Working with Images in Affinity Publisher

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hello and welcome according to youtube i'm live we do have to give it 30 seconds so i know that for sure i'm live but if you are with us in the chat hello one and all good grief so much chat i'm going to catch up with a chat at the end but hello to each and every one of you so uh hopefully excellent i'm being told i'm live that's always good news which means we can just get going that's interesting i'd forgot i'd forgotten to mute my ipad okay right we'll try that again with me muted that would be much better wouldn't it okay i'm pushing the button and we are indeed ready to go so as i say hello and welcome everyone this is the second in our mad may series following on from deep diving data merge last week this week we are looking at working with images in affinity publisher now um not necessarily just editing images but there's lots that you can do with images and we have a secret tip coming your way so if you haven't gone till the end the very last thing is a very secret tip that i think you'll enjoy right if you don't know who i am never see me before i'm elaine giles i'm a longtime computer trainer podcast host radio presenter on a saturday night too i work with mac os ios windows and all types of applications particularly obviously the affinity applications but also scrivener office and even creative cloud at times right we broadcast in 1080p but youtube likes to play with our minds so there's a cog in the lower right hand corner go and have a look and see what they've done to you if you don't have the red flash you're not watching at the highest rate that we broadcast at we have had this as low as 240p which i don't know how you're seeing a thing so go and check that right now and while you're down there if you enjoy anything that you see today please give us a like it really makes a difference and of course you could subscribe and in addition to subscribing you can hit the bell icon and the bell icon will give you notifications every time we go live so you don't miss anything but let's get on with it so images in affinity publisher obviously affinity publisher is the destination to create your final output and not necessarily where you would consider editing images but it has great image support so first of all it supports raster images and vector file formats which means you can just drag and drop images in there and get going with them but there's a very subtle difference here between opening files placing files and working with exported files so when it comes to opening files so file open it can not only open publisher files but obviously it can also open anything from the affinity suite so affinity photo files affinity designer files in addition to that and added about a year ago is the ability to open up an indesign file but not just a generic any kind of indesign file the support is restricted to idml files now many times when you get an indesign file either from a stock site or from a colleague it you can make it an indesign idml file if the file that you have got that says i'm an indesign file but it's not an idml file then that won't open without you finding somebody to convert it for you which just means open it up in indesign and save it as an idml file or finding some way to convert it to an idml file yourself but if you're working with stock sites you will find that if you do purchase a template and it's an indesign format it does tend to have both well both standard formats but particularly there will be an idml with it can also open pdf files directly so why that's important is if you're in affinity publisher and you have been given a pdf which is the final output from somewhere else maybe microsoft publisher or any other kind of desktop publishing application and you don't have the original file you can edit the pdf you can actually open a pdf directly or you could actually work with individual pages of it also supports illustrator files and photoshop files now that is in relation to opening files file open go find the file and open it those are the supported file types but when it comes to placing files which is a slightly different thing placing a file is where you place a file into a specific area of the page you're working on and placing files will either link to the original file or embed a copy of that file inside your affinity publisher file and there is extended support there it's not just affinity photo affinity designer indesign pdfs illustrator and photoshop this also supports freehand if anybody goes that far back if you do let me know i still love freehand it was great but you've also got support for documents so you can import text files when i say import you can place text files you can place word files and it even interprets the styles within those word files you've got data in excel you can place an excel file numbers files libreoffice files and many raster graphics formats now obviously today we're focusing on the graphics aspect of that so when it comes to placing image files you've got a huge range of support the one that impresses me in there is webp web p was a format that was developed for the web to be good quality but small file size and it's a nightmare to work with because so few applications support it it drives me mad every time i've got a file from the web and i'm like no it's webp but i can open it up in photo and i can convert it and i can directly work with it in publisher i don't need to convert it to anything else to work with it so it supports a huge range of files when it comes to actually placing images now we're talking about working with images in affinity publisher and the other way that you will encounter images potentially is when you come to export your files because many people want to create an ebook and if you look at your export options that's not an option you're going to have to do some incantations to make that work because when it comes to exporting files it's mainly graphics format so obviously i think most people when they're exporting something from publisher it's probably going to be pdf they go for but there's nothing to stop you creating pngs jpegs gifs tips pdfs and so forth of individual pages so you can say exporting you can say export all the pages but i want them pngs or i want them jpegs that could be for approval from a client it could be just to have a backup of some description of it in terms of that what i do every time i've got a presentation as soon as it's finished i make sure that everything is correct in it and so i can see it 20 years from now i export the whole thing as individual graphics pngs so there are benefits to doing that but most people would either want an ebook or a pdf but you need to think about exporting files because you would be exporting those files as graphics right i intend to have a q a at the end we always have a great chat at the end in relation to things that we've looked at today or other questions in general so put your questions in as you go if you can remember to put a queue at the beginning that would help my trusty assistant mike who is with me that would help a lot but if you forget don't worry about it i'm sure mike will find them he will be there like a bloodhound so let's go in and have a look at working with images in affinity publisher so my first job is to get publisher open hopefully it's in a good mood today and it's not going to take all day there we go it's in a good mood right so very very first thing i'm going to need a file now i could start this with a blank file it really doesn't matter but i actually have a file that i'll work with and that will give us a few benefits it's a file that we've seen before it's one that is a real file that i'm working on i'll get it finished in the end and obviously you can see we've got a lot of images in there already we've got full cover images we've got smaller images we've got a range of images in a grid and these are the things that we will be working with but right now i'm going to go to here and i'm going to put some pages in no i don't want to do that not the master pages come on don't fold up on me i'm going to put some pages in here so i will put in four pages and we'll make it after page 25 so it will appear before the final cover page at the end it's used a template uh a master page doesn't really matter whether it does or not but at least i'll be able to show you here that to help me with these graphics i already have a grid and the grid is twofold in terms of the major grid with the blue dash lines is giving me squares and the reason that that's important is when i'm working with my images with these images in particular i want them to be a certain size so i've got consistency like these but this one is taking over two squares so giving me that means i'm not randomly sizing it i'm saying that one need is wider so it needs two two big squares um the individual squares are one centimeter from memory it was a long time since i set it up but i think they are one centimeter so when it comes to images right your first option with your images is to just simply drag and drop an image in could be from anywhere could be from the finder could be from another application i will show you that i have an application here called picsafe and i have in here lots of different sets of artwork so i've got the macbytes i've got my chapter markers for macbytes i've got the credits for macbytes and i've got a whole range down here of icons for mac apps and i've got the office icons i've got the office icons the new ones and the old ones so all i would need to do with this is drag and drop drag and drop and it drops these in so like i say could be from finder could be from anywhere one caveat to that when i say it could be from anywhere it could but if you're trying to drag from certain browsers you might find it doesn't work it's nothing to do with affinity publisher and it would only happen if you're on a mac but apple for their wisdom have decided that you can drag and drop from safari but not necessarily chrome or firefox or vivaldi or anywhere else that you are in those circumstances if you have that kind of situation so you're you've got an eye you've got a graphic that you would like in there then what i do is use like a shelf application which we've discussed on mac bytes after hours so you might want to go and check that out all a shelf application does is provide you an intermediate holding area from where you can then drag and drop that image so if you find that when you hover over affinity publisher with an image it won't it's not there to drop it's where it's coming from and not where it's going to so we've got our icons and it's so simple to put these in place lined up with the grid and then scale them to fit the grid and if i wanted this one to be much bigger so it takes up four squares just scale it to four squares obviously these would not make sense to scale them sideways so you've got a wide screen but you could if you wanted to if you wanted that to distort you could do that now thing to think about at this point that's just dragging and dropping but if you've got a single screen or you're not big into dragging and dropping then you need to find other ways to do this so you also have over here a place image tool and when you click the place image tool it will take you out to your file system so i have data in here and i have some posters and i could just choose one of these and click open it will load it into my cursor so you see the mouse pointer has completely changed i've loaded one image into it and now it's twanging nicely to these squares and when i click it will just insert that image there so i will click and it's the center of it is exactly where i was now obviously this is far too big so i'm going to need to take this down and get this probably to the to the two there and it's a little bit tall to match but it's it's two big blocks wide so that's the other way to do it exactly the same thing you can do from file and place it's exactly the same as the place image tool it goes out exactly the same location it remembers the location uh let's choose something bright and bold oh how about that one that's bright and bold uh you open that again it loads it into your mouse pointer you click and it puts that at the center and then you can place that wherever you would like so drag and drop the place image tool and file place the other option that you have let's get a new page is that you have access to stock images inside affinity publisher so in the stock panel and if you don't see the stock panel you need to go to view studio and to make sure that there is a tick next to stock i pin mine to the left it makes more sense to me there than anywhere else in here you have access to three stock libraries so you have unsplash pixels and pixabay and everything in there can be used free of charge but be careful with the licensing in terms of it may be good practice if you're going to use something from here to credit the author with it so i'll go to unsplash and i'll look for dogs oh my favorite topic dogs oh aren't they just too cute right so in here same principle in a way drag and drop and it will drag then drop that image in takes a fraction of a second and you'll see this is the copyright information that i was talking about oh the dog's not got a home that's me gone right now you can come here and live with us and lola right but it's very large so i'm going to scale that down so we can actually get it on the page there's the dog looking for a home it's just too sad isn't it okay so that fits neatly that one into my squares so it's three squares tall too wide uh other thing you can do in here is with the search criteria you've already specified so in this case dogs you can switch from search engines providers without having to retype it and it will automatically filter the new service for the criteria that you've already specified oh i'm going to need these two white dogs here so i've got an image from a different one now this one just says who the photos by it doesn't give you more copyright information that information is coming from the service in question okay let's get that one next to there and that also doesn't fit bad not bad that so let's go and do the dog search on pixabay and the same principle applies so that's placing stock images and all of those methods the drag and drop the place image tool the file place the stock images all of that gives you an image on a page now you might think well yes obviously it does ah indeed it does but there are other ways to work with images so i'm going to go back to the pages and let's create a couple more pages we'll do another four and we'll put them after page 29 so they're before the last cover oh they've picked up their thoughts which we don't particularly want do we so let's go in here and pick a different one we should have a very plain one somewhere that we can apply to that how about the office continuation that would do nicely so i'm going to apply that by just dragging and dropping it so it's a master page applied to it okay so so far so good right what's the problem with doing things like this well the first thing was we go back over here and we get another stock image and this time i'm going to be more precise i'm going to get a samoyed oh they're just so cute i'm going to be spoiled for choice oh no let's just find one that looks like my boy that one will do nicely so let's put him in now this is where you get a disclaimer in this instance and rather than a message and what it's saying is they're provided by a third party called pixabay and they're not provided by serif so it's up to you to check out the legality and what copyright information would need to be attached with the image so i'm going to say yes i understand that and drag the dog on there now that one uh not bad not bad not too large in terms of some of the others that we brought on were absolutely massive like this now we might want both of these on this page and the other coming in in the quite large we have discussed master pages in a previous session mike will put the link in and the master page option is where you create layouts that you can then use within your document and you might know in hand where you want these images you may want to have it might be a catalogue of dogs that are available for rehoming and you might want to say and i want the dog you know at the top of the page and then underneath that i'll put the date of birth and i'll put other pertinent information so you might know that you want the dog there and you would want that dog there would that scoot you down a bit so it fits in right so that's where what you might want that's where the image frame tool comes in over here we have the picture frame rectangle tool and what that is for is it enables you to predetermine where you want to put the images so if i click that tool and i drag out at the top there that is giving me a placeholder for my image and i'll put another one over there now what difference does it make in some respects it makes very little difference but as we start working with it you'll see it makes a huge difference so i'm going to grab the same two images and put them in here just drag and drop this time that's a totally different type of image and we'll drag that one over there and again totally different type of image the difference is once it's selected you've got extra tools so if we compare what we're looking at there with the previous page same image there there's no extra tools there's nothing going on in the middle there's nothing going on underneath it what you've got here is you have created an image placeholder and having placed the image in it you've got the ability to work with the image but it scaled it to the size you wanted it to start with so if we look back at my document here all of these were the same size and you can see they're all in these picture frames as well so it's a good idea when you're making your master pages if you know where you want the images then you can put your placeholders in ready and when you drag and drop the image in you don't have to reset rescale it size it position it or anything else like that so the of the extra tools that you have got in here now are in the middle you have the move tool so if i press that you can see i'm moving the image but i'm not moving the frame so if i drop it there the frame is still in the same place this big arrow circle of arrows is to move the actual image within the frame you also have the ability just above that to rotate the image and again you are rotating the image you are not rotating the frame so you've got your rotate tool there if you want to get that back uh use the shift key and it will twang to certain points so it will twang to zero and as you move it around you can see it's moving in 15 degree increments and it you that way it's predictable for you if you particularly want it upside down you also have the ability so particularly with this one where we've got a lot of wasted space over this side it's all very well to have lovely negative space but if this is a re-homing catalogue we want to see the dog so you can zoom in using this scrubber at the bottom and then using that in conjunction with the other tools that you have to move the image within the frame you've enabled you've managed to crop out what you don't want but maintain the size that the image needs to be now you could with an image like this one that's not in a frame so let's put that up there and scale it to the size that we want it which is about that you could crop this image but you would need to use this tool here and that would enable you to crop it you are actually cropping the entire area though you're not doing it where you can say right and then i'll scale that up i could do but it's going to take me a long time to get it right in terms of okay so that's right let's now move that there now it's far too tall you know i can't get the text underneath so then i'd have to go back to the crop tool and then i'd have to crop it down from the top and then maybe crop it up a bit from the bottom it's very hit and miss i can do it there there it's done but it's nowhere near as easy as this one where the frame stays still and you manipulate the image inside the frame that's the power of it it's pretty amazing that right so we've got our we've done a placeholder and we've got the difference in terms of it enables you to do a layout before you've got your images before you've got your text you can put them on master pages and that way you can apply master pages to pages within your documents and get placeholders for images to be added so it's it's one of these tools that once you've mastered this your document creation will be much much faster so we've looked at the move tool how you can move the images within the frame you can rotate them and we've done the sliding scale here but in addition to this type of image frame so let's go back over here and get even more pages i think we're going to need more pages aren't we let's put 10 in and let's put them in i'm going to put them in after 31 and that way it should take the right template perfect right you also have in addition to the rectangle tool the picture frame rectangle tool you have an ellipse tool so clicking that you get an ellipse for your images hold the shift key down and you will get a perfect circle in relation to the rectangle yes it's usually a rectangle hold the shift key down though and you get a square so if you're taking images from instagram or somewhere where they're square you can do that and keep it in proportion good but even more is available so just to show you that these are actually working let's grab some dogs and put the dogs in there oh we've got to have that one in the circle that's just perfect for the circle and who can resist a puppy and there's another one that says all over it why are you petting me now with this one because the image itself it centered it but because the image itself we can work out with it wider but obviously we need to bring that down a bit so you can work with that in there you also have the ability up on your context sensitive toolbar to decide what kind of fit you want so this one is saying none the picture will not be scaled and it's not it's showing you the middle and nothing more but you've also got three other options you've got the ability to scale to maximum fit so let's turn that on and see how it gets on with that it doesn't seem to make that much of a difference in relation to this image if we make that a bit bigger then we can see where we are so that one it doesn't make that much difference but what it should do maximum fit will fit as much of that image in there as you can get and also if you notice as i'm stretching this out so if we've got that and it was up there as i stretch this out it's not moving it in any kind of way it's just letting us see more of the image you also have the other options which is scale to minimum fit and what that will do is show you the absolute minimum in there and then you will have to move that around so to be honest i don't make i don't change this that often uh we don't want to replace it and go back to where we were there we go um and the last one is stretch to fit which will make the image fit into the frame that you've got it will do its best to make it fit into the frame that you've got and as you move this you can see now it's not taking away pixels it's actually scrunching them up because you've said maximum fit fixes a fix fit as much of this image into this frame as you can irrespective of whether it's going to distort it right whereas the other option so my preferred option just scale either scale to maximum fit or none at all and that way i can control it so when i change the size of the frame i actually am cropping that image i'm deciding to lose certain pixels and which pixels i'm going to lose i'd i'd make that decision rather than leave it to a fantasy publisher but if you've got strangeness going on in a template that you've downloaded do check out the properties to see which option you've got on the fit thing that's going on up there right so we've got some more images in there but now we are moving on because we've got the rectangle tool which will do squares we've got the ellipse tool which will do circles and ellipses but what if that isn't what you want well we do know that we've got a lot of options for shapes so there could be we would like a cloud shape and i would love to put one of the dogs in the cloud shape and what other shapes have we got uh we've got to have a heart haven't we for the dogs there we go so these at the moment are just shapes there are of course things that you could potentially do you might be used to this from some other applications but if we drag one of these dogs let's have the one that's in the circle right and i'm not putting it anywhere i'm just it's not in a frame it's not it's the full thing that was downloaded right you may be aware in other applications that you can do that and what you've just done is take the image and restrict it to the outline of the heart so how i did that let's take that out there's the image it's sat on top of the heart obviously it would need scaling but we can do that later what i do with it is drag it underneath the heart but over to the right and then drop it and that masks the image with the shape the image is still independent in terms of i can scale it and there's the shape behind it and i can put the dog in there and get that just right so that is one option when it comes to it but you've still got the issue that you have to manipulate the image independent from the shape so not perfect you've also so i've just closed that up and now i've selected the shape so i can scale the shape and the image will then be scaled with it but it's not as flexible it doesn't give you as many options as this does which is the frame tool the image frame tools that we've got but what we can do is right click on any shape and we have an option in there to convert it to a picture frame and that puts the cross in it and when we add an image to it so let's take this one it behaves exactly the same as the square rectangle ellipse circle do it's got in it the ability to move the image it's got inside it the slider to scale the image and of course you could rotate the image poor dog okay so that was using a shape so that's particularly useful if you do want you see these in magazines i get a magazine from the dogs trust which is an organization in the uk that re-homes dogs uh charity and they have lots of shapes like this with different dog heads in them even poor prints and in the main bit of the paw you'll have one face and then in the little toe bits around it you'll have three or four more dogs so this is something that i've seen done for real many many times right so we've done it with the ellipse the rectangle square the circle and any shape you like from the shapes but you can go on further than that and you can actually use the pen tool so let's build ourselves the most alarming shape that we can think of building and put an image in it so i click back on the first one to close it and just so you can see that shape i'm just going to show you let's go in here and make it orange it is a shape it does exist as a shape but you know that i can drag and drop but what's going to happen it's going to put it over the top that's not what we mean what we need at all what's going on there you've got to convert it first just like with the last one so click on it right click on it and in here convert to picture frame and then he gets the black cross through it now if you're trying this and it's not working for you you're looking at it thinking no i've not got i've not got the cross in it you have an option inside publisher to move to preview mode which is control and w and i do mean control and w hopefully it's controlling w on a pc as well but i've not checked that but on a mac it is control and w what that does is get rid of all the grids and the lines to give you a working preview but the knock-on effect of working in preview mode is beautiful and clean but you're looking at that and thinking is that a shape or is that a picture frame and you can't tell but when you turn your preview mode off you get the cross through it and you can indeed tell so let's get rid of him and let's drag him back in again from over there hovering over the frame and there's the dock now in this case i'm definitely going to need to move use the move tool to move that down to fill it in i do have a little bit at the top that isn't working well for this image because the image cuts off there and if i make the image bigger obviously we've got the slider then we lose part of the dog so oh it would have been great if that have gone across but the beauty of this is of course that you can actually make that happen because you can edit this so i could put that there and i could take that there and i could move it down i've actually edited the picture frame on the fly and now it works perfectly i can see all of the dog and i've got a nice shape that i can work with so you can retrospectively go through and edit the frame that these photos are in which is is that's just so good i'm liking that right we've done the scaling options so your other options here right let's go all the way back to the pages right i know from some of my pages here that i've got layouts where i'm going to want images on the left hand side of the magazine style layout i don't particularly know where they're going to go and what i mean by that is if we compare this one on the left with the one note one i've only got three images on the one note one and they're in totally different locations than this one is in here and i think i need that kind of flexibility i don't necessarily want to make um a master page which has picture frames in exactly the same place because then the pages are all going to look the same the level of consistency i want is in terms of i don't want to randomly place these images i want them restrained really in each of these squares but i want to decide which squares at the point i'm creating it there is a way to have the benefit of both but let's just do the basic one first so we will go through to one of our pages and i will change the master page that is applied so we'll use something that's not particularly in your face like a word one so we'll drag that on there well that's as one drive that'll do it's got over on this in fact that's not a good one to use do you know why you can barely see the blue outlines on that one so maybe the excel one is probably a good one to use you can see the blue outlines here just inside there is one of the blue squares right so i'm looking at this and i'm thinking right i'm going to need to put my images in it where do i want my images and i go and i use these tools and i think i'm going to have one here and this is actually snapping so i don't have to be very precise i have snapping turned on up in the toolbar and i can put these wherever i want down here like that and i could draw them out so i've got double like that and that's where my images are going to go now all i've got to indicate that these are image placeholders is the cross through them but if i select them so i'm using i'm holding down the shift key and i'm selecting all of those there's nothing to stop you putting a background in there so if i put it as white i can instantly see that that's where the images need to go traditionally people tend to use grey i like a little bit of a lighter gray than that just barely gray so i can see the difference right so these are where my images are going to go so i'm expecting that there will be four images right i have my image placement tool over here the place image tool i have the ability to place the images from the menu as well so file place these two tools do exactly the same thing they will both bring you up this dialog box and i have some icons in here so i'm going to choose some of these icons right so let's choose let's see what let's choose all of them let's go crazy and choose them all we don't have enough image placeholders for these though and i don't even know which images i particularly want to use because they're quite tiny aren't they but i'm going to load them all anyway because what it will not do is dump them on the page it's not going to do that so if i hit open it might look like nothing's changed but if you look on the left hand side of the screen you have an entirely new panel place images and all of the images that i had in that file open dialogue have been placed in there ready for me to work with them which is fantastic by default it's like pick this as the top one and then the second third fourth fifth as i'm on my page my mouse point has changed it's loaded the images into my mouse pointer and i could just click to add one wherever i want it to be so let's just add it in there it's a little bit big for that but i'm going to worry about that later you'll also see that that one has disappeared from the fireplace files place images dialog over here the panel and i'm ready to place the next one just by clicking click click click and there all place where i choose to place them now none of those are the right icons i'm now aware of the fact that none of those are the right icons those are the old office icons they changed in 2019 but my mouse pointer is still loaded and raring to go and as i hover over these placeholder that we have here these image placeholders it's rehearsing for me or previewing for me do you want to put this one there jump it there jump it down there where do you want it and i think you know what i think i'll have it there and as i click on that it automatically puts it inside the frame it then reloads the mouse pointer and enables me to do that with the next one and the next one and the next one that leaves me one left over which i could just put on the page like all of the others but i don't particularly need that one you know i i over picked didn't i but if i just switch back to the move tool that panel completely disappears it doesn't just bring back the pages panel and sit behind it it's not there that is only active when you're actually placing those images so i don't need all of these so i can just get rid of them i didn't even need to place those i could have skipped past them this one is slightly different isn't it this one has cropped it off and remember that's all to do with what you choose up here what i can actually do so let's try a stretch to fit you see it does fit but although it's a stretch to fit it's actually compressed it to fit into the frame and that's why i don't particular particularly bother with that the scale to minimum fit will give you the size of the icon within the frame irrespective of the fact that the frame is twice as wide as it needs to be for that so maybe now with these images more so than photographs you can see these have a transparent background um so although it is taking up a certain amount of space in there because it's got a transparent background you can now understand hopefully what the property options actually do so instead of me playing around and scaling it myself i can use these properties to force it to scale to the minimum fit or stretch it to fit or maximum fit it whichever way you want to work but that one will work nicely for that one so i shall click it on that when you click away it doesn't matter that the frame is twice the width it needs to be now from a design perspective maybe you need to know enough to know when to break the rules but the whole point of having the grid was that the image is fitted to the grid and now this one's slightly askew which is pretty simple to move it it will show you as you move it so i'm moving the outer frame it will snap that and you'll see a green line and that is telling you now that it's lining up with the word one that's above it so i don't really need to crop this frame if i choose not to but i can do if i want to nothing to stop me retrospectively changing that and then the image will sit bang in the middle and i know that the outer frame is in just the right place i'm glancing at the chat and i shouldn't because i'll get sidetracked okay so this image the place images panel is incredibly useful i use that all the time you'll find it more useful as you start working and you can predict the layouts because you'll have your image placeholders ready and then you can just boom boom boom boom boom and fill everything in all at once that might actually be a good idea if you're trying to concentrate on the actual layout don't get hung up on the actual images that you're placing leave them as placeholders and add them later that also has the benefit not necessarily needed as much these days as it used to be but many years ago if you added three graphics whatever application it was ground to a halt so if you don't put the images in particularly if they're huge photos until you actually need to then you can fly through this and you won't have any slowdown while it tries to load an image and think about it so just a couple of options with that right so let's go get our next page here and look at a different type of situation so it doesn't really matter at this point whether i use the just bunga the image on the page option or whether i use a frame to make it actually work but i'm going to import a pdf so i'm going to place a pdf which i can do with the place command or the place tool it doesn't matter and i have some pdfs in here uh some mac bites covers so we've got um puddle-powered pandemonium in the licensing department and playing scrabble with big brother in the bubble boutique i think we'll go for the first one he's nice and bright and i'm going to click to add that and put that in place and is that oh that's perfect so this is a pdf and i have just been able to just insert it into here i don't need to do any magic with it i just need to put it into here now it is a pdf you saw that in the finder so i'm going to go to the macbytes stuff in here bring that across and there is the file in there you can see it is a pdf which means if i opened it it would act just like a pdf as you would expect so i'm going to go into here and do fit page it's a pdf if i wanted to edit some of the text i have edit options in here and i can actually go in and the these are individual letters that i can edit so i can edit stuff if it was the wrong show number i could actually change all of that so a pdf can be editable it depends on the app you open it in i'm showing you that one is indeed editable and we have just embedded it in there i don't actually need to edit it normally when you're editing an element in here so if we look at this page once you've got elements on your page you can move them independently you can go into here you can see what's inside it and so forth but this one just says well i'm a pdf i'm 132 in a pdf but notice next to it it says embedded document so if i double click it you're actually going to open that you are there we go that is now opening that inside affinity publisher so it's a totally separate document this is my office summit document and this is my embedded file the pdf it doesn't have any master pages it has one page and you can see it's even got stuff hanging off the edge which is outside the area that the pdf is locked to but it's still there to edit it if i needed to edit it which i don't but in here in your layers panel you've got all of the content and if you this this is a big file it's got lots of elements in it and there you go so you scroll down you've got all of the elements so if for whatever the reason there's the panda you would like the panda to be a different color you could indeed get the pendant shall we find his ears where's the panda's ears are you in here oh i can't tell good grief is that a foot or an ear oh it's an eye okay it's his eye and there's the other one you can actually at this level come into here and make changes if you want to so if i wanted to make those gray you could do that inside a pdf inside affinity publisher obviously we don't want to do that we don't want to do that to the poor panda so to come out of that and i've not made any changes at that point so that's the first point you can actually edit the pdf inside affinity publisher now caveat on that it does depend on the type of pdf and what i mean by that is that pdf was created in affinity designer we could actually see that if you want we could open up affinity designer and try and find where that file is hopefully i'll find it let's go find it over here first let's see if it works uh doom a search and see if it works 132 wasn't it let's find that come on you're getting there i just need the affinity designer version of that and then we will definitely be getting somewhere maybe i should just open it up in here see if i can find it from there so be in my dropbox it would be in my uh no this is not this isn't organized right areas it would be in macbytes and with a bit of luck it's one of the show arts these are the outputs of the show arts that's not good no i've probably put it somewhere else i'll give it one more try see if it is in where the application stuff lives which is designer in here and there's the show up for 135 and 136 it'll have to be one of those that i'll show you instead then which is the most exciting of these let's open up that one how i make it is we have the poster at the top we have the blurred one at the bottom sometimes i give you clues we have the one for the blog and we have a square one and this one here is for the recording notes and this one when it exports for which you need the export persona when that one exports which is not that one clearly uh why are you saying you're a png you're not a png uh maybe you are a png i think i've changed that since but that would be a png and that's how i would a pdf rather pdf a pdf 400 dpi and then i output it and i create a pdf because it's come from here the elements that are inside here are all editable so in here the text is separate the image is separate the background's separate the mac bytes is separate the bubbles are separate everything's separate so that works fine when you take it into affinity publisher however if this was a document that i had scanned it wouldn't be editable it would be a single flat layer because it was a scan so don't rely on the extension of pdf to dictate to you whether something is editable or not as it happens this one is editable now the reason i'm showing you this is this is an embedded document as we've seen um we should have available up here which could be because of how i'm working here but inside where we've got page box and it says trim you've got alternatives so there is a media box which does the same there is the crop box which is doing the same the trim box but you've also got other types of blo boxes in here the minimum content the maximum content now at this point you are exposing the extra content that you can't even see in the pdf but it is there in the file and the pdf is cropped to one of the boxes the crop box the trim box that it's cropped to one of the boxes but you can in here decide that you want to see more of that if that's what you want to work with right so we'll set that back to the media box now the other option you've got in here and i cannot fathom for the life of me why i am not seeing it so i'll try this just in case no that's not gonna work um i have my screen set very very small and sometimes that's for demo purposes sometimes when i do that some of the tools disappear and it's looking like some of the tools that i want have disappeared so i'm not going to worry too much about that let me see if i can do it on a right click so what i'm looking at here no it hasn't got the options that i want so what i was going to show you was that you have the ability to embed a document and determine whether you have pdf pass-through enabled or not now i have demonstrated this before it was in my box after i was 114 so if mike can go and find that link that would be good um with pdf passthrough enabled we will see this font but without pdf passthrough enabled you would not see that font unless you had it installed on your system so if i didn't have that font if i handed this off to somebody and they did not have that font um you they they would not be seeing that they would see some kind of random very plain font instead of what we're seeing there so just be aware of that if you put your pdf in there and it doesn't look like you would like it to look then think about whether it could be to do with the pdf pass-through let me see if i can find it on the menu there we go right and it's disabled on that pdf and i have no idea why it would be enabled disabled on that pdf but that's where you will find it normally it is available from this context sensitive menu there so this one up here you would see it enabled on there okay right let's come out of there then so how are we doing for questions mike are there any that are particularly pertinent now while i'm looking at this right let's have that one then can we place images with a perspective of you uh you can but that's all involved with studio link so uh yes you can is the short answer you can right i'm moving things over here if we got anything else that will be relevant right now um let's have a look no lots of nice comments oh good that's always good and renee nearly didn't make it because he got stuck in a car wash oh renee i think that's happened to a lot of people i remember my dad getting stuck and we were in the car with him um and he had to get out it kept going it just kept going through the cycle over and over we were in there half an hour before he decided he was going to have to get out and go and tell them in wherever it was um so we we were nice and dry and warm inside the car but dad was soaked when he came great fun right okay let's move on from there right overall you have the ability to make sure that all of your images are embedded or all of your images are linked you can change it on a per image basis so what i mean by that is when you first of all create a new file you choose the size of it you choose first of all whether it's your presets print ready it could even be a template all right but you choose your file size and then you go through and you set your options over here so over here it's set to a4 etc etc but the the point in question here is this one the image placement policy i much prefer all of my images to be embedded and what that does is when i insert an image it takes a copy of it and it puts it inside the affinity publisher file the alternative to that is to link to images and what that will do is leave the file where it was when you added it to your file so when i say leave it where it was physically it will be in your file system but there'll be a pointer to it in your affinity publisher file your affinity publisher file because it's linked to it will be much smaller than if you embedded all of these files but it swings and roundabouts because if you take your affinity publisher file and you send it to somebody they won't see the images well what they will see is a very poor quality copy of the image but they won't ever see the full quality one because that didn't get sent to them it's on your file system the other problem with having images linked is wherever they came from is where they still are and that doesn't mean one folder it could be in any folder and trying to re-link them again isn't far too much trouble as far as i'm concerned so i embed everything but you can have a very granular control so i'm going to say prefer linked here and click create and i've got a basic file and i am going to drag and drop some images into there so i've got my icons again so let's grab a few icons the whole lot and drag and drop and they are all in there but these images are not embedded you can't tell that by looking at them but if you go into your document and you go to resource manager it will tell you so in here you have an entry for each individual image that you've got it's telling you that the status is okay in other words yep that's there it's fine what does that look like if it's not fine so what if i did that i've just deleted a file and it says just a minute this image has been modified outside of the application manager so going back into here and it's saying look now it's missing can't find it you can still see it here but it isn't going to be full quality it's going to be a very rough version of this in here you get the opportunity to say right well okay then i'm going to need to do something with it and you can replace it so if i had another copy of that icon so i'm looking which icon it is i'm going to add a copy of that icon somewhere and i'm going to say right okay it's missing i've deleted it that's why it's missing if i go to replace and i look at my desktop there's a copy of it that's not where it came from it came from in here in my icons but i deleted it there's only one word entering it's not the right one but i've got a copy of it on my desktop so i will open it from there and now the status is okay and it's linked and everything's fine it's happy with it no problem my problem now is right okay i know these icons were all in the icons folder yes no no i'm saying yes mike you're fine you're fine right so in here which one is in my original location which one's on the desktop not a clue i don't know so if i send the folder with the icons in it that word one's going to be missing so it'll look fine at my end but when i save this file and i send it to somebody and they open it up they're going to get a problem with it it's going to say that file's missing right so let's do that emergency ward 10 outside as usual right there is the icon itself so what i'm going to do with that one is i'll save this file so all i've done with that is scoot it down i'm going to save that file and i will save it on the desktop so i'll just put that that is icons right i will then pretend that i have sent it to somebody but i've sent them the folder of icons it just didn't have that word icon in it okay so i'm going to close that down so they open that on their end and straight away it says right you've got some of these missing and i say but i sent you the folder they're there when you go into the resources manager it will say yep these are all fine fine fine fine this one not fine because it was on the desktop and it's not there now so it can't find it what you can do with this one so let's get down to that it's telling me yeah that was in the desktop it was on my desktop but it's not on their desktop if it was on their desktop it would be fine i can click locate in document and that will actually show it to me in the document but that won't actually help me find it okay so i would prefer to embed all that lot now what i will actually do i will open the trash and in the trash i've got this icon so if i do a put back so put them back where they were one will be in the icons where it should be and one will be on the desktop where it should be that will solve the problem with this screaming but that is showing you the issue if you look down here if i do a preview and we look down here you can see now that this one has not been re-linked with his brethren and look at how poor the quality is by comparison to an image that it can actually find and that's the issue the person you've sent it to will see this and not this that you intended them to see right so how do i fix this before i send it to somebody well i go into the document and resources manager and i make sure that it can find everything for a start and it can find everything but what i'm going to do you do have an option to embed everything so that's your first option you could embed all of these so all you need to do is click embed that's it they are now embedded when i save this file the file size will be much much larger but the images will travel with it there's no chance of them getting lost now you can convert them back to where they were so if you're now you've got this file back from them and you're thinking i need to make some changes to it you can make them linked just by hitting the main linked button so in there as you click each one it tells you at the bottom where it is so down there that's the file location that that file needs to be and as you go through each of these it will update that and tell you where they need to be so if we go down to the bottom one it's linked it back to the one on the desktop now those were the only two options you had until a few weeks ago you now have another option which i think's even better what if you want all of the benefits of having linked files but you would like to predictably know where they are so we've seen we've got files linked in here from two different locations just for demonstration purposes i will add in a few more files so if i add in that mac bytes cover to this file uh go on you can do it you can you know you want to oh i should i should close that first or it'll get very upset and now that won't close at all come on what are you doing now i have no error messages anywhere it's just crashed unceremoniously crushed no you're not gonna close are you uh okay we will it won't even quit right we will force it to quit there we go yes shall we test how good the recovery is oh i love live demos i do come on affinity publisher you can do it oh yeah i would love to open the recovery file thank you very much oh it's got permission issues now this this is counselor allow apple style right it needs permission to to access this so i'm going to authorize the folder it might ask twice so we'll authorize that folder as well i could choose to authorize global this way it's going to be a long time isn't it we will authorize the folder right we should be okay at that point oh do you know what let's just do the lot her life's too short isn't it right uh in here in my icons file then i should be able although a lot of these are looking a bit dicey now i should be able to put that file in that i wanted to put in let's see if it'll work this time or if it's going to crash it all again it's not looking good is it certainly not appearing never mind unless i can see a die a dialog box which i'm not but some things upset it that's very strange uh can you see it it's it's moving things that i'm not moving and as i'm trying to get in here everything that i need is dimmed out so i'm going to have to force that out again something's the matter with that it doesn't like it so i won't try putting that file in we will just work with what we've got while i show you the third option the fabulous new third option uh yes open the recovery file because that's the other one right there we go it seems happier now everything is pin sharp so we'll work with that we won't fiddle with any more right the third option is in your resource manager the first option is these are linked the second one is we'll embed them then the third option is collect and collect is the hybrid of the two we know that our files are in a minimum of two different physical locations one is on the desktop the others are in my file structure in dropbox i would like to have them linked but i would like them all to live in the same location and that's what collector does as you hit collect it says right where do you want them i would like them on the desktop and then i just hit collect they are still linked so if we look at them they are all still linked files but the one that was on the desktop it says it's on the desktop it says it's linked we've got weirdness going on there in what it's saying but i have collected them so that should have worked let's have a look what we've got on the desktop oh it's done just the one okay we will need to go back into the resource manager grab the entire lot and collect the entire lot and we will put them there on the desktop now when we look at them every single one is pulling in from the same location which is here i can do that again in a different way so i can select them all and then say collect but this time i'd like to create a new folder uh icons for brochure so i'm going to create a folder on the desktop that's i'm inside the folder and then say collect and now when you look at it you've managed to move them again this time into a folder now what it doesn't do which isn't you wouldn't want it to do this but it doesn't delete the originals in this circumstance i would want the originals to be deleted because i'm not referring to them from there i assumed it would create a folder and it didn't but i can delete these because these aren't particularly used they are coming from icons for brochures now that's where they are they're linked they're not embedded go back into the resource manager with them all selected and you can again choose to embed them if you want so these are not restricted in any way it's not a one-way thing you can go in and make things linked you can make them embedded you can collect them all together in a folder and you can do that as many times as you like for asset management so i really like that that feature that they've added in terms of collecting it i think that is a really useful feature to have with it right next thing um editing documents now i said let's go back over here i said that you could edit documents and indeed you can so any of the images that you've got in here you particularly want to edit them you can also thinking about if you were doing something like the macbytes logo or something like that the way that i work with with um logos and repeating elements is i have an assets panel which we're looking at in a couple of weeks so what i would do here is drag the stuff on that i wanted from there so if this is a macbook's live episode we could do that and i just drag these on it's very useful to have those available so i don't really need to edit these things they're not really editable files but if you have got a file that you would particularly want to edit then you've got a few options so if we go back to our pages and we choose some of these lovely pickies here of the dogs what you have in here you actually have the image itself inside the picture frame so in the layers panel you have the picture frame and then you have the actual picture so with that selected i have the option up here with studio link that i'm currently in the publisher persona but i could easily switch to designer or photo so if i click on photo it doesn't look like much has changed but i am actually now in an entirely different application this is now affinity photo with all of the affinity photo tools that we have available over here so if i particularly wanted to do some dodging and burning or whatever differences changes i would like to make to that then i can do that in here so what shall we do with him should we get a brush and put so if i only have some paw prints but i don't i will get some of those for next time so let's put this on here and put some squiggles on it right are you gonna let me do that have you rusterized that let's say rasterize it right can we do this we are not having much luck on that with that at the moment let's put it in there you are not doing this what is the matter with you what have i got set wrong up here certainly have something wrong let's go oh no it's there it's there but i'm not seeing it it's probably behind it oh what's going on there weirdness is going on there that's the answer uh the hand is freaking people out disembodied body parts are not good are they in a demo we could scoot that down but in essence anything that you would want to do in affinity photo you can do with the studio link and just flick over to it and then start working with it so and to flick back go back over here now that works really well when you've got something like a logo that's placed so what did i have open in let's open affinity designer and i will create something that we will then bring into here and then we will edit it so at the moment i am completely outside of affinity publisher but i'm going to create a new document in here let's get that set up we'll have it that size so i've got some kind of perspective to it so let's say i decide in here that we will use my branding for photo and we will just put some squares and things in it nothing exciting it's it's the principle we're looking at and not exactly what we're doing with it so i will save that file at this point remember i'll put on the desktop it is an affinity designer file and it's totally independent so we'll put there we will call that poster is what we will do on the desktop close down affinity designer then inside affinity publisher i would like to put that poster in there well we know that we've got lots of different ways of doing that we have the image place for a start so i will go to the desktop there is my poster and despite the fact it's an affinity designer file it is going to let me place it inside affinity publisher i'm going to open that up and we'll have that in there so there it is you can see it's got a transparent background on it because i didn't specify a background but there is my poster i'm going to put that there now instead of having to go out and edit that outside of affinity publisher which means you know what you like when you like switching from application to application you don't need to do that you can go into designer and you go into design you've even got the assets so you know i forgot to put wolfie on it i can bring wolfie in there now at this stage you'll notice that something is actually happening there i've switched and i can put the wolf on it i can edit this but what is it i'm editing and this is when you have to be very careful you're not editing that affinity designer file yet despite the fact you have switched with studio link to be in designer how do you know well the wolf is here sitting with the master page and the poster the af design file is embedded and i'm not actually in there yet so if i take wolfie and i double click in here now i'm actually editing that file so i can put wolfie in here let's swap wolfy for that and have him over there that looks grand save that and then close down the embedded file and when i get taken back wolfy is now inside the designer file so the only thing to be careful of when you're using studio link and switching between them is make sure when you the first time you switch from app to app you're actually editing the affinity publisher file if you want to be editing inside the file that is inside this is complicated doesn't it you're editing inside the file that's inside your publisher file you need to double click it first to edit it but other than that it works brilliantly now studio link for it to work you do actually need all the other applications so if you've only got publisher then these won't be available for you so if you but if you've got all three you can switch between the three of them seamlessly this is something adobe were working on for quite a while but affinity beat them to it and it works really well right other things to think about so what we've done so far in here so i'm going to get back to publisher so i can see all of the pages is formatting these things so we know that these are both image frames that we have and we have the option to change the frames on these other thing to think about is where do you want these so all of these at the moment i'm moving them around on the actual pages of content that i have but i specifically said this could be a catalogue of dogs looking for reamer rehoming and i know i've got 12 in at the moment so wouldn't it be good if i had a master page that had the graphics frame there that had that picture frame there ready for me to drag and drop into that would be good and that you can actually do so what i'm going to do with this is i'm going to go to the to the one of these master pages so we've got this one i'm going to duplicate it we should put it underneath and i'm going to go in there and i am going to edit that the spread properties which will give me an option at the top to put dogs for rehoming right i don't need that particular thing on it and i don't need that on it i'm quite happy to have the sidebars on it right i now need to put a frame there and make it ready for the image and that couldn't be easier you just do exactly as you would do on a standard page but you will notice something has happened what's going on here there is some orange thing happening that is actually formatting on the frame so what i mean by that is in here we dragged and dropped some images and stuff or we mustn't use the hand one wasn't we it's very big for that there we go there's just the dog right in here we didn't put any anything magical on it but we could have done so we don't have a stroke at the moment but if we decide that we are going to put a stroke on it like a lovely green stroke we can but if we'd like that on every single frame oh now we've got to copy and paste and do clever things with styles and stuff that is why on the master you could set it up on the master so instead of having it gold we could have it the green one we want it green is it quite a deepish green not not a garish screen like that that'll do so now we've got a picture frame and i want that picture frame on the other side as well so i can copy that and paste it that gives me two or i can use the option key and now it's on the master right when i go down to one of my pages in here and i apply the master to that page i get my placeholders here when i go over to my stock and we look up samoid again oh just too cute seriously cute drag and drop that on it will take a little bit of time as it downloads but it's downloaded it that one looks perfect perfect and we'll have this one who's looking at the other one takes a fraction of a second because it's downloading quite um large files so it's thinking about it for a second but it will get there there we go and they are laid out absolutely perfectly let's go to a preview so we lose all of the lines here and there's our images in our frame the beauty of this is when we go back to our pages if we add in some more pages so let's add in another 10 pages one more right and on these pages you can see we've got the frames already so whether there's any photos in them or not we've got them all already and we decide we don't like the green we would like the frame to match what's going on over here so first of all i'll put a couple more uh images in there let's go in here let's add that one and oh you've got to have one where they're asleep and again it's taking a couple of seconds because it's actually downloading that and they are big files there we go right so back in our pages we've now got four pages four pictures on two pages and we've got a whole range of extra pages where the frame is green and we actually would prefer it now to be read but now it's on the master all we actually need to do is to select the frames that have got green that we don't particularly want and in our colors here there is our green and we would like that to be the same color that this is at the side and we just need to do that instantly the second we did that all of these pages that i've got these either the images on them or the placeholders on them update automatically while we are at this just in terms of styling images or styling the frames of where you place your images if we go back into the master and we go back into one of the frames you do have the ability to change the corners so you could have the corners rounded you could have them straight you could have them concave you could do anything like that and you could do that to all of them now which which one's the least offensive probably that one probably that one right you also have the option here where it's a single radius single radius means that all the corners are the same but they don't have to be so if i wanted this corner down here to look like that but i didn't want the others to look like that then all i need to do is to go up here and say not on that one which one are you not on that one and i think indeed it's not on that one oh it's not okay let's take that back to concave it must be this one over here it's so annoying it doesn't actually look like they're in the right place no we don't want it round either but we could if we wanted to four different corners right and the thing with that is you've done it on the master so as you go through to your images now they've all got a space in the corner maybe for the dog's name or a little logo or something like that and doing it on the master page and again there is a session dedicated to master pages um that mike will put the link in for um fastest way to do it you can change the colors you can change the styles you can change the whole lot with it absolutely love doing that but if you do just want it on one so say on this dog here so we haven't done anything on that one but you would like it done on that don't think that you can come through to here and do that not without unlocking it you can't because these are coming from the master pages so it can be done but you would have to detach it from the master and then make a single change so think about the difference make the change on the individual page for a single frame make the change on the master pages for multiple frames right let's go back to the early pages on here let's go back to oh powerpoint my beloved powerpoint used to be my beloved keynote but it's now my beloved powerpoint right these are images placed in image frames and this is text it's placeholder text but it's text nevertheless so let's imagine that i would like when i produce this file so so this is this is the secret source bonus okay you probably a good proportion of you will already know that if you go into here and you want to put make that a hyperlink you can do that because you go to text you go down to interactive and you choose insert hyperlink and then you put in a hyperlink so i'm just going to put my blog character style is a hyperlink which means it will turn blue and underlined not very pretty but gets the job done when i produce that to a pdf it will be clickable we'll be able to do that let's do that now and prove the point right i'm going to ignore any pre-flight problems i'm expecting proof of light problems right you're going to output a pdf and many of you just think yep pdf fine did it you do you do need to think whether you want the current spread all the pages the current page but let's say you wanted all of the pages then you're going to dash and you're going to hit export don't do that because the most important thing that's in here beyond what you actually want to produce to pdf is this option at the top which is the preset you have different presets for pdf as i said not all pdfs are the same you're very tempted because you want best quality to say oh yes for print that way it'll look fabulous or press ready but there's a huge thing going on here which is let's say i'm going yes i want it for print i'm not actually going to print it i want pdf to be on the screen but i want the best quality so i'm going to go for print this is where you will cause yourself a problem because if you go into more and you look at what that will actually do so you need to wade through that to know exactly what that will do so it will downsize anything down sample anything above 375 you'll set a document resolution it will allow compression keep going keep going it will embed the profiles it will do all of this stuff here oh just a minute what's that there's not a tick in include hyperlinks because it's for print and unless i've fallen asleep for 20 years and you can now click a piece of paper that's not going to work so they don't allow the hyperlinks to be included which when you understand it makes total sense but until you understand it you're like my hyperlinks aren't working so just to show you if you go into the digital ones either small size high quality let's try the high quality by default when you go into the more it the hyperlinks are already included there's a tick in the box that trips so many people up i saw at least three questions about it in a forum the other day and i thought i just wish that they would tell you like a big flashing box here your hyperlinks won't be clickable right but in in any digital output so digital small digital large just check you can use any of these you like you can turn them on you can turn on the make the hyperlinks active but just check that it is actually got a tick in the box before you produce it we've put a tick in the box we know that that's right it's going on the desktop we want to make sure that that powerpoint magic video does actually link out to my blog this is going to take maybe 20 seconds or so because there are so many pages now but it will get there i promise you it will get there so when it's finished i will open up the pdf in my pdf reader which happens to be pdf expert but any pdf reader that supports that will work just fine so as long as you can click links in it it will work just fine so let's move this fractionally sideways it should appear over here when it's done any second now and i will open it we will go find the powerpoint page where's the powerpoint page there it is and you can see for a start when you hover over it you get the hand when you click it it's a link and did that actually open yes it did there it is right so far so good next question and for years and years there had to be a dirty hack for this what if i wanted that image to be a hyperlink um so you think to yourself well i can't go to text you know clues in the name text and say interactive content insert hyperlink because it's not text but you can unbelievably you can so if i put my blog back in there again and i click ok this time i'll save that first but this time when i go to export it and we're continuing to ignore that i'm going to say just the current spread i'm using high quality so the links are actually available but if you need to check remember it's on the more just look at the bottom make sure you include the hyperlinks and i'm going to export that and we will stick that on the desktop too which shouldn't take half as long in fact i think it's already done there it is so i'll open that up this one should still be active and work because we've got the hand as we hover over these images nothing on these but that one no indication until you hover over it but you click it and guess what and there it is and it did work because it's open twice i was sat there thinking how would i get a link on an image and i thought we'll just try the text one why not the only caveat with this i've found so far and i must admit i've not spent that long looking is i was thinking right so over here with this one i can go into that and i can edit it all right so i can get into here and there would be a link on there so i'm thinking right okay over here how do i get to the link how do i get to the link on there i thought well i could go back in into the interactive um i do get the opportunity to edit that link so it's not obvious it's on the text menu but it works the reason it's on the text menu is it was added as an afterthought when affinity created affinity publisher they intended it for printed documents they did not intend it for web distributed pdfs with links in it or ebooks the first thing i had when i set my sites on on the first beta i opened it and i thought where's the ad links and there was no ability to add links so i got in touch with him and i explained the scenario and said i'm not going to be able to use it i'm going to have to use keynote until i can add a link the added links were added about three to four weeks later in the very early beta stages and they put it on the text menu although it works with graphics it's still on the text menu which i think it'd be nice to have an interactive menu with all of the interactive options maybe down the line but that is where it is for now and now you know the secret source to get to it oh right let's go in here and are we contemplating moving at all today oh we are let's have a recap of everything we did we looked at standard images where you drag and drop them and they just go on the desktop we looked at image frames and then image placeholders which gave us so many more options where we had scaling options there was the place images panel where multiple files could be put in a holding area and you were able to drag and drop them on and put them in either in an image placeholder or just standard on the page there was the pdf pass through and then we had our image placement policy we had fun with that you can link you can embed and you've got the new option which is to collect everything together and put it in one place then there was all the options to edit the embedded images which could be any kind of image it doesn't matter it could be a pdf that you've put in there it could be a png a jpeg doesn't matter you can edit those images you have studio link to hand off to the other applications within the adobe suite of the affinity suite um what else is that um yes our secret sauce our secret sauce is adding links to pictures which is something that people want to do but it's certainly not obvious how you actually do it right mad may that's when we're going live every sunday and on demand this show will be available on demand as soon as we have pressed stop next week we are looking at mastering text styles in affinity publisher so it's the 16th of may 3 o'clock which unfortunately is 7 a.m pacific time sorry about that and 10 a.m eastern time i didn't manage to squeeze it on that one but it's uh 4 p.m central european time the week after that we are creating and managing assets in affinity publisher so that's the 23rd and the week after that is a build with me haven't decided what yet but it's a build with me so what uh this was discussed last week and it's basically a project taken from the the initial concept to complete from concept to complete last week we looked at deep diving data merging affinity publisher which is available on demand all of the timestamps are available underneath so you can go to exactly the part that you're looking for and previously and still available are all the things we did about six weeks ago which is mastering the export persona in affinity designer are most requested then we did mastering blend modes in affinity photo had great fun with that still the most viewed is create creative tables in affinity publisher which surprised me but it's there and people seem to love it also we did mastering master pages so we've looked at a little bit to do with master pages today but that deep dive master pages everything you needed to know about master pages was there and we wrapped up that one with bridge adobe bridge all of which is available on demand at elaine giles if you subscribe you will get notifications of all of that uh also there is the notification bell if you hit the notification bell they will let you know when we're going live and when a new video is produced right i have been elaine giles i know most of you do know me but if you want to get in touch with me you can get in touch with me any of those methods although to be perfectly honest with you um possibly the blog is the best bet to use contact form because facebook i'm terrible with facebook can't find a thing and i'm not much better with linkedin but you can contact me any of those ways we of course love you guys and if you have found anything useful today do let us know by giving us a like because it really makes a difference if you would like first information on all that we do here you could go to elaine vip where you will find everything that we have done you will also get notifications of upcoming sessions including reminders for these sessions and and you can also reply to when i ask what sessions you would like to see so it's a good way to get your point across in terms of what sessions you would like to see so we are now going to head straight into a q a so mike you've been collecting questions haven't you i've been collecting questions so i'm going to go and find said questions and comments and comments questions and comments sound comments i'm i'm i'm fast finding it i am i am in there right bridge data change on what order are these in there we go working with images right let's have a look hello zorba press with stock images say from splashes there an easy way to learn if the images is 300 dpi or higher pixels per inch it usually tells you when you in when you um insert it the little float over comes up and gives you the information on it so you should find that there kim does does using the placeholder make the file larger than cropping the photo well when you crop the photo the photo is all still there anyway because you can uncrop it so no um it's not going to impact your file size at all i would say if file size is a massive massive problem then use linked images because you've got much more granular control of the linked images now you can control them in such a way that you can embed them you can link them you can switch between embedding and linking them and you can also use that collect thing so you could link them and use collect and that would make your actual file smaller while you're working with it personal personally speaking i would still at the end of it create an embedded version and be done with it just belt and braces but i'm the type of person that when i am sorting out a presentation at the end of a presentation i'll i also make a pdf copy and i make a copy in terms of images just in case uh has that been necessary yeah apple broke keynote don't they break something constantly to be honest but they broke keynote in such a way that the new version could not open the old version's files i don't think for one moment affinity are going to do that i don't but just in case they did just in case something happened uh if you've got a pdf copy of it outside of it you've got images outside of it just be as flexible as you possibly can when you're saving your stuff right can you change a shape you create from scratch into a picture frame yes you can and i showed you that okay hopefully that's helpful tracy um answered that one from daniel right um can you import sarif page plus files no no carol we had a big discussion about that yeah that is something that um they have been prize that that does not please people let's just put it like that i think their logic is they need to work forward with this plan and not backwards trying to support older technology but if you have used page plus i can imagine that's very frustrating but no is the 300 dpi embedded pdf enough for high quality magazine printing or other original files that need to be sent um 300 dpi embedded pdf should be fine unless you need it particularly at 600 dpi or 400 dpi the best bet you can do with that is get the from your printer they should have some guidelines that they're working to now we found when we we had we didn't produce much for print until about two years ago and then we got a printer a printer in terms of a print service and we needed at that point to be able to print stuff out and it worked first time and all the instructions were for indesign it was infuriating but there should be some information from the print service as to what they actually expect if they particularly specify that it's got to be a certain dpi then switch it out for that dpi but other than that i've printed stuff at 300 dpi and it's been absolutely fine we've had professionally printed stuff back like brochures programs for things and it's been fine but personally speaking i might push that a little bit higher than 300 but it should be all right right um i think i answered that one too kim does the collect option take them out of the original folder no it doesn't it makes a new copy and links the image in the document to that new copy but because you've still got the option to embed it you could then switch from collected to him which is linked to embedded and then do a collected again and it would export those to another new location but no all of your original files are completely safe with that with styles did you do you look into scrivener styles bringing over to publisher i have and it does i actually have a full course available on udemy all about scrivener styles and yes because the way that scrivener works is to get something out of scrivener you need to compile it i think we talked about doing some kind of compile didn't we a session on compile you compile it from scrivener into another format there is no such concept of a text file format dedicated to affinity publisher but you can export from scrivener to either a word file a docx or an rtf file a rich text format file and they include styles i would stick with word myself just to be sure but the word file will have styles into it in it and when you import that into publisher it recognizes those styles and imports them into the styles panel talking of which we're looking at styles next week aren't we styles next week so i will include that in there mike make a note of that i will include in it how you take something from scrivener to publisher with styles oh it's going to be exciting next week isn't it right i shall put a chick in that box okay i am moving on now to uh comments so pentacon 6 expert i'm liking that that is a good handle i learned a lot from the mastering affinity publisher masters master pages in march was able to start and complete a book thanks to the training session now awaiting the return of the book from the publishers oh that's fantastic oh i would love to see a picky take a picture of the book that would be great now zorba press says i'm here because i thought we should work with images in affinity photo and then use the images infinity publisher i want to learn why i'm mistaken i wouldn't necessarily say you're mistaken which is what paul says this session was about working with images inside publisher but that includes if you need to edit an image then you can take it out to photo and actually do the editing in photo without having to go back to the original edit it in photo and then delete the thing from publisher and bring it back in it's just this linking way of working it's a linked way of working 6 experts are seeing some of these tutorials the second time can also be very helpful oh indeed that's why we provide the email with the links in it that link you to the specific places so they've got time stamps in them and you can just click on the time stamp and get to that that point exactly oh carol says that's very useful to know i lost the original of my ebook and only have it in pdf and wanted to update it well there you go you don't even need depending on the level of editing you need carol you could edit that in something like pdf expert but if you want to make more changes to it and basically create a new version a new master then i will bring it in here and do that ah this is very helpful thank you very much pentagon 6 expert renee stuck in a car wash that's a classic that's a classic how did you escape tracy had never seen the properties for image placeholders always learn something new with elaine oh that's good tracy that's good and then oh convert to picture frame another discovery i would say discovery is the biggest problem with these apps like how does that work i wonder if it could do x i mean how do i put a link on an image ah you go to the text menu because you know that's obvious isn't it things are hidden oh d i'm loving that the pen tool i'm so so bad words were said with the pencil the pen tool is a nightmare i'll grant you i've been using pencils so long that i'm not phased by them anymore i also have my own way of working with them and it works so i'm happy with it but this business of like where you just draw and drag and you know magic happens no i'm not at that level with the pencil no it still does its own thing there you go oh right renee renee says elaine giles was genius like always oh you're very welcome renee i hope you found it useful and cases thank you for helping me to use the software better you are very welcome kim says elaine you're a genius as always and thank you to my yes thank you very much mike for holding the thought over there so kim loved the show and like the tutorials that's fantastic do we have any more questions uh let's have a look oh kim likes the collect feature the collect is such a good addition such a good addition and i saw that and i thought oh yes yes because i didn't like the linking just in case they were in different places i have another application that does exactly the same and working with it is a nightmare and it's wirecast that we use to broadcast the show and you can drag posters into it as you can see we have posters there right now but it drags them in from its current location and i always have to remember it got no collect option nothing like that i always have to remember to put it in the right folder before i drag it in if i don't the next time i open it says can't find it i don't know where it is no no and then i've got to go and find it you know two minutes before i'm going live so that collect option is like oh my life is now complete i can link i can embed and i can switch between them love it right yes a very happy mother's day to all the american mummies including of fur babies obviously it's strange that it's six weeks after hours i don't know why we are father's day in june maybe that's why zorba press says understand now this method gives us the best of both worlds working with images in affinity publisher when we can exactly it's just if you need to you know if you are a photographer and you're processing your images inside photo and at that point you're not thinking about laying them out in a photo book then carry on doing that but if you've got your photos in there and suddenly decide that you know what i think that'd look better in black and white you could actually do it from inside publisher so that's just a faster way of working but completely up to you how you work it's just an option tracy says last week's session on data merge allowed me to successfully produce and send a whole mail shop with personalized letters and address labels oh that's fantastic tracy thank you elaine you are very welcome very welcome and for peter every day is a school day but in a good day in a good way of course oh karen says how do i sign up for vip the link didn't work just center another link what happened with that okay all been sorted out uh oh is it because the elaine giles is being highlighted shall i try it let's see what happens when i click it it got there i think uh yes it got there so let us know if that was successful right while i get back into here uh kim like the collective oh i'm going with voyages on that bit his movies move down right um wayne was late even though i had a reminder well it's all right to be available on catch-up and dee is looking forward to being marooned only late by a hundred minutes that takes some doing wayne but don't worry we're wrapping up but you can always you can always wind it back as well um there is a feature on youtube that you can put a tick in a box for which i think is called something stupid like instant replay or something but it's like a dvr where you can wind it back so you can actually wind it back to the beginning right now and carry on watching obviously you'd miss the chat then it would make no sense but the option's there tracy makes no distinction as to whether your children have fur or scare gladeary tracy so many people think we're weird when we say our daughter or our son yeah well what can i say of course she is she's adorable oh carol wanted to replace some of the photos in the e-book um you probably could still do that in certain applications like pdf expert but i think the best way to do it is to bring it into how many pages are we talking about um the best way to do it is probably to open the pdf and then save the file as an affinity publisher file and then start the changes now remember that initially the the pdf file is going to be embedded so what you might want to do is go into the embedded file and take things like the pictures out of the way and then that will give you when you go back to the publisher file like places for you to put an image placeholder in and then add the images as and when needed and don't lose the originals for the future but that happens so often i know that my problem is usually where i've got like a presentation i had a presentation that went back to 2004 and it was in powerpoint format i think and at some point i'd converted it to a keynote file and then the keynote file wouldn't open and i didn't have the um powerpoint file but luckily at that point keynote fixed itself and that's why i have this process post an event be it a macbooks after hours or a presentation like this or a training session that i always take the slides out as images under pdf the pdf will give me the best way to potentially edit that should keynote or powerpoint not be there in the future or not be compatible with the file that i've got so at least i can see the slides most of the time that's all i need um i'd be quite happy to rebuild the slides if need be so if we think about some of the slides that we've had today what we had on here today let's say something like that one that would be easy enough to recreate i wouldn't particularly need that slide i could easily recreate that i could easily recreate all of these but i'd need to be able to see them to see what was on them what did they actually say rather than go and refine that information so it's enough for me to just be able to see them and a pdf will give me a guaranteed way to see them and if i've created pngs of them as well that will give me a guaranteed way to see them so i'm happy to just see them but the pdf would give me an opportunity to deliver it in a circumstance where powerpoint is not working or i don't have access to it so there have been times i've actually been an attendee at an event there was one in particular the guy was talking about i think it was the titanic and it was fascinating but he brought his um presentation that he wanted um now let me think why couldn't he get that on there yeah he had the powerpoint on a pen drive and the guy with the laptop because it wasn't this guy's laptop so he had the pen drive the other guy the laptop which was a macbook air which sat there looking at the pen drive saying that's not happening so he couldn't actually plug it in there but he did have a pdf that was in a cloud somewhere so i said ping me the pdf and i'll present the slides from my phone and you just struck your stuff i didn't even have an ipad with me so because he had a pdf version before he delivered the slides the pdf we could just throw to the screen and it didn't matter that it wasn't powerpoint or whatever so i call it the presentation life cycle and it's all the things you should do and the times you should do it when you're working with presentations because i've been doing that for 30 years and i know all the pitfalls i've probably suffered through most of them oh betamax i remember betamax and tracy rewinds all the time we know tracy and tracey's incredibly brave she watches it two times as well which i think there should be a law against but yeah dvr is he's playing it on demand 68 pages that's not too bad i guess it could be worse it could be 500 i reckon you'd be okay doing that uh hello andrea andrews andre is late as well oh no but hello it'll be available on demand and wayne will be watching it with you oh someone said they have childhood memories of watching a certain event in 2013 and i felt so old do you know i think that with live aid i just assume everybody's seen live aid and then when jonathan said johnny wasn't even around johnny was minus four at the time and i thought oh right i think it was when somebody said we studied we studied live aid in history at school i thought history is not history's current affairs but no i've got a face fact i'm older than i think i am there you go oh cameron says whenever i need to learn something about affinity you've got all three i'm the person you seek out hey that is good that is good i try to make it practical in terms of like the things that you actually want to do with it and not going through it's got this feature and this feature and this feature in this feature yes but i'm not going to use 90 of those how do i put a link on an image it's those kind of things so hopefully that is for you find that useful do i have the life cycle in a document um no i don't yet carol um i have delivered it a couple of times but not actually documented it that's not good is it uh i'll i'll sort that out i'll that might be a good session to do owen kim's agreeing with karen says couldn't agree more elaine is the best thank you thank you both ladies much much appreciated and tracy only two times when she wants to catch up to understand the comments and ask questions when she re-watches i'm at normal speed oh well that's good that's good you might be able to get me up to one two five but i think two is pushing it a bit sorry d they studied live aid in history didn't need to hear that neither did i it was shocking it was shocking another one was um remember that school we went to that teacher that you know and he had pictures all over his classroom of computer stuff from the 80s and i was loving it i thought oh this is amazing what a classroom but isn't he a history teacher yeah yeah so these things that i were thinking like oh i remember that like it was yesterday they were history it was the history of computing and i thought oh dear now i do feel old but never mind oh oh tracy's got walter wool sunshine um we've got grottiness we've got wall-to-wall cloud so you go and enjoy yourself oh and tracy wants the presentation life cycle put that down mike put that down right okay then i will give you a last call for questions uh before we head off and and come back next week for what we're doing next week which is text styles which is good textiles is very good like textiles they can be a bit finickity oh hello have you woken up she says she's that she's the prettiest samoid and she needs to be in the presentation and she's letting me know very vocally so what textiles can be a bit confusing but once you've got the hang of them they're an absolute doddle they are aren't they lola tell them how easy they are do you think that's lola for where's my dinner it's five to five and i'm looking for my dinner either that or a walk one or the other oh sweet right um i've got to stop these history stories i'm ruining dee's bubble of denial can i move into your bubble of denial with you i'm still 21 i am uh loving this about elvis who oh good grief not good not good right what training do i do hang on which training do you go over coloring different file types for example can you color pdfs oh give me more information on that karen ping me a mail and tell me precisely what you're trying to do with it uh see now carol did that with a problem she was having and i've sorted that out so all we need to do is make sure um that we get that to carol we should we do that as a demo oh it was very interesting very interesting glad you enjoyed it debbie i do have a samoid you need pictures okay um where have we got a picture of lola oh we usually have a picture of lola lots of pictures of lola in the um we could not buy so cool the week at my headquarters so what i can do let's get rid of that and let's open up bridge i don't know where bridge will open up it'll open up at some point and there must be a picture of lola midweek oh yes there was lola oh she was so dinky right let's have a look at some of these bring it on here there she was resting her little self that was this week she looks like a little curled up fox there doesn't you're now being talked about yes you've been talked about lola oh and she went polling she went you know the dogs at polling station thing she went polling but she didn't enjoy it so there is there is another one of us somewhere there these are all the pictures here from friday night if you remember oh there she is as well lounging lounging shears next to our imac boxes and all of mike these are nice plastic boxes for when the shopping arrives but look at her isn't she just adorable you are you're adorable tell them all you're completely adorable there you go so there's there's some quick lowlarisms i think she wants to be the star of the show you up of course you're the star of the show right let's have a look here um there's room for everybody indeed's bubble of denial excellent excellent to your rational rationality and skepticism off of the door absolutely it's 1985 and i'm going to a youtube concert yay uh have i seen more folio trace and i put up about architecture no i haven't but i will follow that up you never need it but you just want it want to need exactly yes exactly yes it is her sofa nobody else gets to sit on there and that's her blanket she co-opted that that blanket was there when she arrived that's where we have breakfast yes together she takes up most of the sofa mike's seat at the end i know can you imagine a full two-seater leather sofa and it's the dog's bed yeah and you know she looks at your daggers if it's cold and you've not put that blanket on right if that blanket isn't situated just right covering a little pause you know all about it as you've heard she can get quite vocal when she wants oh they say animals are stupid but she knows she's being told but oh she does she does absolutely she does she got that blanket the blanket was already here we adopted her when she was just four wasn't she yeah a little bit over four and so she moved in the first of october when she was four and she spots the blanket it's like okay that's my blanket so we put it on there and that was it it's now her blanket but you know it looks so cute but any manchester united colors as well there she is red white and black dare i ask how the game went good words were said oh good grief good bad words the last i heard bad words words were sad but now good words of visa that's all right then i'm glad because i'm not keen on villa you know you know we're feeling zomvilla so yes we need more lola don't we actually there was a guy presenting a session that i was watching and he opened it out with a picture of his dog and the dog is a husky beautiful beautiful husky so he says you know and i want to know all about you and you if you've got pets then put pictures of the pets up turned into a pet love fest oh a jack russell terrorist oh jack russell's my friend under jack russell ever so cute but they've got there's a lot of personality in a small parcel there isn't there oh and wayne's avatar is marley you do not look like he's cute and marl is a nice name too oh and carol's uh carol's jack russell oh 12 and a half wow sleeps on the sofa in the day in our bed at night yes lola has the majority of the bed in the evening and she lets it be known if she hasn't got enough room and while she looks so tiny when she's curled up on her own bed funnily enough when she's in our bed she takes up the entire king-size bed and you're lucky if you've got enough room for a pillow but don't disturb because then she gets very cranky anyone with pets will know exactly what i mean and you know what i have i have lay there in the winter december no quilt because she's got it all feet hanging off the bed head hanging off the bed the other side and thought just suck it up you know it's not worth waking and removing seriously oh wow marley's 12 and a half too they're great pictures anyway love them guys love them so if that's it for questions and we've had a rare old chat i'm going to head off i am going to head off and we will be back with you same time same place next week with textiles in affinity publisher so for the moment i'm going to say good good evening from me and good evening from me and we will both see you next time thank you for being with us and have a fabulous fabulous week you
Channel: Elaine Giles
Views: 4,448
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affinity publisher, data merge, affinity publisher tutorial, desktop publishing, data merge affinity publisher, affinity publisher full tutorial, affinity publisher advanced tutorial
Id: FhpYQC5X2Cc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 0sec (7380 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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