World's Best Tomato Pasta Sauce | Cooking Italian with Joe

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hey guys welcome to my kitchen got a big day today very excited today we're going to make sauce gravy and I'm going to share with your recipe from our family something that my grandmother I used to make and when I when I think about those memories of sauce what what jumps into my mind is the smell of the kitchen in a fall or autumn time on the smell of garlic and all the seasonings that my grandmother would use and what's really neat my grandmother used to have this big big pot that she would use in the kitchen and she had this doll and maybe some of you guys have heard me talk about it on some previous videos but she had this big piece of wood that she would use to roll out or pasta pie dough's and she'd use it often to stir stir her sauce so really neat so they still have that up Oreos as a as a testament to my grandmother but in any case I want to show you a great recipe something that can be used anytime during the day certainly something you can store in the refrigerator keep it nice and cold last couple of weeks if you seal up for great so I'm going to show you exactly I make it alright so that being said one of the one of the best pieces of advice to get started we want to use just great ingredients so yeah we have two cans of the san marzano and we're going to use the whole tomato I'm gonna show you how to crush that and then we got three cans of the san marzano on puree so we want to jump in there we've got some onion rosemary thyme oregano and basil so all those ingredients are going to be blended right in our sauce so as far as ingredients goes guys to get the exact ingredients when you just go right to our YouTube page it'll be listed right underneath or you can go to our web page which is going to be cooking in town with Joe calm it's got those recipes along a lot of other videos let's get started um one of the things I want to share with you is just how to prep these tomatoes so the puree is real easy it's already all prep for you but on the San Marzano tomatoes we've got these whole and they're going to be packed in a puree they usually throw a little basil in there just to give it a little flavor and you're going to see the tomato is actually in a whole shape so come on over here so here's our San Marzano right so I'm not I'm going to open those up and what I want to show you here if you can get in there is you're going to see that the tomato so its whole see that it's already peeled it's all ready to go okay and then you're going to seal a couple of bits of base hold it they put it what's great about this I'll tell you when you just taste that it tastes it tomato cannon and it's already a great sauce what I use is just a little hand blender in here put it on wall and just gently so you don't splatter all over we're just gonna essentially crush the tomatoes where you're doing and again you're not trying to make your puree and a puree is going to be a tomato that's already been crushed and then they basically filter it we don't want to do that in this case we're going to take a little tomato we want to just give it a rough blend and okay so what I've got here is we're going to make a lot of sauce here right so we've got our pan and we're going to start with some olive oil I like to coat the bottom of the pan without oil so if you can get in there right I got a nice bath olive oil turn this on now one of the tips I'm going to tell you if you want to keep the heat low you don't want to fry you do not want to fry your garlic or your onion so if that if the oil is too hot if you put it in there it'll fry it you don't want to do that okay and you're going to sweat this now this will take anywhere from 10 to 15 minutes because what I like to do is I like to go beyond the point where it's translucent I'm going to brown it I actually want to brown it or caramelize the onion and the garlic that's really what it gives it a rich flavor a true flavor in the sauce so I tie it just now and I my cameraman here is in a full agreement the smells in this kitchen right now are unbelievable so now one of my ingredients that I love to put in there is butter and you'll see that on my table but we don't want to put the butter in to Ehrlich who's going to raise the temperature up here and the butter won't hold well it doesn't handle the heat as well is in olive oil so we've got our extra virgin olive oil we've got our onion garlic and like I said we're going to like that set for any of us for 10 to 15 minutes and we're going to bring that to translucency and then we're going to bring it to where it's nice golden-brown when it gets nice golden brown then we're going to add our butter and some other ingredients and then the fun part is you just let it set and the benefit of that you're going to stir the sauce and then what you're going to do is you're just going to let the kitchen fill well in a room it's going to be fantastic all right I'll talk to you guys in a minute I'm telling you the smell in there it's grandma's kitchen so now what I'm going to do is I'm gonna grab our butter now like I told you before you want to add the butter until you're right where you want to be because you don't want to burn the butter the butter can burn up so so we're going to put the butter in there and what I'm going to do is just I just want the butter to melt that's all I'm looking to do right here mmm and that's going to give you a richer sauce some people like cream to the sauce which is not a bad idea but I'm going to add butter always right at the end so we've got the onions and garlic caramelized so it's bringing out that depth of flavor that those sugars that start to work their way out of the out of the garlic and the out of the onion so I'm going to stir this until the butter melts and then it's really easy after that we're going to add essentially everything we're just going to pour everything into the pot and then your job is to stir the pot now one of the things I did years ago is I took a wooden spoon and I cut the bottom off just to make it flat that way when I'm stirring I'm always able to get the bottom of the pan you just don't want any tomatoes or any of the question Ito's set in there because they could burn and I'll tell you a little bit of burn ruin your whole sauce so so you want to keep the heat low stir constantly all right so a really nice shape right here alright so everything's melted you see that we've got a nice nice if you will oil garlic onion and butter okay now once that's melted again you don't want to let that stay too hot to come up to temp cause you don't want to burn the butter now we're going to essentially just start adding everything okay so if you guys remember I've got my my puree right and the trick here is just bring up break down and pour it right off to the side that way one splatter on it and that's going to cool it down almost instantly right now if you guys remember here's our homemade crush right so same thing just get it up to the side put your put your paddle up against it you just want to splatter oh that's beautiful okay and that's it san marzano two-minute I'll tell you just to smell it right now all the smell of the sauce fantastic okay guys here you go look at that is that beautiful or is that beautiful so now we've got everything in as far as our tomatoes go and you're going to stir that cross and oh my god the smell of that is incredible and now what we want to do is we when all those flavors in married but now we want to season it so now we want to add all of our our seasoning okay so we've got a rag and all we've got basil so we're going to add that we've got rosemary and I'm going to add the fresh person I just want to leave a little bit left over for for a garnish okay just when we played it and we're going to mix that in a little bit and now we got to season it now we're going to season it with salt I always use the the gray sea salt and you're gonna use about two tablespoons give or take a salt just to start and then we're going to want a lot of black pepper so our black pepper I always tell you use the fresh black pepper okay and you're going to want at least two tablespoons of black pepper I'll have all the ingredients for you and arrest beyond a simple on a simple sauce right on the on the website so this is one of our favorites and then last but not least and it's true my cameraman allows for me we have not had any of the red wine yet but we definitely want to answer red wine now what the red wine does you're not really trying to pick up the flavor of the wine what you're trying to do is you're using the alcohol the alcohol from the wine will actually break down some of the components in the tomato and it extracts a little bit more flavor out of it that's why I like when you do a vodka sauce that's why the vodka the alcohol there will will drive a little bit more the flavor out of it so I I'm going to use I'm always going to use about a half of a cup and I'm just going to pour it over the spoon to a cup and we've got a double batch here so I'm going to put just a little bit more and again you won't even taste the wine that's a Chianti wine you'll want to use something that's too dry or too oaky just something simple and here's the good news we're done that's it now the rest is time and heat now what the heats going to do is the heats going to allow everything to marry and it's going to actually cook the tomato so when you start to cook the tomato itself starts to bring out all those nice hidden flavors of the tomato and then everything starts to marry with all the different seasonings in there oh my god and then you're going to store this in a refrigerator any little bit of sauce you got you got some homemade meatballs you got some pasta if you fry up a little polenta whatever you got you can just put a little ladle sauce next to it oh my god it's fantastic alright guys this has been going now for almost two hours if you want to get right in there now I keep a cover on it I don't cover the whole thing just to let some of the steam out but it so it doesn't splatter all over look at that is that just that's red gold right there folks it's absolutely delicious and the smell you can smell the onion the garlic all your seasoning in the Pomodoro the the tomato absolutely delicious so you're going to stir this again you got the flat bottom on the spoon and you want to make sure you pay attention to stir this down you know no more than I'd say 10-15 minutes pass before you give it a good stir keep the heat nice and low two to three hours will go by as soon as it starts to change the color it will actually go from a kind of a pale red to a really deep color red then you know give it a taste make sure you're seasoning is good and then you're done you're going to set it to the side let it bring down the temperature and whatever dish you're making I don't care if it's a meatball I don't care if it's a ravioli or some homemade pasta we're making it's going to be absolutely delicious I'll talk to you guys in a minute so today's spaghetti homemade spaghetti how you doing pasta we're going to finish it with some with some homemade sauce it's gonna be fantastic that is done all right so because you're doing portion apportion I'm going to grab one of our plates and real simple there you go right there okay I'm going to open this up without making a sound of a big band I'm going to drizzle a little homemade sauce right over the top and the smell in this kitchen oh my god that is absolutely fantastic we're going to come right over here we're going to hit it with a little cheese we're going to hit it with a little parsley and that my friend is homemade spaghetti with homemade sauce that is absolutely delicious I'll tell you the smell of that with the cheese oh my got it parsley oh my god absolutely fantastic like I told you guys before I'm going to talk with my mouth full here for a minute but the pasta will stand on its own it's got such great flavor the oil and the flour the salt in the eggs and then you cover that with that homemade sauce and the cheese oh my god I had to go in for a second absolutely delicious I'll tell you guys that's probably one of your most traditional meals when you're multiple of traditional dishes as far as the chatting goes then the smell of that the taste of that right back to Grandma's right back to Graham's kitchen I want to thank you guys for joining me today thank you so much for let me share my heritage with you my traditions thanks so much guys Bon Appetit I'll talk to you guys next week yes the good life lets you hi
Channel: Cooking Italian with Joe
Views: 689,543
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sauce (Type Of Dish), Pasta (Food), Tomato (Food), Cooking (Interest), Italian Food (Industry), Recipe, Joe Borio,, vito and joe's italian extra virgin oli oil, Linguine (Food), Food Network (TV Network), Giada De Laurentiis (Chef), Mario Batali (Chef), Marinara Sauce (Dish), Ravioli (Food), Gnocchi (Dish), Italy (Country), Olive Oil (Ingredient), pasta, meatballs, homemade, pasta sauce, tomato sauce, Spaghetti sauce, Italian food recipe
Id: xB9X1y1CgNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 7sec (727 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 04 2015
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