3 ways I improved wood stove heating.

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where i live in northern minnesota we just ended about a two week below zero cold snap and i wanted to show some improvements i had made in heating an area with a wood stove this is in a living quarters i built in the barn i lived in while i built the house it's about 350 square feet this is just a basic wood stove it was the smallest and the cheapest one i could find i found it at menards though it's was advertised at being about 60 percent efficient i highly doubt that it was even 50 efficient i'm sure about 50 percent of the heat went out the chimney the fire never really seemed to get real hot you know it's but it's lined with fire brick on the bottom was lying the fire brick on the sides and the first improvement i made from what i learned from a rocket stove is how the insulated firebox really improves the efficiency the first improvement i made to the stove was that i insulated the firebox i removed the fire brick from the sides and i put one in ceramic fiber board around the sides and a two inch ceramic fiber board over the top for like a ceiling of the firebox and i also shortened up the depth so i made a and there's a passage behind the firebox that'll go to the back of the stove and then the flue gasses and flames will roll up over the top of that towards the front again and then back over the metal plate that was in the stove and out the flue and that really seemed to improve the burn the fibers are smaller but they're hotter i can still get pretty good size pieces of wood in there this size will fit in there pretty easy after the fire goes out i'll show the inside a little better and try to explain how the full gases pass out through the second improvement i made to this wood stove heating system is i added a chimney heat reclaimer this is the big black pipe stove by pier that goes up and then back out to the chimney i just removed the six inch piece that went straight out and came out into this eight inch now i came up with this design probably about 30 years ago i've used this before in the cabin where i lived when i was a younger man it always worked very well what it is is a eight inch standard stove pipe and the inside is a five inch pipe just a duct pipe and what happens aerothermal siphon air will enter the bottom and as it warms it'll rise up and exit out the top and in effect they'll take the cold air off the floor and blow it out the top well it's kinda you can i put a little piece of paper on the ceiling you can see the air motion that we're getting you know it's circulating through and i'll hold a piece of newspaper by the intake and you can see how it's sucking here off the floor i'll try to take some temperature readings now so you can get an idea of what's happening here the stove top about 400 some degrees there try the side 400 300 now open up the stove to see if we get a reading it's probably going to be too much for the thermometer i'll just crack this open yes that's just the metal right there [Music] i'll try to follow the temperature as it goes out the flue let's get a little closer so it's about 150 degrees by the time it gets to the chimney pipe and there you can see the heated air is exhausting i'll try to get a temperature on that but i don't think it's going to show up too good on that galvanized that's about 80. i guess on that newspaper clipping we're getting about 110 degrees the third improvement that i made was adding thermal storage in this pot here on the stove it's full of wax and that's a phase transition heat storage material it's just looks like it's just starting to melt now it takes many many btus to melt this wax into the liquid phase so just sit there and absorb and absorb more and more heat more than you could with water or even fire brick i do put some fire brick around the top of the stove too but this wax after it's all liquid it'll radiate heat back out into the room again for hours while changes back into a solid it's very efficient thermal heat storage material these are the improvements i made to this heating system and i think it was well worth it at least it doesn't feel like i'm throwing heat out the chimney anymore and it sure takes a lot less wood the fire is out so i'll show you the inside here to get a little better look at what i'm talking about on top here there's two inches at ceramic fiber board it's kind of this is the stuff here leftover piece see the reduced size firebox with the channels in the back it goes off to each side and up the fire goes just across the top right above the insulation board so it strikes the metal plate and then goes back towards the flue it burns very hot that's why the door stays clean you
Channel: Double M Innovations
Views: 2,797,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: iGZWx0gwRCo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 20 2021
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