Woody Harrelson Makes His First Appearance on Carson Tonight Show - 03/14/1986

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uh my next guest stars is the new bartender on nbc's uh award-winning show you see all award winners tonight cheers which airs on thursdays at nine he's also in the movie wildcats would you welcome please woody harrelson [Applause] wow well you see what happens when you get on a show like that an award-winning channel yeah thanks for dressing up woody i mean i like that's the way to dress out here in california right well that's what i figure you know i'm trying to adapt a little bit yeah you're from you're from texas yeah yeah we're about to in texas houston houston grew up there thank you but you didn't come to hollywood first you went to to new york new york how come well uh did you go there to get specific i want to be in show business yeah oh yeah absolutely yeah no i went there to start that was kind of a dumb question wasn't it where did you want to starve first well what were you doing in houston you went to school there and no i was i moved to houston with my best friend clint allen and house clint it's nice to ask that's good yes he's doing quite well he's working on a play right now new york big river good give my best thank you i will hopefully he's watching okay um so i i moved to houston with him and we saved up money and we decided to move to new york of course because he got accepted to juilliard and i said if he got accepted that i would go with him of course i thought it was like one in a million shot obviously clint is a musician uh no he's a he's an actor they have an actor but you weren't accepted to juilliard no no they didn't accept me didn't consider it so you you tagged along with clint to go to new york yeah and so yeah we threw like our speakers and a copy of anne rand's fountainhead and we drove up to new york yeah all of you've read that and we drove up to new york and uh and and when we got there as soon as we got there that we we got through unpacking and we walk out and that car was gone you know welcome to new york so we knew every story we ever heard about new york was true right then and uh it turned out had been towed away down by the east river i think the hudson river they have that yeah and so we went to try to retrieve it because we couldn't really afford to pay for it so we were going to steal it back but they really they really hit you in new york if they pick your car 75 big ones yeah to get your car back out all right yeah so how did you get your car out you didn't have the 75 no we eventually had to come up with the money but we were this close to the car i think before some security guard said excuse me sir what are you doing you were actually going to steal your car back yeah we were going to steal it yeah so what happened good in new york for you something happened to happen good well uh yeah well i went through like 17 jobs in a year i couldn't really hold a job yeah what kind of stuff did you do uh i actually i bartended one time in a broadway house did you run and uh yeah and i i also worked a lot of restaurants but i i couldn't wait today was you know i could get up in front of 1500 people and do a play but to get up in front of two people and recite the menu impossible why is that do you think i don't know is it a close personal relationship uh that's hard to to describe it's just that when they're asking me what's in locks and bagels i just kind of blank you know because like i said it's kind of a fishy substance man i don't know there's nothing in rocks it's just locks right i don't think you make it up of ingredients that's interesting for an actor though when you're on a stage performing you're kind of removed you know you're up here and they're over there now all of a sudden you're facing so the waiting didn't go good huh no no not at all and so you know i kept getting fired and eventually i got to be a cook for about um about a month and a half in this dive restaurant yeah and the last thing that happened there was i i got into this uh argument which turned into a fight with the manager would you argue about it uh the manager's husband actually um well she was telling me clean this up clean this up and i said look i got my own time table i like to read you know during this time while you're working your man yeah i think cook has to read the card she didn't go for it either you know so and so she tells me to do this and i finally said no you can take this job and you can keep it so um so she tells me you can't you can't quit because who else is going to replace me i'm working till 3 30 in the morning every morning this dive restaurant so i leave and i'm i'm i'm trying to change but i was wearing her whites you know the whites and she says you gotta change out of these whites and i'd warn them there and so i changed in these bums clothes at the time and i pulled him on i'm walking out and she's yelling at me and i go back into the restaurant you know you got to go out down these fences and i go back into the restaurant and she kind of slams the door at my head so i slam it back at her and her husband jumps on me and while he's we're fighting each other and then his arm comes around my neck it was like arnold schwarzenegger i turn around it's this guy's friend i turn around it was arnold schwarzenegger and and so we started you know going at it and uh and then the cops came and they sided with them and i lost my money this is a true story i lost my money that she'd pay me 126 and so i said i'm leaving new york and so i made a reservation for a week from that day and then that was it and three days later i got but look at all the things you've got to draw now as an actor they always say all these experiences come back somebody said you signed your first autograph the other day true oh recently no it wasn't the other day some time ago yeah but that was pretty exciting yeah when you first became known somebody came up to you and said right yeah that was very exciting yeah because i thought to myself who would want my name on a piece of paper just you know at the time it doesn't make sense to you yeah now it makes lots of sense good success certainly hasn't changed we'll be right back [Applause] you
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 187,808
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Keywords: episode, best, funny, youtube, funny videos, comedy, laugh, funniest, stand up, comedian, hilarious, stand up comedy, johnny carson, tonight show, humor, sketch, johnny carson bloopers, johnny carson show, johnny carson animals, johnny carson monologue, johnny, carson, tonight, show, funny video, best of johnny carson, funniest moments johnny carson
Id: ERYp-AjcgP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 37sec (397 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 13 2021
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