Working with Colour in Affinity Photo

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hello and welcome tonight we're looking at working with color in affinity photo first of all who am i I'm Elaine Giles if you don't know me I'm a longtime trainer podcast host love my software and at the moment I'm particularly working intensively with affinity stuff affinity photo and affinity designer and I can't wait for affinity publisher but let's get back to what we're looking up tonight which is working with color in affinity photo had a look round when I was trying to work out what affinity photo was doing with colors and how I could best make it work for me and there wasn't much in the way of guidance as to there was lots of things about his one feature oh and here's another video on another feature but there was nothing that seemed to pull it together so that's what I mean I'm hoping to do tonight for everybody so quick overview of what we're actually going to cover so it'll be an hour in a bit of a video and you might think I'm not sitting through all of that what will it cover so I'm going to give you an overview of what it will cover so there are different types of color that you can work with within affinity so you've got RGB CMYK lab color gray scales you can select those when you create a new document and I'll be looking at - what you need to do in regards to that I'll also be talking about the global color picker which doubtless if you've looked as a vanity photo you will have found and you will be trying to work with when I first looked at it when affinity designer was in beta so even before long before affinity photo I found it quite cumbersome to work with but once you know how it works the whole thing is a whole lot easier so I'll be sure to cover that there's also a color picker tool which is completely separate from the global picker tool so we need to look at that as well then when you're working with colors it's far better if you can work with swatches and group them together but when you try and do that there are three kinds there's document swatches application actually palettes document palettes application palettes and system palettes so many things what on earth do you do why would you use one over another is there a benefit I will cover that as well there's also very unfortunately a huge range of file formats for working with colors swatch format there's a se a CO CLR AI and affinity poets that's just a few there are actually about three or four times that that I actually found there was one there are the common ones and what you're going to need to know to leverage your existing content and content that you can download for free from the internet is how you can take those file formats and get affinity photo to understand them and that is what we will be doing tonight so let's go in and actually have a look at it so let me get into a finishing photo right first of all interface what have we got - what can we do with it so first of all I mentioned there was a global color picker so so we can use that and have a look at it I am going to go into affinity and we are and I'm just going to put a square on there bit of a dodgy square a rectangle and the color picker in question is up at the top here now actually I'm on the swatches palette nurse should be on the color panel so in the color panel you have this little symbol it's a circle and there is an eyedropper next to it and it sits there and my first impression was it was giving me information rather than being interactive and it came as quite a revelation to understand that I can actually click on there and drag it and when I drag it I get this loop color loop really and I can move it anywhere over the interview underneath with some RGB values as well and it's showing me that it's white and as I move across the color around it's going black and I get up to a bright color which I've got in here somewhere I see there's green want it's got a border of green on it I'm actually holding down the mouse pointer at that point I am actually still holding it down the reason they is as soon as I release it it will load the color that I'm hovering over into the little dot so let's go with that yellow and then back over to the right-hand side you can see that the dots instead of being black as it was previously it's now got the yellow in it that I was hovering over so as I say that was from anywhere on my screen not just the working area the white canvas area anywhere on my screen including the interface of affinity photo but also it goes more than that if I take my click on there and drag it out again so I've dragged it out I can actually go off the main screen so I'm going to head to my left and you're going to see it disappear off the screen come on to my secondary monitor where I've got Microsoft OneNote which has a purple stripe on the top and as I let go it loads in the purple that I selected off another screen so it is not just my canvas working area not just the interface of affinity photo it's actually anywhere on any screen that you have attached to your mat your computer right but when you've loaded that into there it hasn't actually applied it anywhere it's a two-step process so with the shape selected so I've got my rectangle selected I can go back to the color that I've just loaded into my eyedropper there and click once on it and when I click on it that is when it applies it I find that there's a positive and a negative with that it's great sometimes when I want to go and pick a color but I don't want to use it right at this second but I will do when I've drawn something extra and then I want to color it but other than that if I've got the the element I want to work with it's a bit of a pain to have to do it twice that's just one thing that you will have to be aware of so that is your cult that's within the color panel that you get that but you will also see that eyedropper in many other locations so just to show you as I go over to the swatches panel the eyedropper is in there as I go up to the context-sensitive toolbar there is fill and Stroke and when I click on there there is also the eyedropper so it's pervasive across the interface and it does exactly the same job so if I dragged it from up there and I went down on the wheel choose a green in here you don't really have to do it that way but I will it will select that or it should do a look you know doing that you're not picking up from there let me see if you'll pick you up from here you'll pick up that will pick it up from its own interface so if I want a green and we'd have to find somewhere green to put it there we are and I can then click to apply it so once you know where that is and once you know that it actually is giving you more than just feedback that it is actually interactive then you can start to work with it so I'm just going to go back to the color panel because this is where I work with an individual color we have not yet taken to looking at multiple colors in terms of swatches and palettes we're just looking at individual colors at this stage so that's how that actually works now because I've got next to this I have two circles in fact I've got three if you count the one underneath I've got the green one the black one and the one with that's white with a red line through it on what that is that allows me to make something transparent so as I click on that it actually applies it to the circle that I have at the front so the one that was green is now transparent I just undo that that will make it green again how it works is the white one with the red line through it makes either the black or the green one transparent now what's the difference with the black and the green and how did you get to the black one the green one is the fill the one at the back that's black that's the stroke and how you bring them to the front how you swap them over is the arrow next to it and when you do that it does actually swap them it actually swaps the color that's in the back one to be at the front and vice versa so we've on this one I wanted it to have that green fill need to flick it over if I want to leave the green fill but I want to apply something horribly lurid like a purple stroke to it I can actually click on the black circle to bring that one to the front and now when I'm using my color picker and I'm going around so let's go up here and get a purpley color it's actually going to apply to what should be applying to the stroke there we go applies to the stroke now you're looking at it you're thinking really can't see that too well let's move in it is actually there it's very very faint that's because it's only one pixel probably so if I go over to I can actually change that if I go in here I should have a strokes panel somewhere which I usually have displayed so let's go to the interface and get that no it's not there not there I shall come back to that that's what I'll do but it is actually that oh there's the stroke up the top good grief there we go and it's set to one pixel so I will make that much bigger there we go so you can see it you'll also notice at that point it became much sharper and I am zoomed into a very large level so I will zoom out so you can see it so that's how you work with these circles the higher one not necessarily at the front it's at the front at the moment but it won't be if I click on that one so the higher one the one that's purple at the moment is referring to the stroke the lower one that leads green at the moment is referring to the fill the circle below the white one with the red through it is making it transparent and next to that you have your global color picker and that is how all of that works once you've got that understood once you've grasped that the rest is really easy and that's when I would move on to the color picker tool just to show you the difference so I will come out of the zoom there and just show you the difference here so what I'm going to do is I'm going to duplicate that shape and you get into the color picker tool with the I key let me have a look that is up towards the top here is the tool I use the I key it's the color picker tool now the color picker tool you might think yourself well why on earth the two of them you've got the other one from over there the great thing with this is it works slightly differently I've got this selected and I've got colors that I can pick up there now as I click on a color so I'm clicking on the purple it has filled the element that I have selected straight away there was no need for it to load it into the color picker up in the right-hand corner on the color panel and then I have to go and click it it does it all in one maneuver it actually goes in and it does the job in one now you might think then it will use the other one I will always use that one but there's a downside to it as well one of the problems with it is it only can select from within the canvas area so as I'm moving around and I'm choosing different colors so at the moment I'm choosing the purple on choosing the green it's on the canvas but if I move my mouse pointer up you can see instead of it being across her it changes to a mouse pointer and I can no longer select anything so the eyedropper tool is fantastic but it can only actually work within the image so if I actually open an image I can show you that so I'm going to open up name is your Bruno Bruno the dog and get my eyedropper on Bruno and as I'm selecting the colors you can see it's loading the color in up here so it is actually making the selection so I'm going for much lighter let's go for that orange bit it's making the selection but I can't select outside so it's fantastic for working with an image like that one that I want to sample colors from even if I wanted to do something like color something else so if I was putting this on a website and I wanted a button at the top I can get my eyedropper tool and I can work through and I can get a color that will complement that image and it does it all in one it's just the downside is it is only from anything on the canvas area so why would I choose that one then and that's because there's things that the color picker tool can do that the global color picker can't do then how do you know that well on your context-sensitive toolbar the first option is apply to selection and you've seen that in action that's when I have a selection and I then go in and choose a color from somewhere else that's what apply to selection means if I take the tick out of the box and I go back and do that nothing changes it doesn't apply to the selection it's not doing that so if yours doesn't do that make sure that it's in the box if that's what you actually want the next thing is it's saying the source is global but you could limit it to a layer which if you think of how the global color picker works you can't so I'm going to leave this one set to global but if he did have certain elements on certain layers you could restrict it to a certain layer in again if you've got problems trying to pick a color and you thinking this isn't the right color do check that you've got global setup there rather than a specific layer now the other thing it can do is much more useful which is called presets and when I open up the presets you can see that the first one says point one by one what that's referring to is the sampling area so as I moved across the dog it was only picking up the value of a single color and if you look at an intricate design like that particularly like a sky or a background choosing one particular pixel might not give you the result you're looking for you might look at it and think oh I didn't think it was that color that's not the impression I'm getting looking at the overall image and that's what these other options are for they allow you to take a color to select a color based on an average and the average it's referring to when it says 3 by 3 and 5 by 5 is the size of the grid around it so let's go and try that so with a set to point I'm going to go down and choose this sort of what would you say greenish color in the middle but that greenish color is much greener at the bottom and up here it's sort of yellowy and then it goes to the peach color so I'm not really quite sure if that is the color that I was aiming for and that's why you would go back up here and choose 3x3 and you get a slightly different color it the bigger you go the more different that color is so if I go right up to 65 and try that it is slightly different it's giving you a different color it's that it's an average value rather than the value of a single pixel now I made a mistake when I did this and I chose one of the really big ones and I had a blue and it was a very deep blue and I expected it to be pretty similar that it would be blue of some description and it came in and it was incredibly pale I thought why on earth sits so pale and then I realized I check I picked it from a layer and the rest of the layer was transparent or it was white and it had used a lot of the white even though I'd click right on top of this really deep blue so we've chosen the 257 which is the biggest we can get and as I'm going across this well I'm clicking on the light a bit of Bruno you can see it's nothing like the orange color that we had before and that's because the grid which is 257 is taking in a lot of the black fur around Bruno so if I click on the white bit in the middle it's nothing like white it's still brown and that's because it's taking in so many different colors I click on virtually the same point with a 5x5 grid and it's it's almost white so it's very very handy to do that was great for skies where it's great for backgrounds like on this one but I would say try and keep it as tight as possible to give you the effect that you're looking for rather than going for something really huge in thinking that you're going to get a better average it very much depends on the image the type of image you're working with but that's one of the things that the color picker tool can do that the global color picker doesn't do so the differences were it's restricted to the design area just the canvas area of affinity photo it's a single step process you only need to do that once if you have the tick in apply to selection so that option that was up in the left hand corner if you have that checked that it's a single step process there are the presets that are available to give you an average and because of that you can take an average which you can't do with the other color picker now those are the two options you've got when it comes to picking color from within affinity photo there are lots of other ways of picking color with third-party applications but that's what you've got within affinity photo and that's what this color panel is all about now the color panel the view I have of it at the moment is the default view which is the color wheel but it's got hidden depths in here as well there is a menu option as is common with virtually every panel in affinity photo and if I click on that you get extra options so this one is showing you the color wheel and again I found that rather strange when I first started working with affinity photo I wasn't used to having a wheel I had to have sliders and I'd had boxes and things like that but I hadn't had a wheel if you just cannot go it get used to that you can't change how they entire color panel works so you can go to sliders and now you can slide about to select colors using your RGB you'll notice in here as well you also have opacity so you can change the opacity in there too so I'm changing that that what we said was going to be a button in this top corner in here so it's just there we go it's back it's back zooming me in slowly there we go so you can see it going moving in there with the sliders but you're not even limited to that you also have what it calls boxes now I thought that doesn't look much like boxes to me but it actually is it sort of boxes of colors but this one happens to be a wide range of colors but if you go in here you can change how that actually looks as well so there are multiple levels in here to work with this this way it would allow you to choose at the top sits in a way it's similar to the color wheel the first one you can choose it at the top and then you can change the hue of that underneath so that's how that one works and the last one you've got is tint that's pretty simple all it does is change the tint of a single color it doesn't allow you to change that color you've got the opacity where you're working within a single color though so there it is and I'm trying to get that back up where and then I'm trying to click on here that's right so the deepest color right down to virtually transparent so you're changing the tint with that so if you're working with affinity photo you think mine doesn't look like that do go up here and have a look at that and you may find that you've got it set to wheel sliders boxes or tint now the other options that you've got in here or you can copy a color to your clipboard as a hex value now if you're never ever ever going to use a hex value then don't worry about it but it's great to be able to copy a color as a hex value which as an aside is how all color is stored it's a computer it doesn't store it as a color it stores everything as a number and each color has a value and it can be expressed in RGB or hex or other different formats but hex is a very common one it's used in CSS for web sites and elements on the web you can also paste that into various applications so if I do copy that as a hex value and then I go over to the swatches and I'm just going to choose a different swatch so I'm not going to worry too much about which one I've got one in here that and there's nothing on there yet what I will do is I will add a swatch to it don't worry about this I'm going to come back and explain all of this but the reason I'm showing you this is you can actually go in here and you can see if I go into my not on that one are you oh that's not great is it I was going to show you actually pasting it in and it's not having it let's see if we can edit it and do it that way no it's not going to let us do that I will find a different way to do that okay so I'm just gonna go back in here just to show you that you can actually copy it and what I will do is I will I will paste that somewhere where can i paste up that's pretty safe let me open up pages I've got nothing in pages I don't think make a new file in pages and just show you that if I paste that in that is that color value of a zoom in to show you that that is the value of that sort of brownish color the hash at the beginning tells me that it's a hex code and the six digits after it which can be certain letters and numbers actually tell me what value that is so that is what a hex code looks like but as I say you may never need to even think about it and if you don't normally need to think about it don't worry about it at all if you're not going to use that then don't worry about it just that you can't actually do that you can also add color to swatches and add chords to swatches but before we do that you need to know what swatches are all about so that's the basics of the color in there but as I said it's much more powerful if you can pull these together and work with multiple colors and that's what the swatches panel is all about so by default I think that was on grays wasn't it usually when you go in it is on at grays it does have some of the same options as you had on the color panel so let's have a look what it's got that's the same it has the transparency swatch which is the white one it has the stroke swatch which is the black one it has the fill which in this case is the brown one it has the eyedropper tool which works exactly the same way as it did on the last panel it also has a path city it's just in a different place but it works exactly the same way that's when it starts to change it starts to get different at that point let's all look at it let's take it back to the default which was the wheel that's what the wheel look like but you go into the swatch the top little bits the same but this one's actually more useful to work with I actually spend most of my time in here once I've decided what colors I'm working with first thing it gives you which is incredibly useful is this recent row of colors and what it shows you is the recent colors that you've actually just used so if I switch those over and I go to do that I want to bring that one to the front I do that I can just change the color of what's selected by choosing from the recent list obviously there's only a couple in here but if I'd gone through and I'd applied lots of different Gray's and work through it you can see it's changing this color here to lots of different Gray's so that will start to build up as I work through this when you look back at it in a few minutes you'll see that there's more colors in it so the area that you've got down here starts off with where it says that the word Gray's at the moment and when I bring that up you can see within there that you've got lots of options and these are saved searches you have by default Gray's colors and gradients and you will all have those if you have affinity photo installed now I'm going to point out that these top three have a certain icon and that's actually the affinity icon that indicates to you that these are application palettes they are only available within affinity photo and I do mean within affinity photo just because they're in affinity photo does not mean they'll be available in affinity designer much less any other application they won't be it is just within affinity photo as I move down you'll see there's a range of other palettes and some of these don't look like they're global they're not there should be four by default depending on what software you've got installed but you should always have four you should always have web-safe crayons apple and cysts they will be the default ones you'll notice in here I have Scrivener that's because I have Scrivener installed and Scrivener installed its own pallet the other ones so affinity microsoft office 2017 from affinity designer our parishes microsoft that sort of mine spring flow sevens one of mine so what I've done is I've created extra pallets and because those pallets have the little Apple icon next to them that tells you that they are system pallets that means they are available in every application on your computer that uses the Apple color picker they are global to this particular computer and the reason that I tend to use those rather than application palettes is because if I've got a range of colors that I'm working with for a client so I'm going to activate here the our parish is one which if you've been with me before you will have seen there only a few colors here just a few there's seven of them and they're all very very pasty I'll admit but those are the colors that I work with and if I'm in affinity photo and I want to put some text on an image to put on their website I want the right colors but I also want those colors if I'm in keynote or if I'm in pages and I want the exact same colors so I made a system palette I'll show you how you can do that that makes my life a whole lot easier before I could do that I have to carry around so cheese with me and then pick them from an image which isn't the greatest thing to do so that is why they have the Apple icon next to them the other options you've got in here are these Pantone ones so that will give you if you're working with printed material and you need absolutely spot-on color then you can use defined colors from the Pantone range you will possibly remember when I started this and we looked at the slides I mentioned three types of palettes and we've only got two there plus the Pantone the third type was document palettes and a document palette is a range of colors that he's only available to this particular file so it will be an affinity photo file it will have its own color palette but it only be available when that individual file is opened so there are three types there are the application pallets the system pallets and the document pallets at this stage before we go on to look at anything else it's not too important at the moment what I will do I'll leave it set to that while I explain the rest of what's at the top and then we'll go and create one the next option you have here is this little looks like a palette icon and it says add current fill to palette and that's exactly what it will do so if I have this set to my fill this kind of burnt brownish pinky thing if I want that adding it will actually add it and it's added it at the beginning they're just added it as another color to the palette that I have active and that's the one in the drop-down list going across to the right hand side I then have four little swatches on their own and they are the hashing really handy I find myself using black and white from there virtually all the time the first ones transparent the second ones is black the third is 50% gray and the last one is white and they are pervasive they will stay there no matter what you have selected and they are the colors that affinity photo deems necessary for you to have access to D respective of the palette you have activated so that's what they are moving down then you actually have the swatches that form part or all of the palette you have selected in that drop-down that's what those colors are for that moving down you then have an option that you can search for colors now search how well that depends on what the colors are called I'm winging this I think I had one called all I did luckily the reason there's two in there is the name of the colors so if I take that away you can see let's zoom zoom into it so you can see I've got there my ever eight colors now but as I hover over them you should be able to see and it's quite difficult for me because my mouse pointer is hidden there we go one is all saints' that is the pinky one if I move just to the left I've got all our parishes and if I move across to the right I've got some Margaret Ward and if I move one more that's has some affairs and it's not that yellowy one there is Our Lady of Lourdes so there are different churches within a range of parishes and I took the time and I named them but if I move across to this one that I've just put in which is that pinky one that one there it just says our parishes it doesn't say anything in terms of the name so knowing that if I type in the word all I should limit that to two colors the first one is all saying that the pink one is All Saints and the maroon one is all parishes so you can search by name this is why it's worth taking the time and naming your colors because you can have obviously I've got nine colors in here eight or nine colors but you can have quite a lot of colors in here if we look at some of these other options particularly these Pantone ones you can see whole ranges of colors Swedes of colors and if you've got something like that the ability to search for them by name is immensely useful so it is worthwhile taking the time to name them so I'm going to go back to the one we had right so that's for searching it looks like that's all you can do from that panel but if we go up to the menu you have other options and this is where you start working with palettes so I will work through these but first of all I'm going to show you how to make a new palette so what we have available within here is these palettes you need to know the difference between the system the application in the document well once you've got that you can then start to work with it so this document here at the moment I'd like a color palette for it that's the stone I'd also like let me get out the full view to load into it some of these colors that would be most useful so up here you can add palettes the thing being you have to know the difference between the type of pallas before you can actually do it because you need to know which one to add now I have a preference if possible to you system pellets that's just my personal preference you may choose to use something completely different my rationale is as I've said I want these I'm going to probably want these colors available across multiple applications and that automatically rules out an application palette in a document palette however there are times I will use a document palette I will explain why as we move on but for this one I will say document palette so I'll add a document palette and it creates it now it's automatically there it's called it unnamed not helpful doesn't prompt me for a name but then sometimes when you speed working you don't want to be stopped and prompted for a name but with it selected which it is you can go back to the menu and choose to rename the palette and I will put in there Bruno marvelous live demos oven you never seen that happen before not doing that what I'll do is I will reopen it will you have saved my file poor Bruno poor poor Bruno didn't even save Bruno right oh hang on hang on on the other screen we do have a message I have found a recovery file would you like to open it why not restore the unsafe art yes yes let's restore it but we found that one as well did you marvellous let's just concentrate on Bruno let's see if he's color palette was there it was so he's unnamed color palette as we were as we were not a crisis she said probably good idea to save this file at some point there isn't it which I'll do right now because at the moment it's saved as which saved me you are aren't you it's saved as a JPEG but now it's saved as an affinity photo file so let's do that before we go any further then we'll try renaming it I'm wondering if it crashed then because it was a JPEG and JPEGs don't support their own document palette but it should have let me do it and then save it but now it's saved so here's hoping it doesn't happen again if it does and I'm afraid Bruno's going to have to be ditched so what I was doing was renaming the palette don't crash oh no he got we got this far didn't we we got to the point of putting in Bruno and then it crashed but now it's fine so I would say that was because it was a JPEG right so we now have a color palette called Bruno and it's a document palate so this is the first one that we've seen it's a document palette so it has the document icon when I now open that up you now have all the different types you have the document palette to call Bruno the application palettes and the system palettes so you now have all three to look at so we will be working with the Bruno one what you can do with this is literally get your eyedropper you can go around and select a color and you can then choose to add that to the palette so as I go through and I select different colors I'm clicking that button to add it to the palette and it's adding it so let's get some of his brownie orange fur let's add that one and some of the black as well and that is how you build up the color palette once you've got that in there you can then work with that that will be saved with this file now as I say if I go over to this file that we were working with and I go into here you'll see that we don't have Bruno it is per file it is only available for Bruno so if you wanted it across multiple files don't make it a document puppet but in this case that's fine we'll just go with a document palette for Bruno and he's got his own palette it's that simple to create a palette now at this point I'm selecting one there go into there and you can see what else you can do with this at the moment we've added a palette we've only added one we've renamed it you can delete palettes so you have full palette management in here you can set it as the default for different types of color space now I said I would talk about the color space you have the all the options that you've got they've got the RGB the Grays the CMYK the lab color if color management is incredibly important to you then you will have probably some information from your printer or your your printing company and you will be able to select that based on how you want your output produced if you are a little bit hazy on it stick to the default because if you stick to the RGB default you can always change it later now if you have a particular range of colors you always work with that's what this option is talking about make this color the default for either each of these one of these however you want to work with it so you can do that from there now I've been working through this and I've created a palette or a few colors from this image but I did it really slowly I did it by going around and clicking and adding and clicking and adding you could actually automate all of this which is great news so back up to that menu you can see create palette from document and it's talking about a document that you have opened within affinity photo again you need to specify whether it's application document or system scene as though it's coming from this document I'll create it as a document palette and I will just click on there you will see it's automatically created me a palette it's called it Bruno two it's taken the name from the name of the file and then audited two because we already had one called Bruno and it's added all of the colors that it has picked up from that image that is a great way of generating a color palette because it took so little time so all you would need to do is open up a file and then go to that menu and choose the option I did which was create palette from document and choose a particular type of palette now let's have a think about that because I said document palette that's because it was for Bruno but if what I really wanted was to take these colors and maybe use them in keynote in a presentation then it wouldn't have been a document palette I should give you a couple of seconds to write him which one it is but I've not got all day because it would take me 30 seconds to read what she put but I know that mentally you're thinking Oh Elaine that would be a system palette so let's make it a system palette so I'll create a new palette from the document again same document but this time as a system palette now this time it's called it Bruno oh come on what you're playing at shouldn't it be in Bruno 3 no it shouldn't the first palette was a document palette that was called Bruno the second one was a document palette so it called it Bruno - this one is a system palette there isn't one called Bruno so it's called it Bruno it's taken the name from the file it's picked the same colors again but now it has added it to my system let's prove that let's go over to that image that hit there luckily saved for me and let's go and have a look at the color palettes that are available and there is Bruno so it wasn't there before but it is now so I can choose that that's loaded it in and then making sure I've got something selected here so let's make sure we've got the shape or on the green and we want to apply the orange or the blue you can apply colors from Bruno's palette to a different document not only that because that's good that's good but let's find better than that where is my I have the pages file so I'm going to open up my pages file there it is it is just a range of square boxes it would work much better in keynote but I'm already using keynote that's already running what each of these boxes has got is that just to fill just a plain fill where I open up this say in a color fill I can choose from around imited range of colors but that's no good this option here allows me to see the system-wide color picker so I'm going into the system-wide color picker not helpfully it has opened it on my other screen but I'll drag it on there it is now in here don't underestimate the system color picker it looks naive it looks simplistic but it's not it's very clever we have extra options in here as we're going in and if I go into the third tab so this third one here which is color palettes if I click on that do these names look familiar they should do Apple developer affinity oh look Bruno I can actually load Bruno into the system color picker and from there I can choose all of Bruno's colors so I can choose any color that I had in affinity photo so these colors started life inside Bruno's JPEG file and then we took it into a finicky photo we extracted the colors from it and we've now opened up pages and we're now working with that palette we haven't even saved the file yet in affinity but because it has saved it as a system-wide color palette it's available system-wide so I will we'll come back to that later maybe I'll move it out of the way for the moment that's to show you the difference you'll notice in here that Bruno 2 is nowhere to be seen Bruno 2 is nowhere to be seen because it is all together now a document palette but that one is there to be looked at and used across files so back into the Bruno file because one of the other options that we had in here was I'm going back to it now that was create color palette a crepe palette from document but there's also create palette from image well they sound similar given that a document is an image in affinity photo but what it actually means is it's going to give you an entire interface to work with so let's have a look at that create palette from image not the best most exciting dialog box I have ever seen but once I select an image things will improve greatly so what I'm going to do is select an image and I'm going into my data file and I've got some images I have some this one of peaches I have just a JPEG I'm going to open that up and it will load it in and what it does is it has a good old gander at it with an algorithm running and it picks out what it considers to be the primary colors from that image so it could be a JPEG could be a PNG doesn't really matter it will do it from an image it's an image file format that is using more than that though you can specify the number of colors so at the bottom you have a number of colors you have a slider and at the moment it's set to 5 the preview option and there's locations and things we will look at but at the moment you can take it down to 3 not that that is making a difference it should do should show me three images through three colors and I should also be able to take it maybe have to preview it let's preview though we go goes down to 3 so let's take that up sort of 25 26 and preview that and you've now got a huge range of colors 26 of them I take that all the way up you can have 256 and I will preview that and then show you all of the colors available from within there now I don't think much of the time you will choose an image and want 256 colors from it because for instance these two are slightly different but they look very similar and these two look very similar too so usually you want maybe 10 20 something like that not usually more than that there are exceptions and one of the exceptions I've got is the Microsoft palette that has a swatch in it for every Microsoft application and that is there to make my life easier when I'm in keynote and I'm making my presentations and I want to put excel and I want to make it excel green I can't remember what color Excel green is so when I have it remind me and I use it from a palette so we've got there let's make that 20 you can type it in if it's not being precise and then preview that so I've picked from that 20 colors from that image at the top when it says location you should have a clue what this is talking about because as I click the drop-down it gives me four options not 3 4 it gives me application system document and currently selected palette it would be helpful if it's that application pallet system pallet document pallets and location might be better if it said pallet location rather than just location because you could be forgiven for thinking I don't know what where you're talking about what are you talking about but what it means is it's going to create a new pallet and do you want an application on a system 1 or a document 1 or the other option which is to add it to the currently selected pallet so I'll go for that bottom one and add it to the currently selected palette which is Bruno which is a document pallet and click create and it adds that in up there so it adds the extra colors and it puts them actually in front of the colors that were already there so it's added them to Bruno I will go back in and I will do that again with a different image so it was create palette from image go in select the image and I will choose soap this time it's a range of brightly colored soaps we'll choose more images that's actually quite muted isn't it but I will choose let's go for 8 and preview that so I've got 8 colors in there this time I will make this a system palette so I'll make sure it says system click create it has added that it's called it's soap and lot of numbers and that's because it's named it after the file so I will go in and I will rename that palette and we'll call that soap so here where it was from what we don't need all of those numbers and now I have another global to this computer palette so if I go back into here and I choose my palettes which was a soap there are my options and I can go in and apply those colors in a different image so we've created a palette from the Bruno image which is an affinity photo file which crushed it right royally but never mind that we recovered and we've also created from images we've created two system-wide palettes from two separate images I so good as we're going moving down you can change how these display you could show them as a list and in that case it would show you the name so if it's important to see the names so let's have a look at that Microsoft Office one that will make much more sense when T we have Word Excel PowerPoint OneNote and as I scroll we have outlook now that one's actually a limited one that's office nine to eight 2017 but this Microsoft one there's hundreds of them there are lots and lots of colors in there there's InfoPath Visio 2013 colors all sorts in there windows there are Pantone colors that are Microsoft some brand colors varying shades of grey global could you name it there in there so there's about 30 or 40 colors in that one and it's great for me to be able to switch it to that so I can work with it and I can search for it as also if I'm looking for excel green what options have I got for Excel green and you'll see there as there is a slight difference there Excel 2013 he's not the same as the other excel not all excel greens are equal so that's how I work with that so it's just a different way to display the information so sometimes a list is more appropriate you can also change the size of the swatch so if I take away that and we go back to just the swatch but then I go back in and say make the medium they go bigger for those those of us of a certain age who could do with them a little bit bigger and even go up to large as well you'll also notice there that you have sorting options so they could be alphabetical so for me that would be fantastic for Microsoft won but for other ones maybe Bruno I might want that sorted by color so there are options in there to do that as well so if we go back to Bruno mines Bruno's there's Bruno's that's not sorted by color doesn't look like it to me let's sort that by color so go in there sort by color and it should also massively rearrange that like it did let's try something to make it alphabetical which one shouldn't I tinker with not sure which ones I shouldn't think of it I've got a backup of the office 2017 one so I could do that alphabetically couldn't I let's go for that sort alphabetical and I don't believe this maybe not sort them there's an idea maybe not sort them let me go back into it affinity what are you doing to me you know that think of it will be all right on the night yeah it's not but it was fine in rehearsals I'm just going to open all of my recovery files hopefully it has recovered them if it has recovered them in Bruno I'm going to do a swift check to make sure Bruno's got Bruno Bruno to which he has I'll save the file while I'm at it as well I might obviously at this stage and my other palettes are still there because they're not stored in the image so they were quite safe crush or not I think I'm going to leave those sort options a play with as you dare I'll leave that to say okay so I will go back in and show you the rest of it because there next things the important thing you're probably all screaming at the screen Oh No I've got some stuff from Photoshop I've got some some palettes from Photoshop and I'd like to import them well the good news is it will but not all color palette formats are equal so as I go in here and say import palette it wants to know whether it's an application palette document palette or assistant palette I'm going to go for document to keep things neat and tidy in here and I have some color palettes here are my color palettes I've got five of them they are not all equal I've got Microsoft I've got our parishes I've got ScreenFlow I've also I've got to call ScreenFlow actually and the eagle-eyed will spot they're not the same file format what is an ASC and the other is a CLR I'm going to come back to the difference between them I'm going to go for the ScreenFlow file which is an ASC now if you're not sure an ASE file is an Adobe swatch exchange file and that is the traditional file format for sharing colors from Photoshop and within another other Adobe applications so the good news is there are lots and lots of applications that will make such files ASE files and you can export them from Photoshop so I'm going to click open on that and that will load them in it actually says ScreenFlow seven I think I renamed it so it's a copy of this one down here but it's a document one so it does load it in and it puts it up at the top so that came from Photoshop and I have loaded it into affinity photo there is no problem trying to read ASE files at all here's where you're going to come up with a problem and this is a big problem that I have heard about online as I do research I think oh there's an issue with that lissa going to import a pallet I'm going to choose another document palettes I'm going to go back to my color palettes and this is my problem my problem is the top file is the one I want it's called golden beach I exported that today 18 minutes past five to be precise from Photoshop and the default in Photoshop now is an AC o file an Adobe color file an affinity photo does not read a CO files oh no big disaster so that is one of the problems it will not read that file there are other ways to transfer it you can probably think of a few but let's do it the easy way right now the ways I'm thinking of it that are horrible is opening up Photoshop and making a file and then saving the file as an image and they're reading the image in no no no we don't do any of that right image cancel out of that and I am going to open up my color palettes in a window and I'm going to bring them onto the screen so here on my color palettes there is my golden beach file and if I just show you what that looks like it is an Adobe swatch file but I can't even see the colors much less import them but I have an application tiny little thing from the App Store which is called a color palette importer so I'm going to run that I think I paid one pound 99 for this now it tells you the instructions it's really simple drop the palette here and it will read a co files a se files or CLR files or you can select the file so I'll move it off to the side this is the one I'm looking for this is Golden Beach it's giving me problems and I'm going to drag and drop it on top of color pallet importer and it imports all of the colors not only does it import them it keeps the names here's my name's I'd arranged a pages for the Sun and I had these sort of Oh seaside EBT colors as well and they all had names and it remembers them now I've got it in here but that's not getting it into a Finity photo is it so how do we get into affinity photo well what I can do is save to a new palette or I can save it to one of these palettes so I could append these colors to an existing palette but what palettes is it listing in here because at this stage you're probably going palette blind these palettes are system palettes remember the other types of palettes document palettes well this application would have no access to document palettes because they live inside a document inside a furniture designer a bit in an affinity photo it has no access to affinity photo palettes because they are locked inside affinity photo therefore these palettes must be system palettes because they're the only ones that it can have access to so I'm going to make a new palette I'm going to call it Golden Beach and I'm going to hit import and what it will let me do is import it into the right location to create a system palette now that location is hidden deep in the depths of your system it's the colors folder within your library folder so just to show you where that actually is from your computer mine is ludicrously named serenity and to be honest I've had no serenity with it tonight but there's my hard drive there's my users folder there's my actual folder there's my library and there is my colors folder and that's where it's going to put it and if we look at what's ghosted out here there are my other system-wide palettes so now you know what a CLR is it's a color palette file system wide on a Mac affinity Bruno from affinity designer office all the ones you've seen in the interface and all I need to do to create my golden beach one is just save it and it will save it in there it's telling me that I where I can find it and how I can edit it in all the rest of it and I might need to restart target applications okay I'm going to say okay to that I could actually if I was in here have changed names I could have really fiddled around with this I can do previews by double-clicking on it and then I can click through all of them so I can get preview it's great little app for $1.99 but that's all I need to do I just needed to convert it from an ACO file that it didn't understand into a file that affinity photo does understand so when we talked about sale our files that is what that one was it's just not in the right place it's where I would save it and make my backups of it CLR file is a system-wide color file okay so I can lose that onto my other screen right do I need to reload this let's have a look I went to go in to my color palettes and I was looking for one called golden beaches wasn't I was a golden beach there's nothing there there's nothing there in my system so I will save that file I will save this file I will call that boxes seen it so everything else is crushed right royally and what I will now do is close affinity photo down open it up again so giving it that restart I will then load in the Bruno file so open recent that was boxes let's go and get Bruno in recent bruno there he is and then go back to the pallets and there is golden beach so I did have to restart the application but are you going to come on I'm trying to zoom in there and it's not playing ball with my fairness so it did actually load it in but I needed to restart affinity photo for it to see it but if I choose that there are the colors that I had available now one of them was called minty I think and if I type in mint it will filter and the names came through from there so that application is absolutely priceless to get colors into affinity photo when they've been exported from Photoshop or other Adobe applications in file formats that it doesn't like so that is doing that with the Culliver so that's importing it in now this golden beach one that's all very well but now it's a system palette what if I wanted it to be an application palette what if I wanted it to be a document palette oh we're getting complicated now aren't we well we've imported it but we can also export palettes from affinity photo so if I go to export that it comes up with Golden Beach as an option and I'm just going to stick this one on the desktop so it knows the name it knows that the name of that palette has already doesn't give me any file formats you'll notice it's just going to export it didn't give me any file formats I will save that I will then show you that on the desktop there it is and it has saved it out as a CLR in use it was a sale R to start with it has saved it out to the CLR and I now have a backup of my golden beach and I can then use that to share with people I can back it up so it's backed up from my system if my computer dies all of my palettes die so I want to back it up so you can do that with it so you can import palettes and you can export palettes as well so let's get that full screen right so do we nicely so far out with what we've still got a little bit of a way to go colors that we've worked with so far we've just picked a color we've just added it randomly there nothing special about these things at all at the moment but if I wanted to add some text to this and I wanted it to be a particular color so I'm doing this for a client maybe let's say my button up here that say I want a nice color in my button we'll go for a sort of whitish color but then I want to add some text to it so I want to put on there by now you can buy Bruno Paul Bruno's for sale there we go I've just made Bruno for sale I need that to be a bit bigger so at the moment it's quite small that's not bad 64 and I'll put that on the top of that and I want it to be a different color so make it that color now that's fine as it goes but I want to put more text on here so as I'm going in here let me put Spain that's some text to it now don't move around I want to put Bruno and I probably make that a much nicer font for Bruno no not dingbats oh good grief I'm looking for his up fee no he's right down the bottom so there's Bruno and make you bigger now I want to have a color I get that big I want to have a color that maybe the client isn't going to be happy with that and I'm putting this all over the place I probably won't be having it saying Bruno but I might have you know my special offer now or whatever so I've got three elements there that have got a color on that I take it to the client and they say love it but I don't like the color on a different color I'm not pleased at that point I've got to come back into here I've got to make selections I've got to actually know what elements are colored in that way and then I can change the color I don't actually like that when I think the other one was better but the client always knows best apparently so that's a bit of a problem but there is a way to work around it so let's say we work on one element so this Buy Now button and we'll have it that color but they didn't like that so we really need to make it much deeper so I'll go in and I'll start making it a different color so let's make it deeper take you up so it's more of a Sienna Brown you're actually changing this you are alright so I'm changing that and let's apply that so let's say they're much happier with that color I've still got to go through here and I've still got to play around and do all of this not good but what I could do when I've got that color there and I've got it selected if I could choose to make it a global color now at the moment I'm just going to show you that all of these colors here are just in squares there are just squares there's no indication of anything else that just squares if I go up to the top here you can see I have an option to add a global color so I will click on add a global color and it comes up here and it offers me this now the reason it did that was this palette is a system palette we know it's a system polit because it has the Apple next to it so actually there's a quicker way to do it rather than doing this I will cancel that I will go back in and I will choose Bruno's palette which was this one in fact that color looks rather nice quite like that one but what I need to do when I say add global color that's not that global color I want to add it into here and I actually could do with it being that color well I have that palette picker the color picker I can drag across and that will let me add it up there and I can put in there Bruno Brown there is a danger with it being a global color calling it brown but you can work that out as I work through this so I will add that and it adds it to my pallet we will need to zoom in on this one Bruno Brown has a little triangle in the lower corner and that means something but you know what applications alike when they tell you things with little symbols and stuff and you thinking well what does that mean I find that road traffic signs like that in Milton Keynes there's all hieroglyphics on them and I have no idea what they mean or what that triangle means is that that is a global color which will mean nothing to you yet but it will do shortly so it is a global color I'm going to go through and I'm going to select the other instance of Bruno and that Buy Now button and make them all Bruno Brown so I go back to the client with it and the client says mmm no I think it needs to be more orange e fantastic so I'm going to come back in and I'm going to right click on Bruno Brown and edit the film and you want to hit more orange e more Flemish you want it more like that maybe more red like that let's make that go up so not pinky just read quietly already read there that will do now you should have noticed a couple of things happening and one thing that didn't that you might have expected so the first thing that's happening is the Bruno text at the bottom and the by now at the top are both changing in fact if I make them blue they'll both go blue and as I go around the color wheel oh they're automatically updating that's what it means when it says global color it means you will define it and when you redefine it anywhere you have applied it will automatically update it's fantastic it's amazing love it but the one thing that didn't happen that you might have expected to happen was that that first one the one we defined the color from the one in the top left that's not changing why is that not changing shouldn't that be changing well shouldn't it shouldn't it should in terms of it was Bruno Brown when it started but we didn't apply the global color we just had it set randomly to the same color by coincidence it happened to be the same color value but it wasn't actually Bruno Brown it did not have Bruno Brown applied to it we go and select it and now apply Bruno Brown to it and then go back in and edit that fill again now all three will update as long as you've actually applied the color swatch with the global color in it it will automatically update it anyway the clients decided they're going with that hideous purple but as I say clients always right that's what it means when you have a global color now this is one of the reasons that you have to think carefully about where you are going to put your colors because in the system palettes if I go to one of my system palettes so let's go to my golden beach palette there it is and I want to add this color to it so I want to add that but I want to add it as a global color well I can go and say add a global color and I can go and grab that color and I could call that bad purple so I can actually add that color but when I add it it's automatically done something and this could have happened to you and you then get very confused what on earth have you just done all my other colors have disappeared we have a look I've now only got this one color where did my other colors go and it now says document which is great and it's got the document icon so therefore you should now know enough to know this is a new document palette but why did it do that because they actually wanted it added to Golden Beach well golden beach is a system palette and system palettes cannot contain global colors oh dear so that's one of the reasons to use either application palettes or document palettes document palace is a place I would put those and so global colors put them in document palettes what I would need to do is transfer my other colors into this but that's why it did that I go back my golden beach thing will still be there not lost anything you know there they all are I actually seem to have a color in there that's telling me it is global that's interesting because it automatically added it to my document created a new one so not too sure why it's doing that because my understanding is they need to be in a document palette now the thing with the document palette is I've switched back to Golden Beach and I will zoom in so you can see something appears under disappears clue it's between those two icons there between the palette icon and the transparency palette and it appears when you choose a document palette and what it is is an extra button and this one will allow you to add the current color to a palette as a global color so that means if I go and choose a color so let's go and pick up that one and select that box that that color is the one that's selected I don't have to go through all the rigmarole of add a new color make it global all of that I can just click on there and it will automatically add it as a global you know it's global when it's got to the hieroglyphic triangle that indicates that color is global so lots of different ways to work with color we've looked at creating palettes we've looked at importing palettes we've looked at were working with system palettes one of the things that you can do with and I know if you're using affinity photo you don't care about Photoshop it costs a fortune but Photoshop and Creative Cloud have this thing going on and this thing that's going on is that you can't take photographs of things and the colors you have got in that photograph you can automatically load it in now you know that you can do that you'd have to take a photograph you'd have to download it to computer open it up in affinity photo and then say make me a pallet from that a little bit long-winded isn't it hmm you could do without circumventing somewhat so I'm going to be incredibly ambitious here and I'll go distant as I'm doing this if I can't actually do it so let's let's try something amazing because you can do this for free and it involves Creative Cloud but it's okay it's still for free what I'm going to do is share my phone so I am cranking up my airplay and hopefully it will let me play it it is it's letting me air play it so what I've got here is Adobe capture and what I'm going to do with Adobe capture is top it and this is a color palette that I've got but I'm just going to add that and I'm going to go through all of that and save it because this is what it looks like no and that's crushed as well oh for crying out loud let's start yet no don't send that because you'll only do it again right this is Adobe capture Adobe capture is a free application for your iOS device it used to be Adobe color and before that it used to be Adobe cooler so if you go that far back it's the same thing the only difference is it's more complicated it does lots of different things but we're only interested in the colors those are color palettes that I have actually created what I would like to do is to take a photograph of something and get it imported and that's what I'm going to do now so I will probably go distant as I scoot across the room to my other desk where I have my pills lined up you've got a sneak peak of that photo I took I tried this to make sure it worked and that's gone so well tonight hasn't there so what I'm going to do is when I turn the light on language to get my camera up and you'll be able to see it so I'm going to go to add and I'm choosing camera and there's my desk and there are my pills I have done is I have just tap the screen once so I can bring it back to my main work desk and start working with it always pick lots of dark horrible ones hasn't it that's not impressive but the Reds okay I like the red don't want the desk low so I'm going to physically drag that over to the purple and pick up part of the purple so I want to take you into the purple you move into the purple and not moving into the purple are you I'll pick up from over here then be awkward see if I care no I don't want to go that ought to go back to here and sort it out so I want a blue I want an orange that's a little bit pasty isn't it I'd rather have it a little bit more blue would really like that purple but it would need to have been nearer to do that so I have a color palette there at the top I've taken from my vitamin pills I rattle when I walk right so that's the palette that I'm interested in so I save that at the moment what it's done is it's frozen on the screen it's actually frozen on the screen and I haven't actually taken the image yet I need to tap that white button at the bottom so I'm going to do that and I've saved the image now I can tweak those even further so if I think that middle one isn't quite blue enough I'd like it to be a little bit more blue then I can crank that up so it's more blue I could also tap on that yellow one and make that a little bit brighter so I'm now tweaking this ever so slightly with the sliders and then I'm going to go into next it's going to let me name it that's not helpful I'll call it pills because it is a make discoverable is set to on what that's talking about is Adobe color we don't want that so I'm turning that off I want this be private private color file only to me and it actually shows you the image at the bottom as well and then I'm going to save the color theme and it saved it it's that top one it saved it right so that was using my phone with a free app from Adobe and my Adobe Creative Cloud ID now I can lose the phone so I can get rid of the phone completely it's which I will do by closing down the application it's a long story all about this but let's get back to Bruno right so I've done that but how do I get that on my Mac I'm actually going to get a website up here and helpfully it's signed me out of it so bear with me while I get signed back in alright this is the Adobe color website and I'm logged in as me I do have a Creative Cloud subscription but I have tried this with people who do not have a Creative Cloud subscription they just have a free Adobe ID and it works so what I've got here is this is an interface that you can play with to your heart's content if you don't want an Adobe ID you can still use it I will show you a way to use it if you don't want an Adobe ID but if you have an Adobe ID fantastically the free application on the phone the free service on the web and your Adobe ID to link the two together means you can load in your themes and here are all my themes coming in and there is the one that I made in shape called pills today there's my color so what I can do is I can click on it and get to see information about it I can see the color values here I can preview it I can do all sorts there but at this point I am still subtly not in affinity photo this would be because where is Adobe color or cooler as it was known used to allow you to export ASE files which as we now know we can import now it doesn't that's not kind that's not good but as long as you can see it you can get to it so what I could do because I do of a subscription is loaded into Photoshop but I'm not going to do that I'm going to do it in here and I'm going to let you see that you can do it too I'm using a free application to take a screenshot of that screen the application is called snappy up and you can find it in the Mac App Store and I can take a screen cap like that and it flushes that cup up on my screen it will let me leave it there like that I will show you that again I am just going to take a screenshot you will notice that I'm not capturing anything but the colors I am not capturing any of the brown around it I don't want to do that and this app this snappy app lets that sit on the screen but it doesn't matter whether it does or not really so I'll close it down that's all I need to do on the Adobe site now I can lose it don't care about Dobey don't you pay for that really so I can lose it right now I need to go and get that fire so what I will do is show you in this application called snappy app there is my snappy app and in here I've got the applications that I've taken screenshots off and that is the one I'm looking at that's the narrow one I just took and that one I just took and I'm going to drag and drop it out onto my desktop and that's it that's all I need to do with it I've got my color swatches down here and it was called pills now once it's on my desktop it's an image isn't it and once it's an image you should know the next step to get that into here I need to go to create palette from image I need to select the image which is on my desktop it's called pills there's the image open it up it's picked it's not put them in the right order but it's picked the right colors and then all I need to do is click create and I have a new swatches palette with the colors in that I took from a photograph in an Adobe application use my Adobe ID to transfer to the website and then sneakily took into affinity photo which i think is fantastic it's completely free it's amazing they've tried to make it difficult but they can't outwit has come by we could always outwit them and that's how I outfit there doing that with it so let's talk a lot off so we have looked about quite a bit haven't we we started off with the colors went on to swatches started working through palettes we have taken quite a detour with the palettes but I think it's important to appreciate with the palettes the different types of palettes and why you would be doing that in different ways why you need those different palettes and how you can leverage those palettes in different ways just one more thing to show you which is you can get palettes online you can get two different sites and you can download them in lots of different formats so I've got a few here just to show you so I will bring this on I'm pretty concerned about this site in particular because it has adverts on it and I'm always concerned what I'm about to see but what I've got here I've searched for beach it's called color lovers calm and I've searched for beach and I've been given all of these palettes and when I find one that I like I can open it up I can see information about it so I did I've opened up a few here these are the adverts that I'm talking about that I'm always very concerned about all right this one's called beach flags it's got a few ranges of colors in it you can download it in lots of different formats so you can get it through your screen you can preview it you can get an iPhone version all kinds of different sizes but you can also worked down here and you can get download options now before you use any of these colors I would suggest you read the palate license this one credit must be given so wasp summer thank you very much for doing that color swatch we're using it tonight in our training and these are the download options you've got you can download it in lots of different formats a CSS file SVG design files all kinds of stuff including ases which we know affinity photo will import a co files which it won't but you can download them and you can convert them ai files HTML or a zip file and a zip file will download all of the available formats in a single file you can then open it and play along with it so I'll download that that will download there these were just some of the others that I picked this one's called friend there was a summer palette their summer of 85 sadly I can remember the summer of 85 that did actually somewhat ups that's pretty good and again you can do exactly the same you can download an individual format or you can just download the zip file of the entire one and that one again is credit must be given so thank you to Patrick's for doing that color swatches I quite like that palette really like that one so these are the things that you can download now at the bottom you can see it downloading so I'm John peeking over an iPad here if I'm sounding strange and I'm going to unzip that so I've clicked on it to unzip it and it has unzipped it for me so just to show you what I've got over here this is the these are the two are downloaded this one I've unzipped and there are all the files that are in there there's the ACO file the AI file the AAC file so all of these files what I want to do is add that ASE file into affinity photo so I'm going up to here I'm going to get to add a document pallet no I don't want to add a document now I want to import a pallet come on import as a document pallets choosing my downloads folder going into the folder choosing that ASE and as you can see that's the only file that affinity photo will actually import the ASE file and open that up and it's added it for me summer of 85 so now I can carry on and I can use that as long as I credit Patrick's with it so that's just one place that you can get these files but there are a million online that you can get them from and as I've said if you are stuck because you think oh I don't want to buy that application and just take a screenshot and load it in the trick with taking a screenshot is don't include any of the interface elements just take what is actually the colors and then it will create a pallet for you okay so I'm going to go back out and do a quick recap of all that because all there was a lot wasn't that there was a lot that we looked up below to the fact that there are RGB color spaces CMYK lab and gray they are all were in there by default I recommend sticking with the default one if you are in any way onshore we then looked at the global color picker which is available from the color panel which is panel and various interface elements as you go through there inside your color panel you have options the default is the color wheel but there is also options for sliders boxes and tints and when you change that you get different elements in there so this one you can use the sliders and you've got that spectrum at the bottom when you go into the boxes you have a whole range of a hue at the bottom and you can change the hue in the slider so there's all of these options that are available this last one was the tint you don't see too much when you pick white there but that was a tinting colors but we then went on to look at the global color picker because the global color picker that gives you different options that was the one that gave you have ridges and things like that when I was talking about the default that is the default it's called srgb IEC six and 1966 - 2.1 not exactly catchy but that's the default one and if you work in that you can always convert the color profile at a later date when you've got information that you might need from princes or etc anything like that so you will get information they will say we'd like you to use this color profile and then you can change it now the important thing to remember doing the color Pickers is the things the differences so the color picker itself you can choose from anywhere on the screen it supports multiple screens you saw me pick one note off a different screen but it's a two-step process you've got to select it and then you've got to click again to apply it but it is pervasive across the interface you can go across the entire interface across your entire screens whereas the color picker tool only works in the design area but it's faster potentially 50% faster because it's a sting single step process you also have presets for that and those presets allow you to select an average color so if you're picking from a sky or maybe an area of grass of various greens you can get an average color then we moved on and started looking at color palettes and swatches and there were three different types which can be very confusing but once you've got it incredibly powerful there are documents swatches document palettes there are document application palettes and they're assistant the system pallets are system-wide they are used in other applications the application pallets are per this single install of affinity photo and the document pallets live inside the document one of the Holy Grails is selecting is been able to use the same colors in Photoshop or any other application and affinity photo and you can use the shared swatches you can export from Photoshop and if you can export in ASE you can import them straight away into a Finiti designer the affinity photo if not if you can only export as a co you need to do a little bit of extra work to get them in but you can work with the same swatches in both applications because affinity and Photoshop will export a se or a co if possible go for a se there are possibly little advantages to using a co it's a newer file format etc but a SE is much more configurable in terms of being shareable across applications to get those files those three file types into affinity photo you really need an ASC if you're going for a co you're going to have to convert it but you can also open CLR files CLR files quick reminder or the default file format for the Mac OS color picker which I said don't underestimate and I have a video on that so go to my channel do a quick search there is a 25 minute video which will teach you all of the secrets of the OS color picker so don't underestimate that it has hidden depths particularly when it comes to working with the palettes now the palettes inside the color picker and the ACO files I worked with the color palette importer to convert them from a file format that affinity photo can't read into one that he actually can and that is 199 from the app store I will make sure there is a link in the notes under the video we then used an application and what we did was we went into Adobe capture was on my phone I took a photograph we then uploaded it to Adobe color and took it down from there and put it in affinity photo so we use two free services or applications from Adobe then I showed you how you could get colors from the internet using sites such as color love us just to wrap up completely the application I was using to take my screenshots was called snappy app it's an amazing application I can't believe it's free but you will find it in the Mac App Store it is brand new Lee released as well there isn't brand new update yesterday I've used it for a long time because I like to have screenshots floating above all my other windows but just to be able to take screenshots and have a library of them to go back to is a very good way to back up your color palettes because you can actually just take a snap and leave it in the library of snappy app so you can't be snappy up for doing things like that with okay thank you if you have made it this far been a long session but a valuable one I hope as I said when I started researching collar in affinity photo it was like oh what's going on don't know what all of this is about and I actually took some time out and made sure when I did that that I understood the whole thing I thought wow this is incredibly powerful so if you have made it this far I hope you have gained a lot from that and can utilize it to save yourself time and effort in the future when you're working in affinity photo what I'm going to do now is go and take questions and answers and with there is another session that is running very shortly if you're watching the video it will be available on my channel where we do all of this again but this time for a finish the designer so I will be back with that shortly but until next time I will say goodbye I wish you well with it love to hear from you so let me know how you getting on with everything and I will see you next time
Channel: Elaine Giles
Views: 28,465
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Affinity Photo, affinity photo, colour, color, design, tutorial, photography, affinity, photo, photo editing, serif, editing, photoshop alternative, tips, affinity photo tutorial, image editor, photoshop replacement, photoshop killer, photo apps, live, workflow, best image editor, software, walkthrough, howto, how to, photography learning, affinity photo live training, live training, youtube live, live broadcast, no subscription, image editing, streaming live, graphic, graphic design
Id: rz14E9LJqdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 18sec (5178 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2017
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