Wonderland - Old School Amusement Park - Amarillo, TX

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the great state of Texas more specifically Amarillo Texas and even more specifically than that I am at Wonderland this is a classic amusement park here in Amarillo Texas dating all the way back to 1951 I'm very excited about checking out some of the vintage rides here and I do hear that they have a very unique dark ride so please follow me [Music] all right to start things out let's hop aboard the Train like we're heading in a tunnel check out this we got porky the paper eater this pig loves eating trash so mr. porky I will allow you to eat my receipt hope you hope you enjoyed my Racine very cool first real here look at this I'm allowed to be a single brighter in the ferris wheel here at Wonderland amusement park in Amarillo one of sippin a few parts that actually allows a single rider Papa forward at Ferris wheel and enjoy the ride by themselves oh so happy [Music] have a little mini golf course out here as well check out that some major Hills nutshot it's really cool mini golf hippo right there but this Chinese pagoda right here very unique you see Buddha down there it's like that's the cow jumping over the moon [Music] [Applause] here by the restrooms looks like that's the Cheshire Cat giving us a very distorted view of ourselves actually that doesn't look that differ from how I normally look and here is the entire reason I tracked down this park the fantastic journey this is a custom-made dark ride was hand designed by the founder of the park there is no other ride like it it is completely unique and getting ready to hop aboard look at those crazy eyes twirling in the windows of that house black cat lunging out of that window look at him him lunge what's gonna come out of this window right here within there what is it oh it's a winch an evil witch no look you can see the car up there coming out on the second floor classic see all these spooky windows the evil grandfather clock and look at these awesome ride vehicles here alright hop aboard our chariot I'm ready alright oh very dark and spooky in here what's going on what's happening oh what's this going through these near these circles almost like we're traveling through a different dimension come along and ride on a fantastic journey look at that skull wicked still something boo this is spooky oh it's hell drop the trees have eyes the moon right there where we going oh where are we going is so dark a murder scene someone being shot depart Oh what was that why is this room full of tinfoil oh my gosh a space Martian Oh No that scared me where are we going - going up feel the car going up a little bit it's very disorientating whoa Freddy Krueger [Music] whoa scarecrow now evil old crones rocking on their Forks linked flashing in here there's a evil clown a lot of quick turns surprise you to bang into these doors oh here we go Oh sunlight okay okay there we are up here riding along the track here you see that which evil spider above the door smack into the store what's going on [Music] like an evil clown skull it looks like whoa winter night said welcome my dinner party oh my gosh look who it is it's Satan oh my gosh devilish skull right there that little miss muffet so dark so dark oh don't be something's gonna happen okay Oh see that a truck flash that slides at me our fantastic is our fantastic journey coming to an end it's a little gnome mascot of the park right there it's a female know I'm over here behind the fountain I think it's time to hop aboard the sky ride all right I think my cars scoop me up here I'm ready it's quite a view of the park from up here see all the different rides and some crazy-looking rollercoasters at that ferris wheel there I don't know what this is right here traveling along the track really slowly that looks like a nice little relaxing right through the park [Applause] the Scylla factually dead ends right here and just spins us around and send this back from whence we came there we go heading back the other way look I can actually touch these branches with my feet it's pretty cool this here is called the mousetrap plastic steel roller coaster oh my gosh think we should get think we should maybe take a ride on the mousetrap oh goodness oh man this looks pretty terrifying oh my gosh oh my god oh my god oh my gosh oh my gosh oh this one looks even worse oh my gosh [Music] the terrible mistake we can terrify you Cerf right now oh my god [Music] okay descending into the spiral that's that's not that bad right oh my gosh try to get Bobby I'm glad that apparently you have to push the roller-coaster back in place by hand after people go on a ride classic Himalaya ride it's swung in a nauseating circle Silla classic though some bumper cars over here a good classic bumper car fun going on all right getting on the skywriter this is that very mellow looking rollercoaster esque ride off we go essentially this is just the world calmest roller coaster you go in a straight line there's no speed there's no dips there's no inversions just a nice calm little ride like well the coaster should be while riding this no he can get a view of a much wilder looking ride all right going around the big curve right here there we go nice and easy [Music] Koller come on splash it down there I guess for current health reasons the arcade is closed so unfortunately we won't be able to engage in any of these arcade activities we won't be able to arm wrestle a robot yeah one of my arch-nemesis isn't here these things these things can tear your arm okay this cyclone here looks pretty insane like a one-person roller coaster oh oh she thing as it's really whips you go around oh my gosh alright a big drop coming up oh my god [Music] this is painful check out this old fiberglass lion a lot times you'll see these used as drinking fountains there's a little gnome there in the back [Music] before we depart I feel like to take one more ride on the fantastic journey alright you're frightened or offended by darkness realistic illusions or loud sounds do not ride who's offended by darkness I wonder I guess people can be offended by anything okay you know where we go [Music] a really cool effect right here you're like traveling through this psychedelic tunnel actually a series of doors opening up this rod uses heavy usage of the banging into doors aspect of darkride lots of sudden darkness sudden turns it's all the makings of a great classic carnival dark ride scenes here yeah it's just a pendulum whoa sudden bang I didn't see that last I was that that Mothman they're in the tinfoil room with the ayleid and where are we going now Freddy Krueger being ground alive but a fire alarm going off for some reason we got the old witches rockin and their evil rockers whoa quick turn big bang big clown [Music] very quickly headed back into the ride top speed Hey [Music] the dinner party here the devil stirring his stew it's a bat-head on the end of his stirring stick Big Bang their skeleton and we have a big spider web it looks like either Alice in Wonderland I think I said Miss Muffet last time okay bang [Music] well there we go final scare monster in the truck so that was Wonderland I'm used to Park here in Amarillo Texas one of my new favorite amusement parks I think this is really a great little park it's a very very small parks but they really pack quite a bit in this you really have everything you need right here and they of course that said that the completely original dark ride is an absolutely excellent treat I live for things like that I've liked the other amusement parks have been to other roadside attractions museums haunted houses and all sorts of other fun stuff check the interactive map in the description of this video if you would like to help support the channel consider buying a t-shirt consider buying an enamel pin consider consider consider donating to a patreon a donation of three dollars or more will get you a postcard once a month all that information is down in the description of this video but until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 79,515
Rating: 4.9157472 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, wonderland, amarillo, amusement park, dark ride, theme park, rollercoaster, roller coaster, fantastic journey, tx, texas
Id: 6qgm1A4o9CU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 58sec (1258 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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