Woodturning - Failed Pencil Project - & I Got Smurfed !

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coasters coasters was just part one what i  failed to mention is there's a part two   so no we've not finished with this upcycle  just yet let's up cycle the upcycle today's video is sponsored by mech arena and  look at the care package they sent down to me   oh the art of macarena 500 pieces  puzzle macarena poster what   macarena is a new third-person mech shooter built  from the ground up to promote friendly competitive   mobile play stickers cards and a crazy t-shirt  and medal more about this free-to-play game later why we just done a nice little glue up we  made a lot of mess part two is on its way   folks on its way now you didn't think i was  just gonna leave them as coasters did you remember the latex rubber trick i'll show you nice clean new belt just for me now when working with any glue or resin  you need to get yourself some gloves   so all sealed up jubbly bubbly right whilst you wait  for that one to glue we'll get this one on the   lathe as she looks pretty cool i reckon this could  be a nice piece definitely better than coasters okay so more about today's sponsor mech arena now  i know that there is a lot of shooters out there   right now but this mech arena really stands out  it's a 5v5 mech shooter that's really casual and   fun to play but also just looks great the maps  and mechs are really sleek and varied and it   really does run really smoothly and looks great on  almost any device i like it because i can invite   literally anyone to come and play with me now  check out this mech arena battle looks absolutely   amazing it's such a cool game and when i'm playing  this i can really get stuck in i love my shooting   games always have and this one is pretty amazing  you can make so many different tactics and so   many different changes and decisions throughout  the game it's a really well thought out shooter   check out how easy it is you can switch between  different mechs and weapons and all sorts of stuff   it's pretty cool now mecharina have just launched  globally they're running a huge celebration event   in game right now with loads of awesome  events as well as a great login rewards   program which you definitely don't want to miss  out on it's completely free to play on android   or ios and you can use my link in the description  or scan my qr code to get one mil spec skin   500 acorns 70 000 credits just to  help you kick start in the game   and if you're good enough you can come and  challenge me make your own judgment it is a   pretty awesome game and if you're into shooters  like me you're gonna love this one you really   will there's so many different mechs to choose  from check out this one this one is my favorite   lancer and the weapons look at this now that is  my weapon of choice you've got some amazing skins   to choose from and you can play custom matches  with your friends this is such a cool game folks   so check out my links in the description  or my qr code and download this game today genius piece of kit for  finding the center of stuff   grab yourself one of these and if you're wondering  what it's called it's called the center finder so we're just trying to turn this piece   to round looking kind of funky actually i do like  it but a lot of chip out going on as you can see   so we need to try and get rid of  that um a lot of broken pencils   so a long way to go i think on this so far but  it looks quite cool doesn't it looks quite cool   so we'll keep on turning this to round i can get  a speed up a little bit more in a minute once it   starts to stop wobbling um but yeah i'm looking  forward to seeing how this comes out actually uh so my uh yeah that is looking a lot better so uh right folks check this out this is looking  pretty groovy now talking about grooves   we have quite a few of them so i've  got a little plan for those and that is millipet's new turquoise blue oh this is gonna  look pretty cool now as i said before you've got   to wear gloves when you're mixing this milly put  stuff up because it will get all over the place   and you don't want to be touching your face when  you're mixing this stuff up because you end up   just looking like a smurf right i've been mixing  this now for about an hour takes ages but i need   it mix it knead it mix it and knead it and mix it  even more like i said make sure you wear gloves   when using this stuff cause it's not the  easiest stuff to remove from your hands right   let's get going right so we'll  just pop a few little bits   into some of these holes i don't think  i'm going to cover all of them but because obviously i don't know it's a bit  random but it covers a hole up that's for sure but we won't get any resin in this now not like  this so let's cover these holes with the blue   blue stuff it will look cool it will look cool right there we go folks i filled quite a few holes  with this so we'll leave that overnight and we   can come back and probably just give this a nice  sand and i reckon that should blend in pretty well okay so there we have it so the  little sprinkles of blue milly put in   the gaps looks a bit weird actually  um not too sure if i like it or not maybe we should have gone for black  i don't know hey that's right i mean   there's lots of different colors in there  anyway so i think that looks pretty cool   right let's get some sand and  cedar on this and some yorkshire oh yes this makes it really come alive and as you can see it looks quite cool  already without any shining tactics   right now what i'm going to do  now is i'm going to just give it a   bit of yorkshire grit and we  all know and love the yorkshire   oh yes we'll sprinkle that over there and then we  get this polished up and start on the next piece jubbly but we're not finished yet now this is a funny old shape and it's going to  get a lot smaller but the idea of this project   part two is to upcycle as much as possible  and make them into something cool not coasters so so this little piece um is not turning out to  be all that at the moment there's quite a lot of   uh marks in it gashes in it holes in it all  sorts going on obviously from where we had all   the bubbles in the reaction so i think like we did  with the other piece i think we're gonna have to   fill this with some milliput um i'm thinking i  don't know maybe we should stick with the same   go with the blue so it's all the same potentially  not too sure how the blue worked in my eyes at   the moment i'm still trying to get used to it as  i'm sure you are um but yeah so then that's the   smallest we're going to get i mean this is pretty  small now but at least it's kind of becoming   something out of nothing know what i'm saying  so yeah let's get some milly put in here then   uh we could probably make this little  like a matching pair i suppose so   get some mini pur in here i reckon  we have to go with the blue again   and then leave that overnight and finish that  off once uh once the mini puts gone off oh yes right so i'm gonna squish this as  we did before into all these little   holes now i know what you're thinking  you're thinking that this blue   really doesn't work with these pencils but  however but but we've used this already on   the other one so i'm kind of just sort of  like trying to get them to match really   and it might be a kind of a weird match i know  but we've done it now and i can't really backtrack   but i know what you're thinking is i know it's  probably doesn't look quite as good as it would be   if it was just resin or maybe we should have used  black many people i don't i don't know the blue   mini puts pretty cool when i think what we would  do is we'll do a project on this on this blue   mini put at some point because it is quite cool  but i'm not too sure whether this is the right   application for it oh well oh well oh well  you know you live and learn you'll never learn but i just want to cover up these holes so we  can just carry on with this piece as intended well the milliput is in we're just going to leave  that now for 24 hours we can come back and give it   a good sanding like i said i know that the color  is probably not quite fitting for this project but   we've done one and we need them to match well i  think it's just best if it matches even if it does   look a bit rubbish but don't forget i'm making  rubbish out of rubbish and that is pretty cool right folks the milly put is in and sanded   and i've just finished this off with a bit  of sand and sealer and yorkshire grit but as you can see the piece is just not  good at all um and this is the reason   why you know it was a failure the last  project that i did with this using this   you know to make it into a lamp was a failure  because it kind of got too hot uh and everything   just went that everything just went all yellow  so the resins yellow there's loads of bubbles   in it there's loads of marks and cracks in it  the millipur has filled in some of them but not   a great deal so look it's just terrible there's  no way we can get that out really unfortunately   our first little piece i think turned out  all right i'm just gonna holler this out   just to see what the final result is but i  really don't think that this it's gonna be   ah it's just not gonna look very great that's all  but let's flip it over and get it hollowed anyway so i don't think this one worked  out very well but this one did so we finished up cycling the upcycle   uh so this one i was kind of you know going  with like a two set kind of like vars and bowl   kind of pencil uh project up cycle um but this  one didn't work out purely because you know the   whole reason why we're doing this is because  the the project didn't work last time because   the resin went funny and it all bubbled up and  that's kind of the results we've got for the   this piece so it's not really great i think this  turned out okay though this was quite cool piece   i finished this off quite well i obviously stopped  finishing that one uh it's just pointless really   but um that looks quite nice a bit of walnut in  the bottom there the milliper actually is growing   on me i mean it's a really great mini put don't  get me wrong this color is amazing but i'm just   i'm not too sure whether or not it works with  this project or not even though there are tons   of colors in this obviously being a pencil project  i think it looks i don't know a little bit strange   but i love the color of the milly pong definitely  going to do a project with that because it's new   to the market family put and it's a cool color  they only do like four or five different colors so   um and the blue is pretty funky so what do you  think folks this was part two sorry uh that i   didn't kind of mention that it was a two-parter on  the first video that i did um i was supposed to at   the end kind of mentioned that it was a two-part  video uh but i sort of missed that bit out somehow   um so it wasn't really coasters although it kind  of was because it was like coasters first and then   we were gonna make it into something else like  this so that was the kind of the idea around   it so i hope you like it there we go part two part  two um sorry the bowl didn't turn out i mean i did   try and make a couple of pieces uh from from this  piece of failed lightage but it didn't work i just   want to say thank you to everyone that is sticking  with me on the channel uh getting closer and   closer to kind of that one million one million on  subscribers so thank you uh for coming over to all   my welcome to all my new subscribers and obviously  thanks uh for sticking with me on my old ones if   you're still there and folks i have just whilst  i was away hit 50 000 followers on instagram yes so i will be doing a few giveaways on there  i've got a couple of little things in mind   i've got a maker just up the road from me she's  making some really cool soaps um and kind of like   perfume things bath stuff and she's sending me  down a care package to give away so that will be   up and a few other little things as well will be  up as well so if you're not following me on stick if you're not following me on instagram uh please  check me out follow me on there and i'll be doing   a couple of little giveaways shortly if you're  wondering where i get all my cool funky music from   that's epidemic sound the link is below and  if you follow that link it helps support this   channel and it doesn't cost you any more if you  sign up just saying i'm on facebook as well and   i have been putting some videos up there lately  some uh little clips uh videos of my projects and   also a few of my really good uh maker friends as  well that i'm sort of like promoting them as well   and also showing you some of the cool  things that they make so look out for those   heath knuckles jim overturn brothers make charlie  the maker so when i get around to editing these   videos i'll get them all up in there so if  you follow me on there for some really cool   three or four minute kind of clip videos don't  forget makers central folks we are going for it   we're gonna be there i'm gonna be there loads  of makers coming and confirming if you check   out the website you'll see all the makers that are  confirmed for next year it's may by 30th of april   and the first of may 2022 uh we are one million  percent doing the show i'm telling you that   and it's going to be a really great one we've  still got it's going to be a really quite one   and we've got robot walls there um we've got uh  forge coming so you can make a nail and all bits   and pieces like that we've got pod pad solutions  productions pod pad studios what's the second bit   pod pad they got some really cool stuff they make  like little robots and they make the batmobile and   all sorts of stuff so they're going to be bringing  a few bits with them uh we've got all sorts   going on there for your family for your kids and  there's going to be loads of really cool youtube   makers there as well peter brown jimmy diresta  brothers make jim overton bobby dukes and   and i'm pretty confident that the hacksmith  will be joining us this year as well next year   he did confirm for uh this year's show so i'm  pretty confident he will still confirm for next   year's show but i will get bouncy on that but  pretty much 95 he's coming so grab a ticket   folks and we'll see you there right i'll love  you and leave you and i won't waffle on too long   because i know some of you like the waffles  but a lot of you don't know what i'm saying   i will have a new project for you uh maybe  next week i've just got back holiday just   came in and finished this project for you as as  you can see but i've got a couple of really cool   new brand new projects coming out soon  so i'll try and get that out for you   next week if not be the week after so look  out for those one of them is really crazy   honestly you gotta watch this one it's  gonna be weird and i'm pretty sure you   wouldn't have seen this one before so hope  you like the upcycle if you didn't i'm sorry   but i just thought it was kind of cool take  care folks have a fab weekend please share this   video if you can if you like if you're feeling  generous give me a thumbs up and a comment below   and that would be much obliged well take care  stay safe and i'll see you for the next one you
Channel: Nick Zammeti
Views: 160,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RESIN CRAFTING, resin art, resin art maker, how to use epoxy resin, diy, DIYathome, woodturning, Woodturner, how to woodturn, DIY Maker, nick zammeti, wood turning, pencil art, pencils, woodturning pencils, upcycling
Id: ENnnrJHmVcQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 44sec (1844 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 30 2021
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