Opening the Garden of Eden - Prophet Kobus

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how many love like Isaiah 60 arise shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you darkness shall cover the earth and gross they darkness you know the nation's but over you the light of God shall rise a nation shall come to the shining of your light then it goes on to tell what this light is and what the shining glory is he says your days yo yo gates shall not be shut by day or by night so that you can be open so that the nations of the world can bring their riches to you so we have scriptures like the wealth of the wicked czar later for the just but how can they bring it if our doors are shut to them okay so as ayah 60 says they will come to you they will bring their gold and they silver and they will say to you we can see that the Lord is for effect in you and amongst you and they will call you Zion city of the Lord and they will bring their riches to you so rise and shine for your light has come and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you now in Matthew 5:14 Jesus says that just in a different language he says you are the light of the world you are a city set on a hill now as I as sixty says they shall say to you behold Zion the city of the Lord and your gates shall not be shut by day or by night so that the nations can bring their wealth to you Jesus tells the parable in you know he actually speaks from Matthew 20 writing to Matthew 21 where he talks about what servants in the kingdom is about and then he sees the following he said a certain man had this vineyard and he hired it out you know and he's talking about Israel that didn't look after the vineyard and he said he's saying servants now we know servants or prophets he says I will do nothing except I first revealed it to my servants the prophets so right through the New Testament his servants and prophets so revelations thought go tell my servants the prophets which he revealed unto his servant profit okay so if you want to be a profit you got to be a servant because servants normally be profits and profits normally our servants okay so Jesus is he's Saint servants to watch what is happening to his vineyard and they killed the servants so Jesus said in another way I sent you prophets and you killed him so Jesus is and it lost the owner of the vineyard said I will send my son who is there they will surely not hurt him and then the the the people that looked out to the veranda sedessa there's the son he's the heir let's kill him and then jesus said to the Pharisees what do you think this parable means what do you think is being said out of this parable and they said oh this is a wicked people this vineyard must be taken away from them and given to somebody else jesus said you spoke right Liam the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and will be given to a group that'll be the fruit of the kingdom and I saying to you is it not written behold I lay in Zion a stone a precious stone so Jesus say there will be another group of people that will not be called a certain ethnic group in the Middle East they will be called Zion and Sian will be a people of all nations of all tribes of all tongues where there is no Jew no Greek no Gentile no free man no slave but all one new man in Christ Jesus so we have Zion the City of God which is the Church of Jesus Christ for those who struggle with it you can find it in Isaiah 28 Psalm 1:1 8 Matthew 21 first Peter chapter 2 over and over and over you can find out where after the crucifixion there's got to be a new group of people that will be called Zion they will be called the city and if you go through Galatians chapter 4 he says the city called Jerusalem in the Middle East is now according to God Hagar slavery but the city that is called the New Jerusalem is the Church of Jesus Christ which is all over the world when Jesus died on a cross he says something like it is finished what did he finish he finished the law he finished one group of people that belong to God if it is going to a certain temple to serve Him if finish going to a certain country to serve Him he finished waiting on something to happen Jesus finished the prophecies of the Old Testament prophets that looked for a messiah Jesus came said it is finished there's a new thing happening revelation 21 and I verse 2 and I John saw the holy city New Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for us but are you the Bride of Christ thank you and I heard a great voice out of heaven saying behold the tabernacle of God is with men the tabernacle which means the staying place the home the abiding place it means the presence of God is with men now remember in the Old Testament God had to come down and had to come down but now he says something else has come down the New Jerusalem has come down now God's tabernacle is with him jesus said behold I am with you always okay so it's not coming down when a sacrifice is offered because Jesus brought the final sacrifice so he promised that he will never leave us he will never forsake us so if we understand New Testament prophecies we are with Christ for ever and ever and ever behold the tabernacle of God is with men he will dwell with him and they shall be his people and God himself shall be with them and be their God isn't that what 1 Peter 2 tells us you know you are a holy nation royal priesthood and God is your God and you are his people doesn't the Word of God say something like it you listen to this and God shall wipe away all tears no crying okay in this city which is called Zion which is where the presence of God is on earth because came down and God shall wipe away all tears from the eyes there shall be no more death no sorrow no crying no pain for the former things are passed away as I have 43 as I have 42 as I have 48 you know second Corinthians chapter 5 as any man is in Christ is a new creation the old has passed away behold not the former things I'm gonna do a new thing I'm gonna take the wall minutes away I'm gonna take the long way I'm gonna bring you grace I'm gonna bring your mercy I'm gonna bring your river salt live I'm gonna bring you new things and you will be a new creation you will have a new Jerusalem and a new heaven and a new earth come on new and he that sat upon the throne said behold I make all new and he said unto me write for these words are true and faithful which words it is done thank you which words are faithful that the stuff that I'm talking to you John it is done on the cross Jesus cried it is finished no more sacrifice no more postponing no more futuristic in his finished I am Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end I will give unto him that is thirsty of the fountain of the water of life freely okay just one or two verses verse 9 says come I will show you the bride the Lambs wife and he carried me away in the spirit to a great mountain and showed me that great city the holy Jerusalem Matthew five you are the light the city on a hill having the glory of God Jesus had father give them the glory okay and the light was like a stone most precious even like a Jasper clear as crystal okay turn around to verse 23 and the city had no need of the Sun neither of the moon to shine in it for the glory of God is light in it John 1 verse 9 the true light there was too and every person was coming to the world in the Psalms in the Proverbs and in you know the book of Job he says the spirit of man is the candle of the Lord the Lord will enlighten my lamb so Jesus came as the lightning to the world to make us the light of the world first I am the light then he said now you are the light and he declares the light the light is a city it sit on a hill okay but if we are the bright we are the wife we are ambassadors we are disciples we are brothers we are saints we are holy we are partakers of the heavenly calling we are so many things like Jesus is the lamb and the lion he's a cloud and a fire he's water and Pryor at the same time okay how can you be all that only when you in Christ is an all-encompassing God so all things are possible so you can be all things just stick with it and the nations listen to them of them which are saved shall walk in the light of the city and the kings of the earth do you bring their glory to the city so it can't be heaven because in the nations of the world can't come to heaven to bring money so this bride this Lamb the city the scientist you this awesome thing must be something that some way in history must become visible in such a fashion that the world will say wow we've gotta join ourselves and they will come because the doors are not shut they will come to Zion be saved and then they will bring their money [Applause] there's 25 in the gates of it shall not be shut at all by day for there shall be no night they come and he has brought us out of darkness into his marvelous light oh the 90s far spent the day is at hand you that once walked in darkness you are now the light of the world ok took us out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of his dear son so there it is we were dog but now we light we've got no darkness simi's because the lights enlightened us the lamp enlighten us we have the treasure 2nd Corinthians chapter 4 verse 7 he says go to come on with light to shine out darkness is shown in our hearts and we have this treasure of the illumination of the glory of the knowledge of Jesus Christ we have an insider of the missile's you are the light of the world no doggy's you are the city you are Zion you are the people of God okay an agent we know night verse 26 and they shall bring the glory and honor of the nation's into it chapter 22 D showed me a pure river of water of life come on we just had a day on the board a pure river of the water of life clear as crystal proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb in the midst of the street and on either side of the river there was the Tree of Life Tree of Life Tree of Life that Bay twelve manner of fruits and yielded of fruit every month and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nation's they shall be no more curse but the throne of God lame shall be in it and his servants shall serve Him verse 10 and his hand to me seal not the sayings of this prophecy of this book for the time is at hand 4:17 and the spirit and brights they come they deem adhere say come and let the Muellers thirsty come and whosoever will let him take of the water of life freely it's on the cross that Jesus cried out it is finished and now according to Revelation 21 and 22 it talks about when he said it is done this is what happened the tree of life is now available so the water of life so the rivers of the water of life so the fountain of the waters of life so there's fountains there's rivers and these tree all of life available after the crucifixion of Jesus Christ it makes it possible by understand making you understand that you are the light you are the city and you are Zion if you understand that God is going to bring the city the light remember the streams of the city mixing of the streams of the rivers macclare the city of our God remember it 1st Corinthians 10 verse 11 it says all these things happen to Israel as examples for us that we should not do the same stuff it talks on how they all died in the wilderness because they believe not God the next one is Hebrews chapter 4 that says the gospel was preached unto us like him to them yet he did not profit them because it was not mixed with faith okay how do you mix the gospel with faith very easy by saying what the gospel says Romans chapter 10 verse 6 is the righteousness which is of faith speaks it says do not say a lot of stuff but do say what the word says ok so Newt is myself so Israel did not say what God said they said these Giants we can't take the land they said let us go back to Egypt we remember the stuff that we ate there they said you should have left us in Egypt now we're going to all die in the desert they said everything except what God said God said let's go and take the land that flows with milk and honey so faith says what God says and that's the difference between mixing the gospel with faith you got to say what the word says if you say differently you're not mixing it with faith and you don't get the results that God needs you to get that okay so with all that in mind let's read and it was teaching to one of the synagogue's on the Sabbath and behold there was a woman which had a spirit of infirmity 18 years bare down together couldn't no wise lift up herself and when Jesus saw her he called her to him and said woman you are loosed from your infirmity and he said and he laid his hands on her and immediately she was made straight and glorified God the ruler of the synagogue answered with indignation because jesus healed on the Sabbath day how religious can you get missed or breathe and said unto the people there are six days in which men know to work and them therefore come and be healed and not on the Sabbath day the Lord then answered and said you hypocrites hypocrite he said does not each of you on the Sabbath day lose his ox and his donkey for forgiving the con King James from the stall and lead him away to watering and ought not this woman being a daughter of Abraham whom Satan is bound lo these 18 years be loosed from his bow our bond his bond on the Sabbath day and when he had said these things all the adversaries were ashamed and all the people rejoiced for the glorious things remember last week's message they rejoiced for the glory that were done by him then said him unto what is the kingdom of God like never Mehmet flows out of this and we're unto shall I resemble it it is like a grain of mustard seed which a man took and caused into his garden and it grew and waxed a great tree and the fowls of the air lodged in the branches but he took his seed and he cast it into his garden and he calls that the kingdom the kingdom of God it grew and the birds made nest okay we're gonna see what Jesus is trying to say and we're gonna trust God to supernaturally speak to so let's go to Hebrews chapter 4 let us say for fear this the promise be left us of entering into the rest any of you should seem to come short now if you go to chapter 3 says that they could not enter the caucuses fell in the waterless for unto us was the gospel preached as well as unto them but the word preached did not profit them not being mixed with faith in them that heard it for we which have believed you into the rest as he said I have sworn in my wrath they shall enter into my rest although the works were finished from the foundation of the world now if you go read Genesis 1 - God finished it if you read first Peter chapter 1 it says Jesus Christ was crucified from the foundation of the earth but it was only manifest that at a certain time for he spoke in a certain place of the seventh day on this wise God didn't the rest the seventh day from all his roots and in this place if they shall enter into my rest seeing therefore the remaineth that some must enter them and they tomb it was first preached entered not in because of unbelief okay who did not enter the nation of Israel did not enter in what God prepared for them okay so God see therefore it's written as examples that we should not fall in the same thing and not enter into what he has promised so every promise of God is yes and aiming in Jesus Christ they did not give the promises they did not even receive the biggest promise the Messiah come on man when Jesus came they did not the biggest promise of all times I'm gonna send you a savior his name shall be called Jesus I'm gonna bring your Messiah and all the prophecy of the stem of Jesse shall bring forth a branch and it says what will happen to him he will be wounded for transgressions bruised for iniquities the whole crucifixion spelled out prophet after prophet yet they rejected him crucified him he didn't receive the biggest promise so none of the other promises came to them because of unbelief so he says watch out that you don't fall in the same trap you can enter the rest in other words you can enter the seventh day promise of God when nothing is labor it's by grace and mercy it's a peaceful restful glorious thing right Jesus appears to John and he says the great city Jerusalem is spiritually cold Sodom it's spiritual called Egypt it is where our Lord was crucified physically is called Jerusalem spiritually God said Sodom Egypt they crucified Him there Zika 31 son of man verse 2 speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt and to his multitude who are like you in your greatness the old the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon what's a cedar a tree with fair branches with the shadowing shroud a high stature and he stopped was among the thick boughs the waters made him great the deep set him on high with her rivers running around about his plants and sent out her little rivers and to all the trees of the field just toponymy he says speak to Pharaoh the king of Egypt say you became so great there were other trees but your trees stood taller than all the other trees because of the waters he says and this waters had little rivers and streams that caused it to flourish and become so great therefore esight was exalted above all the trees of the field and his boughs were multiplied than his branches became long because of the multitude of waters when he shot forth all the fowls of heaven made they missed his mouth and under his branches that all the beasts of the field bring forth a young and under his shadow dwelt all great nations verse 7 thus was he fearing his greatness in the length of his branches for his route was by great waters the Cedars in the God of God could not hide him the fir trees were not like his boss nor any other tree for a second time in the garden of God was unlike his beauty I have made him Faber the multitude of his branches so that all the trees of Eden that were in the Garden of God envied him keep your finger then quickly go to Genesis 2 let's just wrestle a religious cage and the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life and man became a living soul 1st Corinthians 15 the first man Adam was the natural man out of the earth and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden and there he put the man whom he formed we are busy with Ezekiel 31 so I'm just dropping a scripture or two in to help you understand the Word of God according to the Word of God and not according to some newspaper article and the Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden so the garden was in Eden and him and the leaf and out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to his sight and good for food The Tree of Life also in the midst of the garden and the tree of knowledge of good and evil listen he says speak to Pharaoh the king of Egypt tell him when he grew up he was a taller tree than all the other trees there were other trees like the Cedars and the fir trees but they could not compare to this tree which is called Pharaoh which is the king of Egypt he says in the Garden of God the trees could not even compare to him they envied him he says and this garden in Eden all the trees in the garden in Eden Ezekiel 31 envied this tree that grew larger than all the trees and the birds of the filth came made this there and the beasts came and found shelter there is he talking about beasts and birds and trees okay now he says because you're in Genesis 1 trees were already made God said and trees were but now in the garden that God planted a garden in Eden he said now in this garden he formed men and he allowed other trees to come out of this ground [Applause] but he also put in that garden the tree of life and he also put in that garden the tree of the knowledge of good and evil Ezekiel 31 verse 14 to the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves for the height neither shoot up their top among the thick boughs neither they trees stand up in their height all that drink water for they are all delivered unto death verse 15 thus saith the Lord God in the day when he went down to the grave I restrained the floods and the great waters was stayed I caused to limit him to mourn for him all the trees of that field paint it for him I made the nations to shake at the sound of his for when I caused him down to hell with him the descent into the pit and all the trees of Eden the choice and the best of Lebanon all that drink water shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth ok to whom verse 18 all thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Edom yet shall you be brought down with the trees of Eden hmm unto the nether parts of the earth I shall lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with him be slain with a sward this is Pharaoh and all his multitude saith the Lord God you can get the rivers river of the water of life as well as the Tree of Life you can get it all out of the throne and out of the lame so when Christ died now the river of water of life and the Tree of Life is there again so he says but let me help you this is where our Lord was crucified physically we call a Jerusalem but spiritually it's Egypt this is where our Lord was crucified now we're talking about physically he says I want to talk to you about Pharaoh the king of Egypt he was like a tree that just grew and grew and grew became so big that the birds came and made their nests there the beasts came and found shelter them all the nations came under the shadow of this tree he exalted himself since but like all the other trees in the garden which is in Eden they shall all die and they shall not drink water he says because this is how the trees got so big because they got waters to feed them in the garden which was an Eden and they were continuously fed and even the streams coming out of those great rivers fed them and made them to be big but then they became big in themselves so I will just cut down the trees and I will stop the waters from running to the trees Jesus says let's heal people on the Sabbath day let's do something new Pharisees way what are you doing she said let me tell you what this new kingdom is about it's like a mustard seed that a man cast into his garden and he just grew it became so big that the birds came and found shelter and build a nest industry so to understand it he says God formed a garden in eastward in Eden he says an out of Eden came waters to water the garden he says and on day seven there was no man to be in this beautiful garden so God formed man out of the ground and he took this ground man and he placed him in the garden and out of this ground came trees and trees and trees but he also placed in the garden two other trees the Tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil God said you can eat the food from all the trees so Jesus come in Matthew seven and in Matthew 12 he says a tree is known by its fruit you cannot speak evil when your heart is good your spanners cannot speak good when your heart is evil for out of the heart proceed evil thoughts so by the fruit the words you speak you shall know what trees they are so you can eat food from any tree you can hear words coming forth from any person and what you hear and receive that is what's going to determine what you are so Jesus says you know what happened John chapter 8 in John chapter 10 he says the devil was a liar there in the beginning and you allowed yourself to listen to his words that's why he is your father says but my words have no entrance in you and I come from my father but if my words have interest in you and you abide in me and this words in you you know what can happen you can ask all things he says I'll tell you what's more then you shall be free and free indeed you shall know the truth is it but you know what you have the devil as your father because in the beginning it was a liar and you heard his words you ate the food coming from the tree of knowledge of good and evil here am I the tree of life I come to bring your life and life more abundantly the words that I speak Jesus the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life my words is life but you will listen to Satan his words are death so you can eat the food of all the trees that grew in the garden out of Adam you can have fellowship with what do ever you want to but watch out what they say and watch out what you receive because the gospel was preached unto us just like unto them they heard it but they did not mix it with faith they kept on saying the wrong stuff they kept on eating from the wrong tree so Jesus is one of God out of Eden comes river to feed the garden so that the trees can grow he's trying to talk to us about Egypt which is a spiritual thing so it says Pharaoh is the king of Egypt with remembrance it's examples and revelation says it's spiritual but it's physical but for God he wants to bring us news he says so because of that tree all the trees started exalting themselves and so the waters that watered the trees in the garden coming from Eden were stopped so the waters were stopped so the trees died let's just go to Genesis to verse 15 and the Lord God took the man and put him into the Garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it and the Lord God commanded the man saying of every tree of the garden you may freely eat but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat of it for in the day that you eat thereof you shall surely die look at me the trees our personalities and people the fruit is the words coming out of the mouths of the people and personalities so the devil is a liar from the beginning they believed him and they bore the fruit they died the words of Jesus are spirit and they are life you take it you say it you'll have life peace and joy and happiness not stressed up messed up and mopped up all your life long speaking words of no joy no peace no grace no mercy no but I'm right you're not right you are wrong you are actually the one that's wrong your words supposed to be giving grace to the hearers seized them to assault what you gonna prove if you never say the right thing what are you gonna put you're gonna prove with your negative ugly and cursing what you proving you're proving you are eating from the wrong tree and the waters that he's supposed to water you the kingdom has been cut off you are still living from a written code that's bringing death verse 8 they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of God among the trees of the garden apple trees fig trees no no no people verse 24 so God drove out the man of the garden and he placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubims and a flaming sword which turned every way to keep the way to the Tree of Life The Tree of Life was there you could eat from at any time in other words you could have listened to God's voice speaking life to you david ige because he walked in the garden and spoke to you but when you met up with Satan you believed his lie and that words brought over loud you to bring forth fruit and you died okay is that true so God said but the Tree of Life let's put their cherubims with a flaming sword to protect the way to the tree but put it they at the entrance of the garden that they could not enter the garden either so let's take them out of the garden which is watered from Eden so the waters will be cut off but take them out of the garden that they can't grow and then protect the Tree of Life with a sword a radio but the day will come when I will bring clear water take your sin away in one day take my words and put it in your heart and your head then you can speak what I speak you can decide where you want to be who you want to be so Zechariah 13 prophesy he says awake o sword slay the shepherd jesus said John 10 I'm the Good Shepherd I'm gonna lay down my life nobody can take it over lay down myself so Zechariah 13 says in that day when the sword slay the shepherd a fountain will be opened and that fountain will take sin away in one day and he says when that fountain is opened in one day to take all sin away they will say to him what's those wounds in your hands in your feet say this is our was wounded in the house of my friends so in Matthew 26 Jesus breaks the bread he said this is my body broken for you this is my blood shed for you as it is written in this night I will be delivered unto the Pharisees to be crucified for it is written a Waco Swart and slay the Shepherd so as Jesus said this night the sword is going to slay me the Shepherd which will be the opening of the Tree of Life and the fountain of life then all can come and drink of the water of life freely because there will be no more sacrifice I will take all sin away in one day for anyone who will believe I came unto me my own they did not want to receive it so everything for them is just an example now Zion is my people I will call them children and they will call me God because they have to mix the word with faith by saying what I said they got to confess Jesus Christ is Lord Romans 10 and if you can't confess it no salvation so anybody that cannot confess that Jesus Christ is Lord and came in the flesh he is Antichrist first John but anyone that do confess the name of the Lord shall be saved and they shall be my children and I shall be their God I will call them Zion the City of God so I've come on the Sabbath day to show that I'm not for the law I'm for all people so I'm gonna come against the grain of the law and on the Sabbath day I'm gonna start moving and I'm gonna start healing there's a hey what you doing he said come let me tell you what the kingdom of God is like it is like a mustard seed faith that speaks that gets the word and speaketh synaptic effect that a man caused into his garden and it grew and it became so big that all the birds came and found their nest in it so you must arise and shine for your light has come in the glory of the Lord is risen upon your nation shall come to the rising of your life but let me tell you first the examples say to Pharaoh king of Egypt or Tyrus the king of Tyrell there's many kings from chapter 28 29 31 30 that you are but Egypt is spiritually Jerusalem where our Lord was crucified so say to all the inhabitants of Egypt which is spiritually for God Jerusalem in Emily tell them they exalted themself and they said look at us everybody look at us everybody drinks it's by us we are the people he says I'm gonna cut you down I want to stop the water flowing to you and then in one day when all the trees are cut down because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God one man's obedience will bring salvation to all who believe and in that day a fountain shall be opened so John write it is finished the water of life is there again for all to drink the tree of life is the game-day for all to feed and they shall call them Zion city of the Lord thrice ASIS protect the Tree of Life put the sward there by the entrance of the garden so that they can't get into the garden to get to the Tree of Life which gets its water from Eden Jesus say John writes what you see tell them this stuff that I'm telling you now this is the reference verse that'll show the whole picture it is done said now John tell the people the way to the Tree of Life is open the River of Life and the fountain of the roar of life is a tell everybody that is thirsty they can come and drink of the water of life since this is how it worked the kingdom is like a man who took a mustard seed put it in the garden it grew bigger but in the beginning got to ground and he found a man and out of that ground came many trees and it took that and he planted them in the garden and he said you can all feed from one another you can speak to one another but watch out what you hear because with the measure with which you hear that is the type of fruit you will bear but in the beginning you listen to Satan he was a liar you could have listened to me it was my words of spirit in life huh so it says but now because all have sinned and come short of the glory in then let's take them out of the garden and let's protect the Tree of Life the whole garden with a sword but in the cool of the day God came is he dead and where you say but now I'm going to put enmity between that seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent seed his word the kingdom is like a man that sowed seed which is the word so he says but this is what will happen this Wars gonna awake slay the shepherd and then the fountain will be open in one day Olsen will be taken away my lord we're it in your heart in your mind for those who believe but do Israel was the preach but they never believed so watch out that you don't fall in the same category she said let's cut off the water that feed the trees so that all the trees could die but then one stump will come and they will be a roots coming out which is called Jesus and those that now hope in him they shall be called trees of righteousness a planting of the Lord and whatsoever they do shall prosper whatsoever they ask the shall get if my words abide in them so you gotta have the word on the inside of you so he says let's slay the ship word awake o sword kill the Shepherd so Jesus died said it is finished he said but they crucified him in a garden the Tree of Life in a garden then they took him and laid him in a tomb in the garden and early in the morning Mary came and he was again walking in the garden and he said John writes my Tabernacle is now with men and I shall be with him and they shall be with me I shall be the garden days of you and I will wipe away all tears from their eyes and they can drink of the water of life freely Mary Adam where are you Mary are you the gardener I am the inert my father is the gardener are you the goner I and my father are one are you she must taking him is this Mary the one that you mistake before I am here take the way the cheers the tabernacle of God is now with men I told you two nights ago I'm gonna prepare a place for you and when I've prepared the place I will come again so that you can be with me now with you Mary I'm back the place is prepared the garden is open the water is flowing once more you can drink of the water of life and you can become a mustard seed tree you can have faith in God you can speak in whatever you speak will do so the waters are again free flowing freely the waters are open eating is here they shall be the garden in Eden and whatsoever they do shall prosper and if my words now abide in you you can ask whatsoever you will and you shall receive it Mary the garden is open so is the tree so is the water drink of the water of life feed from the tree of life live again mister this water and we say this is a holy miracle pool Jesus you said we shall do greater works so this is greater than the pool of siloam where you stayed go wash and you shall be clean and the man came back seeing so we know that this is scriptural jesus said the works that I do shall you do greater Jesus you send them to a pool so this is a pool so we have water you had water father you did it so now once again this is a greater miracle time so more miracles will happen at this pool more power will be released more signs we all said cripples will walk well as that blind eyes will open we asked the Deaf years will be unstopped we pray that miracles will happen financial miracles supernatural power god we have so many people viewing by TV they're in their homes we pray at this handful of oil and this pool that they will have their little pool a in their home and supernatural miracles will be released in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ son of the Most High God [Applause] [Music] [Applause] it's awesome come on my sister time come on it's diamond tonight tonight tonight three free less your brother get drunk in that glory drunk get drunk in the presence of the Almighty God come on sister come on it's 9:00 let's get most Irish it o blessed blessed Sara Costa Monaco with machinima hobros Chalobah father your race your race your race Sorna my there I mean English come i sister this is the time this is the hour this is the moment brother to get supernaturally steps voila yeah yeah yeah Genco Boram ah hah come on it's time it's time it's time share them a ball couple Russia come on God is moving Wow come on in in time time conscious time it's time Jeremy da ba da da da saw it's time it's time sorry about the water but be blessed by grace it's time brake seems rather gear brockandlisa small father the great great suit Christmas of Jesus Christ holy water go sprinkling I guess you just tell about go Rosita super message the Almighty God come on people power at the pool place your people Paulo let my father go bro supernet your place you've been able the Lord Jesus Holy Ghost San Remo sucker oh stop ha ha ha ha ha Holy Ghost get more Holy Ghost sake sentir last come on get zapped get zapped in the glory come on get that come brother get a Holy Ghost or the Holy Ghost tell us sister get super blessed supernatural anointing of the Holy Ghost super meta anointing come on me last touch of God go up our bodies awesome tonight this is the greatest before I told you nest nest come on God God come on come on [Applause] yes come on go a little man hello cometh the fiction you Jesus name place you man bless you bless you yes my sister my power [Applause] right a year ago they brought this little boy total brain damage total can only make noises can't speak on walk his mother brought him back he speaks he walks he says thank you Jesus Clarice and walk all over by just watching the DVDs and he'll be perfect blessed blessed blessed this go on it's time to get list give us don't run away from the water get blessed why do you run away let them [Music] [Music] yes bless you my sister god fire gods I to be able to accompany [Music] your legs for this music music okay this go for four years has been paralyzed okay we pray tonight that strength will come that everything that made a paralyzed will go she was totally bedridden and then she got up and started walking with crutches so where she's walking with one crutch set right yeah and tonight as I'm holding you here everybody is prayed for you but this is your healing night from Botswana paralyzed for four years come let's walk feast your muscles father we thank you come you gotta walk you're gonna do it better come on let's help this go for years paralyzed but tonight perfected by God's grace father we ask that every muscle will come under the alignment of the word of the Almighty God all stress anxiety all paralysis to go come on it's a lot of faith and effort if you can look at her feets a lot of faith and effort but tonight she must be perfected in the name of the Lord she just go without crutches walk just walk just walk okay look at me and walk look at me walk come relax and move your arms like you're supposed to walk come come and it's gonna get better come some of our people just help where they speak to her [Music] you and your house it's time to get some water at your pool have you got water so tonight with this water I pray that the grace and the glory of God will invade your house we pray that supernatural power of the Holy Ghost will invade you father we speak healing we speak deliverance in Jesus name hey guys please remember to click the subscribe button on your screen so that we can inform you when we're uploading more contents and we have a full library of content to be uploaded so you're going to be blessed by that remember to click Subscribe bless you
Channel: Spirit Word House
Views: 9,607
Rating: 4.9449539 out of 5
Keywords: spiritwordministries, spirit word, spiritword, kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus, spiritword ministries, prophet kobus sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg teachings, prophet kobus van rensburg, kobus van rensburg teachings, sermons prophet kobus, kobus van rensburg, prophet kobus van rensburg sermons, prophet kobus van rensburg miracles, spirit word ministries, opening the garden, garden of eden, opening the garden of eden, the garden is open
Id: 4Vjlhxl-9rU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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