Dorney Park - Allentown, PA

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hey you all carpetbagger here coming to you live from the north more specifically allentown pennsylvania and even more specific than that we're at dorney park dorney park is a member of the cedar fair chain of parks uh cedar point knott's berry farm uh kings island carowinds that that group of parks but the park itself actually dates back to 1860 when it was originally a trout hatchery but i think it's a lot changed i don't think there's any trout hatching in there currently um and it is what is called a a trolley park and a trolley park is i think part of the reason there are so many amusement parks in pennsylvania if you notice there just seems to be an over abundance is because of these trolley parks um we would have the trolley line that would take people to work during the week and the trolley companies wanted to make some incentive to ride the trolleys on the weekend so they would actually create parks at the very ends of the trolley lines so that people would have aboard the trolley and ride it to the park and there's quite there's there's a handful of trolley parks still in existence of course this has been purchased by cedar cedar fair uh i i understand that there is quite a few roller coasters in there there's no dark rides nothing like that but we're going to see if we can maybe find uh something some things to see what there is to offer here in dorney park do a little walk around the park and see what they have so we're just as a side note um when i was coming in they did ask did i not have the tripod i carry a little handheld tripod on the bottom of my camera they made me go back to my car and put it they said that it could be used as a weapon but i didn't come here to spike someone in the head with a tripod i came here to enjoy myself at the amusement park and hope you will follow me [Music] i don't think this guy's at the park i think he's just randomly doing really cool yo-yo tricks so we have a carousel right the front of the park it says actually this is the 100th anniversary of this particular carousel says this was uh built 1921 and it is 20 21. so happy birthday carousel looks like this carousel is primarily horses they do have a few oddball creatures though you can see a uh a deer there there's a lion they call this ride the kaleidoscope i'm not sure exactly what's going to happen from here we got three arms people spinning possibly going to be leaving the ground here in a moment or maybe not maybe they're just gonna yeah there they go there they go you can hear the horror fried horrified screams of children they did not realize what they were signing themselves up for when they entered into this contract with their own uh emotions in mind at stake they seem pretty scared there's some carnival style games over here looks like they're uh prizes of giant sloths giraffes with oddly small necks i don't know what kind of animal those are oh looks like this is a game where you try to shoot glasses not glasses like on a people's face but like drinking glasses with a gun oh look at that knocked knocked one of them down anyways yeah what are these are these hamsters are these i think there may be sloth heads and then over here the basketball style game the winner brightly colored fair we're here there's frogs it's one of the ones we try to huck a ball into a wicker basket a dart game where you uh pop balloons oh look at this you can win a stuffed bag of potato chips that's fairly interesting there and these are the racing games you actually spray water into the holes there and try to uh try to make something happen i don't know exactly what goes on this one maybe the those bars there rise up oh there's a stray football in this football throwing game with uh mario yoshi as a prize what's this zombie zombie invasion throw these balls for the knock down the zombies there and then finally this game with dogs oh this is a plate a plate breaking game people have to throw a ball not break a plate right there this is called talon the grip of fear do the chickens the chickens have sharp talons this is a bumper cars here called dodgem looks like this is a free-for-all style of bumper cars where they just go at it not trying to to race or anything just smashing into each other one by one well it does look like there appears to be some sort of a traffic jam a little clog in the system over there we have a wild mouse style roller coaster here fittingly enough called wild mouse the cart looping back and forth right there see all the unpatient teenagers here on the swing rattling their chains smacking each other swinging into each other all right here they go oh man i don't like these things that much they're really cool looking they're really beautiful pieces of uh machinery but yeah i don't think just being swung by a chain like that kind of freaks me out from the sounds of it looks like that sounds like it's freaking out some of them too here comes the train hello there this is called the cedar creek cannonball [Applause] hello there so it's a hop aboard a cannonball they say when you sit in the back of the train it's a wilder ride [Music] all right take our seat on the train time for a nice relaxing train ride through dorney park [Music] and those people oh those humans there got pretty soggy there on the bridge i think you actually get wetter on the bridge than you do on the boat look at this the blood on the bayou unfortunately it's not open it looks like maybe one of their seasonal haunted houses there's a new merlin steam you can see all the beads hanging from the railing this thunder canyon appears to be the soggiest of all rides here at dorney park oh that water's gonna just dump right in their heads oh my gosh this coaster here is called the hydra because of its many heads i assume oh here it comes [Music] oh oh oh my that looks uh profoundly unenjoyable these people just being spun in this endless circle of misery oh my gosh [Music] oh and then they just hang them there oh [Music] man now here is planet snoopy it's the little kids section the cedar fair parks used to call their kids sections camp snoopy but i guess when you're dealing with snoopy only a planet will suffice [Music] oh check it out snoopy himself is hanging out here all right we got snoopy up here right there oh hey snoopy how are you doing where's charlie brown hey thank you scooby appreciate it have a great day you too i guess these instead of teacups they're little little bird nests see some people like to spin a little faster than others see snoopy up here tubing off of a waterfall well it's kind of dangerous snoopy here we have some much less terrifying versions of uh more terrifying rides a big viking ship you have the flying ace just a little gentle rock back and forth no need to terrorize anyone it's the wagon wheel just gentle ferris wheel type ride you have a little kind of stuff of wagons being rotated into the sky then the kite eating tree the snoopy version of a drop tower not as much of a drop just more of a gentle bounce downwards whoa whoa whoa he still kind of still kind of messes with you a little bit but uh nothing too demonic you can turn your entire family into charlie brown some charlie brown hoodies i wonder you know you wonder where where iconic stuff comes from you know where's the concept to give him a weird black squiggle across his belly now that i thought that was charlie brown wearing a different shirt but i think i'm wrong does charlie brown have a different shaped squiggle on his head is this a different character a hot air balloon ride you can see they're all different uh flags from different nationalities the america brazil uh is that china i think i see him is that big red one the one with the red dot is that japan the enterprise here spinning very drastically there's humans in those cars of course and uh i think it will be maybe lifting up here momentarily there it goes there it goes [Music] very very devious implement of terrorization here [Music] people being spun in that very drastic circle as the arm climbs through the air the music express here classic carnival ride you go in a very bumpy pathway around the ride there build up a head of steam oh wow it's kind of insane oh man carts going in every direction what a mess there's some of the few classic rides in the park it's the train they call the zephyr so let's hop aboard the zephyr the zephyr is a one of a kind train created in 1935 designed to look like the first streamlined train all right let's uh find our seat here on the zephyr how about right here we have an interesting train car kind of boxed in a little bit [Music] old pictures of brides that aren't here anymore kind of sad there's the largest artificial swimming pool in the world they used to have um kind of sketchy reasons why they got rid of it [Music] advertising their animals that they no longer have there's some animals there it's a canadian geese the whole flock of geese down in the creek the geese this creek is just full of geese pictures are not coming up run away bride's gone but not forgotten [Music] with a picture of the journey to the center of the earth the old dark ride that is not here anymore let's see the train actually slowing down because there's ducks on the track man that is a that is an arrogant duck it gets hold of a train see some people being scrambled currently this big wooden roller coaster here originally known as just simply coasters actually built 1924 one of the oldest uh roller coasters in the world you know there's a lot of rides that i would probably never ride and i always think these these here whatever you call this they call this the revolution but yeah this is not something i would ever sign up to ride being spun in a circle while being swung back and forth combining a fear of heights with a fear of rotation it's just plain diabolical if you ask me oh my gosh some claw machines and other games here i didn't notice this okay this character is as bendy as the name i saw someone cosplaying as this character at spooky empire in orlando i guess it's kind of a it's a horror game based on old animation oh look at this there's people hanging underneath that and then they're blasted up here into a little corkscrew oh my goodness is that fun that doesn't seem like doesn't seem like fun to me seems pretty terrifying oh there we go up the curly q [Music] it's our classic rides the whip it's a very old school amusement park ride see people being slung around the back there i actually have a birthday cake there saying it's the 100th birthday of this whip i guess that was last year 2020. birthday of the whip so thank you for joining me here today at dorney park now this park you didn't have any dark rides or or attractions like that that i like to see at parks looks like a good park for people who are into roller coasters as well as carnival style rides and i do want to ask you guys a question you help me out here um normally i've been filming uh amusement parks that i can usually look for ones that dark rise i love to film the dark rides and i like to some some chains of parks uh like the sea world busch gardens they allow you to use gopros on the roller coasters cedar fair does not allow you to film in any way on the roller coasters that's why i was unable to take you on any of the roller coasters today so i just want to ask you do you guys enjoy this type of video where i cannot ride on the roller coasters and then i can't show you any dark rides because there is no dark rides but um do you want to see videos like this where i just kind of walk you through a park kind of show you what's inside you can't necessarily get on a lot of the rides but still just kind of give you an overview of the park leave let me know let me tell you what your opinion is on that in the comment section so i can kind of gauge what the interest is for videos like this but if you'd like to see other videos of amusement parks roadside attractions museums haunted houses check out some of the older videos on my channel give a subscribe as well i've been filming for about seven eight years now and i've been filming uh roadside attractions uh museums amusement parks haunted houses in all 48 continental united states if you'd like to help support the channel consider donating to patreon three dollars or more we'll get you a postcard once a month also selling uh three different types of enamel pins in the etsy shop all that just helps keep this train on the tracks this boat on the water and the storage in the air until next time my friends this one's in the bag
Channel: The Carpetbagger
Views: 60,296
Rating: 4.9483128 out of 5
Keywords: the, carpetbagger, dorney park, zephyr, train, rides, amusement park, theme park, roller coasters
Id: hyJUqP_FbN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 45sec (1305 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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