Hersheypark - Hershey, PA

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically hershey pennsylvania and it is the final stop on our pennsylvania amusement park road trip and today we are finishing off by visiting hershey park here in hershey pennsylvania this amusement park was originally created in 1906. the hershey corporation created it as a way for its employees to have a place to have fun with their families and it has grown into something much more and is still owned by the hershey's corporation to this day and i've never been here i really don't know what to expect but i'm excited to see it so please follow me [Music] it looks like it's going to be somewhat of a busy day here at hershey park the reservations are required to visit hershey's park i made mine yesterday and uh from the look at all these cars behind me looks like uh that may be necessary welcome to chocolate town the hershey's park has an interesting way of classifying riders on which rides they can ride each one goes into different category based on a candy you see how you measure up to the candy the hershey's kiss or the reese's and that will tell you what rides you're allowed to go on be a twizzler or even a jolly rancher got the temperature checks right here it's actually a tremendous line here at the front gate also please keep six feet between your party and others and we are in hershey park we have a chocolate bar here he's kind of sectioned away in a little compartment so you cannot spray kobe how are you doing buddy oh look at this got a reese's cup coming hey mr reese's cup this big chocolaty colored thing right here is their newest roller coaster known as pandemonium it's got a two hour wait so it must be great and we have plunged so here it comes i believe this water fountain here is meant to look like a hershey's kiss with a little flag on top that river down there it's made of chocolate [Music] big chocolatey swirl go down there sideways even their trash cans are made out of chocolate [Music] it's a restroom here in case you get you know the hershey uh hershey sports here is milton hershey hershey park's version of walt disney see people getting ready to plunge their doom you can see him going behind the tilt-a-whirl there get this hot air balloon ride but for a uh kids spin you encircle rides seems really really gentle and relaxing and check out here we have starship america very patriotic spaceship blasting to the skies of hershey park [Music] here is reese's cup fusion this is their only true dark ride in the park look at these characters though we have this sassy little uh little cup here reese's cup i don't even know what this is some sort of evil hard candy monster it's hard candy evil in the uh hershey's universe all right let's head in and experience cup fusion a little bit of a weight here [Music] take care of this magnificent factory this factory is a pretty special place [Music] [Music] candy so this is your new batch of trainees is it look at you that you all this is very special because we don't need to stand in there looks like they have a gun on this ride for us to be shooting at targets here are the bad guys of this ride looks like they're like non-reese's brand candy i guess their leader is mint the merciless i like this one here citizen kane for some reason gumbo the gummy bear enjoys gummy parkour here is my chariot [Music] got our gun here to be blasting some evil candy with your amplifiers will let you channel your rhesus spirit loading reese's training seasons it's time to see what you are here to protect the crystal pup agent the factory has been breached [Music] the crystal cup is mint without the crystal out the factory has no power we need eureka spirit look at all these monsters we need to retrieve the crystal park and it has to be around here somewhere keep your eyes peeled [Music] you can do this it's all up to you some sort of christmasy section quick he can't let him escape oh no oh what is that oh my gosh he's like the big candy monster aim for the mint on his body [Applause] like we exploded the evil gum monster agents the exit to the gift shop here but the gift shop is currently empty there's the mint merciless can't say no to a good sky ride up here in a candy themed sky car gliding amongst roller coasters get a good view of the roller coasters from up here [Music] let's see some geese down there swimming in the chocolate river [Music] yeah nice little relaxing ride through a tangle of roller coasters [Music] and here the park does include my favorite form of transportation [Music] monorail monorail monorail monorail monorail monorail monorail monorail the interesting thing about monorails is that there is only one rail [Music] monorail monorail monorail especially in times like these see what capital blue cross can do for you offering you panoramic views of hershey park to your right you'll see some of our thrilling coasters oh there's seals down there it's not only the roller coasters and chocolate that make hershey's sweet for summer fun enjoy coasters fun and hershey park happy during halloween and christmas practically it is oh look at this got a payday bar behind this velvet rope how are you doing mr payday doing this let's do a little selfie here hey thank you i honestly don't know if i've ever eaten a payday bar are they good we have the dry gulch railroad station here see the engineer up there working on the coal powered train all right train is leaving the station see an old miner over there panning for some gold oh look up there you can actually see some native americans peeking out of the bushes i think we're passing by the native americans teepees right now oh watch out there's a horse hiding behind that street heads into a dark and spooky tunnel look at that itty-bitty teeny tiny carousel there's a little miniature scrambler as well oh and there they go twirling and rising incorporating both a fear of heights and a fear of twirling all in one oh these poor people they had no idea what they were getting into [Applause] and if you want to photo op with zero chance of contracting a virus through these characters right here you know i've been told no single rider so many times now i don't even i don't even bother to ask anymore it's like there are two different train cars racing each other oh yeah it's gonna win oh [Music] we have this very nautically themed dunkin donuts here on the boardwalk there's the howler it's a tornado theme ride that spins you while it spins you thank you for visiting us today oh looks like a pretzel [Music] well we go around that loop and then oh no looks like they hit a dead end where are they gonna go oh looks like they have to go back the way they came they seem horrified [Music] so they have three drop towers right next to each other there's the hershey's tower the reese's tower and the kisses tower so i guess guests can choose how high they want to be rocketed into the air oh there's goes the kiss tower right there it's not too insane i could almost deal with that up and down up and down oh it looks like you got hershey's tower and reese's tower both getting ready to rocket oh percy's power there it goes [Music] up down oh oh there's no freeze this hour mercy towers all the way at the chippy top the highest point of all the towers are they gonna come plummeting are they gonna calm down reese's power just kind of bouncing up and down percy's power's hanging up [Applause] there he goes there we go yeah back up oh get this tower getting in on the action check out this chocolate elk and here is zoo america they have a little miniature zoo connected to hershey park a little bald eagle there hey buddy how are you doing god bless america i'll get some wolves here see the the lady feeding them like she's spraying them in spray bottle oh i think they're still hungry over here we just have about a 100 vultures just hanging around yeah just look how many vultures there are in that tree it's like they're just sitting around waiting for a theme park guests to die these big old bears right down here manga [Music] one of the great ironies of hersheypark is the best ride is actually free outside of the park's gates you're inside of chocolate world make sure to maintain social distancing as you can see these two candies doing also wearing masks heading into the hershey's chocolate tour dark ride all right we got the orange car girls [Music] all over the world hi my name is alex i'm a quality supervisor here at the hershey chocolate factory i was asked to be your guide today and i can't wait harvested and shipped to us from tropical regions around the world oh no we're going to be roasted we pour the blood to cocoa beans into large revolving roasters which get extremely hot through intense pressure and friction the grinding turns cocoa juice into the smooth dog liquid used to make milk and dark chocolate we pasteurize and condense the sweetened milk and then blend in the perfect amount of unsweetened chocolate clear and add a dash of vanilla this brings out the chocolate's rich tasty here's our friend's kids to explain the next step in the process flavor and color heavy loaf of smooth water burns crumbs until it reaches the silky liquid texture of milk chocolate all of that fresh delicious hershey's chocolate dishes is finally ready to be ready don't forget about reese's peanut butter cups my personal favorite one thank you whoo so that was hershey park it was a very big park very busy park and as you can see a very roller coaster heavy park lots of lots and lots of roller coasters so very very much a destination for a roller coaster enthusiast of course you gotta remember my pro tip here the uh the factory tour dark ride is free outside the park at the at the chocolate world which sits just outside the entrance of the park so if you can't afford a full day at hershey's park make sure to stop by and check out chocolate world thank you for joining me on this trip across pennsylvania to see all the amazing amusement parks i've been to an amusement park every day i think for the past six or seven days i've lost track but um it's been quite quite exhausting it was a it took a lot more out of me than i thought i think i have sunburned up here and i think i'm good here because i was wearing my mask but uh anyways thank you let me know what you thought about this series of videos and uh if you'd like to see other places i've been check the interactive map in the description of this video if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also check out the etsy shop to see if there's any current merch available and until next time this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 96,904
Rating: 4.9124379 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, hersheypark, hershey park, rides, rollercoaster, cupfusion, dark ride, amusement park, theme park
Id: lj4waKlt4fc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 20sec (1460 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2020
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