Affinity Publisher (FULL TUTORIAL) Live Session

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hello good evening and welcome if you can hear me let me know in the chat I'm flying solo tonight it's scary Mike's not here he's had the temerity to go out so I'm YouTube's telling me on live and I'm just hoping that somebody in the chat will tell me I'm live so I'll say hello in the chat and hopefully somebody's that I can see these people watching so do say hello to me right what you should be seeing is a poster for tonight's event that won't look any different than the poster that was already there and we'll be getting going at the top of the hour so we've got six minutes to chat so if you've got questions put them in the chat mics my other half by the way we do Mike bytes together so if you don't know me good quick intro ah good evening everybody excellent excellent that's fantastic I see lots of people eats that delay you know it'll it'll be the death of me it will right I'm going to zoom into this chat so I can see it even better excellent excellent good evening everybody who's bought affinity publisher I had it before it was actually out I placed my pre-order with the beta thing and it was there exactly when they said it would be at 4 o'clock yesterday so downloaded it got the final version installed and then sat down feet up and watched affinity live so who watched that let me know it was a short presentation it was about 45 minutes I think when he don't be do one of these things they go on for hours and hours and hours and we're all begging them to stop by the end but affinity left me wanting more it was I know don't go away show is more show us more so I think they did it just about right oh good so lots of people have already bought it excellent excellent who's been using the beta funny story with the beta they promised it by the end of August last year and they delivered it was the 30th of August and I had a job to do and I was putting it off and putting it off and putting it off because it meant venturing near InDesign which was the place that this particular document had being but that's not the point and it came out and then I got this this rush thing that was like come on come on and it came out and I thought right that's it I'm gonna do it in that and I did and I send sent I took a picture of it and put it out on Twitter and I finished he came back and said well so I would rather pleased since then I've done I've actually used it as if it was a production app the only thing that really gave me grief was um originally with the beta no linking couldn't put a link in it and this particular job I had to do needed a link so I thought fair enough I'll go back to keynote which was what I did when I needed to put a link in and I went back to keynote Napoli broken it couldn't put a link in anything to save my life luckily they've dealt with that so when lots and lots and lots to see tonight who's seen the other video that I've done the one for the beta that I did last September it was an hour 26 there was a lot of it unbelievably because I Sutton watched it today I thought do you know I could talk for another hour and 26 and not actually mention any of the stuff that I mentioned last I don't intend to but I will take questions so if you've got questions and stuff let us know no try to watch it but no sound oh that's not good there is sound if you're talking about that video I was talking about there's definitely sound on it there is because I saw it yes with that one we did the office stuff tonight I thought we'd um I've got that data in case we need it because I'm going to take questions so you got a question just throw it in there throw it in there but I thought we'd concentrate on the newer features and the things that have changed quite a lots changed and there is of course the drop dead stop everything and Wow at this feature which they announced last night which you may be aware of but there's a couple of caveats with it so when I talk about it I'll be giving you the skinny on how to deal with it when it all goes awry and one last thing before we actually get going this inordinately funny as well I have a checklist for when I'm training and on my checklist it says check the batteries in the mouse and keyboard well that goes back to the days when it had batteries in it that you could swap so I'm working away quite happily in 10 minutes ago my mouse stopped working well they were expletives uttered as I realized I need to change that to check it 24 hours before not a problem did I mention Mike was out Mike doesn't have a mouse anymore I've got it mine's on charge so I definitely need to change that checklist don't I you shouldn't have to think about a demonstration 24 hours before you do it but I didn't get any notification from Apple in the notification center but my mouse was about to die but it did it died always good when a presentation starts like that all I can say is the worse it is in rehearsals hopefully the better it'll be live all right Deb I'm with you right I had that same problem I was watching it in Opera a different browser Russia now laws whenever I try and watch something like that I always go and try and do something else and I thought I don't want it in the browser that I'm inevitably going to lose the page when I go and do something else and I have the same problem as you there was no sound so I opened up in Firefox which is my primary browser and I had the sound so I'm cursing on and saying to Mike this is ridiculous when all of a sudden I got it in stereo so I closed it in Firefox and the sound did come on in Opera luckily it is available on YouTube it's definitely worth watching as I said you just you were left wanting more which is usually the way to go that's the way to leave people I say wanting more she said when she prattled something for over an hour but you get the idea so it's definitely worth seeing it's always good to hear it from them and what the Russian owl was but I will cover some of what they talked about but I would still watch it definitely still watch it and a finished move being fantastic with me I'll talk about that when I talk about how to actually buy the software but it is the top of the hour so you need to see my desktop don't you it won't be good if you can't so you should be saying my desktop I'll get keynote up and then you'll be seeing a slide again or that's the plan excellent it looks alright my end okay so it's the top of the hour I'm going to go quiet for a fraction of a second blessed relief for everyone reason being I'll edit out this bit at the beginning from the video when a processes otherwise get people get very sniffy you know if they're not here live for the chat they get a bit sniffing the only problem with doing that is I think we lose the chat if I edit the video but I'll have a copy of it anyway so if there's any if you throw your questions in if I don't get round to them I will come back to you with answers for that so I'm going quiet and then I'll be back welcome tonight's we're looking at affinity publisher for those of you who don't know I'm Elaine Giles longtime trainer podcast host inveterate geek and my youtube channel is where you'll find tips tricks and full training sessions for a huge range of apps but my favorite and my absolute favorite at the moment his affinity publisher the good few reasons for that which I will cover and we've waited a long time but it's here and when I say we've waited a long time we were waiting a long time before we even got our hands on the beta and we've been using the beta for 10 months but it's finally here it's here for Mac and it's here for Windows now when it comes to purchasing you have two options you can buy from the App Store now when I say the App Store I usually mean the Mac App Store but there is a Windows app store as well and you have the opportunity to purchase it from an app store you also have the opportunity to purchase it directly now I noticed when they announced it that it was actually going to be released yesterday they were offering a discount on the App Store of 20% and 30% directly now on gone when I said on the app store world just a minute they were offering a discount for beta purchases of 30% on the direct purchase and 20% for pre-orders but it wasn't available for pre-order via the app store which I'm pretty sure I have seen when I was thinking about it I thought maybe that was the iOS App Store but it certainly wasn't available for pre-order on my App Store it is available now and there is still the 20% discount so it's 38 99 or $39.99 dollars now which should you buy and why well my version of the Mac version of designer and photo was from the App Store and my Windows purchases were direct from affinity so that's where I am in relation to where they were from I don't really have a preference the difference is going to be managing a license if you buy direct from affinity you're going to need a license key you're going to need to manage that it's also a fraction more difficult to install but you're on a Mac it's not that tricky and you may want to do this you may want to download it from affinity because you can get a trial this is what happens when you do that you reach a point where you say I have a product key or start my trial now I did have a product key it was available at 4 o'clock exactly as they said it would be and I had problems purchasing with my beta discount on two platforms and affinity dealt with it for me Steve was amazing and it was all sorted out so I was able to put to my license code straight in there you'll notice there is a big blue button you need to validate your product key now I instinctively thought ah it's activated apparently it's validating a key now how it knows it's you and how many validations you're allowed well we'll see won't we but that's the way I went so once you've done that you are almost done but not quite because the next step is you need to agree to the license and you can't hit the accept button until you put a tick in the box I thought that box was a smidgen on the dark side and nearly missed it but once you've done that you're done your alternative is to buy it from the app store in which case it's really simple you see the price at the top right hand corner just click that and you're done it will all install etc what I actually intend to do I'm going to buy both it's already been worth its weight in gold to me and I do that with products where I want the benefit of having fast updates so direct from the developer but I also want the benefit of if I'm out not on somebody else's computer just quickly being able to install it and then delete it when I finished without fiddling around with keys so that's what I will in it will do or not when I finish this right why affinity publisher why is it so important well I've said this when I did the last session there is lots to love now if you're on live with me tell me how you're using it a lot of you have already said you've already bought it what are you using it for let me know let me know the importance of it prior to yesterday's announcement now yesterday's announcement was not just the definitive publisher is here it was way bigger than that and I will talk about that but yesterday's announcement hangs off the fact that there are now over three products in the affinity suite designer was first then photo than publisher and he always was serifs intention to create a full suite of applications and publishers like the third piece at this point people usually ask the next question because designer photo publisher available on desktop designer and photo available on the iPad so the next question is is affinity publisher coming to the iPad it is we knew it was they've said for 12 months it is yesterday they confirmed it should be with us in 2020 do not hold me to that do not hold them to that because you know you know it software development is like having said that they've got two applications on the iPad so they're in a better place to potentially stick to a more accurate timeframe here's hoping here's hoping now I briefly mention before we actually started recording that I had already done a session on affinity publisher this one was the beta it was a long session it was an hour 26 and a lot of the features that I covered in that have not changed many many of them haven't changed I do not intend to just repeat that because a lot of you might be thinking well I've seen that is it worth my while staying it is it is we don't you look at different things going to look at the things that came up on the beta this session will focus on the features that were added during that beta so without further ado let's head off and have a look into it we are going to head back to slides for a fraction of a second once we've got going but there is a valid reason for that but for the moment let's head out and get into publisher so I've uninstalled my beta and it always opens half on one screen and half on the other I've actually got three screens here I'll be turning my webcam on later as well because I've got some printed stuff to show you so I can show you all the monitors if you like alright this is what you see when you open a Finiti publisher so the first thing they're giving you a freebie they are giving you a freebie you can claim a free font collection now that font collection if you bought directly from serif was available for download in the same place as you downloaded your installer but this is the Welcome dialog I've left this so you can see it but you don't need this showing on startup all the time you can take the tick out of the box in the lower left hand corner and hide that which I must admit I do do however as you've just seen they're giving you free toys there and you would miss that if you didn't have this dialog box showing so if you do take the tick out of that box or close it you can always get back to it through help welcome always worth checking that once a week I think once a week would definitely be worthwhile now you can do two other things from in here as well as create a new document and they are worth doing first of all you have samples so if you click on the samples there are two samples available now I have pre downloaded these Russian all being the 200 Megan 11 Meg and I don't want to stress this connection any more than absolutely necessary when I'm going live so once a lifestyle magazine and the other is a trifold brochure so let's have a look at that one once you've downloaded it it sits there and you can open it up at any point you choose so looking at this this is the file that was used in the demo yesterday you may remember those images so it's a fantastic starting point for you to explore somebody else's file see how they work and I find that really useful there's lots of different styles in this magazine as you can see so I'm definitely have a look at it my one thought was well that text small but there's lots to see and do in there to explore it have a play around with it see all the features now I'm going to close that one down because that was quite big was now go back to help welcome and there's the trifold one so much smaller just two sides front and a back of that and a different kind of layout again it just gives you something to sort of click and think or what's going on here how are they done that you can actually click through the whole thing is editable I guess if you wanted a brochure that was similar to that you could just delete their content and use the framework for your own so definitely worth having a look at that the other thing that's in that welcome dialog where she's spending more than two seconds on a welcome dialogue really simple because let's get back to where we were there we go and these are lots in here that's why freebies samples and also tutorials so if I click on the tutorials there that will actually open up in a browser which is opened up on one of my many external monitors there it is and there are 47 videos they will take you a while I've watched every one trust me they will take you a while some of these are 15 minutes long 17 minutes long and this 47 of them they are very good and they are segmented in such a way that if you're specifically looking for something so maybe you're interested in kerning and tracking then there's a four and a half minute video on just that okay so that's what you've got from that welcome dialogue the last thing you have in there is the ability to make a new document so I am going to click on new document and you get this new document dialog now this has changed since the original beta I I would say it's improved greatly greatly I will be looking so I'm looking at the questions I've got here good to see what everybody's doing with it at your using a lot of different apps already as well liking now you're doing calendars I'm seriously thinking of doing calendars myself for the first time this year I've done calendars before but I pretty much stuck with them iPhoto years ago and had them printed by Apple will it be an iPad version yes the will is studio link only in affinity studio link I am about to show you as soon as I've shown you the interface I'm going to show you that because that is the biggest thing that's been announced is studio link only in publisher well if I show you what it does we'll see why it looks that way it makes most sense that way so I'll show it to you so when as Andrea says or Andrea gotta be careful there in England that would be undry who but it could well be Andrea yes it's coming next year hopefully right so your new dialog box a new document first thing to think about is a type of document is it print press ready photo web devices and you've got presets as well in there so with your presets you can create your own presets now I'm pretty much sticking with print for what I do I'm going to create an a5 brochure because I've been working extensively in a5 at the moment so I'm choosing a 5 that gives me a document units of millimeters now this is a new one since the beats are the original beta which is image placement policy when you place images in affinity publisher you could either embed them or you could link to them now there's benefits of each I've seen linking and embedding in a million different apps I did a Microsoft exam years ago on access which is their database and there was a question whether I should link or embed and the correct answer in the real world was linked and Microsoft's answer was embed but we won't go there now the difference is here if you embed all your images that's brilliant for portability you take your single affinity publish a file with you and what you need is with it if you link you have the benefit of a smaller affinity publisher a file and the ability to externally update the images so that sounds fabulous the downside to linking is if we link and you lose an image you're going to have a problem with the document I tend to embed unless I'm making a document that's absolutely huge or so or a document where a client is going to be sending me a million images after the event and changing the images and all kinds of things so I pretty much stick to embed unless there's a reason not to your mileage may vary right okay and I'm broadcasting a 720 because I'm broadcasting basically I'm broadcasting it live so that's why I'm going out at 7:20 I am going to have a local video that's going to be a much better quality which I will make available after the event it's purely because I'm going live and when I go live to YouTube if I try and do it at 1080 YouTube gets very upset and then it starts stopping and stalling and all kinds of things so that's why I'm doing that and there's only really this dialog box that's ultra tiny I think after that it'll be the data that I'm working on maybe if you did a refresh it may be better hopefully it will be right then underneath that you've got a number of pages so you can add pages later but if you know how many pages you're going to need then you can do that at this point so I might decide to add 8 pages you have the option for default master a master page is like sort of a template but a framework template it's not content it will provide you a framework for creating pages and you have the option to make a default for that then based on what you've selected in the page preset you'll get your page width height and you can choose a DP there is a checkbox whether it's portrait or not I always find that's quite odd why not just have portrait landscape option instead of a ticking portrait because by definition you take it out and it's landscape but that's just me then you have an option for facing pages and how you would like to arrange those pages now in this one I do want facing pages because I've got a documents that I've been working on didn't think I'd get it finished to be honest before tonight but I did so I can actually show you the printed copy so therefore I'll make this in facing pages and you'll be able to see the printed copy and it was arranged horizontally and it did start on the right hand side so basically it is an a5 brochure it's got three pieces of a4 folded in half and that thus it has one two three four five it's got twelve pages so I'm lying to you I've said eight actually I went crazy ended twelve so I've set that up in there now at this point I've looked at the layout not looked at the color but you have color options in they can have transparent background you can change color format that's going to depend on your output I left it alone at RGB because I was just having it printed off a local color laser printer then you've got margins now the margins here are an inch which is 25 millimetres an inch another inch under bottom one of 30 which is fine if it's a four but mine's a five and that's going to be far too much so I'm actually going to take the opportunity in here to change them but look what happens I want three that a ten and one mutters ones that's 15 and I'd have to type it all in so actually you can cheat here if you click that icon on the right-hand side which is a chain icon and put in there in any one of them they all change but I want a different bottom margin so once I've done that I went to unlink and I'm going to put 15 in that just a fraction quicker I'm not going to retrieve my margins from the printer because the printer I print on isn't attached to my machine I will be making a print-ready PDF and the last one is the bleed and I'm not going to have a bleed because it's just being printed to a standard printer I do have documents that have a bleed and I can show you that if you need to see it right and then you just click OK and that's it you're ready to go literally at that point you are ready to go I will quickly show you what the finished artwork looks like that I have created which is a program I have created I'll show you the final one it's this one and go where are we right we are having an event called president's Sunday the 30th June and we have got a 12 page brochure that is going to accompany it and this is it it was finished today how alarmingly early is that I am 10 days in hand it's a miracle all right it's got text in it it's got image she's in it that's my girl we do love to have a good time as you can see so there's a good few pages of images there they all are there is also some previews of upcoming events we have lots of events we do like to have a good time so let's just go in there see all of those there's more text towards the end which is our full year's program and because this is a meal the programme is accompanying a meal there's grace before and after meals at the end so that's the document and it was all created in here that took me well it only came out yesterday didn't it if I'm honest I had four pages of that done already but the rest was done last night I will admit didn't get to bed till four o'clock but hey you can never have too much fun can you not when you've got new software toys so that is the brochure now what I'll do is I'll go back to the basic one that we've just created this blank wall just to show you the interface not much has changed since the original beta so if you've seen my original video some things have changed but it's miniscule for instance these three icons have changed what they look like that's nothing can had to what they've changed in how they work which I'm going to come onto but the rest of the toolbar I will show you the features on there as we work through it because at the moment most of them are disabled because I haven't got any content below that you have context-sensitive toolbar the content of which will depend on the tool you have selected down the left hand side in the toolbar as you can see as I make different selections I mean look at that pencil there's so many options that they all change depending on what you are actually doing in the tool I know now I'm opening up things that I don't want to do okay so this is your tools down the left hand side in the middle you have your canvas that's your document and you can scroll it and you've got special view options as well that you can use but it's pretty straightforward and you can navigate using this here as well but I'm going to come back to that at the bottom you have a status bar and I always say with the status bar I ignore it I pretty much ignore it but if you're new to an application do keep your eye on it because it's actually giving you useful feedback it's telling you to drag to make a selection so for instance if I had objects on there and I had my move tool which is this one up here selected it's saying drag to move selection click another object to select it click on an empty area to deselect so if you're looking for help that is giving you context-sensitive help at the bottom so I can draw around them like it told me I could don't forget the status bar right now the rest of the interface which is the bit on the left hand side where you can see the pages and the right hand side where you can see all sorts is called the studio so if I go into view and down to studio the studio is a collection of panels and these are the panels you will interact with as you're working with affinity publisher as you can see there's a lot of them turned on but there's also some that I will be using that are not turned on so if you're looking for an option and thinking it's just not there do go to view studio and make sure that there is a tick in the box well a tick next to the item for whichever one you are looking for now down the bottom of this couple of interesting points you can show the studio on the left and you can show the studio on the right and in publisher I recommend you do that because if you don't you will have trouble navigating because you won't be able to see the pages option unless you move the pages over to the right and if you do that then you won't see anything else so in a furniture designer and affinity photo sometimes I turn the left one off to give myself a little bit more room to move but in publisher I always leave you till it's by default they are both turned on in publisher you can hide the studio entirely with that option there and then they all go away which means you won't really be doing much but it's quite handy if you wanted to actually work on the document and give yourself the maximum space however you'd have to remember the shortcut key which was command shift + H there you go on and off but you also have the tab key and if you press the tab key the whole lot disappears which gives you a nice view now you can use the tab key to bring it back let me show you using the other file because the darker border on the inside is actual content the lighter border on the outside he's marking the area for the margins so I can press tab and that's all very well but I've still got that blue border I'm not actually seeing that as it would be if it was printed but if I use ctrl + W and that's ctrl on Windows ctrl + W it hides all of that so it disappears and if I use that in conjunction with the tab + command + 0 then I've got a fantastic view of my file and I can look at the whole thing and get a really good view of how that will look when it's printed this is a booklet as I've said so those pages are actually in the right order one thing I had to do before publisher was I had to design this manually with the pages in the right place it was a nightmare a total nightmare today I've been actually able to prove that it does print off absolutely perfectly from publisher via a print-ready PDF which is awesome that's meant the staple in the middle lines up staple in the middle did not used to line up and that's important so those are just a couple of you options ctrl + W you can see the frames coming back there and at the tab key to bring back the interface command + 0 to show what you're looking at fitted into the canvas area right that's the interface no and once we've done that you need really to go back and have a look at the other stuff don't we write the thing everybody is getting very very very very excited about is these options at the top here now let me know in the chat of you with me live who knows what a persona is in affinity who knows what a persona is because all bets are now off personas have become Bionic personas so what I intended to do was whip back in to my presentation just to explain something affinity designer affinity photo an affinity publisher all have their own file formats on your system if you can see the extension on a file you will see AF design AF photo and AF pub or it could be publish I think it's pub though right but the thing is they are not separate file formats they look like they are and they have different icons and if I double click on a designer file it will open in designer if I double click on photo it will open in photo but the fact is underneath the hood they are one on the same the entire file format is unified why is that important well unless you're a huge geek like me you might think you don't care why do you care you care because of what was announced yesterday which is studio link studio link is an entirely different way of working with design applications let me explain what that means to you that's the interface of affinity publisher we're looking at the top right top left hand corner where we have those icons those icons these ones now when you have the one on the Left pushed in which is the default that gives you your publisher tool set it's all the tools that you need to work with a print layout that's what it's about if you push the middle one you do not move out of publisher anymore you stay exactly where you are looking at exactly the same document but now your interface has become affinity designer it's your designer toolset and guess what the third one does it again leaves you with your document but the entire interface switches and becomes affinity photo caveat on that you are going to need for that to work those applications installed so it isn't a case if you buy publisher and then you get everything else free as long as you have the three applications installed you will be able to seamlessly work between them that was the huge announcement last night and they actually said that's why the serif suite of apps is called affinity that they are one in the same in file format and they are integrated to a level we have never seen before in applications we've seen round-tripping where you take a file from designer and you take it to photo and you edit it in terms of pixels and then when you're done you take it back we've seen all of that but we've not seen anything as tightly integrated as this this is a game changer however into every life a little rain or in this case confusion must fall it's a little gotcha it's very easily fixed but when I tried this I got this I opened up my just version of publisher and the first thing I tried was the designer link and I saw this I was horrified let's take a closer look why I was horrified he was telling me affinity designer wasn't installed and affinity photo wasn't installed I could assure them it was when you look at the instructions please install and launch your other affinity apps to register them with studio link well trust me I had done I live in them they're open all the time so I closed them am i closed publisher and I opened it up again and I tried again and I still saw all about I was horrified now there is a reason why that happened this is the reason why that happened you need the very very latest version which is 1.7.1 I had updated yesterday AHA plus 3 they weren't there yesterday and half first three they were there yesterday however at five past four so both your affinity designer and your affinity photo now I've shown you that in the Mac App Store but wherever you get them from direct from my affinity or maybe you're in the Windows app store you need a ver very latest version so I installed the very latest version guess what perfect it just worked I did run them and then I went back and the dialog box had gone and everything just worked okay so let's get back into the software and actually have a lot what that actually looks like now I've already got a question which is need to know if this bloats the files no it doesn't because the file although it has a different extension really the extension is just there to determine which app opens it when you double click on it and that is the only reason that there is a file extension other than that the files are exactly the same so no it doesn't it's not adding extra information into it so it can do some black magic it's just the same file format is the pixel persona within affinity designer equal equivalent to affinity photo if you've purchased both not at the moment no it's not the pixel persona because although these are these really personas this is something different less for a says designer persona and it says photo persona but what it is actually doing is completely different so no the pixel persona isn't here's one difference for you the repair tools that you have are less in the pixel persona than they would be if you took the file into photo so there's one example yet the file formats are actually amazing and they've been like that since day one who knew and I've actually had a bit of an issue this is a slightly site I'll take 30 seconds and explain a problem to you just in case you might be aware of it I've got my folders in iCloud and I'm going to go into this view so you can see them I have in here Oh what on earth have you done here I don't want them sorted by that I want them sorted no I don't want that I want them alphabetical is what I want them you know to be alphabetical now oh well be awkward then be awkward let me do a sort by name that's better right problem I have here I have my affinity designer folder and I have my affinity photo folder notice the deliberate mistake that's not deliberate there's an error and the problem is affinity photo works brilliant it's got the affinity photo icon if I go into affinity let's go into a finish a photo and let's just find a photo oh how about that one of me dress oh why not let's download that one right you can see that's an AF photo file if I double-click it it opens up an affinity photo eventually that it's thinking about it poor machine struggling there's me dressed as Darth Vader I made that I made that heart that was amazing I have that helmet and that little chain you can see around there that was off a bath plug needs most yes I made that so that was affinity photo that's exactly the behavior you would expect the problem I've got is in my affinity designer for it's got the photo icon when I go into it I have got here all kinds of files there's my after-hours icon if I right-click and show you on the get info it says opens with a finishing photo why look at the extension it's an AF design file oh that's alright I'll go in here and what on earth's happening what's happening I finished a design it is the default I know it is but if you're on a Mac you know what to do just select the one you want from in there it's not working trung's back I can do that all day it won't make a difference it's just a fault if I double click on this file even though it's a designer file I will double click on it from the designer folder a designer file in the designer folder and it opens it up in photo I've actually done this and carried on editing the file for 10 minutes before I realized it soaked in the wrong app the file formats are absolutely identical they are one and the same there is a fix for that I'll point you to a video for that later for that please note that does not happen anywhere but iCloud so that after-hours icon there let's take it and drop it on my desktop not in there let's get it on my desktop so I'm moving a copy of it to my desktop right click on it bring up the thing you can see AF design file now it's saying it's going to open it with designer well let's see what it does does it open it with designer it does where's designer let's take that full screen and there's my file what's it doing it's iCloud iCloud having a moment is what the problem is that's what the problem is is just iCloud as I say there's a fix but that is how integrated those file formats are they are identical they are one in the same right okay so our file here right let's see what this means to us well let's go and get a an image here let's say we wanted to change one of these images what could we do with one of these images there's one of Mike looking rather alarming there we go now in publisher I can select the frame it's a picture frame and it's got a picture in it but as I look at the tools they're more for page layout than actually doing anything with that file that image file but up here in with my studio link if I click on a photo persona look what happens to the entire interface it is now affinity photo everything has changed the toolbar has changed the context bars changed all of the tools have changed over here you can see it says macro but actually I probably wouldn't need that so if I go into studio and I turn off the left studio I can now work on my image over here I've got layers but these are picture frames and I'm actually focusing on that particular image what does that means in terms of what I can do with it well it means I could go into here and I could put an adjustment on that so let's say I wanted that to be black and white for whatever the reason I could make some changes to that let's have a look what I can do with it just make some radical changes oh he's looking nuclear all right let's do that let's bring that in and okay and that adjustment is clipped to that image but I'm in photo it was completely painless wasn't it I didn't need to roundtrip it I'm just there but if I go back but what I felt at the top it's saying affinity publisher it is but the tools are completely integrated all of them from photo go back into the publisher persona and now my image is black and white and I can just carry on working with it it's that simple let's say with this image here this little bit we look at what that actually is that is an affinity designer file if we look here it's got text it's got curves it's got a rectangle at the background it was copied and pasted from an affinity designer file I decided I wanted to change that blue to green I can do that in here if I wanted to do something more spectacular with it I couldn't click on the design persona and I'm now in affinity designer so if I wanted to add shape so whatever I wanted to do with that I could do that with my full complement of affinity designer tools without ever leaving publisher the reason that I think this makes more sense inside publisher is that publisher and your your publisher document is the kind of document where you will include photo elements and you will include artwork whereas if you think about designer and photo they're more utility tools rather than making a final document so it does make total sense as far as I'm concerned it makes total sense hopefully it will make total sense to you that was their huge announcement they also said which is very important to know that this is their words were this is not the end it's just the beginning so one can only imagine how fabulous is going to be down the line now I don't particularly want to do this right at this moment I could but I don't really want to there's something magic about that this file format business stay with me till the end the last thing I will show you will blow your mind I hope I hope it'll blow your mind at blue mine when I heard about it and I've tried it and it's amazing so we'll come on - we will look at the we will revisit is what we will do we will revisit studio link as the very last item that we do okay so let's get back to our publisher persona and let's have a look at some other things in here I do recommend with this video this session that you go back to the beta one as well because the two will complement each other it's not instead of now you still have in here three text tools that you had in the beta you have the frame text you have a table tool and into a table you can put text and you also have artistic as well so for something like this president Sunday that would be artistic text in fact I'll get that right out of the way you should at that point notice something strange happened there I'll bring it back you work out what the problem was I've got an apostrophe there there's a reason for that I would you leave the apostrophe where it is for the moment in fact you know I'll get rid of it and that will explain why so I'll go get my artistic text tool just click in there and put Presidents Sunday now you'll notice at this point not the same font and a huge gap that's because the last thing I did in here I use Trajan and not this font now the font for the front cover there is called Australia and if I go and choose Australia I've got a flock was Argentina in here as well and Atlantic right Australia there it is now couple of things with that is way too small so I'll make the text much bigger I guess around 72 which what size are you 80 there you go let's make it 80 let's do it right and then I will change in here the gap so the gaps far too much as i zoom up and down here I can find a nice gap so I would say around the hundred mark not there in here around a hundred hundred and ten something like that now you'll notice I typed in president's apostrophe it is the sunday that belongs to the president not there where did that go well it is there i double-click it and I do that I've got it selected that font has no numbers in it nor does it have any special characters which is the biggest pain you can imagine by workaround is to have another font which is called Atlantic which is very similar although having said that that's not good either that doesn't look great does it what I did how did I format that I think I must have used a special character but it is Atlantic that is Atlantic so I did it separately in a separate frame and that's what I've got there so that is also a text frame and I've had to do that literally so I can do that and just put it approximately where it would be so either above or below that so somewhere like that or above it I think I put it above it it's not ideal not by a long way but this is kind of rubbish you have to deal with let's make that blue so that's frame text nope sorry that's artistic text this is frame text so what we've got there is an entire frame that's formatted with the text in it so if I move the frame everything moves with it the text there's a gap there's a frame on it the whole thing is just a frame so let me show you that one let's get that out of the way and I will copy that text what I did with that was get this tool here and draw a frame on there now I have this toolbar showing you might not the default is not to have that toolbar attached to the frame that is an option that's available from there the frame text ruler you can toggle that on and off I have it on because I can use it for indents and tabs and all kinds of other things I will then paste in plain text so it is the same text but it's plain text and it's not right it doesn't look anything like that so what I'll do now is actually format that text so first of all it's the wrong color secondly it's the wrong font it's a normal style of font is Times New Roman so it's nothing extravagant it's not bold it is italic though size-wise it was bigger than that let's do that I don't think it was quite that big though all right I think it was around the 13 mark no it was 12 okay let's make it twelve not twenty one twelve right the reason that it's filling the frame better on the left than that one is the gap between it at the moment it's 15 and I had it a bit bigger than that which is probably 20 so it looks like that still not the right color though so it's gone to green and I want it to be blue in my swatches I can choose colors but I also have recents and my blue is in there as a recent now what's left to format is the frame there's nothing wrong with the text it's the frame that's not right so I need my text frame tool now the reason it's looking very crowded on here is because I have to broadcast this at a smaller ratio so that my screen set to 1600 by 900 so I'm going to need to go into the view and go into studio and make sure I do have text frame enabled it sits somewhere as it put it what are you Oh help filet it's on the other screen there we go there's my text frame so on a much bigger screen it's much easier to work with but what I've got on here is there's I can I can add columns if I want so it's that simple to add columns to my document I can change the gutter of that and the width of that and everything there I only need the one I want on the text frame itself to have a stroke on it and if I go to the stroke options and make it solid I think it was a possibly one pixel just just maybe one point five points something like that I guess it was one point five and that puts the border on the outside can't see it too well there but if i zoom in you can see it it's on the edge you can even in here it's going to they get really tricky you look at that it's rounded at the corner but you could have it might it if you want it and I actually got that selected we go you could change it to that you could change it to square so if I didn't want it that that might that might look a bit fuzzy so I'll have it square you can get down to that level one thing I always do is make sure that I have scale with object on because if I make the object bigger I want that to be in proportion not disappear because it's so tiny but that doesn't solve a problem with the placement of the text does it you have in sets here and you can insert that text just like that there is that chain icon we've seen that before that will chain it together so as I bring that up there that's probably just about right if I put that at four that's about right which at that point something interesting happened but I'm going to leave it alone I think I'm probably made the gap a little bit big on the text this 20 points up here it could well have been 18 that looks better all right so I formatted a text frame there so there was formatting on the actual text itself and the other formatting was on the frame right so have you still put your questions in you've all gone very quiet if you're with me alive have all gone very quiet okay I am going to leave that alone where it is and I'm going to get a new file I'll make it the same but with a single page right so it's a five it's got my margins on it but it's a single page the reason that I'm going to do this is to show you some magic with the text right it's very plain this file I've not done anything with it at all yet but I want to import some text I want to put some text in it so I have my text frame tool here and we know that if I put that on it and I start typing in there other quick a brown fox there we go you've got some text and if I made that bigger it would feel better I'd reach a point where I had problems with overflow maybe but I just wanted to show you before we do that that you have two different options to scale that if we look down there there's to scaling handles an interior one and an exterior so let's make sure we can see the whole thing we grab the inside one I'm trying to grab the inside one there you go you can see what happens with that one but the outside one actually makes the entire box bigger or smaller including the text so the text is changing in size whereas with that internal one the text stays the same size so be aware of that right now people are quiet because I thinking of spending money that's understandable then that's completely understandable right so what I'm going to do with this let's just delete that frame and start again because going to do some magic with text right I've got some text I don't want to sit here infinity publisher and type it in absolutely not we want to bring text in so I'm going to put on here let's go on to the master all right and let's make sure on the master there we've got a text frame on that side and we've got a text frame on that side and in here I'm going to make sure that I click on that little icon which will link the two frames together that's my master so go in here there's my text frame right once I've done that magic should happen hopefully hopefully I've got text elsewhere I'll show you where the text is the text is the text of an entire book A Christmas Carol and I have two versions of the text I have a word version in a docx format and I have a Christmas Carol in text plain text look at it all of it the entire book in plain text format I'm going to start with the text one the plain text one if I with this make sure I've got my text frame selected I want to put it in there go to file and place it will open up it's looking at the assets folder I'm going across and I'm going to click on the text file and open and it does it puts that in there couple of things to be aware of there are two icons in bright reg down here let's zoom in a little bit there they are they don't really bigger unfortunately one is the eyeball the eyeball is showing me the overflow if I click the eye Paul the overflow disappears it's not deleted the text it's just deleted the overflow this little bit here a little triangle if I click that it will load the overflow text into my cursor and I can draw out another box and there's some text can't see it too well but it's there if I move that little box back over the white edge you can see this text in it now just imagine how long that's going to take because if I have to draw out every page and it's a full book and I'm opening up the word file now just to give you an idea of how many pages that actually is here's the word file with styles in it 46 pages of incredibly tightly formatted text it is 28,000 618 words there's a lot of it and it's in that frame there all right that's not good that's not good that's not the way to do it let's do some magic I only have in this file one page there I can show you that I can add another page in fact I can add two let's let's add three actually and we'll put them after page one and there they are and I can go back to page one and I can click on the triangle I can move over to page two and I can click and because this frames linked to this frame fills it in but look at page four Oh No so I have to go back to page three and have to click on it and then click on the triangle and then go to page four are you bored yet because I would be right not doing that so I'm going to undo and get us back to having one page and the reason that I'm doing that where you go right one page is to show you that you don't have to do it for two or three or anything like that you can do this from just one page my overflow is still there very it's all that bit down my chocolate on/off I'm hovering over that but this time I'm holding the shift key down and I click on the overflow doesn't look like it did a thing but look what happened over on the left hand side it made all the pages I need for that entire book let's have a look how many pages that is bearing in mind this is a 5 not a 481 pages and it made them all so that shift key and clicking on that triangle is your friend right let's undo that and in fact let's go in there and delete all of the text so we've now got no textbook in it I'm going to repeat the process but this time file place I'm going to choose a word file now you've seen the word file the word file had formatting in it including headings so I'm going to open that one and in it comes now you can see our blue text and it's a heading which is ground but it still isn't filling in all of the extra pages ok but if I again just hold that shift key and click once on the triangle it will go away and strut its magic little stuff with all of the other pages and somewhere in here there is stave to where stave to always very difficult to find it because of the formatting and it's so close together Oh what to do well how about we do command an F and we type in stave and go find it there it is Thursday 5:00 but it actually shows me all instances of stave so I can navigate that document I can even navigate here where there is a table of contents there it is so find is your friend as well so we can do magic with this how fast could we make a book and get thinking we get a PDF of it right well there's so much that I could show you I could talk for three weeks luckily I won't you too would probably cut me off but we will form up this okay right I'm not overly concerned about the stars that are coming from word but I will show you that there are text styles and there is a base text style so this bit here it says no no style attached to it and that but there is a base style what I tend to do is not concern myself with styles from word unless it really needs to look like that and to be honest you wouldn't be bringing it into publisher if it was perfect in word or do you so what I tend to do is select the whole lot and if we go back to the pages and we click here that should select the entire thing all of it apply the base style to it and in fact if I go in and edit the base style I would want this Times New Roman so at the moment it's Aria but I could choose Times New Roman and I could choose to make it italic if I wanted no actually I don't so I'll say no change and okay and that's not done a damn thing has it what could be happening here is because it was a word file in the first place etc etc so just because I want to take this demo to the end I'm going to get a completely new file and I'm going to do my master so you can watch me do it again I am putting a frame on there and a frame on there and I am going back to the first frame grubbing that no shift key hovering over the second one and that links the two and that's the master that I've got that is applied on here file place choose the text one text is your friend oh you keep clicking back on the other one there we go right that's got nothing in it at all so technically speaking in here I should it's not applying this it's not so I'm going to make it a body style I will do nicely and I will go into there and I will edit the body style to be Times New Roman and make it brown you're wondering why Brown there's a rationale for brown really orangey we want a sort of brownish virtually black but but Brown right I have applied that style so that has gone on all of the text we cannot see it yet because I've not done the old shift click to get all of the rest of the pages but to have now okay I've got a couple of questions here when I have different musters can I Reese or Tom created the first my story then B then C want to have them AC be you should be able to let me go make another master simple as that there's master B I can I drag that up there I need a little bit more room don't I rights can I drag that down my oh it's not letting me reorder them that way but what you could do is rename them so if I wanted that to be C I could do that that would work there's also more magic with masters we'll have a look at that and the other question was no keep talking you love it oh could be 3:00 in the morning okay I thought careful what you wish for I would love grep styles do they exist right Bret itself does exist in affinity I need to spend more time looking at that I will not be looking at that tonight but if you would like a session on that then I will do that so let me know if that you will you would like that the grep is quite powerful but it's quite complicated as well InDesign has grep so you'd need to do two things with that you need to understand how the grep works and you need to actually define what it is precisely you're attempting to do and then marry the two together but there is grep inside there it's actually quite bizarre because footnotes and endnotes aren't really you've managed to put grep in it no footnotes and endnotes but they it's here now so let's be happy it's here right so what I need to do with this at this stage is there's a couple of things that I can show you with styles like oh you've seen me apply a style the benefit of a style is over all of these pages that are now formatted perfectly and if I decide I don't particularly want the body to be brown I can go to edit and I can change the color and decoration so I could make it blue if I wanted midnight blue or hideous pink oh yes you're a hideous pink and that's the benefit of a style now actually that's not what I want I'm happy with the brown leave it alone Norman right but styles themselves in here can be incredibly powerful for more reasons than you might imagine now we've got some proper content in here a stave is a chapter as far as Charles Dickens was concerned there's also content so there is a table of contents there it's not brilliant to be honest because it's all wrapped around but if I bring it in like that it starts to look but I can actually at least see what staves are in here so this was just something where I just need to press ENTER to sort that out so I've got a title at the top I've got a preface I've got it at the beginning of a chapter I've got lots of things in there now I could go through and manually push that to a new page and make that bigger because really that should be a heading and that should probably be a heading but don't don't do it manually use styles right in here you already have some Styles there is a heading one so would my contents be a heading one to be honest there probably would and probably that stave would be a heading one well before we go any further that Styles absolutely hideous isn't it what that needs to be is the same brown that I had for the other one so if we go back into there it's that brown matter so I have that brown which I'm not going to play around with colors tonight I haven't got the time I've got a couple of videos on YouTube all about colors in photo and publisher I can do it all in designer rather I can do it all again in publisher if you like another hour and a half the colors are amazing they are nothing short of amazing the way you can work with colors but tonight I'm keeping it incredibly simple so my contents are now Brown I am also going to make them Times New Roman and you're probably thinking what are you doing just said use styles and now you're doing it all manually I'm sure we have it italic while we're at it no that doesn't work does it I know I did but having got that sorted out I'm now going to on my heading one click on that and just click update heading 1 and the second instance of that updated that's why we use styles that's why we do that thank you very much for that I'm late you're an amazing woman thank you thank you very much right so I've got my styles in there I probably would put that on the preface why not let's do that as well and I'd probably have special formatting for the top but I need the rest of this formatting I could do with it being formatted really quickly couldn't I cuz times were marching on it's four minutes bus bus nine here should we try and berate YouTube and do a two hour spectacular that frighten people wouldn't it well what I'm going to do is to make it easy because if you notice this table of contents massive air quotes some table of contents no page numbers no because it came in from a text file didn't know where the page numbers would be and I need to find Steve too and look at it I'm never going to be able to find it it's somewhere in there so command an F let's type Steven again that worked really well last time and I can now go down to the stage there's the first one that's fine there's the second one so let me apply a heading one to that or some and that one you're not a heading to a heading one so very very rough and ready now you should be noticing at this point this looks terrible terrible who wants a chapter to start there I know what can I say ah what else that I need before we started doing magic with it I noticed something about each what tell you what we'll do I'll do this bit first and then I'll show you the bit the next clever bit so many clever bits right I'm going into my heading one and I am going to edit it you can see on the left hand side all the categories that you've got that you can edit it's virtually unlimited look at it all look at it what I'm interested in is my paragraph spacing I'm interested in but I'm also interested in the flow of the thing as well so in flow paragraph flow so I'm moving this so we can see this text here there is a start option right in here it can start anywhere it can start in the next column what's happening as I'm doing it in the next frame it's actually disappeared where did it go probably over let's do that again let's column it's disappeared somewhere next frame next page next page next to even page most books all the chapters start on the right-hand page the retro page retro no verso where's the other way whatever it is the things retro right next add page is where I want it to be now that's moved it here to such a degree we can't see it anymore that's because it did it with all of them okay so let's just say okay on that and go back to the pages and go and find out what on earth happened right there's the beginning that's going to be my cover there's my preface awesome there's my table of contents and there is the beginning of the book and all of that was done by changing the style don't ever go in and start manually moving anything don't not worth it not worth it because now I've looked at it I've thought mmm not happy with that I like it on the right-hand page but problem I've got with it it's starting at the top and I'd like it starting lower down do you know what you do in Word when you do all of this business and you start entering and all of that don't that because you can see it's breaking it already don't do that let's make sure this is all yep that's that's fine don't do that it won't work properly as soon as I put a carriage return on that it moves to the next page and this is what frustrates people they know what they want they want to move that heading down the page and they want to put in a few cash returns and it works inward so why doesn't it work in here because it's far more your friend than word let's go back into the style and let's go to the Edit adding one and in there we've looked at we looked at flow didn't we in there we moved it to the next odd page but we also have spacing let's move it out of the way so we can see it we could change the spacing we could put some spacing before let's put lots and lots of spacing before mm-my moving why aren't you moving you should be moving we've got some spacing after as well see it's moving before is moving after why aren't you moving before this worked in rehearsals oh no it's not doing it okay well hmm well work out why that's not working ah I know what's wrong with it I can't remember how much I put we'll put 50 and we'll put 50 after as well right the reason that that is not working is because it says you space before and I've said no change and you need to say at the top of a column which will move it down now we can play if you think about chapters they often start lower down than that so let's try what 80 would look like that's starting to look good and in here we've got 31 should we try 60 not bad and we could even bring it down a little bit more so let's take it to 100 now it's starting to look good thing is it did that with all of them look contents moved down and way way way down here look at this there's the end of that chapter on the next page completely blank page I didn't put that in definitely and there's the it's on the right-hand side it's perfect it's absolutely perfect that's the power of styles styles absolutely some people think of styles another as an advanced feature and they teach you everything else first and you go in and you manually format everything and then you discover styles and you're feeling murderous at that stage now start with Styles anything you can do manually formatting you can format in a style and then apply the style and then everything just automatically updates this magic including let's go back to the top this thing yes that's the table of contents but I can't see the page numbers that's pretty simple let's just go into it let's get ourselves a new line we are underneath there and let's do some magic right we will go into text we will go into table of contents insert table of contents now at this point you might think oh how can we search table of contents we've not told it where the contents are or anything how would it know oh it just knows just me insert table of contents there you go it just knows it knows it's page 7 and 27 and 45 and 67 and 77 how does it know that you'll notice here as well there's an error there that was Mike while he wasn't my fault it was where the data came from there's a space at the beginning of each of those that's not good is it so if we go back to our find and we navigate to them let's just take away the space there is a space there that's not it no it's not one either why are you doing that you should not be doing that Oh No Oh we'll be all quit then be awkward right there was a space at the beginning before I formatted it and it seems to have attached that somewhere there isn't it but when I take it away it's moving back in and I'm losing my indent so I'm not going to fiddle not going to fiddle but that's why we're seeing those spaces that's what they are so if I go that's my pages and we whip to the top that's why they're slightly indented on the others although we try and delete it from there oh he doesn't mind that Oh jolly good very nice okay so then at least that that looks perfect doesn't it now this point it it's great it's gone it's got the numbers so I can actually go and delete this what's another benefit of that I'm glad you like I'm not face when things go wrong Oh Doug I've trained flash believe you me things have gone wrong get crushed every two minutes we had a ball an absolute ball a most about flash but we had it we had fun yet the problem with this one is even if it had page numbers in the one I'm about to delete they would have to have been typed in so if I whipped up here now and I just put oh well now I know it's page seven and that one matter that is page 27 yes it wouldn't be if I change the size of the font No so I'm going to delete that and you're quite right there hands I'm going to change the style because that looks grotty doesn't it but the benefit of using a table of contents is that it's dynamic it will automatically update itself and you will find over here now that you have extra styles so if I click in there you can see you've got a talk table of contents one heading one and I can go into that and I can edit it and I can make sure in the font that it is Times New Roman because that's what we like and I can change the color of it so in my text phil' I can make it that nice brown color that we're using and okay and it now looks very similar to the one I had only it's automatic prove that point look at those numbers if I go back into my body style she should be somewhere in here where's my body style there it is if I go in and edit the body style and I change that from twelve let's go crazy 24 Oh but if we can ever find this and do an update of it see it's updated in here right if we do an update on that I should have updated why you're not updating well you've got all these options in your table of content here so maybe we will find an update in here this is how your table of contents actually works and you can see in here we've got a row of buttons where you can insert and one is update so let's click update and we've gone from pages 765 7 to 77 77 77 aren't right what's wrong with that what's wrong with that I know what's wrong with that you tell me what's wrong with that well I tell you the rest of this you can in here as well update all of them so not just the one that you're in you can remove them and you can rename them you can also say what scope you want so maybe you want a table of contents just for each section rather than the entire document and this is where the magic happens you can decide what to include in your table of contents based on a style and the ones that have got the tick in heading 1 and heading 2 and that's why the staves are coming in right anybody works out what the problem is why everything's saying page 77 nobody said in the chat is it broken no it's not broken let's actually go and have a look see what the problem is let's go to page 77 that's the problem the overflow because we've made the text bigger it needs more pages and it won't automatically put them in it will do if I hold the shift key down and click on there then it will but we don't want to do that because that's a little bit big isn't it but it would do so the problem is it gets to page 77 and it cuts off and that's what the issue is but we will go back to up here that we will make sure that we edit our body style back to 12 so in our font where it was 84 or take it back to 12 we will go to the table of contents click in there make sure we've got the table of contents open in here and do a refresh and everything's back to where it should be 27:45 67 and 77 so all of the table of contents features are working because you've used styles right so we've done our Styles yep that's not a problem let's have a look what else one thing that's new since the first beta is I'm assuming you all know what a master pages a master page is the page that what the other pages are based on and how you tend to use them you saw me put a frame on you tend to put content on there so if I put down here I just click there and I get some text I might want to put page number so I would like the page number at the bottom of every page that's what I would like like that because this master is applied anything that I put on the master comes through to all the other pages just a lot grande not formatted yet nor is it automatically updating but it will be alright so that's what a master is so back up here let's say you want a page number you don't want the text page number right and the spaces before my Staver but they are I should have deleted them at the beginning shouldn't I that's all I should have done oh heck nevermind right instead of putting text in here you put a field in it's like a variable and what you're saying is show me the page number but the actual page number not a static page number update it so if I go up to text and I go down to insert fields page number that's exactly what it will do is very tiny so let's just move it there it is but that's it now in there that's got no style at the moment if I star a lot to the body at least it will match I would of course make a proper page the styler make it smaller but I'm going to cheat just purely for speed and now we're an 18 in who's flagging yet I'm not flunking anybody else plugging all right let's take that across get that in the middle right we have a page number let's go and have a look now ah now it says page 5 now it says page 9 you'll notice page 8 not there that's because your master has two halves there's your right-hand one and your left-hand one so what you would need to do we need to be a little bit closer to be able to do that is take a copy of that I'm holding the option key down and dragging and that gets it onto the other page and from there snap it to the middle and try and get it aligned with that one on the right there we go and straightaway pages page 8 is there and page 9 is there right how are you liking publishes so far well I'm loving it how's everybody else feeling about publisher so far there's things that aren't there but there's an awful lot of things that absolutely are there we haven't even looked at images yet good grief if I'm going to finish in the next six minutes which will will match the last one but going to have to motor I'm happy to go on a little bit longer you let me know in the chair there'll be people watching the video thinking please stop but if you want me to carry on in your hair life than a will so let me know let me know right so we've got lots of text in there we've got styles in there we've used frames in there I haven't even saved this yet I will put a Christmas Carol we don't want it to crash at this moment do we okay right one thing that you can do with musters is you can now nest your masters and let you think about that for a fraction of a second nest are your masters right what exactly does that mean well I've folded this up and we've actually got a must stay with our patient Amazon Oh keep going you want to keep going okay all right I'm going to I'm going to tell them this in the video the user keep going so I'll keep going right and we've got a master bee now there's nothing on master bee at the moment but there will be in a moment all right we've got master a applied which had our page numbers on it okay right but for this book we might want something a little bit more extravagant in the background department so I'm finding I think it was number three I've got here some pages old pages I don't want something that distracting but I'd like this behind my text hence going for brown tasks it look quite nice so I'm looking at that one and that's not bad at all I'm liking that one all right so what I'd like to do with that is bring that on to be right so my must to be I've got the huge graphic now if you're wondering how I'm zooming in and out I'm holding the option key down and I'm using a magic mouse so I'm just flicking my finger up and down right I'm going to smooth that so it's just fitting that page which is that so it's on the left on the right now what I could do at this point is I could do that but it totally changes the paper alright that looks great I think I'd have it up there a little bit but I've got it hanging off and if I try and scale it no it's all going wrong vector cropping of a crop tool the vector crop tool all right if I do that it will actually crop that out and it'll be perfect without me having stuff hanging over the end and everything else so that looks perfect now the issue I've got at that point is if I then let's say for this these two pages instead of master a I would like must be applied let's do that that's not grand is it for a start it's covering up the text and uh all kinds of problems so what on earth's going on with this yeah not good what you need to do with this what I would tend to do with this I know or muster a I've got I'm actually doing this a very strange way but that's because I've been doing it as a demo right we know that master a has got the page numbers on and it's got our text frames on it as well so we really want that one applying don't we I'm going to take those two things completely and move them on to master B so there they are in front of the graphic which incidentally needs some opacity on it because it's shockingly wrong wrong wrong let's get my layers and take my opacity down we want to see it but we don't want it too much in our face all right I'm going to now take that and I'm going to cut that and I'm going to put it on master a don't crush on me I can see what you're doing don't you dare crush on me now at this point I'd still have a problem that you wouldn't see it if you put it behind the text then you be able to see the text so make sure you keep your eye on the layers here right I've got a couple of comments here so after Adobe subscription got to expense it's $75 a month Wow I think you could have found it David I certainly hope so one of the examples you use a pitch frame you can zoom the image inside you can you can I'll show you that right so I've got my muster a let's go back and have a look what that's done to my documents perfect all right looking grand let's do that controlled in W and get rid of the frames perfect absolutely perfect but no page numbers new page numbers page numbers have vanished the page numbers are all must be but you can I really have no idea what this is going to do I can do I've done this you know when you're playing around and you've tried it and it works and then you come to do it for real and you've got real data and you're thinking it's going to blow its mind right what you can do is I should be able to apply muster B to some of my pages so let's say I grab some of these pages and I apply muster B to them it's got muster be applied it says and you can see what happens the problem is the text is dis but my page numbers are that it's not perfect but if I applied muster 80 to muster be now part of a flat number text has disappeared and I have absolutely no idea why that could be the text frames but you can see what happens I've got the page numbers are coming from master B and the background is coming from master a and if I done that that the right way in other words if I created that at the beginning and applied it that way that I wouldn't be having a problem with the text moving around it's your friend but nested masters are your friend it means you can have a design for a page with the background on it and you can have another design that has page numbers on it and you can nest them I don't know if you're aware but you can also in here when you're looking at this you can actually discipline my page at this point I'm actually in the preface page I can actually see everything in here and I can just turn that off by taking a ticket or if I that's not having it is it it should be having it it's not having it I've had that working yes I shall have to have a look at that as well right okay somebody mentioned images images images I always drag and drop the masters to be honest you don't have to you can go in here and a clear the master you can apply masters you can even have extra masters so this is this is possibly not the best file to demonstrate this with but I'll just show you the feature I do it by dragging and dropping so you saw me drag that and drop it on a page that's one way to do it but you can right click and go to apply musters and you get this little dialog box you can apply muster a to the current spreads specific pages did it or all pages and notice what you have down here replace existing but you don't need to so let me give me one second let me see if I can fix all of this let's see if I could apply what which one of we done now where on earth are we up to I think I'd need to discipline ever have gone down a measure of it oh I think I should apply mastery now I don't to do that hmm and he I need a more simple file to demonstrate this with but what I'm what I will do is I'll just show it you on here which is in your masters you can apply choose a master so we've got a and we've got B what's complicating matters for us is that a is applied to B so I've actually truly nested it already do you know what let's do it properly let's go get a new file or you're all just going to be confused and don't want be confused right we've got something really simple now we've got one page we can't go wrong with one page can we I don't know it's possible master a muster B let's put a lovely pretty shape aren't B and so we know which one it is just to prove a point so I'm not doing this now from a perspective of let's make a pretty book no I'm doing this so you understand what's happening we have the letter B it's not going to update or anything like that is just to say this is must to be there it is and this this is master a right so go in there this is master a right obviously if I don't move one of these this isn't going to work so I'm going to move B down to the bottom and at the moment master a is applied I could drag and drop master B and now B is applied instead of a it's one or the other it is indeed very powerful it's just a matter of don't do what I did which was start doing one thing and then change your mind think it through at the beginning and then it's much easier for you but if I said here apply master and I said master a notice the option at the bottom replace existing well I don't want you to let's see what happens Oh many houses replace the existing that's not grand it's not apply master no it should not replace the existing but if I want a and B then let's do it the way I did it which was we have a applied to this let's apply B to a let's nest it and now master a includes what zombie now that is very advanced it is very powerful it's very advanced and it would enable you to do very clever things with page numbers and keep down in your file the number of masters you've got because if I want to change what B says so let me say I want that B to be bright red okay it changes it on both of the musters and that's why it's so important right so Buster's nested yes we've done that we've done field images you want to do images oh we're at the 130 mark are we still going are we still going images let me go back to that president's son d1 these were the images you were talking about was notes this is our year so far this was our Italian night how this works is that photo when I click on it it's an image frame it's one of these over here picture frame rectangle tool that was how that started life and what it enables you to do is there's a little slider underneath and that was how that photograph came in but that photograph looked much better as I brought it up so not too much just so you can see the two guys you can also use this to move that within the frame the image placement is amazing so let me show you that on a blank one by though I did I have that replace there oh I didn't think I did oh let me try that again right and then need to undo lots of things don't I let's get back to Amb right I let's go in there let's go to apply my stuff did somebody spot something I didn't oh maybe I did right as applied apply muster B don't replace existing boom you quite right excellent spot there you win the prize I don't know the prize is but you win the prize excellent that's exactly what should happen but there's actually that just proves the point there's two ways to do it you can apply multiple masters to an individual play page or you can nest the masters in the master pages section two ways to do it the image handling originally wasn't great the first beat of the image handling was not great but the image handling now is fabulous so if I just show you how I did this one this is Mike Mike's crazy not my Mike this is another Mike but I've got that image so how I would start adding that images I would add a placeholder here so I would draw myself in a placeholder like that and at that point I can drag and drop an image in so over on my other screen but I will show you I have a load of demos and one is the president's Sunday one photos and I have no idea which one that was I can tell you which ones it wasn't let's get the thumbnails and I'll find the right one yeah where's Mike it was the Italian night oh come on wasn't that one it'll be the last one I check I swear it well [Music] no oh come on no that's the dog oh maybe it's not even in now I'll tell you what we use the dog we will use the dog we will drag and drop the dog in there right so that is actually the kind of image that you might want to work with so first of all I promise heads in the right place the dog might not be but Mike's head is but I can zoom that's up that's not what I'm trying to do let's zoom in a little bit I can zoom up the image zoom down the image obviously you want it to fill the frame which is about right I can move it within there I could even rotate it fractionally so if it meant getting more of the dog in I could do that you also if you notice here have the two handles the inner one is letting you scale the frame and not the image the outer one scales the whole thing so if I wanted to be able to bring this one back in don't know if you know about your shortcuts as well but I need to play with the stacking order a lot command shift and square bracket brings it to the front command shift and other square bracket left square bracket sends it to the back like that forward it back leave the shift key off and it will bring it up one level at a time eventually getting it to the top so the images are absolutely amazing the image placement is stunning and as you can see from that I had that about there and I placed all of those images in that way and all of them were placed like this one if I go into that I did scale that one so let's just click once on it that's the original image scaled up and I just had to make sure I had everybody in it but I was able then to squish that down a bit or make it a little bit smaller at the bottom like that and not affect the actual photo so the images are absolutely brilliant right so images now there was images if you need images if you haven't got images you might not have images let's get a blank file there's a blank file if you go to view and you go to studio and you go to stock you might not have seen this one what's tearing out so we can see it I deliberately with this you see it says powered by unsplash I deliberately didn't take this so I could show it you so I'm now taking I understand yeah and let me do a search so let's try all let's try some ID let's see if there's a Samoyed dog oh oh gorgeous my boy was a some ID right so uh just drag-and-drop and I've got an image so it's integrated it's searching unsplash you have got other options so pixabay is one that's another one I use didn't even need to re-enter the search oh that one's the spitting image of my boy all right so again I've got two uh okay that and drag the image oh yeah that could be my lad there we go if you think about it even if you subscribe to Adobe you have to pay extra for the stock so you've got unsplash you've got pixabay and you've got souls so again it might need to I need to do that yep I understand and drag and drop the images so be very careful about the image rights etc but you've got access to that in there as well so the image handling is nothing short of amazing now I did promise before we went although we're still going our way there's people crying waiting for me to stop links you need to know about links do you need an account to those sites to use them I do have an account for some of them but in here it doesn't seem you do I would imagine it's using the API and the call what's going through to it it's just indicating it's going from affinity publisher and it's doing it that way I do have an account for one of them pixabay but not the other two and it's letting me use images so no I don't think you do for that right let's get rid of that that's subtly delete all the dogs you know what I'll leave them there because I want to move on to a different one now to show you links let's show you a link let's imagine in here suspend your disbelief right that I want to put a link to Mike's email and my email and when we send this file out by it via PDF people can click send us an email there's also in there if you notice mention of a web site there so I will copy that like that you can here now couldn't this was added you can go down to here and go interactive and say insert our hyperlink you need to specify the type of link so it's a page link an anchor link a URL a file or an email obviously in this case it's a URL you put the URL in and you can specify a style so you don't have to have a style we'll leave it at the hyperlink style and click OK and that changes the color and makes it underlined so you now have a clickable link which will be clickable if I take that out to be a PDF so links are your friend are your friend let's go to that one mayor do the same again text in no interactive inserts hyperlink what kind female link what's the email address it's my email okay and now when that is put out they'll be able to send it to me so that was links but I did promise didn't I do I need to show you how to export do you know how to export what I will do in terms of exporters command option shift & S or file export and it will take you into this dialog box it's nowhere near the export persona of designer which needs to be completely different but I will choose in there 400 I will choose pages I'm not sure if this is my final one or the one I've been demoing and I'm good to go so it's calculating the size gonna be pretty hefty I'd imagine with all the images that I've got in it and then export it and I will put that on the desktop so it has a good think about it it's working out compression it's working out everything else you'll notice there were no errors I have seen errors it will report to you whether you have overflowing text and things like that but there was no errors on that one and it's done it's on my desktop and there it is so let me open that up this looks like the one I edited it's got green on it in all kinds other things but if we go to this one there is the link to the website so click that and it's opened up on my other page fact is it gone there we go and that one will probably don't click that they'll open up my email to close it oh hello undress your knight you you very late an hour forty one we've been going but we're not finished yet no because we've done that now this is just pure alchemy and magic this next bit I will finish on this one before I would say forged Alec but it was dark hours ago right let's go to publisher and let's use this file as an example can we do this one I think we probably could let's tidy it up a bit let's get rid of some of this stuff we've been playing around with let's get rid of it let's make that back to blue before I get shot for using the wrong color do we have a file we do we do we've got a great file there that's the final file so I'm gonna save that file now I'm also cuz I have no idea where I saved that I don't know why do you let me see if it's in my demo folder hmm it is I think I've saved it over the wrong one but nevermind right that's my file my affinity publisher file and it is timed and dated right now that's the file that file is local on my hard drive here it does not need to be there not for this next bit of magic it doesn't so I'm going up to my Google Drive doesn't need to be there either it needs to be a best place for it at this stage is iCloud Drive with in iCloud Drive probably affinity designer now I have no idea if I've got that in there already we'll find out it was called precedence wasn't it so if I type presentation no we're all right we're all right so I am going to take that and I am going to pop it into the affinity designer folder right if I type in prayers and now there it is and it's uploading it it's quite hefty it's a hundred and twenty odd mag so it'll take its sweet time to upload but while it's strutting it's tough I can show you some things I can show you much equality does it stuff let's move some of this stuff I wonder if anybody watching on the video still alive but I know you're still here alive so that's absolutely fine right I've got this here let me do my multicam magic let me get my webcam on there we are there's the outputs the outputs on the wrong screen got to love tech let's get the output on the right screen you can see my lovely poppy plate hey that's my router that's my wireless thing alright go on perfect right alright I am moving this I am bringing it over here and there it is there is the final printed copy came back today so let me yeah can you see it over the light that's not bad is it alright let's move that over that's what it all look like print it out there it is that was printed to a PDF and then printed to a printer from there so you can see that is pretty accurate look it lines up perfectly I was amazed I was absolutely amazed so well we're uploading let's just so I look at the finished product there we go right how are we done at this point cuz that will be going back to that in a minute alright let's get that off are you done oh you done you've uploaded marvelous alright let's get you out of the way now who wants to see some magic let me know how do you bring up the unsplash you go to let me let me show you let me show you publisher you go to view you go down to studio you go down to stock and you're on splash your pixels and your pixabay are in there okay so magic we wanted magic didn't we let's do some magic right I am starting the magic right now I need to go into there and it's complaining all right let's do that let's do some magic hello iPad hello iPad there's my iPad right let's make this big so you can see it although it does have a nasty little habit from rescaling itself denoise me but you won't be told right that's my iPad obviously I do not have publisher publisher for iPad does not exist that's not a problem though brace yourselves you can edit your publisher files today on the iPad if you have designer or photo so I will go into designer that's why I uploaded it to iCloud so it's having to think about it no files in here yet you might notice if you've used this before the interface is shrunk the idea is it now works on the iPad Mini that's why the interface is shrunk so I'm tapping that plus in the top right hand corner and I want to import from the cloud I can either import or I can open from the cloud probably safest to important though so tap on import and I have all kinds of stuff in here but you know that I put that in the affinity designer folder which has got quite a lot of stuff in it so I can search for it as well it was called presidents I've got no look at all let me Elvis Presley stuff in there the lot but where's my president's thing here we go president someday where I forgot more than one oh no which is which oh the original original luckily I know it's that one because I can tell from the time now this has got to download 140 Meg that we've just up worked you don't the other one right is it coming it is indeed affinity publisher for iPad will be with us in 2020 or according to affinity it will be so it's absolute is coming they already confirm that they confirmed that yesterday but you will need to know the trick to edit it right now so let's download this and let's see about what you can do to edit it there is one little gotcha and I don't know why they haven't mentioned this little gotcha but hopefully we'll see the little gotcha and then I'll be able to explain how to fix it right I am going to be wrapping up shortly scene as though we've been going for an hour and 48 and people are looking at the video and thinking nobody could talk that long for affinity about a Finnish publisher something is I probably could talk a lot longer but never mind so put your questions in there and I will deal with questions when we finished downloading this etc etc my internet connection is pretty fast I think it's iCloud and the fact that I'm broadcasting that's upsetting it but it's going and it's got 19 mics so not too long to go we are almost there this up is definitely worth investigating it is I'm in terms of Kanak replace InDesign today that depends on what you do with InDesign and what I mean by that is if you have specific pre-press requirements or you have to bundle something up or you know you do something very specific with it maybe it's not quite there yet but I would say to you stay with it they've worked miracles with it in the last 10 months while it's in beta so the future is bright plus the fact you've got this studio link now where you can it will just save so much time that you don't have to take the images out to edit them and bring them back in on all of that you it's just there that is the new interface oh come on you're having a rare old think here aren't you getting there getting that should have picked a smaller file but hey since you can open a publisher file can you start one - great question you could on your iPad away from the office start working on something in designer and you could then get back to the office and you could open that designer file in publisher and it becomes a publication I have actually done that I could show you that if you like I could show you that data merge which is an essential for me I was so disappointed when that wasn't there I only wanted two things the links and data merge scripting would be very useful but data merge is an absolute essential as far as I'm concerned for getting rid of InDesign but as I said from day one of the beta I use this in anger including I will I will go crazy and I will go for the two-hour mark and I will show you a file that started life in InDesign was exported as a PDF was edited in affinity designer for two years and then taken from affinity designer into affinity publisher sent for printing and printed and I've got a printed copy in front of me right we've got a problem there that font isn't on the iPad but apart from that it has opened but here's the trick if we look I can only see one page where's the rest and that's the problem that's the little gotcha you need to go to other document menu which is the one with the document in the three dots in top left hand corner you need to choose pages down the bottom and when you do that you have an extra little menu here at the bottom that says page 1 and page 2 and three and four and five and six and seven so if I found that I had a problem and obviously I have got a problem because I'm some fonts missing but apart from that if I'd found that let's have a look it was one of these there was definitely one of there we go our gin night I'm teetotal believe it or not but if you wanted to make a change to the price there anything Australia and it knows all those in Australia it's this one that warmer I could go in and I could edit that if I needed to so um I could do that on my iPad and as I say you've just meant that's a brilliant question which is can you start life on here and transfer it across and the answer is you can so just show you the rest of those pages there so yes you could edit any of that that needed editing you could add things to it take things away from it whatever you needed to do and then when you've done transfer it back and carry on working with it so that was that bit of magic right let's close that down unlike show you this lusting so let's get that out of the way I'm ninjas are power power user data mode pre press multi profile printing yeah I remember version one of InDesign I remember buying a book about it and looking at the interface and thinking this doesn't do much does it it definitely needed a little bit of work but obviously it's matured in the last 21 years I don't think it's going to take sorry for finiti that long I think they will get there um it doesn't support plugins at the moment whether that's on the roadmap I'm not quite sure but let me show you the sad sorry tale of the file that started life in InDesign and I can actually show you we still got the webcam on here on another screen I will show you the final thing this one will probably blow your mind given where it was printed so let me in here go show you something we have the Munich brochure all right you will notice in here there's two copies of this there is the designer document and there is publisher this was the one that finally went off for printing but this one started life in InDesign and became a PDF and I just wondered if I could open it this is a couple of years ago our theme is 2007 2000 2017 I think it was I just wondered if I could open a PDF and see it and I could and that was document it opened it up with an artboard for each page of the PDF so bear in mind this came from InDesign it was then a PDF and it was then transferred into here and there was all of the pages and I did what I needed to do with it and I sent it off for printing as a pressure reading PDF but then and let's see if I can actually do it with this file so I'm gonna close that file down minimize that let's get that out of the way what I did with it with this file was I said open with publisher and I wondered what it would make of it George convert to spreads sounds like a good idea okay and I ended up pages are the wrong way around but I ended up with an affinity publisher document that I could work with oh wow the pages came in backwards right so we're looking at the end one first but it came in what I did with it then right so that was my starting point remember InDesign PDF finisher designer finally publisher and this was my finished copy of that which is a dedicated publisher file and my front cover is on the front cover my next page is there and as we go down this isn't in the original all these edits that you're looking at now were made in affinity publisher in January this year these are the pages I actually added in four extra pages and everything got really tada restyled in here started life in InDesign it went via PDF to designer for two years and then it landed in here as you can see it's now twelve pages from here it went back out to a print-ready PDF let me see if I can find where you can actually see it let me see if it's that it's there somewhere it's there on that website somewhere so somewhere we've got photos I will show you I might not be able to find it on there oh no I'll ruin the demo but nevermind I'll show you the finished product so what we're looking at there let's get my webcam back which is there there it is that's the other one that I had on the table I thought I might show you there it is and that one's printed much thicker but there it is and the reason that this one is so special I didn't print this this went off for printing to Manchester United a Manchester United printed it for us we run the Munich Memorial at Manchester United twice a year to remember the players who died in the Munich air crash in 1958 and we make the brochure and we send it off to Manchester United and they print it for us I don't think they know that they printed something from affinity publisher but they did right what's the PDF to publish a font support like does it on a line brace and I found it perfect I've not had any problems with it with the stuff I've imported your mileage may vary I I reckon it's going to depend on the font etc etc right so that's it for the demo before now 58 oh it's unbelievable right let's do a very quick recap loads and loads and loads of features we started off looking at the actual making of a new file we went through the formats the styles the frames the characters the paragraphs we looked at freebie images that we can get right from within site publisher we looked at removing the interface with ctrl + W boom interface disappeared tab takes away the rest of the interface you will be needing to go and have a look at this from affinity serif com let me know in the chat if you're with me live have you got all of these apps affinity publisher marks the the third of the trilogy and we've waited a long time for it it was worth the wait it is cross-platform and if you join me late it is going to come to iPad in 2020 I have got a load of videos a ton of videos on affinity products on YouTube so subscribe to my channel slash Neil angels the one you will want to watch first is that one if you've not seen it which was the beta one but I've done videos for every product they've released so we've got affinity designer for iPad for desktop I've done photo I've done photo for the iPad I've done some dedicated ones which is working with color in affinity photo and affinity designer everything that's in both of those is just as applicable to publisher and I will do one on color in publisher but those are the applications that will change your design life no joke no joke affinity are amazing and the work that they're doing is amazing so thank you for being with me if I just hold on for another six seconds we've done two hours so let's hold on for those six seconds and let's just do that I hope you have enjoyed that if you have let me know contact me or leave me the thumbs up give me a thumbs up let me know that you you liked that tutorial and contact me let me know what you want to see and I will do I will do that I love training it's what I do and I really enjoy it so thank you very much for being with me if you have being with me live we're going off into Q&A now but but blissfully for people on the replay I might edit the video at this point and spare you the rest of it now we're into the third hour but on the other hand I might not in which case you just have to press stop so I'm gonna go quiet for a little bit of a fraction of a second so I can get the Eddie toads probably better if I hadn't have told you that wouldn't it but never mind if you're heading off now I'll see you next time but if you're still with me right give me some questions give me some questions I'm glad you enjoyed it ah I'm getting some positive feedback that's fantastic excellent excellent oh and some likes as well thank you for that right so is anybody got any more questions Oh did two hours did blow your mind you are all very very very welcome right who wants to see one on coloring affinity publisher might as well do the third one I've done the other two it's all about different color palettes one of the problems that people said on the initial release of publisher and photo and designer was that it didn't have its own color thing going on and I thought you're right and it's pretty primitive because it's hanging off the system and I looked into it it's amazing it's amazing it blew my mind when Mike watch - he went I had no idea and the working with color in affinity photo is the my most pinned video I have no idea why that one let's just put that up so you're not staring at my desktop um I have no idea why that one but it's pinnable people love it so we've got one one call for that already okay yeah two calls for that okay tell you what I'll do that next that will be my next video there you go but I need a little bit of a rest you've seen all those socials we've done we've got two busy weeks coming up but after that there you go do I know if serif are planning to add pub export I have no clue one of the problems with this initial release for people who are trying to use it or trying to transition from InDesign is that the InDesign integrations not there yet I mean you saw it with the word file it was absolutely perfect but unfortunately in terms of InDesign it's not quite there yet but they have said that they are that you know next on their roadmap is getting it to open InDesign files etc and support for other files really up to them they do listen to requests so it's worth tweeting them it's worth putting in a ticket I did that within a couple of days of the beta coming out and I said I need links I can't do this without links I I need to use good grief I need to use keynote if I've not got links and they said okay we're aware of that let's see how many of us say the same so I'm whipping up support yes please tell them that we want links and they did and it took them maybe three months it was very rudimentary and primitive when it first came in but you know what it worked it's much more polished now but for me if it's a print tool no you don't need the links but if you're making interactive PDFs you certainly do and they added that so I think I know you mean epub for Kindle etc it's one of the things people are demanding so hopefully they will expand what that can do I agree with you I I was expecting an export persona in the ilk of a designer and I kept thinking in the beta it will come it will come it will come and it didn't so I'm hoping for a full export persona and they already know that Kindle export and iBooks export and all of the digital formats are critical they are aware of that and I think that alongside the InDesign integration is going to be their focus as well as making the iPad version as well I do not see all the demo what's the clipping path support like amazing I didn't do all of that but it is amazing you can certainly clip to all kinds of things I tell you what let's have a look at it [Music] frantically thinking how I can demo that quickly all right you can hear it's got a new file start a new file one of the things you can do in terms of shapes we've seen that one quite a lot haven't we have another shape no we need something spectacular let's do a star one right that's just a shape at that point it's smart in that you can go in here and you medet this count I think what you're supposed to be able to read Lisa come on Wyatt there we go yeah you can do all of that but at the moment it isn't doing much else is it and but you can do magic things with that so I want to put one up there duplicate that down there and show you the first thing you can do right click on that and you've got you convert to curves as you would expect but you've also got convert to a picture frame and convert to a text frame so now you've got a star-shaped text frame so we could literally put in there the quick brown fox lazy jog there we go and you know I didn't even have to do that what you can do when you've got a frame is go to text insert filler text and it will do it for you mine fitted better but there you go and this one up here that I've turned into a picture thing you can there let's go get a picture why did my Finder window go what clothes do it not wasn't clever of me wasn't my job have finished the demo I'm in my defense all right let's go and get my data my data is the president's sunday pickies let's just randomly pick one let's pick all the cake one this we went out and we had some cake so I'm dragging and dropping an image and it will clip it into that and you've got all of the same options you've got your zooms so let's get it there you've got this to drag it around you can get it all in there you can even do that and carry on editing it it's amazing now in terms of the original question which was clipping you can one of the things they showed you on this demo which was pretty stunning let's get rid of that yeah pencil let's do that you can even draw your own shapes if you want some weird shape so say we wanted to I'm not going to say this is Wales because it looks nothing like Wales but if that was sort of an island or whatever you can turn that into a frame as well so you can basically clip to anything so hopefully that gives you an idea just how powerful it is let's go back to that mul carry on answering questions right many scripts written for InDesign use grep styles a lot and talking to you that well grep is already in there let's see what it can do with the Stars and stuff I will have a look at that and they are aware of that and they took the time to add that and I remember saying to Mike I can't believe they've added grep capabilities and there are no footnotes and endnotes in it not that I particularly use footnotes and endnotes but that's not the point it was I thought the grep would be far more difficult to add but they did add it designers export personas took awhile to understand I love it I was using sketch at the time and what I loved about it was in fact if we go a little bit back further than that I was using fireworks who remembers up Doby fireworks they bought it from Macromedia and killed it I was not pleased I had a script this script was 6,000 lines long and all it did was export my artwork but 10 different sizes that was it when I came to sketch sketch allowed me to create an artboard and then export that as many times as I like in different sizes and I loved it but sketch went activated per seat and I thought I want to use my software where I want to use it and to be honest I'm glad that I moved but I moved I switched to a furniture designer and I struggled like heck with the export persona thinking this makes no sense at all but like you are persevered with it I adore it I could not live without it the export persona is nothing short of stunning in designer if you don't understand it and you'd like a session on that let me know because I love talking about that that that's my favorite feature absol we love it tagging and script labeling would be half it would and I'm sure it will come this as they said yesterday this is their words not mine it is absolutely only the start and the way they've gone when you think four years ago they released their first Mac based product because before that they did do play page plus I actually knew about serif in 1994 1992 to 1994 when I was on a PC and I won a competition in a magazine and a Warner copy of page plus I think and they're one of their other apps and I thought it's a really good app but when they started bringing this stuff out for the market was unbelievable and obviously now it's cross platform which these days it needs to be who nobody really cares anymore what your platform is I've got a Windows machine I've got a virtual machine Mike's got a surface so he actually edited that president Sunday thing this morning hasn't even bought the Mac version yet he installed the version that he did bring by on his surface and he took the file with him in fact because the sharing is so shocking on iCloud we actually piggy back to our files on Google Drive and we worked on the files together right just a photo plus pub that's all you want is it that's it that's absolutely oh your wife right snores I'm interested tell me more tell me more it's your toriel explaining all of the overwhelming number of typography would be very welcome okay I will make sure that I have a note of that the typography stunning and linking in with the styles as you saw where you can do layouts there was one little demo I didn't have the chance to do it and I actually pointed out to you that the first word of every stave was in capitals the style can even handle that so I could do styles and text couldn't I that would be a good one okay oh good sweetie I'm glad you're excited have you bought it yet fireworks and freehand our fireworks was amazing it wasn't for print it didn't have a print option it was Macromedia made it to make web graphics and it was amazing at what it did adobe bend it and they they now make oh what's it called XD and it's for interface design but no fireworks was best do you know do you think that when iPad or US comes out furniture will have multiple windows like the desktop I'd imagine they would because I'm assuming that supported at system level if you want to see that in action right now even without upgrading to the iPad OS you can see it with Ulysses Ulysses is already doing that way you can open multiple windows to give you two views of the same document or compare two documents or compare a document you're working on and the preview of it and it is fabulous as many tutorials as I care to show you okay then I can do that I can do that an export persona demo will be fantastic okay I have demoed that a couple of times what I've not done is actually just do an export demo if I add it with something else we end up at two hours thirteen and we're still going so yeah I can do an export persona I use that every week to do graphics and export them at different sizes but it's stunningly powerful it's just not very accessible okay glad you could be with us Royston not surprised you've got to go I'll have to go shortly it is a good app nails it it really is I think affinity affinity publisher feels like the glue that's glued the three apps together to become a sweet I mean that they said a studio they use the word studio and I thought that's the first time I've never actually heard them say affinity studio but it really is a studio a suite now it is couldn't wait you own them all so did it so do I intend to buy this one twice for crying out loud in fact three times because I've got the Windows version as well they sorted me out with a Windows version free hundreds way before your time free hand was around in the 80s I think I didn't use free hand too much I used to coreldraw which incidentally is now available for the Mac before you get excited it's around 500 pounds a year it's subscription it's hideous it's so expensive um I think maybe the 500 is a purchasable one it was let me think oh I know it was 1899 a month just for one app hideous does this app support color profiles on separation spot color it eats color stuff I think so I think so we don't quote me I think so I think I didn't see it there because I didn't choose the mode that had that active I think it does I'd have to check though properly can you preview I'll G beacon or CMYK I believe you can again I stuck with RGB only because I was printing out myself the one that went off to Manchester United was CMYK that was printed off that some bureau or other via their print department can you make a video for beginners and for advances I can certainly do that and check out the one the video that I did for the beta there was a lot of stuff in there that took you through from the very beginning and I think what would be better I mean what happened with this one was I thought oh it's out that day I'll do it the day after that's what I'll do and I started getting deeper and deeper into it thinking how am I going to squeeze this into a dome over there's so much to see I think it would be a good idea if I took a project I've actually took you through making an entire project from the very beginning how to make the initial setup how to edit the setup that so I could do project-based demos that will probably work well do you need three apps you do if you want the full integration between them that was what I was talking about when I talked about this studio link I'm not sure what you'd see if you didn't have the two other apps installed I'm guessing you'd see that message that asked you to purchase them so you would have a certain basic well you'd have all of the publisher tools but if you didn't have designer or so you wouldn't be able to switch modes and then just edit seamlessly all of them at the moment so it's not just publisher that's got 20% off at the moment they all have so everything that serif cell is 20% off right now so now would be a very good time to buy the others if you don't already have them they are 20% off in all of the app stores and they're 20% off direct from serif so now is a very good time to buy I intend to head off to their store tomorrow and look at the fonts and assets that they have I buy those and then I use them in demos can make a video yard on that one that's what I got for updates the other raps ok so do we have any more questions the chats been lovely tonight and great you've been chatting away yep I mentioned that at the beginning that's exactly what happened to me it said it wasn't installed it needs to be 1.7.1 and what happened was they they put that in the App Store they had it ready to go yesterday but when I did my update before I bought publisher it wasn't the right version I needed the version that was released after they've released publisher so make sure wherever you've bought it from you are up to date with one point seven point one and then you shouldn't see that message what are your thoughts on Photoshop for iPad even though it's not released yet do you think a vintage photo for iPod will still with leagues add I actually do because what happened with affinity was they already had a full suite of apps and some of the developers went to the management and with a vision and they said last night what we've got now is the beginning of that vision what Adobe keep doing is changing their mind and they don't seem to have a vision it just seems to be can we get Photoshop on the iPad and they're not taking into account that the iPad has a different interface and a different ideology a different way of working they're not going back to the drawing board and starting again affinity did do that their vision is incredibly clear they have said in the past that the applications share 80% of their code and that makes for fast development so I think it will still be leagues ahead from what I recall won't you also need a subscription for all of the features on iPad so I think you finish em Adobe need to come into the real world with the rest of us I also tend to avoid subscription software although having said that there are some exceptions I pay for Ulysses on subscription and what else do I have on subscription I have a Microsoft Office on subscription because office is if you consider that the storage space you get on onedrive would be X price then the price that that storage would be anywhere else means that you get office for free so I don't mind paying a subscription for office because I think it's good value but when you consider your office subscription I pay 48 pounds a year for office and 6 terabytes of storage my Adobe subscription is 600 Nod pounds and I don't get anything like the utility from it so it's going as soon as I can get rid of it yes you do need to open them my mine was twofold I needed the very latest versions and I needed to open them but I thought it was worth putting in the presentation at the beginning because I'm I saw people on Twitter playing holy heck that they couldn't get it working and I thought well you need to update and they need to run it should have a baby roll do you know what John I didn't even get invited to the launch yesterday I think that's shocking me hey yeah but I did sit here with my feet up and a magnum ice cream while I watched it so I thought well at least you comfortable I think the shared file format was the main vision and it has enabled it to leverage the rest can I be used as a Pages document but you know I was going to try that I was going to try that and I didn't get a chance let's see if it will let's get a text frame on here let's share the desktop again and let's see if it will take a page eise file well let's get rid of that let's get a text frame in there I'm reckoning naught but I will show you a way to do it and I will show you a way to do it so I've got my text frame there next I need a pages file so let's make only one new one a new blank wall and just a first speed I'll go and get the text of a Christmas carol not only is a Christmas carol a fabulous book but at 26 thousand words it's manageable for demonstrations so I will go and get a few paragraphs of text and put that in here so this is going to be when I finished format shocking this will be I will put on my desktop no desktop desktop right I'll call it Xmas that's a native pages file so let's see if I go to file place will it place it my money's on no no it's dimmed out it won't but here's what you could do you've got two options from pages one option is file export to and choose word because we know it will do that so if I export that put that on the desktop while we're at it call that X must that be fine another thing you could do is now you would do this if you were bothered in the slightest about the format that's shocking oh I can't look at that it's bad all right let's make it a veneer and let's make it a bit bigger so can actually read it and should we make it a color as well mmm there we go right if I export that as a PDF and we'll put that on the desktop we'll call that X missus well so we've got all different formats we go back in here we should then be able to place the word file so that's the word file I put on my desk and I can't see the Open button right so it's open that so yep that's worked and that's all I disabled etc let's undo that and let's see if we can place the PDF there it is that's the PDF can't see it's the PDF but if it's blue hey it's the PDF and there we go so we've got nothing let's squeeze that down and there's the PDF so a couple of ways to get it in from pages if that's what you need to do right let's get back to those questions ooh where am i right unfortunate pounds a year for office is it on the website no it's not what I do is I go to Amazon and every couple of months Black Friday sale for sure February time and I think I lost saw it around May they have they have a daily deal section and every two to three months they have office in a box on office subscription for 48 pounds you get in the box a little code and you just apply that to your Microsoft account the normal price of that is something like 80 pounds a year but I get it for almost half just keep your eye out on Amazon for an offer on the box with the code in it they will send you an empty box with a piece of paper in it it's criminal and you just redeem it and you get it really cheap why not a complete switch to affinity right now curious you still need Adobe it's the odd item and it's definitely not worth the subscription one issue I've got is all the files that I've got from the last 20 odd years which I just haven't had a time to convert obviously a Finity photo will open photos Photoshop files and designer will open illustrator files the InDesign files are more of an issue I also have used over the years Adobe Audition for audio editing so we don't as yet who knows what they've got planned we don't as yet have video editing software from affinity or audio editing software and I was using that I have since switched my audio editing and ein was never a really a big user of Premiere to start with so basically the only thing that's left is InDesign and as soon as I can I will and when you click the other personas are you in 50% to photo or designer or a hundred percent um well your menu says affinity publisher but everything else that you work with is a hundred percent of the other app that's what was so amazing about it can affinity publisher import word character styles or character styles now it doesn't port styles I guess so I haven't checked it to that level but you know what I'm liking the idea of doing a thing about styles and text so that's one of the things that I can check for that I love so you check that for you ah Paul you late will you manage the replay where are we at with the replay we are two hours 26 in Oh fabulous we got a bit carried away Paul we had a fabulous fabulous time wouldn't now be a good time to mention we've also got an after-hours tomorrow night amazing windows amok I suppose you can use the same file you can yes I did that today that file that we looked up that president Sunday one with all of the photos in it started life on my Mac I made a PDF of it but in case there was any changes needed when I sent it to Mike who was taking it for printing I said to him here's the PDF I've created and here's the original file he put it on his surface and there were two changes he wanted to make so he made the changes on his Windows machine recreated the PDF and it went off for print it's exactly 100% compatible between Windows and the Mac the only issue we stumbled across and that was because it was a surface and not a main desktop machine was it didn't have the fonts on it so what I then did was packaged up the fonts for him and he installed the fonts on his surface and then he was good to go you saw on the iPad when I did that bit of magic and that there was a font missing but you can install any fonts you need straight within designer on your iPad or photo and you wouldn't then have that problem so yes it is a hundred percent of the same file so so far we've had requests for color in affinity publisher we've had styles and text and affinity publisher export persona anything else let me know let me know I will be planning the autumn stuff sooner rather than later so let me know performance difference compared to InDesign like they advertise um let me think I would say they all the affinity apps work great the only time I've ever seen a slowdown is when I have created a designer file with hundreds and hundreds of file of artboards in it and the reason that I've done that is because I wanted to do with a sort of semi mail merge thing I done pages for like a bullet journal I find InDesign quite clunky and slow but my biggest complaint with InDesign is the clunkiness of it I always find with affinity applications it's logical and even if I don't particularly know the shortcut key for something I'll try it and it'll it feels like a native mock-up whereas I find InDesign does not but I appreciate InDesign is incredibly powerful and publisher it might be 90% of the way there it's going to depend if the ninety percent of the way there it is is the ninety percent you use if the majority of your work is the ten percent that it can't do then no you're not going to be able to switch just yet well the industry of duct tape will be freelancers studios are going to be the big problem whether they will or not in the end well maybe they will come round to the beauty of you own it and you don't need to be concerned about licensing things forever in a day maybe maybe I just find InDesign very very very clunky it's very powerful but very clunky that's why that file the Munich one that went off to Manchester United that's why I wanted it out of InDesign but I did feel it was a little bit too soon for me to try and get it out of InDesign it was a Ponce I decided I was going to make the press ready PDF and then just try and open it in designer and I was amazed when it worked and as I said for two years I've edited it in designer and made of print-ready PDF and this year I said to Mike when it when it came out in beta I said oh it's going to be out by February it's going to be fabulous I'll redesign the whole thing and February was coming nearer and nearer and nearer and it wasn't out and I said I don't know if I dare send this to print I mean if I was printing it fine but you know I'm sending it to the retro graphics department at Manchester United I can't have a mistake and I thought it would be insane to try doing it in a beta and I thought I'll just see if it'll open it hey you know how you are I'll just try a little bit and I did and it opened it and I went some I just said to Mike I'm moving it and he went this has got to go to pressing in in two days and I said I know what I'm moving it and I did and everything just came together very very quickly whereas I think with InDesign it wouldn't it wouldn't and as a PDF tool will you saw that I had imported it as a PDF and it came in completely editable it was nothing short of amazing I can just show you before we go you will see something else let's let's see something else this that we've gotten in here in fact let me do another file let me do oh no no I don't want you no no no not you another one of these right that is a new file there's nothing there at all if I go back and hopefully I've got a PDF of the Munich brochure and you know what actually haven't I were you swine I've got one of President Sunday let's have a look at that I have the program for president Sunday as a PDF there it is oh no not you I'm trying to get this full screen the other monitors bigger that's the problem let's move it across here and try that that's the president somebody file it is a PDF at the top there it says it's a PDF there's all the pages now obviously it started life in publisher but let's just leave it all right leave that alone it's a PDF it doesn't matter if I go into here and I go to file place and I go and choose that PDF so let me just hook into that folder so it's the president's on day program PDF and open it up it's loaded it into the cursor at which point I can draw out where I would like that now obviously I've got a font issue there but that font was very dicey to start with very dicey issue you've got with that is where's the rest of it there were eight paint no there were twelve pages where's the rest of it well when you've got your move tool selected and you look at your context-sensitive toolbar up here you have different pages under there or all of the pages so the support for PDF is a fabulous that was what enabled me to be able to go in and edit that file that came from indesign via PDF or via designer into publisher and get it off to print so I did that that's great as far as I'm concerned right where we up to now performance differences in a script I did do two months in design market will respawn at that straight I'm surprised in a way they didn't leave release until then they must have something else going on that they picked this point which can only be good for the rest of us open some package how it works how it works that's great bill let me know how it works we've had a rare old night tonight chatting and loads and loads and loads of demo so let's keep up this dialogue and let's let's share how we're working with it that's what we should do now if anybody is interested I'm sure Paul will be interested um how did you guys find me tonight was it a male via my mailing list was it by a YouTube or do you just know me how did you find it on Twitter let me know let me know because I also do another show on a Friday night I do about two hours we do demos of all Mike stuff it's Mac things affinity publisher will get a mention tomorrow but it won't be all about that but if if you have a play with it tonight pop in for five minutes tomorrow on my channel and just let me know how you got on with it it's much it's it's less it's a nice tutorial e more chatty we just basically have a Friday night party it's what we do and on my Friday night part so pop in to let me know how you getting on I haven't explained how the handle upgrades upgrades they charge a flat fee you pay the price which is thirty eight ninety ninety day or thirty nine ninety nine dollars and you don't pay again until version two every time they have a new release they have put the price down by 20% that's been historically what they've done and that's why it's that price the proper price is third forty eight 99 or $49.99 that's so eights got twenty percent off at the moment upgrades it's going to be it's interesting because they have to humble people who have bought via the App Store as well as via their own store so I think that's why they give just a ballpark twenty percent off to everybody well it's the best way to contact me you can contact me via my email you should my I'm also on Twitter my email is Elaine G at Rose way Charles duck code at UK which you saw before but there's a contact form on my website so Elaine Giles doc code at UK and just fill in the phone yep Twitter email Facebook habit now leave Facebook alone with the messages because I'm useless with it I'll pop in every six months and think oh oh somebody sent me a message I'm not good with Facebook but I am on LinkedIn I'm on Twitter I am on email I am on YouTube get me all those ways yeah you're saying that everything up to versions will be free yep they've already stated that that's their policy for four years they've been giving us free updates to designer and they're at 1.7 with that I'm quite happy to throw money at them just keep them going they also announced yesterday if you missed it at the point they released the beta of publisher they had a million users worldwide and they announced last night that in the last 10 months that's gone to 2 million I do hope Adobe a worried oh you search for diffident finish your publisher found it live in that case drowned the witch you need to go back and check the other video that I did the one for the beta there was a load more stuff on that and you've got a mail alert that's good that's good the last map by its live so you were with us for that poll that's excellent he thought it was the original one oh wow no this has been the update one engine used to it all I'm glad you watch the affinity life the affinity life was well worth watching I know he's had a lady with somebody on here before who was saying I've no sound and I had no sound at the beginning dear best live video you've ever seen thank you very much that's that's wonderful to hear means a lot that I went in and I checked my comments the other day and sometimes you honestly wish that you haven't the wall at the top said very annoying voice and I thought thanks for that did you enjoy the tutorial so I went down the list and there was another one and he said absolutely fabulous love your voice and I just burst out laughing everybody's taste apparently but I'm glad that you're here with me and I'm glad that you've enjoyed it I thought my comments do give me a laugh at times they keep me grounded put it like that how many machines gonna use a half one user license um good question bill right if it's if you've bought it from the App Store Apple's policy is as long as you're logged in with your Apple account you can have it on as many as you like I'm not sure what Microsoft's store policy is but that's Apple store policy from affinity they give you a license and you need to verify that license at the point of install I would imagine there is a cut-off point where they get a little bit concerned how many activations there are on it but I have no idea what point that is that was why much earlier I said we're not when I have an app that's mission critical to me mission critical to me I am prepared to buy it direct from the developer and in the app store and my rationale for that is for buy it direct from the developer I get the fastest updates but if I have an emergency where I need to get it installed now and I've got a problem with the licensing maybe the licensing server isn't working then I can install it via the store and that's what I do there's very few apps I do that with one traditionally has been ScreenFlow because obviously in my game I use that a lot one is Camtasia that's what I've switched to and the other is the affinity apps those are the ones that I do that with I have actually been forced to move warn out of the App Store because it stopped working and that one was called pro audio converter so there literally is maybe four apps but I do that with but for me it's worth it but I think it has been said any Mac any computer you own but then I guess that depends if you like mic working at a company with 65,000 I think that'll it be a little bit upset with that it's per person can you see a finitary live now you can if you search YouTube for a 50 live there is a replay available it's about 45 minutes they've not got the land that we've got we're heading into 2 hours 45 minutes but it was very good it was definitely worth seeing one user any of the users computers that's what they say they do I'm wondering at what points that would be a problem but they certainly at the moment not had much of a problem with it I've never had an issue with it well I have had an issue with with Scrivener their licensing server wouldn't verify my license but they did let me carry on using the application but it's a minefield these days and if I see somebody selling stuff via pebble I start to panic because pad will have their own licensing service and the developer has to tell them how many activations etc and I at times have had to contact developers to get them to get puddle to reactivate a license that that's being terminated love your voice your English thank you very much I appreciate that yep it is available I think he's available on their site as well how long did it take you to learn oh well I got the beter as soon as it came out last August I've used it since but all of this new stuff that came out I got my hands on it at four o'clock yesterday four o'clock yesterday and I work till about four o'clock in the morning trying everything making sure it was working and that file that you see that president's on day one I actually made that I've still got that showing haven't I did the entire file while I was prepping the session that's what I did so it doesn't take long if you've I think it's cumulative when I very first starting DTP I haven't got a clue what anything was as you learn there's this feature there's text on a path and there's frames and there's this and there's that you start with the next application looking for it and it's easier so it's faster for me probably than somebody starting out but only because I've got years of experience with other applications that do a similar job do I have a ScreenFlow tutorial I absolutely do I do it's on my channel I've got two I think one was for version seven and one was Freight so there's a couple of tutorials on there that was a Marmite tutorial that would and the last one I did on ScreenFlow people either loved it or loathed it I have no idea why one person said they didn't like the intro at the beginning because it was too long and I thought the intro at the beginning was like all of four minutes and it was explaining why you might want to buy it this way or that way you love it or loathe it apparently but yes there is a whole tutorial there on that I'm thinking did I do one on come to Asia I talked about why I've switched to come Taser on laughs I'm at Vice after I was there is a playlist on my youtube channel called my advice after I was if you look at the running order underneath the video it will tell you which ones you know what you contact me on Twitter didn't you ping me on Twitter and I'll ping you a link back to the tutorial added about Camtasia and why I switched and there's two tutorials on ScreenFlow as well I tend to buy via the App Store just pure convenience of it yeah and the family sharing I don't use family sharing I had a look at it and you couldn't share in-app purchases which was a bit of a downer for me but we decided we just keep everything separate so my can i buy separate licenses yeah I think I don't think there's a freelancer on the planet who doesn't love affinity if only for the fact they've poked Adobe and Adobe he now have to shift themselves rather than sitting on my laurels but I know very many people use it because they're you know if your outputs print-ready PDF it works fantastically it really works amazingly Scrivener tutorial don't let Scrivener to Scrivener tutorial done to did Scrivener version 3 when it came out and I did the iOS version the day that came out because I was on the beta program so I was able to do it very early so what you need to do is go to my channel and just search for Scrivener and you'll find the man you've got skills I'm very I'm very lucky I have a job that I absolutely adore I didn't always have a job that I adored some of you will know what my job was before and I did not enjoy my job I went all through school and came out of school and I had two choices I I was thinking of doing the law under my mother said to me she was the first female computer programmer in the UK and back in the fifties and she said I think you should work with computers and I said I think I should be a lawyer guess what mum was right I went to London to read law I went on and did a post-grad at Oxford I then went on to a the College of Law in Chester and I became a lawyer and I was a lawyer for two to three years and I hated every second of it and mum was right so I recall if I'd as a microsoft certified systems engineer' and then the technical and the very technical end and then I decided I loved teaching people and not many people want you to know about systems engineer stuff but hey I can I can wire a mean network I can but I started I knew a lot of software anyway and I started doing more and more software and I absolutely love what I do I don't want to be a lawyer anymore let's put it like that all Liverpool I was in Liverpool about three weeks ago I was there for a conference I was there for three days had an absolute ball been a couple of times before but I managed to see more of it this time we went to San George's Hall which is near the museum fabulous place loved that we had dinner at the adults fee we then the next day had dinner out at Aintree racecourse which was also fabulous and then we headed over to Rainford where we went to lavender farm which they had a dogs trust fund a and we had an absolute blast there as well so I loved it loved it and it was really nice to see him Liverpool were well into the swing of the football at the time not that Mike appreciated that being United fan but I thought it was lovely to see all the flags flying and there was Everton once I saw Goodison Park for the first time never been to a football match over there the only thing that I missed on I really wanted to go and see was the Ellsbury memorial and I wanted to go see it because I worked on the case but when I worked on the case they hadn't built the memorial and I wanted to go and pay my respects I didn't get a chance to do that so I'll definitely be going back to do that you are very welcome mum's always write you quite right she was absolutely spot-on wasn't she when you open publisher and press new document there are options for columns and gutters there are there are let me show you that let's go back to my iMac I think Mike's here we've been talking that long Mike's back yeah he's not you Oh is there somewhere I'm sure well either that or somebody's just walked in and then it's not Mike which would be quite concerning right we have here let's have a look I thought they were I thought there was options what were the options are looking for columns and gutters I thought they were gone lots of a look doesn't it look like it all right there is options for margins I'm guessing column wise this would be why let's get a new file and you've got these muster pages and you can put on these master pages you can put your text frames and in your text frames you can put your filler text so we can see it and then you can format your text frame so we have that open didn't where think are closed it view studio a text frame which is all of this and this was where you could set up your gutter and your columns so instead of setting it up at that level which is the document level you set it up at master page level so that's how you would do that I'm glad I followed my passion as well I am I am I am very very lucky and I'm lucky to be able to share it with everybody as well it is Mike he's back we're still live we've got Paul with us and the gang I said after an hour of you almost been watching me as well and I said should we carry on this was about an hour 20 in and it was yes yes yes can you imagine the slaughter grams I'm going to get in the comments of people this is far too long I cannot watch that I want a 6 minute tutorial and at the end of it I want to know everything I get comments like that I'm telling you I'm telling you but you know what I'm going to blame you guys oh you encouraged me to carry on and carry on I think we've had a ball I think we've had an absolute blast hopefully some of you will make it o'night so the after-hours which is 8 I was trying to explain what after hours and it was very difficult it's sort of max stuff with a lot of humor well I do a podcasters want to do a podcast called my thoughts which is all mock things you're never given that a listen that's well worth enough we have two iPhones talking to each other they're the stars of the show I'm telling you a page layout designs like objects oh I'll have to have a look at that I will have to have a look at it doesn't look like it from that file new unless there's different options unless there's different options when you go to different settings in here like pressure D but I'm not seeing it I am not seeing no I've got margins and I've got bleed I do not seem to have other things I will have a look at that and we'll find out all right so well you could always download the trial I'm glad you enjoyed it bill I'm glad you enjoyed it lovely to talk to you you could always if you want to know more about the stuff that I'm doing in the future so I know to my newsletter which is Alain Transcom slash VIP now you can find that at the end of any of my videos or just just mail me just mail me just go to the website and send me a mail everybody should send me a mail and I'll ask me at least one question and that way we've got some stuff to come back to and do another one with however um now is it Andrew I'm wondering what the T stands for but Andrews interested in well Andrews got about 15 hours of tutorials now keyed up to watch because every time he said this sort of door I've done Scrivener I've done Scrivener for iOS I've done ScreenFlow I've done ScreenFlow for iOS and not iOS ScreenFlow I do have two to one I did to our you're on Twitter right well ping me on Twitter and then I can follow you back can't say fairer than that can i right do you want to say hello Mike you'll have you be on a mic microphone you know Sony also cut you off you ought to come over here and say hello to everybody you're very well though right excellent you're very welcome span right I think we better call it tonight before we hit the three well I hope you enjoy the mantra I do so what anybody who's on here was to meet up with me on Twitter ping me on Twitter and that we can follow each other that would be excellent so last call of questions I'm assuming we are all questioned out but if not let me know I've got at least three ideas for new tutorials that you want to see I'm not sure where scope of project-based stuff for affinity publisher and I'm sure as they bring out extra features we can revisit that as well and I'm pretty confident the lists are had in front of me that I didn't end up sticking to in the slightest there was a load of stuff on there that I've not actually covered as well because as I'm looking after I'm thinking you are never going to squeeze all this in woman you're not no well we'll do some project based on house that's the best way forward right my mom can't believe I just spent watching three hours on a DTV progra and that's on top of the hour and a half that the other one is that you may or may not have seen yet but it's exciting isn't it it's nice when they bring out applications but you really think you've got a strong future and that can help you do your job anything that enables you to do your job got to be a good thing it's got to be a good thing I mean this year with what Mike's doing I've got a lot of printing publishing and documents to create and I I'm finding it quite stressful that there's that many of them but if I had to use InDesign for that I have given up the will to live work way before now so I'm quite happy that I'm using this one and every document that pushes you a little bit further and a little bit further and you find out what what the application is capable of and it's I saw a comment on a video it wasn't one of mine and it said it's very primitive and I thought you know what it's only as primitive as you choose to let it be because the integration with designer and photo there are things it doesn't do but primitive is unkind because there's things that it does that the Adobe apps don't do they're nowhere near so from perspective if it doesn't do five things that I need it in air quotes to do I can guarantee the 95 things it does do saves me enough time that I can find another way to do the other five that it doesn't right I have to watch the replay or drifts fennel make his mum watch the replay I could be good all first live session excellent excellent right I tend to go live about this time which is eight or nine o'clock my time which is known PT to 1 PT and it's 3:00 3:00 to 4:00 nice turn there you go right project-based I promise ok I've got lots of projects coming up so project-based not going to be a problem not going to be a problem good night good night you're very welcome unicorns are waiting excellent excellent thank you John that's great well I'm going to head off well I am NOT going to pass the three hour mark or YouTube will start charging me or something no we're going to head off now we always head off top something to eat so I'm hoping for a very nice fruit salad and I hope wherever you are and whatever you're doing you're going to have a wonderful rest of the night or a wonderful rest of the day and I will see you next time which is Jamar oh if you want a bit of a laugh other than that sign ups a newsletter or follow me on YouTube and you'll get a ping hit that some notification icon and you will be notified when I am going live and the next time I am going live is going to be with something affinity ish can't say fairer than that okay span thank you very much goodbye it has been great I've really enjoyed your company thank you very much people thank you says good night for me mike says good night good night for both of us and we'll both see you next time bye bye
Channel: Elaine Giles
Views: 94,902
Rating: 4.8429751 out of 5
Keywords: Affinity Publisher, affinity publisher mac, affinity publisher tutorial, affinity publisher vs indesign, affinity, publisher, affinity serif, desktop publishing, serif, tutorial, indesign alternative, adobe alternative, publishing, software like indesign, dtp software, how to use affinity publisher, affinitypublisher
Id: 98cWyoStN_Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 20sec (11000 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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