Creating and Managing Assets in Affinity Publisher

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hello better late than never anyway i'm here now youtube playing with my mind just doing what it does best but hello i can see lots and lots of people in the chat so hello to each and every one of you i need to push some buttons make sure that things are working here and then we can get straight into it right so that's one button pushed there is another button pushed and finally the button that brings it to you so hello and welcome officially oh can you believe it we are into week four of madame a where we are looking at creating and managing assets in affinity publisher uh so let me get over that if you have no idea who i am i am elaine giles i am a longtime computer trainer podcast host radio presenter and i work with mac os ios and windows with all types of applications but particularly affinity designer publisher photo scrivener office and even creative cloud at times but not often right first thing we need to do what has youtube done to you what's it done to you mike i'm having a look it's done nothing to me oh well done it left me at 1080p sometimes it remembers 1080p but not often so if you need to be able to know what you're running at and change it there is a cog in the lower right hand side while you are down there if you could consider giving us a like that would be most helpful you can also subscribe that way you get notifications of whenever we are live and whatever we are doing so you don't miss it so with all the admin out of the way and do let me know in the chat what did youtube do to you at mine this week was a quite reasonable 7 20. so could be worse right creating and managing assets in affinity publisher right not usually will you see a slide of mine with bullets on but there was just so much so much that we're going to cover so i decided to just list it out and dive straight into it so we're starting completely from scratch don't expect you to know even what an asset is or care but by the end of the session hopefully you'll realize the power of them and know what everything that there is to know even now do stay to the end we've got a secret source at the end um it's something that officially affinity publisher doesn't support but you know me i am known as the queen of the dirty hacks and i have a dirty hack to make it work right during the session if you can remember to put a cue in front of your questions that would help my trusty assistant but if not we will attempt to pick them up anyway but we will do a q a at the end and if there is anything pressing put that in as well and we can always stop and address it as we go but let's go in and get going with it right so first thing i need is affinity publisher now if you're starting with affinity publisher from scratch you've not done anything with assets yourself then the first thing to consider here is when you open the assets panel it will be completely blank now i take the time and i mention that because in affinity designer it's not blank you get samples but in here it's blank and to see it you need to go to view i'll get there yet view studio and assets mine is always displayed that's one of the things i never turn off so i have it just behind the pages because it makes sense to be there now as i say normally this will be completely blank you won't see a thing because there's none no assets collections in here i have got three two of them i've added and one we actually did together in a demo so i have standard assets when i'm working with anything mac bytes so i have an assets panel and it has in it all of the assets that i need for macbytes i also have a separate one for personal branding which is the sidebars that you see on the posters the one we did together was the charts one we actually designed all the artwork we created the assets we did that in designer and then we ended up bringing it into here so that's why i've got content but in terms of just looking at the asset panel and seeing what we have in there we have the menu at the top which is what we'll be using to create extra asset panels and collections but within it you actually have the top level navigation which is navigating between asset collections so in this case charts mac bytes and personal branding you'll notice here that there is another disclosure triangle and it does hide all the assets and this says assets but in this one you do have to have this subcategory to put them in but in this one it doesn't really make sense to be closing it up because there's only the one but if we just flick over to the macbytes one we've got assets at the top but then we've got after hours underneath so we can have multiple subcategories and you can name them so it makes sense so rather than assets that one could be let's go and rename it that one could be general assets so i know that if it's something specific to one particular program then it's going to be somewhere else because they are general assets in terms of naming the actual assets themselves so that's the top level asset collection you do that from the top menu so you can not only create new ones but you can also rename the ones you've got if you want them to be named something else so i'll show you quickly organizing in the charts so in here we've got like let's say that the top four are what we would call basic charts and then we want some extras down here so this menu enables you to rename assets or delete them so we don't want any of those what we want to do is to create a new subcategory so we'll create a subcategory up there it calls it assets2 it puts it underneath everything that's there already but if we were to go in there and change the name of that we could call that advanced charts and then start putting content in it so if we were to say they're fairly basic but the scatter charts no they're not so we want to put that oh it's not moving it why are you not moving it but we would organize it in that way i might have to drag those somewhere else to do that but that's just showing you the very basics of this the very basics haven't even got a document open at the moment so let's take it right from the top assuming that you have no assets whatsoever which is the default refinity publisher do you know how i know that mike how do you know that because i thought i'm pretty sure there's no assets but obviously mine had assets so i checked in mike's setup last night and no it doesn't so i was quite right that's how i checked okay so let's get a document open and i do have a document i believe a recent one which was calendars which is this one so i'll show you that with the anatomy of the document first see what we've got going on in here there's a master page but we're not concerned about master pages today and then in here i think i had 12 pages in the document but all it is is the assets that i would use if i was creating a calendar or i was putting any kind of calendar in any kind of document and that's the assets that i have in here now they could come from anywhere these do just happen to be in an affinity publisher file but they could just as easily come from designer so we have the assets but what we don't have is an assets panel with these assets in it so first of all i've got some um tables that are month calendars but each one starts on a different day so i've got these here so what i need to do is to create some assets with these so i would first of all make sure the assets panel is showing go to the top and say create new category and at this stage it's a completely new setup entirely so it's called assets and confusingly the subcategory is called assets so first thing to do let's start by renaming the category i know i don't want another one where are you going now right i want to rename that category in fact what i will show you is because i've just inadvertently created another one haven't i and i do believe i have undocked that while we're at it that's better right so what i'll show you is i've now got assets and assets do and i do not need assets too so i can completely delete that and it doesn't matter whether that's got content in it or not it will be deleted so back to our assets what i was trying to do was rename it so in this case it would be calendars all things calendar so i've renamed at the top level but the first subcategory is still called assets what i'm going to do is rename that to monthly calendars we should give you a clue where i'm going next with this which is these calendars here i want to be added as assets i've created one category you have a choice you can carry on editing this down the line or you can create all the categories first really doesn't matter i will be creating other categories for or at least one other category for what we have here which is the headings for the months so at the moment what i'm interested in is all of these and i want to add those into monthly calendars so growing hold of it you can up here add from selection when you have something selected so you'll notice when i didn't have anything selected up here it's all dimmed out but all you need to do to be able to add it is just make a selection click on the drop down and add from selection now that's not particularly helpful in terms of what it calls it what it's doing is it's taking the content of it and using that as the name so if we took this text block and we added that it would say monday start it would even have the style associated with it which isn't particularly helpful sometimes it's better not to have it looking like that but let's show you that you can in there delete that once we've done that are you sure yes i am and up here this one which there is a preview but it's so pale because this is transparent and it's so tiny it's not particularly helpful but you can make sure that you've selected the thing here and rename the asset so in that one i could just put monday i don't need to be concerned because i already know these are monthly calendars so all i'm going to need to do is add all seven of them by select and rinse and repeat add from selection select and add from selection and keep going now this is why i'm going to do this where i'm adding all of them just to show you it's not particularly helpful in terms of the naming is it because they are all the same they're using the same text from each one and even where it's a sunday start i don't have sunday as the beginning of the week it's still monday so i've added them all but all we saw was quick flicker we don't actually know which one of those is which are they in the right order so if i drag that one on we can see it's tuesday and if i drag that one on we can see it's wednesday so yes they are in the right order i just need to rename them all so i'm going to quickly go through that process of renaming them so right click and rename asset wednesday oh this is gonna be great fun isn't it when we come onto the 12 months uh but that'll be quicker anybody got any clue why that'll be quicker if you have write it in the chat well i sort this out and two more to go rename to saturday best day of the week saturday and or unless you say friday when we do after hours right sunday right so we have our monthly calendars all right i can delete these these were just making sure that we did have the right thing and then i've got these headings so what this would normally look like let's grab may and let's ah um it was a saturday start with may i know that because today's the 23rd and that's the sunday okay so that's the one i want to put that so what would normally happen when you're using this is i would put some kind of heading at the top and then i would go and i would style this and prettify it but we're not going to worry about that just at the moment we've got another job to do which is we've got all of these to add but these aren't monthly calendars these are headings so it would be a good idea if we had another subcategory so i'm going to create a subcategory again it calls it assets it would call it assets and a number if the first one was called assets i'm going to rename these to headers and now we can start adding these same process make a selection and add them and the reason why this is not going to take half as long to name them is that because they're text-based we can actually click in them and edit them and because they're text-based it will use the text as the name which is fantastic means i don't have to but i will add all of these and you are now halfway towards creating yourself a calendar creation kit that you can repurpose to your heart's content so let's add these finish off then we've got the whole lot oh almost there november christmas will be here before we know it there we go so i've got the monthly calendars at the top and then i've got the headers underneath now that means i can close this document down don't actually need this document anymore so i will close that i'm not going to save it because i made a couple of changes that i don't need and i will make a new completely new document we will make it a4 and your assets are not attached to a file they are attached to an installation of affinity publisher on your computer so they're not synchronized via any kind of cloud setup at the moment although there is probably a dirty hack for that but automatically they're not they are per machine you can do magic in terms of sharing them and importing and exporting which i will show you but it's per installation of affinity publisher so um we decided it was a saturday hadn't we so i'm going to pull that on there and drag this out of here so the idea for creating assets is that once you've got them in there you can use them in multiple documents so if we go to the macbyte's branding and we bring on our waves no it's virtually a macbook calendar just by using multiple assets from different panels so let's go back to the one that we've created which is our calendars so quick recap there are no assets available in publisher from the start but you can create an empty assets panel and then start adding your own so we've got some assets in there but what assets can you actually put in there so i've got tables and the tables were created inside affinity publisher so these are just things that you can create inside affinity publisher so oh i've only got one page that's not good is it let's add 11 more and then we've got a nice 12-page document but anything that you create in here can be used as an asset it doesn't matter what so we could create some shapes so maybe you've got like a sidebar over here that you recolor based on what the content is so somewhere in here there is a lovely orange so even a sidebar like that a text block a graphic doesn't matter so we'll go to our assets and we don't particularly need them in the calendar one but we can put them in by saying we want a new subcategory and this time assets is fine it's it's miscellaneous detritus that you're going to put in it so if we go to there and add from selection we get now it's same rectangle not useful we'll rename that and we'll say sidebar but just showing you it doesn't have to be a table or text it can be anything anything that you can get in there you can use so for instance i have the file that we've used a lot in the demonstrations which is the office summit thing so we have lots of assets in here so if you wanted to repurpose these in another document you could pin here we'll make a completely new category and we will rename that microsoft office we've done it again haven't i i do keep doing a create and i don't want to do that let's delete that one and let's go back to what i was doing which was renaming it her mom right let's rename this uh no i'm not renaming map bytes crying out loud oh isn't this fun right assets okay rename the category so in this one i'm going to call this microsoft office and put all of the assets in there so what i would do with this document is probably start straight from the top is there anything in there that i would like and there is because i've got this office summit logo so i will add that for a start so i did that right and what else have i got now i've got the same logo but this time it's in a different color so to save me recoloring it i will add that one as well and you'll see now that that one hasn't got a name which is quite strange because it does have i was just thinking it should have been called orange these were created i do not know why that is not showing we'll wonder about that later but that is rather strange because the other one's showing isn't it no it's not having it hmm we'll move swiftly on right uh other things you could put in here are headings so we have a heading over here if that is something that you want to reuse however at this point let's stop and have a think before we do this what alternatives do we have to assets or indeed supplements to them and what i mean by that is do you want to add every single element as an asset and the answer's probably not because for instance that heading i could do it i could go over here and i could add it add from selection it's got some text in it but it would mean that i could add this on another page or i could add it back to this page but it's not in the right position i don't know where the right position was necessarily so don't get carried away with the assets thinking this is manner from heaven which it is but think about the other options you have for repeating content so for instance you've got templates and this would be good in a template but before you get to the dizzying heights of templates come down a bit you've got master pages and it might make sense to have a master page with that text block on it so if we go into our pages in this document we open the master pages we do actually have lots of master pages so these are complementary to each other they're not instead of each other master pages give you an entire layout assets are things that you reuse you use multiple times but in unpredictable places so if you think about this logo i might want that logo somewhere else so let's say i want it down here then it makes sense to have that asset available and just be able to drag and drop it wherever i want but repeating elements that repeat in a predictable location maybe think about a master page for those and then if it's an entire layout that you're looking at yes there's still a place for assets but think about a template which is a good starting point for you and again the assets are there if and when you need to use them so a good example of this is the way that i use the macboy's ones i know i'm going to need the waves every now and then but i don't know where or when same with the map is live i don't know where or when and wolfie who's on our after hours poster yes he's on all the after hours posters but every now and then it's like i'm doing a document and i need to put the wolf in the corner but it's not predictable so assets are flexible to enable you to use them when it's not predictable where or when you will use them so just bear that in mind before you go and make an asset out of absolutely everything right so we've created in our assets here our not the charts ones our office one a few items but i would go through this and take the rest now sometimes like this one there may be something that you want to add that's a bit quirky which is you do not have the ability to with an image put a gradient on it so like that one it fades out towards the top it does it's a dirty hack what we've got is a shape that you can have a gradient on sat on top of the graphic and it's off slightly there that's better making sure that it looks like the graphic is bleeding out but it actually isn't so if i wanted to add just the rectangle then i could reuse that down the line so i'm going to add it from selection add the rectangle and what i could do with that is actually say what it is so gradient mask for an image it doesn't matter that it's not the right size because if we decide we want that somewhere else and i do think we have a page that that might work like it here if we wanted to put it like that in here all we need to do is drag it on as i say it's not the right size but you can reposition it and resize it at will so rather than recreate the thing that is one of the things you could have as an asset like that uh the color may not match that precisely nobody's good enough it's good enough to show you the principle so i could put things in here that are utility assets rather than being images or icons but can also put the icons in as well so what i would do with that is i would go to the top and i would make a subcategory and i would go here and i would rename the subcategory to what it is which is icons and then i have the icon for powerpoint there so once it's selected i can add from selection and then i can whip through my document and and just add all the others to the assets section now this presupposes obviously that you have a document to pull these things in from and sometimes you might not i think that's it's not the outlook icon it was one that we used there's the word one let's add that if you haven't got a document already that's not a major issue so i will add the ones that we have so add from selection and i think that's it i think that's all the ones we've got in there so i've added those but if i have assets and they're not in here it's fairly simple so i'm just going to do new get a new document and let's have a look what we have in the way of icons and i have an app called pick save and in picsave i have some icons so this is a sort of digital asset manager so i have mac bytes icons there i've got other stuff in here including design apps iwork apps mac apps office apps in general you name it i've got it in there it's all the assets that i have so if i was doing something about mac apps and i wanted some of these icons in really simple what i'm going to do is i'm going to move that to the left hand side of the screen i'm going to move that page over there so i can see it so let's add in these icons and i'm just dragging and dropping them it could be from finder it could be from anywhere you like i'm just taking them from here because that's where they live let's add all of these and that's an old one right so let's get rid of that so i've got all the icons in here and i've got icons that listed there but that's now not clear is it because i would probably in here just for practicality these would be office icons so okay on that and then create another subcategory and this one is general icons or mac icons mac app icons and then go through just select and add from selection now a good idea for this this is the kind of thing you can do mindlessly while you're doing something else and then future you will thank previous you because when you come to create a document and you think where is the icon for zenkit where is it you don't have to worry about it you've already done the work you have pre-done the work like this and then this lot they can just be deleted you don't need them at all any of them now you've got a really good kit for when you're starting to work and create documents so i think it's safe to say we can create assets now can't we so let's another quick recap assets panel within it different asset collections within each collection you have subcategories very very simple isn't it right and as i say it can be anything that you create in fact if we go back to these you can see these are picture frames not just the icon so the difference is if i drag this on it's the icon and i can scale it and that's about it but with these these say picture frames i'd need to rename these so they said what the icon was and that's important because you can do your scaling in here within a framework so within a frame for the graphics if you need to do that in here we did cover this in the images session so if mike can put the link in for that the difference between putting in that which is a placeholder and this that is a graphic is what you can do with it in terms of scaling it so this one gives you far more options but you can select an image in there and you can convert it to a picture frame so one thing to think about i did that very quickly i just added them as graphics and then drag them back into the asset panel what you may need to think about is do i want that in a frame would that be good if i put it in a frame if you do you're going to have to go through an extra step of naming them but it might give you more flexibility in terms of the assets so for instance if we made that bigger we had all of the options if you remember in the properties for what you do to it so at the moment it's got nothing set but i could stretch it to fit which makes it smaller i could scale to minimum fit or scale to maximum fit so we had all of those options that were available that we looked at when we looked at images and you can see you get a totally different look to it or you can scale it down so it might be an idea to put it in a frame right okay let's get rid of those so what if you wanted to edit an asset that you've got so let's say for instance what we've got over here that might need an edit [Music] not much editable in there if you think about it these are images rather than being anything else so let's whip to the macbytes one and let's say we've got a black and a white for the live and we do have um the backbites logo up there and the after hours one let's say the after hours one needed to be a different color so you can create it and as soon as you've created it you can change the color but if you wanted that to be a different color so you decide that blue's a bit garish isn't it that's so not the after hours blue but we can go in here and try and tweak it a bit it's much more like that the after hours blue so let's say every time we want that we want it blue and we're never ever going to want it whiter ever again then instead of trying to edit this in here because you only have the option to rename or delete that's it you can't do anything else with it it is a case of dragging it out and making that change and then dragging it back so if i go to our office one which is the one that we're playing around with at the moment make sure it's selected and then do uh now where are we we will put it in the icon one all right add from selection it will appear at the bottom and it will be in the right color so if you if you want lame fat i will do it on the mark bites one just so you can see what i need to do is add it from selection i think that's got some some um color on the outside nope telling me it hasn't looks like it has though and then go back and you would delete the original so you actually add it to your document or or a temporary document you know it doesn't have to be a real document add it to a temporary document make the changes you want and then add it back into the assets panel so editing assets fairly straightforward obviously if that asset is something different so let's look at it's easy if it's editable in publisher but if we look in here and we look at these icons the icons now for office look completely different to that it's a subtle change but they have changed so this one which is a circle and these they are similar but they are not the same so if i use my icon extract and i extract the excel icon there is a subtle difference now so there's the icon on the desktop let's drag that in shall we do the others well we're there um let's do microsoft and then we can do the entire lot as that oh we've even got edge i do actually use edge i use it for making uh app specific browsers right we've got the full collection so we'll get rid of that we will add these and see what is this subtle difference and the subtle difference is as we pull them apart to match big sur's icons they're now on a white background with a little border on them so one of the one of the banes of my life is trying to keep up with icons because they keep changing but we do have our office icon section here so one thing we could do is we could go in here and delete all of the ones we've got so these are all the old ones we don't want those which means i've got to update that document yet again and delete that deleting the last item does not delete the subcategory and then all i need to do is one by one select them and add from selection so this is something that you might need to do not every week but every time they change the icons so it feels like every week but let's add them all in and now i have a brand new set of icons for the office suite which again means i can get rid of all of these in here and add them wherever i need them so let's go back into this office summit and where we have an icon that's not what it's going to look like on mac however from a design perspective i much prefer the old ones if i do that and we get it down to the right size like that not as pretty is it no i don't know what apple are thinking with this white background thing but every icon looks like that i think i keep the originals but that's how you would update an entire icon set anyway and use them in publisher so all i need to do here is get rid of that one and put that one in its place there i definitely don't think that looks anything like as good there's too much of a surround on it which would mean i'd actually have to scale it more than i would want to scale it to try and get it to match because i've got all this transparency behind it as well shocking from a design perspective i don't know what they were thinking if i line that up with that it's not a hundred percent now i would need to scale it like that and then try and move it up a bit it's just hideous isn't it it is but from an asset collection perspective you know what's going on there right okay so we're moving on now to actually other assets where they come from and how we can work with the assets that we've actually got so you can import and export assets this is important um it's important if you're sharing but it's also important if it's just you because as i've said these assets are per machine and being per machine if you need to upgrade like i did just before christmas you need to take all of the assets from one computer and put them on another so although importing first makes more sense i'm going to show you how to export these assets first so i've created this microsoft office one and from the top here we've already created a new category more times than we needed to and we've renamed we have deleted you can decide here whether you have them sorted by name or date added and that is for the entire panel we've created subcategories but what we're going to do now is actually export these assets so i'll put them on the desktop so we can actually see them and these ones are microsoft office now one thing i wish it did which it doesn't do is i wish when i came to export it it took the name of the asset panel and used that but it always says untitled and i've got to type it in which if i'm doing a lot is so annoying right uh what i'm going to do there just save that so that's got them saved out at this point um i'm going to delete them which usually freaks people out but i'm going to delete the entire category and what it's talking about deleting is everything that's in there all of the subcategories all of the icons the lot i'm going to just delete it because i'm going to pretend that i've swapped machines so you can see i've got my personal branding i've got my bites i've got the charts that were there when we started and the first asset collection that we created which was the calendars but i no longer have the microsoft office one but there is no fear because it's on the desktop so this time i'm going to import the assets point it towards the af assets file and open it and there everything is so if i wanted to share those with anybody else that i was working with what i would do is share this file that's on the desktop so it's that file there we now have these where we want them so we don't particularly need those either so i will get rid of them out of the way this is the one that we're working with that one there so i could share that and you would be able to open it and everything would be there you do not need the original files what you have in an assets collection is the original files and then some structure on top of them in terms of subcategories organizing them but they are not pointing out to the original files on your system they are embedded within the assets collection so we've successfully reimported it all right i can see there's questions um we will come to those my trusty assistants disappeared right so we've done the export we've done the import but there's one more thing so i'm going to create a completely new document i don't want this to look like smoker mirrors it's just a completely new document so let's have a look what we've got in here and again i don't have that many pages but i will have when i add another 11 pages and open that up again and we have our pages so this file has nothing in it at the moment but let's say i start work on it and i think right uh we need our office logo i'm going to create a very nice look over there by stretching this out and then i'll put some text in there i'll on that one we'll talk about powerpoint so we'll make it look a little bit like a notion header by doing that that probably needs to be a little bit less and move that up so i'm creating layouts and while i'm about it so let's copy that those two items there move down to another page so this page over here paste them in but this time um we'll have it for excel so i will drag this in and replace that with that it's not the same size i don't think it is that's better so get rid of this one and in the rectangle here where it's going from this color over here we will go into the fill and i will choose a green let's choose one of these very dark greens or maybe not the darkest maybe that one okay choose that and at the other end of it this one here although it's it's got a color in it uh we seem to have that middle color showing so in here we will do the same we will go and grab a green and put that in but what i'm going to do with it is take the opacity all the way up we do there we go all right that'll do nicely so all i'm showing you is i'm creating i'm from assets i'm not putting anything in that's not an asset all right i will drag these across like this so we have some content in here let's have six lovely icons all lined up there we go that looks about right and edge completing the set okay now problem we've got with this is what well if i need to work with this document and i need to send it to somebody else to add some more content and they decide that they need the office summit logo and some of these icons in different places in this document as soon as this document so i'm going to save it and put it on my desktop so uh office that'll do and that didn't go to my desktop but never mind right i've saved it now let's imagine that i send this off to you or my designer or mike or anybody else they will have everything that's in the file what they will not have is what's in the assets over here because assets travel separately as an af assets file but there was an option at the very top we had import and export but there was also embedding current document oh so i'm going to embed those in the current document it doesn't give you any confirmation or anything you just have to take it on trust but let's trust it and i'm going to save the file i will then close that file and every other file that we've got open uh i better save it because i've no idea what i did with it all of it saved is untitled useful uh that one i don't need to save and i think that one was a blank one so we'll we'll lose that as well now you know i've already got these af assets backed up so i'm going to delete the entire category and to prove the point we'll go up here uh in here we've got calendars charts macbytes and personal branding but we do not have the office one right now we need to imagine that the file has arrived this office file that we created with somebody else so here is the file office and i will open that file and as soon as i open it it knows that within the file embedded within the file we have an assets collection and at this point is saying this document contains embedded assets do you want to import them into your asset collection now whether you say yes or no at this point it's not fatal if you say no thinking i don't know what that means so i'm going to say no and i'm going to carry on working with the document so let's make another change to the document and save the document it is not fatal it will give you another chance so closing the document down and going back to the finder i will open that file again and even though i made changes to it and i then saved the file it didn't delete the assets that were in it because i said no it just said fair enough they're here if you need them so at this point i'm going to say actually yes what are these assets and when i go into it in here we now have office so there are our office assets even though i didn't use any of these mac app icons in here i used office but i didn't use any of the others it's not embedding what you've used it's embedding everything so when i went up to there and i did the embedding current document it embedded all of them in the current document and that way it kind of travels with you as a side car you don't have to use them if you say yes like this you might think well then i'm stuck with them but you're not because they're just assets they they're loaded into your assets panel but if we were to delete those so with this one we say we just don't want that category now i've seen what's in them i do want to delete them close the file down again let's open the file up again and it'll say they're still there they are inside that document so it's not fatal if you say yes it's not fatal if you say no if you say no it will prompt you every time you open it if you say yes then they're only there until you delete them but it's a fantastic way of making sure as you hand a document off from one person to another or one team to another that you do have the assets in there now while i will say that that is great there is a potential danger here when it comes to you might say oh i've got these assets now and i'll create some of my own and you change those assets uh you're gonna have to think very carefully about who's in charge of making sure that you do have somewhere a standard set of assets but there's many times that i get a job in from a client and there's some assets there but i will then add more and work my way through it but i i would always make sure that i had a copy of the assets that i'd added just in case that somebody else gets the file and then swaps the assets over but i think that is a really good way of working there isn't much in the way of documentation or people talking about that but i think that is particularly useful so we've done importing the assets as an af assets file and exporting and externalizing and working with those so let me show you something else that i think is pretty clever so i'm going to say no i don't want to import those there and in this circumstance i can close that down and over here i've got i've got this blue thing as well to think about but what i'm going to show you is you're not limited asset wise to where they come from the af assets format is supported across the board so in designer for instance like an open designer and you will have uh no we don't want to restore anything you will have the assets panel and within the assets panel i do have a lot more in here but i have the macbytes one i have the personal branding one and i think i even have the charts one as well so anything that you have in here you could export and then use in publisher so in here uh which one should we use have we got birdie there we go there's the munich one that we have so if i make a graphic in here irrespective of whether birdie is in there or not but that is birdie so we'll put birdie at the top and we'll put that one there making sure it's black and obviously it is copyright 2021 now so change that as well and just put that in there so let's say this summer is some artwork and that's as far as i've got with the artwork but i then realize it would probably be much better than publisher but i don't have them unique assets in publisher and i'm aware of that so in designer i'm in designer now i can embed those assets in this current document i can save that file as munich munich and put it on the desktop at that point when i come out of designer get rid of designer entirely on the desktop here there is munich although that's a designer file there's nothing to stop me opening that in publisher and i get the same message even though they weren't publisher assets i get the same message so it would be very helpful if i had those assets be even more helpful if it switched over to them automatically but there they are and now they're in publisher so you can round trip these assets you are not limited to oh no i've created them in publisher now i need them in the designer or vice versa they can come with you from app to app to app that's one way of doing it the other way of doing it if we look at these calendar things that we created today with our headers and our sidebar and our monthly calendars is to export them first so i will put that on the desktop so we can find them and these are calendars so get those in there i'm gonna lose that file bring designer back and from here i can import them so import and these are coming from the desktop that i created in publisher now why is this particularly important going from publisher to designer well these are just text they're very big text but they're just text so there's no problem with that they're just text but these are tables so we'll have our saturday start again and being a table tables aren't supported in well no that's not strictly true tables are supported in designer but you can't create them in designer but if you have publisher you can create a table in publisher and put it in an assets panel and then bring that into designer and you can use your tables in there you can also do that so let's go to affinity photo you could do that so we need to get a nice photo let's go to pixabay and find a nice sunset photo so what have we got sunset wise oh we've got quite a few here uh what would work well with our calendar i think that one would work brilliantly well with our calendar so i will do a download of that and that will be in my downloads folder so let's open the downloads folder and we will open that in photo so we now have a photo open in photo and we have assets in here we do have a call integration kit but as you can see it's not complete so that was because it was a demo so i'm just going to delete the entire thing gone away so photo is like publisher there are no other assets in it other than what you add but we know that we've got a category that we can import from the desktop so let's go to the desktop that's not the desktop no that's the desktop there's the calendar assets we'll open them up and just as we had in designer we have everything in here so we'll add may we will add that over there and again you can't create tables in photo but you don't need to because all you need to do is create it in publisher and drag and drop it in now when i said it aren't supported the reason i corrected myself is you can't create them in here but they are supported in terms of if you want to edit them all the edit tools are there there's just not that creation element so what i could do in here is change the font so we could have it um no angry birds isn't going to work is it oh what shall we have that looks really uh nice i have anything that looks really not that'll do that's not bad and i can i can fill that i can do all sorts with that change the color of it so you know black might be considered a little bit harsh for that but and the other thing you can do once you get it in here which even more amazing all right you've got this in here you can then apply blend modes to it and get different looks entirely so soft light gives you something possible to think about maybe some of the others uh even change black to white if you want black to white would actually work well if you move that out of there if that was up there like that that would work beautifully so creating the assets what i'd say is use the tool that makes most sense to create the assets but when you've got them in the assets panel there's nothing to stop you either embedding them in a particular document where you've used them or exporting them separately and then importing them into a completely different application to do a completely different job so run round trip them to your heart's content right does the fun end there no no it doesn't uh but have we got any pressing questions i think there's a lot of questions isn't there okay we'll deal with the questions at the end then we'll do the secret sauce first because who doesn't want some secret source right i'm going to lose um the affinity photo stuff i'm going to concentrate on two applications here designer and publisher right we've been talking about assets and i would define an asset as a starting point and only a starting point if we look at what we've got in here like i said you can change all of the fonts in here the colors so in this case we haven't got a cell background colour but we could certainly create one let's have an orangey one you can change the fonts in here so it's defaulted i wanted something very plain for the asset but then i could come in here and do whatever i wanted with it and i can also in the uh where are we at the bottom [Music] yeah i've got like a background on the oh dear that's bad that's really bad that's less bad you can do whatever you want in here so uh if that's a little bit big you can take the font size down you make it whatever you want and then make it bold italic you can underline it if you want anything you need to do the thing is entirely editable despite the fact designer does not allow you to create a table but you've got all of the tools to edit that table in there right but that that shows you that an asset is only a starting point because that was uh the month starts on a sunday so let's move that to one side no saturday starts on a saturday if i drag on another one it's the same size and all of the same formatting let me get that so we can see it there we go all of the same formatting that was on the other one so despite the fact i've prettified it or ruined it depending on how you're looking at it it's always a starting point every time you drag something from the assets panel it's a starting point and that is all it is just a starting point there is another concept entirely in designer so let me show you what i mean by that let's say in designer so i'm going to make that a little bit bigger just so we can see it there's another concept entirely and that is a symbol and a symbol automatically updates so if i added this plain thing as a symbol it's selected i have created a symbol and then i delete the two of them from here there is my symbol i can rename it so that was a saturday start so we'll rename it saturday and i can drag it back on here and at this point i can make some changes to it so just like we did before literally just like we did before but won't necessarily make the same changes but uh i will try and make it orangey it was more like that wasn't it and then there made that slightly different color oh dear oh dear oh dear yeah not quite so green that's a bit better look what's happening up here it's updating as i'm making changes to an instance of that symbol the symbol is updating to the point if i delete the symbol completely from the canvas and add it back on it's updated an asset is a starting point a symbol is automatically updating so with that in mind let's minimize designer and head back into here and go to view and studio where we have all that we can do and let's look for the symbols oh darn it there's no symbols um that would have been so handy but it's not there never fear there is a hack for this right let's get back to designer because we've got a symbol the symbol is in the symbols panel and with a symbol the assets are there every time i create a new document so you know i can switch to these assets irrespective so let's just make a new document the symbols the assets are still there but the symbols are not the symbols live in an individual file so what does that mean it's good news that that is very very good news are you struggling there yeah what's the problem you can't do anything at all right let me have a look what's going on do you want to go and look at the questions and read some of the questions out for us mike we'll take a slight hiatus while we have a technical issue here a stamp uh what do you mean by a stamp i was just wondering what you meant by stamp was this something technical stamp or just generic okay i think i've sorted you out there mike yes you did that's fine i'm just waiting for the next bit and there we go right i think i've got everything have i got everything you're not doing it um hang on hang on right now we can hear you where you going renault says do the months auto fill uh how we talking auto fill what they are is a starting point and they don't update particularly what what i've done is i've created a table for each month um paul says can you add two assets as a grouped item yes you can okay peter says is there a reason you can add selection option you add selection option it's a reason you use the add selection option rather than the drag and drop just the way that i do it but you can drag and drop i found originally i was using a magic mouse and it worked when it felt like it so it was actually easier to just use the menu i now have a much better mouse so i could drag and drop doesn't make a difference same thing happens right i can no longer see over there but if you can see is that moving yes right jolly good okay so where we were i was explaining we will return to the questions later i was explaining that an asset is a starting point doesn't get updated but a symbol does i was then explaining that assets are pervasive for every document on a machine symbols are not they are embedded in files this is good news so if we go back to our file here this that we have that's a symbol that will that will be a symbol and it will be embedded in this file so if i save it and i send it to somebody the symbol will be there for them to reuse so what does that mean when it comes to working between affinity designer and affinity publisher well it means this in this circumstance with this this originally came from publisher so i'm going to delete that i'm even going to delete it over here so we want something that started life in affinity designer so let's say i have the company's got some kind of logo that they use all over the place so i'm going to start here you could do this in many other places i'm going to start this here i'm going to say let's get that there make it a bit smaller just going to make a very very very rough logo just by cutting the middle out of that then we'll make it their corporate color at least it is at the moment like that and we'd like that to be a symbol so all i need to do to make that a symbol and i could make it an asset but then remember it's a starting point but if we want to do clever things with this because it's going to be something that's in the document all over the place so this is their logo i will over there call that logo and i will make a symbol of it symbol logo i can then delete this not needed because i can just drag it out of there but the problem that we know that we're going to have there is no symbols panel in publisher we're not going to worry about that we're not we're going to leave that exactly where it is and save the file so i'll save that as logo now i'm going to show you why it's important that it's a symbol and that's because if i drag these on i can scale them no problem at all and i can duplicate them all over the place i can even make them like that so let's duplicate these all over the place but with a symbol if you make a change to the symbol it ripples through everywhere it ripples through both in the symbols panel and in each symbol unless you detach a symbol by which i mean detach make some changes to that one you're only changing that one because it's detached when you've done put that back on if you need to but that's that's the essence of it if i create a new one it's retained the original color so let's undo all of that and get back to the purple right we don't particularly need all of these instances that was literally just to show you uh dear mate don't you take the whole lot do we right let's delete that and that and that and that we don't need january either so what i've got is one file affinity designer file with one symbol in it i will create a couple more just for demonstration purposes when we get it there so let's save that file now we can come out of designer completely and go back into publisher so in publisher this is the logo file that's an affinity designer file if we look at that it's an af design file but we can completely just open that in publisher so let's bring that up and have a look at them right there is no symbol panel but when we look at the layers panel over here it says symbol symbol symbol it even has the orange stripe down the side and inside it's got the actual logo itself and if i go in there and start changing it it changes all of them which is huge when it comes to updating something like a logo or an icon even or anything like that so although it's not officially supported as long as you create these things in designer first and then bring it in you're fine now one thing i didn't try when i was looking at this let's have a look at the office one uh no i don't so we're in the office one one thing i didn't test which would be very interesting is if i bring this in because this is the original file that this was in but if i copy that and i paste it yep it comes in as a symbol so even if i've got an existing document and i find myself wanting to put the company logo all over the place and obviously it wouldn't be on the same page i'm doing it on the same page so you can see it it wasn't created in this file but it's still a symbol so select any one instance of it and change it and they all change which is amazing so it's a little bit of a work around and of course to create it you're going to need access to designer but they're all on 50 offer at the moment so even if you think you've got no need for designer always a good idea to have all three of these applications because each one has its own unique set of features which while there is no interface to those features in another application the features ride through and they still work so it's like tables in publisher can work in photo and designer you can make basic edits but not create tables and in designer where you've got the ability to use a symbol you can bring those through to publisher and they do work there's just no interface to them but if it's something like a logo that's a really good way to work that is such a time saver uh you i can't tell you how often icons change it drives me insane so that was the secret source to symbols in affinity publisher so we've created um a new asset collection in designer we also you remember imported and exported it created a new symbol added all of that lot and then edited them inside publisher and the last thing that i'll say is um you need to make sure before you dive in to oh i'm going to create some symbols and some assets and some of this again make sure that the elements are suited to being an asset or suited to being a symbol it could well be they would be better suited to it being on something on a master page the benefit of having it on a master page is it you retain the position and then when you've created the entire layout then a template is your friend but assets do have a place they do have a place the best way to use them is when you know that you're going to need them because it's a branding thing in my case this one gets a lot of use and i love that because before i had to keep going off and finding the waves but something like that where i don't know particularly where i'm going to put it and sometimes that's even rotated i think it's that way around on some of the artwork so we might have that stretching right across the page [Music] like that and then i would probably if i'm going to do that change the opacity of it so in my layers in there i would shake it down a bit and then put the text on the top so i can't predict where i'm going to want that but i know i'm going to want it multiple times and that is the perfect kind of thing to turn into an asset right quick roundup so let's have a recap we did all of that we did defining what assets were we looked at the asset panel and how to create asset categories and subcategories we then imported assets exported them externalized them which was where we embedded them in a file and then they travel with the file which is why we then looked at working with them in terms of i deleted the assets and we opened the file and it suggested we import them and that's then we moved on to affinity designer and photo where you can use the assets that you've created in publisher and vice versa if it makes sense i mean in publisher i think affinity have thought oh in designing that's fantastic and kind of left you in limbo in publisher and photo because there's no sample ones but things like watermarks signatures they work fantastic in photo so do the calendar things and in publisher i would add lots of things as assets and then repurpose them but we started from absolutely nothing and then we went on to the secret sauce the secret of how to use symbols in affinity publisher so we are oh eighty percent of the way through madmay where we've been going live every sunday and on demand so this one will be available on demand as soon as we have finished next week we are doing the build with me and the build with me will show you real world implementation of a lot of the stuff that we've done so i will probably create assets there will be a data merge there will be images there will be creating styles but in a real world document pulling it all together we also have but no dates yet coming up table of contents in affinity publisher and an index in affinity publisher so just look out for the dates on those when they arrive we started ah four weeks ago with deep dive data merge so that one's available on demand as is the images one still racing ahead the image is one with textiles are hot on its heels however and back in march when we started doing the sunday sessions we did the export persona in affinity designer my favorite feature ever absolutely love it and blend modes in affinity photo we also did the tables so if you're wondering how to do those tables to create calendars check out the creative create creative tables in affinity publisher if you've got more questions about master pages then do check out the master pages session and while you saw me use pixar today i also use a pic save i also use adobe bridge so we did a session on adobe bridge and how i actually use that too and all of those are available on demand make sure that you don't miss anything subscribe and hit the bell icon and you will be reminded when there is anything new or we are going live and if you want to get in contact with me uh probably contact form on my blog is probably the best way to go but i am also known to be on youtube and linkedin and twitter every now and then facebook not good with not good with but do you know twitter at my dms and i think mike said the same i had dms going back years and years and new dms were coming in so i thought i'll check those gms and i went in and they've gone twitter has newt them so twitter probably not the most reliable way to contact me and facebook i'm just as bad can never find anything in there two minutes together so like i say blog's probably the best way and i would love to hear from you what have you built with what you have learnt or what would you like to learn let me know and of course we love you guys if you love us can you please give us a like because it makes a big difference to the youtube youtube algorithm um if there's fewer likes youtube doesn't share it as much which is very unkind of it so give us a like really makes a difference and if you want to know more about what is coming up then go to elaine vip and that is where you get the males with the time stamps in and i've got i think it's three sets of time stamps to share with you this week so make sure that you are subscribed so let's get back to those questions mike which which we kind of had a brief look at during a hiatus i'll go and look at the actual questions in and okay renee says how come your assets are arranged one per row a mine are clustered to fit the available space can you set the organizing order the order you can uh let's go in and have a look let's go in and have a look i i remember doing with that um i stretched them out didn't i so it was one per line because i couldn't make head in the tail of what the graphic was if i didn't um there is is there a layout option you can sort by the name or the date added i know that i'm not seeing an option for the view options though am i anywhere did that go away or did i set it somewhere else let's have a look so let's get my bites one from here and go up to there not seeing it there not seeing it there either oh i remember changing it but i can't for the life i mean remember where i changed it that's a bizarre i would have thought it was up here great rename delete sort create no i'm not saying that is it on here not on there rename delete move down on no not seeing it there either i remember changing it and that would normally be in the panel because there's very little in the panel and there's only two menu options um show us list in the hamburger menu is it there oh there it is it's at the bottom good grief i'd already ticked it yes that's where it was i knew it was up there somewhere there you go i don't like seeing it like that where it's just an icon i can't work out which is which it wouldn't be too bad if he gave you a full preview but it doesn't because it'd be far too tiny for these ones so no i always have it showing as a list there we go that's where it is excellent all right don't shout at me renee shout at me and don't forget i'm i'm you're i'm 30 seconds ahead of you okay right so let's carry on with the questions would the exported af assets collection contain all your assets or just the category you define stroke select it would it would contain everything that was in that collection so a collection let's whip in here a collection would be macbytes and what i exported it would contain everything that was in there including the two subcategories so there's no way to export an individual subcategory when you export you're exporting at the top level uh however many subcategories you've got and some like this is designer but just to show you some of them have got a million sub-categories look at them this is for creating mock-ups of ios devices and there's a million of these so exporting that would export every sub-category but you're exporting it at the top level and that would be what's listed in here okay hang on hang on this turning you on and off isn't working we can't hear your questions right go on okay ronnie says he's sorry for shouting you wanted to get your attention but renee when you type i'm 30 seconds ahead so it takes me 30 seconds to see it oh i wish there was no time like i do right what else have we got next one is from punit sharma who says how can you create the maths and chemistry equation like an exam paper uh and renee says you need to have a graphic with the lines etc which you would it doesn't have the ability to work with mathematical equations directly but if you can get that in there then you can create an asset of it so it doesn't matter if it's an image or if it's text that you've got from somewhere maybe a special font that you've used that would translate across to being an asset you would just have to get it in there looking correct first on the canvas and then add it to be an asset okay renee also says my friend only has publisher when i send him a file with symbols in it he'll be able to edit will he be able to edit it not necessarily as a symbol but as an asset uh no well if you add something as a symbol and if you create the symbol in designer and then you add it into publisher he would be able to edit it publisher itself has the ability to do the change so when you change the color it will change all of the instances he just wouldn't actually be able to edit the symbol itself in terms of taking it back into designer and doing something with it in there but no it wouldn't be an asset in publisher it would still be a symbol an asset added as an asset would be an asset but a symbol created in designer passed over to publisher would still be an editable symbol and carol says just before that could you say one more thing in relation to that um the same is true of tables the other way so your friends only got publisher but if you imagine that somebody only had designer and they say to our would love to be able to create something with a table in it if you created it in publisher and then saved it out and they opened that up they would be able to edit that table despite the fact they don't own publisher so it's because the underlying file format for all three applications is identical it's just the interface doesn't have the ability to edit tables or create symbols that's just the way it works okay sorry about that carol carry on carol says if i'm adding stitches on top of my fabric pattern background which would be best as symbols and witches assets um let's have a think about that there's a possibility there that symbols would work better for both if you ever want to change the colors or anything like that because the rule of thumb is an asset is a starting point and a symbol will be updated so if you've got the background color um being like a palish peach very pale peach and you then decide that you know you're rebranding and you want everything to be like a mint color a pale green and then a symbol would be better for you because you can just change one and everything will update so if it's just a starting point an asset other than that a symbol and the reason i was showing that was you would need to create that in designer but other are the the background image that you're putting the stitches over the top of does the background bit stay the same is it just the placement of the stitches that's different if it is um it depends on how many different stitches maybe the stitches will be better as an asset unless because your problem is in publishing you can't do the detach thing or anything so possibly the stitches would be better as an asset and the background is a symbol so you can update it and change it okay do we have another one no that is it for questions oh we've got comments underneath i can see comments [Music] lots of people saying thank you okay i'm loving that kim my future me is usually thanking elaine charles for telling me about future me oh and kim likes dirty hack i know you love dirty hacks don't you and that one was a real dirty hack and renault's put a zippy um emoji in the chat now renee it's fine it's fine i did that years ago and i've never changed it so i knew it was there but i got blinded by the fact there was a tick next to it do you remember when i went rockets blind it's that kind of thing plus the fact you've seen my calendar i don't think i've slept for five days no don't worry about it oh renee says he would never shout at me oh excellent love indeed who's winding renee up i can't imagine renee raging and unstoppable okay so carol says the background will stay the same if the background's going to stay the same then i think i would do that as a symbol and then like i say just on the off chance you ever need to change the color you could change one and it would change all of them which is a good way to go but the stitches on the top you're going to want to place them in different ways now you could do that in designer in which case you you could separate them when needed to move them around um i'd have a play with that first and see if if a symbol will do what you want then a symbol is better in terms of it can automatically be updated however there is a way that oh kim there's another dirty hack another dirty hat coming right in relation to carol's specific issue there's two elements to what she's doing she's got a background image which is the fabric which was we did in an after hours the weave pattern thing i've still got an email to send with that right so that's the background and then on the top of it there's a collection of stitches and the thing with the stitches is they'll need to move location so with a symbol the symbol might not be the best way but there is another way to make sure that there's not a problem with that so should we actually do it should we go do it why don't we go do it oh why is nothing moving that's better right uh we happen to be in designer but it doesn't really matter does it uh i'll go get um a pattern so let's move that out the way so i can see the whole thing i'll put pattern because we had a file you're going to show me about 15 of them now aren't you i do think that's the one i do think that's the one there's our pattern okay so that's the background uh please forgive me because i have no idea what these stitches look like shall i do a stitch oh dear this is not going to end well let me let me just do a really basic stitch like that there's a stitch i know it's shocking if you want this looking great you're going to need to see carol but but let's say we had some stitches like this please forgive me carol not where my skill set lies i've got stitches right these are not symbols at this point they're not even assets now the benefit of making them an asset so let's let's go let's do the whole thing let's make a new category let's rename that category got it right this time uh carol right so one thing we would have in the background now you can already see this is already a symbol because we did it right we did it totally right that's already a symbol and that's all sorted what we're looking at is these stitches so one option would be to add the stitch as an asset so if you want to do the drag and drop there's the drag and drop and rename that to stitch so we have a stitch that's a starting point for a stitch so there's no difference between these stitches that are on here and this one apart from the fact that that is called stitch and when you drag and drop it though there you go right so that's that's just a starting point the reason we might think about using a symbol for this is if it was a symbol so i'll create a symbol and we will rename that and that too will be stitch right then the benefit of it is let's get rid of all these stitches which are just rectangles right all gone right let's add these stitches benefit to doing this is as we place them over here we've got stitches but if we went into one of them and we wanted them a different color we could make them a different color but you can do movements but look what happens then all the stitches move and that is probably going to be a problem for carol carol will let me know this but i'm 30 seconds in the future so hang on a minute right so that's one way that you could do it all right let's delete all of those so let's forget that let's go back to the fact that each stitch might need its own position so we want one stitch like that but then when we move over here let's say that one needs to go that way and this one needs to go that way and then they need to cross over they probably need to be much bigger as well but you get the idea me needlework don't let me lose don't let me lose the last time i did it was mike's trousers so don't let me loose so you might just want to put a stitch in like that and then that's going to give you a problem being a symbol because all of them are going to change right but at this point if you wanted to change it that's your problem as you change the stitch color not all of them change but there is a way to fix that isn't there oh there is so in your colors in here you have a whole range of palettes and we already created a document palette we have a color for the background so if i go in here that's actually applying it to the stitch but never mind if i change this then the background is changing so we already have one global color let me just grab that stitch again right so we've got one global color all we would actually need to do is to create another one and you have some options here with an object selected add the current color to the palette as a global color there we go and then make sure that global color is applied to the other elements and then irrespective of what you do with these shapes so these could look completely different you have a really wide stitch like that irrespective of what you do with them if you go into here and you edit the fill it will apply to all of them now you might say hang on not applying to the first one there is a reason for that so let me undo it the one that you define the color from doesn't have it it has the same color but it's not the global color you would need to select it and then apply the global color and then when you go back into the global color and you edit the fill all of them change so that's probably the best way for caroline in her particular circumstances so we've got three different features at play there we've got the assets we've got the symbols and we've got the global color so while sometimes there is an overlap in terms of what they actually do so in our quadrants if we change that color it will all change but so does the global color which one you specifically use depends on the nuances of your circumstance so hopefully that will help carol right let me get back into there and go back to the q a uh right i'm going to it's comments now isn't it came like the symbols yay peter is raring to go with indexing and table of contents oh wow and peter also says fab as always you're very very welcome and what we got here uh oh stefan is that stefan that looks is it german yeah i think so i think it was stefan then hopefully that's right thank you love your demonstrations and tutorials you are very welcome very welcome oh tony enjoyed that thank you elaine just brilliant as always oh and gj sweetie's in thank you these are the best excellent and carol says that was very helpful good good good oh kate's gonna put youtube coming i haven't had a youtube comment in weeks not one and youtube love comments that's the other thing it loves it loves thumbs ups and it loves comments and and i get so few comments and then i'll see a video posted about you know um what's the most ludicrous video i've seen this week or something like here's my new lawn mower and i'm showing you a yard brush and it's got 50 comments and i'm like i clearly need to go out and get a yard brush and throw it into the demo that's what i need you see all your lovely comments are in the chat and people can't see them so if you put some lovely comments under the video people would see them and i'd be a very happy bunny oh good thank you for that right let's have a look here um what's the matter with renee renee calm oh good grief od likes the bonus content always happy for that you got any questions just let me know ah right poor renee would never shout at d either we know that renee you're lovely we love you oh dear oh right what font do i use for the poster frame uh is this the big one that says creating and managing assets i do believe that is uh that's the point it's either keep calm or couture one or other they're very very similar and i can't remember which one i went for but one is called keep calm and the other is called couture ah excellent you probably get so few comments since you answer every question did you know that i got advised that many years ago but it was advice about writing blogs and doing videos and it was always make a mistake and i thought pardon read that three times and said to mike not happening you get crucified if you make a mistake oh good grief the worst comment i ever had was about 19 pages that went through an entire session and said i didn't like this and this wasn't right and that wasn't and there was nothing wrong with the session they they just took the time to do that and the best advice is apparently go back and engage but you know me don't you yeah whatever delete i know but seriously yeah they they do say leave something out deliberately so people have to ask the question um or get something wrong deliberately and then people will correct you and i thought that's just playing games why would you leave something out deliberately that's so unfair it's like a bait and switch oh please sit down and watch this two-hour video i'll answer all your questions and then people watch it and you've not you've cheated so i won't do that so that's why i answer all the questions there you go oh kim renee needs to keep calm [Music] renee needs to lie down after this oh renee's fires are making him crazy could be worse could have been one of the others oh right tony says after hours request session on applying multiple comments across youtube oh that's a good one there's no way to cheat youtube i mean you can you can you can pay for comments and stuff but really no i'm not going to do that i don't my root my number one rule is don't cheat i remember years ago we used to get when we were doing website design so about 20 20 25 years ago we'd get that mike particularly had one client he knows exactly who i mean and he's bristling as soon as i say it he was a complete idiot what he wanted was i want to be number one in google for whatever it was that he didn't it was a local service i want to be number one in google how do we cheat and you know we could literally say with our sites uh we're number one in google for this and this and this and this obviously if you type that by saying we're number one but i'll give you an example the priest i mean the priest for crying out loud wanted to be number one in google for churches in sale and i thought well at least we've only got competition from about eight to ten churches that shouldn't be that difficult well being number one in google depends on what you type in doesn't it but he could see the sites that i'd built and i was number one in google yeah because if you type in george irving actor yeah we've come up number one in google in almost competition now you put tom cruise actor and you're gonna struggle it depends on the circumstances but somebody came to me and said right it's how to get to me number one in google and said what what search terms and they told me and i said well create content around that don't cheat just don't cheat um but people want to cheat they think cheating's the way it's not the way you don't need to cheat you don't oh dee said that's shocking i think i just lost my innocence hearing that oh poor renee if you calm down now does the balloon have helium in it oh that was a classic got to tell you that one um you know you know the course that i'm on well there was a session it was being recorded and and when the recording came out i have no idea what happened because it was fine on the night everybody sounded like they were on helium all the speakers were like mickey mouse it was great oh certainly speeding up the session kim says i wish you could comment when i'm live do you know i thought you could put a comment on it before we went live and i tried it and you can't and it doesn't look like you can put a comment on it when it's live either the chat that we've got is there but there's an issue with the chat many moons ago when i did these live sessions i would start five minutes early which solves the problem of when i'm two minutes late because youtube won't let me in but when i was starting five minutes early i got a lot of comments saying don't like the unknown chat for five minutes and i'm thinking but i have to log in you know what can i do so that's why on a sunday session i will come in and get going straight with it because if i try and cut that five minutes off which i've done one of two things will happen the worst situation was i cut the first five minutes off a video and youtube whipped the first 15. so those 15 minutes are long gone so i don't like editing a video you know just in case there's an issue like that i have no control over it the other issue is if you edit a video you lose the chat so all your lovely comments and all our chat when we're saying the link is in the chat it's not because editing a video deletes the chat so that's why i try and get straight in and get going which is why sometimes i'm going to be a couple of minutes late because if i go in two minutes early and start then i'll get complaints that somebody didn't log in until bang on the hour and now they've missed two minutes i can't win trust me i can't win but that that's why that happens because i don't like losing the chat i think the chat is part of the whole thing so um i don't edit the videos i would love to find a way that i could see everything i need to see on my desktop so i don't have to push those buttons at the beginning but i always seem to have to push those buttons at the beginning we've even had a technical issue halfway through this time didn't we which we had last night on uh by request and no renee believe it or not it was not a um a microphone cable i said to my i've this microphone cable i've checked with an inch of its life it's not me it turned out to be an application so there i am going down closing absolutely everything by what i absolutely needed and we did lose the crackle in the end oh life's exciting on the the bleeding edge of tech [Laughter] i totally agree renee the chat's fun the chat is great you guys are amazing the amount of chat that goes on and i just wouldn't want to lose that so what i do is when i do the timings and i haven't done last week's yet but then you saw my week when i do the timings i i have to put a zero timing on it i i know it's ludicrous but if i don't put the zero time at the beginning then we don't get the markers on the video and the markers on the video are incredibly useful so i have to start off with a zero and then that just says like welcome and then i have another one that says like real start and sometimes it's only like 25 seconds in but sometimes it can be like a minute and a half and some people do not have the patience for a minute and a half they want to know where it starts they just want to click it and watch it at three times doubtless very brave but i don't want to edit because i don't want to lose the chat the chat's too much fun okay what else have we got in here cabled up a sticky note and put a few things that you liked and learned and you'll place them into a comment when we're done oh okay that's just genius k is so organized here okay for productivity yay you know what you could use for that don't you renee if renee renee's involved in that remember the app that we looked at side note side notes would be perfect for that wouldn't it just say just leave that there there is actually if you're on a mac a free application installed uh what's it stickies stickies i think let's have a look is it still uh there you go stickies ah we've got no sticky yeah that's great is sticky there we go stickies post-it note totally free quite handy that it sits on top that i do believe tell no you don't sit on top oh that's not that that what that's what use is that do we have a sit on top option because that would be really cool we could zoom it we can collapse it uh no doesn't look like we've got to sit on top option that's the one thing on the mac i miss on windows you could do that and on the mac you can't i'm looking for the option but no you can change the color of your sticky note and have them all over your desktop this application has been in the mac for years and i don't know many people who use it i use it inadvertently i wonder how that happened there was a shortcut key enabled for it i think it was command shift and why um and a note popped up and i thought where did that come from and then i realized i'd missed the key i was aiming for the t and i hit the y and he brought up stickers anyway i disabled it after that because i've got far too many shortcut keys to worry about but if you don't have a post-it note app and you are on a mac then stickies is an option totally free totally free yay that's what kk is using fantastic carol loves side notes oh everybody sorted it that's fantastic thank you guys it does make a difference with youtube what they want is content create because if you think about it they're hosting your content um they want to promote content that people seem to like and the only way they can work out if somebody likes content or not is how many views it gets how many likes it gets and how many comments it gets and that's their algorithm so based on that they will promote your content or not which is a bit unfair if you're trying to get going because if not many people know about you um it's very very difficult to get started now on youtube it was far easier years ago because there wasn't as many people but i can tell that their algorithm is constantly working because if i watch a video i went i went through a phase about two months ago i watched loads of youtube concerts and i was being bombarded with youtube concerts every time oh it's another concert you want to watch this one there's another one another one another one i was having a bowl but then i thought yeah i need to get some work done and i didn't watch any youtube concerts for about a week and now they don't recommend me youtube concerts at all it's very fickle the algorithm it is it's very very fickle uh okay then do we have any last questions with this nothing from here nothing from mike sand okay well next week is the build with me i was intending so i left creating the youtube placeholder for the event because i was going to say right okay building a blank with me and i just couldn't think of a way to describe the document that i'm going to um create and i thought it just let's just leave it as a build with me but what it will do is show you all of the features that we've looked at but in context of creating a document which is going to be a real document so it's not just a demo document you know blue square's all over the place this is going to be a real document so it's got to work so it will be masters and layouts and styles and assets and symbols and all that kind of stuff i've just got to sort that out this week haven't i oh carol has a youtube channel and a grand total of nine subscribers what's what's on there is this your stitching stuff oh i will check that out just make my tutorials 56 seconds long with a misleading clickbait title and unrelated thumbnail give people what they want it's easy well i did have a full english for lunch so what i really should have done was live stream that shouldn't i that would have worked you're almost at double digits you know carol when i started mine um i said to mike would you subscribe because you'll probably be the only subscriber i will ever have and he did and i subscribed to him and that was it and then one day i logged in like a bit i've put some videos up uh but they were they were a webinar that i'd done on like different topics and i'd separated the webinar into individual chunks because back then you couldn't live stream to youtube it was all pre-recorded video so we were using adobe connect and a local recording so that was what i did and i sliced and diced these videos now you might think why did you slice and dice them ah you also couldn't upload more than 15 minutes which for my stuff yeah that's not gonna work so i i sliced it into and i had one that was 15 minutes and 40 seconds and i thought i've got to cut 40 seconds out of this video and i went through it with a fine tooth comb and every time i stopped for breath i cut it out and over over the 15 minutes i got it down to 14 minutes 59 seconds so that one went up as well but uh so i put those up and i knew a couple of people had seen them and then when i logged back in i'm like oh 40 people have subscribed who are these people so it does it's like it's it's a bit like a snowball it'll work uh i joke that's literally how daddy got started i can i can believe that dee i can i should invite danny round shouldn't i that solved the problem but you know covered ah there's a problem there's a problem oh it's the needlework tips channel put can you put your channel url in there let people go and have a look put it in carol is what is one of the family one of them about his family so get that in there oh kim wants to see us when we're eating yeah we could do that i guess we could livestream a meal with your mother and stuff like that do you know it's actually quite sad isn't it it's come to that i think people like behind the scenes stuff and like um related information but not exactly bank on point if you're with me it's it's the extra little bits like we all know if we if we've attended all my sessions we know that we have assets and we know that we have symbols and we know we have global colors but how does that work in the real world so carol's example where it's no good using a symbol because all the stitches would be the same way around but we need consistency of color means that we use a different method so the real world stuff is really useful okay how to google full english oh it's a full english breakfast and it has anything and everything you like on it there is kind of a core of eggs bacon sausage but then in addition to that people tend to put mushrooms black pudding hash browns have i forgotten anything like tomatoes sometimes yes tomatoes we don't have too much beans baked beans so in england full of most people have toast with it but i'm gluten-free so we don't have bread we can have gluten-free bread but a little gluten-free bread goes a long way so i don't tend to have the bread with it it's probably too much to be honest i prefer the rest of it without the toast but when we go to the local um eatery for breakfast which is bramley farm they always say like you want some toast and when nine times out of ten mike says no we're gluten free and they say would you like some bread instead we don't think the young servers know that you know these like they don't know where babies come from they don't know where toasts i'm sure they know that not on a level of understanding it though eh they're classic they really are um the blood pudding needs a good explanation for you to try it yeah it's black pudding it's it's quite spicy it's like a warm spicy taste but yes the color of it because when you cook it it's absolutely jet black um there is blood in it um and animal fat i'm not actually sure of the rest of it of what's in it but it's a it's a little bit like the first time i went to a burns night and there was haggis and i'm like pushing it around the plate thinking hmm when i started eating it was it was delicious absolutely delicious and flat pudding is the same way but you have to have just the right black pudding so if you're going to try black pudding it needs to be lancashire black pudding which is the best obviously oh you put the channel in here it may have removed it oh i didn't even see a message with that i'll tell you what carol uh put it in slack put it in slack if you are not with us in slack we have a mac bytes slack channel which is macbites dot co dot uk slack it's completely free it's where we have more chat like we've got now but 24 7 you can just post as and when so pop it in there carol um either random or um critiques is probably your best bet but random i think most people will see it oh carol's gluten-free too how long have you been gluten-free i am 30 years this year i think i was 21. and i had a nasty incident with the cheese cheese and onion pie i'd been fine up until then and this particular day my mum said i know you're not gonna have time to cook i've left you a cheese and onion pie i thought great i love cheese and onion pies so i went downstairs and i warmed it up and everything i ate the pie oh i thought i was gonna die literally from nowhere i thought i was gonna die so she came back in and i said i've never eaten another cheese and onion pie she what's the matter with you anyway i didn't eat another pie but every time i had something like bread or cakes biscuits anything like that i really felt rough and then it it was discovered it was a gluten allergy so it the way it affects me is um if i if i touch it the skin on my hands not good starts peeling off but if i eat it so if i eat something inadvertently we went round the corner to our gastro pub and we had a gluten-free dessert allegedly it was gluten-free i was ill for three days it was not gluten-free so um it's like a pain in the back like a stabbing pain in the back so yeah it's not good it's not good our neighbour's gluten-free as well carol's now added it to slack yay good good i've got a notification excellent oh stone away black pudding is particularly good i'm gonna have to try them all now 60 years since you're a baby oh no i had 20 years where i could eat what i like that's probably what did it me and my family's russ i was eating farley's rusks at twenty-one i just loved far leaders i've not had one since darn it i think they probably do do um glue gluten-free file is rust there who knows who knows mrs renee bought a veggie wrap with lots of veggies just when we started talking about food she's a good woman renee she's a keeper hang on to her i know she's a fabulous singer as well right okay then uh hopefully we will all meet seven months old good grief oh my god i guess then you've never eaten the stuff so probably you never miss it and what i will say about gluten stuff now is it's way better than it used to be when i was first diagnosed had a piece of bread that was allegedly gluten-free which it was it was like it looked like a piece of attire it was jet black it was really thin but very heavy it's like a russian bread of some description and you know as a delicacy it wasn't bad but it certainly didn't taste like a round of bread when all you want is a sandwich that you've been used to for 20 years this stuff didn't cut it let's put it like that oh they did go gluten-free roster a while but no longer oh isn't that typical i missed it just as well i've only got hooked again so i need to leave it there right well hopefully we will all meet again uh next week when we're doing the build with me and of course if you want more entertainment as we go uh we we are marooned in a couple of hours uh and we're after hours in on friday at nine o'clock on this channel we will be here so uh for the moment i'm going to say good afternoon from me and good afternoon from me and we will both see you next time stay safe guys you
Channel: Elaine Giles
Views: 3,133
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affinity publisher, data merge, affinity publisher tutorial, desktop publishing, data merge affinity publisher, affinity publisher full tutorial, affinity publisher advanced tutorial
Id: 2tp5hFOntiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 5sec (6905 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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