Affinity Publisher Basics - Tools and Palettes explained

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the other day here on youtube i put out a poll uh in the community section where i asked if i was going to be doing a more 101 kind of beginner's guide to any of the affinity apps which one would you most likely want to see an affinity designer was the thing that most people chose at least in the poll but when i went into the comments section the people who were most vocal were the ones that wanted more affinity publisher content in fact one person put it very bluntly that said please please more affinity publisher content everybody seems to be doing designer content nobody's doing affinity publisher please do more affinity publisher and to be honest i had promised i was going to be doing this video anyway so hey let's get down and dirty with the basics of affinity publisher let's go what's going on everybody my name is ernest hemingway no my name is dave connery i'm an artist designer based in southern california and it is a beautiful and kind of actually a little toasty day here in southern california i'm not going to complain about that except for the fact that uh i have no sort of central air in this studio it is ball me to say the least and so i think i'm going to plug in my fan so if you hear a buzzing noise that's what's going on ah that is much better okay so the earnest hemingway joke was that somebody had left a comment in one of my other videos one of my much older videos said hey look it's ernest hemingway okay i get it i'm old i've got a beard i spend a lot of time in the sea but i could write myself out of a paper bag compared to him instead i'm here talking to you about a app that he wouldn't care about into the screen here we are in affinity publisher and we have a super basic layout here i'm not going to be doing a whole lot of actual design on the page today because i think what's most important is for you to fully understand what's happening around the outside border and specifically we are going to be talking about the things that are happening up top here in this toolbar so you understand what that is and then understanding the tools here and then this palette arrangement over here now i apologize that things might be a little bit tight on the screen i normally would have this up on my big screen but i'm in the studio and the big screens in the house i digress what i fully anticipate in order to keep this video at least not crazy long is that i'm gonna have to do this in a couple of parts so this is gonna be part one and i don't know how many parts it will be but we'll get into this other side of palettes and tools over here in the next one i'm also going to do my best to step outside of myself for a little bit and try to look at this as a complete beginner because i have this tendency when i'm moving along to just move along because i can move through this app pretty quickly and uh you're if i'm doing that you're not catching it because it's like wait wait wait what'd you do there what'd you do there what'd you do wait go back you missed something then you you know just step back a few seconds and then watch it again and pause it and replay it if you have questions of course at any time feel free to go down to the comments drop the questions and maybe they get answered in another video or i can answer them directly there for you uh in the comments so i've got an eight and a half by eleven spread open and again probably not gonna be using this too much except to just show you what some of the tools do but you can open up any type of page you want it doesn't really matter what does matter here are these first three icons now you may not see these three icons to my understanding if you don't have all three apps you won't see these i have not actively sought out this information but that's what i've been told and the reason that this is important is that this allows you to jump through the different personas of the different apps without ever leaving affinity publisher so if i want to just go over here to the vector brush tool and grab a crazy brush and then just start painting on that thing yeah i can do that within that but if i go back over here to publisher you'll notice it's there obviously and it is fully editable i can edit the nodes i can move them around but there is no brush feature in affinity publisher so if you want brushes and stuff like that you want more stylized vector access then you're going to want to jump over here to affinity designer to do it now if you don't have a fanny designer yet it's okay if you're using a different vector app that that's okay too it just means you're going to have to hop out go work over there come back the beauty of the affinity tools is being able to jump back and forth through all of these things without ever leaving one app versus the other and of course you've also got the affinity photo persona so for instance if you wanted like let's say i have an image let's pull up an image uh whatever just it doesn't really matter i'm just gonna grab something bring in this guy right here this oculus rift guy and it's all cool and everything yeah it's cool but i want to change it more and i don't have a whole lot of you know let's say i don't have any filters where all my filters i got no filters it's okay go over here to the affinity photo uh persona right there and just there's your filters you can go crazy with filters get all bananas with filters ah i did great with filters and then back over to affinity photo publisher and of course it's still fully editable i can come back over here and add layers to this and just jump back over to infinity publisher go into the layers and you can see here let's bring layers out over here you can see layers are there it's there and if i added more to it those that functionality would be sitting there on top of that okay this next panel right here this is basically setting your defaults so let's just drag out a box here real quick and i've got it set like this and this is my default i don't know why it's gray it should really be white i think it's something that's the standard and i'm going to add a stroke here just a little bit of one so you can see what's going on now the next time i draw a box it's going to look exactly like that because those are the defaults that i have set up as you can see my default fill my default stroke it's not really default it's just like that's the thing that i've done but if i wanted to make sure that that was a default for every single thing that i do within the document i would click this blue one right here and that would send that to the that would basically make that the default i'm gonna bring out another box here as you can see it's looking exactly the same but i'm gonna change the fill color to blue i'm gonna take the stroke actually down to nothing right and then i go and i click this one right here revert to defaults it goes back to the original default because i didn't set any other default now if i turn this into the new default by clicking the blue one here i click that then i click this one again and i click revert to default well that should change i don't know why it's doing that oh maybe it's just reverting to the default okay so that i had that wrong i had that wrong i thought what it would do is like this is making the new default and so every time you do something now if i make a new box it's going to be well see now it's that's making me a liar now it's making me a liar there we go see now it's the default it was making me a liar there i i don't use that function a lot but yeah so essentially the idea is you know if you want to make your box be or you want to make your items it can be anything it could be a random shape like this and it'll still have those kinds of things you can refer to default or you can make apply default and or make that the default and it will apply that to anything you make after the back so the next box you make the next next odd shape you make the next photo that you bring in it's all going to have those as the default and if you don't like it you can go back and change it to default default these next three here all relate to text wrapping and basically if you've ever seen a magazine situation or any kind of layout where it's like you have a column of text and you have a box that's like inset in that text and the text kind of wraps around the box that's what text wrap is let's just throw this in here real quick i'm just going to draw a text box and i'm going to go and uh insert filler text okay so now i have this box and if i just lay it on top of there obviously you can't read it but if i do this and then i go and show my oh it's off the page why is it off page okay so i have i basically click this first one which is show text wrap settings i can do wrap outline and i can also reset route line but basically you give are given when you select the first one here you're given these choices none which is what it is right now jump which means it's going to jump from here down to here it's just going to skip this whole section square means it's going to square off no matter what i do with it tight now this actually works better if i have a circle let's bring out a circle okay and select tight oops and as you can see it kind of wraps around let's take that away just so you can see this better as i do this you can see it kind of wraps around so now inside is a little bit different if i click here you can see that when i bring this over here it doesn't actually do anything but if i send this one to back if you look here on my layers palette over here it's on the top of that but if i bring this one down by clicking it here look what happens it puts it in the the type all the type goes within the box and i can adjust that how where its tolerance is if i want to i don't want that and then edge is kind of the same i moved it out of the way and it's like you know it like that way it wraps and then it kind of touches the edge here too and i've never i've never in my life ever desired to use this this seems a little weird but you may have a reason for it and i it's it's there if you want it but we're gonna use the tight one here for this one if we go here to both sides you can see let's actually bring it down even more actually i'm going to do this i'm going to drag two boxes and so now if i can get this one to work right there we go now you can see it wraps on both sides and uh that could be adjusted you can make the adjustments based around here like if you wanted to be tighter or looser you do that by adjusting these here if i want it just on the larger side of course it didn't work that way how's that work let's see how this works i have not used this one either but the larger slide let's see let's bring it all the way out here like this and if i that's weird oh maybe it's uh maybe it works better with the let's do this and go square and we'll go larger side let's get rid of that one duplicate my i'm just gonna quickly duplicate yeah see i don't know i don't know i'm really not sure what the difference is between larger side and smaller side but uh but yeah so you have that option and uh yeah that's just what that's about that's what these three about if you have an image you want to wrap it you want to have some sort of wrap and again like i said i can go in here and i can adjust the wrap size and let's link them all so we get a good amount right you can see now how it is adjusting all the way around so if i want something super rod like super wide rather it well that was too oh that was way too big dave 0.25 it's pretty big or if i want to get it super tight let's see point zero one it's hellified type now if i'm putting an image in there i don't want my type to be that close and that's part of the reason why you want that in fact actually let's just bring up let's bring an image in here let's bring an image in real quick bring the size down dramatically way more dramatically than that dave let's get rid of that let's move this out of the way let's wrap it square can't figure out what that is you see i i don't want it that tight if if i'm that tight that looks weird now i know some avant-garde magazines sometimes do that crap but it bugs me don't do that but if i take this let's say 0.2 then it's like that now sometimes you're gonna have to negotiate this because it will put the you know it'll put words in weird spaces especially if you're getting a little too tight like that like that's weird you don't want that so these next two are pretty simple it is basically giving you the power to attach two things to each other so if you like have a text box here you have an item here and you want to make sure that they always stay together and they always stay exactly where they are together then you may want to do this so you click on the object because this right here is the float with text and this one is the inline in text so if i click this and hit float you can see it draws this line and it draws that line to the beginning of it now i can move that around at least i thought i could move it around can it can you move it around but no matter what does matter is that if you click on this type and try to move it around that ball is going to stay exactly where it is now if i move i can move it around like this and then i move it around i guess that's what it is it just it relates to you know it's always going to do that it's always going to move around so i can move this around all i want now if i wanted to do the other one let's click that off and then go inline in text it's going to inline that text wherever you know that text is so again if i move it around it's not going anywhere those two are attached at the head now this window washer here this is just toggle preview basically it's just saying hey i've got my situation here where i know what my borders are around my boxes i know where my frames are i know where my borders are i know my page breaks are but if i click this it's like oh that's much cleaner to look at sometimes it's just cleaner let's say i bring in there let's say i've got all kinds of let's go back let's click this and see i got i want a grid line here and a grid line here and let's turn on the actual grids and wow that's just like it's all over the place and i can i you know sometimes in text you can also have view where i don't know where it is show special characters and uh you know like view all these other things and it's just like oh my gosh there's just so much going on i just can't i can't i can't focus there's too much happening you click that and hey that looks better that looks great ah alright so this one right here show baseline grid manager this one's a little bit more advanced and it what it relates to is let's get rid of let's move him out of the way for a second and let's just duplicate this one right and what it relates to is baseline grid is essentially establishing a grid on the page i don't mean that grid back there what i mean is that the document maintains a certain grid for type and it will basically put that grid on every page or every master page and it will have a like when you put type on the page and if you have your type align to baseline grid your type will always sit on that baseline this type is let's see what is this type at this type is 12 points let's go here 12 by 12 by 12.4 so let's say our baseline grid is 12.4 every time i put text on the page it's going to snap to that grid and if i moved this i don't have it set up but if i move this even just this little bit right if i moved it like that much like offline just like that one then it what would happen is this line would actually snap to line up with the baseline grid assuming that it was right there so and you can make this right it says here use baseline grid if i want to and you can see it just automatically snapped right to the baseline grid because i wasn't on the baseline grid so if i move this up you see it's snapping it's snapping to that baseline grid and i can associate what the baseline grid is by these 14 points here it's actually probably should be a low i recommend that whatever your body copy text is whatever the leading is meaning it's 10 points and it's a 12 point letting between that and the next line then you're gonna want to make sure this is the same because otherwise it could totally mess you up so if you're going to use that which you know if you're doing advanced level stuff advanced level magazine stuff or book stuff i definitely recommend it especially if you're lining up columns next to each other i recommend it because nothing to me is more frustrating than going into a magazine or you know whatever and seeing that the type is lined up like this this drives me nuts drives me nuts drives me nuts and maybe that's just me uh i it's just one of these things that's like it it's it screams of amateur tim this one here is our snapping tools obviously you've got i've got a snapping enabled and you can do some pretty detail snapping depending on what you want to snap to that's totally up to you so now these things obviously these are the in front in back send to back send all the way back all kinds of things like that so if i have this in front and i don't want it in front i wanted to go all the way back it sends it all the way back and if i'm selecting two things and there's actually let's say let's bring out a third one right and make him a different color let's go nope wrong wrong nope come on different color give me a different color so now that guy's in front of that guy that guy's in front of that guy but i want them all though but i got this and this and let's actually let's do this let's move these two over in front of that they're both oh actually i want them both in the back and so now they're both in the back of that or if i wanted to send the text all the way to the back i could so it's essentially this one here is all the way to the all things to the remove all the way to the back no matter how many layers you've got it's going to go all the way to the back this one is moved back one this is move forward one and this is move all the way forward it feels like a game of sorry or monopoly or something now this is your alignment tools you want to line things to the left to the center to the right you want to have multiple things aligned at the same time i shouldn't have deleted that one let's go let's bring out another another circle come on let me have a circle please there you go let's say i want to evenly distribute these three things i want to evenly distribute them across the the well the horizontal space click that also you know same thing a line to top a line to middle align to bottom or have them spaced uh uh vertically i don't know if this is gonna work let's see let's see how this works select all let's align vertically space now that it did that it's actually spatially aligned compared to their sizes it's just a little weird because they're such different sizes let's let's make this even smaller let's bring him down and then let's select them all again let's try that one more time see now it's spatially adjusted to each other now these three over here they look kind of the same as these three and essentially they're uh they're related let's say they're cousins it says this basically means like if i bring anything new in it's going to insert behind the selection insert in front of the selection or insert inside the selection again one of those things i just don't use very often it's probably got some functionality that that i may need to look into and i'll report back later some tools are here because you know affinity feels like they're necessary i just don't ever use them okay now of course this line here whatever this line is is always going to equate to whatever we are working on so obviously i'm clicking on this shape and the details change as i click through the different things it becomes text when it's text it becomes this one it's an object and it also relates to whatever tool i happen to be using at the time as well in other words i'm not going to discuss every single aspect of every single one i'm just going to go through these tools and you can basically see what's going on there if there's anything in particular that i want to share with you then the one here at the top is the move tool that's the most basic if i'm actually clicking on it it it just allows you to move things that simple just allows you to move everything around the page the one right here is the node tool and i don't have any nodes let's say let's create a let's create a node thing right now i have nodes and if i'm on my node tool i can move my nodes get your nodes out of my way that's what the node tool does that's only going to work on anything that has been converted to either curves or uh you know it's like shapes like this or whatnot it's can you do it with let's see let's i don't think you can do it with brass or stuff you can do it with maybe these these are this is a picture box can i do it with these let's see no i cannot i thought i could but i cannot i thought you might be able to build like you know like take them take one of these boxes one of these picture boxes and use the node tool to move it around and kind of tweak it but you cannot or at least not right out of the gate somebody's probably gonna prove me wrong say all you gotta do is like click you know ctrl alt delete f5 16 with an e and that will make it so that you can you know use the note tool so now these next three are all text or type related or text or data related they have the artistic text tool which is essentially like if you have that you're just drawing out regular text like that let's get rid of those stupid characters text nope text so that's just a text that's a text of uh that's a line of text it's one line of text and like i said in the last video uh when i type it it'll just it'll just keep typing in a straight line unless i hit a hard return or a soft return and break the line or whatever it'll just keeping type forever if i want to put my type in a box like i've done here then i need to use the text frame tool a frame text tool right and then this one is obviously this one here in the middle that's is our uh our grids our spreadsheet no what i'm talking what's the the graph what why can't i name it remember the name the table tool geez why can't i remember what it's called that's a table tool and the way it works is you drag it and you can have as many boxes you want drag it this way have as many columns if you want many rows many columns you figure out what you want let's say i want a three by three i find my three by three space right there and now if i want to expand that to fill wherever whatever space i want to fill i can do that you can drop text in there you can drop shapes in there you can drop images in there and and you know that's really good if you're trying to bring in data or trying to bring in some information um you probably be using that a lot let's get rid of all this extra fluff this is the handy dandy pen tool just like i was doing before if i want to draw a vector based shape i could do that i could do it in hard lines i can do it in bezier curves and again with the node tool i can move it around move it around and do whatever i want these are shape tools you got the ellipse you got the rectangle and you got all these other various ones which you can use in also affinity designer you can find them there you can also find them in infinity photo they are universal between the apps and with each one as you go through it you can see that you can like if i draw star you can see that i can change the points i can change the details of it the radius the outer circle uh the inner circle i can do all kinds of crazy stuff and then even in here if you zoom in you can see you can play with these uh things here and set some weird uh parameters do everything every single one of these shapes has some sort of adjustment that you can use and adjust that to yourself i use the arrow tool a lot because i can do all kinds of crazy stuff like here i can do change the inside i can change the thickness if i want i can change the the whether left of a proportional the size and make it like this or uh or make it like this whoa you know or not you know you just play around do stuff whatever uh into oh the offset like that you do all kinds of crazy stuff all kinds of crazy stuff we're getting crazy with arrows picture frame rectangle tool essentially if you just want to create a frame that you want it to be a certain size so you can drop an image in there that's what you do if you want that to be an ellipse that's what you do so i just want to drag this guy right in here boom i'm going to drag this guy right in here boom of course i can readjust the size in there and if i double click it oh actually let's go back to that i can move it around with that i can rotate ah come on give it there we go i can rotate it in there or if i double click then i can move it you know around like this i can resize and play around like that and then place image tool is no different than doing this dragging in and bringing an image like that but that's not my image but if i wanted to bring in an image from someplace else uh this is let's see this is a cover of something that i did i designed this thing it's a cover for a new notebook that i'm i'm i'm building or i'm it's in the process of being approved on amazon kdp and i did that i just you know if i want to bring in my own images that's the one that i bring in also bring in images with these two as well let's say i want to just bring in a frame like this and i do place i go up here file place or command shift m and i find that same image it brings it right in there and i can readjust you know to see like you know like whatever you want this one here is the data merge tool it is something that i hope i never have to use it is a pretty advanced tool and uh you know if you're if if you're using this tool then you don't you aren't watching this video if you're if you're if you're at the level that you're using the data merge tool then this whole video is moot to you but unless you're just here for the entertainment value which you know i guess i could understand that but the data merge tool is essentially the ability to have like a set amount of data off offline or off the in off the product right and be able to bring that information in so let's say you're building a catalog and you want to make sure that all the information is universally the same it's already been vetted it's already been edited it's already been done and you don't want to like copy and paste it and bring it into your document every single time you just want to be able to set certain parameters so that when you drop in a box that has those parameters listed it automatically populates that data from the information that it's pulling from somewhere else you're building catalogs like you've got certain information that you just want to make sure it's universal then that's perfect for that and if you're at that level of design then then there's videos here to tell you more about that i will link to them right there vector crop tool is pretty simple if i have a vector and i want to cut off part of the side there now i could obviously i could do that with the tools of that vector shape itself but let's just say i wanted to make it more unique than what the vector tools normally operate let's say i want to just you know like do some weird kind of you know shape like that that i'm not going to be able to get unless i do like you know basically trimming up and doing compound paths and tools and all that i i don't want to do that i just want to be able to trim this one up like that i can do that with the vector crop tool fill tool is pretty simple it's just you want to fill with gradients let's say you select this and i want to just fill with a gradient i can just quick and glad that drip drag drag drag drag the gradient i can double click this and change my color like that double click this node here and change my color i want to add a node to it i can add a node and make some adjustments i don't want to bring that make that a more of a bluish purple in there and i want to make that one a little bit more lighter okay i could do all kinds of crazy stuff with that and of course you've got your types of fill up here i can go fill or stroke i can do linear solid elliptical you can see you saw that it moved just like that and uh radial or comical or even bitmap if i want to bring in a bitmap image let's bring that image in again you can see you know like whoa look at that look at that so it isn't just fill of color it's filled with a variety of different things mostly color transparency tool is essentially you know kind of the same it's a gradient but it gives it a transparent gradient so now it's this color to transparent and so let's just make that just send that point home you can see it's transparent over type color picker tool let's bring another image in again if i whoops didn't want to do that uh color picker i just want to like hey i really like the yellow on this uh cookie monster hamburger thing it's going to bring that yellow in and it's also going to change the dynamics of that but no that's how i want you know i want to go let's go back let's say i want to go that pink and it's going to apply that all to everything or if i wanted to let's say let's go back let's select that one and i want to use the color pickle tool pickle tool pickle why do you keep calling it color picker tool i'm selected here oops and i come in here and i select that and it's going to change that color do it again change the color whoa what oh that i must have hit the wrong one there we go view hand tool essentially moving the page everywhere uh it's no different to me than you know being able to use them i've got a magic mouse and so it allows me to swoosh around all over the place like that the same thing as the hand tool and the magnifier of course these are kind of universal through pretty much every app now let's talk about these up here pages master pages and pages pages master pages are essentially like templates for your document and so if you want to make sure that there are certain things that end up on every single page then you want them to go on to that master page so a perfect example would be like say you have little headers that go at the top like you're designing a magazine there's little headers that go at the top or if you're designing books or whatever and you need page numbers page numbers will go in there if you want to make sure even as simple as just having a certain alignment of grid pattern or you know guides then you have that on the master page and every time you apply that to a page then they're always there and you may want to have different ones for different sections so you'll have different master pages and if you go even more super detailed in here you can go in here and adjust the like columns how many columns on a page how many grids on a page you know maybe what certain items might be like what elements might be on the page or whatnot so there are all kinds of different things and you just apply them to a master page and then as you work and you want to adjust a particular page page to a master when you right click and you go apply master or you would go up here and apply master in you know the document or whatever so it's like basically like hey if you want to apply you want things that are universal and you want to apply to this one then you just bring and drag it you can also just drag it like that drag it on top of that you want to add new master you click there you want to duplicate a selected master you click there you want to get rid of a master you don't like you click there in the pages section if you want to add more pages you can click that one right there you can duplicate a page by doing that again and of course deleting as well this one is also kind of interesting if you want to manage like certain sections like let's say you're managing an entire magazine in this one document i wouldn't recommend that by the way if you wanted to you could and you could just you know click this and you would have like okay let's say the first 10 pages are all the basic informations like the editorial the masthead you know like some you know basic information that goes into every single magazine that's section one and then you have your departments and that's section two and you have your features and that's section three and so you have that all separated like that if that's what you want to do assets and i don't have any but assets are basically things that uh you know if you're an adobe user assets are like the library if i have elements that i want to bring in on a regular basis and it could be as simple as you know certain shapes that i use maybe logo bugs that i use or images that i use or maybe filters that i've applied or not filters but styles that i've applied or or things that have styles to them and i want to use that thing on a regular basis then all of that would go into your assets the stock as you've seen is where we can pull different images from unsplash pexels and pixabay you come in here and you type in let's say tiger not d tiger tiger and you get all kinds of tigers paxils has tigers and pixabay has tigers now preflight this is uh again this is a little bit more advanced but if you are the type of designer that is sending your stuff out for print and you want to make sure you have all your eyes dotted your t's crossed your colors right you're switched everything from rgb to cmyk you this is where you're going to go and have all of your information now i don't have anything let's say i just check now i don't have any issues but if i had any issues like say let's say type was running over here's a perfect example let's see do i have that like that let's see you know i'm interested i'm actually kind of i'm actually kind of uh confused of why i didn't do that but if i had type that was like not well maybe it's because it's not never don't worry about that but what happens like it's so if you let's say your box here had cropped some of your attacks like it got moved somehow and the baseline shift made it push off and it couldn't see it a lot of times it'll end up like red and i think of the reason that it's not doing it is because this is filler text and it's just kind of gonna flow so if i you can see this like now like i move this i i expanded that that text and you can see there's this little thing right here that's basically saying hey you've got text that's uh not being shown and you can see right here overflowing text frame now i could do this a couple of ways i could just move the text frame until it gets to a point where it disappears you see that disappear like that or i could also click that and drag another box and it would uh bring it and those things are connected and it will tell you here like it'll give you information about like images sometimes it'll give you information about like fonts are missing images are missing it'll tell you all that information so that you have an idea of like oh my gosh i've got to do some stuff before i send this out to the printer so there you have it that is affinity publisher basics part one i don't know when there's gonna be a part two but there will be a part two sometime and when i do i'll put you know i'll put a link to it here hopefully somewhere or you know you'll just have to go search for it down below and here's the thing if you want to know about all of this other stuff and you can't wait for part two i have done other videos on this topic i have done videos on characters and paragraph styles and text styles i've done all that i've done videos on color and how this works i've done videos on all of this stuff so if you want to jump into those things i'll put links to those in the description i also encourage you to go back to like say watch the last video i did where i built that flyer so that you guys can have a better understanding of what i did while i was building it so that you can see like oh okay i see what he did here now i see what tool he was using i see how he got through that not everything's going to be covered but there will be more better understanding of what's happening and if you need information about any of that make sure you go down to the comments and ask because i won't know what to do if you guys aren't telling me while you're headed down there make sure you hit that like button if you enjoyed this video make sure you share this video with any appropriate homies and you know if you're into it you know you can subscribe i've learned since learned that you know maybe i shouldn't be asking for the subscribers all the time because really that affects my numbers to a certain degree like it affects my views if people subscribe but they don't come back if you don't feel like you're going to come back and hang out and watch the next one and the next one and the next one and the next one and the next one um you don't have to subscribe it's cool but do like the video because that'll help and share it with somebody because that'll help but if you do subscribe you're awesome not that people that don't subscribe are not awesome but i you know i love my subscribers and there's been a lot of you recently so if you're new here watching this one if you have to even subscribe to me hi thanks for hanging out oh one last thing before i go i have decided that what i'm going to do is i'm going to start building a bunch of magazine templates in affinity publisher so that anybody who wants to use templates for let's say their own magazine project their own zine project their own book project or just to have so that they can use as page templates for different things that they're building i'm going to be creating all of these templates over time and then providing them for you know a small fee for people to download and as we go through this you'll see some of it in action and then of course when they're available i'll let you know they will be available on my website if you haven't seen my website it's down there in this description as well uh a bunch of other links in there if you want to follow me on instagram oh man there's too many too many too many calls to action dave i'm gonna get out guys remember be good today be even better tomorrow see ya you
Channel: Dave Conrey
Views: 7,591
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: affinity publisher, affinity designer, affinity photo, page layout, page design, graphic design, graphic designer, design tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 53sec (2273 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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