin you start rolling it the middle of the dough is thick right and the dough starts looking like this on the table if you will this allows you to roll that middle out so this is a great little instrument if you will to really go I got a drying rack I got a little scooper I just want to show you I'm going to use that to put the ravioli the cot and ravioli which is awesome you got to have a cutter now you can use a knife you don't need even e these and you don't even need that but that gives you that nice traditional little fun uh kind of waffle Edge there which is really cool and then we're going to want a little brush to wipe our egg wash on the pasta so that you can flip it over and seal it okay so there we go now I've got a I've got a ravioli board where you can put it and scoop it and roll it over the top those are great too a lot of people don't have those so I wanted to kind of show you just a really easy way to make it and uh and we shouldn't even need um there you go see that look at that perfect so I'm going to incorporate a little bit of that oil on the outside in and and that's hard and that's good that's what I want I want a nice dense elastic dough work that puppy it smells great smells just beautiful so you know we're not looking for machine made raviolis you can go to the store and buy machine made raviolis these aren't going to all be the perfect size but they're cute and they look good and when you make them by yourself they always taste better you know you know what's in them everything's fresh and uh I me put love in them you know you can't put love in something you buy at a store but you can put love into it I know if if you guys feel that or not but I'm putting a lot of love in this dough right now so okay so we're good so there it is there's my dough it's nice and hard it's elastic I'm going to roll it out as I always do in a a little bit of a roll here and then I'm just going to take that right there put that off to the side right and that's going to be our first piece of pasta so I'm just going to take a little bit of FL cuz we're going to need it now okay and I'm going to take my roller here ideally what you want is you want to make it long okay cuz what we're going to do is make it long and wide and we're going to flip it over that's the easiest way to make it so typically homemade raviolis by hand without a machine without the roller you're going to notice they're going to have one Edge that's sealed and three edges that are cut so I'll show you how that looks in a minute here you just work it see how nice and elastic it is you got to make sure that it's thin and you don't want to make the pasta too thick cuz what happens is the pasta is going to get a little bigger it's going to absorb some of that uh it's going to absorb some of the water right and uh but don't worry about it because I'll tell you you got a great dough here and it can handle it right so we're just going to work it that way we want to widen it up a little bit here you go take this guy right now watch look at that it's the one of the greatest little rollers see and it gives you that little ability or it gives you that ability see right there see how that edge isn't even it gives you that this is a French invention which I can't believe it must have been invented in Italy first and somebody from France copied it but see you can get those little spots that maybe aren't see how you can work the corner right there it's unbelievable it's one of the best rolling pins and you're still going to need a traditional rolling pin but right so now I got that going and let me tell you making them like this it's more work I'll give you that but let me tell you this it's more love it's more fun you get a couple of loved ones in the kitchen they'll usually last about 5 minutes just roll it right out now I know why my grandmother was so strong little lady but man look at that see and it's got that nice elastic property to right look at that that's not going anywhere and that's still a little bit on the fck side so I'm going to take my fun one here my Frenchman rolling pin p Pew and just work it out right and I love this like I said because you can well you know what that area is a little thick that area is not coming in so you can roll it and see how it comes back look at how it Springs back see how the dough Springs back so you've got a nice amount of this per the dough is perfect I mean you could not ask for better dough I don't know who made it oh wait I did that's why it's I forgot so okay so there you go that's it right so that's nice and thin it's underneath and it's perfect right so I'm going to make one set of raviolis for us okay and then we'll go from there what I'm going to show you is you want to do an egg wash now your egg wash if you remember we had two egg whites left from the two eggs we put in the ricotta mixture you're going to want to thin it and you'll never use all this but okay all you want is a little water a little egg get the little bubbles off of there okay that's perfect all right that's going to be our mixture that's going to act as a glue now I watch some people and they kind of space it out across I don't I'm not saying that's wrong I know that right down in the middle here right you got a mental line right down the middle is going to be one half is going to be the ravioli the other half is going to be the top right so you're going to go like this you're going to flip it over okay so if I already know that then to make life really easy I just take the egg wash and I put it over this half right that's it that's it okay and then we're going to take this out of here did I taste that yet I'm telling you love it okay no we don't want a full one okay so we're going to take about maybe half okay there you go more in a half right how do you know how far you got space it out so you got a little bit of pasta right so you got about an inch me a touch more and again you're not trying to make them look Machin made right so and you don't need one of these you can take two spoons and you can do uh two spoons and sometimes it becomes a little bit of a contest if you can can I squeeze one more there I'm going to try so remember the dough is very forgiving so right that's perfect right there you go so then I'm going to take this right and I'm going to pull it across I have a little problem on that one hold on hold on I can fix that this is the fun part you don't want it all to go perfect right this is live TV so so I got to pull that one across but I don't want to waste the dough right so and then you'll find once you stick it down she's going to stick let me tell you okay so and don't be shy with your pressure cuz you don't want these to open you don't want them to pop when you're cooking them right and one that's another reason why you drain the ricotta okay now what you're going to do you see the the the spacing right there and you feel there's a little air in there and that's fine that'll work its way out look at that it's perfect right now what I'll recommend is that you work the air out cuz you don't want them to see I feel the cheese and I can feel the air in there right perfect perfect and again traditional traditional raviolis homemade raviolis they'll have the sealed pocket in the back and if you don't like that you can see you you can wash the back and cut the back Edge if you want but this way I like it it just makes for a more stable ravioli and then you're going to pull that across look at that now I'm now I'm really sealing it [Music] right it's sealed up nice right and then there you go you're going to take this guy right here I'm going to take the decorative Edge you don't have to take off a lot right but you don't want you don't want the ravioli to be all pasta either you know what I mean so if you find you got a tail and the back is in the back of your there you go the back of the pasta now I always like to do that decorative Edge so but again you don't want to put a a ravioli in your mouth and have it all have it nothing but pasta so so just take that little Edge now that one's a little close right but that'll be fine and there you go and again they don't look they're not huge right and you're going to be able to put two essentially two bites is traditionally what a ravioli is next time what I'll do when I meet with you guys is I'll make a fried RAV so you take these and you deep fry them oh my God unbelievable so you're going to space them on the rack right and they're all sealed if you get one that doesn't seem sealed really well you know again you could take a knife you could take a fork I try not to do the fork because then it leaves impressions in the dough and I don't like that so okay and there you go so you got to remember you got dough all along the back dough all along the front the backside along so you don't want to put a huge rim of dough around it cuz there's already a lot of dough and that's it so I'm going to keep going ahead and uh and making these puppies it's going to take me uh probably about three and a half four weeks to finish this tray and then uh Trey sent the Mone so then what I'm going to do is I'll finish this up and I'm going to let them dry I want them to harden just a little bit I want the dough to get a little bit harder hey guys welcome back it's been 3 and 1/2 Weeks Trey sent themani no I'm just kidding but we've got a a full sheet here and a little extra parchment paper so I just want to show you how beautiful these are there's some flower on them like I said traditionally you'll see one back end will be the fold over and then you'll have a nice decorative Edge on the side they're going to dry just a little they won't get really hard but they'll start to firm up a little bit which is beautiful and then you're always going to take any extra with the parchment paper and just set it right on top if you have to and that's just so beautiful they're beautiful and they smell you know the dough and the ricot and the nutmeg and the olive oil and the salt I mean just that's Italy that's the way you do it that's the way my grandmother used to do it and it just gives you that nice homemade little bite-sized ravioli you're going to get maybe two bites maybe three depending on who it is out of each one of those absolutely beautiful and I want to thank you guys for giving me a little time in your life to share a little bit of my life with you and and uh some history with you and some traditions from my f uh from my with my grandmother Caroline thank you guys so much thanks for joining me and cooking Italian with Joe I will talk to you guys next week don't forget when you sit down with these set a nice Bowl put some sauce which we're going to make right now tell the kids to shut their cell phones off turn the TV off spend some time cuz family really is the soul of Life enjoy guys talk to you next time
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 105,507
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ricotta (Cheese), Italian Food (Cuisine), Cooking, Italian Dressing (Dish), Ravioli (Dish), Recipe, Recipes, Pasta (Ingredient), dinner, sauce, italy, pizza, meatball, meat, dessert, tradition, oldfashion, homemade, simple, easy, fun, salt, Olive Oil (Ingredient), rome, venice, milan, cookingitalianwithjoe.com, TLC (TV Program), Cooking Channel (Organization), Food Network (TV Network), macaroni, how to make, italian recipe food
Id: W8BbA8dwrQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 17sec (1697 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 26 2014
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