Woody Harrelson on work and weed

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[Music] Woody I think you got to lay off  how many have you had 11. 11 beers 11 sips   it's Sunday morning on CBS and here again is  Lee Cowan that's the Woody Harrelson we all   came to know as the Beloved if befuddled  barkeep in the hit TV series cheers this   morning he's in conversation with our bed  mankiewicz talking about passions new and old   so Ben what we have here is a lot of marijuana  [Laughter] it likely doesn't come as a surprise   and this is more like uh smokable stuff that  Woody Harrelson is a weed fan it's just a a   Little Dream of what a a great dispensary could  be at the woods the cannabis dispensary he co-owns   in West Hollywood his dream has come true a lush  and welcoming space complete with a koi pond and   macaws there's some macaws here and over here  it is not a place young Woody Harrelson raised   in a deeply religious Presbyterian household  in rural Ohio by his mother ever expected to   be let alone own she'd be sitting there she'd  have her coffee and cigarette and everything   in the morning you know and she'd be like son  if I ever hear that you're smoking marijuana   it'll just kill me and uh this way now 61 years  old Harrelson's day job Remains the Same he spent   the last 38 years yo-yoing back and forth between  TV and movies comedy and drama versatility is   his calling card I've always been much more  partial to the more in the spirit you know   the movies that have this kind of deep heart  you know and this movie definitely has heart   this movie is Champions out next month Harrelson  plays a prickly but Charming basketball coach with   NBA dreams who finds himself coaching a team of  players with intellectual disabilities called the   friends welcome to the team cosentina what's with  the boogie board you do you I do me okay where do   you got this guy he just showed up one day before  the first day shooting director Bobby Farrelly   who Harrelson first worked with 27 years ago on  Kingpin told him the first scene he'd shoot when   his character meets the team for the first time my  name is Marcus would be almost entirely in Brock   basketball coach for the next three months nope to  just throw things out and see how it goes it just   kind of freaked me I didn't sleep then I went in  there I meet these guys and they are just awesome   I'm Johnny I'm your homie with an extra chromie  I just had the best I love them they're just all   incredible people and just phenomenal senses of  humor which really comes through Harrelson's sense   of humor has been on display since he made his  screen debut on the fourth season of Cheers in   1985. what do you think you want to give him  a try me Mr Malone this is the proudest day   of my life but it's the laugh he got one day in  his high school library that hooked him on Show   Business the guys from the football team you know  who had heard me do it before they're like Woody   do your Elvis now kidding me? this place is  packed I can't do many Elvis but just do it quiet   they convinced me and so I'm like I start  off kind of soft well, a-bless my soul,   what's wrong with me? I'm itching like a man on  a fuzzy tree. and before you know it I'm in the   middle of a circle of the entire Library including  the librarian has gathered around and they're like   clapping and at the end of it it was unbelievable  like everybody was applauding and the feeling of   that like they say that feeling that you get from  that Applause that's what makes you say this is it   he's been at it ever since he studied theater in  college so after getting his big break he wasn't   sure there was life after cheers they thought  that was just going to be my career because six   years in I hadn't done any other part and back  then it was much harder to jump off a television   in the movies now it's kind of an Open Door both  directions he's gone through that revolving door   multiple times from TV to movies and back again  along the way there have been a couple of whiffs   you turn stuff down a lot right or you  have well I should no I don't think you   should no I do of course Jerry Maguire  yeah yeah that was that was a blunder   and then like two days later I hear Tom Cruise  is doing and I'm like oh I might have [ __ ]   down there haven't been many mistakes he has  an Emmy for cheers three Oscar nominations and   a film he made last year triangle of sadness is  nominated for best picture when he's not working   the father of three girls lives in Maui and Texas  with his wife Laura we call this the tree house   but wherever he is he always seems to be in Woody  there you're a vegan you're an environmentalist   you're a cannabis Advocate but you seem to know  you don't want to bully other people into your   ways of thinking even though you feel passionate  about it well I never noticed that preaching works   like me trying to tell someone don't eat that  cheese has never ever worked what works for   Woody changes for a while a few years back he even  gave up weed I wanted to be emotionally available   to your family to my family to my friends is a  good experiment it is Long Time Pal and fellow   toker Willie Nelson brought that experiment  to an end at one of their regular poker games   Willie would always act like he didn't know  that I quit you know I'm saying for like the   fifth time that day I quit you know and he's like  oh oh I win a big hand he hands it right to me   and I just grab it and I take a big toke  and he goes welcome home son [Laughter]   welcome home son cause I gotta say even when uh  basically I came out of the closet on the herb   thing it was not a happy frolicky fun response  do you think it hurt your career for a bit   right you know I don't think it helped   that was 25 or so years ago this is it in 2023  the world has finally caught up to Woody Harrelson   people are just anxious to put you in a little  box in this industry you know so I'm I'm the year   of the ox you know just slowly I trudge along I'm  not the fastest animal out there but I keep going
Channel: CBS Sunday Morning
Views: 1,284,456
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CBS Sunday Morning, CBS News, news, woody harrelson, cannabis, basketball coach, ben mankiewicz, dispensary
Id: is2liCfrWv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 26 2023
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