Prophetic Word for Yom Kippur/ Day of Atonement

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome to my youtube channel i'm k nash today we're going to be talking about yom kippur since it is yom kippur day depending on where you live you might have already started or you might be finishing up or whatever so i always try to release this as soon as i can so i can reach the most of you but anyway basically yom kippur is considered one of the holiest days in judaism we see yom kippur talked about in the bible in leviticus let's go into the verse leviticus 16 29-31 this is to be a lasting ordinance for you on the tenth day of the seven month you must deny yourselves and not do any work and it's talking about the hebrew calendar there so that's why you might be like that doesn't make any sense it's not july um whether native born or a foreign residing among you because of this day atonement will be made for you to cleanse you then before the lord you'll be clean from all your sins it is the day of sabbath rest and you must deny yourself this is a lasting ordinance and then if you also go into leviticus 16 34 this is to be a lasting ordinance for you atonement is to be made once a year for all your sins of the israelites now people often ask whether or not we should celebrate this as christians and i honestly feel like that's between you and the holy ghost um i don't think it's wrong to celebrate it because i don't think god's gonna be upset if you take a day and pray and repent before the lord he's not gonna be like oh no please don't pray and repent now what's different with christianity and judaism is the fact that we believe that jesus has already atoned for all of our sins however i think as christians we could use this as a reflection day we can use this as a cleansing day we can use this as a day of repentance you know because in judaism they believe that you know this is the holiest day of the year and that it kind of seals the faith of the things that are supposed to happen like rosh hashanah is the head of the year and this is kind of the ceiling for the holy ghost this is kind of the ceiling of the year you know your fate will be sealed this year hallelujah god is moving in a new way god is moving in a rough way god is changing things he is plowing the land for you he is pushing things ahead for you he is moving mountains that have been stuck he is processing things for you that didn't make sense before he is changing and transforming you into the image of christ this will be a new year this will be a new decade this will be a year of promotion this will be a year of process this will be a year of understanding this will be a year of financial breakthrough jesus holy spirit have your way i i want to talk to you about you know repentance and christianity and you know i think sometimes we kind of blame all of our problems on the devil now sometimes the devil did give you that idea but sometimes you chose to give in to the idea so even though the idea might have originated from the devil and that's why god says to take every thought captive is because some ideas can originate from the devil it's like you are still responsible for giving in to those ideas now you know as much as we honor paul for being an apostle and for going through everything he went through and for writing part of the gospels and everything like that paul still was a human paul still was a broken man paul still made mistakes and i feel like the lord was highlighting one of the mistakes paul made in order for us to learn from it not to condemn paul but to learn from this experience acts 21 4 we sought out the disciples there and stayed with them seven days through the spirit they urged paul not to go to jerusalem okay so we see this instance where the holy spirit is urging paul not to go to jerusalem but paul wanted to go anyway paul did not care if he was going to be persecuted for christ he wanted to go anyway now you might be like oh that's so godly and it's like is it he was warned by the holy spirit not to go to jerusalem and it's like but he does anyway okay now he might have had a good heart in wanting to just go and preach the gospel and be in jerusalem you know on a feast day or whatever it's like but that doesn't mean that he was in the will of god and because he doesn't listen to the holy spirit here we see acts 21 17 happen when we arrived at jerusalem which god just told him not to go to the brothers and sisters received us warmly the next day paul and the rest of us went to see james and so at first when he arrives in jerusalem it seems like everything is okay but then we go on down a couple more verses this is acts 21 30. the whole city was aroused and the people came running from all directions seizing paul they dragged him from the temple and immediately the gates were shut do you know the doors were shed because paul disobeyed the holy spirit sometimes you're wondering why the doors are shed and it's simply because you disobeyed the holy spirit you're saying god please open this door god please do this god please don't do that and god is saying you disobeyed the holy spirit and that's why the doors are shed you know it doesn't matter how many times you go to a prophetic meeting and they tell you this is an open door season there is not open doors if you are continually rebellious to the holy spirit's promptings okay you have to listen to the holy ghost and so paul receives all this commotion in his life because he did not obey what he was being told by the spirit earlier in acts okay and so this is paul this is an apostle this is someone who had written the bible okay and so god's not judging you okay this happens to everyone everyone has moments where they don't listen to the holy spirit but i'm telling you if you don't listen to holy spirit it's going to get you into a lot of commotion so i want you to ask what is the holy spirit telling you not to do what is the holy spirit telling you to do he doesn't just tell you things to just annoy you he tells you things to bless you he tells you things to keep you safe he tells you things so that you don't have to stay in the same place anymore he tells you things to promote you he tells you things to put you with right connections but you have to stay obedient to those promptings from the holy spirit you have to go forward without regard for what man says you know a lot of times we get stuck because of a fear of man a lot of times we are like okay i want to obey you holy spirit but those people over there are going to think i'm crazy those people are going to think i'm weird it's not that you don't want to obey him it's that you're scared of what other people are going to think it's that you're scared that you're not going to have anything left if you do what he says it's scared that you're gonna lose your status if you do this you know but status be gone if it needs to be you know friends be gone if they need to be it's better to be in the will of the lord because when jesus returns he's not gonna ask you if you have status he's not gonna ask you if you have friends he's gonna ask you did you obey me he's gonna ask you did i know you he's gonna ask you did you love me did you follow me or did you just get saved and use god as a get out of jail free card and then ignore him for the rest of your life okay you have to stay in relationship with the holy ghost okay you know it's like the interesting thing you know i feel holy ghost on this so strongly and i've never shared this before but this is really deep and so receive this if you can but judas had power before satan entered into him because it says in the bible it says that he gave the twelve power over unclean spirits judas had power over unclean spirits he was one of the twelve he had the power but then saint entered into him and he became something else he was full of power from god but then he became full of the devil okay you know you have to stay in line you have to walk that narrow road if you really want to come to the end of the age and see jesus face to face and sit on the throne with him hallelujah so today and tomorrow depending on when you're listening to this i don't know but it's supposed to be a time of prayer and repentance before the lord obviously now that we have the holy ghost i honestly think it's going to look a little bit different for everyone so just ask the lord how can i pray how can i process how can i repent before you is there anything in this last jewish year that i just really need to get out of my heart is there anything that i don't need to do next year is there anything that i need to do that i was supposed to be doing because like i talked about before you don't want to get the same assignments again all right you guys that's pretty much all i felt led to share babe just a little short thing to keep yonkanport in your mind in case you've been busy and you forgot oh yeah it's yom kippur um and so you know we try to keep you on track with our prophetic calendars and so we will be having one come out towards the end of the year again hopefully god willing we are going to start to work on that soon but anyway i love you guys and i pray that you a blessed yom kippur i pray you are reflective you change what you need to change and start this new year fresh all right you guys i will see you next monday with another video love you guys if you're new here i'd love to have you subscribe all right i'll talk to you then bye
Channel: Kay Nash
Views: 7,612
Rating: 4.9756393 out of 5
Keywords: Prophetic Word Yom Kippur, Daily Prophetic Word, Word of the Lord Yom Kippur, Prophetic Word Day of Atonement, Word of the Lord Day of Atonement, Day of Atonement, Yom Kippur, Jesus, Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, Yahweh, Yeshua, Kay Nash, Kay Nash Prophetic Word, Kay Nash New, Daily Prophetic Utterance, Prophetic Word for Now, Word of the Lord Now, Prophecy, Prophetess, Bible, September 15th Prophetic Word, 15 September Prophetic Word, 16 September Prophetic Word
Id: AkvID9lf3P4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 18sec (558 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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